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吴国雄  刘屹岷  刘平 《气象学报》1999,57(3):257-263
利用全型垂直涡度倾向方程,讨论了空间非均匀非绝热加热(Q)对副热带高压形态变异的影响。通过简单的空间尺度分析指出,Q的垂直非均匀分布比其水平非均匀分布对副热带高压带断裂成闭合中心的影响更大。在时间尺度较长时,低空的β效应和高层的涡度平流对副热带高压形态的形成有重要作用。在它们影响下,低空副热带高压出现在表面感热加热西侧、深对流凝结加热东侧;而高空副热带高压出现在表面感热加热的东侧、深对流凝结加热的西侧  相似文献   

通过数值试验研究了孟加拉湾季风爆发期间该地区旺盛的对流凝结加热对南海季风爆发和副热带高压“撤出”南海的影响,结果证明在孟加拉湾地区引入模拟的对流凝结潜热使该地区出现了强烈的上升运动,引起了孟加拉湾季风的爆发。同时由于对凝结加热的非对称Rossby响应,在南海北部导致西风出现和增强及垂直上升运动。因低层水汽平流的共同作用下,在南海北部引起了对流的发展。而正是南海北部的凝结加热促使南海地区温度经向梯度逆转,使副热带高压脊面的倾斜从冬季型转为夏季型,即低层的副热带高压减弱南移。最后当对流在南海地区发展起来时,副热带高压移出南海地区。  相似文献   

降水与副热带高压位置和强度变化的数值模拟   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用国家气象中心的T63业务数值模式,通过不同的对流潜热加热的敏感性试验,研宄降水对西太平洋反气旋中、短期运动的影响.结果表明,非绝热加热在垂直方向的不均匀将引起加热区附近风场的变化,从而影响到副热带高压位置和强度的改变.而副热带高压的变化又会反过来影响降水区位置的变化.由此证明,在中短期过程中,降水与副高之间存在着相互作用.  相似文献   

1998年夏季西太副高活动与凝结潜热加热的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
温敏  施晓晖 《高原气象》2006,25(4):616-623
利用1998年南海季风试验逐日再分析资料,分析了1998年夏季梅雨期内凝结潜热加热对西太平洋副热带高压(下称西太副高)中短期活动的影响。结果表明,不同位置的凝结潜热加热对西太副高的作用是不同的:当西太副高西侧的降水在它的边缘发生时,释放的凝结潜热加热可能迫使西太副高东退,离它较远处的降水则可能诱使西太副高西伸;西太副高北侧降水释放的凝结潜热加热将阻止它北进;南侧降水则有推动西太副高北进的作用。当南北两侧的凝结潜热加热等强度时,它原地不动,但强度增强,达到一定强度时西伸;若某一侧加热强度减弱,西太副高则有向该侧移动的趋势。  相似文献   

通过求取定常线性准地转位涡模式的数值解,研究了感热型垂直非均匀分布的冷、热源强迫所激发的副热带环流的结构特征,讨论了副热带背景风场和洋面辐射冷却对洋面副热带高压“三角形偏心”结构形成的重要作用。结果表明,基本流对感热加热强迫的副热带环流有重要影响,当基本流为常数时,感热加热强迫的气旋和反气旋主要集中在对流层中下层,且地面系统远强于中高层。当基本流为非常数时,其经向切变能改变气旋和反气旋中心的经向位置,使它移至0风速所在纬度附近;其垂直变化加强了中高层气旋和反气旋,中心位于对流层上层,与南亚高压的位置基本一致。研究结果还表明,在大洋东部洋面辐射冷却与副热带地区背景风场的共同作用下,形成了洋面副热带高压特有的“三角形偏心”结构。副热带高纬度的西风使感热强迫的洋面副热带高压东移,低纬度的东风使其西移,形成东北—西南走向的“平行四边形”结构,且中心位于大洋西部。大洋东部强洋面辐射冷却激发的洋面反气旋加强了大洋东部的副热带高压,使其中心东移至大洋东部,从而表现出东北—西南走向的“三角形偏心”结构。   相似文献   

