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利用45年的ECMWF再分析资料,使用SVD方法研究了冬季北太平洋地区表层海温(SST)异常与大气环流异常间的主要耦合模态,探讨了大尺度海-气耦合型与天气尺度瞬变扰动的相互关系。分析结果表明,中纬度北太平洋地区冬季存在两种主要的海-气耦合型,第1种耦合型反映了与ENSO紧密相关的中纬度北太平洋冬季海温异常分布型以及大气的PNA型,第2种耦合型SST异常集中在东亚沿海以及中纬度北太平洋海流区,相应的大气场则为暖(冷)SSTA上空东西向带状区域内位势高度偏高(低),明显独立于ENSO型。进一步的合成分析表明,在第1种耦合型SST正(负)异常年里,冬季阿留申低压主体位置偏西南(东北),从东北亚到北美西海岸的西北—东南向带状区域内是低层大气温度正(负)异常区和高层西风负(正)异常区,西风负(正)异常中心位于西风急流出口处的北太平洋中东部,而西风急流主体区的风速变化很小。在第2种耦合型东亚沿海至中纬度北太平洋海流区SST偏暖(冷)时,阿留申低压整体偏弱(强),SST暖(冷)异常上空的大气温度偏暖(冷),高层西风急流区西风偏弱(强)。两种耦合型均显示出在北太平洋中纬度地区大气和海洋的异常相关中心有很好的空间对应性。在两种耦合型下,中纬度北太平洋冬季的大气斜压性也发生截然不同的改变,引起中纬度天气尺度瞬变扰动活动异常。瞬变扰动异常的动力强迫作用对北太平洋西风异常的形成存在正反馈作用,而其热力作用则试图破坏与两种海-气耦合模态相关的大气温度异常型。  相似文献   

马静  徐海明  董昌明 《大气科学》2014,38(3):438-452
采用动态合成、带通滤波等方法,通过对冬季黑潮延伸区暖、冷两个中尺度海洋涡旋的分析,研究了大气对中尺度海洋涡旋的响应特征。结果表明,海表温度(SST)与近海面风速的正相关关系在涡旋的动态合成图上清晰可见,暖(冷)涡上空对应10 m风速的极大(小)值,即海洋对大气的强迫作用在日时间尺度上表现显著;SST高低值中心基本对应10 m风无辐散区,暖(冷)涡上空为异常正(负)涡度分布;暖(冷)涡上空潜热、感热通量增大(减小),降低(增大)大气稳定度,从而加强(减弱)边界层垂直混合作用,使得海洋大气边界层增厚(变薄)。暖(冷)涡旋上空对应摩擦速度极大(小)值,反映了湍流粘性力在高(低)海温中心增大(减小)的特征,表明动量垂直混合机制在中小尺度海气相互作用中起着主要作用。中尺度海洋涡旋能够影响大气瞬变扰动,大气瞬变扰动强度在暖(冷)涡下游上空出现极大(小)值,该影响不仅表现在海洋大气边界层,在自由大气中低层也有较为清晰的反映。此外,从能量转换的角度入手,发现斜压能量转换在中尺度海洋涡旋影响大气瞬变扰动强度中贡献明显。  相似文献   

利用全球海洋—大气快速耦合模式(Fast Ocean-Atmosphere Model,FOAM),采用模式中的初值方法,研究了湾流区海温再现过程及其对北半球大气环流和气候的影响。FOAM模式很好地模拟了北大西洋湾流区的海温"再现"过程,模式中海面热通量异常与SST异常表现出不同步的响应特征。海面热通量异常在初冬季节达到最大值,而SST异常滞后,在冬季晚期达到最大值,从而在初冬和晚冬对北半球大气环流造成不同的影响。初冬季节北半球大气环流主要受海洋热通量异常的强迫,在北大西洋和北太平洋上空呈现相当正压的异常低压槽响应,北极地区为异常高压脊,类似北极涛动的负位相,可能造成欧洲南部和北非大陆气温偏高,亚洲大陆气温偏低。而晚冬季节北半球大气环流主要受SST异常的驱动,在北大西洋和北太平洋上空表现为相当正压的异常高压脊响应,北极地区为异常低压槽,类似北极涛动的正位相,可能造成欧洲南部和北非大陆气温偏低,亚洲大陆气温偏高,中国东部降水异常偏多30%左右。北太平洋大气环流的异常由北大西洋湾流区海洋热通量和SST异常强迫下游大气环流所激发,进一步通过Rossby驻波的能量频散东传至北太平洋而造成的。  相似文献   

