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气溶胶对秦岭山脉地形云降水的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
徐小红  余兴  戴进 《气象》2009,35(1):37-47
以华山站为影响站,其周围华阴、渭南、西安为对比站,通过对影响站与对比站降水之比--地形强化因子(Ro)的变化趋势以及Ro与能见度变化关系的分析,研究了气溶胶对秦岭地形云降水的影响.结果表明:有观测以来Ro逐年递减,1980年后Ro递减更快,减幅达20%;Ro的减小趋势与能见度递减、气溶胶递增相吻合,说明气溶胶的增加抑制了地形云降水;华山1980年后的年平均雨量比1980年前减少了15%,达132mm,而平原地区的减少量不超过3%(16mm).分析气溶胶抑制地形云降水的物理过程发现,Ro的递减主要是减少了中小雨(日雨量小于30mm)的天数,而对大于30mm的降水影响较小,说明气溶胶对浅薄的生命期较短的地形云降水的抑制作用更明显;在以动力强迫抬升为主的春秋季,气溶胶对地形云降水的抑制作用明显强于平原地区,1980--2004年间降水减少了20%~30%;在热力作用下,气溶胶对地形云降水的抑制作用与平原地区相当.  相似文献   

人为气溶胶对地形云降水的影响:以黄山地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
选取黄山站为高山站,周围黄山区、绩溪、黄山市三个低海拔高度站为对比站,比较高山站与对比站1960—2009年降水量差值,即地形影响因子R0的变化趋势,以及同期能见度的变化,分析了人为气溶胶对黄山地形云降水的可能影响。结果表明,1960—1979年能见度下降,气溶胶含量增大,R0升高;1980—1989年,能见度升高,气溶胶含量有下降趋势,不同对比站R0变化趋势不同;1990—2009年,能见度下降,气溶胶含量升高,R0显著下降。气溶胶对降水的影响作用与背景气溶胶浓度有关,背景气溶胶浓度较低时,增加气溶胶浓度可促进降水;背景气溶胶浓度较高时,增加气溶胶含量对降水抑制作用显著,对应的能见度阈值为10km。当气溶胶对降水起抑制作用时,抑制作用与风速成反比,与风频和各风向平均降水量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

五台山区地形雨减少与能见度减小的可能联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示气溶胶对地形雨的影响,以五台山站为研究站,其南部山下的原平、阳泉为对比站,采用相关性分析研究五台山站与对比站年降水量、降水日数的比值与能见度的关系。结果表明,五台山区能见度显著降低,年降水量及降水日数显著减少;研究站与对比站的年降水量比值、年降水日数的比值均显著减小,并且与能见度显著正相关(p0.05)。究其可能原因,能见度的降低反映出气溶胶浓度的增加,气溶胶浓度的增加抑制了山区地形雨的形成。山区地形雨的减少导致山区水资源的减少;在缺少山顶站的情况下无法捕捉地形雨减少对面平均降水量计算的影响,导致低估面平均降雨量的减少量,低估山区水资源的减少量。  相似文献   

秦岭山区近50 年降水差异及可能局地成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用秦岭山区54个气象站50年以上日降水资料,分析了复杂地形下小区域降水变化差异,探讨了可能的局地成因,结果表明:(1)年均降水量总体为南高北低、西高东低,反映出秦岭阻挡作用和山谷东风回流影响;(2)近50年来区域年降水以减为主,9个增加站位于东部,夏季降水以增加为主,减少站集中在秦岭山上和区域西部,降水向夏季集中倾向明显;(3)日雨量小于5 mm的年雨量和雨日数减少趋势明显,雨量≥50 mm的年雨量和雨日数增加趋势明显,即小雨减少大雨增多;(4)降水变化的多个方面及其与海拔高度和经度对应关系的分析结果,反映出气溶胶抑制地形降水以及成冰作用恢复被抑制降水的作用,说明局地成因中气溶胶起了不可忽视作用;(5)地形作用和区域能量平衡也是重要局地成因.  相似文献   

贵州山区地形雾5a气象要素特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文选取2008—2012年贵州省地面气象要素观测资料,主要针对贵州省内3个较容易出现地形雾的站点进行分析,探究地形雾产生时气温、风速、风向、前6 h降水和气温露点差的特征,发现3个典型站温度为2~6℃和8~14℃这两个区间内较利于冷空气引起地形雾,不同站点不同季节略有不同。大方为偏西南风,开阳和万山为东北风;开阳风速小于2 m/S,大方和万山风速为2~3 m/s之间利于冷空气引起地形雾。大方和万山站点前6 h降水大于0 mm利于冷空气引起地形雾,开阳站点则是前6 h降水为0或小于1 mm时利于冷空气引起地形雾。  相似文献   

