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为探讨水丝蚓(Tubificid worms)扰动对磷在湖泊沉积物-水界面间迁移的影响,选取太湖梅梁湾与大浦口两富营养化湖区为研究对象,通过室内培养实验,利用Rhizon间隙水采样器等技术,研究了水丝蚓扰动对太湖沉积物-水界面理化性质及溶解活性磷(SRP)在界面通量的影响.结果表明水丝蚓扰动能够增大表层沉积物含水率、氧化还原电位,减小间隙水中Fe2+浓度.水丝蚓没有显著改变梅梁湾间隙水中SRP浓度,同时促进了梅梁湾沉积物中SRP向上覆水的释放;但水丝蚓显著减小了大浦口间隙水中SRP浓度,并抑制了大浦口沉积物中SRP向上覆水的释放.水丝蚓扰动对磷在沉积物-水界面间迁移的不同影响可能是由沉积物中Fe2+含量差异较大造成的.  相似文献   

太湖草/藻型湖区沉积物-水界面环境特征差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在太湖草、藻型湖区进行冬、夏两季多点采样,分别对采样点的水环境特征、泥面以上5 cm上覆水中营养盐以及沉积物的含水量、中值粒径、有机碳、氮、磷、金属元素和溶解氧进行测定.结果表明:夏季藻型湖区表层水体pH高于中、底层,冬季草型湖区各层水体pH高于藻型;草型湖区水体浊度夏季低于藻型,冬季反之;藻型湖区上覆水中的硝态氮和磷酸根浓度显著高于草型;草型湖区沉积物中含水量冬季显著高于夏季;草型湖区沉积物中总有机碳显著高于藻型;Fe、Zn、Ca、Pb、Na和K等元素在草、藻型湖区间差异显著;沉积物中溶解氧表现为冬季深于夏季,藻型深于草型的规律.  相似文献   

长江中下游湖泊沉积物中磷的形态及藻类可利用量   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
调研了长江中下游地区25个浅水湖泊的35个样点表层沉积物中磷的地球化学形态特征,以及太湖沉积物中藻类可利用磷(AAP)的空间分布,垂向分布特征及其蓄积量,探讨了浅水湖泊表层沉积物中磷的赋存量,地球化学形态及其与水草,湖水磷浓度,叶绿素(Chl-a)浓度之间的关系.结果表明,长江中下游地区浅水湖泊的表层沉积物中可交换态磷(Ex-P)含量与水体总磷(TP),溶解性总磷(DTP)及溶解性反应活性磷(SRP)浓度关系密切,有水草湖区的沉积物中生物易利用磷(Bio-P)含量显著低于无水草湖区及藻型湖区.太湖梅梁湾沉积物泥芯中,表层3 cm沉积物中Ex-P含量显著增高,而夏季还原条件下容易转变为溶解态磷的铁磷(Fe-P)含量峰值则出现在4~10cm深度.太湖表层沉积物的Bio-P含量与夏季叶绿素浓度密切相关,说明表层沉积物的Bio-P及AAP可以作为沉积物内源释放风险的指示参数.太湖表层1 cm底泥中所含有的AAP量估计多达268.6吨,风浪扰动能将大量的AAP带入水体,对太湖蓝藻水华暴发起着不可忽视的作用.  相似文献   

太湖藻型湖区沉积物中生物易降解物质组成及分布规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究富营养化湖泊藻型湖区沉积物中生物易降解有机质的组成及其垂向分布特征,选取太湖竺山湾湖滨带和开敞湖区采集沉积物柱状样,利用微电极技术测定沉积物-水界面理化指标的剖面特征,并对沉积物中含水率、烧失量、色素含量、总有机碳、总氮以及生物易降解物质(总蛋白、总糖和总脂)进行测定.结果表明:藻型湖区沉积物-水界面处溶解氧、pH和氧化还原电位在垂向剖面上呈现出随深度增加而下降的趋势,空间上存在明显的异质性,湖滨带沉积物-水界面溶解氧、pH和氧化还原电位显著低于开敞湖区,而沉积物-水界面H2S浓度在垂向上则表现为随深度先降低而后升高的趋势.此外,藻型湖区沉积物中生物易降解有机质的组成和分布同样存在明显的空间异质性.组成上以脂类(7.7 mg/g)为主,其次是糖类(4.5 mg/g),蛋白质(0.8 mg/g)含量最低;空间上,湖滨带沉积物中生物易降解有机质含量显著高于开敞湖区,表层15 cm以上沉积物含水率和烧失量较高,有机质含量丰富.  相似文献   