海温异常对台风形成的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
吴国雄 《大气科学》1992,16(3):322-332
本文利用地球流体力学实验室(GFDL)的低分辨气候模式进行数值试验,以研究海温异常对台风形成的影响.试验采用恒定8月气候条件和海表温度(SST).海温异常(SSTA)被置于北太平洋不同区域.结果表明,台风生成频率在暖SSTA区明显增加.这是由于暖SSTA区低层辐合的增强一方面使低空气旋式环流和高空反气旋式环流加大,另一方面导致低层水汽向该区辐合,使潜热释放加强,对流加剧所致.此一机制被用于解释台风频率和ENSO事件的相关.在冷ENSO年份,西北和西南太平洋台风增多不仅是由于赤道东太平洋SST异常冷,还与西太平洋SST异常暖有关.  相似文献   

柳伊  范磊 《山东气象》2019,39(3):36-42
通过资料分析与数值模拟研究了西北太平洋低空环流特征及其与海面温度(SST)异常关系的季节性差异,得到如下结论:1)西北太平洋低空环流的空间尺度和位置在春季和夏季存在明显差异,从春季到夏季,异常环流范围缩小且中心位置向西北偏移;2)西北太平洋低空环流与西北太平洋局地海温的相互作用存在季节差异,春季西北太平洋冷海温与上空反气旋异常之间存在相互作用,而夏季则以大气影响海洋为主,异常的反气旋/气旋可以加热/冷却其下垫面的海温,大气超前3~4 d影响海洋;3)夏季异常反气旋环流(WNPAC)的维持主要来自非局地海温异常(北印度洋暖海温与中太平洋冷海温异常)的强迫,这两个海区对WNPAC的影响也存在季节性差异,北印度洋的影响主要体现在晚春至盛夏,而中太平洋则主要在晚夏发挥作用。  相似文献   

利用合成、回归等方法分析了夏季副热带西部模态水(简称STMW)异常与我国秋、冬季气温年际变化的联系,发现:1)秋、冬季东亚—太平洋地区的大气环流异常对我国的气温变化起了重要作用,夏季STMW异常通过东亚—太平洋地区的大气环流异常进而与我国秋、冬季的气温变化联系在一起。2)夏季ST-MW正(负)异常时,同年秋季我国西北、东北和江淮地区的气温异常偏低(偏高);冬季时,东北、西北地区气温偏高(低)。3)这种联系主要是通过东亚—太平洋地区大气环流的典型分布实现的:夏季STMW异常偏强(弱)时,同年秋季与黑潮附近的冷(暖)海温相对应,西北太平洋上空大气环流出现负(正)的高度距平,气旋性(反气旋性)环流西侧的偏北(南)气流引导(阻碍)东亚大陆中高纬冷空气南下,同时东欧地区的高压(低压)向东南方向伸展,对我国西北地区秋季冷空气的活动起到了增幅(削弱)作用,我国东北、西北和江淮大部分地区的冷空气活动偏强,气温普遍偏低(高)。黑潮区附近的冷(暖)海温持续热力作用下,海洋不断得到(失去)热量,积累到冬季,促使黑潮区域的海表面温度(SST)逐渐向正(负)异常转变。冬季的大气环流场也对应发生调整:西北太平洋上空出现显著的高压(低压)异常,反气旋(气旋)西侧的偏南(北)气流减弱(加强)了我国东北地区的冷空气强度,气温偏高(低);亚洲中纬度地区受低压(高压)距平控制,我国西北地区的冷空气活动较弱(强),气温偏高。  相似文献   

基于1979—2021年的ERA5再分析资料,研究了副极地海洋锋区(Subarctic Frontal Zone, SAFZ)海温(Sea Surface Temperature, SST)异常相关的冬季海气相互作用过程及其影响次年冬季厄尔尼诺(El Niño)的机制。研究表明,冬季SAFZ的特征海气异常表现为大尺度的SST暖异常与偶极型的大气环流异常。在SAFZ海气相互作用过程中,海洋首先通过直接的非绝热加热影响低层大气斜压性,随后通过间接的瞬变涡旋反馈使相当正压的位势高度异常在整个冬季内维持。其中,南部的气旋式环流异常通过减弱副热带的平均信风激发太平洋经向模态(Pacific Meridional Mode, PMM)与风—蒸发—SST (Wind-Evaporation-SST, WES)反馈,从而使中纬度SST暖异常南传至热带太平洋中部,随后导致El Niño发生。然而,并非所有的SAFZ暖异常事件都能激发次年冬季的El Niño,中纬度海气耦合异常的初始配置及同期热带太平洋的表现情况将对中纬度信号南传至热带的过程产生较大的影响。  相似文献   

