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21世纪中国东北地区气候变化预估   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第4次科学评估报告中全球气候系统模式组考虑人类排放情景的计算结果,计算与分析了多个气候模式对21世纪中国东北地区气候变化的集成预估结果。多模式集成预估结果表明:到21世纪后期,由于人类排放增加的影响,中国东北地区气温将可能较目前变暖3.0℃或以上,降水将可能增加。需要注意这种气候变化对中国东北地区社会经济的长远影响。  相似文献   

松花江流域气候变化及ECHAM5模式预估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 根据松花江流域1961-2000年观测气温、降水量资料和ECHAM5/MPI-OM模式对该流域21世纪前50 a气候变化的预估结果,分析了松花江流域1961-2000年年平均气温和年降水量变化,并对21世纪前50 a气温和降水量变化趋势进行了预估。结果表明,在全球变暖的背景下,作为中国气候变暖区域响应的先锋,松花江流域年平均气温自1980年代初持续升高,升温幅度比较显著;年降水量在1961-2000年无明显增加或减少趋势,年代际差异也不大。相对于1961-1990年的气候场,21世纪前半叶,年平均气温仍将呈明显增加趋势,到2040年代升温幅度达1℃以上,年降水量变化趋势不显著,可能微弱增加,但冬季平均气温和冬季降水量都呈增加趋势,春季降水量也为增加趋势。  相似文献   

基于昆明地区11站点最近40 a逐年的年平均气温、年平均最高气温、年平均最低气温等气象资料,使用标准差、线性倾向率和信噪比SNR指标及相关检验方法,从多个角度综合分析最近40 a昆明地区气温变化特点和规律。结果表明:近40a来昆明地区气候变暖趋势明显,1971—1990年变暖趋势相对缓慢,进入1990年以来气候变暖加剧;秋冬季变暖比春夏季变暖更为突出;最低气温增温趋势比最高气温、平均气温更为明显,低温增温对气候变暖贡献突出。进入1990年后期,昆明地区气候变暖伴随气温突变出现,1998年昆明地区各区域年平均气温和年平均最低气温都存在气温突变现象。  相似文献   

利用资源县1961~2017年逐日气温观测资料,应用线性倾向估计、t检验及M-K突变检验法对资源县57年冬季气候变暖特征进行了分析。结果表明:近57年资源县冬季、年平均气温上升趋势显著,线性倾向率为0.276、0.19℃/10a,冬季气候变暖趋势明显,对全年气候变暖贡献较大;2月份平均气温显著上升,线性倾向率为0.419℃/10a,对冬季变暖贡献较大;极端最低气温上升趋势更为显著,线性倾向率为0.448℃/10a,对冬季增温影响最显著;冬季平均气温的突变点发生在1996年;20世纪1960~1980年代为冬季低温期,冷冬大多出现在1980年代之前,暖冬1990年代之后呈明显增加趋势。  相似文献   

PRECIS模式对内蒙古气候变化情景的模拟与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用英国Hadley气候中心研制的区域气候模式系统PRECIS,嵌套全球环流模式HadCM3,模拟了气候基准时段1961-1990年内蒙古平均气温。通过模拟结果与实测值的对比分析。预测并分析了在B2温室气体排放情景(SRES)下.2071-2100年内蒙古气温的变化情景。结果表明:PRECIS模式较好的模拟出了内蒙古1961-1990年30年平均的气温分布,特别在模拟从东北向西南温度递增趋势上表现了良好的能力,尤其是在锡林浩特以东地区,模拟韵高低值中心位置和范围与实况比较吻合,且对夏季温度的模拟能力明显强于其他季节。在B2排放情景下,未来2071—2100年内蒙古气候继续向暖的方向发展,年平均气温、冬季和夏季平均气温均呈显著上升趋势,全区增温3.5~5℃。升幅最大的地区在阿拉善中西部。  相似文献   

