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城市边界层动量和保守物通量的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2005年1-5月北京325 m气象塔47 m高度的湍流脉动资料(风速、温度、水汽和CO2),对城市边界层冠层内的湍流运动统计特征(相似关系、高阶矩、通量和谱等)进行了分析。其中,谱分析的结果表明,城市冠层内稳定度对湍流谱的影响比较小,而水平风速的影响比较大。因此,速度和温度的相似关系在夜间稳定条件下也成立。但是,由于水汽和CO2还受其他因素的影响,相似关系并不适用。更高阶矩的研究表明它们的陡峭度与偏斜度之间存在平方关系。而水汽和CO2之间也存在差异,它们的通量日变化特征明显不同,CO2通量的日变化更能体现人类活动的影响。同时,感热通量、潜热通量和CO2通量存在季节变化,尤其是潜热通量季节差异很大。  相似文献   

我国草原下垫面低层大气湍流结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用超声风速仪资料分析了科尔沁草原下垫面低层大气的湍流谱结构,无量纲化湍流速度分量及温度脉动的标准偏差,和湍流通量与稳定度参数的关系。结果表明,草原下垫面低层大气湍流速度谱,在较宽的稳定度范围内, 符合Kolmogorov 相似理论,在惯性副区接近局地各向同性,无量纲化湍流速度分量及温度脉动的标准偏差服从A(1-Bζ)1/3和A(-ζ)-1/3规律, 湍流热通量与稳定度参数ζ存在较好的相关性。  相似文献   

大气边界层阵风相干结构的产生条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壁湍流相干结构的发现是近代湍流研究的重大进展之一,从20世纪50年代开始,在大气边界层湍流中也发现了相干结构——对流云街,并进行了系统的研究。近些年来,人们发现在近地层湍流中也存在相干结构。利用北京325 m气象塔对城市下垫面中大风和小风天气的风速分析,发现较有规律的周期3~6 min的阵风,且有明显的相干结构,而对不同下垫面的阵风研究,均发现存在这种相干结构,这种阵风相干结构对通量输送有不可忽视的作用。本文利用2012年4月甘肃省民勤县巴丹吉林沙漠观测塔的超声风速和平均场风速、温度观测资料,对阵风相干结构的产生条件进行了分析。采用傅立叶变换,将三维超声风速按频率分成基流(周期10分钟以上)、阵风扰动(周期1到10分钟)、湍流脉动(周期小于1分钟)三部分,结合平均场的资料分析发现:阵风相干结构出现在静力中性、不稳定甚至略微稳定的条件下,或者说机械作用主导的大气边界层,阵风区就会出现相干结构,热力作用对其有抑制和干扰的作用。从而,阵风的相干结构和壁面相干结构都出现在中性条件下,是机械湍流的现象,都主导着动量能量的输运。阵风区的相干结构并不等同于对流云街,他们出现在不同的大气稳定度条件下且尺度不同。  相似文献   

应用通量方差法估算戈壁绿洲下垫面湍流通量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王少影  张宇  吕世华 《大气科学》2010,34(6):1214-1222
利用“绿洲系统能量与水分循环过程观测试验” 2005年绿洲、戈壁点的观测资料, 分析与讨论了温度、水汽的归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系, 应用通量方差法对感热、 潜热通量进行了计算, 并同涡动相关系统的观测结果进行了比较。不稳定条件下, 戈壁点温度归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系优于下垫面非均匀性更强的绿洲点, 绿洲点水汽的归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系较温度量表现得更好。对同一站点, 归一化温度标准差的通量方差关系并不总是优于水汽的通量方差关系, 其取决于该站点的温度以及水汽的源汇分布情况; 通量方差法对两个站点的感热、 潜热通量均有较好的再现, 但戈壁点感热通量的计算效果优于非均匀性更强的绿洲点。应用通量方差法对潜热通量计算时若采用直接观测的感热通量, 则潜热通量的计算效果具有一定程度的改善。  相似文献   

