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生命周期评价在啤酒企业清洁生产审核中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用生命周期评价方法,针对某啤酒企业生产实际情况,分析了企业内部因素造成的环境影响,并根据企业经济能力组织实施了一批清洁生产方案,收到了良好的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,同时探讨了生命周期评价在企业清洁生产中的应用前景。  相似文献   

对当前天气预报技术发展中若干重要问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从科学技术论、认识论、方法论的角度,通过历史的回顾,对预报工作中所遇到的借鉴与创新、继承与发展、信息环境技术和预报技术、新事实的揭露和新技术引用、技术应用与技术应用管理等若干关系进行讨论,从而分析研究预报技术发展决策的一些主要问题。  相似文献   

通过采用污染源分析、治理措施分析、清洁生产分析等技术,对江西亚东水泥有限公司第3、4条4200t/d新型干法水泥生产线扩建工程大气污染控制进行了全过程实例分析,得出了该项目水泥粉尘污染控制的最佳技术方案。认为水泥生产采用清洁高效的窑外分解新型干法生产工艺和先进的5级旋风预热预分解回转窑系统,对污染产生源头加以控制,可使得大气污染物粉尘的产生量大大减少;如果在所有粉尘产生点均使用高效的袋式除尘器或静电除尘器,则各排尘点粉尘排放均能达到国家标准。  相似文献   

彭鹏  张韧  洪梅  王锋  龙强 《大气科学学报》2015,38(2):155-164
气候变化影响是指气候变化背景下社会经济或资源环境的响应。气候变化风险是指由于气候变化所引起的社会经济或资源环境的可能损失。气候变化风险评估是对气候变化影响的定性和对风险的量化。针对气候变化风险评估方法的原理和技术体系,本文从风险指数、风险概率和脆弱性评估三个方面,对研究现状、热点问题和通常方法进行了评述,并对当前研究中存在的问题和未来需求进行了归纳和展望。  相似文献   

人类对地球环境的改变,从地理范围来说是广泛的,而且几乎包括了自然界的各个方面。例如,人们所饮的水、所吃的食物、所呼吸的空气以及所居住的小环境,从全球范围来说,都被人类改变了。在过去二十年中,人们对当前人类对环境的影响表示了关切,认为这种影响可能已经大到足以引起气候变化,而这种变化反过来又会在农业和其它方面产生显著后果。对当今和未来的气候有一种广泛流传的成见,认为只有现代技术才影响环境,这使多数研究  相似文献   

以某化工厂环氧乙烷储运系统发生环境风险事故为例,通过风险识别和源项分析,利用有关技术导则中推荐的模式对发生环境风险事故的后果进行预测,得出环氧乙烷储运系统发生泄漏或爆炸时可能造成轻伤、重伤及死亡影响范围的预测结果;同时从风险防范措施和应急预案两方面对环氧乙烷储运系统提出了防范措施,主要包括环氧乙烷的应急处理措施、围堰及事故池的设置、其他风险防范措施要求、运输风险防范措施和环境风险事故应急预案。通过采取以上防范措施,不仅可以最大程度地降低环氧乙烷储运系统环境风险事故发生的概率,而且可以将环境风险事故发生后对环境可能造成的不良影响降至最低。  相似文献   

针对我国燃煤电厂SO2排放及污染现状和目前国内外燃煤电厂普遍采用的几种典型脱硫工艺的比较,对脱硫工艺及其工艺选择的主要影响因素进行了概述。根据脱硫工艺的选择要素,从应用条件、技术、经济和环境等方面进行分析,并结合我国的实际情况,提出了燃煤电厂脱硫工艺的技术路线。  相似文献   

重污染天气发生时,如何从气象预报服务角度做好应对策略和防范部署,最大限度地减轻大气污染对公众身体健康和社会生产生活的影响,是气象部门亟待解决的现实问题。根据陕西重污染天气防治现状和近5年重污染天气预报服务开展情况,总结和分析了重污染天气应对工作中存在的应急预案体系不健全、联动机制不完善、空气质量预报技术不足、环境气象评估业务技术支撑薄弱等问题,并针对存在问题,提出了强化应急预案体系衔接、加强部门间合作、加强重污染天气预报技术攻关及提高环境气象评估业务能力等对策建议。  相似文献   

气象信息传输网络系统是现代气象业务的中枢和纽带,但随着网络技术的快速发展,其安全防范问题也日益突出。从气象信息传输网络系统管理内容及安全防范方面进行分析。从策略、技术、手段等全方位进行管理和安全防范。使气象网络信息管理在安全有序的环境中得到健康发展。  相似文献   

