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为研究桩基-非线性框剪结构相互作用体系的地震反应,需要求解群桩基础的动力阻抗函数。本文利用单桩阻抗和群桩动力相互作用因子计算群桩动力阻抗函数,计算并讨论了不同构形群桩阻抗函数在软、中和硬土地基中的变化规律和特点。研究表明:群桩阻抗表现出很强的频率相关性,随土体剪切波速的增大,群桩阻抗有较大幅度的增加,但土体剪切波速的变化对群桩效率(规格化阻抗函数)影响不大。  相似文献   

基于简化的群桩动力计算模型,采用有限元子结构方法和薄层法,提出了与工程实际情况更为接近的完全埋入、部分埋入群桩和刚性桩筏基础的计算方法。分析了层状地基中不同激振频率条件下,承台板厚度、桩间距对于群桩动力阻抗的影响,研究了不同承台板厚度条件下群桩阻抗的分布规律。通过与传统刚性承台下群桩动力特性的比较分析,验证了本模型的合理性。  相似文献   

采用动力文克尔地基模型模拟均质粘弹性土层,推导出了均质土中单桩动阻抗;引用桩-桩动力相互作用因子,得到了刚性承台下群桩的动阻抗;而且建立了柔性承台与桩基础的竖向振动模型,该模型考虑了筏板自身的变形,并导出了其共同作用的运动方程。最后对柔性承台与刚性承台的计算结果作了对比分析。  相似文献   

可液化场地中桩基尤其是群桩的横向动力响应特性的研究,一直是国内外岩土地震工程领域关注的热点问题。由于桩-土-承台结构动力相互作用过程的复杂性,基于砂土-群桩-承台结构模型振动台试验,对饱和砂土中群桩侧向动力响应特性进行了分析。在此基础上,通过大型有限元软件OpenSees建立了三维模型,展开了数值模拟研究,并将数值模拟结果与试验结果进行了对比研究。结果表明:在正弦波输入下,无论是干砂还是饱和砂土试验,群桩承台加速度和位移时程与模拟承台加速度和位移时程在曲线趋势和峰值上基本吻合;在El-Centro地震波输入下,干砂和饱和砂土的模拟承台加速度时程曲线峰值和趋势与试验的比较吻合,而承台位移时程曲线频率比试验要高,但承台位移峰值基本一致。  相似文献   

层状饱水软土地基三维非轴对称动力响应分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将饱水软土地基视为两相介质、考虑水的渗流和土骨架9变形的耦合作用,用Fourier展开和Hankel积分变换分析三维非称对称饱和弹性土层波动方程,用刚度矩阵方法,建立了层状饱和软土地基三维非轴对称动力响应的解析分析方法。以数值算例对比分析了单相土介质与两相饱和土介质三维非轴对称稳态动力响应,结果表明:在饱水软土地基动力响应分析中应该考虑土体中孔隙流体的影响。  相似文献   

本文采用Novak薄层法推导粘弹性地基的扭转动力阻抗,并将其用于考虑桩土相互作用的单桩扭转动力阻抗,又通过传递矩阵法将此公式推广到求取层状地基单桩扭转动力阻抗。而且本文以工程中常用的端承桩为例,推导了层状地基中端承桩扭转动力阻抗的简化计算公式。根据此公式,分析了频率、上覆软土层厚度、上覆软土层刚度等因素对单桩扭转动力阻抗的影响,分析结果表明,随着振动频率提高,层状地基中端承单桩的扭转动力阻抗的实部有缓慢下降的趋势,而虚部则增大;随着上覆土层厚度的增加,层状地基中端承单桩的扭转动力阻抗的实部和虚部均减小;随着上覆土层刚度的减小,层状地基中端承单桩的扭转动力阻抗的实部减小,虚部在低频段减小,而在较高频率段则增大。  相似文献   

