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由多个地震震源机制解求川滇地区平均应力场方向   总被引:25,自引:7,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
钟继茂  程万正 《地震学报》2006,28(4):337-346
基于震源断层面解的空间取向和断层滑动方向,写出相应力轴张量在地理坐标系中的表达式,进而给出计算平均力轴张量及主值的方法,即通过求解相应的本征方程得到. 对使用多个震源机制解的T,B,P轴参数计算平均应力场的方法,以用滑动方向拟合法反演富蕴、唐山地区平均应力场数据进行验证,二者结果一致. 选择具有地震构造意义的地块或地震带内大量地震的震源机制解研究区域平均应力场. 根据川滇13个地震带(区)的256次中强地震的震源机制解,给出了各带(区)应力张量的定量分析结果. 该方法算法简便,使由大量地震震源机制解资料分析构造应力场的方法走向定量化.   相似文献   

利用地震P波的初动符号测定出地震的震源机制解,进而推断构造活动区的区域应力场,一直是地震学的重要课题。 为了研究喜马拉雅弧形地带的构造应力场,本文采用了G.Vasseur等人提出的求综合断层面解的定量方法。它以每个震源机制解的两个节面解(断层面和辅助面)作为基本资料,试图求出该地区的统一应力场。这个应力场能够较一致地符合各个地震的节面解。  相似文献   

本文在分析晋陕断陷带1965年以来的地震P波初动资料的基础上,通过单个震源机制解的统计分析、构造分区地震综合断层节面解、震源机制分区地震综合断层节面解,讨论了该断陷带的现代构造应力场与地震断错类型,讨论了区域构造应力场与局部构造应力场的关系及地震断错的应力状态.  相似文献   

利用福建地震台网记录的数字地震波形,采用基于P波初动和S/P振幅比(HASH)方法,反演了2010年8月至2014年12月间发生在福建仙游地区ML2.0级以上地震的震源机制解。结果表明,仙游地震序列中小地震震源机制解一致性较好,其节面走向、倾角及滑动角以及P、T轴优势分布十分明显。节面走向优势方向为北西向,与该区域沙县—南日岛断裂走向一致,震源破裂类型为近直立右旋走滑型。序列的发生主要受控于近南北向主压应力,与福建地区背景应力场方向存在一定差异。分析认为,仙游地震序列的发生主要受控于仙游地区小尺度区域的构造应力场,金钟水库水位变化与序列显著地震活动存在一定相关性,但对仙游地区构造应力场影响不明显。  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川九寨沟县发生M_S7.0地震。根据中国地震台网固定台站的记录波形,利用gCAP方法和P波初动符号反演方法求解了主震的震源机制解,其结果与哈佛CMT震源机制解、美国地质勘探局发布的震源机制以及中国地震局发布的各震源机制解有很好的一致性。此外,还求解了九寨沟地震震中附近2010—2016年间28次小震的震源机制解,利用得到的小震震源机制解反演了该区域的构造应力场。结果表明,这一区域构造应力场的最大应力轴与最小应力轴均为水平方向,其中最大应力轴方向为NWW方向,最小应力轴方向为SSW方向。  相似文献   

杨帆  盛书中  胡晓辉  崔华伟 《地震》2021,41(4):93-105
基于国家测震台网数据中心提供的波形资料, 采用gCAP方法反演2020年5月18日云南巧家M5.0地震及研究区域51次地震震源机制解, 并收集研究区域震源机制解50个。 采用网格搜索法反演区域构造应力场, 并对研究区域采用不同划分进行应力场反演。 获得以下结论: ① 主震震源机制解节面Ⅰ的走向、 倾角和滑动角分别为175°、 67°和-19°, 节面Ⅱ的走向、 倾角和滑动角分别为273°、 73°和-156°, 矩震级为4.97, 矩心深度为8.8 km。 表明主震属于兼具逆冲分量的走滑型地震; ② 震后区域应力场主压应力轴方位为NWW, 倾角接近水平, 主张应力轴方位为NNE, 倾角接近水平, 属于走滑型应力状态, 与周边地质构造运动状态相吻合; ③ 对研究区域采用不同划分所得应力场结果相差不大, 表明该区域应力场比较稳定, 受深大断裂带和震源机制解类型影响较小。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日四川汶川8.0级地震与部分余震的震源机制解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用区域和远台Pn或Pg初至波初动符号,利用下半球等面积投影,求解了2008年5月12日四川汶川8.0级地震和截止到2008年12月10日发生的部分4级以上余震的震源机制解。汶川8.0级地震的震源机制为:节面Ⅰ的走向为5°,倾角为48°,滑动角为39°;节面Ⅱ的走向为247°,倾角为62°,滑动角为131°。P轴方位角为309°,仰角为8°,T轴方位角为208°,仰角为54°,B轴方位角为44°,仰角为35°。结合地质构造和余震空间分布,可以确定节面Ⅱ为发震断层面。根据震源机制解,引发本次地震的断层活动主要表现为逆冲,主破裂面为S67°W与该地震所在断层的走向基本一致(断裂总体走向N45°E)[1];主压应力轴P轴为N51°W,主压应力轴P轴方位与该区域构造应力场方向基本一致。根据余震震源机制解结果,龙门山断裂带南段发生的余震与北段发生的余震的震源机制都具有优势分布,且两者差异明显。早期发生在南段的余震的破裂是以逆倾滑动为主,兼有走向滑动;而随着时间的推移,余震向北段迁移,在龙门山构造的北段地震震源的破裂方式以走向滑动为主,兼有一定的逆倾滑动;龙门构造带南段震源应力场受主震应力场的控制,而龙门构造带北段震源应力场不仅受区域应力场的影响,还受主震应力场的影响。  相似文献   

