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基于济南S波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达探测数据,结合卫星、探空和地面实况资料,对2020年8月6日发生在山东曲阜一带的强降水风暴合并前后双偏振参量特征和微物理特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)云带之间产生多次合并,合并后风暴加强发展,产生较大的分钟降水量和累计降水量。(2)新生单体最典型的双偏振特征是具有大的ZDRCC,以少许液态粒子为主;新生单体迅速发展过程中上升气流强度明显加强,出现明显的KDP柱和ZDR柱,液态粒子浓度明显增大并出现偏大的液态粒子。(3)合并后发展的主要特征是,风暴顶高、强回波区顶高和KDP柱明显增高,-10℃层高度以下,特别是在风暴底层KDP值明显增大。(4)合并之后风暴发展最典型的微物理特征是,-10℃层高度之下液态雨滴粒子浓度迅速增大,-10℃层高度之上冰晶或霰粒子层的厚度明显增大。发展旺盛的风暴中、低层有丰富的液态水,风暴高层含有丰富的冰相粒子,从而导致风暴产生高强度降水。  相似文献   

A mobile C-band dual polarimetric weather radar J type (PCDJ), which adopts simultaneous transmission and simultaneous reception (STSR) of horizontally and vertically polarized signals, was first developed in China in 2008. It was deployed in the radar observation plan in the South China Heavy Rainfall Experiment (SCHeREX) in the summer of 2008 and 2009, as well as in Tropical Western Pacific Ocean Observation Experiments and Research on the Predictability of High Impact Weather Events from 2008 to 2010 in China (TWPOR). Using the observation data collected in these experiments, the radar systematic error and its sources were analyzed in depth. Meanwhile an algorithm that can smooth differential propagation phase (ФDP) for estimating the high-resolution specific differential phase (KDP) was developed. After attenuation correction of reflectivity in horizontal polarization (ZH) and differential reflectivity (ZDR) of PCDJ radar by means of KDP, the data quality was improved significantly. Using quality-controlled radar data, quantitative rainfall estimation was performed, and the resutls were compared with rain-gauge measurements. A synthetic ZH/KDP-based method was analyzed. The results suggest that the synthetic method has the advantage over the traditional ZH-based method when the rain rate is >5 mm h-1. The more intensive the rain rates, the higher accuracy of the estimation.  相似文献   

该文利用务川C波段双偏振雷达和常规资料分析了2021年3月30日贵州西北部一次冰雹天气的成因和偏振参量特征。研究表明,当日贵州处于低层气旋性切变和高层强正涡度平流区域内,贵州东北部有中等到强的垂直风切变,且发现干舌与地面辐合线相交处有利于激发强烈的上升气流。强回波成熟阶段,最大水平反射率因子达到70 dBz,并出现钩状回波、三体散射长钉、有界弱回波区和回波悬垂现象。偏振参量分析表明,此次过程出现冰雹时,ZH值在60 dBz以上,ZDR值较低在-2~1.75 dB,对于湿冰雹ZDR值偏高在3~6 dB,KDP值在0 dB左右,伴有强降水时KDP值较大在2~6 °/km,CC值较低在0.85~0.93。在湿球0 ℃高度以上出现了伴随强上升气流的ZDR柱和KDP柱。三体散射长钉在ZDR和CC图中有很好的体现,且CC图中还出现非均匀波束充塞现象。  相似文献   

范根昌  樊嵘  王梧熠 《气象科学》2021,41(2):278-284
选取河北邢台X波段双线偏振全固态多普勒雷达观测到的典型降水过程资料,分析了偏振参量的数据质量及系统稳定性,用ΦDPZHZDR进行了初步的衰减订正,并对订正结果进行了评估。结果表明,724XSP双偏振雷达初始相位ΦDP(0)随仰角、方位的变化都是较为稳定的,波动较小。分析垂直扫描数据,发现ZDR和CC能较好地反映降水粒子的实际情况。信噪比是影响偏振数据质量的重要因素,当信躁比大于15 dB时,ZDR、CC随信噪比变化比较平稳,数据质量可信度较高。双偏振雷达反射率因子衰减订正后与S波段雷达的拟合效果更好,相关系数为0.78,订正后ZDR-ZH散点分布更接近散射模式计算出的理论结果,说明订正效果好。  相似文献   