太湖草源性"湖泛"水域沉积物营养盐释放估算   总被引:22,自引:12,他引:10  
于太湖草源性"湖泛"暴发期,采集柱状沉积物并应用peeper被动采样装置获得"湖泛"区原位沉积物间隙水.泥水样品分析表明:"湖泛"发生水域表层(0~7 cm)沉积物的含水率、孔隙度和有机质含量均明显高于对照区,其中有机质含量更是对照区样品的4倍左右,沉水植物残体促使表层沉积物物化性质改变的作用明显;"湖泛"发生水域表层沉积物间隙水中铵态氮(NH+4-N)、溶解性反应磷(SRP)及Fe2+含量远高于未发生区,植物残体降解对沉积物厌氧环境的营造显著.运用分子扩散模型对沉积物释放通量估算:"湖泛"发生区沉积物NH+4-N、SRP和Fe2+的释放速率分别是对照区的49.8、15.3和123.1倍.研究认为,草源性"湖泛"水体氮、磷等营养物含量升高的主要原因是沉积物的释放,而"湖泛"所营造的厌氧环境是氮、磷释放急剧增加的主要驱动因素.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊沉积物磷释放的波浪水槽试验研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
为探索浅水湖泊水动力扰动作用对沉积物内源营养盐释放的规律,采用波浪水槽试验研究了波浪扰动对太湖和巢湖沉积物悬浮和磷释放的作用.试验结果显示在强波浪扰动下,底泥大规模悬浮,使得水体中悬浮固体(SS)、总磷(TP)和溶解性总磷(DTP)含量显著升高,太湖和巢湖底泥水槽试验中上覆水体TP含量分别升高了6倍和3倍,DTP分别升高了1倍和70%,太湖底泥试验中溶解性活性磷(SRP)含量亦升高了25%.掀沙过程中,不但表层底泥间隙水中的溶解性磷释放到上覆水体当中,沉积物颗粒所吸附的磷也大量转化为SRP而解吸释放.然而,强波浪掀沙一段时间后,溶解态磷的释放逐渐受到限制.随着波浪扰动作用的持续,悬浮物的中值粒径减小,细颗粒组分的百分含量明显增加,使得悬浮物对溶解态磷的吸附能力增强;波浪扰动显著提高了水体的溶解氧浓度,也会促进水体铁锰物质的氧化,增大其对磷酸根离子的吸附能力.这些变化可能是波浪掀沙后期限制水体SRP浓度进一步升高的主要原因.太湖底泥波浪水槽试验的结果与太湖梅梁湾中心区域常见风浪扰动下底泥的悬浮起动情况相吻合,底泥起动的临界切应力也基本相同,强波浪掀沙的切应力条件及水体SS,TP及SRP浓度变化的特点也一致,表明本实验的结果接近太湖的实际状况.本研究说明太湖的水动力扰动能显著提高水体TP及SRP浓度,大波掀沙初期对底泥磷释放的影响最大,后期的影响强度则有所下降.  相似文献   

