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利用1961—2005年逐候资料对东亚副热带西风急流初夏至盛夏变化与江淮出梅的关系进行了分析。结果表明,多年平均7月初夏至盛夏急流中心由西太平洋地区西跳至青藏高原的同时我国东部地区急流北跳至37.5°N以北,比梅雨结束早1候;急流北跳使得我国东部高空强辐散中心北移至华北地区,江淮地区上空辐散显著减弱,上升运动减弱,从而使得江淮梅雨结束,雨带北移;而急流中心的西跳仅使得我国东部地区高空辐散中心减弱,降水减弱,有利于雨带北移。我国东部急流北跳与江淮地区梅雨结束时间显著正相关,在北跳偏早(晚)年份梅雨结束早(晚),长江中下游地区降水偏少(多),而急流中心西跳早晚对我国华北北部地区和淮河附近地区降水有较大影响。可见,我国东部急流北跳与梅雨结束关系密切,可作为梅雨结束的先期信号。  相似文献   

循环分块矩阵方程之解及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1961—2005年逐候资料对东亚副热带西风急流初夏至盛夏变化与江淮出梅的关系进行了分析。结果表明,多年平均7月初夏至盛夏急流中心由西太平洋地区西跳至青藏高原的同时我国东部地区急流北跳至37.5°N以北,比梅雨结束旱1候;急流北跳使得我国东部高空强辐散中心北移至华北地区,江淮地区上空辐散显著减弱,上升运动减弱,从而使得江淮梅雨结束,雨带北移;而急流中心的西跳仅使得我国东部地区高空辐散中心减弱,降水减弱,有利于雨带北移。我国东部急流北跳与江淮地区梅雨结束时间显著正相关,在北跳偏早(晚)年份梅雨结束早(晚),长江中下游地区降水偏少(多),而急流中心西跳早晚对我国华北北部地区和淮河附近地区降水有较大影响。可见,我国东部急流北跳与梅雨结束关系密切,可作为梅雨结束的先期信号。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料和辽宁省逐日站点降水资料,分析了2015年初夏辽宁降水异常偏少的大尺度环流特征。结果表明:2015年初夏是1962年以来辽宁同期降水最少的年份。2015年初夏辽宁降水异常偏少的大尺度环流特征并不是共性,高空急流、西太副高的强度和位置以及是否有西南暖湿气流输送在6个典型少雨年里各有不同。大尺度环流系统的异常配置是导致2015年初夏辽宁降水严重偏少的主要原因,高空急流较气候平均偏南偏强,辽宁位于急流轴以北,高层辐合不利于上升运动发展;西太平洋副热带高压较气候平均偏东偏南,冷空气位置偏北,辽宁缺少冷暖空气交绥;低空急流较气候平均偏东偏南,辽宁缺少暖湿水汽输送及低层辐合上升运动。2015年初夏辽宁降水异常偏少与北太平洋海表面温度"东高西低"导致的大规模上升和下沉运动密切相关。  相似文献   

夏季逐月东亚高空急流异常对我国降水的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据1981~2010年NCEP/DOE再分析资料与中国160站降水资料,利用统计学、物理量诊断等方法,探讨夏季东亚季风环流系统重要成员——东亚高空西风急流位置、强度逐月变化与我国降水的关系。分析表明:6~8月东亚高空西风急流比各自气候态位置偏南(北)时,易造成6月华南、江南地区降水、7月江淮流域降水以及8月长江中上游地区降水偏多(少)。本文重点分析2010年6月、2007年7月及2006年8月东亚高空西风急流位置异常时东亚高、低纬度环流特征及其对我国降水影响的物理成因。研究发现:2010年6月东亚高空西风急流稳定在35°N以南。急流轴南侧(北侧)为强辐散(辐合)距平,相应低层辐合(辐散),造成江南、华南地区从低层至高层的强上升运动,配合整层偏西水汽通量距平,为该地区持续性降水提供了有利的动力和水汽条件;2007年7月东亚高空急流位置偏南、强度偏弱,急流月内尺度扰动偏强,使得东亚中高纬度冷空气活动频繁,造成淮河流域出现持续性暴雨;2006年8月东亚高空西风急流位置持续偏北、强度偏强,有利西太平洋副高西伸、北抬,我国四川—重庆地区受副高控制,出现了极端高温干旱天气。  相似文献   

