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基于数值预报模式降水产品的集成应用方法试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2008年5~7月四川省152个站点的逐日降水实况和T213、德国数值预报模式、日本数值预报模式、西南区域本地化的MM5集合降水预报模式和各成员的逐日降水预报产品进行Ts评分,然后基于西南区域集合预报8个成员Ts评分权重系数进行集成预报试验和集成方法对比试验,结果表明:基于Ts评分为权重系数的集成预报效果得到明显改进,且该方法优于逐步回归和支持向量(SVM)回归方法;最后根据上述5~7月T213、日本、德国和集合预报8个成员共11个数值模式降水预报的Ts评分按权重系数集成,预报四川2008年8~9月降水并进行效果评价,结果显示:以多个模式Ts评分为权重系数集成的降水预报效果相对于单一模式有明显提高,有较好的预报指导意义。   相似文献   

利用齐齐哈尔市十个自动站降水和温度资料对2013年欧洲中心确定性模式高分辨率预报产品、东北半球T639数值产品、日本高分辨率大气模式产品和中央气象台的全国城市预报产品进行系统误差订正基础上,进行基于超级集合思想的多模式动态变权集成预报。结果表明:三种细网格和中央气象台的全国城市预报产品对齐齐哈尔地区的降水预报都存在着较多的空报现象;对四种模式预报进行集成平均,在齐齐哈尔地区预报效果极其有限;动态权重集成预报能够较好地利用各种数值预报的优势,从而得到质量好的定性预报产品。定性降水、最低温度和最高温度的集成预报比任何单一的数值预报成员TS预报评分都要高,尤其是最低温度预报质量得到了很大的提升,给预报员提供了很好的参考工具。  相似文献   

三峡库区流域面雨量预报模糊检验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
周国兵 《气象科技》2005,33(2):120-123
采用面雨量模糊评分方法,对三峡库区流域面雨量预报中3种客观预报(相似预报、T213降水预报、MM5模式预报)和面雨量综合集成预报结果进行综合评定。检验结果表明,3种预报模式对流域面雨量预报水平相差不大,冬半年的预报评分高于夏半年。在业务中采用动态权重系数法对3种预报方法预报结果进行集成,其集成预报的评定质量高于每种单独预报质量。在流域面雨量预报质量检验中采用了模糊评分法,该方法能够较为客观地反映预报和实况之间的差距,也可以用于降水定量预报评定中。  相似文献   

权重分布法集成预报试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
该工作提出了以历史预报评估参数为权重的权重分布客观集成预报方法 ,用该方法对 6种汛期预报方法 1 984~ 1 998年和 8个单位 1 995~ 1 998年的汛期预报进行了集成预报试验 .结果表明 ,经权重分布集成预报以后预测水平有明显提高 ,而且效果相对稳定 .权重分布集成预报方法指导思想明确 ,可行性强 ,可用于实际业务预报  相似文献   

山东省冬小麦产量动态集成预报方法   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在新型统计检验聚类分析 (CAST) 方法对山东省冬小麦种植区进行合理分区的基础上,利用基于作物产量历史丰歉气象影响指数、关键气象因子影响指数、气候适宜度指数、WOFOST (world food study) 作物生长模型分别建立各区域冬小麦产量动态预报方法,利用这4种方法分别对2004—2011年山东省冬小麦产量进行动态预报,在分析历史预报结果平均准确率的基础上,剔除预报准确率低于90.0%的预报方法,确定每种方法的权重系数,采用加权方法建立山东省冬小麦产量动态集成预报方法。结果表明:4种单一产量预报方法在各区域各时段的预报准确率很不稳定,波动范围较大。而集成预报方法对山东省各区域冬小麦产量动态预报准确率相对于4种单一预报方法均有所提高,预报准确率普遍在95.0%以上,且其预报结果稳定性较好,变化比较平稳, 集成预报方法更适合在业务上应用。  相似文献   

