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欧亚积雪异常分布对冬季大气环流的影响Ⅱ.数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
基于观测分析的结果,采用NCAR CCM2模式,设计了三组数值试验方案,研究了积雪的异常分布对冬季大气环流的影响及其可能的物理过程.结果表明,数值模拟与观测分析所得结果一致,冬季积雪的异常分布,通过积雪的辐射冷却效应,可以改变地表的热状况以及地表对大气加热的异常,引起大气温度、位势高度场的调整,激发冬季大气EUP遥相关型,导致东亚冬季风环流的异常.  相似文献   

欧亚积雪异常分布对冬季大气环流的影响I. 观测研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
陈海山  孙照渤 《大气科学》2003,27(3):304-316
利用ECMWF 1979~1993年2.5°×2.5°的网格点积雪深度资料、中国气象局整编的海平面气压、500 hPa高度场和NCEP再分析资料,探讨了欧亚冬季积雪异常对同期大气环流的影响.结果表明:(1) 欧亚中高纬冬季积雪面积与同期大气环流具有密切的联系:积雪面积为正(负)异常时,冬季500 hPa高度场对应正(负)欧亚-太平洋(简称EUP)遥相关型,东亚冬季风活动偏强(弱).(2)诊断结果表明,积雪异常与大气环流之间的密切联系在一定程度上反映了冬季积雪的异常分布可能对大气EUP遥相关型和东亚冬季风活动产生影响.(3)SVD分析得到的冬季积雪的异常分布与同期大气环流的耦合模态,证实了前面所得结果.  相似文献   

冬季积雪的异常分布型及其与冬、夏大气环流的耦合关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用 ECMWF1 979~ 1 993年 2 .5°× 2 .5°的网格点积雪深度资料 ,研究了较为细致的积雪异常的空间分布特征 ,揭示了欧亚大陆冬季积雪的异常空间分布型 ;并采用 SVD方法研究了冬季积雪的异常分布型与冬、夏大气环流的耦合关系。结果表明 :欧亚大陆冬季积雪深度存在典型的异常空间分布型 ;积雪的异常分布型与冬、夏大气环流之间均存在一定的耦合关系。冬季积雪的异常分布型与大气 EU遥相关型存在明显的同时性相互作用 ,大气 EU遥相关型有利于冬季积雪异常分布型的出现和维持 ,而积雪异常分布型对大气 EU遥相关型的发生起一定的作用 ,进而对冬季风活动产生影响。冬季积雪的这种异常分布型与夏季大气环流 ,尤其是东亚地区的夏季大气环流 ,也存在一定的联系。积雪异常分布型可以通过影响副热带高压的南北进退 ,对东亚季风及中国夏季雨带产生影响。  相似文献   

欧亚大陆积雪与2010年中国春末夏初降水的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许立言  武炳义 《高原气象》2012,31(3):706-714
利用欧亚大陆地区的积雪覆盖日数资料、中国160个台站逐月降水资料以及美国国家环境预报中心和国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料,采用奇异值分解(SVD)方法和数值试验研究了欧亚大陆2-4月积雪与后期5-6月中国降水的关系。结合2010年积雪和降水的分布特征可以发现,SVD第二模态基本反映了2010年积雪异常与降水异常的时滞耦合关系。欧亚大陆积雪在欧洲、青藏高原东部和东亚地区异常偏多时,我国华南降水增多,长江中下游降水减少,欧亚大陆东、西部积雪异常偏多与后期中国华南降水存在正相关关系。根据统计分析得到的空间分布特征和积雪参数的观测数据,选用大气环流模式CAM3.1进行数值试验,模拟结果与统计分析结果比较一致。积雪异常通过反照率效应和水文效应引起地表及其上的大气热力状况异常,进而引起位势高度场、风场等各个大气环流要素场的调整,导致后期华南降水异常偏多。欧亚大陆积雪异常很可能是2010年春末夏初华南降水异常的一个重要诱发因子。  相似文献   

利用青藏高原冬季异常积雪资料对比分析了 1 985年冬季异常少雪和 1 986年冬季异常多雪时期大气环流及热带海洋特征。分析结果表明 ,高原冬季多雪与少雪时中高纬度大气环流显著不同。与此同时 ,低纬热带环流及海洋特征也有明显的差异。探讨了造成这种差异的可能原因。  相似文献   