郭欣  郭学良  付丹红 《气象学报》2017,75(2):314-327
云凝结核(CCN)对云和降水的影响除与其物理化学性质密切相关外,还受到气象条件的影响,但此类研究较少。文中基于WRF中尺度数值模式,引入了表征大气层流速、层结稳定度和地形关系的湿弗罗德(Fw)数,研究揭示了CCN浓度的变化对不同Fw下形成的地形云和降水的影响。研究表明,当Fw≤1,接近临界流时,地形阻挡起主要作用,地形抬升和重力波作用主要发生在迎风坡一侧,主要形成层状云和向上游传播的浅对流波状云,降水主要发生在靠近山顶的迎风坡一侧。在此种情况下,CCN浓度升高对地形云和降水影响较小,当CCN浓度由100 cm~(-3)增至1000 cm~(-3)时,云滴含水量增大,但雨水含量减小,说明云粒子向降水粒子的转化效率降低,CCN浓度升高抑制了暖雨过程。但在云发展后期,云滴被上升气流带至高层形成过冷云滴,与雪粒子发生碰并形成霰粒子,使冰相物理过程有所增强。CCN浓度升高可导致20 h累积降水量减少10—15 mm,约减小7%—8%;当Fw1时,CCN浓度升高会导致20 h地形云累积降水量减小超过50%,最大达到96%,导致地形云几乎不产生降水,而且降水量峰值位置向山顶后移动5—10 km。研究表明,降水显著减小的原因不仅与CCN浓度升高有关,过山气流产生的背风坡焚风效应也起了非常重要的作用。由于CCN浓度升高形成了大量云滴粒子,使雨滴形成效率显著降低,不能形成降雨的大量云滴被强过山气流快速带至下游背风坡区,由于背风坡下坡气流的绝热加热形成的焚风效应很显著,导致云滴和雨滴快速蒸发,使降水显著减小。这一结果可以解释在落基山脉、以色列及中国华山发现的地形降水减小30%—50%的现象,说明气象环境条件在气溶胶影响降水中起重要作用,污染气溶胶与背风坡焚风效应产生的叠加效应可造成地形云降水显著减小。  相似文献   

利用陕西省陕南、关中54个气象站50a(1961—2010年)观测的日降水资料,分析小区域降水年际变化特征,结果表明:(1)区域年降水以减少为主,减少程度西部大于东部,宁强、华山和略阳雨量减少最多。(2)夏季降水以增加为主,减少站集中在秦岭山上和区域西部,降水向夏季集中倾向明显。(3)日雨量<5mm小雨,年雨量和雨日数减少趋势明显,雨日数减少站占96%,镇安、丹凤、高陵减少最多;雨量≥50mm暴雨,年雨量和雨日数增加趋势明显,集中在夏季,镇巴、紫阳、镇坪夏季暴雨日数增加最多。即小雨减少暴雨增多,暴雨灾害趋于严重。(4)在降水变化中地形等局地作用明显,是天气预报和研究气候变化应该考虑的因素。  相似文献   

陕西关中气溶胶对大气能见度的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究大气污染对能见度的影响,利用MODIS卫星气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth,AOD)产品、陕西关中地区43个气象观测站能见度资料、西安泾河太阳光度计CE318气溶胶观测资料以及泾河站风速、相对湿度、能见度观测资料,分别分析了卫星MODIS/AOD和地基CE318/AOD与能见度、低能见度日数的关系以及在不同风速、相对湿度时AOD与能见度的关系。结果表明,陕西关中MODIS/AOD的空间分布与能见度分布具有明显对应关系,冬、春季AOD与08:00(北京时,下同)能见度相关最好,夏、秋季AOD与14:00能见度相关最好。去除降水因素后,空气中颗粒物污染是造成秋、冬季出现低能见度的主要原因。地基观测的气溶胶波长指数在0.8~1.2之间时对能见度的影响最大。空气中颗粒物造成的能见度下降与相对湿度密切相关,湿度越大,能见度下降越明显。风速小,大气中的颗粒物容易聚集,使能见度变差;风速大,有利于空气中颗粒物扩散,使能见度得到改善。用AOD估算能见度时,需要考虑大气相对湿度和风速的影响。  相似文献   