龚梦丹  金增锋  王燕  林娟  丁士明 《湖泊科学》2017,29(5):1103-1111
目前普遍认为磷铁耦合关系是P迁移的主要机制,但大部分研究结果并未提供直接的原位证据.为了探索沉积物剖面磷(P)与铁(Fe)的耦合关系,利用Zr O-Chelex薄膜扩散梯度技术(ZrO-Chelex DGT),分别对太湖、巢湖、鄱阳湖和洞庭湖4个浅水湖泊沉积物有效态Fe和P进行高分辨采样和分析.结果表明,不同湖区有效态Fe和P浓度在沉积物-水界面处开始增加,之后波动变化,垂向异质性较强,但两者浓度变化同步.有效态P和Fe浓度的相关分析结果证明两者浓度具有显著的线性相关.室内厌氧培养实验进一步表明,Fe~(3+)的还原性促使Fe~(2+)与铁结合态磷的释放,促使DGT有效态P与Fe同步变化.该结果表明沉积物P的二次迁移和释放受Fe氧化还原过程的控制,为铁磷耦合关系提供了直接证据.  相似文献   

磷酸酶可通过增加磷的生物可利用性促进富营养化过程,在太湖、龙阳湖与莲花湖探讨了这种机制.磷酸酶活性与磷营养水平以及叶绿素a浓度相关.反胶团酶学方法的实验结果表明,溶解态磷酸酶稳定性的不同可能源于酶分子大小、结构与活性基团的差异.太湖微囊藻水华发生处间隙水溶解态磷酸酶在胶团中的活性高且稳定,溶解反应性磷浓度较低,沉积物不同形态磷的含量与好气性细菌数量均低,且呼吸强度明显较高,无机磷与有机磷细菌以及其它微生物均在表层富集,却极少见诸于沉积物.因此,来自酶促水解或其它途径的大量内源磷可能在厌氧状态下经上覆水随细菌向水柱扩散,从而促发水华.因此,理化与生物因素的共同作用将驱动湖泊内源磷的释放并促进富营养化过程.  相似文献   

现场观测了一次风浪过程中风速的变化及水体中磷酸盐,溶解性铁等多种物化参数的变化过程.结合室内分析及模拟实验,分析了风浪作用下水体中磷酸盐的变化规律.溶解态铁磷比的变化规律显示随着风浪的增强和水体氧化性的升高,水体中溶解态磷与铁形成共沉淀从水体中去除的趋势得到增强.间隙水中铁磷比小于2,溶解态磷酸盐能够在动力条件下释放进入水体,但在水体中的稳定性受动力条件的制约.沉积物中磷酸盐的释放速率结果表明,分子扩散仅是水体磷负荷的部分来源,而间隙水直接释放导致的磷释放也只是水体中磷负荷的一部分,悬浮物的矿化分解和生物过程可能是梅梁湾内源性磷负荷的另一个重要原因.  相似文献   

耿楠  王沛芳  王超  祁凝  王智源 《湖泊科学》2015,27(4):637-642
在浅水湖泊中,沉降在沉积物中的营养盐易受到水流的扰动再释放出来,而沉水植物可以在一定程度减少营养盐的释放.借助自主开发的生态水槽,在40 d的实验周期内检测动、静水条件下有、无苦草(Vallisneria natans L.)时沉积物、上覆水中磷含量变化,旨在为沉水植物对湖泊沉积物营养盐释放量的影响估算及水环境质量评价提供科学依据.结果表明:动水条件下,沉积物在没有苦草的保护下总磷含量下降21.8%,而有苦草的保护下总磷含量下降17.7%.苦草根系从周围沉积物中吸收磷,1~4 cm沉积物层的吸收量高于4~8 cm沉积物层.动水槽的上覆水中总溶解态磷浓度和总颗粒态磷浓度均大量增加,并且总颗粒态磷浓度相对于总溶解态磷浓度占较大比例.苦草减少了沉积物中磷的释放,并对上覆水中正磷酸盐有明显的吸收作用.  相似文献   

