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主要回顾了欧亚大陆冷季积雪与亚洲夏季风的关系,特别是积雪对季风演变和强度的影响。从Blanford(1884)着眼喜马拉雅山测站积雪开始,到20世纪70年代卫星测量的大范围雪盖资料的问世,直至近几十年来全球气候模式模拟与资料分析的结合,回顾了人们在不同时期对积雪-季风关系的不同认识以及对积雪影响季风的物理过程的不同理解。一方面,积雪通过反照率效应影响温度、温度梯度和大气环流包括季风环流;另一方面,积雪通过融化效应影响大气,特别是增强大气异常信号的持续性。在这些过程中,陆面积雪与大气运动的相互作用是一个正反馈的过程。另外,特别关注不同地区和季节的欧亚大陆积雪对不同亚洲区域季风的不同影响,以及积雪在季风演变过程中对不同阶段季风特征的作用。虽然积雪与季风的关系非常复杂,加深对这些复杂关系的认识,对理解季风系统的整体变化以及改进季风预报都尤为重要。  相似文献   

北半球雪盖的气候特征及与印度季风降水的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨向东  蒋尚城 《气象》2001,27(12):8-12
利用卫星观测的1966年11月-2000年12月北半球雪盖资料,研究了北半球、欧亚、北美和青藏高原雪盖的气候学特征及其变化趋势。通过对雪盖与印度季风的分析,得出:(1)欧亚冬季(12月-翌年3月)雪盖面积与印度季风降水(6-9月)呈反相关,并指出印度季风降水不仅受欧亚雪盖的影响,可能与暖水年有一定的联系。(2)青藏高原10、11月雪盖面积与次年印度季风爆发及降水关系较好,并提出可能的影响机制。  相似文献   

青藏高原雪盖异常对福建雨季旱涝影响的环流诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用19555-1994年多种不同类型青藏高原积雪资料的综合再分析结果,通过分析青藏高原雪盖异常年冬季和初夏北半球大气环流特征,及北半球大气环流与福建雨季降水的遥相关,讨论高原雪盖异常反馈影响大气环流,进而导致福建雨季旱涝的可能途径,为在福建雨季旱涝预测中应用积雪因子提供一定的物理基础。  相似文献   

青藏高原冬春季积雪异常对中国春夏季降水的影响   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
利用1956年12月~1998年12月共42a,青藏高原及其附近地区78个积雪观测站的雪深和我国160站月降水的距平资料,分析了其气候特征,并用SVD方法分析了冬春季积雪异常与春夏季我国降水异常的关系。用区域气候模式RegCM2模拟了青藏高原积雪异常的气候效应并检验了诊断分析的结果。分析表明,雪深异常,尤其是冬季雪深异常是影响中国降水的一个因子。研究证明,高原冬季雪深异常对后期中国区域降水的影响比春季雪深异常的影响更为重要。数值模拟的结果表明,高原雪深和雪盖的正异常推迟了东亚夏季风的爆发日期,减弱了季风强度,造成华南和华北降水减少,而长江和淮河流域降水增加。冬季雪深异常比冬季雪盖异常和春季雪深异常对降水的影响更为显著。机理分析指出,高原及其邻近地区的积雪异常首先通过融雪改变土壤湿度和地表温度,从而改变了地面到大气的热量、水汽和辐射通量。由此所引起的大气环流变化又反过来影响下垫面的特征和通量输送。在湿土壤和大气之间,这样一种长时间的相互作用是造成后期气候变化的关键过程。与干土壤和大气的相互作用过程有本质差别。  相似文献   

李培基 《气象学报》1996,54(3):379-384
亚洲高原积雪百余年来一直为气候学家所瞩目。过去根据有限的积雪资料分析认为,喜马拉雅山积雪与印度夏季降水呈明显反相关关系。本文根据1957—1992年60个基本气象台站逐日雪深、密度记录,1978—1987年SMMR微波周积雪深度资料,以及1966—1989年NOAA周积雪面积资料所反映的高原积雪空间分布,季节变化,与年际波动特征,和高原积雪异常、印度季风降水异常、ENSO三者发生时间的对比分析以及相关计算,提出对前人研究结论的商榷。  相似文献   