一次秦岭南麓暴雨中秦巴山区地形作用模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料对2014年8月30日发生在秦岭南麓一次暴雨天气过程的成因进行了诊断分析,并利用中尺度模式WRF V3.3对此次暴雨过程进行了模拟和地形敏感性试验。结果表明:(1)500hPa西风槽,700hPa、850hPa低涡切变和副高外围西南暖湿气流是暴雨的主要影响天气系统。(2)秦巴山区起伏地形,使陕南降水增多,关中降水减少;而地形起伏大小,会影响关中地区降水落区,地形起伏越大,关中地区降水落区越偏南;若去掉秦巴山区地形起伏,陕南降水落区和强度均减小,雨带北移。(3)秦巴山区对偏南气流的阻挡,使秦岭上空形成一风速梯度大值区,造成风速和水汽的辐合,激发上升运动,产生强降水;当秦巴山区地形高度按比例降低,或去掉秦巴山区地形起伏时,均造成秦岭上空风速梯度减小,水汽辐合减弱,雨强减小。(4)秦巴山区地形对秦岭地区降水有增幅作用,地形高度和降水强度呈正相关,地形越低,层结不稳定条件越差,能量越弱,上升运动越小,雨强就越小。  相似文献   

根据华山气象站1981—2010年30a高山气象观测资料,分析华山云海的时间变化特征及其与气象条件的关系。发现华山年云海日呈波动减少趋势,年平均云海日为32.97d,最多71d,最少8d。云海出现频次春季最少,秋季最多;云顶高度冬季最高,秋季最低;云海的云状以层积云为主,夏季多淡积云、碎积云。一天中云海出现频次以14时最多。当日或前一日出现降水时,云海出现的概率较大;相对湿度大、风速较小(一般小于4.5m/s)、风向为南西南至西风和偏东风时易出现云海。  相似文献   

The correlation between light precipitation events and visibility at Mt. Hua, (Shannxi Province, China) and at the surrounding plains stations was analyzed. Trends and changes in visibility, precipitation, the precipitation difference between Mt. Hua and the plains stations (De) and wind speed over the study area during the years 1980–2009 were also investigated. The significant positive correlation between visibility and light precipitation throughout the study period indicates that light precipitation events, notably orographic precipitation, are suppressed by aerosol pollution in this region. The trend of increasing air pollution aerosols since 1980, represented by visibility at Mt. Hua, ended in 2002 with a decreasing trend observed in more recent years. These changes were mirrored by corresponding changes in De. However, the total precipitation trends at Mt. Hua and the plains stations are consistent in both frequency and amount during the two periods, suggesting that the suppressive effect of pollution aerosols on light and moderate precipitation is the most likely cause for the changes in orographic precipitation at Mt. Hua during this time. The analysis of wind strength suggests that the increase in winds at Mt. Hua is highly related to the aerosol radiative effects; this increase of mountain winds is therefore a potential cause for the reduction in precipitation at Mt. Hua. This research provides further support for the hypothesis that aerosol microphysical effects can reduce orographic precipitation and suggests that aerosol radiative effects might act to suppress orographic precipitation through changes in wind speed.  相似文献   

Jing Yang  Dao-Yi Gong 《Climatic change》2010,100(3-4):807-815
Based on daily rainfall data from 1960 to 2007, this study investigated the difference in rainfall trends between seven mountain stations and 21 nearby plain stations in eastern China for the months June–August. The amount and frequency of light rain (≤2.5 mm/day) over the mountain areas showed a greater decreasing trend than over the surrounding plain regions. The trend of light-rainfall frequency at mountain stations is ??4.8%/decade, approximately double that at plain stations (??2.3%/decade). The trend in light-rainfall amount at mountain stations is ??5.0%/decade, approximately three times that at plains station (??1.4%/decade). Reduced wind speed may explain the enhanced decrease in light rainfall over mountain areas through the weakened orographic lifting. Further study is needed to determine whether the precipitation difference between mountain and plain (urban) regions is exacerbated by air pollution in East China through its indirect effects and influence on regional air stability and wind speed.  相似文献   

为了研究大气污染对太行山中部地区地表风的影响,我们对阳泉、榆社(高山站),石家庄、邢台(平原站)4个站点1966~2005年间的能见度、近地面温度、近地面风速数据进行了统计计算与趋势分析。结果显示:在平原站能见度相对山坡站下降更加明显的背景下,平原站的近地面温度、近地面风速、850hPa风速都呈下降趋势;而山坡站的近地面温度、近地面风速呈上升趋势。分析表明:(1)由于气溶胶的辐射效应与冷却效应,抑制了垂直通量的上下传输,致使平原站下午的近地面气温呈下降趋势,平原站和高山站的地表风速呈相反的变化趋势。(2)平原站850hPa (与高山站高度相近)风速呈现下降趋势,印证了高山站的近地面风速增加是气溶胶的辐射效应减弱了垂直能量交换造成的。   相似文献   

