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二等皮托管测风误差分析及偏差模拟计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皮托管是组成风速检定装置的主要计量标准设备,其测量精度对检定质量具有重要影响.从皮托管测风原理出发,详细介绍了影响皮托管测风误差的相关因素,模拟计算了各因素对风速测量产生的影响,分析了影响皮托管测风误差的主要因子.结果表明:温度和阻塞系数是影响二等皮托管测风误差的主要因素.当环境温度偏差为±8℃时,可引起二等皮托管风速测量误差为干0.44 m/s(v=30 m/s).当阻塞修正系数偏差±0.02时,可引起二等皮托管风速测量误差±o.6 m/s(v=30 m/s);皮托管系数、大气压力和湿度经修正后对二等皮托管测风精度影响相对较小.  相似文献   

为提高大气温度测量的准确度,本文设计了一种新型地面气温观测系统并推导了相应的辐射误差修正方程。首先,利用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法对该测温系统进行结构优化设计以及辐射误差量化计算。然后,利用BP神经网络算法拟合可针对多变量变化的辐射误差修正方程。最后,以076B型强制通风测温仪器的测量值作为温度基准,验证该测温系统的测温精度。实验结果表明,该新型地面气温观测系统的测量值与基准温度的均方根误差(RMSE)和绝对误差(MAE)分别为0.031 ℃和0.041 ℃。  相似文献   

在北京气象铁塔上测量城市边界层辐射的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
测量边界层辐射对研究地气系统相互作用有重要意义,城市边界层辐射的变化影响着城市局地气候和环境.目前辐射测量仪器的精度不能满足城市大气边界层辐射分层测量的特殊要求.2004年10~12月,在北京325 m气象铁塔上的280 m和2 m高度上分别安装了长波辐射表和短波总辐射表,进行辐射测量.为提高辐射测量精度,采取多种方法,进行了较细致的误差分析和资料订正,使两层不同高度上仪器的一致性得到明显提高,计算订正了铁塔塔体发射的长波辐射对辐射测量的影响,取得了比较合理的结果.辐射观测资料分析表明,边界层内辐射通量密度随高度的变化是明显的,在不同环境条件下对边界层结构有着重要作用.  相似文献   

随着高空温度探测精度要求的日益提高,如何减小温度传感器测量误差已成为亟需解决的问题,而太阳辐射作为影响温度传感器探测性能的重要因素已成为该领域研究的热点.利用计算机仿真技术,引入太阳高度角、引线夹角2个影响因子,根据流体动力学模型模拟分析探空温度传感器从海平面上升到32 km高空时所受太阳辐射的影响,最终得到辐射误差与海拔高度的关系曲线族,仿真结果将为开展高空温度传感器误差分析提供基础依据,从而提高传感器测量准确度.  相似文献   

RS92型GPS探空仪的性能试验与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用同球施放的方法,对芬兰维萨拉GPS探空仪的性能进行了试验。结果表明:气压和湿度的测量一致性符合RS92型GPS探空仪的探空整体非确定性的标称;温度除白天10hPa外,其它各规定层都能够满足RS92型GPS探空仪的探空整体非确定性的标称;湿度、风速能够满足WMO对全球气候观测系统(GCOS)探空的要求,高度能很好满足WMO对GCOS探空的要求。辐射特性分析表明,RS92型GPS探空仪在70hPa以下受辐射影响较小,20hPa以上温度受辐射影响相对较大。出、人云特性分析表明,RS92型GPS探空仪的湿度测量性能较好,能较灵敏地跟踪湿度变化,温湿度配合合理,数据丢失情况比RS80型探空仪明显减少,但产品在稳定性、检测和软件方面仍需要改进。  相似文献   

随着集成技术的飞速发展,用于飞机人工增雨作业大气温度测量的传感器越来越多,这些传感器具有精度高、性能稳定、可控性和线性好等优点,但前提是必须在稳定的环境中工作,而飞机人工增雨作业工作环境恶劣、动态变化无常、干扰因素多而不定,从而导致非传感器本身的误差因子增多,直接造成温度测量精度下降等结果。本文结合吉林省近年来飞机增雨作业实际经验,就如何改善非传感器误差因子导致的测量精度问题进行了研究,给出了部分解决方案和方法,仅供广大人影工作者参考。  相似文献   