晚春初夏西太平洋副热带高压南撤过程的气候学特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
李建平  朱建磊 《气象学报》2008,66(6):926-939
利用1979—2006年多年平均逐日NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、NOAA的OLR和逐候CAMP降水资料,从气候学角度探讨了晚春初夏季节转换时期,西太平洋副热带高压(副高)脊线位置变化及其与亚洲夏季风爆发的关系。发现晚春初夏时期西太平洋副高在向北移动过程中存在一次显著的南撤过程,之后西太平洋副高发生第一次北跳,南撤主要发生在对流层高层和低层,南撤生命期可达2周,且高层的南撤过程结束时间比低层的南撤过程开始时间早约1旬,这为预测低层副高南撤及其第一次北跳提供了有意义的前期信号。低层西太平洋副高南撤的同时伴随着一次显著东退过程。在低层副高南撤结束后(约5月底),由于气温经向梯度的变化使副高脊轴倾斜发生反转。晚春初夏的西太平洋副高南撤过程与亚州夏季风爆发、强对流活动和降雨带的移动变化关系密切。在对流层高层西太平洋副高南撤过程的中后期(约4月底),夏季风在安达曼海和临近孟加拉湾爆发。在对流层低层西太平洋副高南撤过程开始后,南海夏季风开始爆发(5月14—15日);南撤过程结束后(6月初),印度夏季风爆发;在副高脊线返回日后(6月中),东亚夏季风爆发。西太平洋副高南撤过程不同阶段的建立时间为预知亚洲不同地区夏季风的爆发时间提供了非常有用的信息。此外,在西太平洋副高主体南北两侧存在两支强的雨带,与副高主体控制的少雨带构成一个典型的"湿干湿"三明治雨型,这个雨型的变化与西太平洋副高脊线移动有关。  相似文献   

利用湖南96个测站的逐日降水、日最高气温和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、海温资料,分析了2013年夏季西太平洋副热带高压异常活动特征、成因及其对湖南高温干旱的影响。结果表明,2013年夏季西太平洋副高异常偏西、偏强,使得湖南一直处在高压下沉气流控制下,形成持续高温干旱天气。造成副高变异的原因主要有:(1)2012年冬季至2013年春季,赤道东太平洋海表温度持续偏低,印度洋—赤道西太平洋海表温度持续偏高,使得Walker环流和Hadley环流的上升和下沉运动得到加强,西太平洋副高西伸、加强;(2)南亚高压一次次东伸,通过强烈高空负涡度平流的动力强迫,造成西太平洋副高区内的下沉运动,导致副高稳定维持,天气晴热高温;(3)西风急流较常年偏北,纬向环流偏强,导致副热带高压在偏北位置稳定维持,200 h Pa高空辐合增强,辐合中心位于30°N以北,造成500 h Pa副高下沉运动区位置偏北、偏强。  相似文献   

一次梅雨锋暴雨的中尺度对流系统及低层风场影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨舒楠  路屹雄  于超 《气象》2017,43(1):21-33
本文利用常规气象观测资料,地面自动站加密观测资料和FY-2D、FY-2E卫星云图以及NCEP 1°×1°的FNL分析资料、EC 0.25°×0.25°的细网格模式数据等,对2015年6月15—18日梅雨锋暴雨过程的中尺度对流系统(MCS)活动特征、对流层低层风场对MCS发展的影响以及梅雨锋暴雨的垂直环流特征等进行了研究,结果表明:天气尺度梅雨锋上叠加的MCS的产生及向下游移动,以及其在安徽中部到江苏南部正涡度带作用下的发展增强,造成了江苏南部的局地强降水。强降水与中尺度低空急流核的位置吻合较好。在垂直方向上,高空急流入口区右侧与低空急流核左前方叠加,高低空急流耦合作用明显。在降水过程中,对流层低层具有较强的垂直风切变,有利于垂直涡度的增强和MCS的发展。对流层低层的垂直风切变也有利于不同源地的水汽在梅雨锋区汇集。梅雨锋北侧的干冷空气在对流层低(中)层以东北(西北)路径向锋区移动。南侧的暖湿气流沿西南路径移动、抬升,接近锋区后质点在上升过程中逐渐转向东移,在高空急流的抽吸作用下,快速向东流出,近地面层空气存在跨锋面环流。梅雨锋系统垂直方向上的次级环流是高层风场强烈辐散以及空气运动过程中质量补充和循环的结果。  相似文献   

