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对流层下部雨滴谱分布   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论了Г(D)函数n(D)=ADαe-λD一阶、二阶、三阶原点矩与分布参数λ、α的关系。得出由实测雨滴谱算术平均直径D1、均方根直径D2、均立方根直径D3的比值k1=D1/D2、k2=D2/D3求取α的关系,进而可求出Г(D)函数的其它参数A、λ。通过机载二维降水粒子探头(2D-P)获得的空中雨滴谱资料计算表明:由k1、k2求得的参数α1、α2多数是接近的,可以用一个介于α1~α2的值α来近似。本文选取α=2对实测值进行拟合,并和广泛采用的Marshal-Palmer公式(α=0)进行了比较。结果表明:用α=2拟合不仅相关系数R、相关显著水平K较α=0拟合的对应值有明显提高,而且拟合的特征值,如D1、D2、D3、雨水含量Q、雷达反射率因子Z都更接近于实测值,即用三参数(A、α、λ)来表征雨滴谱比双参数(A、λ)要精确得多。  相似文献   

云中冰晶尺度谱特征与分布函数   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈万奎  严采蘩 《气象》1987,13(11):13-17
本文给出了我国北方混合性、冷性层状云中冰晶(直径范围18—334μm)尺度谱分布特征和分布函数。冰晶尺度谱可归纳为单调下降和非单调下降两大类型,分布函数可用指数关系系N=N_0exp[-λD]来拟合,相关显著水平α<0.01的样本,占本文统计的样本99%以上。 冷性云中,谱分布参数N_0和λ随云中温度降低而增大,在云中温度T<-10℃时,增大更为明显。谱分布参数N_0和λ之间可用幂指数关系N_0=σ_iλ~(βi)来拟合,相关显著水平α<0.01。系数σ_1、β_i与云中有无冰晶繁生过程有关。  相似文献   

国外雨滴谱分布函数的数值试验结果   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
严采蘩  陈万奎 《气象》1993,19(9):14-18
采用文献[1]方法,对国外温带地区(北威尔士)^[2]、亚热带地区(瓜得罗普岛)^[3]和热带海洋(GATE-1977)^[4]雨滴谱分布进行了数值试验,结果表明:伽玛分布(n(D)=a.D^ae^-λD)能很好地拟合这些实测雨滴谱,特别是非单调下降谱用伽玛分布拟合明显优于M-P分布拟合,M-P分布仅是伽玛分布的一个特例(α=0)。  相似文献   

双参数云物理方案中谱形参数作用分析和数值模拟试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵震  雷恒池 《高原气象》2008,27(1):135-142
云物理参数化方案中,各种粒子通常采用Г谱分布函数n(D)=N0Dαexp(-λD)。双参数方案中谱参数截距N0和斜率λ通过预报给出,谱形参数α设为固定值。为了讨论谱形参数的作用,理论上分析了谱形参数取值对沉降过程和微物理源汇项的影响。利用MM5模式中增加的双参数显式云物理方案模拟了西北地区一次层状云降水过程,模拟针对雨滴谱的谱形参数rα不同取值分别做了试验。模拟结果基本符合理论分析,谱形参数rα变化时模拟出的地面降水和云的宏微观特征有差异。  相似文献   

观测和分档方案的数值模拟都证明气溶胶的谱分布特征对云滴谱的演变有直接影响继而作用于降水的发展。目前广泛使用的总体双参数云滴谱方案因为表征云滴谱的预报量不足,在凝结过程中云滴谱呈不正常的拓宽现象。因此在参数化方案中,气溶胶谱对云滴谱的影响未有明确结论。中科学院大气物理研究所(IAP)云降水物理与强风暴重点实验室(LACS)新研发的三参数方案(IAP-LACS)通过增加的预报量克服了云滴谱的拓宽问题,提高了云滴谱模拟的准确性。为了研究在参数化方案中气溶胶谱分布特征对云滴谱的影响,本文采用新方案进行WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting mode)大涡理想性试验,验证了新方案中气溶胶对数正态谱函数中数浓度、几何半径和标准差3个参量对云滴谱演变的影响。针对3个参量的敏感性试验表明新的气溶胶活化方案和三参数云滴凝结增长方案能够描述气溶胶谱对云滴谱演变的影响规律:气溶胶数浓度对云滴谱影响最显著,数浓度越高活化生成的云滴数量越多,云滴半径越小,云滴谱趋向窄谱,气溶胶数浓度低时,云滴数量少、半径大。较大的几何半径使气溶胶谱向大粒径移动,导致大云滴生成,标准差对云滴谱的影响最不显著。  相似文献   

