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2003年7月淮河流域暴雨中-β尺度特征的观测分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
郑秀云  王建捷  何金海  刘勇 《气象》2006,32(1):36-43
利用常规和多种高分辨率的非常规观测资料,分析了2003年7月3~4日淮河流域大暴雨过程中安徽省北部暴雨雨团的活动及与之相联系的中尺度对流系统的发展演变特征。结果表明:在有利的大尺度环流背景下,梅雨锋中-α尺度云系中的中-β尺度对流系统的发生发展是导致暴雨的直接原因。暴雨强度和出现地点与中-β尺度扰动密切相关,整个暴雨过程有3次生命史不完全相同的雨团活动期,对应着三次雨强峰值;不同雨团活动期内,中-β尺度对流系统的组织发展形式有所不同,第一次和第三次雨团活动是由几个相对分散的块状中-β尺度对流复合体相继影响所致,而第二次雨团活动则与长约100km的近地层中-β尺度辐合线的迅速发展相联系;中-β尺度对流云团的生命史与雨团的生命史并不一定相同。本次暴雨过程中,起主要作用的是嵌在絮状回波里的一个个对流复合体和个别强对流单体;回波强度和强回波发展高度与地面降水强度呈正相关。  相似文献   

分析2007年5月23日陕南突发性暴雨前期气候特征以及暴雨出现时的卫星云图、雷达回波和地面气压变化等资料,结果表明:前期持续高温天气和环流形势的调整为突发性暴雨的发生、发展提供了背景和环境条件;850 hPa暖舌北伸形成的暖温度脊与高空冷槽相叠置,形成大片雷暴区;大降水主要由口中尺度对流系统(Mp Css)引起,最大降水出现在口中尺度对流系统的成熟期;雷达回波图上对流高度达到11km且有≥50dBz的强回波出现;地面气压的急剧变化可在天气预报过程中作为参考。  相似文献   

利用卫星云图、多普勒雷达资料和NCEP资料等,对2010年9月18日20:00-19日08:OO黄土高原发生的一次β中尺度大暴雨过程的大尺度环境场、中尺度影响系统以及触发机制等进行综合分析。结果表明;4个中尺度径向速度辐合是β中尺度大暴雨的直接影响系统,列车效应是β中尺度大暴雨形成的原因之一;气压持续降低,配合2rain平均风速急剧增大、而后风向突变,或配合先风向突变、而后2min平均风速急剧增大,是β中尺度大暴雨形成条件之一;地面能量比场“Ω”系统东侧小能量比低值舌的活动,也是口中尺度大暴雨的另一触发机制;云高和液态累积含水量(VIL)的配合,对大暴雨的产生具有指示作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对吉林省近40年汛期突发性大暴雨的资料分析,总结出了造成我省汛期突发性大暴雨的六类影响系统和环流特征,并根据智能数据库所提供的各类暴雨的环境物理条件。建立其由副高后部系统(三类)影响造成的突发性大暴雨天气概念模型。  相似文献   

初夏青藏高原东侧一次特大暴雨的综合分析   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:13  
张弘  孙伟 《高原气象》2005,24(2):232-239
分析了2002年初夏发生在高原东侧的一次特大暴雨,认为这次暴雨的成因是新疆低槽与高原槽合并东移并引导较强冷空气在高原东侧与四川至陕西的西南暖湿气流交汇而形成的。高空西风急流增强、我国东部高压的阻挡及低层偏南暖湿气流的加强、北伸为发生暴雨提供了有利条件。冷锋前暖区内中β尺度对流系统(MβCSs)的活跃直接导致了特大暴雨的发生。低层中尺度辐合系统与中β尺度对流云团的活动、大暴雨出现的时间和落区等密切相关。中尺度对流系统(MCSs)散度垂直分布的特殊结构,即从对流层低层列高层存在的辐合辐散“双重结构”对大暴雨时强烈上升运动和深对流形成有着重要作用。  相似文献   

