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通过对双流彭镇羊坪葡萄现代农业园区生态条件和葡萄栽培适宜度的分析,认为产业园的生态条件有利于葡萄根、蔓、叶的生长,较不利于果实糖分和固体可溶物的积累。气象条件适宜二茬葡萄栽培,夏果以鲜食葡萄为主,冬果可生产一般酿酒葡萄。提出大力发展设施农业、观光农业、都市农业和建立农业气象灾害动态监测预警系统等建议。   相似文献   

中国葡萄气候区划探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据葡萄的生物学特性及其对气候条件的要求,在全国范围内选取83个站点,按照9个农业气候指标,利用模糊聚类的数学方法,将全国划分为6个不同的葡萄气候区,并就各区的气候特点和品种选择作出分区评述。  相似文献   

乌海市葡萄生育期气象条件分析及灾害防御   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王凤琴 《内蒙古气象》2013,(3):23-24,39
葡萄是乌海市的特色农作物,乌海市光照充足,日夜温差大,降水少,无霜期长,气候条件非常适宜葡萄生长。影响乌海市葡萄生长的主要灾害有霜冻、干旱、连阴雨和低温天气等,文章针对葡萄在各生育阶段的农业气象灾害,提出了相应的对策及防治措施。  相似文献   

Summary It has recently been claimed that the April–August temperature in France, in any given year, can be estimated from the harvest date of grapes grown there. Based on this claim, it was asserted that 2003 was the warmest year in the last six centuries. Herein, it is shown that the grape-derived temperature estimates are highly unreliable, and thus that the assertion is unfounded.  相似文献   

For the 1980–2003 period, we analyzed the relationship between crop yield and three climatic variables (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, and precipitation) for 12 major Californian crops: wine grapes, lettuce, almonds, strawberries, table grapes, hay, oranges, cotton, tomatoes, walnuts, avocados, and pistachios. The months and climatic variables of greatest importance to each crop were used to develop regressions relating yield to climatic conditions. For most crops, fairly simple equations using only 2–3 variables explained more than two-thirds of observed yield variance. The types of variables and months identified suggest that relatively poorly understood processes such as crop infection, pollination, and dormancy may be important mechanisms by which climate influences crop yield. Recent climatic trends have had mixed effects on crop yields, with orange and walnut yields aided, avocado yields hurt, and most crops little affected by recent climatic trends. Yield-climate relationships can provide a foundation for forecasting crop production within a year and for projecting the impact of future climate changes.  相似文献   

利用吐鲁番东坎农业气象试验站和鄯善气象站近52a(1960-2011年)冬季逐日资料,分析入冬期、冬季平均气温、极端最低气温、低温日数、负积温变化特征,以及特色林果葡萄、红枣冻害发生年最低气温的变化特征,探讨冬季气温变化与冻害发生的关系,总结冻害成灾指标,为防止果树冻害提供理论依据。分析结果表明:吐鲁番盆地冬季平均气温和最低气温呈上升趋势,入冬期偏晚,冬季结束时间提早,冬季持续日数缩短;冬季气温在1985年发生突变,存在7a的周期变化。在无稳定积雪的情况下,最低气温负积温较历年平均值低180.0℃以上,日最低气温≤-18.0℃持续15d以上,且日最低气温连续≤-20.0℃持续5d以上,休眠期的红枣、杏树花芽会发生中度冻害;最低气温负积温较常年低200.0℃以上,日最低气温≤-20.0℃持续7d以上,且日最低气温≤-21.0℃持续5d以上,红枣、杏树及无积雪、覆土厚度〈30cm的葡萄会发生严重冻害。  相似文献   

本文在引入成都市精细化下垫面资料后将G rapes与城市冠层方案相耦合,并在此基础上进行数值试验。初步试验结果表明:该耦合模式能基本表现城市冠层的特征的作用,即能够较好地模拟出城市热岛效应。城市冠层参数化方案及精细化下垫面资料的引入能够影响陆气之间的相互作用,改变大气的能量平衡,致使向上长波辐射增强,感热通量增加,潜热通量减少。城市化效应白天对边界层大气的增温作用还会影响低层大气的层结结构,使之在午后产生弱的上升运动。  相似文献   

