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吉林龙岗四海火山碎屑物粒度分析与地质意义   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
四海火山灰是龙岗火山群中的一次火山爆发形成的,这次火山爆发形成的玄武质空降堆积物分别组成金龙顶子火山渣锥和位于金龙顶子火山锥以东的、分布于辉南县红旗林场和靖宇县四海林场一带的低缓开阔的火山碎屑席。通过投点得知金龙顶子火山喷发类型为次布里尼式(Sub-Plinian)喷发,反映金龙顶子火山爆发强度很大。四海火山灰空降碎屑物7个样品的粒度累计频率曲线投点分布范围、集中区域均有较好的一致性,累计频率曲线表明碎屑物在空中搬运与沉降时都经过了类似的重力分选作用。近火口缘样品粗粒碎屑含量较高,随着与火口缘距离的增加,粗粒部分含量明显降低,细粒碎屑含量增加趋势明显。龙岗火山区内其它岩渣锥火山碎屑物粒度分布范围明显宽于四海火山灰粒度分布范围,累积频率曲线斜率较为一致。虽然样品距火山口距离均较近,但也出现了细粒富集程度变缓的现象,反映了龙岗火山区其它火山锥喷发强度明显小于四海火山。对比长白山天池火山碎屑物粒度分布特征发现,天池火山空降堆积物粒度分布斜率变化比较均匀,四海火山灰斜率有明显变化;四海火山灰最大粒度小于长白山天池火山空降堆积物,但是粗粒度碎屑物含量较高。细粒度碎屑物部分累计频率曲线上升趋势较缓,说明金龙顶子火山的喷发  相似文献   

火山碎屑空降沉积的二维数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵谊  张程远  席道瑛 《地震地质》2002,24(3):377-386
从大气中火山灰扩散的二维微分方程出发 ,采用Suzuki(1983)对火山空降碎屑灾害数值模拟的数学模型 ,研制出用于单个火山一次性喷发事件的碎屑物空降沉积分布的实用程序。介绍了编程的基本思想 ,讨论了编程过程中所遇到的实际问题 ,同时结合长白山火山物理研究工作给出的长白山火山动力学参数 ,对长白山火山喷发空降碎屑厚度分布进行了具体模拟应用 ,针对实际模拟结果对程序提出了改进意见 ,并对Suzuki火山碎屑空降沉积模型进行了讨论  相似文献   

长白山天池火山一次近代喷发物的特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
长白山天池火山是中国最具有潜在灾害性喷发危险的活动火山。在开展长白山天池火山近代喷发历史的研究中,通过野外考察、粒度分析、岩石化学研究,识别出了一套新的火山喷发物。这套喷发物分布于天池水面东北侧,为一套灰色多层火山碎屑堆积,厚约9.2m。下伏公元1668年的火山空降堆积。粒度分析表明,天池火山最近一次喷发物以空降堆积为主,夹一层薄层涌浪堆积,火山喷发类型为射气岩浆型。涌浪堆积碎屑物的分数维值为2.71。空降堆积的分数维值小于涌浪堆积,综合投点求出的分数维值为2.36。显微镜下可观察到鸡骨架状玻屑,无黏土矿物,为原生火山爆发堆积。火山碎屑堆积物中的浮岩岩石化学分析结果表明岩浆成分为粗面质。根据历史记录、地层层序关系、堆积物特征的综合分析,推测堆积物的形成时间为公元1903年  相似文献   

龙岗金龙顶子火山空降碎屑物数值模拟及概率性灾害评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空降碎屑物为爆炸式火山喷发产生的一种重要的灾害类型,数值模拟已成为一个快速有效地确定火山灰扩散和沉积范围的方法。本文根据改进的Suzuki(1983)二维扩散模型,编写了基于Windows环境下的火山灰扩散程序。通过对前人资料的分析,模拟了龙岗火山群中最新火山喷发——金龙顶子火山喷发产生的空降碎屑物扩散范围,与实测结果具有很好的一致性,证实了模型的可靠性和参数的合理性。根据该区10年的风参数,模拟了7021次不同风参数时金龙顶子火山灰的扩散范围,以此制作了火山灰沉积厚度超过1cm和0.5cm时的概率性空降碎屑灾害区划图。本文的研究可为龙岗火山区火山危险性分析和灾害预警与对策提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