中国东部气温异常型与海表温度异常模关系的诊断   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
关惠戈  余锦华 《气象科学》2014,34(6):656-665
基于国家气候中心整编的160站常规观测气温资料和HADLEY中心的海表温度资料,应用最大协方差分析方法,诊断了中国东部各季节气温异常型和前期海表温度异常(SSTA)模的关系,并重点分析冬季气温与SSTA模的最佳耦合模态及海温异常对大气环流的影响。结果表明:中国东部四季气温异常型与前期海盆SSTA模的显著耦合关系表现出不同的特征。超前6个月的热带太平洋第二模和南印度洋第二模与东部地区冬季气温一致变化型耦合关系最佳。西南冷东北暖的气温异常型与超前4个月热带大西洋一致增暖模有最佳耦合关系。大气环流对与全区气温一致偏冷型对应的SSTA模的回归表现为:西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压增强,东亚大槽加深,中纬度西风加强。对与气温西南冷东北暖型对应的SSTA模的回归表现为:西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压略有增强,东亚大槽槽区附近位势升高,大槽变浅,槽线偏向西南,东部40°N以北风速加强,以南风速减弱。  相似文献   

张海燕  陶丽  徐川 《大气科学》2022,46(4):859-872
本文利用1958~2018年期间海表面温度(SST)异常和湍流热通量异常变化的关系,探讨了其与北太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)相关的年际和年代际时间尺度上在不同海域的海气相互作用特征。结果表明:在年际尺度上,黑潮—亲潮延伸区(KOE)表现为显著大气强迫海洋,赤道中东太平洋表现为显著海洋强迫大气;在年代际尺度上,PDO北中心表现为大气强迫海洋,加利福尼亚附近则表现为显著海洋强迫大气。进一步分析表明:加利福尼亚附近区域是北太平洋准12年振荡的关键区域之一,与PDO准十年的周期类似,加利福尼亚附近的冷(暖)海温对应其上有反气旋(气旋)型环流,赤道中太平洋海水上翻和北太平洋东部副热带区域经向风应力的变化是北太平洋准12年振荡的另外两个重要环节。  相似文献   

北太平洋海温异常的空间模态及其与东亚环流异常的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭桂容  孙照渤  闵锦忠 《大气科学》2009,33(5):1038-1046
运用英国气象局全球海温和NCEP/NCAR 再分析逐月资料, 分析了1979年以来北太平洋夏季海温异常的主要模态, 并探讨了海温异常的空间分布与东亚环流异常的关系。结果表明: 北太平洋夏季海温主要存在两种模态, 当太平洋热带地区西高东低 (西低东高), 西太平洋到黑潮区海温偏高 (低), 东南太平洋的海温偏低 (高) 时, 东亚贝加尔湖南侧地区为显著的正 (负) 高度异常。进一步分析发现这种环流异常与北太平洋西部海温异常引起的辐合辐散有关, 北太平洋西部近大陆海域海温异常偏暖 (冷), 对应上空为异常的上升 (下沉) 运动, 因质量的连续性使贝加尔湖南侧地区低层辐散 (辐合) 异常, 有利于该地区异常反气旋性环流的加强 (减弱)。  相似文献   

本文采用1985~2015年美国气象环境预报中心及能源部(NCEP/DOE)再分析以及美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)海温(SST)等资料,基于大范围SST异常的确定规则,在北太平洋区域选取了8个暖事件,采用跟随SST异常中心的动态合成方法,研究分析了冬季北太平洋生命史为50天左右的大范围SST暖异常在其盛期前后的月...  相似文献   

Based on diagnostic analysis of reanalysis data for 58-year, the distribution characteristics of decadal variability in diabatic heating, transient eddy heating and transient eddy vorticity forcing related to the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the North Pacific, as well as their relationship with anomalous atmospheric circulation have been investigated in this paper. A linear baroclinic model(LBM) was used to investigate atmospheric responses to idealized and realistic heat and vorticity forcing anomalies, and then to compare relative roles of different kinds of forcing in terms of geopotential height responses. The results illustrate that the responses of atmospheric height fields to the mid-latitude heating can be either baroclinic or barotropic. The response structure is sensitive to the relative horizontal location of heating with respect to the background jet flow, as well as to the vertical profile of heating. The response to the idealized deep heating over the eastern North Pacific, mimicking the observed heating anomaly, is baroclinic. The atmospheric response to the mid-latitude vorticity forcing is always barotropic, resulting in a geopotential low that is in phase with the forcing. The atmospheric responses to the realistic heat and vorticity forcing show the similar results, suggesting that diabatic heating, transient eddy heating and transient eddy vorticity forcing can all cause atmospheric anomalies and that the vorticity forcing plays a relatively more important role in maintaining the equivalent-barotropic structure of geopotential height anomalies.  相似文献   

