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廖洞贤 《气象学报》1990,48(4):385-396
采用p坐标系,利用控制原始方程模式大气中对称运动和反对称运动的方程组,对其物理性质,如对称的和反对称的能量、角动量等的守恒性和它们之间的相互转换,纬圈平均的和扰动的对称和反对称运动之间的能量的相互转换进行了讨论。结果指出:(1)对全球总的绝对角动量的变化有贡献的,只能是因地形而引起的位势高度的对称部分在纬圈方向的差值和耗失力的纬向分量;(2)不同形式能量之间的相互转换除和经典的情况类似外,还有对称能量和反对称能量之间的相互转换,可以制约对称运动和反对称运动的相互影响。  相似文献   

利用考虑地形和水平扩散作用的正压涡度方程,在线性情况下,给出了描写对称运动和反对称运动(都是对赤道来说的)的方程和它们各自的解析解。分析这些解可以看出,不论对于对称运动或反对称运动,解都由三部份组成:一是与初始流场有关的Rossby波;一是以Rossby波波速传播的,与地形和水平扩散有关的行进波;另一是与地形和水平扩散有关的定常波。但是,如初始时刻运动是对称的,则地面拔海高度和水平扩散系数的反对称分布可以引起反对称运动,从而,引起非对称的运动。在定常情况下,则对称的流场,和地面拔海高度、水平扩散系数的对称分布有关,反对称的流场,和地面拔海高度、水平扩散系数的反对称分布有关。最后,还用数值试验,证明反对称地形可以引起反对称运动;还讨论了南北半球的相互影响的问题。  相似文献   

杨云峰 《大气科学》1991,15(3):77-86
文章从对赤道β平面上静止大气中线性方程分解着手,得出控制对称运动和反对称运动方程组,对方程求解,从理论上证实在热带子流层低层中存在两种特殊性质的运动即对称运动和反对称运动,并证实赤道Kelvin波是典型的对称运动,而混合罗斯贝-重力波是反对称运动。文章分析了非绝热加热对对称运动和反对称运动的影响,当非绝热加热为唯一的外源扰动时,对称的非绝热加热是产生Kelvin波的重要条件,而反对称的非绝热加热是产生赤道区域平流层混合罗斯贝-重力波的重要条件。另外,随着非绝热加热增加,对称运动和反对称运动强度也增加。  相似文献   

廖洞贤  王诗文 《气象学报》1993,51(2):129-138
利用对称运动和非对称运动的理论结果,如‘对称运动的不变性’,可以推得:如初始时刻运动是对称的,对于绝热无摩擦的谱模式,在时间积分过程中,总有 1.和反对称运动有关的谱系数等于零; 2.全球预报和半球预报在同一半球内处处相同; 3.和赤道对称的任意两个区域,其各自的运动彼此对称。 数值试验也证实了这些结果。 在有外力强迫的情形,如地形(或加热),如其分布是对称的,则在初始运动是对称的情况下,‘对称运动的不变性’仍然成立。但如果地形(或加热)分布是非对称的,则运动的对称性会减小,而变成非对称运动,并出现越赤道气流。这些也经过数值试验加以证实。 利用上述理论结果作为指导,可以用所设计的模式进行试验、分析,从而,确定模式设计是否合理,有关软件是否有误等。  相似文献   

余海安  廖洞贤 《气象学报》1990,48(3):284-292
利用正压原始方程谱模式进行了3个不同情况的数值试验。发现试验结果和在正压过 滤模式的情况很相似,即: 1.在无地形起伏时,如初始时刻运动是对称(来赤道来说,以下同)的,则以后运动将永 远是对称的; 2.在地形为对称时,如初始时刻运动是对称的,则以后运动仍将是对称的; 3.反对称的地形分布可以引起反对称运动,从而,使初始时刻对称的运动变为非对称运 动。 为了解释这些结果,用作者曾在正压过滤模式中用过的方法进行分析,证明它们在理论 上是成立的。还发现:如初始时刻运动是反对称的,则以后将变成非对称的,即纯粹的反对 称运动不可能维持。 Three numerical experiments have been made by using a spectral barotropic primitive equation model. It is found that the results obtained are quite similar to those with the barotropic filtered model. The main results read as follows.1. In the case of flat surface or symmetric orography, if the motion is symmetric (with respect to the equator; the same is true hereinafter) at the initial instant, then it would be symmetric forever.2. Antisymmetric orography distribution could generate antisymm  相似文献   