基于参加国际耦合模式比较计划第5阶段(CMIP5)的29个全球气候模式开展的历史气候模拟和3种典型浓度路径(RCP2.6、RCP4.5、 RCP8.5)下21世纪气候预估的结果,分析了单个模式和多模式集合平均(MME)的21世纪全球与中国年平均地表气温(ASAT)变化特征及2℃升温阈值的出现时间。多模式集合平均的结果显示:全球和中国年平均地表气温均将继续升高,21世纪末的升温幅度随着辐射强迫的增大而增大。RCP2.6情景下,年平均地表气温增幅先升高后降低,全球(中国)年平均地表气温在2056年(2049年)达到升温峰值,21世纪末升温1.74℃(2.12℃);RCP4.5情景下,年平均地表气温在21世纪前半叶逐渐升高,之后升温趋势减缓,21世纪后期趋于平稳,21世纪末全球(中国)年平均地表气温增幅为2.60℃(3.39℃);RCP8.5情景下,21世纪年平均地表气温快速升高,21世纪末全球(中国)年平均地表气温增幅为4.75℃(6.55℃)。全球平均的年平均地表气温增幅,在RCP2.6情景下没有超过2℃,RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下分别在2047和2038年达到2℃。RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下中国年平均地表气温增幅连续5 a不低于2℃的时间分别在2032、2033和2027年,明显早于全球平均。任一典型浓度路径情景下,达到2℃升温的时间,北半球同纬度地区早于南半球,同半球高纬度地区早于低纬度地区,同纬度地区陆地早于海洋。3种不同典型浓度路径情景下21世纪全球和中国年平均地表气温将继续升高这一结果是可信的,RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下全球和中国年平均地表气温增幅超过2℃的结果模式之间有较高的一致性。多模式预估的全球和中国年平均地表气温升幅和不同幅度升温的出现时间均存在一定的不确定性,预估结果的不确定性随预估时间的延长而增大;相同情景下,中国年平均地表气温预估的不确定性大于全球。  相似文献   

肖军  刘惠萍 《广东气象》2007,29(1):29-30
对搬迁过观测场的惠东县气象站年平均气温序列进行订正,分析近40年来该站年平均气温的变化趋势,得出该站新旧站的10年平均气温相差0.64℃,新站偏低.插补后惠东1961~1990年的平均气温为21.9℃,近40年年平均气温上升的倾向率为每10年0.36℃,与全国同期的升温率接近.预估2020年前后,惠东年平均气温较1961~1990年平均值上升1.5℃.  相似文献   

全球气候模式对未来中国风速变化预估   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
江滢  罗勇  赵宗慈 《大气科学》2010,34(2):323-336
利用世界气候研究计划之第三次耦合模式比较计划 (WCRP/CMIP3) 提供的, 参加IPCC AR4的19个气候模式和国家气候中心为IPCC第五次报告研发的新一代气候模式 (BCC_CSM1.0.1) 及模式集成, 考虑高排放 (A2)、 中等排放 (A1B) 和低排放 (B1) 三种人类排放情景, 预估21世纪中国近地层 (离地10 m) 风速变化。预估结果表明: (1) 21世纪全国平均的年平均风速呈微弱的减小趋势, 且随着预估情景人类排放的增加, 中国年平均风速减小趋势越显著。 (2) 冬季 (夏季) 全国平均风速呈减小 (增大) 趋势, 人类排放量越多, 冬季 (夏季) 风速减小 (增加) 程度越大。21世纪我国风速夏季 (冬季) 增大 (减小) 与全球变暖的背景下未来亚洲夏季风 (冬季风) 增强 (减弱) 有一定关系。 (3) 与20世纪末期 (1980~1999年) 相比, 21世纪初期 (2011~2030年) 中国区域年平均风速A2情景下略偏小, A1B和B1情景下年平均风速无明显变化; 21世纪中期 (2046~2065年) 和后期 (2080~2099年), 三种排放情景下中国年平均风速均比20世纪末期风速小。 (4) 21世纪初期、 中期和后期均表现为冬季 (夏季) 平均风速比20世纪末期冬季 (夏季) 平均小 (大)。 (5) 夏季中国中北部和东北地区风速偏大, 其余地区风速无明显变化或略偏小; 冬季除了东北北部和西藏东南部外, 中国大部地区风速偏小。绝大部分地区超过50%模式一致地预估上述风速变化形式, 具有一定的可信度。  相似文献   

20世纪中国气候变暖的归因分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
 考虑不同排放情景和各种强迫因子分别组合3组试验,对试验结果采取多模式集合,并把3组数值试验模拟的20世纪中国年平均气温距平变化与观测序列作对比,对20世纪中国气候变暖进行了归因分析。结果表明:20世纪中国气候变暖与人类排放温室气体和硫酸盐气溶胶有密切的联系,尤以近50 a更明显。当模式综合考虑多种外部和内部强迫因子时,所模拟的20世纪中国年平均气温距平变化最接近实际观测。归因分析中还强调了海洋的重要作用。但是3组试验都没有模拟出20世纪20年代的变暖。  相似文献   