Based on diagnostic analysis of reanalysis data for 58-year,the distribution characteristics of decadal variability in diabatic heating,transient eddy heating and transient eddy vorticity forcing related to the sea surface temperature(SST)anomalies over the North Pacific,as well as their relationship with anomalous atmospheric circulation have been investigated in this paper.A linear baroclinic model(LBM)was used to investigate atmospheric responses to idealized and realistic heat and vorticity forcing anomalies,and then to compare relative roles of different kinds of forcing in terms of geopotential height responses.The results illustrate that the responses of atmospheric height fields to the mid-latitude heating can be either baroclinic or barotropic.The response structure is sensitive to the relative horizontal location of heating with respect to the background jet flow,as well as to the vertical profile of heating.The response to the idealized deep heating over the eastern North Pacific,mimicking the observed heating anomaly,is baroclinic.The atmospheric response to the mid-latitude vorticity forcing is always barotropic,resulting in a geopotential low that is in phase with the forcing.The atmospheric responses to the realistic heat and vorticity forcing show the similar results,suggesting that diabatic heating,transient eddy heating and transient eddy vorticity forcing can all cause atmospheric anomalies and that the vorticity forcing plays a relatively more important role in maintaining the equivalent-barotropic structure of geopotential height anomalies.  相似文献   

Chen  Lilan  Fang  Jiabei  Yang  Xiu-Qun 《Climate Dynamics》2020,55(9-10):2557-2577

While recent observational studies have shown the critical role of atmospheric transient eddy (TE) activities in midlatitude unstable air-sea interaction, there is still a lack of a theoretical framework characterizing such an interaction. In this study, an analytical coupled air-sea model with inclusion of the TE dynamical forcing is developed to investigate the role of such a forcing in midlatitude unstable air-sea interaction. In this model, the atmosphere is governed by a barotropic quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation forced by surface diabatic heating and TE vorticity forcing. The ocean is governed by a baroclinic Rossby wave equation driven by wind stress. Sea surface temperature (SST) is determined by mixing layer physics. Based on detailed observational analyses, a parameterized linear relationship between TE vorticity forcing and meridional second-order derivative of SST is proposed to close the equations. Analytical solutions of the coupled model show that the midlatitude air-sea interaction with atmospheric TE dynamical forcing can destabilize the oceanic Rossby wave within a wide range of wavelengths. For the most unstable growing mode, characteristic atmospheric streamfunction anomalies are nearly in phase with their oceanic counterparts and both have a northeastward phase shift relative to SST anomalies, as the observed. Although both surface diabatic heating and TE vorticity forcing can lead to unstable air-sea interaction, the latter has a dominant contribution to the unstable growth. Sensitivity analyses further show that the growth rate of the unstable coupled mode is also influenced by the background zonal wind and the air–sea coupling strength. Such an unstable air-sea interaction provides a key positive feedback mechanism for midlatitude coupled climate variabilities.


Based on the air-sea interface heat fluxes and related meteorological variables datasets recently released by Objectively Analyzed Air-Sea Fluxes (OA Flux) Project of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, as well as the outgoing longwave radiation and surface wind datasets from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the seasonal dependence of local air-sea interaction over the tropical western Pacific warm pool (referred to the region (1o-6oN, 144o-154oE)) is revealed and the probable impacts of remote forcing on the air-sea interaction are examined. The results indicated the dominance of oceanic forcing with the significant impact of ENSO in March and that of atmospheric feedback without notable influence of remote forcing in June. While the interannual variability of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) is larger than that of SSTA tendency when oceanic forcing is dominant, the opposite is true when atmospheric feedback is dominant. The magnitude of the oceanic forcing of the atmosphere tends to decrease in March with the occurrence of ENSO, though ENSO has little influence on the atmospheric feedback to the ocean in June. The local air-sea interaction is substantially the same before and after the removal of the effect of Indian Oceanic Dipole. The reduction of shortwave radiation fluxes into the western Pacific warm pool, due to the enhanced overlaying convection in March associated with ENSO, leads to the decline of SST tendency that will weaken the oceanic forcing of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