延安层状云暖层中水凝物粒子的谱分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
分析了2003年9月延安上空机载PMS探测的层状云资料,发现延安层状云暖层中水凝物粒子的谱分布可以用一种形式的分布密度函数来表示。用这种函数拟合小云滴、大云滴和雨滴的谱分布,拟合结果与观测的谱分布较为一致,其特征值相关系数大于0.945,拟合出的平均直径、均方直径、均立方直径以及浓度与观测值也较接近,其相对误差小,拟合谱能表现出谱型特征。  相似文献   

融化层附近降水粒子微物理特征的个例分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文给出了融化层中雪花融化过程特征和融化层附近降水粒子尺度谱分布函数;雪花、融雪、雨滴尺度谱分布均可用指数函数N=N0exp(-λD)来拟合。在融化层附近,谱参数N0、λ随温度升高而增大有正相关关系。谱参数N0、λ之间有幂指数关系N0=σλβ,降水水粒子相态不同,σ值差异明显。  相似文献   

云滴谱宽度对模式中云的光学厚度的参数化、气溶胶间接效应的评估以及降水形成过程的研究至关重要。本文利用美国POST(Physics of Stratocumulus Top)项目2008年7月19日的飞机观测资料,分析了微物理量和云滴谱的垂直分布及微物理过程。结果表明,该云系云滴谱宽度在云底附近较大,这是由低层核化过程导致的;中层凝结增长过程使得云滴谱宽度随高度增加逐渐减小;云顶附近夹卷混合过程导致云滴谱宽度增大。绝热云中垂直速度的增大会促进云凝结核的活化使云滴数浓度增大,促进凝结增长使云滴尺度增大、云滴谱宽度减小,云滴谱宽度与云滴数浓度、云滴尺度呈现负相关关系;云洞中受夹卷混合过程影响,垂直速度减小,云滴蒸发,云滴数浓度和云滴尺度减小、云滴谱宽度增大,且该效应随绝热程度减小而增强。建议云滴谱宽度的参数化将垂直速度、云滴数浓度、云滴尺度和绝热程度等考虑在内。  相似文献   

降水性层状云中水凝物粒子的谱分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
牛生杰  何珍珍 《高原气象》1995,14(1):114-120
本文对泰山和新安江等地层状云的一些云滴谱和雨滴谱进行了计算,对小云滴、大云滴和雨滴谱的谱分布用同一种形式的分布密度函数N=ANpexp(-ad+bd^2-cd^3)来表示。观测和计算的谱分布吻合得较好,其相关系数均大于0.93,显著性水平α=0.001。计算得到的平均直径、平均立方根直径、含水量和总浓度等与观测值都比较吻合,说明本文给出的云中水凝物粒子谱分布有一定的代表性。  相似文献   

