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利用最新GAMIT软件,对福建省地壳运动观测网络的厦门、福州、泉州、龙岩、南平5个GPS基准站2004年3月1日至2005年3月6日的观测资料在ITRF2000全球坐标系统框架下,使用IGS精密星历数据及其核心观测站的坐标和运动速率为控制参数进行了统一解算,并利用GLOBK软件进行联合平差,得到了5个测站的观测精度。结果表明,福建地区形变南强北弱、东强西弱,且该地区随中国大陆较均匀地向SE(SEE)方向运动。  相似文献   

西太平洋Benioff带的形态及其应力状态   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用1970~1998年的地震资料,研究了西太平洋Wadati Benioff带形态,发现各区域Wadati Benioff带的倾角与板块俯冲速度有关,俯冲速度越大,倾角越小;利用1976~2002年哈佛大学的震源机制资料,对各区域地震断层类型进行了统计,结果表明:地震断层类型也与俯冲速度有关,俯冲速度大的地区逆断层数量高达74髎以上,俯冲速度小的地区正断层数量上升到45髎左右;本文还探讨了西太平洋板块水平向运移的主动力方向,认为该方向为283°.  相似文献   

华北地区现今地壳运动动力学初步研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于GPS、断层形变等观测资料,实现华北地区构造运动有限元数值模拟,研究其现今地壳运动及形变动力学机理.结果表明,鄂尔多斯地块、华南地块、东北亚地块等周边构造块体的相对运动基本决定了华北地区现今表面运动及应力场格局.而另一方面,当考虑区域下部岩石层较快速的“拖动”作用时,表面速度场可以得到更好模拟,并同时形成共轭分布的剪应力梯度带.可见太平洋板块的俯冲作用、印-欧板块的碰撞挤压作用等可能造成岩石层深部、浅部运动差异,从而对研究区现今地壳运动产生深刻影响.此外,地形重力作用、断层分布及区域流变结构非均匀性也对现今地壳运动具有一定影响作用,但处于次要地位.  相似文献   

中国大陆地壳水平运动统一速度场的建立与分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
收集了国内外中国大陆及周边地区GPS网的有关数据,并根据所收集的GPS网的不同数据,提出了GPS网速度场的不同融合方法.经过融合建立了中国大陆及周边地区统一的地壳运动速度场.该速度场使用的有效GPS站共423个,其覆盖面积为1200万平方千米.分析该速度场,初步总结出中国大陆及周边地区地壳水平运动空间分布的基本特征,并讨论了印度板块向欧亚板块碰撞力对中国大陆速度场的影响范围和印度板块作用力的主方向等问题.   相似文献   

中国大陆活动地块与强震活动关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究了中国大陆各Ⅰ级活动地块区强震活动特点, 包括强震活动的总体水平、地震应变能释放速率、震级频度关系、震源破裂特性和地震应力场特征等, 以及由GPS资料给出的各活动地块运动变形特征, 如各地块运动的速度、地块变形的应变速率、最大主压应变方向、地块运动变形中的张、压状态等. 在此基础上, 对中国陆区Ⅰ级活动地块区的强震活动特点和地壳运动变形性状进行对比研究, 给出各活动地块的构造动力环境及其运动变形的性状决定其地震活动的总体状况, 包括: 活动地块现今地壳运动变形的应变速率与地震应变能释放呈线性相关; 由震源机制给出的各活动地块的地震应力场与由GPS观测给出的现今地壳运动应变(应力)场的同一性, 以及震源破裂类型与地壳形变张、压状态的一致性等. 这些结果显示了中国大陆活动地块及其运动性状对强震孕育发生的控制作用.  相似文献   

GPS监测的中国及其周边现时地壳形变   总被引:66,自引:7,他引:66       下载免费PDF全文
利用多个全国性的GPS监测网、中国地壳运动主要活动带的区域性GPS监测网以及亚太地区大地测量计划(APRGP)的GPS监测网自1991年以来近10年的GPS资料,通过旋转变换将不同方法得出的各个子网的速度解进行统一,给出一个自恰的、完整的ITR一7框架下的速度场综合解.为了研究中国现时地壳运动在欧亚板块内形变的特征,基于一个现时板块运动模型ITRF97VEL,给出了3类网共260多个站的形变速度场.结果表明中国地壳运动有明显的不均匀性,以南北地震带为界,西强东弱;中国西部受印度板块强烈的冲挤,地壳运动由南向北逐渐减慢,呈现南北向缩短,东西向伸展,有明显的块体特征;喜马拉雅和天山西部分别提供了约15mm/a和9-13mm/a的汇聚速率;拉萨块体有(20.2±1.2)mm/a的伸长;喀喇昆仑一嘉黎断裂的右旋走滑速率和阿尔金断裂的左旋走滑速率分别为2-3mm/a和4-6mm/a,穿过龙门山断裂带的缩短速率小于7mm/a,这些都支持地壳增厚学说;沿阿尔金断裂带到喜马拉雅存在一个NNE弥散带,它是形变速度有东和西分量的分界线,是一个有特殊意义的动力学带.中国东部以走滑为主,东北块体是中国最稳定的地区,华北块体具有较大走滑性,是东部较易变形区.  相似文献   

