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正全流域的水资源保护和流域内各行政区经济发展的矛盾成为阻碍生态画廊建设的一个瓶颈问题。通过对目前我国水资源生态补偿的现状、补偿标准和途径进行分析,尝试对水资源生态补偿机制建立过程中几个主要问题提出若干建议,为生态画廊建设提供参考。生态画廊一般涉及某个特定的河湖流域,针对该流域采取相关生态和环境管理措施,保护和恢复流域生态环境,以达到环境恢复、生态景观优良的目的。已有的案例如"汉江、漓江、清江生态画廊"等。  相似文献   

气候变化对黄河流域水资源影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪90年代以来,黄河流域天然径流量大幅减少,水资源供需矛盾已经成为制约流域社会经济可持续发展的重大问题.本文概述了国内外气候变化对流域水文水资源影响的研究进展;论述了气候变化对黄河流域水文水资源影响研究的方法、结果和最新进展及黄河流域气候变化对水资源影响研究的问题.建议今后加强基础数据和资料的分析研究,建立适合黄河流域的多情景综合气候评价模型;提高黄河流域极端气象水文事件预测能力,为流域水资源管理和综合规划服务.  相似文献   

博尔塔拉河流域大规模的农业开发和不合理的水资源开发利用,使得流域内生态环境脆弱,导致了补给干流的水资源减少,使得干流(尤其是在下游)产生了一系列的生态环境问题。本文针对博尔塔拉河流域水资源的实际情况,依据博尔塔拉河流域供需状况等,选取人均水资源可利用量,人均供水量、水资源利用率、耕地灌溉率、供水模数、需水模数、生活用水定额、生态用水率等指标,应用模糊综合评价方法综合评价了流域内现状和不同年份的水资源承载力,并提出了提高水资源承载力的途径。  相似文献   

“一带一路”沿线地区气候灾害类型多样,分布广泛,其中水资源短缺和洪涝灾害频发等水资源问题是“一带一路”沿线国家的主要气候风险之一。文中对“一带一路”沿线国家提交的国家自主贡献(NDC)中提出的水资源相关适应措施进行了分析评估。结果表明,气候变化及水资源相关风险已经受到了“一带一路”沿线国家的普遍关注,大部分国家都或多或少提出了针对性的适应措施,如优化水资源管理、提高水资源利用效率、强化监测预警、增加基础建设等。然而目前还存在一些不足之处,包括:以中东欧国家为主的部分“一带一路”沿线国家NDCs中缺乏适应相关的内容;西亚/中东和中亚地区对于风险关注的范围不够全面,缺乏对未来潜在洪水风险的评估和预案;在中亚、南亚和中东等水争端问题突出的地区缺乏合适的国际合作机制;大部分国家缺少对水环境的关注。为提高“一带一路”沿线国家气候适应能力,构建完善的气候适应体系,建议完善国家自主贡献报告、建立国际合作机制,增加对气候变化研究的关注和投入,保障“一带一路”建设绿色可持续发展。  相似文献   

 运用中国科学院农业政策研究中心开发的中国水资源模型,模拟分析了气候变化条件下海河流域的水资源短缺状况及相应的适应性措施的有效性。结果表明:随着社会经济的发展,到2030年海河流域的水资源短缺比例将提高25%,气候变化将使水资源短缺比例进一步提高2%~4%。无论是供给管理还是需求管理的适应性措施,在缓解水资源短缺方面都具有一定的有效性。但是,多标准的评估结果表明,所分析的几种需求管理的适应性措施比供给管理的适应性措施的可行性更高。在需求管理中,采用既提高灌溉水价又提高工业水价的混合水价政策可能是最优的策略选择,采用农业节水技术为次优策略选择。  相似文献   