在野外地质资料基础上,利用火山形态学方法,探讨了大兴安岭焰山、高山火山的喷发型式。结果表明,大兴安岭哈拉哈河-绰尔河火山群中的焰山和高山火山不同于斯通博利式喷发形成的火山,其早期爆破喷发的火山碎屑形成火山渣锥、空降火山碎屑席和小型火山碎屑流,晚期溢出大量熔岩。两火山具有较高大的锥体(标高200~300m以上),在结构上,松散火山砾、火山弹等构成下部的降落锥,熔结集块岩构成上部的溅落锥。由火山砾和火山灰组成的空降火山碎屑席分布在火山锥体周围。两火山溢出的熔岩经历了从结壳熔岩→翻花石→渣状熔岩的演变。根据喷发产物可推断焰山和高山火山具有以下喷发特征:爆破喷发形成持续的喷发柱→斯通博利式喷发→熔岩喷泉喷溢,其中以持续时间较长的喷发柱区别于典型的斯通博利式喷发。类似焰山、高山火山的喷发特征,在龙岗第四纪火山群、镜泊湖全新世火山群中也都有个例,这是中国大陆火山作用中一种新的喷发型式。  相似文献   

长白山天池火山千年大喷发火山碎屑流分布范围广泛,是国内火山碎屑流领域重要的研究对象。前人研究表明:(1)长白山天池火山千年大喷发火山碎屑流搬运堆积机制复杂,且火山碎屑流近源、中源部分一般分布在人迹罕至尚未开发的地方,火山碎屑流相模式尚未系统建立;(2)火山碎屑流是长白山地区主要灾害类型,尚未有专题的灾害区划图;(3)早期粒度分析主要采用人工法测试,精度低,误差大,大量微米级碎屑的动力学信息流失。  相似文献   

火山喷发物及其显微结构特征记录了喷发之前岩浆体中物理、化学过程的信息,喷发时的爆炸程度、岩浆与地下水的相互关系、在地表的侵位方式(如熔岩流、火山灰空降或火山碎屑流),以及在喷发后期风化特征等有关信息。因此,通过对火山喷发产物的显微构造研究,可以获得许多由宏观研究所无法获得的有关岩浆喷发前、喷发期间和喷发后的作用过程的重  相似文献   

火山碎屑流堆积因其巨大的危害性而成为火山学研究的重要课题之一。文中对长白山区天池火山千年大喷发火山碎屑流堆积进行了粒度分析。分析结果表明,火山碎屑流堆积分选差,伴生的灰云浪堆积分选性好。火山碎屑流堆积中的岩屑和浮岩的平均最大粒度随着离开火山口距离的加大而减小,反映火山碎屑流搬运过程中存在重力分选和机械磨损作用。火山碎屑流在搬运过程中发生了流体化作用,离开火山口越远流体化速度越小,反映火山碎屑流在搬运过程中发生了流体化去气作用,这种作用使火山碎屑流的粘度和屈服强度增加而导致沉积。流体化速度是控制搬运距离的因素之一,远源多渠道火山碎屑流的汇合使流体化速度增大,搬运距离更远,造成的灾害范围也增大  相似文献   

本文讨论了与我国大陆火山地区相关的主要火山灾害类型,即火山空降物、火山碎屑流、火山泥石流、火山熔岩穹与熔岩流的成灾机制和灾害效应,并回顾了国际上火山灾害区划的研究现状,在此基础上,提出了适合我国具体情况的具有概率含义的火山灾害区划图的编图思路。  相似文献   