青藏块体东北缘现今构造形变与蕴震特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用青藏块体东北缘近30年的精密水准网、跨断层形变测量网复测资料,以及近年来GPS观测分析结果,结合地质构造与地震活动,初步研究和探讨了区域构造形变与强震蕴育的一些特征.结果表明:① 本区现今构造形变时空分布很不均匀:主要边界断裂附近构造形变相对强烈,远离则衰减.垂直差异运动强度和变形状态随时间演变,水平运动与变形呈明显的挤压走滑特征;② 印度板块的北推碰撞引起的青藏块体持续NE 向挤压运动所产生的构造应力场,是本区构造形变与地震蕴育的主控应力.构造形变及地震活动的时空分布演化,与块体活动及区域构造应力场动态演化密切相关;③ 构造块体边界地带出现的垂直形变异常隆起与高梯度形变带,以及显著地断层形变异常,是块体运动受阻、构造应力场强化而蕴育强震的一个标志,往往伴随有6级左右及以上强震活动,但地震并不一定发生在运动幅度最大的部位.断层形变异常呈现趋势积累——加速——转折变化特征的地段及附近,往往是应变能积累、强震蕴育发生的场所.   相似文献   

南海东部的板块汇聚带是了解南海和菲律宾海晚中新世以来构造演化的一个重要窗口.针对这一区域地壳运动的研究,获得了该区内微块体的现时地壳运动特征及其动力机制,在此基础上结合俯冲板片形态和震源机制资料提出了该区晚中新世以来的板块汇聚作用特征.研究发现:晚中新世晚期,菲律宾海板块西缘在南、北部的西向运动均受到限制的情况下,位于中间区域的吕宋岛北部则由于其西侧相对自由而继续往NW方向运动.该过程中,菲律宾大断裂等汇聚带内部的走滑断裂对于协调不同块体之间的地壳运动速度差异有着重要作用.受南、北阻挡的影响,中间部分的西向运动速率呈现出中间大(吕宋岛北部)两端小的特征.因而北吕宋西侧的马尼拉海沟也以相对于南部更快的速率不断向NW迁移.然而俯冲的南海岩石圈受其下方SE向地幔流的影响,未能发生相应的俯冲板片后撤,而是在两板块之间的直接接触面形成强烈推挤并发生反向弯曲.结合这一板块作用特征认为,马尼拉海沟现今的构造形迹是在上述背景下北段多次向NW方向变迁形成的,而双火山弧的形成则主要是由菲律宾海板块在吕宋岛弧南、北部的西向运动速率差异引起的.  相似文献   

基于ITRF2000的全球板块运动模型和中国的地壳形变   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于最新的国际地球参考架ITRF2000的速度场构建了一个新的现时板块运动模型ITRF2000VEL,比以往用空间测量技术或地质、地球物理资料建立的板块运动模型,更精确和更全面地反映现时全球板块运动的特点.同时发现了ITRF2000存在整体旋转,旋转角动量矢量为(0.12°/m@a,40.2°S,154.4°E),不符合协议地球参考架的定义.以ITRF2000VEL的欧亚板块运动为背景,计算了近10年来建立的中国地壳运动GPS监测网(全国网和部分区域网)和亚太网的300多个GPS测站在ITRF2000框架内的运动速度.给出和研究了中国大陆及周边地区相对于欧亚板块地壳形变的特点,中国大陆地壳形变具有南强北弱,西强东弱的特点.西部具有一致性的北向运动,而东部具有一致性的南向运动.  相似文献   

张家口—渤海断裂带分段运动变形特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈长云 《地震》2016,36(1):1-11
利用张家口—渤海断裂带(张渤带)及其邻区1999—2007年的GPS观测数据, 研究了该区域现今地壳水平速度场特征。 运用最小二乘配置方法获得应变率场的空间分布特征, 根据区域地壳主应变率、 面膨胀率和最大剪切应变率等形变场的空间变化, 分析了张渤带各分段的形变特征。 结果表明: 相对于欧亚框架, 研究区内GPS速度场以SE方向运动为主; 应变场以NE方向的主压应变为主, 伴随着近NW方向的张性应变; 整个张渤带及其邻区的高剪切变形区主要位于河北香河、 文安以及唐山等三个地区。 利用跨断层GPS剖面分析得到张渤带以左旋走滑为主, 兼有挤压运动。 华北平原块体和燕山块体的相对运动是张渤带左旋走滑的直接动力来源, 而印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞后继续向北的推挤作用则是张渤带运动变形的根本动力来源, 太平洋板块的作用相对较弱。  相似文献   