《气候变化与中国水资源》出版我国大多数河流的径流对大气降水变化都非常敏感。气候变化对这些河流的水资源具有显著影响,近年来这个问题已引起国内学者和有关部门的高度重视。气象出版社出版的《气候变化与中国水资源》一书包括了近年来我国气象和水文领域学者对气候变化与水资源研究的最新成果。该书共分十二章,分别包括气候变化对水资源影响研究进展、中国及十大江河流域气候状况、中国及十大江河流域气候变化、中国及主要流域极端气候事件变化、中国土壤湿度的变化特征、中国大气水汽通量和云量变化、中国十大江河流域气候年代际变化及…  相似文献   

辽宁北部典型流域水生态功能区水生态安全评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于流域水生态功能分区的水生态安全评价是指导流域水生态“分类、分区”综合管理的前提,本文在流域中小尺度上依据水生态空间格局分异的自然特征和社会属性,以辽河流域的清河和凡河支流为对象,在流域水生态功能三级分区的基础上,运用“压力-状态-响应模型”(PSR),通过对流域社会经济压力指标、环境压力指标、城市发展指标、资源环境发展指标、投资指标、治理指标等因素分析,筛选出13个评价指标。利用生态安全综合指数法,将流域水生态安全划分为极不安全、不安全、基本安全、安全、非常安全五个级别。其中,清河流域Ⅳ-5-9、Ⅳ-5-10、Ⅳ-5-11、Ⅳ-5-12、Ⅳ-5-14区处于基本安全,Ⅳ-5-8、Ⅳ-5-13属于不安全;凡河流域4个水生态功能三级区中,Ⅳ-5-1、Ⅳ-5-2、Ⅳ-5-3区属于基本安全、Ⅳ-5-4区为较安全。基于水生态功能分区的水生态安全评价和级别划分可为辽河流域水生态保护与流域生态管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

枯季是水旱、水生态和水资源问题的重要时期,枯季径流的变化直接影响着河流生态和流域水资源管理。基于中国网格气象数据和主要江河枯季径流资料,初步分析了1961—2018年中国气候变化趋势和主要江河枯季径流演变特征与成因。结果表明,全国枯季平均气温显著上升,北方地区升温较早,南方地区2001—2018年升温明显。全国约84%的地区枯季降水有增加趋势,其中约42.2%的地区增加显著;全国枯季降水呈现西北、东北和东南显著增加,中部变化不显著格局。黄河中游和海河枯季径流下降显著,2001—2018年黄河中游枯季径流较1961—1980年减少了34%,同时期海河流域枯季径流量减少幅度均超过80%;松花江上游和长江流域枯季径流增加显著,2001—2018年松花江上游枯季径流量增加了约67%,长江流域枯季径流量增加了约16%。枯季降水增加主导了松花江上游、辽河、淮河、长江以及珠江枯季径流的增加;气温的显著上升对黄河中游和海河等地枯季径流有显著负向作用;人类活动是松花江中游、黄河和海河枯季径流下降的主要影响因素。尽管全国枯季降水的增加对于缓解流域生态和水资源问题有积极作用,但人类活动和气温显著上升加速了水资源的消耗,加大了流域水资源脆弱性。  相似文献   

基于水生态功能分区的辽河流域控制单元划分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于控制单元的水质目标管理可以使复杂的流域水环境问题分解到各控制单元内,而控制单元划分是实现基于控制单元水质目标管理的必要环节。基于水生态功能分区,在控制单元划分理论、原则与方法研究基础上,在GIS技术支持下,实现了辽宁省辽河流域控制单元划分。结果表明:根据辽河流域自然地理指标、水生态环境指标和社会经济指标,将该区域划分为5个一级控制单元、56个二级控制单元、245个三级控制单元。研究成果可以为建立基于控制单元的辽河流域水环境质量管理体系提供技术支持。  相似文献   

分析了传统气象观测业务管理存在的不足,介绍了依据ISO9001标准要求建设气象观测质量管理体系的过程,包括体系设计、体系文件编写、体系运行、内部审核与管理评审等。总结了气象观测质量管理体系建设取得的经验和成果。实践证明,气象观测质量管理体系的建设,有效解决了传统业务管理存在的问题,促进了陕西气象观测业务的发展。  相似文献   