把任一气象要素分为对赤道对称和对赤道反对称的两部分,利用Oort等的气候资料进行分析,发现在全年中,许多气象要素,如500和1000百帕纬圈平均的高度、温度和西风等,主要呈对称分布。对称部分的绝对值和其沿经圈分布曲线的起伏,都远远大于其反对称部分的对应值。而且,对称部分的曲线起伏,除1000百帕的西风和高度不太明显外,在1—7月普遍呈减小的趋势。至于反对称部分,其变化趋势则与对称部分相反。为了解释上述现象,还对年平均的非绝热加热、摩擦和地形等进行了分析。发现地面拔海高度的反对称部分最明显。在12—2月和6—8月,净辐射、地面雷诺应力、地面(包括海洋)和大气之间的热交换(包括辐射、感热和潜热)的反对称部分也很明显,有时和对称部分相当,甚至超过;但它们在这两个季节的沿经圈分布的位相是相反的。这看来和上述气象要素中反对称部分的产生,以及对称运动维持及其随季节变化有密切关系。  相似文献   

王向东  廖洞贤 《气象学报》1997,55(4):484-491
从原始方程出发,应用大气运动的对称反对称性理论,就赤道地区一呈偶极子分布的反对称冷热源对越赤道气流的形成和维持作用进行了定性分析。结果表明,非绝热加热的反对称分布对越赤道气流的影响是通过诱发和维持反对称的气压场分量来实现的。即在热源上空低层形成低压,高层形成高压;在热汇上空形成相反的气压场。这样,在赤道上空高、低层就将形成与相应气压梯度方向一致的越赤道气流  相似文献   

论热带纬圈半地转运动的建立   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
巢纪平 《气象学报》2000,58(2):129-136
文中在赤道β平面上 ,在滤掉低频 Rossby波的情况下 ,研究了纬圈半地转运动的建立。指出 ,只有当运动的纬圈尺度很大时 ,非地转风分量才能随着重力惯性波的频散而消失 ,从而建立起纬圈半地转平衡。应用位势涡度不变式 ,给出了纬圈半地转适应后物理场的解。同时指出 ,Kelvin波 (对赤道对称情况 )和混合波的 Rossby波波段 (对赤道反对称情况 )将不参与适应运动 ,它们属于发展运动中的角色。  相似文献   

利用大气能量循环框图,对比分析中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学与地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)全球海-陆-气耦合系统模式(GOALS)两个版本(GOALS-2和GOALS-4),以及观测的全球平均大气能量循环的主要特征,并从能量循环贮蓄和转换项的纬向平均贡献去解释全球积分值改善和转坏的原因,以及诊断分析参数化方案变化后产生的影响.结果表明:模式的两个版本基本上能正确地模拟出全球能量循环的主要特征.旧版本GOALS-2能较好模拟全球积分值,常常是不同符号局地误差的相互抵消结果.新版本GOALS-4中某种局地过程的改善在一些情况下导致了全球积分值的转坏.引入辐射日变化参数化方案可能对能量循环各参数的局地贡献有着明显的影响.如纬向平均有效位能向瞬变涡动有效位能的斜压转换率、瞬变涡动有效位能向瞬变涡动动能的斜压转换率以及定常涡动动能的局地贡献有明显改善.南极地区不合实际的上升运动,是模拟的纬向平均有效位能与纬向平均动能之间的转换项全球积分值为负数的主要原因.  相似文献   

用FSU区域模式讨论台风涡旋结构及其与运动的关系,台风涡旋的运动在无基本环流和β平面条件下取决于轴不对称环流。而不对称环流的发展源自于从对称环流动能的转换。其率取决对称环流,不对称环流和地球涡度经向梯度三者的相互作用。由于不对称环流动能产生率随高度不变,故台风作为一个统一体以相同的移速移动。不对称环流的径向结构取决于对称环流的径向结构。  相似文献   

By expressing the stream function in terms of the symmetric and the antisymmetric components with respect to the equator,the barotropic vorticity equation can be separated into two equations,one describing the behaviours of the atmospheric symmetric motion,and the other those of the atmospheric antisymmetric motion.From them,for the entire global surface at the equivalent barotropic level,the conservations of several basic quantities,such as vorticity,angular momentum etc.in the symmetric and antisymmetric cases,have been discussed.In addition,the energy budget equations and the energy conservation expressions for the two kinds of motion are given.It can be seen from them that there are not only the conversion between the zonal mean kinetic energy and the disturbed kinetic energy in the atmosphere,but also the conversion between the kinetic energy generated by the symmetric and antisymmetric motions.In the case of including orography and horizontal diffusion into the vorticity equation,a mechanism of the generation of asymmetric behaviours of the atmosphere is proposed.The results show that the asymmetric distribution of orography and that of horizontal diffusion coefficients are likely the causes leading to the asymmetric motion.Finally,a theoretical comparison between the global model and the hemispheric one from the physical point of view is made.  相似文献   