长白山天池火山天文峰黄色浮岩的岩相学与显微结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在长白山天池火口天文峰内壁发育数十m厚的爆炸式喷发堆积物,颜色各异.其中1套规模较大的黄色中弱熔结的粗粒浮岩空降堆积,堆积物碎屑粒径大,气孔大量发育,含有大粒径粗面岩岩块.文中对采于该套黄色堆积物的样品进行了全岩成分和显微结构特征分析,并与“千年大喷发”的空降浮岩进行了对比.研究结果表明:1)黄色浮岩与千年喷发的浮岩一样,属于碱性流纹岩,比千年喷发的灰白色浮岩略偏基性,可能由同一岩浆演化而来;2)黄色浮岩呈泡沫状,由不同大小的气孔、气孔壁和少量斑晶组成,部分较大的圆形气孔沿斑晶周围发育,呈串珠状排列,流动特征明显,黄色浮岩的斑晶类型和气孔结构与千年喷发的灰白色浮岩类似;3)已有扫描电镜和X射线衍射分析结果显示黄色浮岩中的长石参数与其他浮岩明显不同,可能是独立火山喷发事件的产物.上述岩石学证据表明,该套黄色堆积物是火山爆炸式喷发作用形成的浮岩空降堆积.  相似文献   

The asymmetrical distribution of the welded Ata large-scale pyroclastic flow deposit in Southern Kyushu, Japan was identified. This distribution pattern was defined as depositional ramps. Depositional ramps can be identified in valleys wider than 1 km and become smaller-scale with increasing distance from the source. Upslope directions of depositional ramps are generally radially away from the source caldera, suggesting that the structure was formed by the flow of pyroclastic material radially away from the source. The original depositional surface was reconstructed based on field mapping and density measurements of the pyroclastic flow deposit. Depositional ramps having a dip angle of more than 9° were reconstructed on the vent-facing slopes of the topography underlying the valley-filling deposits in the area within 10 km of the caldera rim. Such a dip angle is much larger than previously described dip angles. The size and gradient of the depositional ramps decreases with increasing distance from the source. Depositional ramps are recognized commonly in densely welded pyroclastic flow deposits. A high emplacement temperature is required to form the depositional ramps. This suggests that the pyroclastic flow was transported as a dense, fluidized layer to minimize heat loss.  相似文献   

A devastating pyroclastic surge and resultant lahars at Mount St. Helens on 18 May 1980 produced several catastrophic flowages into tributaries on the northeast volcano flank. The tributaries channeled the flows to Smith Creek valley, which lies within the area devastated by the surge but was unaffected by the great debris avalanche on the north flank. Stratigraphy shows that the pyroclastic surge preceded the lahars; there is no notable “wet” character to the surge deposits. Therefore the lahars must have originated as snowmelt, not as ejected water-saturated debris that segregated from the pyroclastic surge as has been inferred for other flanks of the volcano. In stratigraphic order the Smith Creek valley-floor materials comprise (1) a complex valley-bottom facies of the pyroclastic surge and a related pyroclastic flow, (2) an unusual hummocky diamict caused by complex mixing of lahars with the dry pyroclastic debris, and (3) deposits of secondary pyroclastic flows. These units are capped by silt containing accretionary lapilli, which began falling from a rapidly expanding mushroom-shaped cloud 20 minutes after the eruption's onset. The Smith Creek valley-bottom pyroclastic facies consists of (a) a weakly graded basal bed of fines-poor granular sand, the deposit of a low-concentration lithic pyroclastic surge, and (b) a bed of very poorly sorted pebble to cobble gravel inversely graded near its base, the deposit of a high-concentration lithic pyroclastic flow. The surge apparently segregated while crossing the steep headwater tributaries of Smith Creek; large fragments that settled from the turbulent surge formed a dense pyroclastic flow along the valley floor that lagged behind the front of the overland surge. The unusual hummocky diamict as thick as 15 m contains large lithic clasts supported by a tough, brown muddy sand matrix like that of lahar deposits upvalley. This unit contains irregular friable lenses and pods meters in diameter, blocks incorporated from the underlying dry and hot pyroclastic material that had been deposited only moments earlier. The hummocky unit is the deposit of a high-viscosity debris flow which formed when lahars mingled with the pyroclastic materials on Smith Creek valley floor. Overlying the debris flow are voluminous pyroclastic deposits of pebbly sand cut by fines-poor gas-escape pipes and containing charred wood. The deposits are thickest in topographic lows along margins of the hummocky diamict. Emplaced several minutes after the hot surge had passed, this is the deposit of numerous secondary pyroclastic flows derived from surge material deposited unstably on steep valley sides.  相似文献   