几种降水集成预报方法的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
彭九慧  丁力  杨庆红 《气象科技》2008,36(5):520-523
采用多数表决集成法、评分权重集成法、多元回归集成法对承德市两来系统形成的降水进行晴雨和分级集成预报试验.结果表明:在每种单一的数值预报方法TS值均较高,总体预报质量相差不大的情况下,多数表决集中集成法可大幅度提高预报准确率;如果几种数值预报对于降水分级预报的预报准确率相差较大时,可采用评分权重集成法来提高总体预报质量;在样本足够的条件下,细化的预报结果多元回归集成法是晴雨预报和分级降水预报中比较可行的集成方法之一.  相似文献   

利用多种降水数值预报格点数据,结合本市定量降水预报方法,制作宜春10县市汛期定量降水集成预报.集成预报方程中各因子的权重系数,随预报样本数的增加,逐步进行修正,同时定期修正集成预报方程产生的系统误差.  相似文献   

程鹏  郑启锐  张涛 《湖北气象》2007,26(3):256-260
介绍了并集集成方法的基本原理和使用范围。在此基础上,利用2003~2005年T213、HLAFS、MAPS的降水预报资料,在孝感站进行了降水集成预报试验。结果表明:并集集合的预报能力比单个成员明显增强,集成预报效果总体上比任何单一成员的预报效果好,订正权重计算集成预报的TS综合评分比T213、HLAFS、MAPS提高了0.054、0.089、0.115,且预报性能较为稳定,可为降水预报提供客观依据。  相似文献   

本文对1991~2000年各月西宁等站的降水和气温预报进行了评分,并根据它们的评分结果,选取了最优子集回归、高次多项式、均生函数等7种预报方法作为集成预报的预报因子。通过降水试报得出,一元回归集成、权重集成、最优子集集成的趋势评分均超过了82%,降水预报集成后的趋势评分比单个预报方法的平均评分至少提高了15~25个百分点。  相似文献   

降水邻域集合概率法是处理高分辨率降水集合预报不确定性的一种新方法。利用2017年5~7月GRAPES(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System)区域集合预报系统24 h降水预报资料,进行GRAPES降水邻域集合概率方法试验,并针对邻域概率法的等权重和邻域尺度问题,设计了邻域格点权重修正邻域方案以及二分类权重修正邻域方案,进行降水的集合概率法、等权重邻域集合概率方法、权重修正邻域集合概率方法和二分类权重修正邻域集合概率方法等四种方法的格点相关及敏感性试验,并利用多种概率预报检验评分评估上述四种方法的预报效果。试验结果表明:(1)尽管采用邻域计算方案的三种邻域集合概率方法的降水概率预报评分各有优劣,如等权重邻域集合概率法的相对作用特征曲线面积评分略优,而权重修正邻域集合概率法和二分类权重修正邻域集合概率法的降水概率预报可靠性更高,但采用了邻域计算方案的降水概率预报评分均优于传统的集合概率方法;(2)降水邻域集合概率方法的预报技巧对邻域尺度很敏感,统计评分最优的邻域半径为5~8倍模式水平格距;(3)引入了权重修正的两个邻域集合概率预报方法在24 h降水量超过10 mm时改进较明显,能够提供更加客观的概率预报结果。总体上看,降水邻域集合概率方法具有较好的应用前景,恰当的邻域概率方法及邻域半径可以获得更合理的降水概率预报结果。  相似文献   