沈雁 《大气科学学报》1997,20(4):487-492
给出HⅢ(2n)中元素的一种标准化表示,HⅢ(2n)={Z∈C2n×2n|1/2(Z+Z'')>0,ZJ=JZ''},J=0 In-In 0,1/2(Z+Z)>0表示矩阵1/2(Z+z'')是正定的。  相似文献   

江淮之间夏季雨滴谱特征分析   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
分析了2011—2013年夏季(6—8月)滁州地基雨滴谱观测资料,根据雨强及其随时间的变化将降水分成对流降水和层云降水,分析不同降水类型的雨滴谱特征。结果表明:滁州地区对流降水的质量加权直径Dm和标准化参数lgNw的平均值分别为1.67 mm和3.91 mm-1·m-3,层云降水Dm和lgNw的平均值分别为1.18 mm和3.57 mm-1·m-3,对流降水雨滴平均尺度更大。Nw相比Γ分布参数N0能更好地反映总数浓度Nt的大小。Γ分布3参数均随雨强的增大而减小,当雨强增长到一定程度时,μ(谱型)和Λ(斜率)趋于常数。研究了μ-Λ关系和Z(反射率因子)-R(雨强)关系。对流降水和层云降水的Z-R关系分别为Z=408R1.20Z=301R1.21。新的Z-R关系和经典Z-R关系(Z=300R1.40)反演的雨强相比实际观测值均偏小,但新的Z-R关系反演的雨强与实际观测值更接近。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、0.25°×0.25° FNL资料、微波辐射计资料和风廓线雷达资料,对发生在苏南的两次回流天气过程的环流特征、大气层结特征等进行分析。结果表明:高纬度地区500 hPa是两槽一脊的环流形势,近地面层持续受东北风影响,西南暖湿气流在底层冷垫上爬升,是回流降雪天气形势;从东北平原回流南下的冷空气湿度小,在降水中只起到了"冷垫"的作用。中低层西南暖湿气流差异导致两次降雪强度存在差异;近地面层的降温在雨和雪的区分判别上影响更大,统计2012—2022年初苏南地区8个降雪个例发现,苏南地区,满足T850≤-4 ℃,T925≤-3 ℃,T1 000≤1 ℃,T2 m≤2 ℃这样的温度阈值条件时开始雨转降雪;当1 515 gpm≤H700-850≤1 575 gpm,1 289 gpm≤H850-1 000≤1 317 gpm时,相态易由雨转雪。中低层西南气流、底层东北风的加强,2 000 m左右高度风场的转变,短波槽(或切变线)触发了不稳定能量的释放,导致降雪发生;当中低层西南气流减弱转为西北气流后,大气水汽含量降低,降雪结束。  相似文献   

With two cases of local tropical disturbances in both developed and undeveloped phases, contributions to the genesis and development by kinetic formation and transfer from divergent and nondivergent winds are studied using energy budget equations. Computations are done of conversion kinetic energy between the two types of winds. The result indicates that the subgrid scale effect is the principal source of kinetic energy for a tropical cyclone to grow into a typhoon; the cumulus convection plays a dominant role, in company of relatively weaker contributions on vdrious phases of the life cycle by convergence of fluxes of divergent and nondivergent winds as well as the formation of kinetic energy by the former wind. It is also suggested that the conversion of kinetic energy between the divergent and nondivergent winds C(Kx, Kψ)is increasing with the development of disturbance mainly due to the contribution by C1=fΧ▽ψ. The disturbance is shown in the distribution of C(Kx, Kψ) to increase in a favorable anticyclonic outflow corresponding to the upper level where the conversion becomes negative in developing and mature phases while the wind velocity increases with enhanced conversion fr0m Kx to Kψ the lower level in association with the growth of the disturbance. In addition,geopotential energy P converts to kinetic energy of the divergent wind in every stage from formation to mature of the disturbance by means of C(P, Kx), the maximum appearing on the middle and upper layers of the troposphere.The intensity of C(P, Kx) is consistently in phase with variation of C(Kx, Kψ).  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、地面自动站资料、欧洲再分析资料(ERA5 025°×025°),对2020年1月5—7日河南省强雨雪过程中雨雪相态多次转换成因进行分析。结果表明:500 hPa高空低槽、中低层切变线、西南(东南)暖湿急流与低层冷空气在强雨雪区交汇为强雨雪提供了动力、水汽条件,亦为雨雪相态转换提供了有利的温度条件。冷空气分别从东路和中路南下影响河南,导致近地层明显降温是雨转雨夹雪或雪的主要原因之一,而冷空气的强度和厚度是决定降水相态的关键因子。中层和近地面暖层厚度对降水相态至关重要。本次过程降水相态为纯雪时,冰雪层和冰水混合层厚度超过2 980 gpm,中层无暖层,近地面0 ℃线低于975 hPa;降水相态为雨夹雪时,有时无冰雪层,冰水混合层厚度超过1 400 gpm,中层有时有暖层,但整层暖层厚度在900~1 330 gpm;雨转雨夹雪发生在地面气温低于21 ℃时,雨夹雪出现在地面气温11~21 ℃时;纯雪发生在地面气温≤11 ℃时。  相似文献   