中国冬季积雪特征及欧亚大陆积雪对中国气候影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
该文首先回顾了有关中国冬季积雪的研究进展,包括中国冬季积雪的空间分布气候特征以及季节、年际和年代际变化,中国冬季降雪特征,气象因子对中国冬季积雪水量平衡的影响,外强迫和大气环流系统在积雪形成中的作用等。冬春季欧亚大陆积雪对同期和后期中国气候影响的相关研究说明与欧亚大陆积雪异常相关联的中国气候异常以及积雪通过改变土壤湿度、表面温度和辐射分布,引起大气环流异常,进而对中国气候产生影响的物理过程。应用美国环境预测中心 (NCEP) 第2版气候预测系统 (CFSv2) 的回报试验结果,对CFSv2在欧亚大陆积雪变化及其与中国气候关系的可预报性方面的分析表明,CFSv2能够较好地回报出春季欧亚积雪的年际和年代际变异及其与中国夏季降水之间的联系。文章最后提出了在积雪及其气候效应研究方面一些有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

青藏高原冬春季积雪异常对中国春夏季降水的影响   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
利用1956年12月~1998年12月共42a,青藏高原及其附近地区78个积雪观测站的雪深和我国160站月降水的距平资料,分析了其气候特征,并用SVD方法分析了冬春季积雪异常与春夏季我国降水异常的关系。用区域气候模式RegCM2模拟了青藏高原积雪异常的气候效应并检验了诊断分析的结果。分析表明,雪深异常,尤其是冬季雪深异常是影响中国降水的一个因子。研究证明,高原冬季雪深异常对后期中国区域降水的影响比春季雪深异常的影响更为重要。数值模拟的结果表明,高原雪深和雪盖的正异常推迟了东亚夏季风的爆发日期,减弱了季风强度,造成华南和华北降水减少,而长江和淮河流域降水增加。冬季雪深异常比冬季雪盖异常和春季雪深异常对降水的影响更为显著。机理分析指出,高原及其邻近地区的积雪异常首先通过融雪改变土壤湿度和地表温度,从而改变了地面到大气的热量、水汽和辐射通量。由此所引起的大气环流变化又反过来影响下垫面的特征和通量输送。在湿土壤和大气之间,这样一种长时间的相互作用是造成后期气候变化的关键过程。与干土壤和大气的相互作用过程有本质差别。  相似文献   

青藏高原雪盖异常对福建雨季旱涝影响的环流诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用19555-1994年多种不同类型青藏高原积雪资料的综合再分析结果,通过分析青藏高原雪盖异常年冬季和初夏北半球大气环流特征,及北半球大气环流与福建雨季降水的遥相关,讨论高原雪盖异常反馈影响大气环流,进而导致福建雨季旱涝的可能途径,为在福建雨季旱涝预测中应用积雪因子提供一定的物理基础。  相似文献   

基本气流在ENSO对北半球冬季大气环流影响中的作用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文从观测事实、理论与数值试验来研究基本气流在ENSO事件对北半球冬季大气环流影响中的作用。通过观测资料的分析,发现1972/1973年冬ENSO现象发生时的基本气流与一般ENSO现象发生年份的基本气流不同,这使得该年冬季ENSO现象所引起的北半球大气环流异常与一般ENSO现象所引起的环流异常型不同。一般ENSO现象所引起的北半球大气环流异常型是PNA型,而1972/1973年冬北半球环流异常型是非PNA型,我国东北地区出现暖冬,冷空气活动弱。  相似文献   

陈乾金  高波  张强 《大气科学》2000,24(4):477-492
利用1955~1993年各种类型青藏高原冬季异常积雪资料的综合再分析结果,首次分析、阐明并讨论了青藏高原雪盖异常与中纬度大气环流的关系及其对低纬热带大气和海洋的影响。结果表明,高原冬季雪盖异常影响东亚冬季风的异常,进而通过东亚Hadley环流引起南海南部积云对流活动的异常,结果造成赤道太平洋纬向风出现变异并引发SSTA位相和副高活动及夏季风强度的显著不同,由此对我国夏季风雨带分布产生影响。最后给出青藏高原冬季雪盖异常可能对我国夏季风影响的一个初步模型。这对于进一步认识和揭示雪盖-环流-SST-雨带的相互联系及其可能的“隔季相关”机制具有重要意义  相似文献   