风廓线雷达探测降水云体中雨滴谱的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对风廓线雷达探测降水时出现的双峰型功率谱密度分布的回波,进行大气返回信号和降水返回信号的剥离,由大气返回信号求出环境大气的垂直运动,导出降水质点下降末速度的功率谱密度分布,进而求出云体中的雨滴谱分布。对两次降水进行了雨滴谱反演试验,提取了不同高度上30多份雨滴谱分布,雨滴谱分布基本上呈现出指数分布形式。指数拟合后求出雨滴谱的浓度参数N0由几百到几千m-3mm-1,尺度参数λ为3.8~4.5 mm-1。试验中,还由反演的雨滴谱估算出云中含水量,得出降水云体中含水量随高度的分布,与附近多普勒天气雷达观测进行了比较。风廓线雷达与多普勒天气雷达探测到的回波强度随高度分布基本一致,云中含水量估算的均值基本相同,而风廓线雷达由雨滴谱估算出的含水量随高度分布可以反映出雨滴谱变化的影响,随高度分布更为精细。  相似文献   

一种新的单部多普勒雷达反演技术   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
基于一些发展较强的中小尺度天气系统往往与风场的旋转或辐合、辐散有关的事实,文章提出了一种单部多普勒天气雷达径向风场反演二维水平风场的新方法,即涡度-散度方法。文中对1994年7月12日的个例进行了反演处理,处理结果与天气实况进行了对比分析,认为该方法不失为一种具有实用价值的单部多普勒雷达反演水平二维风场的方法。  相似文献   

风廓线雷达二维显示系统无法显示三维风场,针对此问题,本文研究了基于WebGL的风廓线雷达风场的三维可视化方法。文中介绍了基于WebGL的三维图形渲染技术的原理和优势,详细阐述了风廓线雷达风场的三维建模和渲染方法,在此方法的基础上,开发了B/S模式的风廓线雷达风场三维可视化系统,并介绍了系统的功能特点和优势。相对于风廓线雷达二维显示系统,三维可视化系统以更直观、逼真的形式展现了风场的空间分布,用户能够以任意视角观察三维风场,便于气象工作者分析风场辐合(辐散)、边界层辐合线,为强对流天气监测预报工作提供一种有效的技术手段。  相似文献   

A 3D compressible nonhydrostatic dynamic core based on a three-point multi-moment constrained finite-volume (MCV) method is developed by extending the previous 2D nonhydrostatic atmospheric dynamics to 3D on a terrain-following grid. The MCV algorithm defines two types of moments: the point-wise value (PV) and the volume-integrated average (VIA). The unknowns (PV values) are defined at the solution points within each cell and are updated through the time evolution formulations derived from the governing equations. Rigorous numerical conservation is ensured by a constraint on the VIA moment through the flux form formulation. The 3D atmospheric dynamic core reported in this paper is based on a three-point MCV method and has some advantages in comparison with other existing methods, such as uniform third-order accuracy, a compact stencil, and algorithmic simplicity. To check the performance of the 3D nonhydrostatic dynamic core, various benchmark test cases are performed. All the numerical results show that the present dynamic core is very competitive when compared to other existing advanced models, and thus lays the foundation for further developing global atmospheric models in the near future.  相似文献   

三维重建技术能够应用在医学中的三维CT图像、机器人中的路径规划及考古工作中的遗迹的展示等诸多领域中.三维重建效果的完整性、精确性与稀疏点云重建(Structure From Motion,SFM)、稠密点云重建(Multi-View System,MVS)有着直接关系,本文对这两个方法展开了具体的介绍.稀疏点云重建中主要介绍了特征点检测与匹配以及SFM重构方法,本文对近几年关于特征点检测与匹配的研究进行了总结,将SFM重构方法分为全局式、增量式、混合式,并进行了详细介绍.稠密点云重建中主要介绍了深度图估计,就传统的几何计算法、深度学习与几何计算相结合的方法、基于深度学习的方法进行了总结,同时介绍了三维重建的评价指标.最后对基于图像的三维重建进行了总结,并列举出了在未来可能面对的问题及发展趋势.  相似文献   

Precipitation detection is an essential step in radiance assimilation because the uncertainties in precipitation would affect the radiative transfer calculation and observation errors. The traditional precipitation detection method for microwave only detects clouds and precipitation horizontally, without considering the three-dimensional distribution of clouds.Extending precipitation detection from 2D to 3D is expected to bring more useful information to the data assimilation without using the a...  相似文献   