By utilizing the barotropic vorticity equation including effects of orography and horizontal diffusion,the linearized equations describing symmetric and antisymmetric motions and their analytic solutions are pre-sented.It can be found from the solutions that no matter what kind of motion may be,each solution consistsof three waves,namely,Rossby wave related to initial values,marching wave propagating at Rossby wavevelocity and stationary wave.The latter two are closely related to orography and horizontal diffusion.However,if the motion is symmetric at the initial instant,then the antisymmetric components of orographyand of horizontal diffusion are likely to lead to the generation of antisymmetric motion.In the steady state,the symmetric flow is connected with symmetric orography and horizontal diffusion and the antisymmetricflow with antisymmetric orography and horizontal diffusion.Further,in order to verify the above analysis,three numerical experiments have been made.The results show that antisymmetric orography can produceantisymmetric motion.Finally,the atmospheric interactions between Northern and Southern Hemispheresare discussed.  相似文献   

Three numerical experiments have been carried out by using a spectral barotropic primitive equation mo-del.It is found that the results obtained are quite similar to those with the barotropic filtered model.Themain results read as follows:(1)In the case with symmetric orography or without orography,if the motion is symmetric(with re-spect to the equator,the same is true hereafter)at the initial instant,then it would be symmetric afterwards.(2)The antisymmetric orography distribution could cause antisymmetric motion,and the original sym-metric motion might become asymmetric.In order to explain the above results,it has been proved that they are theoretically valid.And it is foundthat if the motion is antisymmetric at the initial instant,then it would become asymmetric.Therefore,nopure antisymmetric motion could be maintained.  相似文献   

The physical properties of the symmetric and antisymmetric motions,such as the conservation of the ab-solute angular momentum,the mutual conversions between various forms of energy,have been analysed by usingthe sets of equaticns in p-coordinates controlling the motions in the primitive equation model atmosphere.Theresults show that only the symmetric component of zoral geopotential difference caused by orography and thatof the zonal frictional torque,have contribution to the change of the global angular momentum,and that themutual conversions between various forms of energy,in addition to those similar to the results in the classical case,irclude those associated with the symmetric and antisymmetric motions.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the effects of topography on the summer atmospheric energetics of the Northern Hemisphere in a low-resolution global spectral model. The numerical model is a global, spectral, primitive equation model with five equally spaced sigma levels in the vertical and triangular truncation at wavenumber 10 in the horizontal. The model includes comparatively full physical processes.Each term of the energy budget equations is calculated in four specific latitudinal belts (81.11°S-11.53°S; 11.53°S-11.53°N; 11.53°N-46.24°N; 46.24°N-81.11°N) from a five-year simulation with mountains and a one-year simulation without mountains, respectively. Differences between them are compared and statistically tested. The results show that synoptical scale waves transport available potential energy and kinetic energy to long waves and increase conversion from available potential energy of the zonal flow to eddy’s and from the eddy kinetic energy to the zonal kinetic energy in region 3 (11.53°N-46.24°N) due to mountains; topography intensifies the atmospheric baroclinity in region 3, consequently the baroclinic conversion of atmosphere energy is increased. The seasonal characteristics associated with the summer atmospheric energy source in region 3 are caused by seasonal variation of the solar radiation and the land-ocean contrasts and independent of topographic effects. The mechanism of topographic effects on the increase of long wave kinetic energy is also discussed.  相似文献   

热带气旋"黄蜂"动热力特征演变的模拟分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以"中国登陆台风试验"项目的目标热带气旋"黄蜂"为对象,用高分辨数值模式成功模拟了其近海加强和登陆减弱的过程,从定量和时间演化角度细致分析了热带气旋(TC)各阶段的动、热力特征,包括对流加热特性、温湿结构、稳定度、涡散度、垂直运动、垂直环流、水平环流等基本动、热力因子的时空结构特征,揭示了该热带气旋的大量结构特点,如对流加热的强盛和非对称性、强热带风暴的无眼结构、低层的东暖西冷结构、涡度的准圆形对称结构、东/西侧环流正/斜压性的差异、低层辐合和上升运动的准周期振荡等等.这些结构特征的揭示对深入细致地研究和认识南海热带气旋的特点和演变机理具有重要学术意义.  相似文献   

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