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广义湿位涡与暴雨落区预报的诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
段廷扬  邓国  王东海 《大气科学》2007,31(6):1301-1307
探讨了广义湿位涡理论及其倾向方程在暴雨落区预报方面的可应用性,为非均匀饱和广义湿位涡理论的业务应用提供了新的思路。 资料诊断结果表明, 非均匀饱和大气中的广义湿位涡虽然不具有守恒性, 但由于其体现了实际大气的非均匀饱和特性,尤其是水汽梯度效应的引入,使得广义湿位涡的异常在对流层低层能比较清楚地反映出暴雨发生时期的高水汽集中的特性和机制,有效地反映出暴雨区以及暴雨落区的变化。   相似文献   

凝结几率函数的引进和非均匀饱和湿空气动力学方程组   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
引进凝结几率函数,并摈弃“凝结过程开始于某个临界的相对值”的假定,使湿空气动力学研究摆脱整个大气总是处处维持饱和的不合理要求,建立了非均匀饱和湿空气动力学方程组,并在一定的假设下给出了方程组的一些简化形式。  相似文献   

周玉淑  朱科锋 《气象学报》2010,68(5):612-616
实际大气既非完全是干空气,也不是处处达到饱和的湿空气,而是处于含有水汽但又不饱和的湿空气状态。基于这样一种湿大气状态,在湿大气中广义位温定义的基础上,对不同暴雨类型的广义位温与干大气的位温及饱和湿大气的相当位温做了比较。对2003年江淮流域暴雨过程、2004年华北一次暴雨过程以及2006年碧利斯台风中的位温、相当位温和广义位温分布的对比分析表明:即使是在暴雨系统中,湿空气的相对湿度也不一定达到100%,饱和湿空气相当位温的引入条件不能完全满足。而广义位温的定义用一个表达式就可以表示出于大气、未饱和湿大气以及饱和湿大气这3种大气状态的位温,位温和相当位温则是广义位温的特殊情况。当大气比湿为零时,广义位温就变成位温;当大气比湿达到饱和后,广义位温就变成相当位温。除了可以衔接干大气位温和饱和湿大气的相当位温外,广义位温包含了水汽由干到湿再到饱和的变化过程,更好地体现了大气中水汽的实际分布和变化特征。  相似文献   

相当湿位涡异常与梅雨锋暴雨分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于位涡异常与中尺度对流系统发展密切相关的分析事实,以及中尺度天气的发生发展的过程中水汽的重要作用,在引入水汽变化方程的基础上,导出了非均匀饱和大气中的相当湿位涡方程,进而分析了引起相当湿位涡异常的主要因子。依据相当湿位涡包含动力因子、热力因子和水汽因子的特点,利用相当湿位涡及增量对一次梅雨锋暴雨进行诊断和模拟分析,初步揭示了相当湿位涡及其增量对梅雨锋强降水的指示意义,相当湿位涡及其增量大值区对未来1~3小时的强降水具有较好的指示作用。针对梅雨锋暴雨,可以将梅雨湿度锋与相当湿位涡相结合作为强降水短时临近预报的一个指标。   相似文献   

大气运动包含着动力学和热力学过程。热力学过程受许多气象因素制约,其中水汽的时空变化极大,水汽的作用使热力学过程趋于复杂化。非绝热过程是影响大气运动演变至关重要的因素,大尺度气流对非绝热强迫的反应可在几天后出现。在物理量诊断分析及数值预报模式的设计中,均要考虑大气中辐射盈亏、水汽凝结和感热输送等物理过程。本讲分两部分:第一部分主要介绍大气中的热力保守量的计算以及构造γ_m 曲线(湿绝  相似文献   

关于湿大气动力学的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从理论上叙述与饱和湿空气有关的热力学和动力学特征,并从湿绝热、湿能量、湿斜压和湿大气运动方程组等论述湿大气动力学的几个基本问题.  相似文献   

水汽凝结过程与高低空急流对冷锋环流的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
吕克利  赵德明 《大气科学》1997,21(3):317-323
文中利用包括水汽凝结过程的湿大气原始方程模式,研究了高空西风急流和低空南风急流中冷锋环流和垂直运动场的演变,计算结果显示:水汽凝结过程的加入,使锋区垂直运动和锋面环流大大增强,上升运动随时间发生剧烈的变化;湿过程对锋面环流的作用发生在水汽饱和并发生凝结之后,未饱和水汽的存在对锋面环流没有什么作用;与干大气模式中高空西风急流是造成冷锋环流演变的主要因子情况不同,低空南风急流在湿大气中对锋面环流有极为重要的作用,其作用至少与高空西风急流相等;在激发锋区重力波上,低空南风急流的作用可能更加明显;水汽凝结湿过程的加入,不论是在高空西风急流下还是在低空南风急流中,都能在锋区激发出波长约为300 km的重力波,并以大于锋面移速的相速传入暖区。  相似文献   