基于云南数字地震台网记录的2008年盈江地震序列的数字波形资料,采用波谱分析方法和Brune震源模型,得到盈江地震序列的震源参数。利用两次地震事件的相同台站的震源谱参数(零频振幅)计算谱振幅相关系数,据此对地震的震源机制进行聚类分组,并收集和对比地震序列已知的震源机制解结果,发现每组内震源机制解P轴的相关性较好,且相关系数越大,P轴的方位角就越接近。将盈江地区划分为三个研究区,联合震源参数的应力降和聚类分组中每组的平均震源机制解结果研究地震序列发生过程中应力的释放水平和应力场方向变化特征。结果表明:不同阶段震源机制解类型的变化和转化特征一定程度上反映了孕震过程中区域应力场随时间的变化特征,并且地震震源机制解类型在时间段上的集中并向区域构造应力场方向转换的现象可能是发生强震的标志。震源机制解分组类型和对应类型的地震的应力降有一定依赖关系,震源机制解类型反映的应力场与区域应力场接近的地震应力降高,震源机制解类型反映的应力场与区域应力场差距较大的地震应力降普遍较低。  相似文献   

杨彦明  黄世源  戴勇  王磊 《地震》2021,41(2):29-46
本文基于新疆、 西藏区域数字地震台网波形数据, 利用gCAP反演方法和空间格点搜索算法获得2020年6月26日于田MS6.4地震矩心的空间位置为35.649°N, 82.339°E, 深度为5 km。 最佳震源机制解节面Ⅰ走向166°, 倾角59°, 滑动角-144°; 节面Ⅱ走向26°, 倾角38°, 滑动角-55°, 矩震级为MW6.21。 根据不同震源机制解结果, 获得中心震源机制解和标准差, 表明震源机制解较为稳定和可靠。 使用H-C方法进行地震发震断层的快速判断, 显示节面Ⅱ为发震断层面。 综合震源区地质构造特征、 余震序列的空间分布和区域构造应力场特征, 最终推断此次地震断层面为节面Ⅱ, 阿尔金断裂西段是发震断层, 震源机制解显示以正滑为主, 是一次张性破裂地震事件, 属于阿尔金断裂西段强烈活动的响应。  相似文献   

王卫东  王平 《内陆地震》1999,13(1):25-31
利用陕西省地震台网及邻省地震台的P波被动资料求得泾阳MS4.8地震的震源机制解。其节面Ⅰ应为该次地震的主破裂面,渭河断裂为发震断裂,主应力方向与华北地区应力场的方向一致,说明地震受华北区域应力场的控制,与华北地区进入新的地震活跃期相应,可能预示陕西关中地区地震活动性将有所增强。  相似文献   