周莉蓉 《四川气象》1995,15(3):40-41
1984年7月29日大暴雨分析周莉蓉(成都市气象局邮码610041)暴雨是一种突发性的灾害性天气,特别是大暴雨,往往容易造成洪涝灾害。由于它来势猛、强度大,危害重,多年来都是天气预报的重点。因暴雨的发生是一种小概率事件,水平尺度较小,这给暴雨预报带来...  相似文献   

2011年7月29日山西大暴雨过程的多尺度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料、红外辐射亮温(TBB)、多普勒雷达和气柱水汽总量等资料,对2011年7月28-29日发生在山西境内的区域性暴雨进行多尺度特征分析。结果表明:(1)乌拉尔山阻高崩溃,西风槽东移、副高进退是此次暴雨发生的环流特征;(2)850 hPa低涡切变和700 hPa暖式切变线及地面冷锋是暴雨发生的中α尺度触发系统;(3)〉30 dBZ的雷达回波呈南北向位于地面冷锋与700 hPa切变线之间,雷达回波随地面冷锋和700 hPa切变线的东移而东移;(4)低空低涡切变受500 hPa强盛西南气流的引导向东北移动,暴雨落区始终与低涡切变相伴随;(5)暴雨过程山西境内共有9个中β尺度对流云团活动,山西西南部的暴雨主要由5个中β尺度对流云团的相继移入并在自动站极大风速风场切变线附近触发对流发展所致;山西东南部的大暴雨则是3个中β尺度对流云团合并发展的结果,中γ尺度气旋是导致局地大暴雨发生的直接影响系统;(6)暴雨发生在气柱水汽总量空间分布图中水汽锋的南部和东部及靠近气柱水汽总量的大值区一侧,水汽锋的形成比降水开始提前17 h,比暴雨发生提前24 h以上,对暴雨的短期、短时预报有指示意义。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料及NCEP 1°×1° 6h再分析资料,对2007年7月上旬四川东北部连续出现的3场大暴雨过程的环流形势及动力结构、水汽输送和热力不稳定条件进行了诊断分析。结果表明:(1)前2场区域性大暴雨出现在副热带高压和巴尔喀什湖冷涡两个长波系统稳定少动的阻塞环流形势下.第3场局地性大暴雨发生在环流调整过程中,副热带高压快速东撤导致对流云团在东移过程中迅速减弱消亡;(2)暴雨的水汽主要来自南海,低空偏南风急流的维持为连续暴雨提供了源源不断的水汽输送和持续的能量供应,3场暴雨的中心均出现在位于低空急流出口区左侧水汽辐合中心的巴中地区;(3)造成严重洪涝灾害的前2场区域性大暴雨过程期间,从地面到高层形成了“辐合-辐散-辐合-辐散”接力式上下大气运动的动力结构,大气层结处于高能和对流不稳定状态,且有冷空气触发,大暴雨发生在能量锋区偏向暖区一侧。  相似文献   

一次强梅雨暴雨过程的数值模拟和伴随的中尺度系统分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
利用PSU/NCAR的中尺度非静力数值预报模式MM5,采用高分辨率套网格方案和适当的物理过程,对2002年7月22日08时到23日08时的一次强梅雨暴雨过程和伴随的中-β尺度系统进行了数值模拟,模拟结果很好地描述了本次暴雨降水的时空分布及相伴随的中-β尺度系统的发生发展过程。试验结果表明,梅雨切变线上出现的一串中-β尺度系统是此次暴雨的直接影响系统;高空中尺度辐散系统的存在和变化方式对中-β系统的发展有重要的影响;中低层中尺度涡旋的形成会导致尺度更小的强冷暖平流的出现,从而进一步激励中尺度系统自身的斜压发展;降水潜热对暴雨的发展和维持也有重要的反馈作用。  相似文献   