非均匀饱和广义湿位涡在暴雨分析与预测中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
考虑实际大气非均匀饱和特性, 通过引入广义位温及广义湿位涡方程, 对华北暴雨和江淮梅雨锋暴雨的发生及落区进行了广义湿位涡异常的诊断分析, 表明暴雨形成时大气低层有广义湿位涡的异常出现。对广义湿位涡倾向的计算表明:它对暴雨的发生有一定指示作用, 因而可利用广义湿位涡的异常来识别暴雨的出现。  相似文献   

从暴雨的基本特征来看,它似乎有些与干空气天气和动力学的固有特征不同。从热力学、动力学的基本理论研究出发,寻找反映这种特征的物理量,探讨这些物理量间的相互关系,并从理论上解释暴雨中的基本特征是当前暴雨研究中的基本问题之一。谢义炳教授提出的“湿斜压大气”是暴雨研究中的一个新方向。作者从饱和湿空气的热力学、动力学基本方程出发,并从暴雨的落区预报、动力分析、物理过程分析等方面探讨饱和湿空气斜压(简称湿斜压)大气的基本特征及其应用,其重要结果如下。  相似文献   

非均匀对流边界层的地转强迫流动和动量输送   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
蔡旭晖  陈家宜 《大气科学》2003,27(3):381-388
用大涡模拟方法研究地转强迫下的对流边界层流动和地表热力非均匀性影响.模拟重现了典型对流边界层的平均风廓线和动量通量垂直分布.地表热力非均匀性对区域平均风速和动量通量分布无明显影响,但边界层内的局地流动性状和湍流动量输送情况有系统性的改变.下风较热区近地面风速增强而高空流动受到阻塞,上风较冷区之上情况则正好相反.对应于平均流动场的畸变,地表较热区之上边界层大部可以出现动量向上输送的情况,较冷区成为大气动量下传的主要通道.地面应力在较热区增强、较冷区减弱的趋势明显.  相似文献   

The 1°×1° National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) data and mesoscale numerical simulation data are analyzed to reveal a mechanism for the formation of heavy rainfall in Northern China; this mechanism is the non-uniformly saturated instability induced by a dry intrusion. The dry intrusion and the accompanying downward transport of air with a high value of potential vorticity (PV) are maintained during the precipitation event. As the dry air intrudes down into the warm and moist sector in the lower troposphere, the cold, dry air and the warm, moist air mix with each other, and, as a result, the atmosphere becomes non-uniformly saturated. On the basis of this non-uniform saturation, a new Brunt-Vaisaila frequency (BVF) formula is derived and applied to the precipitation event. It is shown that, compared to the conditions of either a dry or a saturated atmosphere, the BVF in a non-uniformly saturated, moist atmosphere (BVF) may be more appropriate for depicting the atmospheric instability in rainy regions.  相似文献   

A generalized frontogenesis function and its application   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With the definition of generalized potential temperature, a new generalized frontogenesis function, which is expressed as the Lagrangian change rate of the magnitude of the horizontal generalized potential temperature gradient, is derived. Such a frontogenesis function is more appropriate for a real moist atmosphere because it can reflect frontogenesis processes, in which the atmosphere in a frontal zone is typically characterized by neither completely dry nor uniform saturation. Furthermore, by derivation, the expression of generalized frontogenesis function includes both temperature and humidity gradients, which is different from and superior to the traditional frontogenesis function in moist processes, which also uses equivalent potential temperature. Diagnostic studies of real cases are performed and show that the generalized frontogenesis function in non- uniformly saturated moist atmosphere indeed provides a useful tool for frontogenesis, compared to using the traditional frontogenesis function. The new frontogenesis function can be used in situations involving either a strong temperature or moisture gradient and is closely correlated with precipitation.  相似文献   

Basing on airmass motion trajectory calculations over the Arabian Peninsula on April 10, 2008, it can be assumed that in the lower and middle troposphere, zones with increased air moisture exist due to air inflow from the Red Sea. As a result, mesoscale volumes of dry and moist air are neighboring, though large-scale field is comparatively homogeneous with low humidity. In the mesoscale zones, intense thunderstorm and hailstorm Cb clouds developed, whose characteristics and evolution are studied in the paper. Continuous radar observations of the clouds are carried out during 5 hours. Numerical simulation of the cloud evolution is performed with nonstationary 1.5-dimensional model. It is noted that under the mentioned atmospheric conditions, in the area under consideration, heavy rain and hail from the Cb clouds are observed. The main factors of their origination are high thermal instability of the atmosphere and moist air inflow from outside.  相似文献   

Air humidity is an element that plays an important role among meteorological processes within the atmosphere; however, the variety of humidity indices makes the global view of air moisture changes difficult. Long-term variability of air humidity in Kraków was examined by time-series (1901–2000) analysis of vapour pressure and saturation deficit values and their characteristic days with the background of temperature and saturated vapour pressure changes. Long-term variability of air humidity in Kraków has been visible above all in variations of saturation deficit. It should be connected with the contemporary temperature growth and the city development as the atmospheric water vapour content (described by vapour pressure) becomes relatively stable (with no significant tendencies). The parameter showed well-marked trends over the examined period. The growth of saturation deficit values predominated in the warm half of a year (above all in August: an increase in SD value by 3.0 hPa per century). Apart from atmospheric circulation variability, gradual rise in the number of inhabitants and higher development density contributed to the decline in the city’s air humidity; however, the causes of changes in air humidity should be also attributed to natural factors, mainly to variation of air circulation reinforced by the operation of anthropogenic factors. Using air humidity as the indicator, the results that confirm climatic fluctuations in central Europe in the twentieth century obtained earlier were verified and some new aspects of present climate change were given.  相似文献   