In this paper,the response of the atmospheric general circulation to winter anomalous snow cover was investigated through observations studies and model simulation.Results from the observations show that:(1)the anomalous winter snow cover in the extratropics of Eurasian Continent bears an intimate relation to the contemporary atmospheric general circulation.The positive anomaly of winter snow cover is usually accompanied by positive atmospheric EUP teleconnection pattern and stronger East Asian winter monsoon:or vice versa.(2)The linkage between them suggests that the abnormal winter snow cover has an important impact on winter atmospheric general circulation.The anomalous snow cover pattern can lead to the anomaly of winter atmospheric EUP teleconnection pattern and thus influence East Asian Winter monsoon.With NCAR CCM2 including BATS land surface scheme,three groups of experiments were performed to examine the atmospheric response to the anomalous snow cover pattern and explore the relevant mechanism.Simulated results agree well with the observations,which testify the significant response of the atmosphere to snow cover anomaly.It is found that the radiative cooling induced by anomalous snow cover plays an important role in above processes,and the feedback of long-wave radiation can not be neglected.  相似文献   

In this paper,the response of the atmospheric general circulation to winter anomalous snowcover was investigated through observations studies and model simulation.Results from the observations show that:(1)the anomalous winter snow cover in theextratropics of Eurasian Continent bears an intimate relation to the contemporary atmosphericgeneral circulation.The positive anomaly of winter snow cover is usually accompanied by positiveatmospheric EUP teleconnection pattern and stronger East Asian winter monsoon:or vice versa.(2)The linkage between them suggests that the abnormal winter snow cover has an importantimpact on winter atmospheric general circulation.The anomalous snow cover pattern can lead tothe anomaly of winter atmospheric EUP teleconnection pattern and thus influence East AsianWinter monsoon.With NCAR CCM2 including BATS land surface scheme,three groups of experiments wereperformed to examine the atmospheric response to the anomalous snow cover pattern and explorethe relevant mechanism.Simulated results agree well with the observations,which testify thesignificant response of the atmosphere to snow cover anomaly.It is found that the radiative coolinginduced by anomalous snow cover plays an important role in above processes,and the feedback oflong-wave radiation can not be neglected.  相似文献   

年代际气候变化与1998年长江大水   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
由于海温、高原积雪和大气环流异常等特定条件,引发了1998年夏季长江的特大洪涝,而90年代的气候特征也对1998年长江大水起到一定的作用。从中国夏季降水、大气环流、冬季高原积雪和海温等方面分析年代际气候变化对1998年长江大水提供有利的气候环境。  相似文献   

Using correlation analyses, composite analyses, and singular value decomposition, the relationship between the atmospheric cold source over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and atmospheric/ocean circulation is discussed. In winter, the anomaly of the strong (weak) atmospheric cold source over the eastern plateau causes low-level anomalous north (south) winds to appear in eastern China and low-level anomaly zonal west (east) winds to prevail in the equatorial Pacific from spring to autumn. This contributes to the anomalous warm (cold) sea surface temperature the following autumn and winter. In addition, the anomalous variation of sea surface temperature over the equatorial middle and eastern Pacific in winter can influence the snow depth and intensity of the cold source over the plateau in the following winter due to variation of the summer west Pacific subtropical high.  相似文献   

青藏高原积雪异常与大气环流异常间关系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在参考前人对青藏高原积雪异常年的划分成果的基础上,初步确定出1957—2003年的典型积雪异常年。采用NCEP提供的全球144×73个格点1957—2003年前一年12月至当年5月100 hPa和500 hPa的月平均高度场资料,分析了青藏高原积雪异常与大气环流异常的相互关系,提出了大气环流异常影响青藏高原积雪异常可能的天气气候成因机制;应用三因子最优子集二级判别,建立了判别青藏高原积雪多雪年/少雪年的判别方程,作为客观、定量判断高原积雪异常的指标;结合初步确定的典型青藏高原积雪异常年,用得到的最优判别方程进行划分,并经反复论证后,确定出1957—2003年青藏高原积雪正常略多年和正常略少年。  相似文献   