淮河流域暴雨过程模拟分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
以2003年7月3~4日发生在淮河流域特别是安徽省北部的强降水过程为例,利用全物理过程的中尺度气象模式MM5对此次暴雨过程进行数值模拟,通过对暴雨过程中、低层的环境背景、降水量、降水生命期和降水总体分布随时间演变的趋势以及中尺度对流系统的雷达回波特征等方面的检验,发现MM5模式对此次大暴雨过程具有一定的模拟能力,模式基本可以模拟出中α尺度和100km左右的中β尺度天气系统,但对于时空尺度更小的且发展比较强盛的中β(γ)尺度系统,则有较大的局限性。利用高分辨率模式输出结果验证了低层中β尺度辐合线是造成此次大暴雨的中尺度影响系统,并通过对物理量场特征的分析得到该辐合线的三维结构特征。  相似文献   

热带测雨卫星对淮河一次暴雨降水结构与闪电活动的研究   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
文中利用热带测雨卫星 (TRMM )搭载的测雨雷达 (PR)、闪电成像仪 (LIS)、GOES卫星红外通道辐射亮温(TBB)对 2 0 0 3年淮河汛期一锋面气旋系统的两个时次的探测结果 ,分析研究了降水结构及闪电活动 ,并与“98.7.2 0”武汉附近地区中尺度强降水的结构和闪电活动进行了比较。GOES的TBB、降水系统中的对流降水与层云降水比例、闪电活动频数随时间的变化均能表征锋面气旋系统的发展。TRMMPR探测结果表明 :冷锋降水狭窄细长 ,且均为强对流降水 (特别在冷锋加强时 ) ;暖锋宽广 ,且为大片层云降水 ,但其中存在面积不等的强对流降水云团 ;与“98.7.2 0”武汉附近地区中尺度强降水垂直结构的比较表明 ,锋面气旋降水的最大降水率出现在近地面 ,而中尺度强降水的最大降水率出现在低空 (3.0~ 3.5km) ,表明两者之间的降水微物理过程存在差别。TRMMLIS探测结果表明 :闪电活动均发生在冷锋的强对流降水云团中 ,暖锋中虽有强对流降水 ,但无闪电活动 ;闪电活动频数高所对应的降水廓线中、上部存在大量的冰相粒子。  相似文献   

We investigated a torrential rainfall case with a daily rainfall amount of 379 mm and a maximum hourly rain rate of 77.5 mm that took place on 12 July 2006 at Goyang in the middlewestern part of the Korean Peninsula. The heavy rainfall was responsible for flash flooding and was highly localized. High-resolution Doppler radar data from 5 radar sites located over central Korea were analyzed. Numerical simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model were also performed to complement the high-resolution observations and to further investigate the thermodynamic structure and development of the convective system. The grid nudging method using the Global Final (FNL) Analyses data was applied to the coarse model domain (30 km) in order to provide a more realistic and desirable initial and boundary conditions for the nested model domains (10 km, 3.3 km). The mesoscale convective system (MCS) which caused flash flooding was initiated by the strong low level jet (LLJ) at the frontal region of high equivalent potential temperature (θe) near the west coast over the Yellow Sea. The ascending of the warm and moist air was induced dynamically by the LLJ. The convective cells were triggered by small thermal perturbations and abruptly developed by the warm θe inflow. Within the MCS, several convective cells responsible for the rainfall peak at Goyang simultaneously developed with neighboring cells and interacted with each other. Moist absolutely unstable layers (MAULs) were seen at the lower troposphere with the very moist environment adding the instability for the development of the MCS.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2010,95(4):715-725
Flash floods are associated with highly localized convective storms producing heavy rainfall. Quantitative precipitation forecasting of such storms will potentially benefit from explicit representations of deep moist convection in numerical weather prediction models. However, explicit representation of moist convection is still not viable in operational mesoscale models, which rely on convective parameterizations for issuing short to medium-range forecasts. In this study we evaluate a technique that uses regional Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning observations to define areas of deep moist convection in thunderstorms and adjust the model-generated precipitation fields in those regions. The study focuses on a major flash flood inducing storm in central Europe (23 August 2005) that was simulated with the aid of an operational weather forecasting system (POSEIDON system based on Eta/NCEP model). The performance of the technique is assessed using as reference distributed rainfall estimates from a network of radar observations. The results indicate that CG lightning data can offer sufficient information to increase the mesoscale model skill in reproducing local convective precipitation that leads to flash floods. The model error correction is shown to be proportional to the density of lightning occurrence, making the technique potentially suitable for operational forecasting of flash flood inducing thunderstorms.  相似文献   