青藏高原积雪与亚洲季风环流年代际变化的关系   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
利用高原测站的月平均雪深资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了20世纪70年代末以来,青藏高原积雪的显著增多与亚洲季风环流转变的联系。研究表明,高原南侧冬春季西风的增强及西风扰动的活跃是造成青藏高原冬春积雪显著增多的主要原因,高原积雪的增多与亚洲夏季风的减弱均是亚洲季风环流转变的结果;20世纪70年代末以来,夏季华东降水的增多、华南降水的减少及华北的干旱化与青藏高原冬春积雪增多及东亚夏季风的减弱是基本同步的,高原冬春积雪与华东夏季降水的正相关、与华北及华南夏季降水的负相关主要是建立在年代际时间尺度上,因此,高原积雪与我国夏季降水关系的研究应以亚洲季风环流的年代际变化为背景。  相似文献   

青藏高原冬春积雪和地表热源影响亚洲夏季风的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青藏高原冬春积雪和地表热源的气候效应是青藏高原气候动力学的两个重要内容。大量资料分析和数值试验研究均表明这两个因子对亚洲季风有一定的预测意义,本文对此做了比较系统的回顾和总结,并进一步比较了青藏高原积雪和地表热源影响东亚和南亚夏季降水的异同。结果表明,东亚夏季降水在年际和年代际尺度上均存在"三极型"和"南北反相"型的空间分布特征,高原春季地表热源在年代际和年际尺度上主要影响东亚夏季降水"三极型"模态;在年代际尺度上它是中国东部出现"南涝北旱"格局的重要原因,而高原冬季积雪的作用相反。另一方面,高原冬季积雪在年际和年代际尺度上对印度夏季风降水的预测效果均要优于高原地表热源。无论是空间分布还是时间演变特征,高原冬季积雪与春季地表热源整体上均无统计意义上的显著联系。不断完善高原地面观测网和改进模式在高原地区的模拟性能,将是进一步深入理解高原积雪和地表热源影响亚洲季风物理过程和机制的关键所在。  相似文献   

把从卫星上获得的欧亚大陆冬季积雪的资料与印度夏季季风降水逐年变化的短期纪录作一个比较,发现:这两个量成反比关系,即冬季欧亚大陆大(小)范围的积雪使来年印度降水减少(增多)。  相似文献   

包庆  Bin WANG  刘屹岷 《大气科学》2008,32(5):997-1005
20世纪50年代以来,随着全球海表面温度年代际变化和全球变暖现象的出现,东亚夏季风降水和环流场也出现相应的年代际变化。是什么原因引起这个长期的变化趋势?研究表明青藏高原增暖可能是导致东亚夏季风年代际变化的重要因子之一。为了能够更好地理解青藏高原地表状况对下游东亚季风的影响,作者使用德国马普气象研究所大气环流模式(ECHAM)进行一系列数值试验。在两组敏感性试验中,通过改变高原上的地表反照率从而达到改变地表温度的目的。数值试验结果表明:青藏高原增暖有助于增强对流层上层的南亚高压、高原北侧西风急流和高原南侧东风急流以及印度低空西南季风;与此同时,东亚地区低层西南气流水汽输送增强。高原增暖后降水场的变化表现为:印度西北部季风降水增加,长江中下游以及朝鲜半岛梅雨降水增多;在太平洋副热带高压控制下的西北太平洋地区和孟加拉湾东北部,季风降水减少。对数值模拟结果的初步诊断分析表明:在感热加热和对流引起的潜热加热相互作用下,南亚高压强度加强,东亚夏季低层西南季风增大、梅雨锋降水增强,高原东部对流层上层的副热带气旋性环流增加,以及对流层低层的西太平洋副热带高压增强。另外,在青藏高原增暖的背景下,孟加拉湾地区季风降水减弱。本项研究有助于更好地理解东亚夏季风年代际变化特征和未来气候变化趋势。  相似文献   

陈兴芳  宋文玲 《高原气象》2000,19(2):214-223
通过高原积雪和欧亚积雪与我国夏季降水的相关分析和统计检验,表明冬春季雪盖对我国夏季旱涝有重要的影响,虽然冬季和春季雪盖与我国夏季降水的相关分布存在差异,总趋势大致相仿。但是,冬春季高原积雪和欧 亚积雪与我国夏季降水的相关分布基本是相反的,其中高原积雪与长江中下游和西北东部地区夏季降水为正相关,欧亚积雪与东北和华北东部以及西南地区降水为正相关冬季节积雪异常偏多时,长江流域夏季易发生洪涝,这也是汛期降  相似文献   