王黎娟  陈璇  管兆勇 《大气科学》2009,33(5):1047-1057
利用NCEP/NCAR多年逐日再分析资料、美国环境预报中心CMAP (NOAA NCEP Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation) 候平均降雨量资料以及全国740站逐日降水资料, 对华南前汛期和江淮梅雨期大范围持续性暴雨过程中西太平洋副高短期位置变异的异同及其可能成因进行了分析。结果表明: 华南和江淮大范围持续性暴雨期间, 西太平洋副高位置均比同期气候平均值异常偏南偏西, 且强度偏强。华南暴雨期间, 副高西北侧华南地区以及西侧孟加拉湾地区存在异常强烈的视热源和视水汽汇; 江淮暴雨期间, 副高北侧江淮流域及西侧孟加拉湾地区也存在异常强烈的视热源和视水汽汇。运用全型垂直涡度倾向方程理论, 研究非绝热加热对西太平洋副高短期位置变异的影响, 结果表明: 副高位置的短期变异与非绝热加热场及其配置有密切联系。华南暴雨期间, 副高西北侧边缘的华南地区加热场可在短期内迫使副高东撤南退; 江淮暴雨期间, 副高北侧江淮流域加热场的存在不利于副高北进, 而西侧较远处孟加拉湾热源会诱导副高西伸, 两者的共同作用导致副高在江淮以南维持, 且会明显西伸。  相似文献   

借鉴梅雨指数的定义,选取贵溪、德兴、玉山、衢州、龙泉为5个代表站,建立了江南南部初夏雨季指数。近50a来,江南南部初夏雨季平均开始日和结束日分别是6月10日和7月1日,比江淮梅雨早约8d左右;雨季平均长度为20.5d,雨季内雨日数平均为15.5d;江南南部初夏雨季开始日经历了一个显著的“V型”变化过程,结束日呈“纺锤型”振荡变化;雨季的长度和雨日数没有明显的线性趋势变化,但20世纪80年代期间的雨季长度和雨日数年际变化大,旱涝频率高、强度强;20世纪60年代和21世纪以后雨季偏弱年较多。影响江南南部初夏雨季开始早晚的大气环流关键区主要在乌拉尔山附近,若乌拉尔山附近为阻高型(低槽型),则雨季开始早(晚);中高纬系统、太平洋副高和南亚高压也都有影响。影响雨季强度的大气环流关键区分别在东半球的北极区、中低纬度西北太平洋和鄂霍次克海附近上空。  相似文献   

2005年江淮流域入梅偏晚的成因分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
汪靖  刘宣飞  韩桂荣  何金海 《气象》2006,32(12):76-81
2005年是江淮流域入梅偏晚年。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、OLR资料和江苏省气象台提供的2005年逐日降水资料,对2005年江淮流域入梅前的异常环流形势进行分析,探讨了西太平洋副热带高压和低层中高纬冷空气的活动异常与东亚大槽、中西太平洋ITCZ以及东亚副热带高空西风急流等活动异常的关系。结果表明,入梅前,东亚大槽发展强盛,ITCZ偏弱以及东亚副热带高空西风急流强劲少动导致西太平洋副热带高压北抬偏晚。同时,东亚副热带高空西风急流的强劲少动也使南下冷空气势力强劲,中低层副热带锋区偏南,抑制了暖湿的东亚夏季风向江淮流域推进。东亚副热带高空西风急流和西太平洋副热带高压向北突跳偏晚是江淮流域2005年入梅偏晚的主要原因。  相似文献   

The major features of the south-westerly low-level jet (LLJ) in the lower troposphere over Southeast China and its climatic impacts are investigated by using FNL reanalysis data and observational precipitation data. Results show that LLJ mainly occurs in spring and summer and the occurrence frequency of LLJ over southeast China has significant diurnal cycle, most LLJ occur in the nighttime (0200 LST and 0800 LST). The high nocturnal occurrence frequency of LLJ is mainly resulting from increased nocturnal ageostrophic wind. Research on the climatic impacts of large-scale conditions depicts that, the occurrence of LLJ in April mainly results from the northward shifting of western pacific subtropical high (WPSH), and the occurrence of LLJ in July results from the strengthening of detouring flow around Tibetan Plateau. Analysis of the climatic effects of LLJ on precipitation distribution in 3 rainy seasons over Southeast China indicates that the rainfall events with strong intensity correspond to strong LLJs. The LLJ affects the precipitation over Southeast China by transporting water vapor and triggering upward motion. Rainfall regions well corresponds to the regions of the moisture convergence and strong upward motion triggered by LLJ. Negative wind divergence anomalies at 850 hPa and positive wind divergence anomalies at 200 hPa over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley strengthen the upward motion over this region, which are conductive to produce more precipitation over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley.  相似文献   