 Field-based studies of surficial volcanic deposits are commonly complicated by a combination of poor exposure and rapid lateral variations controlled by unknown paleotopography. The potential of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) as an aid to volcanological studies is shown using data collected from traverses over four well-exposed, Recent volcanic deposits in western Canada. The deposits comprise a pumice airfall deposit (3–4 m thick), a basalt lava flow (3–6 m thick), a pyroclastic flow deposit (15 m thick), and an internally stratified pumice talus deposit (60 m thick). Results show that GPR is effective in delineating major stratigraphic contacts and hence can be used to map unexposed deposits. Different volcanic deposits also exhibit different radar stratigraphic character, suggesting that deposit type may be determined from radar images. In addition, large blocks within the pyroclastic deposits are detected as distinctive point diffractor patterns in the profiles, showing that the technique has potential for providing important grain-size information in coarse poorly sorted deposits. Laboratory measurements of dielectric constant (K') are reported for samples of the main rock types and are compared with values of K' for the bulk deposit as inferred from the field data. The laboratory values differ significantly from the "field" values of K'; these results suggest that the effectiveness of GPR at any site can be substantially improved by initial calibration of well-exposed locations. Received: 10 May 1996 / Accepted: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

The grain orientations within the matrix of two large-scale welded, two small-scale nonwelded and two nonwelded low-aspect ratio pyroclastic flow deposits are measured to analyze flow behavior. Preferred grain alignments are especially apparent in the middle part of layer 2 of each deposit. Preferred grain alignments do not vary laterally within a 10 m interval. The grain alignments obtained are radial from the source caldera, especially in proximal to medial and plateau-forming facies of pyroclastic flow deposits. Grain alignments are controlled by valley-channel directions for the valley-ponded facies of pyroclastic flow deposits, especially at medial to distal locations. Such local topographic factors strongly affect the data for high-aspect ratio and smallscale deposits, and weakly affect the data for widespread low-aspect ratio pyroclastic flow deposits. This work suggests that grain alignment analysis should be used with care when attempting to determine the location of an unknown source.  相似文献   

When estimating the magnitude of explosive eruptions from their deposits, individuals make three sets of critical choices with respect to input data: the spacing of sampling sites, the selection of contour intervals to constrain the field measurements, and the hand contouring of thickness/isomass data, respectively. Volcanologists make subjective calls, as there are no accepted published protocols and few accounts of how these choices will impact estimates of eruption magnitude. Here, for the first time, we took a set of unpublished thickness measurements from the 1959 Kīlauea Iki pyroclastic fall deposit and asked 101 volcanologists worldwide to hand contour the data. First, there were surprisingly consistent volume estimates across maps with three different sampling densities. Second, the variability in volume calculations imparted by individuals’ choices of contours is also surprisingly low and lies between s?=?5 and 8 %. Third, volume estimation is insensitive to the extent to which different individuals “smooth” the raw data in constructing contour lines. Finally, large uncertainty is associated with the construction of the thinnest isopachs, which is likely to underestimate the actual trend of deposit thinning. The net result is that researchers can have considerable confidence in using volume or dispersal data from multiple authors and different deposits for comparative studies. These insights should help volcanologists around the world to optimize design and execution of field-based studies to characterize accurately the volume of pyroclastic deposits.  相似文献   

Basal layered deposits of the large-volume Peach Springs Tuff occur beneath the main pyroclastic flow deposit over a minimum lateral distance of 70 km in northwestern Arizona (USA). The basal deposits are interpreted to record initial blasting and pyroclastic surge events at the beginning of the eruption; the pyroclastic surges traveled a minimum of 100 km from the (as yet unknown) source. Changes in bedding structures with increasing flow distance are related to the decreasing sediment load of the surges. Some bed forms in the most proximal part of the study area (Kingman, Arizona) can be interpreted as being shock induced, reflecting a blast origin for the surges. Component analyses support a hydrovolcanic origin for some of the blasting and subsequent pyroclastic surges. The eruption apparently began with magmatic blasts, which were replaced by hydrovolcanic blasts. Hydrovolcanic activity may be partially related to failure of the conduit walls that temporarily plugged the vent. A single large-volume pyroclastic flow immediately followed the blast phase, and no evidence has been observed for a Plinian eruption column. The stratigraphic sequence indicates that powerful hydrovolcanic blasting rapidly widened the vent, thus bypassing a Plinian fallout phase and causing rapid evolution to a collapsing eruption column. Similar processes may occur in other large-volume ignimbrite eruptions, which commonly lack significant Plinian fallout deposits.  相似文献   