利用2013年6月巴丹吉林沙漠拐子湖地区流沙下垫面的陆气通量观测资料,计算并分析了该研究区不同大气稳定层结条件下的湍流速度各分量谱和温度谱及湍流的局地各向同性特征。结果表明:该研究区风速各分量的湍流强度随平均风速的增加而逐渐减小,当平均风速2 m/s时,风速各分量的湍流强度逐渐稳定且基本限定在0.5以内。在不同大气稳定度下,湍流速度和温度能谱曲线在惯性副区内逐渐有合并趋势且遵循Kolmogorov提出的-2/3定律,速度各分量谱在高频段均满足各向同性且符合低频限制理论。随着稳定度的增加,风速分量的能谱曲线逐渐降低且向高频端移动,风速分量和温度能谱对应的谱峰长度则逐渐减小。该研究区水平湍流尺度范围为9.0~600 m,垂直湍流谱峰波长为10.79~75 m。该结果介于草地和森林下垫面之间,与塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的试验结果较为接近。  相似文献   

南京南郊大气湍流统计特征的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2011年8月南京南郊溧水大气边界层加强实验站的大气湍流观测资料,分析了城市郊区自然状态下垫面大气湍流宏观统计规律,以及湍流动量、热量、水汽和CO2的湍流输送特征。结果表明:不稳定层结下,3方向风速归一化标准差σu/u*,σv/u*,σw/u*,随稳定度参数ζ呈1/3幂次关系;稳定层结下也呈现类似规律;近中性条件下,分别趋近于常数。不稳定层结下,温度、比湿、CO2质量浓度归一化标准差σT/|T*|,σq/|q*|,σρCO2/|ρCO2*|,随ζ呈1/3幂次负相关关系,但结果相对离散,并且相对离散的数据对应着较小的|T*|、|q*|、|ρCO2*|值;稳定层结下,三者ζ之间的关系没有明显变化规律。实验期间相对于感热通量,潜热通量在热量平衡中所占比例较大;CO2通量平均值为负,整体表现为碳汇。水汽、热量和CO2均存在水平输送。  相似文献   

边界层局地相似理论在草原下垫面的适用性检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用锡林浩特草原平坦下垫面塔层湍流资料,对常值通量层的高度进行了估计,检验了局地相似理论在均匀草原下垫面的适用性,对Monin-Obukhov相似理论和局地相似理论在常值通量层以上的大气边界层的适用性进行了比较。结果表明:(1)对于锡林浩特草原来说,常值通量层厚度在50m左右;(2)通过分析无量纲风速和温度梯度、无量纲风速方差、无量纲标量(温度T、水汽q、CO2浓度C)方差与稳定度z/L之间的关系,验证了局地相似理论在均匀草原下垫面70m以下大气边界层的适用性;(3)感热通量尺度与浮力长度尺度之间存在线性关系;(4)从经典Monin-Obukhov长度、局地Monin-Obukhov尺度和浮力长度尺度的对比分析来看,局地尺度更适用于50m以上的大气边界层,而浮力长度尺度不适用于50m以上的大气边界层。  相似文献   

本文详细讨论了在稳定层结条件下,近地面层内有各种典型的气象要素分布及下垫面状况时,长波辐射通量与湍流热通量之间的相互关系问题.结果表明:长波辐射通量对近地面层的热力结构有相当大的影响,它常常减弱了常值湍流热通量层的厚度.在弱风和层结稳定度较大的情况下,“常值湍流热通量层”将很薄,有时甚至难以存在.  相似文献   

北京城郊近地端流实验观测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
苏红兵  洪钟祥 《大气科学》1994,18(6):739-750
本文两台FA-11超声风速温度仪于1992年3月到4月间在北京325m气象观测塔47m和120m两个高度观测的风速三个正交分量以声虚温的湍流脉动资料,计算和分析了北京城郊粗糙下垫面近地层湍流特征量及其日变化,无量钢垂直速度和声虚温的方差随稳定度的变化,风速分量和温度的归一化湍流能谱以及动量和热通量的互谱及其随稳定度的变化。并且与平坦均一下势面近地层湍流观测的结果进行了对比。  相似文献   