Extreme precipitation events in the upper Yangtze River Valley (YRV) have recently become an increasingly important focus in China because they often cause droughts and floods. Unfortunately, little is known about the climate processes responsible for these events. This paper investigates factors favorable to frequent extreme precipitation events in the upper YRV. Our results reveal that a weakened South China Sea summer monsoon trough, intensified Eurasian-Pacific blocking highs, an intensified South Asian High, a southward subtropical westerly jet and an intensified Western North Pacific Subtropical High (WNPSH) increase atmospheric instability and enhance the convergence of moisture over the upper YRV, which result in more extreme precipitation events. The snow depth over the eastern Tibetan Plateau (TP) in winter and sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) over three key regions in summer are important external forcing factors in the atmospheric circulation anomalies. Deep snow on the Tibetan Plateau in winter can weaken the subsequent East Asian summer monsoon circulation above by increasing the soil moisture content in summer and weakening the land–sea thermal contrast over East Asia. The positive SSTA in the western North Pacific may affect southwestward extension of the WNPSH and the blocking high over northeastern Asia by arousing the East Asian-Pacific pattern. The positive SSTA in the North Atlantic can affect extreme precipitation event frequency in the upper YRV via a wave train pattern along the westerly jet between the North Atlantic and East Asia. A tripolar pattern from west to east over the Indian Ocean can strengthen moisture transport by enhancing Somali cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

The present study is aimed at revisiting the possible influence of the winter/spring Eurasian snow cover on the subsequent Indian summer precipitation using several statistical tools including a maximum covariance analysis. The snow–monsoon relationship is explored using both satellite observations of snow cover and in situ measurements of snow depth, but also a subset of global coupled ocean–atmosphere simulations from the phase 3 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) database. In keeping with former studies, the observations suggest a link between an east–west snow dipole over Eurasia and the Indian summer monsoon precipitation. However, our results indicate that this relationship is neither statistically significant nor stationary over the last 40 years. Moreover, the strongest signal appears over eastern Eurasia and is not consistent with the Blanford hypothesis whereby more snow should lead to a weaker monsoon. The twentieth century CMIP3 simulations provide longer timeseries to look for robust snow–monsoon relationships. The maximum covariance analysis indicates that some models do show an apparent influence of the Eurasian snow cover on the Indian summer monsoon precipitation, but the patterns are not the same as in the observations. Moreover, the apparent snow–monsoon relationship generally denotes a too strong El Niño-Southern Oscillation teleconnection with both winter snow cover and summer monsoon rainfall rather than a direct influence of the Eurasian snow cover on the Indian monsoon.  相似文献   

利用二维非线性能量(E-ε)闭合的边界层数值模式,研究了中纬度地区海岸日间局地海风环流的特征,并对不同海风特性条件下的TIBL高度廓线用幂指数关系进行了数学拟合。对大量的数值试验结果分析表明,TIBL廓线幂指数(α)的取值与海风特性有关,其大小在0.4-1.1之间,α=0.5只在海风充分发展时的陆上适用,文中还给出了不同海风发展程度(阶段)下的α取值。  相似文献   

NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and a 30-year precipitation dataset of observed daily rainfall from 109 gauge stations are utilized in this paper. Using the REOF we analyzed the spatial distribution of precipitation in the 109 stations in the Yangtze River Basin in Meiyu periods from 1978 to 2007. The result showed that the spatial distribution of precipitation in the Yangtze River Basin can be divided into the south and north part. As a result, relationships between an atmospheric heating source (hereafter called ) over the Asian region and the precipitation on the south and north side of Yangtze River in Meiyu periods were separately studied in this paper. The results are shown as follows. The flood/drought to the north of Yangtze River (NYR) was mainly related to the over the East Asia summer monsoon region: when the over the Philippines through Western Pacific and the south China was weakened (strengthened), it would probably result in the flood (drought) in NYR; and the precipitation on the south side of Yangtze River (SYR) was related to the over the east Asia and Indian summer monsoon region: when the over the areas from south China to the northern East China Sea and Yellow Sea and south-eastern Japan was strengthened (weakened), and the over the areas from the Bay of Bengal to south-eastern Tibetan Plateau was weakened (strengthened), it will lead to flood (drought) in SYR.  相似文献   