目前地震作用下桩基水平动力响应一直是岩土工程界和地震工程领域关注的热点研究问题之一。本文基于振动台试验,通过不同的台面输入波形,引入FBG传感系统对土-群桩—承台结构水平动力响应特性及P-Y曲线主干线变化规律进行研究,并将群桩中各基桩和单桩P-Y曲线主干线与API规范推荐方法进行对比研究。结果表明:对于非液化土试验,各承台的加速度和位移较台面放大倍数普遍不大;饱和砂土试验单桩承台加速度和位移比群桩大2~3倍,群桩承台加速度和位移幅值分别是非液化土的2~3倍;非液化土试验桩基P-Y曲线主干线倾斜度与API规范方法符合较好,而饱和砂土中无论是单桩还是群桩P-Y主干线均需将API规范方法进行适当的折减。  相似文献   

基于OpenSees计算软件建立液化微倾场地群桩-土动力相互作用有限元模型,分析液化微倾场地饱和砂土p-y曲线特性,系统研究了场地倾斜角度、桩径、地震作用幅值和基桩位置对饱和砂土动力p-y曲线特性影响。研究表明:土体即将液化时,桩基土反力达到峰值;土体液化后,土体表现出了流体特性;土反力峰值、桩土相对位移峰值和初始刚度随场地倾斜角度增加而增大;桩径越大,液化砂土的耗能效应越明显;随着地震作用幅值的增加,桩土相对位移峰值和土反力峰值也随之增加;液化微倾场地上坡桩受到的土体侧向流动力大于下坡桩。  相似文献   

目前地震作用下桩基水平动力响应一直是岩土工程界和地震工程领域关注的热点研究问题之一。本文基于振动台试验,通过不同的台面输入波形,引入FBG传感系统对土-群桩—承台结构水平动力响应特性及P-Y曲线主干线变化规律进行研究,并将群桩中各基桩和单桩P-Y曲线主干线与API规范推荐方法进行对比研究。结果表明:对于非液化土试验,各承台的加速度和位移较台面放大倍数普遍不大;饱和砂土试验单桩承台加速度和位移比群桩大2~3倍,群桩承台加速度和位移幅值分别是非液化土的2~3倍;非液化土试验桩基P-Y曲线主干线倾斜度与API规范方法符合较好,而饱和砂土中无论是单桩还是群桩P-Y主干线均需将API规范方法进行适当的折减。  相似文献   

工程上广泛采用基于Winkler模型的层状地基反力系数法对桩土水平动力响应进行分析,该方法忽略了地基土剪切作用的影响,与工程实际有一定偏差。另外,对桩土的非线性相互作用和如扩底桩、楔形桩等变截面桩问题常用的传递矩阵法或中心差分法,计算过程较为繁琐。基于Pasternak地基模型和Adomian分解方法,提出一种考虑地基土剪切作用的桩土水平动力相互作用近似计算方法,该方法计算简便且结果精度较高,对变截面桩问题有很好的适用性;并基于该方法,对扩底桩水平动力响应问题和影响因素进行分析。结果指出,扩底半径和上部桩周土弹性模量对扩底桩水平动力响应影响较大,随着扩底半径的增加和桩周土弹性模量的增大,扩底桩水平振动位移幅值逐渐减小。另外,在较低频率的荷载激励下,应考虑土层对桩的剪切作用。  相似文献   

对孔隙相互孤立饱和土体的弹性力学模型的部分观点进行了讨论。按Carroll的力学响应理论重新推导了此类土体的弹性本构关系和体积模量表达式。认为在准静态(很低频率)的波动问题中孔隙流体与固体骨架的相对运动为零,土体渗透系数为零或流体粘性为无穷大的条件是等价的。在此条件下没有必要区分孔隙是否连通,它们遵循相同的规律,而且其土体弹性体积模量的结果与Biot-Geertsma理论的无排水准静态的弹性体积模量相同。  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of the liquefaction of saturated soils is based on strong coupling between the pore fluid phase and soil skeleton. A practical numerical method for large strain dynamic analysis of saturated soils is presented. The up formulation is used for the governing equations that describe the coupled problem in terms of soil skeleton displacement and excess pore pressure. A mixed finite element and finite difference scheme related to large strain analysis of saturated soils based on the updated Lagrangian method is given. The equilibrium equation of fluid-saturated soils is spatially discretized by the finite element method, whereas terms associated with excess pore pressure in the continuity equation are spatially discretized by the finite difference method. An effective cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model is adopted to simulate the non-linear behavior of saturated soils under dynamic loading. Several numerical examples that include a saturated soil column and caisson-type quay wall are presented to verify the accuracy of the method and its usefulness and applicability to solutions of large strain liquefaction analysis of saturated soils in practical problems.  相似文献   