根据惠州城市和乡村1961-2004年逐月平均气温资料,对比分析了全球变暖背景下惠州城市和乡村的气温变化。结果表明:城市和乡村年平均气温均表现为增加趋势,气候倾向率分别为0.21和0.13 ℃/10 a,其中冬季变暖最明显。城市气温的增温率和增温幅度都高于乡村,城市化、工业化和人类活动引起的城市热岛效应对城市气温变化有重要影响,年和四季城市热岛效应的增温贡献率为28.9%~56.3%。1990年代中期开始的10 a与前34 a相比,城市年和四季热岛效应增温幅度平均为0.19~0.27 ℃,全球变暖效应增温幅度平均为0.17~0.73 ℃。城市热岛效应对1990年代城市气温突变有重要影响。  相似文献   

利用CMIP5耦合气候模式的模拟结果,分析了不同排放情景下1.5℃和2℃升温阈值出现的时间。多模式集合平均结果表明:RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下,全球地表温度将分别在2029年、2028年和2025年达到1.5℃升温阈值;RCP2.6情景下直至21世纪末期都未达到2℃升温阈值,RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下达到2℃升温阈值的时间分别为2048年和2040年。伴随着排放情景的升高,完成从1.5℃升温阈值到2℃升温阈值所需要的时间缩短。区域尺度上,达到同一升温阈值的时间主要表现为陆地比海洋早,且陆地对排放情景差异的敏感性相对较差,而海洋达到升温阈值的时间则随着排放情景的升高而明显提前。中国达到相应升温阈值的时间要早于全球,且以东北和西北地区出现的时间最早。  相似文献   

利用5个全球气候模式和中国东北地区162个站点地面温度实测资料,评估全球气候模式和多模式集合平均对中国东北地区地面温度的模拟能力,并对SRES B1、A1B和A2排放情景下,中国东北地区未来地面温度变化进行预估。结果表明:全球气候模式能够较好地再现了东北地区地面温度的年变化和空间分布特征,但存在系统性冷偏差,模式对夏季地面温度模拟偏低1.16 ℃,优于冬季。预估结果表明,3种排放情景下21世纪中期和末期东北地区地面温度均将升高,末期增幅高于中期,冬季增幅高于其他季节, SRES A2排放情景下增幅最大,B1排放情景下最小;增温幅度自南向北逐渐增大,增温最显著地区位于黑龙江小兴安岭;21世纪末期3种情景下中国东北地区年平均地面温度将分别升高2.39 ℃(SRES B1)、3.62 ℃(SRES A1B)和4.43 ℃(SRES A2)。  相似文献   

在气候系统五大圈层中,冰冻圈对气候变化高度敏感,近几十年来气候变暖已引起全球冰川、冻土、积雪和海冰等冰冻圈要素加速退缩,进而对区域水资源、生态环境、社会经济发展和人类福祉产生了深远影响。2018年10月,IPCC在韩国仁川公布了《全球1.5℃增暖特别报告》(SR1.5)。报告较系统地呈现了关于全球1.5℃温升目标的基本科学认知,并探讨了可持续发展及消除贫困目标下加强全球响应的路径。在冰冻圈相关内容方面,报告呈现了有关全球1.5℃和2℃温升下冰冻圈(主要是海冰和多年冻土)变化及其对大气圈、水圈、生物圈、岩石圈和人类圈影响的一些亮点结论,还关注了全球1.5℃和2℃温升下冰冻圈相关的气候变化热点(区)和地球系统临界因素。报告指出,随着温度不断升高,冰冻圈及其相关要素和热点(区)面临的风险将不断增加,但将全球温升控制在1.5℃而不是2℃或更高时的风险将大大降低。  相似文献   

Climate changes over China from the present (1996–2005) to the future (2046–2055) under Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 (RCP4.5) and Representative Concentration Pathways 8.5 (RCP8.5) scenarios are projected using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, version 3.7.1. The WRF model was driven by the Global 6-Hourly Bias-corrected Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5), Community Earth System Model dataset over China with a resolution of 30?km. The results demonstrate that WRF downscaling generally simulates more reliable spatial distributions of surface air temperature and precipitation in China with higher spatial pattern correlations and closer in magnitude to the Community Climate System Model, version 4.0, simulation results, especially near mountain ranges. The WRF projections for temperature and precipitation for the future under the two emission scenarios are compared with the present simulation. Generally stronger warming, both in mean temperature and extreme statistics, is produced by WRF-RCP8.5 than by WRF-RCP4.5. The projections for precipitation changes are more varied with season and region for both scenarios.  相似文献   