区块链技术提供了一种在开放环境中存储数据、执行交易和处理业务的新方法,具有去中心化、防篡改等优势.从以比特币为代表的1.0时代,到以以太坊为代表的2.0时代,区块链技术已经对金融、物联网、供应链等行业产生了革命性的影响.然而由于技术和管理等方面的问题,目前区块链技术仍面临着很多安全挑战.首先,本文从信息安全、系统安全和隐私安全3个角度讨论了恶意信息攻击、51%攻击、智能合约攻击、拒绝服务攻击等8种区块链技术面临的攻击,分析了这些攻击的原理、执行过程和破坏性.接着,从以上3个角度详细讨论了智能矿池、Securify分析工具、混合技术、零知识证明等12种区块链安全保障技术,分析了这些安全保障技术的原理、执行过程、优点和局限性.最后,对区块链技术的未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

以科技部农业科技成果转化项目“黄淮平原农业干旱监测预警及综合防御技术推广应用”为例,对科学技术进步奖经济效益分析项目逐项解析后得出:该项目推广应用经济效益显著,对农业经济的贡献主要是节约开支、减少水资源和作物秸秆的无效浪费,对于培肥地力、改善作物的土壤生态环境以及对当季和下茬作物高产具有十分重要的意义。但对于改善生态环境而获得的生态效益分析方法,需利用其他指标进一步探讨。  相似文献   

根据环境影响评价技术导则—大气环境(HJ2.2-2008)等有关规定,对基于SCREEN3模型的大气环境防护距离确定技术方法进行研究,对比分析了现行的卫生防护距离和HJ2.2-2008规定的大气环境防护距离确定方法的差异,论述了各行业卫生防护距离标准仍执行的可行性,进一步探讨了大气环境防护距离确定存在的问题与技术解决方案,提出了尽快制定无组织排放源强确定技术方法规范、各行业大气环境防护距离标准的建议,为环境评价与保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   

随着有色金属采选建设项目的增加,选矿生产的耗水量日渐为公众及管理部门所关注,在整个生产过程中,除精矿粉中会带走精矿重量约10%的水分外,绝大部分排放水是尾矿矿浆经输送至尾矿库澄清后排出的。因此从环境保护及提高水的利用率角度考虑,选矿废水应回用,而尾矿的排放方式又对生产用水回用率有着很大的影响。  相似文献   

One-third of all food produced in the world is lost or wasted, which has negative consequences for societies and the environment. Thus, curbing food waste is critical to securing human well-being and protecting the environment. This study examines the drivers of household food waste decisions by investigating the activation and deactivation of moral norms and introducing the concept of the ‘good provider’ in an augmented norm-activation model (NAM). A survey of 643 consumers in Australia and Singapore explores the ‘good provider’ norm as a driver of food waste behaviours in both cultures. For Australians, ‘good provider’ norms suppress intentions to avoid food waste, most likely to provide for the immediate family, which can be a motive that overrides moral concern about food waste in an individualistic culture. For Singaporeans, ‘good provider’ norms do not suppress food waste intentions, possibly due to the value placed on thrift by a long-term-oriented culture. The paper significantly extends the previous research on norms, culture and sustainable consumption and provides policy and practical implications for curbing food waste in different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

阿克苏棉区膜下滴灌农业气象服务对策初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前棉花膜下滴灌技术已在阿克苏得到应用,棉花膜下滴灌植棉比常规高密度植棉在灌溉方式上具有明显的优越性,灌水灵活,控制力强,增产潜力较大。由于棉花膜下灌溉技术改变了棉田的生态环境,面对这一新型的节水技术,需找准气象服务的切入点。研究表明,农业气象服务在膜下滴灌植棉和常规植棉中的应对措施具有较大的差异性。  相似文献   

Governments are increasingly supporting initiatives to address plastic pollution, but efforts are largely opportunistic or driven by national socio-political priorities. There is an urgent need to move away from piecemeal single product instruments (e.g. single use plastic bag taxes or plastic straw bans) to deliver system-wide strategies that minimise the most pervasive sources of plastic pollution. Developing a common understanding of a jurisdiction’s plastic waste stream and the solutions available to decision-makers is vital to build consensus across stakeholders and to align on an evidence-based portfolio of priority instruments.This paper presents the Plastic Drawdown framework as a boundary-spanning tool to quickly create a coherent, relevant, and credible analysis and visualisation for stakeholders of plastic waste, leakage hotspots and minimisation opportunities. Using a new plastic waste modelling framework with a consultative structure, Plastic Drawdown explores plastic waste and leakage over a ten-year period and assesses impacts of policy instruments on this projection. Plastic Drawdown is adaptable to the data poor environment typical of many countries and designed as a rapid assessment tool to support the decision making of governments operating in a highly resource-constrained context.The Maldives is used as a case study to show the utility of the tool, where it highlighted strategies with the potential to reduce leakage of plastic waste into the marine environment by up to 85% by 2030. Plastic Drawdown built the case for phasing out single-use plastic waste across the Maldives and supported the Government’s decision to set ambitious targets, as announced at the United Nations General Assembly in 2019.  相似文献   