张晓惠  倪允琪 《气象学报》2009,67(1):108-121
在2005年6月20日的一次华南暴雨过程中,影响两广地区局地强降水的两个主要的中尺度对流系统(MCS)在性质上有很大不同,初步分析断定,影响广西局地强降水的MCS1为锋面云团,而影响广东局地强降水的MCS2为暖性云团.通过对二者进行对流强度、维持机制以及湿位涡结构的比较分析发现,锋面对流系统MCS1与暖区对流系统MCS2的对流上升速度都很大.引起的局地降水量也相差不多.由于二者存在水汽条件的差异,因此不能排除微小差异主要足由水汽条件直接导致的,无法就此得出它们的对流强度强弱的比较结果;同时,对二者成熟阶段维持机制的对比分析得到,具有锋面特征的MCS1,中高层有很强的偏北气流进入,在对流区是以对流对称不稳定机制来维持对流运动的;而具有非锋面结构的MCS2由于没有偏北气流的进入,加上水汽条件充沛,主要由湿对流不稳定机制来维持对流运动.另外,湿位涡(MPV)结构的对比分析中得到如F结论:在VMP的结构上,二者均表现出中低层潜在对称不稳定结构特征;在VMP1的结构上,锋面对流系统MCS1表现出南北气流相瓦作用的特征,而暖区对流系统MCS2表现出高低空气流相互作用的特征;最后,在VMP2的结构上,MCS1反映了对流区南北两侧高低空急流的作用,而MCS2则反映了对流区内中高层干冷空气下滑的作用.  相似文献   

On May 20 th 2007, a brief but severe downpour rainstorm occurred in the coastal areas of Maoming and Yangjiang with rainfall of 115 mm per hour. Data from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis with 1°×1° resolution, Doppler weather radar, conventional surface observations, high-altitude radiosonde and wind profiler radar were used to analyze characteristics and contributions of synoptic scale and mesoscale systems during this torrential rainstorm. The results showed that:(1) the storm was caused by a quasi-linear mesoscale convective system(MCS) and the slow-movement of this system was the primary trigger of the torrential downpour;(2) water vapor was abundant, nearly saturated and in steady state throughout the atmosphere before the storm; intrusion of the weak dry and cold air in the middle level and a striking "dry above and wet below " structure had increased the atmospheric instability;(3) low-level southwesterly airflow from a low pressure(trough) at the Beibu Gulf provided abundant water vapor at the onset of the rainstorm; a deep dry layer was formed by dry and cold air behind the high-level trough, which facilitated latent heat release;upper-level divergence and low-level convergence circulations also provided vertical uplift for warm and moist air at the lower level;(4) Topography only played a minor role as the MCS developed and strengthened over relatively flat coastal terrain. Low level density flow induced by convection triggered new convective cell generation at the leading edge of the convective system, thereby playing a key role in the change of temperature gradient at lower layers, and resulting in strengthening atmospheric instability.  相似文献   