Influence of wave on sediment resuspension and nutrients release from sediments, collected from Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu, was studied in flume experiments. Under strong-wave conditions, concentrations of suspended solids (SS), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) in overlying water were increased significantly following the sediments re-suspension. During the experiments on sediments of Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu, TP concentrations increased 6 times and 3 times, and DTP concentration increased 100% and 70% more than it in presuspension, respectively. Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) of experiment on sediment of Lake Taihu increased 25%. During the massive sediment suspension, the dissolved phosphorus in pore water and much of the phosphorus adsorbed by the sediment particles were released into overlying water. The phenomena in this wave flume experiment are quite similar to the situation observed in situ of Lake Taihu. The critical wave stresses of sediment re-suspension are nearly equal. The change of concentrations of SS, TP, and SRP was the same as that in situ situation. This study showed that concentrations of TP and SRP in lake water could be increased significantly by wave disturbance. Phosphorus release was significantly enhanced by wave disturbance at the beginning of massive sediment re-suspension, but decreased later.  相似文献   

Influence of wave on sediment resuspension and nutrients release from sediments, collected from Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu, was studied in flume experiments. Under strong-wave conditions, concentrations of suspended solids (SS), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) in overlying water were increased significantly following the sediments re-suspension. During the experiments on sediments of Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu, TP concentrations increased 6 times and 3 times, and DTP concentration increased 100% and 70% more than it in presuspension, respectively. Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) of experiment on sediment of Lake Taihu increased 25%. During the massive sediment suspension, the dissolved phosphorus in pore water and much of the phosphorus adsorbed by the sediment particles were released into overlying water. The phenomena in this wave flume experiment are quite similar to the situation observed in situ of Lake Taihu. The critical wave stresses of sediment re-suspension are nearly equal. The change of concentrations of SS, TP, and SRP was the same as that in situ situation. This study showed that concentrations of TP and SRP in lake water could be increased significantly by wave disturbance. Phosphorus release was significantly enhanced by wave disturbance at the beginning of massive sediment re-suspension, but decreased later.  相似文献   

以淮南后湖非稳沉采煤沉陷区沉积物-水体界面为研究对象,分析该湖未开发区(A区)、水产养殖区(B区)和水生蔬菜种植区(C区)3个功能区上覆水-间隙水-沉积物体系中氮、磷分布及其迁移特征.结果表明,氮、磷在不同水体界面的分布差异较大.其中上覆水中氮、磷浓度表现为A区B区C区;间隙水中氮、磷分布差异不显著,然而各功能区间隙水的氮、磷浓度明显高于上覆水,氮、磷主要由间隙水向上覆水中移动;沉积物中氮、磷含量以C区最高.后湖采煤沉陷区水体表现出氮污染、磷限制的现象.  相似文献   


Water quality in the Paso Piedras Reservoir has deteriorated, primarily due to periodic blue-green algal blooms, making it temporarily unfit for human consumption. This phenomenon results from the eutrophication of waters of the watershed, and nutrients are considered to be the primary contributors to degradation of freshwater quality. In order to reduce the levels of nitrogen and, most of all, phosphorus, entering the Paso Piedras Reservoir, it is necessary to understand the incidence of diffuse transfers of nutrients from agricultural soils. The nitrogen composition, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and other physico-chemical parameters of the water were analysed in various different parts of the watershed in order to characterize water input to the reservoir from areas with different anthropogenic activity. The upper Sauce Grande basin was divided into three areas with different edaphic characteristics. The physico-chemical parameters measured in sampling surveys included: SRP, ammonium and nitrate, pH, conductivity, turbidity, and total solids. The results showed that the water of the Sauce Grande (areas 1 and 2) was not strongly contaminated, but in El Divisorio (Area 3, which is a sub-watershed whose stream flows directly into the Paso Piedras Reservoir), the levels of conductivity, total suspended sediments and SRP were so high that its contribution to the reservoir accounts for nearly 50% of the total SRP input. The main characteristics of El Divisorio watershed that make it a diffuse source of SRP were not only that its soils, under agricultural-livestock production, have significant slopes, so that water and wind erosion are faster, but also that human intervention had caused the destruction of aggregates. The results showed the influence of the soil characteristics, production systems and the micro-environment developed in the reservoir on the characteristics of waters flowing out of the reservoir. The two villages located in Area 2 had no significant influence on the concentration of nitrogen compounds and SRP found downstream.  相似文献   