Sun, climate, hunger, and mass migration   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Paleoclimatic studies indicate four epochs of global cooling during the last 4 000 years, i. e. during the few centuries before and after 2000 BC, 800 BC, 400 AD, and 1 600 AD; the quasiperiodicity corresponds to cyclic variation of solar activity. Global temperature changes influenced regional precipitation patterns: Northern Europe was wetter while the middle- and low-latitude lands were more arid during colder epochs. Both sets of cold climatical conditions were unfavorable for agricultural production. Historical records show that large demographic movements in history took place because of crop failures and mass starvation, rather than escaping from war zones. The “wandering” of the Germanic tribes during the first two or three centuries of the Christian Era is one example. Whereas the accelerated release of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is ultimately to cause global warming, historical evidence indicates, however, that global warming has been on the whole a blessing to mankind. Global cooling, on the other hand, has curtailed agricultural production and has led to famines and mass migrations of people. Perhaps the most important task at the present is not so much computer-modelling of greenhouse effect on global climate, but water-management and agricultural researches to insure food-supply for an everincreasing world population.  相似文献   

Fractals,fault-gouge,and friction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The particle-size distribution of a natural fault-gouge has been determined over the range from 5 m to 40 cm. The gouge is self-similar over the range from 5 m to 1 cm having a fractal dimension of 2.60±0.11. The lower and upper fractal limits were also determined. The lower fractal limit occurs at a dimension of about 1–10 m where mineral cleavage and intergranular porosity dominate the cataclasis. The upper fractal limit occurs at particle sizes on the order of 1 cm where the scaled particle density decreases abruptly by a factor of about three. By analogy to soil-mechanics shear box tests and laboratory rock friction experiments, it is argued that the upper fractal limit of the gouge determines the characteristic displacement parameter in stick-slip friction models. A characteristic displacement on the order of 1 cm is consistent with estimates based on numerical simulations of faulting.  相似文献   

The Mill Run watershed is a structurally-controlled synclinal basin on the eastern limb of the Massanutten Mountain complex of northwestern Virginia. Bedrock contacts are obscured by coarse sandstone debris from exposures near basin divides. Colluvium blankets more than half the basin, masking geomorphic surfaces, affecting vegetation patterns, and contributing to the convexity of the alluvial, terrace, pediment and erosion surfaces. Examination of the bedrock geology, geomorphology, soils and vegetation shows distinct distributional correspondences. Vegetation is strongly interdependent with geomorphology, bedrock geology, and soils. On convex colluvial slopes, mixed hardwood forests are most common. In concave coves and deep gorges, mixed hardwoods are replaced by conifers. In thin colluvium, in poorly developed soils, and on blockfields, chestnut oak is singularly prevalent. Conifers dominate shaley bedrock areas. Soils and surficial sediments have a major effect on near-surface hydrology. During wet seasons, cemented horizons in the subsurface cause temporary saturation in the superjacent horizons; lateral movement of soil-water effectively eliminates a vertical component of ground-water recharge. Vegetation is strongly dependent on water availability and thus reflects the distribution of subsurface barriers and sediment-soil fades changes.  相似文献   

Researchers in the field of electromagnetic modelling and inversion have taken advantage of the impressive improvements of new computer hardware to explore exciting new initiatives and solid extensions of older ideas. Finite-difference time-stepping methods have been successfully applied to full-domain 3D models. Another new method combines time-stepping with spatial frequency solutions. The 2D model 3D source (2.5D) problem is also receiving fresh attention both for continental and sea floor applications.The 3D inversion problem is being attacked by several researchers using distorted Born approximation methods. Q-domain inversions using transformation to pseudo-wave field and travel time tomography have also been successfully tested for low contrast problems. Subspace methods have been successful in dramatically reducing the computational burden of the under-determined style of inversion. Static magnetic field interpretation methods are proving useful for delineating the position of closely-spaced multiple targets.Novel (appeals to nature) methods are also being investigated. Neural net algorithms have been tested for determining the depth and offset of buried pipes from EM ellipticity data. Genetic algorithms and simulated annealing have been tested for extremal model construction.The failure of researchers to take adequate account of the properties of the mathematical transformation from algorithms to the number domain represented by the computing process remains a major stumbling block. Structured programming, functional languages, and other software tools and methods are presented as an essential part of the serial process leading from EM theory to geological interpretation.  相似文献   