By analyzing airborne observations over North China from 30 flights during spring and autumn of 2005-2007, characteristics of the vertical distributions of aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) at 0.3% supersaturation in various locations of North China are investigated. The measurement samplings were conducted over different surfaces such as plains, plateau, and sea. The results show that the number concentration of accumulation mode aerosols was greater in autumn than in spring, but the reverse is true for CCN. This means that more aerosols with diameters smaller than 100 nm could be activated as CCN in spring, and this could induce higher aerosol activation efficiency. The aerosol activation efficiency over the plains near the Taihang Mountain was greater in spring than in autumn, and it was greater over sea than over land. The aerosol activation efficiency above the boundary layer over the Bashang Plateau was very low. Based on a fit of the negative exponential vertical distributions of aerosol and CCN, a spatial parameterization model of aerosol and CCN as well as aerosol activation efficiency over North China was proposed. The results show that aerosol activation efficiency was not clearly dependent on altitude because it was mainly affected by regional physical and chemical characteristics of aerosols and the ambient atmospheric conditions. The mean aerosol activation efficiency is 0.66, with values of 0.70 and 0.53 in spring and autumn,respectively.  相似文献   

Aerosol effects on warm (liquid-phase) cumulus cloud systems may have a strong radiative influence via suppression of precipitation in convective systems. A consequence of this suppression of precipitation is increased liquid water available for large-scale stratiform clouds, through detrainment, that in turn affect their precipitation efficiency. The nature of this influence on radiation, however, is dependent on both the treatment of convective condensate and the aerosol distribution. Here, we examine these issues with two climate models—CSIRO and GISS, which treat detrained condensate differently. Aerosol–cloud interactions in warm stratiform and cumulus clouds (via cloud droplet formation and autoconversion) are treated similarly in both models. The influence of aerosol–cumulus cloud interactions on precipitation and radiation are examined via simulations with present-day and pre-industrial aerosol emissions. Sensitivity tests are also conducted to examine changes to climate due to changes in cumulus cloud droplet number (N c); the main connection between aerosols and cumulus cloud microphysics. Results indicate that the CSIRO GCM is quite sensitive to changes in aerosol concentrations such that an increase in aerosols increases N c, cloud cover, total liquid water path (LWP) and reduces total precipitation and net cloud radiative forcings. On the other hand, the radiative fluxes in the GISS GCM appear to have minimal changes despite an increase in aerosols and N c. These differences between the two models—reduced total LWP in the GISS GCM for increased aerosols, opposite to that seen in CSIRO—appear to be more sensitive to the detrainment of convective condensate, rather than to changes in N c. If aerosols suppress convective precipitation as noted in some observationally based studies (but not currently treated in most climate models), the consequence of this change in LWP suggests that: (1) the aerosol indirect effect (calculated as changes to net cloud radiative forcing from anthropogenic aerosols) may be higher than previously calculated or (2) lower than previously calculated. Observational constrains on these results are difficult to obtain and hence, until realistic cumulus-scale updrafts are implemented in models, the logic of detraining non-precipitating condensate at appropriate levels based on updrafts and its effects on radiation, will remain an uncertainty.  相似文献   

The microstructure of orographic clouds related to the aerosol present was studied during the second Aerosol Characterisation Experiment (ACE‐2). Very high cloud droplet number concentrations (almost 3000 cm−3) were observed. These high concentrations occurred when clouds formed on a hill slope at Tenerife in polluted air masses originating in Europe that had transported the order of 1000 km over the Atlantic Ocean. The validity of the measured droplet number concentrations was investigated by comparing with measurements of the aerosol upstream of the cloud and cloud interstitial aerosol. Guided by distributions of the ratios between the measurements, three criteria of typically 30% in maximum deviation were applied to the measurements to test their validity. Agreement was found for 88% of the cases. The validated data set spans droplet number concentrations of 150–3000 cm−3. The updraught velocity during the cloud formation was estimated to 2.2 m s−1 by model calculations, which is typical of cumuliform clouds. The results of the present study are discussed in relation to cloud droplet number concentrations previously reported in the literature. The importance of promoting the mechanistic understanding of the aerosol/cloud interaction and the use of validation procedures of cloud microphysical parameters is stressed in relation to the assessment of the indirect climatic effect of aerosols.  相似文献   

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