Between 1999 and 2002, a former open-cast mine was filled with river water forming the recent Lake Goitsche. During filling initially acid water was neutralised. Phosphorus (P) imported from Mulde River was nearly completely removed from the water column by co-precipitation with iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) and deposited in the sediment.During extremely high waters of the Mulde River in 2002, a dike breach facilitated a second high import of P into Lake Goitsche with suspended and dissolved matter. The analysis of total phosphorus (TP), however, showed that P again had been eliminated from the water body a few months after the flood event. Sediment investigations before filling with river water, during filling, and after the flood event were used to analyse the process of P immobilisation in a lake with acid mine drainage history.The ratios of Fe to soluble reactive P (SRP) of sediment pore water were up to three orders of magnitudes higher than in natural lakes and can serve as an indicator for potential internal P loading from sediments. The SRP concentrations at the oxic/anoxic boundary were near or below the limit of quantification (< 0.2 μmol/L). Fe and manganese (Mn) redox cycling were responsible for hindering P dissolution from sediment to lake water.Finally it can be stated, that the risk of eutrophication for such a lake seems to be low.  相似文献   

The water quality along the River Kennet, in the Thames basin of southern England, was examined in terms of the influence of point- and diffuse-nutrient inputs. The river is supplied mainly from a Cretaceous Chalk aquifer and hence the waters are of a calcium bicarbonate type. The nitrate largely comes from agricultural sources, with concentrations decreasing downstream due to plant uptake and probable denitrification. In contrast, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) is largely associated with sewage inputs and concentrations increase downstream in line with effluents from major towns such as Newbury and Reading. Adjacent to the river in the lower half of the catchment is the Kennet and Avon Canal and the two are in places hydrologically connected. The canal inputs may influence calcium carbonate (calcite) precipitation and increase suspended sediment and particulate phosphorus concentrations in the river. Monitoring upstream and downstream of Marlborough sewage treatment works (STW) showed that SRP concentrations in the effluent were highly variable due to variable efficiency of P stripping and still sufficiently concentrated to dominate downstream river SRP with potential impacts on stream ecology. Biological recovery in this river following P stripping at STWs is complex and controlling those spikes in SRP that are above a threshold of 100 μg l−1 may be a critical requirement. More stringent effluent targets than are currently recommended may be needed (less than 800 μg RP l−1) to achieve good ecological status in this river depending on SRP concentrations upstream.  相似文献   

长江中下游湖泊沉积物氮磷形态与释放风险关系   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
运用聚类分析、主成分分析和相关矩阵的统计分析手段,对长江中下游湖群共18个湖泊的沉积物氮磷释放风险以及湖泊沉积物、间隙水和上覆水中氮磷形态以及其他相关地球化学参数进行分析。草型和藻型湖泊的环境差异是造成氮磷释放风险的主要原因。氮磷释放风险与铁磷、藻类可利用磷、总氮、总磷、上覆水氮磷含量、间隙水氮含量、孔隙度和有机质含量间的关系最为密切。决定磷酸盐释放风险的主要形态磷是藻类可利用磷和铁磷,其他形态磷或者含量较低或者不易被转化释放,对磷酸盐释放风险影响较小。有机磷含量对磷的释放风险没有直接决定作用,但它与有机质含量间呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

福建省富营养化水库沉积物磷形态及对水体的贡献   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
采用 SMT 法结合 X 射线荧光和 X 射线衍射分析了福建省发生富营养化的山仔深水库表层沉积物的磷赋存形态 及对水体的贡献.分析结果表明,山仔水库表层沉积物总磷含量在400-750 mg/kg 之间,铁/铝结合态磷和有机磷是沉积 物磷的主要赋存形态,分别占总磷含量的47%和37%左右.沉积物水-土界面存在明显的活性磷梯度,在一定条件下活 性磷可以从沉积物间隙水扩散到上覆水体,从而一定程度上影响山仔水库水体的营养水平.  相似文献   

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