Climate Change and Global Wine Quality   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
From 1950 to 1999 the majority of the world's highest quality wine-producing regions experienced growing season warming trends. Vintage quality ratings during this same time period increased significantly while year-to-year variation declined. While improved winemaking knowledge and husbandry practices contributed to the better vintages it was shown that climate had, and will likely always have, a significant role in quality variations. This study revealed that the impacts of climate change are not likely to be uniform across all varieties and regions. Currently, many European regions appear to be at or near their optimum growing season temperatures, while the relationships are less defined in the New World viticulture regions. For future climates, model output for global wine producing regions predicts an average warming of 2 C in the next 50 yr. For regions producing high-quality grapes at the margins of their climatic limits, these results suggest that future climate change will exceed a climatic threshold such that the ripening of balanced fruit required for existing varieties and wine styles will become progressively more difficult. In other regions, historical and predicted climate changes could push some regions into more optimal climatic regimes for the production of current varietals. In addition, the warmer conditions could lead to more poleward locations potentially becoming more conducive to grape growing and wine production.  相似文献   

掌握新疆天山北坡酿酒葡萄成熟期降雨特征,对科学制定酿酒葡萄种植规划,采取趋利避害的生产管理技术措施具有实际意义。基于天山北坡35个气象站1961-2016年8-9月逐日降雨资料,采用线性趋势法和ArcGIS空间插值技术,对过去56a该区域酿酒葡萄成熟期(8-9月)降雨日数、降雨量、连阴雨天气次数、连阴雨天气降雨强度等要素的时空变化进行研究,并对照前人关于该区域酿酒葡萄种植气候适宜性区划成果,对酿酒葡萄不同适宜种植区葡萄成熟期降雨特征及其影响进行分析。结果表明:天山北坡酿酒葡萄成熟期(8-9月)降雨日数、降雨量、连阴雨天气次数、降雨强度、大量以上降雨日数的空间分布均总体呈现随海拔高度的升高而增加的特点。1961-2016年,研究区酿酒葡萄成熟期除降雨日数总体以-1.16d·10a-1的倾向率极显著 (P=0.001)减少,大量以上降雨日数以0.07d·10a-1的倾向率显著 (P=0.05)增多外,降雨量、连阴雨天气次数、连阴雨天气日数及其降雨量变化趋势均不显著。天山北坡酿酒葡萄种植气候最适宜和适宜区葡萄成熟期的降雨量、降雨日数、连阴雨天气次数、连阴雨天气日数及其降雨量都很小,期间总降雨量大多不足40 mm、降雨日数少于20 d、大量以上降雨日数不足1 d、连阴雨天气次数少于0.3次、连阴雨天气日数少于5d、连阴雨天气降雨量不足25mm,该分区降雨量以及连阴雨天气少,对提高酿酒葡萄产量和品质十分有利。酿酒葡萄次适宜种植区葡萄成熟期降雨天气稍多,降雨量40~90 mm、降雨日数20~25 d、大量以上降雨日数1~2 d、连阴雨天气次数0.3~1.0次、连阴雨天气日数5~8 d、连阴雨天气降雨量25~40 mm,对酿酒葡萄产量和品质有一定不利影响。天山北坡8-9月降雨量90 mm以上、降雨日数30d以上、大量以上降雨日数2d以上、连阴雨天气次数多于1.0次、连阴雨天气日数8d以上、连阴雨天气降雨量40 mm以上的区域均在海拔1500m以上的山区,该区域恰恰也是酿酒葡萄不适宜种植区,因此对酿酒葡萄无影响。综上所述,新疆天山北坡酿酒葡萄种植区尤其是适宜及最适宜种植区葡萄成熟期的降雨量、降雨日数、连阴雨天气次数和日数都较小,且近56a稳定少变,因此,对该区域酿酒葡萄生产的影响较小。  相似文献   

Summary Sea breezes were investigated during the maturation period of wine grapes in the South-Western Cape under particular synoptic wind conditions (onshore for Table Bay and offshore for False Bay). Observations from an automatic weather station network located in the Stellenbosch wine-producing area as well as the Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS, non-hydrostatic, parallel, version 4.3) were used. Results showed that two sea breezes developed, one from Table Bay late in the morning, and the other from False Bay later in the afternoon. The coastal low strengthened and deflected the sea breeze from Table Bay towards the south and south-east of the study area, while the offshore large-scale circulation hindered the development of the sea breeze in the opposite direction over False Bay and delayed its movement towards land. The decrease in temperature resulting from the onset of the sea breeze from the Atlantic early in the afternoon could be significant for viticulture, reducing the duration and intensity of high temperature stress on grapevine functioning at the coolest locations.  相似文献   

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