运用中国科学院农业政策研究中心开发的中国水资源模型,模拟分析了气候变化条件下海河流域的水资源短缺状况及相应的适应性措施的有效性。结果表明:随着社会经济的发展,到2030年海河流域的水资源短缺比例将提高25%,气候变化将使水资源短缺比例进一步提高2%~4%。无论是供给管理还是需求管理的适应性措施,在缓解水资源短缺方面都具有一定的有效性。但是,多标准的评估结果表明,所分析的几种需求管理的适应性措施比供给管理的适应性措施的可行性更高。在需求管理中,采用既提高灌溉水价又提高工业水价的混合水价政策可能是最优的策略选择,采用农业节水技术为次优策略选择。  相似文献   

Advance knowledge of conflicting trajectories of water–energy–food (WEF) nexus is highly relevant for water policy and planning, especially for basins that cross national boundaries. The Brahmaputra River Basin in South Asia, home for 130 million people, is such a basin. Development of new hydropower projects, upstream water diversions and possible climate changes introduce concerns among riparian countries about future water supply for energy and food production in the basin. This study presents a new hydro-economic water system model of the basin coupled with ex post scenario analysis under the “nexus thinking” concept to identify and illustrate where development paths are in conflict. Results indicate that the ability of future development to remain free of conflict hinges mostly on the amount of precipitation falling in the basin in the future. Uncertain future precipitation along with uncertain future temperature and the unknown amount of upstream water diversion combine to strongly influence future water, energy and food production in the basin. Specifically, decreases in precipitation coupled with large upstream diversions (e.g., diversion in the territory of China) would leave one or more riparian countries unable to secure enough water to produce their desired energy and food. Future climate projected by General Circulation Models suggest a warmer and wetter climate condition in the region, which is associated with an increase in streamflow and easing of conflicts at the WEF nexus in the basin. The methodology presented here is expected to be generally useful for diagnosing the conditions that may cause water resources development goals to not be achieved due to either changes in climate or water use among competing users.  相似文献   

Using China as a case study, a methodology is presented to estimate the changes in yields and costs of present and future water production systems under climate change scenarios. Yield is important to consider because it measures the actual supply available from a river basin. Costs are incurred in enhancing the natural yield of river basins by the construction and operation of reservoirs and ground water pumping systems. The interaction of ground and surface waters within a river basin and instream flow maintenance are also modeled. The water demands considered are domestic, irrigation, and instream flow needs. We found that under climate change the maximum yields of some basins in China may increase or decrease, depending upon location, and that in some basins it may cost significantly more or it may not be possible to meet the demands. While our results for China could be improved with more hydrologic and economic data, we believe that the cost curves developed have suitable accuracy for initial analysis of water supply costs in Integrated Assessment Models.  相似文献   

利用2000—2017年百色市气象资料和城市社会经济发展数据,构建以气候天然容量、极端气候事件压力、城市气候压力和城市协调发展能力四个评价指数组成的城市气候承载力综合函数,客观定量评价广西西部山地城市百色2000—2017年的气候承载力变化。结果表明:21世纪以来,百色市的气候承载力整体呈现一种波动上升的状态,反映百色的城市建设与气候之间的协调力增强,城市建设发展仍有较大的气候承载空间。百色城市气候承载力对极端天气气候事件,特别是干旱事件较为敏感;人为影响因子对气候承载力具有重要影响。提升气候承载力和应对气候变化能力应从提高防御自然灾害能力和城市协调发展能力、降低城市气候压力着手,建立可持续发展的城市气候生态系统。  相似文献   

U.S. Country Studies supported analyses of climate change impacts on water resources have been completed or are underway in the following Central and Eastern European nations: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Estonia, Russian Federation, and the Ukraine. Climate change impacts on the hydrologic resources of these countries is being performed at the river basin scale using monthly water balance models using GCM-based climate scenarios. The authors have performed a regional analysis of climate change impacts on the Hydrologic Resources of Europe using the Turc Annual Model. The regional analysis was done with GIS methodolgies using regional climate databases. The regional results were compared to the U.S. Country Studies hydrologic assessmnent results to validiate the use of this simplified methodolgy for making regional climate change assessment. Results from three countries showed acceptable performace of the annual approach . Using GCM-based climate scenarios regional analysis of potential climate change impacts on the hydrologic resources of Europe was conducted and national and regional results are presented.  相似文献   