孙圣杰  李栋梁 《气象学报》2019,77(1):100-110
采用美国NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用相关、合成分析、大气热源的计算等方法,研究了气候变暖背景下西太平洋副热带高压(副高)空间形态的变异及热力原因。结果表明,气候变暖前、后各层副高形态特征有很大的差异,副高体的空间形态从850—700 hPa开始显著西伸南扩,到500 hPa最为明显。各层副高在冷、暖期的形态差异与其周围大气热源和涡度的变化相对应。随着气候变暖,副高西侧和南侧的大气热源在850—700 hPa上开始有明显的加强,500 hPa热源加强最明显,且副高体南侧热源中心有所南移;同时,其西侧和南侧从对流层低层至中高层有反气旋涡度的增大,西侧的反气旋涡度在850—700 hPa增大最明显,南侧的反气旋涡度在500 hPa增大最明显,且反气旋中心整体南移。表明气候变暖后,副高体西侧和南侧大气热源的加强,导致相应区域反气旋涡度增大,副高体向反气旋涡度增大的方向发展,从而使副高西脊点西伸,南边界南扩,整体南移。   相似文献   

用南亚高压和西太副高的周期关系做多雨时段的预报研究   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
赵改英  刘冰  齐收金 《高原气象》2000,19(2):172-178
对100hPa南亚高压的振荡指数及500hPa西太平洋副高的强度指数、西进指数进行了谱分析,着重考察了5天到一个月的振荡周期。通过分析得出,南亚高压的显著周期主要是准两周周期,西太平洋副高的显著周期主要是准一周周期,其次是准 两周周期;在多数情况下,南亚高压东进比西太平洋副高西伸加强提前1 ̄2天;南亚高压的显著周期与西太平洋副高的显著周期叠加时,陕西地区可出现多雨时段。  相似文献   

This study examines the features and dynamical processes of subseasonal zonal oscillation of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) during early summer, by performing a multivariate empirical orthogonal function (MVEOF) analysis on daily winds and a diagnosis on potential vorticity (PV) at 500 hPa for the period 1979–2016. The first MV-EOF mode is characterized by an anticyclonic anomaly occupying southeastern China to subtropical western North Pacific regions. It has a period of 10–25 days and represents zonal shift of the WPSH. When the WPSH stretches more westward, the South Asian high (SAH) extends more eastward. Above-normal precipitation is observed over the Yangtze–Huaihe River (YHR) basin. Suppressed convection with anomalous descending motion is located over the subtropical western North Pacific. The relative zonal movement of the SAH and the WPSH helps to establish an anomalous local vertical circulation of ascending motion with upper-level divergence over the YHR basin and descending motion with upper-level convergence over the subtropical western Pacific. The above local vertical circulation provides a dynamic condition for persistent rainfall over the YHR basin. An enhanced southwest flow over the WPSH’s western edge transports more moisture to eastern China, providing a necessary water vapor condition for the persistent rainfall over the YHR basin. A potential vorticity diagnosis reveals that anomalous diabatic heating is a main source for PV generation. The anomalous cooling over the subtropical western Pacific produces a local negative PV center at 500 hPa. The anomalous heating over the YHR basin generates a local positive PV center. The above south–north dipolar structure of PV anomaly along with the climatological southerly flow leads to northward advection of negative PV. These two processes are conducive to the WPSH’s westward extension. The vertical advection process is unfavorable to the westward extension but contributes to the eastward retreat of the WPSH.  相似文献   