A premonitory sign of an anomalous SST over the eastern equatorial Pacific shows up in the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (STMW) 18 months earlier,and the air-sea relationship between the STMW and the anomalous SST over the eastern equatorial Pacific is shown.This premonitory connection involves an air-sea coupling between the longtime persistent mid-latitude sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) induced by the remote re-emergence of the STMW and the following spring subtropical atmospheric circulation anomalies.An examination of the air-sea interaction reveals that the following spring subtropical atmospheric circulation,which responds to the longtime persistent SSTA,is dominated by the anomalous negative (positive) geopotential height downstream of the negative (positive) SSTA in the strong (weak) STMW case.Thus,the tropics adjust to these anomalies through coupled dynamics,producing positive (negative) SST anomalies over the eastern equatorial Pacific.A cold water event that occurred over the eastern equatorial Pacific during winter 2008-09 was successfully forecasted by the weak summer STMW index in 2007.The evolution of this process for the air-sea interactions from the autumn of 2007 to December 2008 is presented.  相似文献   

Interactions between the tropical and subtropical northern Pacific at decadal time scales are examined using uncoupled oceanic and atmospheric simulations. An atmospheric model is forced with observed Pacific sea surface temperatures (SST) decadal anomalies, computed as the difference between the 2000–2009 and the 1990–1999 period. The resulting pattern has negative SST anomalies at the equator, with a global pattern reminiscent of the Pacific decadal oscillation. The tropical SST anomalies are responsible for driving a weakening of the Hadley cell and atmospheric meridional heat transport. The atmosphere is then shown to produce a significant response in the subtropics, with wind-stress-curl anomalies having the opposite sign from the climatological mean, consistent with a weakening of the oceanic subtropical gyre (STG). A global ocean model is then forced with the decadal anomalies from the atmospheric model. In the North Pacific, the shallow subtropical cell (STC) spins down and the meridional heat transport is reduced, resulting in positive tropical SST anomalies. The final tropical response is reached after the first 10 years of the experiment, consistent with the Rossby-wave adjustment time for both the STG and the STC. The STC provides the connection between subtropical wind stress anomalies and tropical SSTs. In fact, targeted simulations show the importance of off-equatorial wind stress anomalies in driving the oceanic response, whereas anomalous tropical winds have no role in the SST signal reversal. We further explore the connection between STG, STC and tropical SST with the help of an idealized model. We argue that, in our models, tropical SST decadal variability stems from the forcing of the Pacific subtropical gyre through the atmospheric response to ENSO. The resulting Ekman pumping anomaly alters the STC and oceanic heat transport, providing a negative feedback on the SST. We thus suggest that extratropical atmospheric responses to tropical forcing have feedbacks onto the ocean dynamics that lead to a time-delayed response of the tropical oceans, giving rise to a possible mechanism for multidecadal ocean-atmosphere coupled variability.  相似文献   

我国南方盛夏气温主模态特征及其与海温异常的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁媛  丁婷  高辉  李维京 《大气科学》2018,42(6):1245-1262
利用NCEP/NCAR大气环流资料、HadISST海温数据以及中国160站气温数据等,通过EOF分解、线性相关等统计方法,分析了我国南方盛夏气温异常的主导模态及其所对应的关键环流系统和可能的海洋外强迫信号。结果表明:我国南方盛夏气温偏高有两种不同的分布模态,一是以江淮地区为中心的江淮型高温,二是以江南和华南为中心的江南型高温,导致这两种高温型发生的环流影响系统和海温外强迫因子均有显著差异。影响江淮型高温的关键环流系统是高低空正压结构的高度场正距平和偏弱的东亚副热带西风急流。而影响这两个关键环流系统的海洋外强迫因子包括热带印度洋至东太平洋的"-+-"海温异常分布型及北大西洋中纬度的暖海温异常。2016年盛夏江淮型高温的大气环流和海温异常均表现出典型江淮型高温年的特征,更好的证明了统计分析的结论。而江南型高温的关键环流系统主要是加强西伸的西太平洋副热带高压。其海洋外强迫因子包括前冬赤道中东太平洋的暖海温异常和春季-盛夏热带印度洋全区一致型暖海温异常,其中热带印度洋海温的影响更为持续和显著。  相似文献   

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