湿急流的结构及形成过程   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
陶祖钰 《气象学报》1980,38(4):331-340
利用比较稠密的无线电探空和气球测风观测网,通过对华北夏季一次暴雨过程的三维流场和湿度场的分析,揭示了湿急流的结构和形成过程。湿急流是指低层空气在湿不稳定大气的上升过程中,不断加速形成一支斜穿整个对流层的自下而上的急流。在湿急流附近,凝结饱和区的分布和发展过程,似乎表明水汽在急流形成过程中起了一种主动作用。湿急流在对流层顶附近和副热带急流合併,并使副热带急流的动能增加。这似乎启示,湿斜压过程可能是大气环流中的基本过程之一。  相似文献   

干冷空气侵入在2005年12月山东半岛持续性降雪中的作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
乔林  林建 《气象》2008,34(7):27-33
利用常规资料和NCEP再分析资料分析了2005年12月山东半岛持续强降雪事件发生的环流背景及干冷空气活动特征,并运用湿位涡和锋生理论,研究了干冷空气在降雪事件中的作用.分析表明:低层湿度场的演变可以很好地反映山东半岛地区降雪的变化,但降雪事件与高层干冷空气紧密相连.对流层高层高位涡区与相对湿度小值区相对应,干空气主要来源于北侧(高纬度)对流层高层.高位涡区与低湿区都向下向南伸展,与低层MPV1<0的湿对称不稳定区对应.强降雪是低层饱和湿空气受地形强迫、锋生强迫的抬升作用及湿对称不稳定能量释放的共同作用造成的,而干冷空气的侵入是锋生和不稳定能量释放的触发机制.  相似文献   

甘肃南部主汛期强降水日数变化特征及其可能原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张夏琨  郭品文  张书余  王宝鉴 《气象》2012,38(4):490-494
根据甘肃省南部24个地面气象站1971-2010年逐日降水、武都高空探测和NCEP再分析资料,分析了甘肃南部主汛期强降水日数变化特征,探索了其形成的可能原因。结果表明,甘肃省南部地区主汛期强降水日数存在年际差异和年代际差异。其可能原因包括大气温湿场差异引起的大气潜在不稳定性差异、水汽条件的差异和大气动力作用的差异等。甘肃南部地区主汛期强降水日数偏多的年份,该地区大气中下部温度和相对湿度偏高,中上部温度和相对湿度偏低,小稳定指数K指数较大,这意味着大气中潜在的不稳定性较强,同时低层辐合高层辐散较强,有利于上升运动,导致强降水天气出现的几率偏大。  相似文献   

In this paper,the continuity and thermodynamic equations including moisture forcings were derived.Using these two equations and the basic momentum equation of local Cartesian coordinates,the budget equation of generalized moist potential vorticity(GMPV) was derived.The GMPV equation is a good generalization of the Ertel potential vorticity(PV) and moist potential vorticity(MPV) equations.The GMPV equation is conserved under adiabatic,frictionless,barotropic,or saturated atmospheric conditions,and it is closely associated with the horizontal frontogenesis and stability of the real atmosphere.A real case study indicates that term diabatic heating could be a useful diagnostic tool for heavy rainfall events.  相似文献   

Potential vorticity (PV) has been served as a powerful and useful dynamic tracer for the understanding of the large-scale dynamics and synoptic variations in the atmosphere and oceans. Significant progress has been made on the application of PV. In recent decades there has been a substantial amount of work done on PV in a general moist atmosphere. In this paper PV and the generalized moist potential vorticity (GMPV) and their application in the tropical cyclones and mesoscale meteorological field are reviewed. The GMPV is derived for a real atmosphere (neither totally dry nor saturated) by introducing a generalized potential temperature instead of the potential temperature or equivalent potential temperature. Such a generalization can depict the moist effect on PV anomaly in the non-uniformly saturated atmosphere. A new convective vorticity vector (CVV) is introduced in connection with GMPV in order to diagnose the development of tropical deep convections.  相似文献   

Because the real atmosphere is non-uniformly saturated, the generalized potential temperature is introduced. The convective vorticity vector, which can depict the occurrence and development of mesoscale deep convective systems, is modified and re-derived in a nonuniformly saturated moist atmosphere (C^*). Then, a case study is performed for a frontal rainfall event which occurred near the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. The diagnostic results of C^* show that, in the lower troposphere, the vertical component of C^* ( Cz^* ) can diagnose developments and movements of precipitation and convection better than those of Cm (Cmz, in saturated moist flow) and C (Cz, in dry flow). Cz^* is a good predictor for precipitation analyses as well.  相似文献   

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