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徐淮地区冬小麦产量结构优化与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高苹  武金岗  陶炳炎  汤志成 《气象》1996,22(12):48-50
对产量穗粒结构与产量形成之间的内在关系进行了分析,利用线性规划方法,通过构造产量最大目标函烽,得出最优的产量穗粒结构。调整现有穗粒结构使产量达到最高或接近最高,此研究成果对于中低产田改造具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对冬小麦穗粒结构与产量形成之间的内在关系进行分析,利用线性规划方法,构造产量最大目标函数,得出最优的产量穗粒结构。  相似文献   

通过对冬小麦穗粒结构与产量形成之间的内在关系进行分析,利用线性规划方法,构造产量最大目标函数,得出最优的产量穗粒结构.  相似文献   

陈义明 《青海气象》2004,(1):43-44,51
本文运用统计学原理和分析计算方法,较全面地分析了春小麦发育阶段气象因子对穗粒数的影响规律。小麦拔节一抽穗期间降水偏少,日较差小,是影响穗粒数的不利因素;抽穗后降水偏多或偏少,气温偏高,对穗粒数的增加都有影响。  相似文献   

雁伍 《气象》1978,4(9):32-34
水稻的产量结构是由每亩穗数、每穗实粒数和千粒重所组成。这些产量结构因素的优劣,是根据作物自身的生育规律,在不同发育阶段遇到不同的外界环境条件而先后形成的。在三熟制栽培条件下水稻的丰产性状,穗数是决定的首要因素,在这个多穗的基础上,培养大穗多粒和提高粒重,是高产更高产的关键。 在论述水稻丰产性状诸因素与气象条件的关系之  相似文献   

啤麦穗粒结构的分阶段气候评价和预报方法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
商兆堂  蒋名淑 《气象科学》1999,19(4):407-412
通过对十多年来啤麦穗粒结构与气象条件的关系的计算分析,得出了啤麦不同生育阶段影响穗粒结构的主要气象要素,并建立起其间的线性关系模式,为对啤麦产量构成要素进行分阶段的气候评价和预报提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

华北及莎车膜下条播冬小麦的试验研究结果表明:冬前及冬季膜内温度提高,土壤墒情较好,冬季麦苗不停止生长,各发育期提前,越冬成活率高,穗分化和灌浆期延长,亩穗数、穗粒数多,千粒重大,亩增产百千克左右。  相似文献   

杨淞  杨文彬 《内蒙古气象》1996,(2):17-20,10
温光生态因子及时间对春小麦幼穗分化影响的研究杨淞,杨文彬(巴盟农业气象研究所)每穗小麦的小穗数、小花数和小花的发育程度,取决于本身形成的早晚、发育时间的长短等。一般认为,穗部某些器官形成越早,分化发育时间越长,越有利于形成多粒大穗。而器官形成的早晚和...  相似文献   

土壤水分对小麦开花及结实的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同生育期土壤水分与小麦的小花发育、开发、结实率及产量的关系,并进行了土壤水分对穗粒数影响的定量分析研究,提出了保持小花正常发育和提高小麦结实率的适宜土壤水分范围。  相似文献   

无行距播种条件下春小麦根系生长与物质生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对全幅播种条件下 ,根系的生长及其对地上部分的分蘖成穗、穗粒数等物质生长进行了研究。结果表明 :无行距播种的次生根数量、根冠比值、穗粒数、茎叶干物质重均较条播有明显增加 ,协调了“根—土”生态系统 ,促进了地上部干物质的积累 ,从而达到了高产、优质。  相似文献   

利用环境扫描电镜(SEM/EDS)分别对2009年四季在雷达站、卫星站、年轮实验室和白杨沟站采集的TSP样品进行微观形貌和能谱分析,结果表明:乌鲁木齐市TSP形貌具有明显的时空分布特征。春季TSP颗粒较大,形状不规则,可能来源沙尘;夏季TSP中颗粒少且小,可能含有土壤扬尘和植物花粉;秋季TSP颗粒多为蓬松链状,可能是烟尘聚集体;冬季TSP颗粒较大,形状规则的颗粒增多且多为圆形,是典型的燃煤飞灰形态。北郊、市区TSP中颗粒物数量高于南郊山区的白杨沟站,秋冬季燃煤对北郊和市区TSP形貌影响较大。TSP主要含Si、S、Ca、Al、Fe、Mg、Cl、Na,说明TSP来源广泛,并且由多种颗粒混合而成。春夏季乌市TSP中Si、Ca Al、Na、Mg含量较高,秋冬季Si、S、Ca、Al、Fe、Cl含量很高。市区TSP中S、Fe、Al较白杨沟同期所占比重大,白杨沟TSP中元素种类较少,S、Fe含量不高,表明燃煤、工业排放影响不大。  相似文献   

采用CloudSat卫星资料2B-CLDCLASS及2B-CWC-RVOD数据集和Aqua卫星资料的CERES Aqua MODIS Edition 3A数据集,针对2010年12月2-4日北疆地区一次暴雪过程分析了云的类型分布、冰粒子等效半径、低层云等效高度等宏微观物理属性的垂直分布及空间分布情况。结果表明,此次暴雪过程中,云层分布在12km以下,云中冰粒子等效半径和冰水含量均随云层高度增加而减少,冰粒子数浓度在垂直高度上呈单峰分布,高值分布在云层中部5.5km处。北疆地区暴雪前和暴雪后基本为低层云云量小于40%的低值区,暴雪时则为大于60%的高值区,云等效高度暴雪前和暴雪后大多为小于6km值域区,暴雪时为大于6km的高值区。  相似文献   