Model 6000型前向散射能见度仪性能评估及数据订正   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
介绍了器测能见度测量仪器的分类与测量原理。通过对目前珠江三角洲布网观测的前向散射式能见度仪的原始信号进行分析,探讨影响能见度测量性能的主要因素。结果显示:发射能量与气温呈反相关,在数据处理中可以通过归一化处理去掉其影响;背景噪声的波动具有明显的日变化,主要受光辐射的影响,安装能见度仪时应注意方向和位置,尽量减少背景噪声,提高仪器信噪比。通过能见度仪测值和人工观测值的比较分析表明:两者的变化趋势基本一致;在能见度小于15 km时,量值比较吻合;在能见度大于15 km时,器测值明显大于人工观测值;利用统计方法对器测值作数据订正,能有效减少高能见度的测量误差。利用激光雷达反演能见度,将其反演值与能见度仪测值进行比较,表明两种探测方法具有较高的相关性。  相似文献   

大气科学研究对地表气温观测精度有高达0.1℃甚至0.05℃的需求。然而,现有的地表气温观测仪器受到太阳直接辐射、下垫面反射辐射、长波辐射和散射辐射等影响,辐射误差可达1℃。本文设计了一种基于导流装置的地表气温观测仪器。首先,利用计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)方法量化该仪器在各种环境条件下的辐射误差;然后,在此基础上,利用极限学习机(Extreme Learning Machine,ELM)方法拟合可针对多变量变化的辐射误差订正方程;最后,为验证该仪器的观测精度,进行了外场比对实验。在实验过程中,以076B型强制通风气温观测仪器的测量值作为温度基准。实验结果表明,该仪器的平均辐射误差和最大辐射误差分别为0.07℃和0.15℃。该仪器辐射误差的实验测量值与订正方程提供的辐射误差订正值之间的平均偏移量、均方根误差和相关系数分别为0.033℃、0.028℃和0.703。  相似文献   

高空探测系统的最关键方面是探空仪跟踪技术,即提供定位数据和风数据。遗憾的是系统的跟踪部分十分昂贵,且受到环境条件、观测场位置、设备的公差等因素的制约。由于这些原因,直到目前,新的探空系统——安全探空仪的大量工作还只是集中在跟踪技术的设计和试验上。一、目的国家大气研究中心(NCAR)研制安全探空仪系统的最初的目标是提供精度和空间分辨率比以往的方法更高的测风资料,以便使中尺度和区域尺度的研究应用取得令人满意的测量结果。为了同时提高精度和分辨率,需要在系统跟踪性能方面提高约一个量级,并希望在温度和湿度方面有所改进。  相似文献   

为认识和提高光合有效辐射 (波长为400~700 nm) 的测量精度,对国内外5种常用的光合有效辐射表的灵敏度、余弦响应、非线性、温度依赖性、光谱响应等性能进行了测试和分析。结果表明: 5种光合有效辐射表 (简称光合表) 的非线性误差均在1%以内; 3种光合表 (PAR LITE,LI-190和FS-PR) 的余弦误差均小于10%,温度系数均小于0.3%/℃,2种光合表 (TRT-5和HSC-FPH-1) 的余弦误差明显偏大,温度系数小于0.5%/℃。2种光合表 (PAR LITE和LI-190) 的光谱响应曲线接近于理想光谱,而其余3种光合表与理想光谱曲线偏离较大。在自然光下的一致性比对测量结果显示,5种光合表测量的辐射量与标准值的误差均在5%以内,但综合评价后认为,3种光合表 (PAR LITE,LI-190和FS-PR) 的性能明显优于其他2种光合表 (TRT-5和HSC-FPH-1)。该结果可为气象观测业务选型提供参考。  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method to improve the performance of commonly used parameterizations to calculate the cloud-free down-welling long-wave radiation at the surface. The method uses a monthly climatology of the effective radiating temperature of the atmosphere instead of the instantaneous screen-level temperature. The climatology of the effective radiating temperature can be derived from pyrgeometer measurements and was incorporated into two commonly used schemes. We compared the calculated cloud-free down-welling long-wave irradiances to high-quality pyrgeometer measurements from four Swiss sites. The discrepancies between observations and modified schemes can be reduced by up to 35 %, resulting in a model uncertainty close to 5 W m?2 which corresponds to the measurement uncertainty of pyrgeometers. Furthermore, we introduce a new long-wave model which is based on radiative transfer calculations in the 8–14- $\upmu $ m wavelength range. In the remaining long-wave spectrum, the radiation is calculated using the Planck function with the effective radiating temperature of the atmosphere. The performance of this new model is consistent with the modified parameterizations.  相似文献   