2007年5月20日粤西茂名与阳江海岸带地区发生一场小时降水量达到115 mm的短时大暴雨。采用NCEP/NCAR FNL 1 °×1 °再分析资料,结合多普勒天气雷达、高空探空、自动站资料和风廓线雷达观测资料,分析此次暴雨过程的天气尺度系统与中尺度系统特征,探讨不同尺度系统对这次暴雨天气过程的作用。分析结果表明:(1)此次暴雨过程是由准线状中尺度对流系统导致的,对流系统的移动速度缓慢是导致出现暴雨的主要原因;(2)在暴雨发生前,整层大气水汽充沛,处于近饱和稳定状态;暴雨发生期间局地大气处于条件不稳定状态;中层弱冷槽过境及“上干下湿”的温湿结构增加了环境大气的不稳定性;(3)北部湾低压(槽)发展导致的强盛低层西南气流为暴雨发生提供了充沛的水汽;高空槽后干冷空气南下形成的深厚干层,有助于对流凝结潜热的释放;高层辐散、低层辐合环流为低层暖湿空气提供了垂直上升动力;(4)中尺度对流系统在地势相对平缓的沿海地区发展和加强,地形的动力抬升和辐合作用不大。对流活动诱发的低层密度流在对流带前缘不断激发出新的对流单体,对对流系统的维持和发展起关键作用;(5)对流单体的风暴传播效应使对流系统具有逆风传播的特征,移速缓慢;层云降水的蒸发冷却有可能改变其低层的温度梯度,使环境大气的不稳定性加强。   相似文献   

两个中尺度对流系统的降水结构和闪电特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
曹治强  李万彪 《气象学报》2005,63(2):243-249
对两个处于不同发展阶段的中尺度对流系统(MCS)降水结构的分析结果表明,处于初生至发展阶段的MCS,对流降水和层云降水的面积比相对较大,处于成熟至消亡阶段的MCS的相对较小。本文进一步分析了这两个MCS个例在6km高度处的雷达回波特征及其和闪电的关系,结果表明处于初生至发展阶段的MCS的绝大部分事件(闪电资料的一种)集中发生在MCS中的强对流单体回波区,而对处于成熟至消亡阶段的MCS,事件集中发生在对流区和对流云向层云转化的回波区。  相似文献   

The cumulus merging processes in generating the mesoscale convective system (MCS) on 23 August 2001 in the Beijing region are studied by using a cloud-resolving mesoscale model of MM5. The results suggest that the merger processes occurred among isolated convective cells formed in high mountain region during southerly moving process play critical role in forming MCS and severe precipitating weather events such as hailfall, heavy rain, downburst and high-frequency lightning in the region. The formation of the MCS experiences multi-scale merging processes from single-cell scale merging to cloud cluster-scale merging, and high core merging. The merger process can apparently alter cloud dynamical and microphysical properties through enhancing both low- and middle-level forcing. Also, lightning flash rates are enhanced by the production of more intense and deeper convective cells by the merger process, especially by which, the more graupel-like ice particles are formed in clouds. The explosive convective development and the late peak lightning flash rate can be found during merging process.  相似文献   

Using the numerical model of mixed convective-stratiform clouds(MCS)in the paper(Hong1997)and the averaged stratification of torrential rain processes,the evolution processes,interaction of the two kinds of clouds,structure and the precipitation features in the MCS toproduce heavy rain are simulated and studied,and the physical reasons of producing torrential rainare analysed.The results indicate that the stratiform cloud surrounding the convective cloudbecomes weakened and dissipates in the developing and enhancing of the convective cloud,and therainfall rate and water content in the stratiform cloud increase as the distance from the convectivecloud becomes larger.The numerical experiments find out that the stratiform cloud provides abenificial developing environment for the convective cloud,i.e.,the saturated environment and theconvergence field in the stratiform cloud help to lengthen the life cycle of the convective cloud,produce sustained rainfall with high intensity and intermittent precipitation with ultra-highintensity.These and the ice phase microphysical processes are the main factors for the torrentialrain formation and the MCS is a very effective precipitation system.  相似文献   

Two major mesoscale convective clusters of different characters occurred during the heavy rainfall event in Guangxi Region and Guangdong Province on 20 June 2005,and they are preliminarily identified as a frontal mesoscale convective system(MCS1;a frontal cloud cluster) and a non-frontal MCS(MCS2;a warm sector cloud cluster).Comparative analyses on their convective intensity,maintenance mechanism, and moist potential vorticity(MPV) structure were further performed.The convective intensity analysis sugges...  相似文献   

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