利用Micaps常规资料,对2014年10月10-13日青海东部地区出现的一次历史同期少见的寒潮背景下雨转暴雪天气过程的环流形势、水汽输送以及雨转雪过程中温度的垂直结构特征等方面进行了分析,结果表明:前期特别是近地面层气温背景与不同相态降水的发生与转换关系密切,青海东部地面气温大于3℃时,降水性质以雨为主;当地面气温介与2~3℃之间,降水性质为雨夹雪;气温小于2℃,降水性质为雪;降水相态变化与700h Pa 0℃线位置存在相关。  相似文献   

高原东侧川渝盆地东西部夏季降水及其大尺度环流特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用我国台站降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析比较了高原东侧川渝盆地东、西部夏季降水及其大尺度环流特征。主要结论为:(1)1951-2004年来,盆西夏季降水总体呈减少趋势,盆东则呈增加趋势;盆地东西部夏季降水主要呈反位相变化,20世纪90年代以来最常见的两种雨型是西少东多、东西部一致偏少。(2)位于北半球中高纬度的乌拉尔山高脊、巴尔喀什湖至贝加尔湖之间的低压槽以及亚洲东部高脊的两脊一槽环流型发展、西太平洋副热带高压偏北,是盆西多雨年的环流背景。(3)乌拉尔山、巴尔喀什湖、西伯利亚地区的高脊偏强,贝加尔湖一线以南直到盆东附近地区上空为槽区,东亚中高纬地区以经向型环流为主,西太平洋副热带高压偏南,是盆东多雨年的环流背景。(4)亚欧大陆中高纬环流形势的显著不同,是盆地东西部夏季降水发生年代际变化的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

本文利用统计模型、线性拟合和相关分析方法,对气温、降水资料的时空分布和相互间的相关性进行了计算,分析了黑龙江省气候特点。结果表明,黑龙江省气温持续显著升高,主要是最低气温和冬季气温显著升高影响;气温、降水在空间上存在正、负相关区域。  相似文献   

利用1982-2005年的归一化植被指数(NDVI)和气象资料,研究了天山北麓各地区不同植被类型ND-VI的年际变化特征及其对气候因子的响应.结果表明:1)近24 a来天山北麓各地区植被指数在波动中有所增长.2)不同植被类型对气候因子的响应不同,但各类型植被NDVI都与气温和降水存在着明显的正相关关系.3)平原区植被指数增幅大于山区植被指数增幅,说明植被生长不仅受自然因素影响,也受人为因素影响.  相似文献   