Seven Swedish landfills were investigated from 2001 to 2003. On each landfill, a measure of the total methane production was calculated from data on: (1) methane emissions (leakage); (2) methane oxidation and (3) from gas recovery.
Methane emissions were determined via a tracer gas (N2O) release-based remote sensing method. N2O and CH4 were measured with an Fourier Transform infrared detector at a distance of more than 1 km downwind from the landfills. Methane oxidation in the landfill covers was measured with the stable carbon isotope method. The efficiency in gas recovery systems proved to be highly variable, but on an average, 51% of the produced landfill gas was captured.
A first-order decay model, based on four fractions (waste from households and parks, sludges and industrial waste), showed that the use of a degradable organic carbon fraction (DOCf) value of 0.54, in accordance with the default value for DOCf of 0.50 in the latest IPCC model, gave an emission estimate similar to the official national reports.  相似文献   

Per capita consumption of plastic continues to increase and remains at high levels in high-income countries, despite obvious contributions to the global problem of plastics pollution. This paper attempts to provide an explanation for this phenomenon based on construal level theory, positing that plastic waste is a problem that is perceived as “out of sight and out of mind” for consumers in high plastic consumption (typically high income) countries and that this is influenced by the export of plastic waste to other (typically lower income and lower consumption) countries for disposal – shifting the burden of mismanaged plastic waste and perceptions of plastics pollution in the countries creating the majority of plastic waste. The apparent lack of plastics pollution in a local environment becomes a mediator, influenced by the export of plastic waste, which may then contribute to further plastics consumption. The theory is tested using structural equation modelling using rare, available matched data for mismanaged plastic waste, plastic waste exports, and plastics consumption at an aggregate country level. All study hypotheses are supported. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research and practice, including potential changes to government policy aimed at reducing future plastics consumption and pollution.  相似文献   

辽宁省危险废物管理战略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
随着环保工作的深入,特别是“非典”之后,危险废物管理已引起政府高度重视。辽宁作为国家重化工业基地,危险废物产生量加上历史积累量居全国首位;由于历史原因,存在处置能力低、技术落后、管理起步晚、严重滞后等问题,严重威胁环境安全。妥善解决这些问题是全新课题。通过借鉴国内外危险废物管理方面的理论与实践经验,开展了辽宁省危险废物管理战略性研究,从减量化、资源化、再利用及最终安全处置方面分析,围绕提高危险废物利用处置能力,加快处置设施建设,提出合理规划布局及所应遵循的原则,促进危险废物利用处置应采取的政策性措施及加强管理等建议,最终实现全省危险废物在未来“十一五”期间安全处置的目标,为建设和谐辽宁提供环境安全。  相似文献   

Both supply and demand side changes are necessary to achieve a sustainable food system. However, the weight accorded to these depends on one’s view of what the priority goals are for the food system and the extent to which production systems versus consumption patterns are open to change. Some stakeholders see the problem as one of ‘not enough food’ and focus on the need to sustainably increase supply, while others consider the resource demanding and ‘greedy’ consumption patterns of the Western world as the main problem and emphasize the need to shift diets. In this study global land use and greenhouse gas emissions are estimated for a set of scenarios, building on four ‘livestock futures’ reflecting these different perspectives. These scenarios are: further intensification of livestock systems; a transition to plant-based eating; a move towards artificial meat and dairy; and a future in which livestock production is restricted to the use of ‘ecological leftovers’ i.e. grass from pastures, food waste and food and agricultural byproducts. Two dietary variants for each scenario are modelled: 1) a projected diet following current trends and 2) a healthy diet with more fruits and vegetables and fewer animal products, vegetable oils and sugar. Livestock production in all scenarios (except the baseline scenario) was assumed to intensify to current levels of intensive production in North-Western Europe. For each scenario, several variant assumptions about yield increases and waste reductions were modelled. Results show that without improvements in crop productivity or reductions on today’s waste levels available cropland will only suffice if production of all protein currently supplied by animal foods is replaced by (hypothetical) artificial variants not requiring any land. With livestock intensities corresponding to current ones in North-Western Europe and with yield gaps closed by 50% and waste reduced by 50%, available cropland will suffice for all scenarios that include a reduction of animal products and/or a transition to poultry or aquaculture. However, in the scenario based on an extrapolation of current consumption patterns (animal product amounts and types consumed in proportions corresponding to the current average consumption in different world regions) and with livestock production based on feed from cropland, available cropland will not be enough. The scenario that makes use of pastures for ruminant production and food waste for pigs, uses considerably less cropland and could provide 40–56 kg per capita per year of red meat. However, such a livestock future would not reduce GHG emissions from agriculture on current levels. This study confirms previous research that to achieve a sustainable food future, action is needed on all fronts; improved supply and reduced demand and waste.  相似文献   

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