王小岗 《地球物理学报》2009,52(8):2084-2092
基于孔隙介质的Biot理论,首先利用Laplace变换,给出圆柱坐标系下横观各向同性饱和弹性多孔介质在变换域上的波动方程;将波动方程解耦后,根据方位角的Fourier展开和径向Hankel变换,求解了Biot波动方程,得到以土骨架位移、孔隙水压力和土介质总应力分量的积分形式的一般解;借助一般解,建立了有限厚度饱和土层和饱和半空间的精确动力刚度矩阵,并由土层的层间界面连续条件建立三维非轴对称层状饱和地基的总刚度方程;在此基础上,系统研究了横观各向同性饱和半空间体在内部集中荷载激励下的动力响应,并给出了问题的瞬态解答.该研究为运用边界元法求解饱和地基动力响应奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

Stiffness variations in carbonates may be described as resulting from different concentrations of flat compliant pores or cracks, which can have a significant effect on the effective stiffness and acoustic properties (e.g., velocities and attenuations) of dry as well as saturated carbonates, although they carry extremely little porosity. As shown in this paper, the effects of dual porosity and wave-induced fluid flow or pore pressure communication may also play a significant role. On the basis of a previously published T-matrix approach to model the effective viscoelastic properties of cracked porous media, we illustrate the (frequency-dependent) effects of wave-induced fluid flow (mainly squirt flow) or pore pressure communication for a model structure consisting of a mixture of fluid-saturated porous grains and fluid-saturated cavities (vugs, etc.) that are embedded in a solid matrix associated with carbonates. We assume that the pores within the porous grains are decoupled from the pores in the solid matrix (and possibly saturated with different fluids) but that each pore system at the micro and/or mesoscale may or may not be connected. For each of four different connectivity models, we present numerical results for four different cases of microstructure (that emphasize the importance of cracks and flat compliant pores). Our numerical results indicate that the velocity and attenuation spectra of carbonates vary significantly, even when the crack density and all other volume concentrations are constant.  相似文献   

Simple Finite Element models for soil dynamics and earthquake engineering problems in the frequency domain are a fast and valuable tool providing a first approximation before a full non-linear analysis in the time domain is performed.Quite often the problem concerns saturated soils with very small permeability and pore fluid of neglectable compressibility. In the limit, the permeability is assumed to be zero and the pore fluid incompressible. Here, engineers use standard finite element codes formulated in terms of displacements but incompressibility may result in volumetric locking of the mesh with a severe loss of accuracy.The purpose of this paper is to present a simple mixed finite element formulation in the frequency domain based on displacements and pore pressures as main variables. A suitable stabilization technique allowing for equal order interpolation of displacements and pressures has been introduced for incompressible and zero permeability limits.Of course, the range of application is limited to those problems in which the behaviour of the material can be approximated by linear models, and therefore modelling of phenomena such as liquefaction, cyclic mobility or cavitation occur is excluded.The paper shows as well an extremely simple way of coupling solid and water domains as it occurs for instance in quay walls under dynamic loading.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of contacting fluid and fluid-saturated poroelastic half- spaces to a time-harmonic vertical point force or a point pore pressure is investigated. The solutions are formulated using the boundary conditions at the fluid-porous medium interface. The point load solutions are then used to solve the dynamic problem of the vertical vibration of a rigid disc (both permeable and impermeable discs are included) on the surface of the poroelastic half-space. The contact problems are solved by integrating the point force and point pore pressure solutions over the contact area with unknown discontinuous force and pore pressure distributions, which are determined from the boundary conditions. The solutions are expressed in terms of dual integral equations, which are converted to Fredholm integral equations of the second kind and solved numerically. Selected numerical results for the vertical dynamic compliance coefficient for the cases with or without fluid overlying the poroelastic half-space are presented to show the effects of the fluid. The influence of the permeability condition of the disc on the compliance of the poroelastic half-space is investigated. The displacement, vertical stress, pore pressure in the poroelastic half-space and water pressure in the fluid half-space are also examined for different poroelastic materials and frequencies of excitation. The present results are helpful in the study of the dynamic response of foundations on the seabed under seawater.  相似文献   