The high uncertainty associated with the effect of global change on water resource systems calls for a better combination of conventional top–down and bottom–up approaches, in order to design robust adaptation plans at the local scale. The methodological framework presented in this article introduces “bottom–up meets top–down” integrated approach to support the selection of adaptation measures at the river basin level by comprehensively integrating the goals of economic efficiency, social acceptability, environmental sustainability and adaptation robustness. The top–down approach relies on the use of a chain of models to assess the impact of global change on water resources and its adaptive management over a range of climate projections. Future demand scenarios and locally prioritised adaptation measures are identified following a bottom–up approach through a participatory process with the relevant stakeholders and experts. The optimal combinations of adaptation measures are then selected using a hydro-economic model at basin scale for each climate projection. The resulting adaptation portfolios are, finally, climate checked to define a robust least-regret programme of measures based on trade-offs between adaptation costs and the reliability of supply for agricultural demands.This innovative approach has been applied to a Mediterranean basin, the Orb river basin (France). Mid-term climate projections, downscaled from 9 General Climate Models, are used to assess the uncertainty associated with climate projections. Demand evolution scenarios are developed to project agricultural and urban water demands on the 2030 time horizon. The results derived from the integration of the bottom–up and top–down approaches illustrate the sensitivity of the adaptation strategies to the climate projections, and provide an assessment of the trade-offs between the performance of the water resource system and the cost of the adaptation plan to inform local decision-making. The article contributes new methodological elements for the development of an integrated framework for decision-making under climate change uncertainty, advocating an interdisciplinary approach that bridges the gap between bottom–up and top–down approaches.  相似文献   

Challenged by insufficient water resources and by degraded water quality caused by widespread pollution, China faces an imbalance between the supply and the demand of water for supporting the rapid social and economic development while protecting the natural environment and ecosystems. Climate change is expected to further stress freshwater resources and widen the gap between the demand for and supply of water. As a legacy of the earlier planned economy, water resources management has been primarily supply-driven, which largely fails to account for the economic nature of water resources in relation to their natural characteristics. This paper presents a historical perspective on the water resources management policies and practices in China, and recommends demand management and pollution control as key measures for improving water resources management to adapt to climate change based on the current political, socio-economic and water resources conditions. The past and future impacts of climate change on water resources in China and the general adaptation strategies are also presented. How demand management through increasing water use efficiency, improving water rights and rights trade, and effective regulation enforcement, along with pollution control could improve China’s water resources management are discussed in details. Ultimately, China should develop a sustainable water resources management strategy based on both supply- and demand-side management options to make the limited water supplies meet the demands of economic development, social well-being and the conservation of ecosystems in the context of global climate change.  相似文献   

我国内陆河流域水文循环与其生态功能浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘春蓁 《干旱气象》2005,23(3):12-16
近50 a来,我国的西北内陆河流域,与世界很多干旱、半干旱的缺水地区一样,水文循环及其生态功能正发生着一系列衰退及相伴的生态环境恶化现象。本文从气候、人类活动与水文循环间相互作用的观点,用实测的气候水文数据剖析了这一现象。提出水文循环通过其生态功能,与生态系统相伴相生,互相依存。水资源的过渡开发利用超出了水文循环的再生能力,延迟了水资源再生周期。由于内陆河的平原与盆地的干燥度指数十分大,暖干气候放大了人类活动对水文循环的不利影响,加剧了生态环境的退化。对于内陆河流域,人类生存与经济发展地区远离山区水源地,流域统一的水资源综合管理对于维持健康的水文循环和生态系统尤为重要。  相似文献   

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