利用位涡方程和热力适应原理,讨论了因非绝热加热的空间不均匀性导致的大气 动力特征的变化,进一步阐明了副热带地区的深对流凝结潜热加热的垂直非均匀性使副热带高压在中低空出现在热源区以东,在高空出现在热源区以西。在此基础上,深入研究了水平非均匀加热对大气环流的影响。结果表明加热区以北,虽然非绝热加热消失,但存在加热的水平梯度在西风环流的背景下在高低层造成深厚的负涡度强迫。因而高层热源北部边界附近的西风向南偏转进入加热区,造成加热区北部边界及其以北发生次级辐散;低层热源区的南风发生反气旋偏转,汇入加热区外的西风气流中,造成低层加热区北部边界及其以北发生次级辐合。结果该区域产生了垂直上升运动及负的涡度强迫源,对应着异常强烈的反气旋环流。该负涡度强迫源还通过能量频散,在西风带中以Rossby波的形式向中高纬传播,影响中高纬地区的异常环流型。  相似文献   

刘屹岷  刘辉  刘平  吴国雄 《气象学报》1999,57(4):385-396
在文献[4]尺度分析的基础上,通过对 N C E P/ N C A R 月平均资料的分析,并利用 I A P/ L A S G G O A L S全球气候模式进行模拟和试验,研究了东太平洋北美地区副热带高压主体的形成及变化规律。基于全型垂直涡度方程的诊断分析指出,北美陆地的表面感热通量是决定该地区副热带高压中心位置及其季节变化的关键因素。数值模拟和敏感性试验进一步表明,夏半年陆面感热加热是导致1000 h Pa 太平洋副热带高压及500 h Pa 北美副热带高压形成和变化的最重要原因。  相似文献   

孟加拉湾季风爆发对南海季风爆发的影响Ⅰ:个例分析   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用南海季风试验分析场和NCAR向外长波辐射通量(OLR)资料研究了1998年孟加拉湾季风和南海季风爆发期间副热带环流的大尺度和天气尺度特征,探讨了孟加拉湾季风爆发与南海季风爆发之间的物理联系及孟加拉湾季风气旋的对流凝结潜热释放对副热带高压“撤出”南海的影响。结果表明,1998年5月爆发的东亚季风展现出典型的从孟加拉湾地区东传发展到南海地区的过程。随着孟加拉湾季风爆发和对流活动增强、北移,南海北部出现了低层西风和对流活动,领先于副热带高压在南海地区减弱和撤退。结果还显示南海北部地区的对流凝结加热有助于该地区经向温度梯度的反转,在热成风关系的制约下南海上空副热带高压脊面的垂直倾斜由冬季型转向夏季型,季风爆发。  相似文献   

利用位涡方程和热力适应原理,讨论了因非绝热加热的空间不均匀性导致的大气动力特征的变化,进一步阐明了副热带地区的深对流凝结潜热加热的垂直非均匀性使副热带高压中低空出现在低源区以东,在高空出现在热源区以西。在此基础上,深入研究了水平非均匀加热对大气环流的影响。结果表明加热区以北,虽然非绝热加热消失,但存在加热的水平梯度在西风环流的背景下在高低层造成深厚的负涡度强迫。因而高层热源北部边界附近的西风向南偏转进入加热区,造成加热区北部边界及其以北发生次级辐散;低层热源区的南风发生反气旋偏转,汇入加热区外的西风气流中,造成低层加热区北部边界及其以北发生次级辐合。结果该区域产生了垂直上升运动及负的涡度强迫源,对应着异常强烈的反气旋环流。该负涡强度迫源还通过能量散射,在西风带中以Rossby波的形式向中高纬传播,影响中高纬地区的异常环流型。  相似文献   

首先用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料统计了我国东部季风区华南、江淮、华北的夏季持续非绝热加热情况, 然后针对非绝热加热的主要贡献因子凝结潜热进行不同区域的数值试验, 从而探讨了各区凝结潜热加热对大气环流的可能影响途径。所有数值试验都揭示了凝结加热可以首先在对流层中低层的加热区附近激发气旋性异常, 然后异常向东北传播, 并最终在中高纬地区形成正负中心相间的波列状结构, 这在一定程度上体现了潜热加热能的向东向极频散过程。此外, 不同个例年试验结果的差异说明了大气环流对凝结加热的最初响应情况比较复杂, 很大程度上依赖于加热初始阶段的大气环流场, 而呈现出与垂直环流结构相类似的异常分布是可能的响应方式之一。  相似文献   