Three years (2008–2011) of direct current measurements from a mooring array deployed at the western Yucatan Channel (defined west of 85.6°W) and along the eastern Campeche Bank captured the main characteristics of the Yucatan and Loop Currents and the eddies associated with them. The array was deployed to provide upstream conditions in support of the Loop Current Dynamics Experiment. A substantial portion (60–80%) of the variance at the mooring sections is related to horizontal shifts of the currents due to meanders and eddies. Time-frequency analysis indicates that the velocity time-series are “event dominated”, with higher variability at low-frequencies (40–100 days or longer periods) but with a substantial contribution at higher frequencies (5–25 days periods) particularly strong from October to March. The vertical structure and time evolution of the eddy kinetic energy in a developing Campeche Bank cyclone suggest baroclinic instability dynamics are relevant for its development. Four Loop Current eddies (Cameron, Darwin, Ekman and Franklin) separated during 2008–2011. Ekman and Franklin were particularly dominated by a cyclone associated with a meander trough of the southward flowing branch of the Loop Current (Donohue et al., 2016a, Donohue et al., 2016b) and weaker Campeche Bank cyclones. For Cameron and Darwin, Campeche Bank cyclonic anomalies appear to be nearly as strong as the ones coming from the eastern side of the Loop Current. Eastward shifts of the Yucatan and Loop Currents observed over the sections appear to be linked to vorticity perturbations propagating from the Caribbean and precede several eddy detachments; their significance for the generation of Campeche Bank cyclones and eddy shedding remains to be determined.Time-series of Yucatan Current transport, vorticity fluctuations and Loop Current northward extension during the 3 deployment periods only depict positive correlation in two of them. Given the wide spectrum of variability, much more data are required to determine if a statistically robust relation exists among these variables. Our results clearly illustrate the complexity of the flow in this region and that it is difficult to single out a dominant mechanism that can explain all Loop Current eddy detachments.  相似文献   

用溶液培养法对硼和光照与小麦生长发育及结实率的关系进行了试验研究。结果表明:缺硼小麦株高和干物重下降;光照减弱,小麦干物质和株高明显降低。相反较高硼的供给可以增强小麦的抗逆性。缺硼严重影响小麦结实率,甚至导致小麦不结实;在相同供硼水平下,小麦硼积累量随光照减弱而降低。  相似文献   

降水与副热带高压位置和强度变化的数值模拟   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用国家气象中心的T63业务数值模式,通过不同的对流潜热加热的敏感性试验,研宄降水对西太平洋反气旋中、短期运动的影响.结果表明,非绝热加热在垂直方向的不均匀将引起加热区附近风场的变化,从而影响到副热带高压位置和强度的改变.而副热带高压的变化又会反过来影响降水区位置的变化.由此证明,在中短期过程中,降水与副高之间存在着相互作用.  相似文献   

气象水文灾害的防灾减灾教育培训新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要综述了第十届世界气象组织教育与培训大会的主题报告内容.本次大会主要讨论防灾减灾的气象水文教育与培训等问题,集中讨论了"备灾-预防和早期预警"、"减灾-应急、救援和重建"和"跨学科培训"等3个主题,强调集合数值预报系统对于估计出现极端天气事件的风险非常重要,同时必须培训气象、水文工作者使用集合预报中的概率预报信息.中国气象灾害监测、预测和预警已经从单纯提供一般意义上的气象灾害信息提升到有利于社会经济发展的气象灾害服务,既考虑自然因子也考虑经济发展的影响.在跨学科培训方面,将管理知识和气象知识结合起来,可以取得非常好的效果.大会建议提高世界气象组织区域培训中心以及各国气象水文部门培训单位的培训能力,主要通过提供防灾减灾的专门培训单元,对自然灾害风险管理短期课程进行指导,重视各国气象水文部门对于管理和传播领域培训的需求.  相似文献   

In the 1960s North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SST) cooled rapidly. The magnitude of the cooling was largest in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG), and was coincident with a rapid freshening of the SPG. Here we analyze hindcasts of the 1960s North Atlantic cooling made with the UK Met Office’s decadal prediction system (DePreSys), which is initialised using observations. It is shown that DePreSys captures—with a lead time of several years—the observed cooling and freshening of the North Atlantic SPG. DePreSys also captures changes in SST over the wider North Atlantic and surface climate impacts over the wider region, such as changes in atmospheric circulation in winter and sea ice extent. We show that initialisation of an anomalously weak Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), and hence weak northward heat transport, is crucial for DePreSys to predict the magnitude of the observed cooling. Such an anomalously weak AMOC is not captured when ocean observations are not assimilated (i.e. it is not a forced response in this model). The freshening of the SPG is also dominated by ocean salt transport changes in DePreSys; in particular, the simulation of advective freshwater anomalies analogous to the Great Salinity Anomaly were key. Therefore, DePreSys suggests that ocean dynamics played an important role in the cooling of the North Atlantic in the 1960s, and that this event was predictable.  相似文献   

介绍了3T测风图的制作原理及其在2000年7月3-7日河南省连续性大暴雨过程中的应用结果。  相似文献   

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