Based on the daily mean temperature and 24-h accumulated total precipitation over central and southern China, the features and the possible causes of the extreme weather events with low temperature and icing conditions,which occurred in the southern part of China during early 2008, are investigated in this study. In addition, multimodel consensus forecasting experiments are conducted by using the ensemble forecasts of ECMWF, JMA, NCEP and CMA taken from the TIGGE archives. Results show that more than a third of the stations in the southern part of China were covered by the extremely abundant precipitation with a 50-a return period, and extremely low temperature with a 50-a return period occurred in the Guizhou and western Hunan province as well. For the 24- to 216-h surface temperature forecasts, the bias-removed multimodel ensemble mean with running training period(R-BREM) has the highest forecast skill of all individual models and multimodel consensus techniques. Taking the RMSEs of the ECMWF 96-h forecasts as the criterion, the forecast time of the surface temperature may be prolonged to 192 h over the southeastern coast of China by using the R-BREM technique. For the sprinkle forecasts over central and southern China, the R-BREM technique has the best performance in terms of threat scores(TS) for the 24- to 192-h forecasts except for the 72-h forecasts among all individual models and multimodel consensus techniques. For the moderate rain, the forecast skill of the R-BREM technique is superior to those of individual models and multimodel ensemble mean.  相似文献   

中国东部夏季降水与东亚垂直环流结构及其预测试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
韩雪  魏凤英 《大气科学》2010,34(3):533-547
本文在分析中国东部夏季降水的时空分布特征基础上, 从东亚高、中、低层大尺度环流异常着手, 选取对中国东部夏季降水异常有显著影响的大气环流预报因子, 分别应用逐步回归和最优子集回归法两种统计降尺度方法, 以动力气候模式CAM3.1预报输出的大气环流预报因子为基础, 以中国东部夏季降水的典型空间分布型为预报对象, 建立动力与统计相结合的中国东部夏季降水预测模型, 并对1981~2000年的中国东部夏季降水进行回报试验。结果表明: 中国东部夏季降水具有4类典型的空间分布型式, 且具有显著的准2年和年代际尺度振荡周期; 东亚高、中、低层大气环流异常的特定配置, 对东部夏季降水的空间分布型有显著影响; 使用两种降尺度方案建立的动力与统计相结合的预测模型对中国东部夏季降水异常具有一定的预报技巧, 可以在一定程度上提高动力模式对中国东部夏季降水的预报效果。  相似文献   

为综合不同模式对不同量级降水的预报优势,设计一种全球模式与区域模式结合的降水分级最优化权重集成预报算法,集成经最优TS评分订正法(optimal threat score,OTS)订正后的欧洲中期天气预报中心降水预报产品(以下简称EC-OTS)和华东区域中尺度模式降水预报产品(以下简称SMS-OTS)。以泛长江区域(23°~39°N,101°~123°E)为研究范围,基于2018年不同降水量级的TS评分最优化确定SMS-OTS和EC-OTS在不同降水量级时的最优权重系数以及最优集成方案,并以2019年降水数据为独立样本进行预报试验。结果表明:对于最优权重系数,EC-OTS在低降水量级权重较大,随着降水量级的加大,SMS-OTS的权重也逐渐加大;最优集成方案为初始集成降水量预报取SMS-OTS,集成运算迭代3次;集成预报在几乎所有预报时效、所有降水量级的TS评分均高于EC-OTS和SMS-OTS,其平均绝对误差略小于EC-OTS,显著小于SMS-OTS;集成预报12 h累积降水预报的TS评分较省级预报员主观预报高-0.009~0.041,24 h累积降水预报的TS评分较国家气象中心预报员主观预报高0.009~0.023。  相似文献   

王蕾  张人禾 《大气科学》2006,30(6):1147-1159
利用季降水异常的典型集合相关预测模式, 研究了前期和同期不同季节全球海表温度距平场与中国夏季旱涝的遥相关分布特征以及这种相关型随季节的变化, 揭示了全球海温的异常变化在中国夏季旱涝中的信号特征.研究表明, 全球不同区域海温对我国夏季降水的影响存在着明显的季节差异.全球特定的海温分布可以作为中国夏季旱涝预报的信号因子.选取不同区域及不同时段的海温场作为因子场分别对1998、 1999年这两个典型年份的我国夏季降水进行了诊断研究和预测试验, 并通过不同区域海温的影响权重做集成预测.试验结果表明:不同区域海温的集成预测不仅可以有效地提高预测的准确性, 而且可以揭示不同时段不同区域海温的异常变化在夏季旱涝中的强信号现象.  相似文献   