李侃  余锦华  王元  宋金杰  庄园 《气象科学》2018,38(3):302-309
利用1980—2010年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料与江淮地区44个站逐日降水资料,分析了江淮地区1980—2010年梅雨期(6月16日—7月15日)降水的基本空间分布型及其与东亚副热带西风急流的关系。结果表明,江淮梅雨降水的第一分布型为"南正(负)北负(正)",该型受副热带高空西风急流位置的影响,急流位置偏南(北),则雨带位于江淮南(北)部地区;第二分布型为"中间负(正),两边正(负)",该型受副热带高空西风急流强度的影响,急流强度异常偏弱(强),则雨带位于江淮地区西北、东南部(中部)。合成分析表明,高空急流位置异常偏南时,500 h Pa副高偏弱、偏南,850 h Pa江淮南部地区为水汽、风场辐合区,高低空配置有利于降水呈"南正北负"的分布型。高空急流强度异常偏弱时,从我国江淮中东部地区至日本南部,500 h Pa上无明显垂直运动,850 h Pa上有水汽和风场的辐散区,高低空配置有利于降水呈"中间负,两边正"的分布型。  相似文献   

The extremely heavy Meiyu in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in 2020 features early beginning, extremely late retreat, long duration, and a dramatic north-south swing rain belt. It can be divided into three phases. The key point of the extremely heavy Meiyu is the long duration of precipitation. The physical mechanism of the phased variation is researched here by analyzing the phased evolution of atmospheric circulation, the thermal effect of Tibetan Plateau, the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA), and tropical convection. The results show that: (1) Throughout the whole Meiyu season, the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) is stronger and westward, the South Asian high (SAH) is stronger and eastward, and blocking highs are very active with different patterns at different stages; they all form flat mid-latitude westerlies with fluctuation interacting with WPSH and SAH, causing their ridges and the rain belt to swing drastically from north to south or vice versa. (2) The higher temperatures in the upper and middle atmosphere in the eastern and southern Tibetan Plateau and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which are produced by the warm advection transport, the heat sources in Tibetan Plateau, and the latent heat of condensation of Meiyu, contribute greatly to the stronger and westward WPSH and the stronger and eastward SAH. The dry-cold air brought by the fluctuating westerlies converges with the warm-humid air over Tibetan Plateau, resulting in precipitation, which in turn enhances the heat source of Tibetan Plateau and regulates the swings of WPSH and SAH. (3) Different from climatological analysis, real-time SSTA in the Indian Ocean has no obviously direct effect on WPSH and Meiyu. The anomalous distribution and phased evolution process of real-time SSTA in South China Sea and the tropical western Pacific affect WPSH and Meiyu significantly through tropical convection and heat sources. The maintenance of strong positive SSTA in the western equatorial Pacific is a critical reason for the prolonged Meiyu season. Both the onset and the retreat of Meiyu in 2020 are closely related to the intensified positive SSTA and corresponding typhoons on the ocean east of the Philippines.  相似文献   

2010年南方持续暴雨期大气环流异常及其低频特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张耀华  周兵  张耀存 《气象》2012,38(11):1367-1377
利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料以及国家气候中心台站降水资料等,应用多变量经验正交函数展开(MV—EOF)等方法,对2010年南方持续暴雨期大气环流异常及其低频特征进行了分析。结果表明:2010年东亚夏季风异常偏弱、西太平洋副热带高压位置异常偏南、三次季风涌的出现和高空急流与散度场活动异常及其相互配合,是南方降水异常的主要影响系统;对风场和降水场MV-EOF空间型分布的分析显示,低频降水中心与200hPa的气流辐散中心和850hPa辐合中心相关联;降水的第一模态反映了东亚夏季风的气候态演变,第二、三模态反映了夏季风在季节性推进过程中不同尺度的低频振荡,7月前半月和6月中下旬,第二、三模态分别处于低频振荡的正位相,使长江中下游梅雨和华南前汛期延迟结束,并且增强了江南的梅雨降水,夏季风的气候态演变和低频振荡相叠加导致2010年我国南方暴雨频发。  相似文献   