The effects of condensation heating on the formation of the subtropical anticyclone in the Eastern Hemisphere (EH) are studied by means of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. The complete vorticity equation is employed for the analysis. It is found that, due to the vertical gradient of strong condensation heating, the distribution of cyclone and anticyclone in the upper troposphere is out of phase with that in the middle and lower troposphere. This is confirmed by a series of numerical experiments. The horizontal gradient of the condensation heating also affects the configuration of the subtropical anticyclone. It is concluded that condensation heating is a key factor for the formation and location of the summer subtropical anticyclone in the EH. The latent heating released by the Asian monsoon rainfall contributes to the formation of the 200 hPa South Asian anticyclone on the western side of the heating center and the 500 hPa western Pacific subtropical anticyclone on the eastern side of the center. Such configurations are modified to some extent by surface sensible heating and orography. The circulation in mid-latitudes is also affected by the latent heating in the subtropical area through the propagation of Rossby waves. Received: 10 September 1999 / Accepted: 5 June 2000  相似文献   

The studies in China on the formation of the summertime subtropical anticyclone on the climate timescale are reviewed. New insights in resent studies are introduced. It is stressed that either in the free atmosphere or in the planetary boundary, the descending arm of the Hadley cell cannot be considered as a mechanism for the formation of the subtropical anticyclone. Then the theories of thermal adaptation of the atmosphere to external thermal forcing and the potential vorticity forcing are developed to understand the formation of the subtropical anticyclone in the three-dimensional domain. Numerical experiments are designed to verify these theories. Results show that in the boreal summer, the formation of the strong South Asian High in the upper troposphere and the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific in the middle and lower troposphere is, to a great extent, due to the convective latent heating associated with the Asian monsoon, but affected by orography and the surface sensible heating over the continents.On the other hand, the formation of the subtropical anticyclone at the surface over the northern Pacific and in the upper troposphere over North America is mainly due to the strong surface sensible heating over North America, but affected by radiation cooling over the eastern North Pacific. Moreover, in the real atmosphere such individual thermal forcing is well organized. By considering the different diabatic heating in synthesis, a quadruple heating pattern is found over each subtropical continent and its adjacent oceans in summer. A distinct circulation pattern accompanies this heating pattern. The global summer subtropical heating and circulation may be viewed as “mosaics” of such quadruplet heating and circulationpatterns respectively. At last, some important issues for further research in understanding and predicting the variations of the subtropical anticyclone are raised.  相似文献   

Based on 6-hourly sensible heat flux and latent heat flux from the NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) and circulation data from the Japanese 25-year Reanalysis (JRA-25), the initial developing process of tropical cyclone Mindulle (1005) in 2010 has been diagnosed to reveal the impact of air-sea interaction over the South China Sea (SCS) on the genesis of its incipient vortex. The results show that the incipient vortex first occurred east of the Luzon Island on 0000 UTC 20 August, suggesting that the topographic forcing of the Luzon Island for easterly winds over the western Pacific might be one of the factors responsible for the formation of the incipient vortex. During the formation stage of the incipient vortex, strong southeasterlies over the SCS caused warm water of the middle and eastern SCS to flow toward the Luzon Island due to Ekman transport resulting from wind stress, leading to an increase of the sea surface temperature and sensible heat flux into the atmosphere. Although the anomalous sensible heating favored surface pressure to reduce, it was not conducive to the increase of local vorticity associated with the vortex above the heating area because, according to the atmospheric thermal adaptation theory, the anticyclonic vorticity would be created in the lower troposphere due to the decreased vertical gradient of the sensible heating. However, the ascending motions occurred over the eastern area of the anomalous sensible heating due to the augmentation of the vorticity advection with increasing height, causing water vapor to condense in the middle and upper troposphere. In turn, cyclonic vorticity was generated in the lower troposphere due to the increased vertical gradient of the condensation latent heating, resulting in the formation and further growth of the incipient vortex. Therefore, the vorticity creation due to the condensation heating played a dominant role during the subsequent enhancing stage of the incipient vortex.  相似文献   