国产地球辐射表长波滤光罩性能的测试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
滤光罩是地球辐射表的关键部件, 其性能直接影响着该仪器的性能与质量.利用LOWTRAN 7和国产各种滤光罩实测的光谱透射比数据, 对不同的模式大气下各滤光罩有效透射比等性能指标进行计算, 并与Eppley罩的研究情况作了对比.结果表明, 国产罩的各项性能指标并不次于Eppley罩.  相似文献   

Summary The back radiation has been measured with an Eppley pyrgeometer on board the R/V Vickers in the tropical Pacific Ocean during the field campaigns COARE (Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment) and CEPEX (Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment) in February and March 1993, respectively. As part of these compaigns radiosondes have been launched from the Vickers several times per day and cloud cover was observed frequently. The radiosonde and cloud observations are used together with a radiative transfer model to calculate the back radiation for a subsequent intercomparison with the pyrgeometer measurements. Another means of comparison is derived from space-borne SSM/I (Special Sensor Microwave/Imager) measurements. The mean difference between pyrgeometer measurements and simulated downwelling irradiance at the sea surface is less than 2 W/m2, at a mean of 425 W/m2 in the warm pool, with a standard deviation of 8 W/m2. The comparison of satellite measurements with pyrgeometer readings shows a mean difference of-3 W/m2 and a standard deviation of 14 W/m2. The mean difference between satellite-derived back radiation and simulated one is 3 W/m2 with a standard deviation of 14 W/m2. Comparisons with results obtained from bulk formulae applied to surface meteorological observations show a good performance of the bulk parameterisations in the cloud-free case but a general overestimation of the back radiation in cloudy situations.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

线翼截断方式对大气辐射计算的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张华  石广玉  刘毅 《气象学报》2007,65(6):968-975
在大气辐射传输计算方法中,有3种基本方法,即,逐线积分方法,k-分布方法和带模式方法。其中,逐线积分方法是最精确的计算大气透过率的方法,本文根据透过率计算方式的不同,将逐线积分方法分为追线积分法和追点积分法。由于逐线积分计算需要耗费大量的计算时间,在大气遥感和大气探测业务中使用时,必须减少计算成本,提高计算速度。本文在追线积分法的基础上,给出了简化的逐线积分的基本方法,在保证同样计算精度的同时,大大提高了计算速度。对在精确的和简化的逐线积分下,不同线翼截断方式(CUTOFF)对吸收系数、大气透过率和冷却率的影响进行了更详细的探讨。通过数值试验发现,对谱线线翼的截断方式是影响辐射计算精度和计算速度的重要因子。在不同压力下,用CUTOFF=2计算的吸收系数误差最大;对CUTOFF=1,在大多数取样点上误差都小于2%;对CUTOFF=3或4,对绝大多数取样点上计算的吸收系数误差都在5%以内,但所用的计算时间却明显减少。大气低层的透过率对不同的计算方法和不同的线翼截断方式不敏感;对大气高层,无论是对精确的还是简化的逐线积分方法,当CUTOFF=2时的透过率结果与其他线翼截断方式的结果差别较大。通过比较,本文给出线翼截断的优选方案。  相似文献   

Based on the simulations with a 3-D large-eddy simulation model of marine cloud-topped boundary layer that includes explicit cloud physics formulation, we have evaluated the effect of spatial inhomogeneities in cloud macro- and microstructure on the performance of parameterizations of optical depth commonly used in large-scale models. We have shown that an accurate parameterization of the grid average optical depth alone is not sufficient for correct determination of cloud transmittance to solar radiation due to the non-linear dependence between these two variables.The problem can be solved by introducing the “equivalent” value of optical depth that differs from the ordinarily defined mean optical depth by a factor αt, that depends on the degree of cloud inhomogeneity and ranges from about 2 in the cumulus case to about 1.3 in the stratiform case.The accuracy of cloud optical depth parameterizations commonly employed in largescale models has been evaluated using the data from the explicit microphysical model as a benchmark for comparison. It has been shown that in the cumulus cloud case the parameterized expressions can err by as much as 100%. The error is smaller for more uniform stratiform clouds, where the error for some parameterizations varied in the 10–40% range. The best results are given by parameterizations that account for vertical stratification of parameters on which they are based. However, the error given by a particular parameterization varies and is different at cloud and surface levels. The results show the limitations of the existing simplified parameterizations and illustrate the scope and complexity of the cloud radiation parameterization problem.  相似文献   