北京城市通量足迹及源区分布特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘郁珏  胡非  程雪玲  宋宗朋 《大气科学》2014,38(6):1044-1054
城市下垫面具有不同于其他下垫面的特殊复杂性,通量的源汇分布十分不均,导致直接测量以及定量的描述城市中水汽、二氧化碳等通量变得非常困难。涡动观测系统在城市通量观测中得到广泛应用,但由于涡动协方差观测系统传感器都架设在一定的高度上,其测量结果只反映特定点下垫面或某部分下垫面的物理过程,不能说明观测结果是否具有下垫面属性的代表性,无法反映观测通量的空间变异性。足迹函数(Footprint)的产生就是为了解决这一问题,其又称源权重函数,是描述近地面层表面源或汇的空间分布和仪器观测通量值之间关系的函数。本文采用北京325 m气象塔近1年7层涡动协方差观测数据、超声数据,分析了不同风向、不同稳定度、不同高度下足迹函数所表达的通量贡献区域范围的变化规律。结果表明,在大气稳定条件下时,通量贡献区范围的大小与主风向无显著差异,而不稳定条件下计算结果与主风向无关。在不同高度下所有稳定条件下通量贡献区范围要大于不稳定条件,中性条件则介于两者之间。8 m、16 m高度上的观测结果不能完全代表城市下垫面通量贡献区,47 m以上能够代表城市下垫面通量贡献区,280 m则已经包含了郊区和城区的权重平均。同一大气稳定度条件下,高度越高通量贡献区范围越大,90%通量贡献区范围与观测高度成线性关系,这种线性关系可以预测没有观测高度或者更高处的通量贡献区范围。  相似文献   

Atmospheric stability effects on the dissimilarity between the turbulent transport of momentum and scalars (water vapour and temperature) are investigated in the neutral and unstable atmospheric surface layers over a lake and a vineyard. A decorrelation of the momentum and scalar fluxes is observed with increasing instability. Moreover, different measures of transport efficiency (correlation coefficients, efficiencies based on quadrant analysis and bulk transfer coefficients) indicate that, under close to neutral conditions, momentum and scalars are transported similarly whereas, as the instability of the atmosphere increases, scalars are transported increasingly more efficiently than momentum. This dissimilarity between the turbulent transport of momentum and scalars under unstable conditions concurs with, and is likely caused by, a change in the topology of turbulent coherent structures. Previous laboratory and field studies report that under neutral conditions hairpin vortices and hairpin packets are present and dominate the vertical fluxes, while under free-convection conditions thermal plumes are expected. Our results (cross-stream vorticity variation, quadrant analysis and time series analysis) are in very good agreement with this picture and confirm a change in the structure of the coherent turbulent motions under increasing instability, although the exact structure of these motions and how they are modified by stability requires further investigation based on three-dimensional flow data.  相似文献   

A calibration equation and some results of the field performance of an infrared instrument, which is designed to measure simultaneous fluctuations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor, are described. Field observations show that the instrument is suitable for simultaneous measurement of turbulent fluxes of carbon dioxide and water vapor in conjunction with a sonic anemometer. Measured values of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes show diurnal variations characterized by crop activity with respect to assimilation, respiration and evapotranspiration. Carbon dioxide is transferred downward during the daytime and upward at night, while latent heat and sensible heat are transferred in the opposite sense. The non-dimensional gradient of carbon dioxide is expressed in the following form under weak unstable conditions: c = (1 – 16 v )-1/2. Here, v is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including the humidity effect. This relation was originally proposed for temperature and humidity. Thus, the results indicate that the turbulent mechanisms of carbon dioxide fluctuations are similar to those of other scalar entities. This is strongly supported by the high correlation coefficient found between fluctuations of carbon dioxide and temperature or humidity in the air layer over crop fields.  相似文献   