This study addresses the changes in dissolved major and trace element concentrations along the Orinoco River, including the mixing zone between the Orinoco and Apure Rivers. Water samples from the Apure and Orinoco Rivers were collected monthly in four sectors over a period of 15 months. Auxiliary parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and temperature), total suspended sediments, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and major (Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Si) and trace (Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Cr) element concentrations were measured in all sectors. The relative contribution of both rivers after the Apure–Orinoco confluence was determined using Ca as a tracer. Moreover, a mixing model was developed to determine whether dissolved species exhibit a conservative behavior during mixing. The results indicate that DOC is removed from waters during the Apure–Orinoco mixing, probably due to absorption of DOC on mineral phases supplied by the Apure River. Dissolved Na, Ca, and Mg behave conservatively during the mixing processes, and their concentrations are controlled by a dilution process. The anomaly in the temporal pattern of K in the Orinoco is caused by the input of biogenic K originating from the Apure River during the high‐water stage. The loss of dissolved Si during the low‐water stage can be explained by the uptake of Si by diatoms. Dissolved Mn, Zn, Al, and Fe showed a non‐conservative behavior during the Apure–Orinoco mixing. The removal of Mn and Zn from the dissolved phase can be explained by the formation of Mn‐oxyhydroxides and the scavenging of Zn onto Mn oxides. Dissolved Fe is controlled by redox processes, although the removals of Fe and Al due to the preferential adsorption of large organometallic complexes by mineral surfaces after the Apure–Orinoco confluence can affect the mobility of both elements during transport. The conservative behavior shown by Cu and Cr can be related to the tendency of both elements to be complexed with small organic colloids, which are not preferentially adsorbed by clays.  相似文献   

The size, shape, and magmatic history of the most recently discovered shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands, Mahukona, have been controversial. Mahukona corresponds to what was thought to be a gap in the paired sequence (Loa and Kea trends) of younger Hawaiian volcanoes (<4?Ma). Here, we present the results of marine expeditions to Mahukona where new bathymetry, sidescan sonar, gravity data, and lava samples were collected to address these controversies. Modeling of bathymetric and gravity data indicate that Mahukona is one of the smallest Hawaiian volcanoes (~6,000?km3) and that its magmatic system was not focused in a long-lived central reservoir like most other Hawaiian volcanoes. This lack of a long-lived magmatic reservoir is reflected by the absence of a central residual gravity high and the random distribution of cones on Mahukona Volcano. Our reconstructed subsidence history for Mahukona suggests it grew to at least ~270?m below sea level but probably did not form an island. New 40Ar–39Ar plateau ages range from 350 to 654?ka providing temporal constraints for Mahukona’s post-shield and shield stages of volcanism, which ended prematurely. Mahukona post-shield lavas have high 3He/4He ratios (16–21?Ra), which have not been observed in post-shield lavas from other Hawaiian volcanoes. Lava compositions range widely at Mahukona, including Pb isotopic values that straddle the boundary between Kea and Loa sequences of volcanoes. The compositional diversity of Mahukona lavas may be related to its relatively small size (less extensive melting) and the absence of a central magma reservoir where magmas would have been homogenized.  相似文献   

Transitional, entraining, cloudy, and coastal boundary layers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Atmospheric boundary layers are marvelously varied and complex. Recent research has examined some of that variety. Boundary layers over land undergo drastic changes throughout the day as the sun rises and sets, and as clouds form and dissipate. Air is entrained at the top of the boundary layer at varying rates. As air moves over the coast, the boundary layer reacts to changes in surface forcing. All of these changes affect pollutant transport and weather formation. In this paper, research attempting to understand transitional, cloud-topped, and coastal boundary layers, and boundary-layer top entrainment, is reviewed.  相似文献   

Drop calorimetry measurements between 900 and 1850 K are reported for amorphous anorthite, andesine, wollastonite, diopside, cordierite and pyrope. The isobaric heat capacities of the glassy and liquid phases of these materials, and the enthalpies of fusion of the minerals have been derived. The calorimetric entropies of fusion of these substances and of other oxide minerals are generally consistent with the calculated volume changes on melting and with the observed pressure dependences of the melting points. The thermodynamics of mixing of liquid plagioclases have been examined, and it is concluded that their enthalpies of mixing are markedly different from the values derived directly from solution calorimetry measurements at 985 K.  相似文献   

A list of volcanic eruption plumes observed to ascend into or near the stratosphere since 1883 shows that the volcanoes divide readily into two groups, one at low and one at higher latitudes. A model for the rise of a buoyant volcanic plume rise as applied to volcanic eruptions is corrected for realistic temperature profiles and for the finite vertical extent of the resultant debris clouds. The utility of the model can be questioned, however, owing to the highly uncertain and variable nature of the efficiency of use of heat energy of buoyant rise. The observed correlation of stratospheric plumes with climatic effects indicates that those plumes nearer the equator have the largest impact on surface temperatures. Analysis of the observations also suggests that injection of debris into the stratosphere is more important in determining the effect on climate than either the total volcanic explosivity of the eruption or the actual height reached within the stratosphere.  相似文献   

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