传统暴雨淹没分析算法中,给定水位下的积水淹没分析算法需要已知积涝水位,但是在实际降雨中积涝水位获取存在一定难度;已知洪水体积的积涝扩散算法虽然算法简单、计算速度快,但是未突破汇水区边界限制。针对传统淹没分析算法存在的不足,从有源扩散的角度出发,提出了一种水量动态分配的有源积水扩散算法,从而提高了暴雨积水模拟的准确性。以漳州市龙文区为例,选取了2016年6月15日的降雨进行验证,结果与实测结果基本一致。  相似文献   

Based on the theory of the radiation transfer and some physical approximation techniques,a numericalclimatological method for the radiation budget in the troposphere over China is proposed.By utilizingten-year-averaged climatological data (1960—1969,1961—1970) from 104 stations,the radiation budgetand its components of the troposphere over China are calculated.In contrast with the satellite observationsand other computational results,the present results are satisfactory.The main factors which determine theradiation budget are also discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Summary Total ozone has been monitored with high accuracy at many sites for a relative long period of time. This is not the case for UV. The main reason is that UV is difficult to measure accurately. Extensive monitoring started first during the 1990s. However, there are some data series still in operation that were initiated at earlier dates. This paper will discuss one such series from Norrk?ping, Sweden that began in March 1983. The instruments used to measure UV radiation have some characteristics producing an output signal that is not directly related to the UV. Here, these problems are discussed and corrections are applied. The goal is to produce a homogenous and an accurate set of UV data as is possible. An analysis of the various sources of uncertainty is done and summarised as total uncertainty. This was found to be about 6% for the yearly values of CIE weighted UV. However, the precision is much better at about 0.6%. Finally, some results are shown for yearly and seasonal UV. The trends for the full period 1983–2003 are tested for significance. The spring, summer, autumn and yearly data showed a significant increase in UV of respectively 0.8, 0.3, 0.8 and 0.5% per year. To get some indication of the cause of the variation of global radiation (indicator of cloudiness) and total ozone measured at the same site were also processed. A small, but insignificant, decrease of total ozone was found, whilst global radiation showed an increase. It seems that cloudiness is the major factor for the observed variation in UV for this period. The data are available on the internet.  相似文献   

光学遥感大气气溶胶特性   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
黎洁  毛节泰 《气象学报》1989,47(4):450-456
本文提出一种光学遥感大气气溶胶特性的新方法。由多波段望远光度计观测的太阳直接辐射和太阳所在地平纬圈天空亮度的相对分布值,同时反演出气溶胶散射相函数,整层大气的光学厚度随波长的变化,进而用“库”方法反演出气溶胶粒子的尺度谱和折射率的实部和虚部。对比平行观测的结果表明,光学遥感方法所得的结果是可信的。本文同时也讨论了北京地区大气气溶胶的光学参数在不同季节的变化。  相似文献   

基于空气污染指数的太阳日总辐射计算方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对2001—2012年全国23个站实测资料的分析,利用非线性回归法建立了以气温日较差、天文日照百分率和空气污染指数为主导因子的太阳日总辐射模型,这里简称为DSRM-Y模型 (Daily Solar Radiation Model-Y),检验其效果并与已有的DSRM-C模型 (Daily Solar Radiation Model-C) 进行效果比对。结果表明:太阳日总辐射与空气污染指数呈显著负相关,DSRM-Y模型的太阳日总辐射估算值与实测值的散点图以及平均偏差、均方根误差、误差分析均表现出较好的拟合效果。将模型应用于西宁、上海、昆明3个代表站,空气污染指数上升后,3个站太阳日总辐射均呈减少趋势;23个站DSRM-Y模型的均方根误差均小于DSRM-C模型,即DSRM-Y模型的拟合效果好于DSRM-C模型。  相似文献   

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