A land-surface model (LSM) is coupled with a large-eddy simulation (LES) model to investigate the vegetation-atmosphere exchange of heat, water vapour, and carbon dioxide (CO2) in heterogeneous landscapes. The dissimilarity of scalar transport in the lower convective boundary layer is quantified in several ways: eddy diffusivity, spatial structure of the scalar fields, and spatial and temporal variations in the surface fluxes of these scalars. The results show that eddy diffusivities differ among the three scalars, by up to 10–12%, in the surface layer; the difference is partly attributed to the influence of top-down diffusion. The turbulence-organized structures of CO2 bear more resemblance to those of water vapour than those of the potential temperature. The surface fluxes when coupled with the flow aloft show large spatial variations even with perfectly homogeneous surface conditions and constant solar radiation forcing across the horizontal simulation domain. In general, the surface sensible heat flux shows the greatest spatial and temporal variations, and the CO2 flux the least. Furthermore, our results show that the one-dimensional land-surface model scheme underestimates the surface heat flux by 3–8% and overestimates the water vapour and CO2 fluxes by 2–8% and 1–9%, respectively, as compared to the flux simulated with the coupled LES-LSM.  相似文献   

Relationship between turbulent flux and variance in the urban canopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between fluxes and variances has been widely studied in the frame of the similarity theory. However, the dynamics of urban morphology should be highlighted in the urban canopy. Therefore, the relationship between fluxes and variances of turbulent quantities (wind velocity, temperature, carbon dioxide, and water vapor concentration) without stability parameters has been investigated with data collected from the Beijing 325-m meteorological tower in the urban canopy. Though the similarity theory is available for the statistics of wind velocity and temperature, urban land use plays an important role in the linear relationship between momentum fluxes and velocity variances, while the linear relationship between sensible heat fluxes and temperature variances is influenced at large by stratification. As for carbon dioxide and water vapor, the linear relationship between their fluxes and variances is a better way compared to the similarity theory to describe their motion, though the plots are a little scattered owing to their fugitive source.  相似文献   

To what degree the variability of surface features can be identified in the turbulent signals observed in the atmospheric boundary layer is still an unresolved problem. This was investigated by conducting an analytical experiment for a one-dimensional 'chessboard'-type surface-flux distribution on the basis of local free convection scaling. The results showed that, due to their nonlinear dependency on the surface fluxes, the dimensionless gradients of the mean quantities and the dimensionless standard deviations are altered by the surface-flux variability. Furthermore, passive scalars, such as humidity, are considerably more sensitive to surface variability than the main active scalar, temperature. However, the response of the gradients of the mean quantities is fairly negligible in the range of variability studied herein as compared to that of the standard deviations, which were found to be more sensitive to the surface-flux variability. In addition, the phase difference between the active and the passive scalar flux distribution strongly affects the passive scalar turbulence. This dissimilarity between passive and active scalars, or between passive scalars when their source distributions are different, brings into question the use of variance methods for the measurement of a scalar flux, such as evaporation, over variable surfaces. The classical Bowen ratio method, which depends on the validity of the Reynolds analogy for the vertical gradients of the mean quantities, was shown to be relatively more robust. However, under conditions of strong surface variability, it can also be expected to fail.  相似文献   

The problem of boundary conditions for the variances and covariances of scalar quantities (e.g., temperature and humidity) at the underlying surface is considered. If the surface is treated as horizontally homogeneous, Monin–Obukhov similarity suggests the Neumann boundary conditions that set the surface fluxes of scalar variances and covariances to zero. Over heterogeneous surfaces, these boundary conditions are not a viable choice since the spatial variability of various surface and soil characteristics, such as the ground fluxes of heat and moisture and the surface radiation balance, is not accounted for. Boundary conditions are developed that are consistent with the tile approach used to compute scalar (and momentum) fluxes over heterogeneous surfaces. To this end, the third-order transport terms (fluxes of variances) are examined analytically using a triple decomposition of fluctuating velocity and scalars into the grid-box mean, the fluctuation of tile-mean quantity about the grid-box mean, and the sub-tile fluctuation. The effect of the proposed boundary conditions on mixing in an archetypical stably-stratified boundary layer is illustrated with a single-column numerical experiment. The proposed boundary conditions should be applied in atmospheric models that utilize turbulence parametrization schemes with transport equations for scalar variances and covariances including the third-order turbulent transport (diffusion) terms.  相似文献   