Based on the tropical cyclone data from the Central Meteorological Observatory of China, Japan Meteorological Agency, Joint Typhoon Warning Center and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) during the period of 2004 to 2009, three consensus methods are used in tropical cyclone (TC) track forecasts. Operational consensus results show that the objective forecasts of ECMWF help to improve consensus skill by 2%, 3%-5% and 3%-5%, decrease track bias by 2.5 kin, 6-9 km and 10-12 km for the 24 h, 48 h and 72 h forecasts respectively over the years of 2007 to 2009. Analysis also indicates that consensus forecasts hold positive skills relative to each member. The multivariate regression composite is a method that shows relatively low skill, while the methods of arithmetic averaging and composite (in which the weighting coefficient is the reciprocal square of mean error of members) have almost comparable skills among members. Consensus forecast for a lead time of 96 h has negative skill relative to the ECMWF objective forecast.  相似文献   

尽管确定性预报不是集合预报系统(EPS)的主要目的和应用方向,但其每一个成员的预报表现决定了集合预报系统的预报性能,集合平均也是实际预报业务的一个重要参考指标。为此,利用2013~2015年5~10月的欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)集合预报系统的降水预报资料,CMORPH(NOAA Climate Prediction Center Morphing Method)卫星与全国3×10~4余个自动气象观测站的逐小时降水量融合资料,研究ECMWF集合预报系统对秦岭周边地区逐日降水的控制预报、成员预报、集合平均的预报能力,并探索提高降水集合平均预报性能的有效方法。主要结论如下:(1)无论是集合平均还是控制预报,整体上都较好的刻画了秦岭周边地区降水的空间形态,比较而言,控制预报能够更好的表现了降水的方差变化。(2)泰勒分析表明,集合平均的降水方差随预报时效增加单调减小,控制预报的方差变化随预报时效的增长振荡较小,其相关系数略优于集合平均。(3)技巧评分表明,集合平均使小雨(降水发生频次)的预报偏差显著增加,增大了空报率;使大雨以上的降水预报偏差减小,增大了漏报率,从而使得大多数情况下,集合平均TS(Threat Score)、ETS(Equitable Threat Score)评分低于控制及扰动成员预报。分析认为这主要是由于降水这一要素的偏态分布特性引起的。(4)集合平均的显著贡献在于能够较好的指示可能发生降水的空间位置。通过阈值限定,调整预报偏差,减少(增大)其对小雨(暴雨)的预报频率,能够使集合平均的TS、ETS评分大幅度提升,预报技巧显著优于成员预报和控制预报。目前,预报偏差Bias订正方法已成功应用于陕西省精细化格点预报系统中。  相似文献   

西北太平洋(含南海)热带气旋路径集成预报分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于2004—2009 年中国中央气象台、日本气象厅、美国联合台风警报中心、欧洲中心对西北太平洋和南海编号热带气旋主客观预报资料,利用算术平均、多元回归以及历史平均误差等三种集成方法,建立了热带气旋路径集成预报业务化系统。通过2007—2009 年的业务运行结果分析发现,欧洲中心客观预报参与的24、48 和72 h 集成比主观预报三个成员集成预报水平分别提高约2%、3%~5%和3%~5%,减小误差2.5 km左右、6~9 km 和10~12 km。技巧分析发现,24~72 h 集成预报有正技巧,多元回归集成技巧相对稍低,而算术平均和以各成员平均误差的平方倒数为权重系数的集成技巧对于各集成成员来说技巧差异不大。96 h 集成预报对欧洲中心的客观预报没有正技巧。   相似文献   