ENSO事件与青藏高原积雪和东亚大气环流的可能联系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文利用1951 ~1998 年的北太平洋高温和北半球大气环流及1961 ~1993 年的青藏高原积雪等资料,分析了ENSO事件与青藏高原冬季积雪、亚洲季风、夏季东亚阻塞高压和西太平洋副热带高压之间的可能联系,分析表明ENSO事件与青藏高原积雪和东亚大气环流之间存在着较好的关系。  相似文献   

The work has made a statistic study of the variations of extremely severe cold winter months in the south of China and general circulation and external forcing factors in preceding periods. The result shows that from the current month to the preceding March the subtropical high in the west Pacific is persistently weak or located more to the east and south. When the summer monsoon is weak in East Asia in the year before, the winter monsoon will be strong in the current year in which the extremely severe cold month occurs. The Asian polar vortex expands in the preceding July, August and September and the current winter. The Tibetan Plateau has fewer days of snow cover in the November and December before the cold month occurs. There is less snow in the Tibetan Plateau in the preceding winter / spring of each extremely severe cold month. There are more polar ice in the polar Region for the 11 months before the current February, especially the previous March through August, and in Region in January ~ November before the current cold month of December but less ice in Region in March ~ August.  相似文献   

By using a 9-level global atmospheric general circulation model developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP9L-AGCM) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the authors investigated the response of the East Asian monsoon climate to changes both in orbital forcing and the snow and glaciers over the Tibetan Plateau at the mid-Holocene, about 6000 calendar years before the present (6 kyr BP). With the Earth’s orbital parameters appropriate for the mid-Holocene, the IAP9L-AGCM computed warmer and wetter conditions in boreal summer than for the present day. Under the precondition of continental snow and glacier cover existing over part of the Tibetan Plateau at the mid-Holocene, the authors examined the regional climate response to the Tibetan Plateau cooling. The simulations indicated that climate changes in South Asia and parts of central Asia as well as in East Asia are sensitive to the Tibetan Plateau cooling at the mid-Holocene, showing a significant decrease in precipitation in northern India, northern China and southern Mongolia and an increase in Southeast Asia during boreal summer. The latter seems to correspond to the weakening, southeastward shift of the Asian summer monsoon system resulting from reduced heat contrast between the Eurasian continent and the Pacific and Indian Oceans when a cooling over the Tibetan Plateau was imposed. The simulation results suggest that the snow and glacier environment over the Tibetan Plateau is an important factor for mid-Holocene climate change in the areas highly influenced by the Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

亚洲季风区地面感热通量的区域变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1979-1995年(缺1986、1987、1993)NCEP/NCAR再分析资料中的逐旬感热通量资料,对亚洲季风区地面感热通量的空间结构及时间演变进行了旋转经验正交函数(REOF)分析。结果表明:印度半岛和中南半岛地区感势通量的变化与亚洲季风的爆发及演变有密切关系,是季风爆发的主要关键区。这两个地区的感热积累是东亚季风爆发的触发因素之一,尤其是印度半岛北部感热通量的突变对印度夏季风演变十分重要。印度半岛北部与青藏高原西部的热力差异在季风的爆发和维持中占有重要地位。而东北亚与西北太平洋的热力差异只对东亚夏季风的演变有影响,与冬季风则无直接关联。在东亚季风的爆发中居主导地位的还是印度半岛北部和青藏高原西北部的感热加热作用。  相似文献   

利用NOAA的外逸长波辐射资料(OLR)和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及华南地区台站降水资料诊断分析了热带西太平洋对流活动在2005年和2006年华南地区持续性暴雨发生的大尺度环流背景上的物理作用.分析表明:2005年6月17~24日华南持续性暴雨过程与热带西太平洋对流的10~25天低频振荡从150 °E附近西传有关,持续性暴雨期间西太平洋副热带高压持续西伸的Gill型环流响应对应于传播到120 °E附近强对流的低频间歇期;2006年5月下旬~6月中旬华南的持续性暴雨可能与热带西太平洋的双热带辐合带(ITCZ)南支对流带异常强盛有关,持续强盛的南支ITCZ使得115~135 °E平均的局地Hadley环流最大上升中心位于0~5 °S,菲律宾海附近区域上升运动的减弱有利于西太平洋副热带高压持续西伸加强.通过比较这两例典型的华南持续性暴雨过程发现,副热带高压在华南地区持续西伸是两次持续性暴雨发生的共同的大尺度环流背景,而热带西太平洋对流活动则通过不同的物理过程影响副热带高压的持续西伸.  相似文献   

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