The determination of nocturnal surface fluxes in low wind conditions is a major problem for micrometeorological studies. The eddy correlation technique, extensively used in field measurements, becomes inappropriate if not enough turbulent activity exists. At the same time, the phenomenon of turbulence intermittency is responsible for the existence of localized events of short duration within which a large fraction of the total nighttime scalar exchange occurs. The scalar flux within a certain intermittent event varies considerably depending on the window used for the flux calculation. In many cases, events with very different time durations occur in the same night, and therefore, the proper determination of the surface flux would require averaging within data windows of different sizes for each event. In this work, the surface exchanges of temperature, moisture and carbon dioxide are analysed at a micrometeorological tower at southern Brazil. Intermittent turbulence is a common occurrence at the location. The analysis shows that the fluxes vary with turbulence intensity and the estimation technique. A variable-window size method for flux estimation is suggested and shown to cause an increase in the magnitude of the nocturnal surface fluxes  相似文献   

The flux–gradient relationships in the unstable roughness sublayer (RSL) over an open canopy of black spruce forest were examined using long-term observations from an instrumented tower. The observed gradients normalised with the surface fluxes and height above the zero-plane displacement showed differences from a universal function established in the surface layer. The magnitude of differences was not constant throughout the year even at the same observation height. Also the magnitude of the differences was different for each scalar, and scalar similarity in the context of the flux–gradient relationship did not always hold. The variation of the differences was explained by the relative contribution of overstorey vegetation to the total flux from the entire ecosystem. This suggests that a mismatch of the vertical source/sink distributions between scalars leads to a different strength of the near-field dispersion effect for each scalar, and this resulted in inequality of eddy diffusivity among scalars in the RSL. An empirical method that predicts the magnitude of differences is proposed. With this method, it is possible to estimate the eddy diffusivity of scalars provided that the relative contribution of overstorey vegetation to the total flux from the ecosystem is known. Also this method can be used to estimate the eddy diffusivity for scalars whose primary sources are at ground level, such as methane and nitrous oxide.  相似文献   

While it is generally known that surface heterogeneity weakens the application of Monin–Obukhov similarity (MOS), few studies have investigated how seasonal changes in the degree of surface heterogeneity at a particular site may influence the validity of the similarity application. Exploiting seasonal changes in forest function associated with senescence, we conduct a unique evaluation of the effects of surface heterogeneity on the validity of similarity theory at two sites through time. Using high frequency (10 Hz) velocity and scalar time series collected within the roughness sublayer over mixed hardwood deciduous and coniferous forests during both periods of peak leaf area and senescence of deciduous foliage, we examined conformity with proposed universal flux-variance predictions and agreement amongst normalized standard deviations of different scalars (temperature, water vapour and carbon dioxide concentrations). Normalized scalar standard deviations were elevated above MOS flux-variance predictions, with more pronounced deviations observed during and following senescence, particularly in the case of CO2. Power-law scaling of normalized standard deviations as a function of stability was upheld and robust to seasonal changes in surface heterogeneity. However, dissimilarity of normalized standard deviations for the scalars increased during senescence, as heterogeneity in the source/sink field increased. Scalewise decomposition of scalar time series using wavelet analysis indicated that correlations between scalars were conservative through much of the inertial cascade but decayed for eddies < 10 m. Senescence lowered correlations between scalars over a wide range of eddy sizes. These results demonstrate how seasonal changes in surface physiology can cause a temporal production of heterogeneity in the source/sink field, thus weakening similarity applications in the roughness sublayer.  相似文献   

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