Regional or local scale hydrological impact studies require high resolution climate change scenarios which should incorporate some assessment of uncertainties in future climate projections. This paper describes a method used to produce a multi-model ensemble of multivariate weather simulations including spatial–temporal rainfall scenarios and single-site temperature and potential evapotranspiration scenarios for hydrological impact assessment in the Dommel catchment (1,350 km2) in The Netherlands and Belgium. A multi-site stochastic rainfall model combined with a rainfall conditioned weather generator have been used for the first time with the change factor approach to downscale projections of change derived from eight Regional Climate Model (RCM) experiments for the SRES A2 emission scenario for the period 2071–2100. For winter, all downscaled scenarios show an increase in mean daily precipitation (catchment average change of +9% to +40%) and typically an increase in the proportion of wet days, while for summer a decrease in mean daily precipitation (−16% to −57%) and proportion of wet days is projected. The range of projected mean temperature is 7.7°C to 9.1°C for winter and 19.9°C to 23.3°C for summer, relative to means for the control period (1961–1990) of 3.8°C and 16.8°C, respectively. Mean annual potential evapotranspiration is projected to increase by between +17% and +36%. The magnitude and seasonal distribution of changes in the downscaled climate change projections are strongly influenced by the General Circulation Model (GCM) providing boundary conditions for the RCM experiments. Therefore, a multi-model ensemble of climate change scenarios based on different RCMs and GCMs provides more robust estimates of precipitation, temperature and evapotranspiration for hydrological impact assessments, at both regional and local scale.  相似文献   

1.5和2℃升温阈值下中国温度和降水变化的预估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于CMIP5耦合气候模式模拟结果对1.5和2℃升温阈值时中国温度和降水变化的分析表明,1.5℃升温阈值时,中国年平均升温由南向北加强且在青藏高原地区有所放大,季节尺度上升温的空间分布与其类似,就区域平均而言,RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下中国年平均气温分别升高1.83、1.75和1.88℃,气温的季节变幅以冬季升高最为显著;除华南和西南地区外中国大部分地区年平均降水量增多,降水的季节差异明显,以夏季降水的分布模态与年平均降水量的分布最为相似,区域平均的年降水量分别增加5.03%、2.82%和3.27%,季节尺度上以冬季降水增幅最大。2℃升温阈值时,RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下中国年平均温度的空间分布与1.5℃升温阈值基本一致,中国年平均气温分别升高2.49和2.54℃,季节尺度上气温的变化以秋、冬季增幅最大;中国范围内年平均降水量基本表现为增多趋势,其中,西北和长江中下游部分地区表现为明显的季节差异,区域平均的年降水量分别增加6.26%和5.86%。与1.5℃升温阈值相比较,2℃升温阈值时中国年平均温度在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下分别升高0.74和0.76℃,降水则分别增加3.44%和2.59%,空间上温度升高以东北、西北和青藏高原最为显著,降水则在东北、华北、青藏高原和华南地区增加最为明显。   相似文献   

Probabilistic climate change projections using neural networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Anticipated future warming of the climate system increases the need for accurate climate projections. A central problem are the large uncertainties associated with these model projections, and that uncertainty estimates are often based on expert judgment rather than objective quantitative methods. Further, important climate model parameters are still given as poorly constrained ranges that are partly inconsistent with the observed warming during the industrial period. Here we present a neural network based climate model substitute that increases the efficiency of large climate model ensembles by at least an order of magnitude. Using the observed surface warming over the industrial period and estimates of global ocean heat uptake as constraints for the ensemble, this method estimates ranges for climate sensitivity and radiative forcing that are consistent with observations. In particular, negative values for the uncertain indirect aerosol forcing exceeding –1.2 Wm–2 can be excluded with high confidence. A parameterization to account for the uncertainty in the future carbon cycle is introduced, derived separately from a carbon cycle model. This allows us to quantify the effect of the feedback between oceanic and terrestrial carbon uptake and global warming on global temperature projections. Finally, probability density functions for the surface warming until year 2100 for two illustrative emission scenarios are calculated, taking into account uncertainties in the carbon cycle, radiative forcing, climate sensitivity, model parameters and the observed temperature records. We find that warming exceeds the surface warming range projected by IPCC for almost half of the ensemble members. Projection uncertainties are only consistent with IPCC if a model-derived upper limit of about 5 K is assumed for climate sensitivity.  相似文献   