The adaptive wavelet collocation method(AWCM)is a variable grid technology for solving partial differential equations(PDEs)with high singularities.Based on interpolating wavelets,the AWCM adapts the grid so that a higher resolution is automatically attributed to domain regions with high singularities. Accuracy problems with the AWCM have been reported in the literature,and in this paper problems of effciency with the AWCM are discussed in detail through a simple one-dimensional(1D)nonlinear advection equation whose analytic solution is easily obtained.A simple and effcient implementation of the AWCM is investigated.Through studying the maximum errors at the moment of frontogenesis of the 1D nonlinear advection equation with different initial values and a comparison with the finite difference method(FDM) on a uniform grid,the AWCM shows good potential for modeling the front effciently.The AWCM is also applied to a two-dimensional(2D)unbalanced frontogenesis model in its first attempt at numerical simulation of a meteorological front.Some important characteristics about the model are revealed by the new scheme.  相似文献   

国外几套再分析资料的对比与分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
针对目前最主要的3种再分析资料NCEP、ECMWF、JMA,从各家再分析中心所采用的同化方案、所用到的数据、质量控制方法及相关的偏差校正方法方面,进行相关介绍和对比,以便对再分析资料的特点有更为充分的了解,对我国未来再分析工作的发展起到借鉴作用。通过对比发现,各家再分析中心采用的同化方案主要为三维、四维变分方法和最优插值法。各家最主要的差别在于所选用的数据类型不同,以及所采用模式在分辨率上的差异。此外,还从经验出发简要给出了各类再分析资料在不同方面的优缺点,从而为各类再分析资料的选择使用方面提供参考。简单陈述了国内再分析工作的进展,并给出了提高我国再分析工作质量所需要关注和亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Transfer of radiation through cirrus consisting of non-sphericalice crystals randomly oriented in a plane (2D model) is solved by using the discrete-ordinates method. The model is employed to determine the radiative flux properties and the intensity distribution of cirrus for both solar and thermal infrared ra-diation. Comparison of the 2D cloud model with the conventional 3D cloud model, i.e., randomly oriented in a three- dimensional space, shows that the preferential orientation of ice crystals has a substantial effect on the cloud solar albedo. The difference in the cloud albedo computed from the two models can be as large as 8% for a cirrus of 2 km thickness. On the thermal infrared side, although the flux emission for cirrus is less affected by the orientation of ice crystals, the difference in the upward radiance using 2D and 3D models is also significant.  相似文献   

A major problem in urban climate modelling is determining how the heat fluxes from various canyon surfaces are affected by canyon flow. To address this problem, we developed a water evaporation method involving filter paper to study the distribution of the convective transfer velocity in urban street canyons. In this method, filter paper is pasted onto a building model and the evaporation rate from the paper is measured with an electric balance. The method was tested on 2D (two-dimensional) street canyon models and 3D model arrangements. Moreover, in this technique, it is easy to restrict the flux within an arbitrary surface in question. That is, the evaporation distribution on a surface can be studied by using several small pieces of filter paper. In the 2D case, the wall transfer velocity was strongly dependent on the canyon aspect ratio for perpendicular wind directions and it varied widely with height within both windward and leeward wall surfaces. For 3D cubic arrays, the relation to canyon aspect ratio was largely different from that of the 2D canyon. And, as a case study, the variation of wind direction was investigated for a city-like setting. The area-averaged transfer velocity was insensitive to wind direction but its local deviation was significant. Finally, we measured the transfer velocity for a clustered block array surrounded by relatively wide streets. The effect of spatial heterogeneity on the transfer velocity was significant. Moreover, for a fixed total building volume, the transfer velocity was considerably larger when the building height varied than when it was uniform. Therefore, the water evaporation method with filter paper is expected to be useful for studying the transfer velocity and ventilation rates in urban areas with various canyon shapes.  相似文献   

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