On 16th September 2013, an M5.1 earthquake occurred in Badong County, Hubei Province, which is the biggest one since the first water impounding in 2003 in the head region of the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The crustal velocity information is needed to determine the earthquake location and focal mechanism. By comparison, the 1-D velocity structure model from Zhao was adopted in this study. Double difference location method was applied to determine the precise locations of the M5.1 earthquake sequence. Relocation results show that the dominant distribution of this sequence is along NEE direction. In order to understand its seismogenic structure, focal depth profiles were made. Profile AA' was along the sequence distribution, and the earthquake sequence extended about 12km. Focal depth of mainshock is deeper than that of aftershocks, and earthquake rupture propagated laterally southwestward. The seismic profile BB' and CC' were perpendicular to profile AA', which represent the dip direction. Both profiles show that the focal depth becomes deeper toward southeast, and dip angle is about 50°. It means that the possible seismogenic fault strikes NEE and dips southeast. Focal mechanism could provide more information for judging the seismogenic structures. Many methods could obtain the focal mechanism, such as P-wave first motion method, CAP method, and some other moment tensor methods. In this paper, moment tensor inversion program made by Yagi Y is adopted. 12 regional seismic stations ranging from 100~400km are picked up, and before the inversion, we removed the mean and trend. The seismic waveforms were band pass filtered between 0.05 and 0.2Hz, and then integrated into displacement. Green's functions were calculated using the discrete wavenumber method developed by Kohketsu. The focal mechanism of the M5.1 mainshock manifests that the NEE-striking fault plane probably is the possible seismogenic fault, which is consistent with the analysis of focal depth profiles. The focal mechanisms of the ML≥2.0 aftershocks are retrieved by P-wave first motion method, and the nodal plane I is in accordance with the earthquake sequence distribution and the fault plane of the mainshock. FMSI program was adopted to inverse the stress field in the earthquake area, and the results show that the earthquake sequence is under the control of the regional stress field. The earthquake sequence occurred on the stage of slow water unloading, and ETAS model was introduced to testify the influences of water level fluctuations on earthquakes. The results denote that the reservoir played a triggering role in the earthquake, however, the NEE-striking seismogenic fault is the controlling factor.  相似文献   

Using the seismic waveform data recorded by regional seismic network of Yunnan and Sichuan and the method of CAP, we calculate and obtain the focal mechanism of 268 earthquakes with the magnitude of ML≥4.0 occurring in Yunnan during Jan. 1999 to Aug. 2014; then, we analyze the types and the regional feature of the focal mechanism of earthquakes in Yunnan, on the basis of the focal mechanism of 109 earthquakes analyzed by Harvard University. Based on the data of the above focal mechanism solutions, we adopt the method of damped regional-scale stress inversion to calculate the best-fitting tectonic stress tensor of every grid in Yunnan; and adopt the method of maximum principal stress to calculate the direction of maximum horizontal principal stress in Yunnan. The result shows that: (1)the strike-slip type is the most principal type of the earthquake focus in the study area and the second is the normal faulting type; while, the reverse-fault type is relatively small. The spatial distribution of focal mechanism is obvious. This reflects that the dynamic source and acting force are different in different parts of the study area. (2)The direction of the stress field in Yunnan shows a certain spatial continuity. Maximum horizontal principal compressive stress is mainly clockwise from north to south and counterclockwise from the west to the east. The direction of stress field shows inhomogeneity in space. There exist two stress conversion zones respectively in EW and NS direction. The inversion result of stress field shows that the stress field in Yunnan is complex and the principal stress direction changes greatly; and there are obvious differences in different regions.  相似文献   

利用区域地震台网数字波形资料,对2017年9月23日朝鲜ML3.4地震进行地震矩张量反演计算与参数稳定性评估,获得了此次地震的震源机制解.结果表明,地震矩心深度为3 km,标量地震矩为1.34×1014 N·m,矩震级为MW3.4.地震矩张量结果分解后,双力偶分量(DC)为96.4%,补偿线性矢量偶极分量(CLVD)为-0.8%,震源体体积变化的各向同性分量(ISO)为-2.8%.主压应力P轴方位角为144°,倾角为74°,主张应力T轴方位角为341°,倾角为15°.其中一个节面的参数为:走向248°,倾向60°,滑动角-94°.地震震源体积变化分量很小,震源机制类型属于典型的由断层剪切位错引起的正断层型地震事件,且主张应力T轴方向与区域近地表应变率场方向一致.由于朝鲜2017年9月3日核试验释放的能量对局部区域应力场进行了扰动,致使核试验场附近地壳岩体处于破裂的临界状态,2017年9月23日朝鲜ML3.4地震事件可能是区域应力场作用下的一次山体滑动事件.  相似文献   