采用FY-2E卫星云图TBB(Black Body Temperature)资料,统计分析2010-2014年夏季(6-8月)华东地区的α中尺度对流系统(MαCS)和β中尺度对流系统(MβCS),发现两类MCS(Mesoscale Convective System)均具有夜发性,且发生主要集中于安徽、江苏、江西和浙江地区,形成后自西向东移动。进一步利用NCEP-CFSR和NCEP-CFSV2每6 h的再分析数据,通过主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)和K-means聚类分析对两种尺度MCS成因进行分析,结果显示:850 hPa切变线和低空急流、500 hPa副高和中纬度短波槽以及200 hPa的高空急流是影响MCS形成主要的天气系统,对流层中层以下的水汽供应、低层大气不稳定性和低层辐合、高层辐散的动力结构是MCS形成的必要条件。MαCS发生前的天气形势可以分为两类:①生成位置位于850 hPa低空急流的西侧、气旋性环流的南侧,500 hPa、200 hPa分别受槽前西南气流、反气旋性环流的影响;②850 hPa切变线南部的偏西气流、500 hPa的偏西气流和200 hPa的高空急流配合。MβCS发生前的两类环流形势中,850 hPa切变线南部的偏西气流控制的为第一类,切变线南部的西南气流和生成位置东部的低空急流影响的为第二类,500 hPa生成位置位于短波槽东部,200 hPa均有西风急流与中低层配合。  相似文献   

Severe flooding occurred in Northeast China (NEC) in summer 2013. Compared with the rainfall climatology of the region, the rainy season began earlier in 2013 and two main rainy periods occurred from late June to early July and from mid July to early August, respectively. During the summer season of 2013, the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) was located farther westward, which strengthened the southerly winds on its west side in the lower troposphere. Under this circulation pattern, more water vapor was transported to North China and NEC. Another moisture transport pathway to NEC was traced to the cross-equatorial flow over the Bay of Bengal. In mid–high latitudes in summer 2013, the Northeast Cold Vortex (NECV) was much stronger and remained stable over NEC. Thus, the cold air flow from its northwest side frequently met with the warm and wet air from the south to form stronger moisture convergence at lower levels in the troposphere, resulting in increased precipitation over the region. Correlation analysis indicated that the NECV played a more direct role than the WPSH. Synoptic analyses of the two heaviest flood cases on 2 and 16 July confirmed this conclusion. The four wettest summers in NEC before 2000 were also analyzed and the results were consistent with the conclusion that both the WPSH and the NECV led to the intense rainfall in NEC, but the NECV had a more direct role.  相似文献   

By using the daily-14 year(1983—1996)NCEP/NCAR 2.5°×2.5° reanalysis data,wecarefully study in each pentad the advance and retreat of the summer monsoon in China and givento it a new definition.This definition considered the intensity of southwesterly winds at 850 hPatogether with its degree in temperature and moisture.The result revealed that:(1)The advance of the summer monsoon in China shows three abrupt northward shifts andfour relatively stationary stays.The four stable stages correspond to the peak of the pro-summerrainy period in South China,the“Meiyu”season in the Changjiang(Yangtze)-Huaihe RiverValleys.the rainy season in the downstream of the Huanghe(Yellow)Riyer Valleys and the rainyseason in northern China.The retreat of the summer monsoon is so fast that it totally retreatsfrom the mainland at about the mid-August.(2)The northward advance of summer monsoon in China is basically controlled by theseasonal variation latitudinally of the upper level planetary westerlies.It is in roughly accord withthe temporal variation in the position of 15 m s~(-1) isotaeh at 200 hPa.The fast retreat of thesummer monsoon is mainly due to the blocking effect of the Tibetan Plateau.(3)The advance of 500 hPa subtropical high of the western Pacific is also in aecordanee withthe advance of the summer monsoon in China.During the advancement of the summer monsoon,the eastward movement of the subtropical high shows great meaning that it creates the essentialcondition for the convergence of southward intrusion cold airs with the warm and humidsouthwesterly winds,which result in precipitation.There are three manifest eastward movementsof the subtropical high during its northward advancement.They coincide correspondingly to thebeginning of the peak of the pre-summer rainy period in South China,the“Meiyu”season in theChangjiang(Yangtze)-Huaihe River Valleys and finally the rainy season in northern China.Thewestern part of the subtropical high moves eastward to the region of Japan in late July and thebeginning of August.It then stays there for quite a long time which results in the straightmovement of cold airs intruding from the north to the east of Tibetan Plateau,i.e.the easternregion of China.This provides good condition for the fast southward retreat of the summermonsoon.(4)The intensifieation and development of the Tibetan high at 200 hPa are closely related to the eastward movement of the subtropical high,they often occur simultaneously.  相似文献   

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