Based on the daily NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the position variation of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) in June 2005 and its relation to the diabatic heating in the subtropical East Asia are analyzed using the complete vertical vorticity equation. The results show that the position variation of the WPSH is indeed associated with the diabatic heating in the subtropical East Asian areas. In comparison with June climatology, stronger heating on the north side of the WPSH and relatively weak ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone) convection on the south side of the WPSH occurred in June 2005. Along with the northward movement of the WPSH, the convective latent heating extended northward from the south side of the WPSH. The heating to the west of the WPSH was generally greater than that inside the WPSH, and each significant enhancement of the heating field corresponded to a subsequent westward extension of the WPSH. In the mid troposphere, the vertical variation of heating on the north of the WPSH was greater than the climatology, which is unfavorable for the northward movement of the WPSH. On the other hand, the vertical variation of heating south of the WPSH was largely smaller than the climatology, which is favorable for the anomalous increase of anticyclonic vorticity, leading to the southward retreat of the WPSH. Before the westward extension of the WPSH in late June 2005, the vertical variation of heating rates to (in) the west (east) of the WPSH was largely higher (lower) than the climatology, which is in favor of the increase of anticyclonic (cyclonic) vorticity to (in) the west (east) of the WPSH, inducing the subsequent westward extension of the WPSH. Similar features appeared in the lower troposphere. In a word, the heating on the north-south, east-west of the WPSH worked together, resulting in the WPSH extending more southward and westward in June 2005, which is favorable to the maintenance of the rainbelt in South China.  相似文献   

青藏高原和亚洲夏季风动力学研究的新进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
亚洲夏季风环流受海陆和伊朗高原—青藏高原大地形的热力作用调控.亚洲季风所释放的巨大潜热又对大气环流形成反馈.这种相互反馈过程十分复杂,揭示其物理过程对理解气候变化格局的形成和变化以及提高天气预报及气候预测的准确率十分重要.夏季北半球副热带对流层上层环流的主要特征是存在庞大的南亚高压(SAH)以及强大的对流层上层温度暖中心(UTTM).本文介绍了温度—加热垂直梯度(T-QZ)理论的发展,并用以揭示SAH和UTTM的形成机制.指出沿副热带欧亚大陆东部的季风对流潜热加热及其中西部的表面感热加热和高层长波辐射冷却是导致SAH和UTTM在南亚上空发展的原因.文中还介绍了Gill模型用于上部对流层研究的局限性及解决的办法.  相似文献   

余荣  江志红  马红云 《大气科学》2016,40(3):504-514
本文利用NCAR开发的CAM5.1(Community Atmosphere Model Version 5.1)模式,针对我国东部大规模城市下垫面发展对南海夏季风爆发的影响进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明我国东部大规模城市群发展可能使得南海夏季风提前1候爆发;机理分析表明:在南海夏季风爆发之前,中国东部城市群发展引起的陆面增温,使得南海及其附近地区南北温差提前逆转、中国东部区域海平面气压降低,导致中南半岛到南海地区西南气流加强,中南半岛到南海地区降水增加,而凝结潜热垂直变化强迫出的异常环流,促进了南亚高压的加强及提前北跳,相伴随的高层抽吸作用有助于季风对流的建立和西太平洋副高的减弱东撤,从而形成了有利于南海夏季风爆发的高低层环流条件,导致南海夏季风提前爆发。另外,观测结果表明1993年之后南海夏季风爆发的日期相对上一个年代明显提前约2候,城市化快速发展阶段与南海夏季风爆发的年代际变化存在时间段的吻合,表明城市下垫面发展可能是南海夏季风提前爆发的原因之一。  相似文献   

暴雨过程对副热带高压变动的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
给出了长江中下游暴雨期间经圈环流观测事实, 指出在考虑垂直运动日变化之后, 可清晰地看到暴雨次级环流下沉支的存在。全型涡度方程对暴雨个例的计算发现, 非绝热加热中心西侧高空激发出负涡度, 东侧为正涡度;在低层则刚好相反。副高和南亚高压均会沿局地涡度变化的负中心方向移动。  相似文献   

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