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is used to image and characterize fall and pyroclastic flow deposits from the 1815 eruption of Tambora volcano in Indonesia. Analysis of GPR common-mid-point (CMP) data indicate that the velocity of radar in the sub-surface is 0.1 m/ns, and this is used to establish a preliminary traveltime to-depth conversion for common-offset reflection profiles. Common-offset radar profiles were collected along the edge of an erosional gully that exposed approximately 1–2 m of volcanic stratigraphy. Additional trenching at select locations in the gully exposed the contact between the pre-1815 eruption surface and overlying pyroclastic deposit from the 1815 eruption. The deepest continuous, prominent reflection is shown to correspond to the interface between pre-eruption clay-rich soil and pyroclastics that reach a maximum thickness of 4 m along our profiles. This soil surface is distinctly terraced and is interpreted as the ground surface augmented for agriculture and buildings by people from the kingdom of Tambora. The correlation of volcanic stratigraphy and radar data at this location indicates that reflections are produced by the soil-pyroclastic deposit interface and the interface between pyroclastic flows (including pyroclastic surge) and the pumice-rich fall deposits. In the thickest deposits an additional reflection marks the interface between two pyroclastic flow units.  相似文献   

Summary The application of the progressive thermal demagnetization procedure of volcanic rock debris has been frequently used to determine the emplacement temperatures of pyroclastic deposits and thus to characterize the nature of these volcanic deposits. This debris consists of a mixture of juvenile fragments derived from the explosive fragmentation of erupting magma and an assortment of lithic clasts derived mainly from the walls of a volcanic conduit, as well as from the ground. The temperature at which the clasts were deposited can be estimated by analyzing its remanent magnetization. To do this, oriented samples of clasts are subjected to progressive thermal demagnetization and the directions of the resulting remanent vectors provide the necessary information. Clasts of basalt, andesite, limestone, pumice and homebricks have previously been used to estimate the emplacement temperatures of pyroclastic deposits. According to our data, clasts of red sandstones also seem to be good carriers of thermoremanent magnetization. We have carried out a paleomagnetic study on a Quaternary, lithic-rich, massive, pyroclastic deposit from the Puig d'Adri volcano (Catalan Volcanic Zone), which contains a large number of red sandstone clasts. It is concluded that the studied deposit cannot be considered as a lahar or as a pyroclastic surge deposit, considering both the emplacement temperature and the morphological features.Presented at 3rd Biennial Meeting on New Trends in Geomagnetism, Smolenice Castle, West Slovakia, June 22–29, 1992  相似文献   

We have recognized a type of pyroclastic deposit formed by the interaction of water and silicic magma during explosive eruptions. These deposits have a widespread dispersal, similar to plinian tephra, but the overall grain size is much tiner. Several deposits studied can be associated with caldera lakes or sea water and water/magma interaction is proposed to account for the fine grain size. Several examples have been studied, including the Oruanui Formation, N.Z., and the Askja 1875 deposit. Both show little downwind decrease in median diameter, a downwind decrease in sorting (σφ) (more evident in the Askja deposit) and coarse tail grading. The Askja example has base surge deposits near source and some Oruanui members show multiple thin beds near source; both are common features of phreatomagmatic deposits. Isopachs of the Askja deposit indicate a source under Lake Oskjuvatn in Askja Caldera and those of the Oruanui indicate a source under the NW part of Lake Taupo. In terms of dispersal area, volume and calculated eruption column heights, these deposits are similar to plinian. However, their extreme fragmentation due to magma/water interaction, superimposed on fragmentation imparted by carlier vesiculation, gives a much finer and more complex grain size distribution than plinian counterparts. The field of phreatomagmatic equivalents to plinian pumice deposits was unoccupied onWalker’s (1973) classification of explosive volcanic eruptions. Such deposits are the phreatomagmatic analogue of plinian deposits and the name « phreatoplinian » is proposed.  相似文献   

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