Several observational and modeling studies indicate that the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) is inversely related to the Eurasian snow extent and depth. The other two important surface boundary conditions which influence the ISMR are the Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) to a large extent and the Indian Ocean SST to some extent. In the present study, observed Soviet snow depth data and Indian rainfall data for the period 1951–1994 have been statistically analyzed and results show that 57% of heavy snow events and 24% of light snow events over west Eurasia are followed by deficient and excess ISMR respectively. Out of all the extreme monsoon years, care has been taken to identify those when Eurasian snow was the most dominant surface forcing to influence ISMR. During the years of high(low) Eurasian snow amounts in spring/winter followed by deficient(excess) ISMR, atmospheric fields such as temperature, wind, geopotential height, velocity potential and stream function based on NCEP/NCAR reanalyses have been examined in detail to study the influence of Eurasian snow on the midlatitude circulation regime and hence on the monsoon circulation. Results show that because of the west Eurasian snow anomalies, the midlatitude circulations in winter through spring show significant changes in the upper and lower level wind, geopotential height, velocity potential and stream function fields. Such changes in the large-scale circulation pattern may be interpreted as precursors to weak/strong monsoon circulation and deficient/excess ISMR. The upper level velocity potential difference fields between the high and low snow years indicate that with the advent of spring, the winter anomalous convergence over the Indian region gradually becomes weaker and gives way to anomalous divergence that persists through the summer monsoon season. Also the upper level anomalous divergence centre shifts from over the Northern Hemisphere and equator to the Southern Hemisphere over the Indian Ocean and Australia.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of wintertime snow depth over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) and related atmospheric circulation anomalies were investigated based on observed snow depth measurements and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data.Empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis was applied to identify the spatio-temporal variability of wintertime TP snow depth.Snow depth anomalies were dominated by a monopole pattern over the TP and a dipole structure with opposite anomalies over the southeastern and northwestern TP.The atmospheric circulation conditions responsible for the interannual variability of TP snow depth were examined via regression analyses against the principal component of the most dominant EOF mode.In the upper troposphere,negative zonal wind anomalies over the TP with extensively positive anomalies to the south indicated that the southwestward shift of the westerly jet may favor the development of surface cyclones over the TP.An anomalous cyclone centered over the southeastern TP was associated with the anomalous westerly jet,which is conducive to heavier snowfall and results in positive snow depth anomalies.An anomalous cyclone was observed at 500 hPa over the TP,with an anomalous anticyclone immediately to the north,suggesting that the TP is frequently affected by surface cyclones.Regression analyses revealed that significant negative thickness anomalies exist around the TP from March to May,with a meridional dipole anomaly in March.The persistent negative anomalies due to more winter TP snow are not conducive to earlier reversal of the meridional temperature gradient,leading to a possible delay in the onset of the Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic aerosols (AA) have significantly caused anomalous winter mean atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere, but the main daily patterns of winter large-scale circulation change are not well understood. Here a self-organizing map analysis is applied to identify the leading patterns in AA-induced winter daily geopotential height (Z) anomaly fields simulated by three atmospheric general circulation models, with a focus on fast adjustments. Two winter daily circulation response patterns with a synoptic time scale are found: one pattern shows concurring Z anomalies over North America and North Asia with the same sign and the Bering Sea seeing the opposite, resembling the Asia–Bering–North American teleconnection; while the other is the Arctic Oscillation-like pattern with similar Z anomalies over North Pacific and North Atlantic and the opposite over the Arctic region. The AA-induced anomalous precipitation over the tropics and anomalous synoptic eddy activities over the extratropical oceans concur to support and maintain these circulation anomaly patterns. The winter-mean climate responses to AA can be understood as a result of these daily anomaly patterns, especially over the higher latitudes. Specifically, the associated changes in surface air temperature (SAT) over the mid-high latitudes are caused by the AA-driven meridional movements of polar (cold and dry) airmass and midlatitude (warm and moist) airmass in the regions, mainly through the relevant surface downward longwave radiation. This study highlights the role of AA in altering daily weather patterns, which is not sufficiently captured by seasonal mean responses.  相似文献   

一个反映中国冬季气温异常的指标——东亚区域西风指数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了中国冬季气温变化的主要特征 ,揭示了能够较好反映中国冬季气温异常整体变化的主要空间分布 ;进一步研究了与之相对应的环流异常特征 ,结果表明中国冬季气温的异常与东亚及西伯利亚 50 0 h Pa高度场的异常有着密切的联系。在分析传统季风指数对气温及对应异常环流特征的表现能力的基础上 ,定义了一个能够反映环流异常的东亚区域西风指数 (IEARW)。经检验 ,可以利用 IEARW来反映中国冬季气温变化的主要特征。最后 ,对 IEARW的变化特征进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

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