A MS6.0 earthquake with shallow focal depth of 16km struck Changning County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province at 22:55: 43(Beijing Time)on 17 June 2019. Although the magnitude of the earthquake is moderate, it caused heavy casualties and property losses to Changning County and its surrounding areas. In the following week, a series of aftershocks with MS≥4.0 occurred in the epicentral area successively. In order to better understand and analyze the seismotectonic structure and generation mechanism of these earthquakes, in this paper, absolute earthquake location by HYPOINVERSE 2000 method is conducted to relocate the main shock of MS6.0 in Changning using the seismic phase observation data provided by Sichuan Earthquake Administration, and focal mechanism solutions for Changning MS6.0 main shock and MS≥4.0 aftershocks are inferred using the gCAP method with the local and regional broadband station waveforms recorded by the regional seismic networks of Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Chongqing Municipality, and Guizhou Province. The absolute relocation results show that the epicenter of the main shock is located at 28.35°N, 104.88°E, and it occurred at an unusual shallow depth about only 6.98km, which could be one of the most significant reasons for the heavier damage in the Changning and adjoining areas. The focal plane solution of the Changning MS6.0 earthquake indicates that the main shock occurred at a thrust fault with a left-lateral strike-slip component. The full moment tensor solution provided by gCAP shows that it contains a certain percentage of non-double couple components. After the occurrence of the main shock, a series of medium and strong aftershocks with MS≥4.0 occurred continuously along the northwestern direction, the fault plane solutions for those aftershocks show mostly strike-slip and thrust fault-type. It is found that the mode of focal mechanism has an obvious characteristic of segmentation in space, which reflects the complexity of the dislocation process of the seismogenic fault. It also shows that the Changning earthquake sequences occurred in the shallow part of the upper crust. Combining with the results from the seismic sounding profile in Changning anticline, which is the main structure in the focal area, this study finds that the existence of several steep secondary faults in the core of Changning anticline is an important reason for the diversity of focal mechanism of aftershock sequences. The characteristics of regional stress field is estimated using the STRESSINVERSE method by the information of focal mechanism solutions from our study, and the results show that the Changning area is subject to a NEE oriented maximum principal stress field with a very shallow dipping and near-vertical minimum principal stress, which is not associated with the results derived from other stress indicators. Compared with the direction of the maximum principal compressive stress axis in the whole region, the direction of the stress field in the focal area rotates from the NWW direction to the NEE direction. The Changning MS6.0 earthquake locates in the area with complex geological structure, where there are a large number of small staggered fault zones with unstable geological structure. Combining with the direction of aftershocks distribution in Changning area, we infer that the Changning MS6.0 earthquake is generated by rupturing of the pre-existing fault in the Changning anticline under the action of the overall large stress field, and the seismogenic fault is a high dip-angle thrust fault with left-lateral strike-slip component, trending NW.  相似文献   

采用前人反演得到的云南禄劝地震的地震矩张量和主震及部分余震的震源机制解,以该主震震中为中心在全球CMT目录中查询到的部分地震的震源机制解,先将地震矩张量转化为震源机制解,运用精细网格搜索反演方法将震源机制解反演得到禄劝地震和其周边地区的应力场。对反演得出的两个应力场进行差异性对比研究,结果表明禄劝地震震源处主压应力场为NNW—SSE向,主压应力与主张应力相当,周边地区的主压应力方向为NW—SE,断层破裂面倾角大,以走滑正断层为主,主压应力占优势。但是由于云南地区主要由NNW—SSE和NW—SE方向的主压应力控制,并受本文所选的周边地区的经纬度及所处地区的控制,所以该区域在总体上受NW—SE方向的压应力控制,局部地区受NNW—SSE方向的压应力控制。该结果可以用来分析该地区的地震地质背景和断层形成条件,对地球动力环境的研究有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Introduction With the model of double couple point source, both orientations of the T, B, and P axes of a single focal mechanism solution and parameters of the two nodal planes may be determined. The focal mechanism solution under ″the model of the best double couple″ can also be given by seis- mic moment tensor, such as those provided by Harvard CMT solutions. The orientations of the T, B, and P axes from one earthquake are associated with the released stress, but they cannot be re- gar…  相似文献   

震源机制解,即对地震矩张量的推断,对于地震研究具有至关重要的意义.应变地震观测是张量观测,与摆式地震仪的位移矢量观测不同,可以为地震研究提供新的数据源.本文讨论用应变地震观测求解震源矩张量的基本原理.在距离震源足够远的地方,地震波可以看成平面波,其性质决定于震源矩张量.假设平面地震波的应变张量可以由震源矩张量通过坐标变换计算得到,就可以通过观测应变地震波求解震源机制.这个假设至少对于双力偶震源机制是成立的.由此可以证明,在理想的无限介质中,只要有两个以上不同地点的应变地震波观测,就可以解出震源矩张量.这为解决震源机制问题提供了新的方法.目前的地震矩张量求解方法需要两方面的条件:或者需要很多观测点(例如体波反演),或者需要长周期地震波资料(例如面波反演).这些方法只适用于分析比较大的地震.对于小震,因为通常其震中周围不会有足够多的摆式地震仪观测点观测到其地震波,而地震波周期又短,难以利用传统方法给出可靠的震源机制解,所以只需少数观测点就能求解震源矩张量的新方法特别有意义.用应变地震观测求解震源机制,可以给出更为精确的结果.  相似文献   

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