Climate changes over China from the present (1990–1999) to future (2046–2055) under the A1FI (fossil fuel intensive) and A1B (balanced) emission scenarios are projected using the Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) nests with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate System Model (CCSM). For the present climate, RegCM3 downscaling corrects several major deficiencies in the driving CCSM, especially the wet and cold biases over the Sichuan Basin. As compared with CCSM, RegCM3 produces systematic higher spatial pattern correlation coefficients with observations for precipitation and surface air temperature except during winter. The projected future precipitation changes differ largely between CCSM and RegCM3, with strong regional and seasonal dependence. The RegCM3 downscaling produces larger regional precipitation trends (both decreases and increases) than the driving CCSM. Contrast to substantial trend differences projected by CCSM, RegCM3 produces similar precipitation spatial patterns under different scenarios except autumn. Surface air temperature is projected to consistently increase by both CCSM and RegCM3, with greater warming under A1FI than A1B. The result demonstrates that different scenarios can induce large uncertainties even with the same RCM-GCM nesting system. Largest temperature increases are projected in the Tibetan Plateau during winter and high-latitude areas in the northern China during summer under both scenarios. This indicates that high elevation and northern regions are more vulnerable to climate change. Notable discrepancies for precipitation and surface air temperature simulated by RegCM3 with the driving conditions of CCSM versus the model for interdisciplinary research on climate under the same A1B scenario further complicated the uncertainty issue. The geographic distributions for precipitation difference among various simulations are very similar between the present and future climate with very high spatial pattern correlation coefficients. The result suggests that the model present climate biases are systematically propagate into the future climate projections. The impacts of the model present biases on projected future trends are, however, highly nonlinear and regional specific, and thus cannot be simply removed by a linear method. A model with more realistic present climate simulations is anticipated to yield future climate projections with higher credibility.  相似文献   

Going to the Extremes   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Projections of changes in climate extremes are critical to assessing the potential impacts of climate change on human and natural systems. Modeling advances now provide the opportunity of utilizing global general circulation models (GCMs) for projections of extreme temperature and precipitation indicators. We analyze historical and future simulations of ten such indicators as derived from an ensemble of 9 GCMs contributing to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-AR4), under a range of emissions scenarios. Our focus is on the consensus from the GCM ensemble, in terms of direction and significance of the changes, at the global average and geographical scale. The climate extremes described by the ten indices range from heat-wave frequency to frost-day occurrence, from dry-spell length to heavy rainfall amounts. Historical trends generally agree with previous observational studies, providing a basic sense of reliability for the GCM simulations. Individual model projections for the 21st century across the three scenarios examined are in agreement in showing greater temperature extremes consistent with a warmer climate. For any specific temperature index, minor differences appear in the spatial distribution of the changes across models and across scenarios, while substantial differences appear in the relative magnitude of the trends under different emissions rates. Depictions of a wetter world and greater precipitation intensity emerge unequivocally in the global averages of most of the precipitation indices. However, consensus and significance are less strong when regional patterns are considered. This analysis provides a first overview of projected changes in climate extremes from the IPCC-AR4 model ensemble, and has significant implications with regard to climate projections for impact assessments. An erratum to this article is available at . An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

利用区域气候模式RegCM4的逐日气温和降水资料,预估1.5℃和2.0℃升温情景下,东北地区平均气候和极端气候事件的变化。结果表明:RCP4.5排放情景下,模式预计在2030年和2044年左右稳定达到1.5℃和2.0℃升温;两种升温情景下,东北地区气温、积温、生长季长度均呈增加趋势,且增幅随着升温阈值的升高而增加;1.5℃升温情景下,年平均气温增幅为1.19℃,年平均降水距平百分率增幅为5.78%,积温增加247.1℃·d,生长季长度延长7.0 d;2.0℃升温情景下气温、积温、生长季长度增幅较1.5℃升温情景下显著,但是年和四季降水普遍减少,年降水距平百分率减小1.96%。两种升温情景下,极端高温事件显著增加,极端低温事件显著减少,极端降水事件普遍增加。霜冻日数、结冰日数均呈显著减少趋势,热浪持续指数呈显著增加趋势;未来东北地区降水极端性增强,不仅单次降水过程的量级增大,极端降水过程的量级也明显增大,随着升温阈值的增大,极端降水的强度也逐渐增大。  相似文献   

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