The accuracy of the western North Pacific tropical cyclone intensity forecast guidance products available at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) is evaluated relative to a new skill metric called Weighted Analog Intensity Pacific (WAIP) that includes knowledge of the JTWC official track forecast and the current intensity, which is information that is available at the time the intensity forecast is generated. An intensity consensus technique called S5XX that includes statistical-dynamic intensity forecasts plus other dynamic and thermodynamic prediction techniques has statistically significant smaller errors than WAIP at 24 h and 48 h and has similar accuracy through 120 h. While the track consensus CONW is a critical input to the JTWC official track forecast, it has no skill relative to WAIP as an intensity forecast. Three regional numerical models also have no skill relative to WAIP, and especially at forecast intervals beyond 72 h because their mean absolute errors are statistically significantly larger than for WAIP. Furthermore, these regional models have statistically significant positive or negative intensity biases relative to the verifying intensities. However, an experimental consensus technique called CMES that includes these three regional models has small accuracy relative to WAIP in the 24 h to 72 h forecast intervals. Geographical-based comparisons of the intensity guidance products with the WAIP indicate almost all of the products are more accurate than WAIP over the South China Sea region. The statistical-dynamic consensus technique S5XX does have skill through 72 h for landfalling situations along the coasts of China and Southeast Asia. At 120 h, the WAIP has superior performance over the guidance products over most areas of the western North Pacific, but again the S5XX is more accurate than WAIP for landfalling tropical cyclones on the Philippine Islands, Southeast Asia, South China, and northeastern Japan. This information will be useful to the forecaster in deciding when and where (or how much) to rely on each guidance product in preparing the five-day intensity forecast once the official track forecast has been established.  相似文献   

Medium to long-term precipitation forecasting plays a pivotal role in water resource management and development of warning systems.Recently,the Copernicus Climate Change Service(C3S)database has been releasing monthly forecasts for lead times of up to three months for public use.This study evaluated the ensemble forecasts of three C3S models over the period 1993-2017 in Iran’s eight classified precipitation clusters for one-to three-month lead times.Probabilistic and non-probabilistic criteria were used for evaluation.Furthermore,the skill of selected models was analyzed in dry and wet periods in different precipitation clusters.The results indicated that the models performed best in western precipitation clusters,while in the northern humid cluster the models had negative skill scores.All models were better at forecasting upper-tercile events in dry seasons and lower-tercile events in wet seasons.Moreover,with increasing lead time,the forecast skill of the models worsened.In terms of forecasting in dry and wet years,the forecasts of the models were generally close to observations,albeit they underestimated several severe dry periods and overestimated a few wet periods.Moreover,the multi-model forecasts generated via multivariate regression of the forecasts of the three models yielded better results compared with those of individual models.In general,the ECMWF and UKMO models were found to be appropriate for one-month-ahead precipitation forecasting in most clusters of Iran.For the clusters considered in Iran and for the long-range system versions considered,the Météo France model had lower skill than the other models.  相似文献   

This paper examines the connection between the probability of precipitation and forecast amounts from Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model runs over Central and West Africa. A one season period (June–September 2010) was used to investigate the quantitative precipitation forecast–probability relationship. The predictive capability of this relationship was then tested on an independent sample of data (June–September 2011); 2010 and 2011 were wet and dry years, respectively. The results show that rainfall is less likely to occur in those areas where the model indicates no precipitation than it is elsewhere in the domain. Rainfall is more likely to occur in those regions where precipitation is predicted, especially where the predicted precipitation amounts are largest. The probabilities of rainfall forecasts based on this relationship are found to possess skill as measured by relative operating characteristic curves, reliability diagrams, and Brier skill scores. Skillful forecasts from the technique exist throughout 24-h periods for which WRF output was available. The results suggest that this forecasting tool might assist forecasters throughout the season in a wide variety of weather events and not only in areas of difficult-to-forecast convective systems.  相似文献   

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