基于ABAQUS软件平台,应用自行开发的流固耦合动力模型孔压单元模拟场地土体,并通过黏弹性人工边界方法实现地震动的输入,对饱和土体场地中的双孔隧道结构在地震荷载作用下的动力反应进行研究。计算结果表明:在地震反应结束时刻,场地土体位移幅值在两隧道之间以及两隧道的附近区域较大,而远离隧道的区域则较小;场地底部区域土体的孔压幅值较大,而场地顶部区域土体则较小;隧道左右两侧拱腰部位的衬砌的应力较大,而拱顶部位则较小。计算结果同时表明了流固耦合动力模型孔压单元在饱和土体-隧道体系地震反应研究中的适用性。  相似文献   

A model of wave propagation in fluid-saturated porous media is developed where the principal fluid/solid interaction mode affecting the propagation of the acoustic wave results from the conjunction of the Biot and the Squirt flow mechanism. The difference between the original Biot/Squirt (BISQ) flow theory and the new theory, which we call the reformulated BISQ, is that the average fluid pressure term appearing in the dynamic equation for a two component solid/fluid continuum is independent of squirt flow length. P-velocity and attenuation relate to measurable rock physical parameters: the Biot's poroelastic constants, porosity, permeability, pore fluid compressibility and viscosity. Modelling shows that velocity and attenuation dispersion obtained using the reformulated BISQ theory are of the same order of magnitude as those obtained using the original BISQ theory. Investigation on permeability effect on velocity and attenuation dispersion indicate that the transition zone in velocity and attenuation peak, occurring both at the relaxation frequency, shifts toward high frequency when permeability decreases. This behaviour agrees with Biot's theory prediction.  相似文献   

— Pressure-induced variations in pore geometry were studied on dry- and fluid- saturated samples by means of electrical impedance spectroscopy and permeability measurements. Hydrostatic pressures (up to 120 MPa) and uniaxial pressures (up to failure) were applied. Hydrostatic pressures reduce the aspect ratio of cracks and thus cause a decrease of permeability and electrical bulk conductivity. The opposite was observed in uniaxial pressure experiments where new cracks were formed and consequently permeability and electrical conductivity were increased. More specific informations of these generated observations were derived from the interpretation of the frequency dispersion of the complex electrical conductivity. This least-squares-refinement considers electrochemical interactions between the fluid pore electrolyte and the inner surface of the sample, thus providing informations on the pore geometry and pressure-induced variations. Consequently changes in aspect ratio, size and geometry of the pore system can be detected by means of impedance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of a tunnel buried in a two-dimensional poroelastic soil layer subjected to a moving point load was investigated theoretically. The tunnel was simplified as an infinite long Euler–Bernoulli beam, which was placed parallel to the traction-free ground surface. The saturated layer was governed by Biot’s theory. Combined with the specified boundary conditions along the beam and saturated poroelastic layer, the coupled equations of the system were solved analytically in the frequency–wavenumber domain based on Fourier transform. The time domain responses were obtained by the fast inverse Fourier transform. The critical velocity of the considered structure was determined from the dispersion curves. The different dynamic characteristics of the elastic soil medium and the saturated poroelastic medium subjected to the underground moving load were investigated. It is concluded that, for coarse materials or fine materials subjected to the high-velocity loading, models ignoring the coupling effects between the pore fluid and the soil skeleton may cause errors. The shear modulus and the permeability coefficients of the saturated soil as well as the load moving velocity had significant influence on the displacement and pore pressure responses.  相似文献   

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