盘锦芦苇湿地土壤微生物初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于盘锦湿地生态系统野外观测站芦苇群落生长季的定位观测资料,分析了芦苇湿地土壤微生物不同层次上的比率变化。结果表明:在0—10,10—20 cm和20—30 cm的3个层次上及微生物总数中土壤的细菌所占比率最大,而且在3个层次上的比率自上至下逐渐增大;其次是放线菌,且在3个层次上的比率逐渐减少;最少的是真菌,在3个层次上相差不大接近为零,在整个微生物中所占比率为最少的。这是由于盘锦芦苇湿地的土壤偏盐碱性,有利于细菌和放线菌繁殖,抑制了真菌的繁殖;而且季节性积水导致通气状况不良也抑制了真菌的生存。在盘锦芦苇湿地土壤微生物垂直梯度的比率中,细菌垂直梯度变化比较明显,基本上是下面2个层次所占比率比表层大一些;放线菌垂直梯度变化明显,一般表层比率最大,下面2层比率较小;真菌垂直梯度上所占的比率没有明显变化,接近为零。  相似文献   

利用四川144个气象站1971~2014年的逐月日照时数数据和四川6个辐射站的逐月太阳总辐射数据,以气候学模拟的方法,计算了四川144个气象站的逐月太阳总辐射值。基于44年四川太阳辐射的平均分布和EOF分析的第一模态,将四川分成3个区域,并研究了四川太阳辐射的时空变化。结果表明:(1)四川年太阳总辐射从东南往西北随海拔升高呈阶梯式增加,结合年太阳总辐射EOF第一模态可把四川分为3个区域,分别是川西高原、攀西地区和四川盆地;(2)川西高原年总辐射随时间呈先下降后趋于平稳的变化,攀西地区年总辐射随时间的变化是先下降后上升,四川盆地总辐射变化不大,有缓慢下降趋势;(3)20世纪70年代四川大部分地区太阳总辐射是正距平,80年代除川西高原和雅安地区外基本是负距平,90年代是负距平,2001~2014年除攀西地区外基本是负距平。   相似文献   

2017年春季(3—5月)大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈单极型分布,主体位于北冰洋上空,中高纬西风带呈5波型分布。3月,地面冷高压偏强,冷空气活动频繁。4月,环流由纬向型向经向型逐渐调整,冷空气势力减弱。5月,东北气旋明显加强,冷暖势力相当,入海气旋增多。春季,我国近海海域主要有16次8级以上大风过程,其中冷空气大风过程有7次,冷空气和温带气旋共同影响的大风过程有1次,入海温带气旋过程有4次,东北冷涡影响大风过程有3次,强对流导致雷暴大风过程1次;且有8次明显的浪高在2 m以上的大浪过程。春季共有6次比较明显的海雾过程,分别为3月1次、4月2次、5月3次。西北太平洋和南海共生成1个台风“梅花”和1个热带低压,其他各大洋共有热带气旋15个,分别为大西洋1个、东太平洋1个、南太平洋5个、南印度洋6个、北印度洋2个。  相似文献   

For the 2008 Olympic Games, drastic control measures were implemented on industrial and urban emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other pollutants to address the issues of poor air quality in Beijing. To investigate the effects of SO2 and NOx reductions on the particulate sulfate and nitrate concentrations as well as their size distributions, size-segregated aerosol samples were collected using micro-orifice uniform deposit impactors (MOUDIs) at urban and downwind rural sites in Beijing before and after full-scale controls. During the sampling period, the mass concentrations of fine particles (PM1.8) at the urban and rural sites were 94.0 and 85.9 μg m-3, respectively. More than 90% of the sulfates and ~60% of nitrates formed as fine particles. Benefiting from the advantageous meteorological conditions and the source controls, sulfates were observed in rather low concentrations and primarily in condensation mode during the Olympics. The effects of the control measures were separately analyzed for the northerly and the southerly air-mass-dominated days to account for any bias. After the control measures were implemented, PM, sulfates, and nitrates were significantly reduced when the northerly air masses prevailed, with a higher percentage of reduction in larger particles. The droplet mode particles, which dominated the sulfates and nitrates before the controls were implemented, were remarkably reduced in mass concentration after the control measures were implemented. Nevertheless, when the polluted southerly air masses prevailed, the local source control measures in Beijing did not effectively reduce the ambient sulfate concentration due to the enormous regional contribution from the North China Plain.  相似文献   

Characteristics of carbonyl compounds in ambient air of Shanghai,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The levels of carbonyl compounds in Shanghai ambient air were measured in five periods from January 2007 to October 2007 (covering winter, high-air-pollution days, spring, summer and autumn). A total of 114 samples were collected and eighteen carbonyls were identified. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone were the most abundant carbonyls and their mean concentrations of 19.40 ± 12.00, 15.92 ± 12.07 and 11.86 ± 7.04 μg m−3 respectively, in the daytime for five sampling periods. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde showed similar diurnal profiles with peak mixing ratios in the morning and early afternoon during the daytime. Their mean concentrations were highest in summer and lowest in winter. Acetone showed reversed seasonal variation. The high molecular weight (HMW, ≥C5) carbonyls also showed obvious diurnal variations with higher concentrations in the daytime in summer and autumn, while they were all not detected in winter. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde played an important role in removing OH radicals in the atmosphere, but the contribution of acetone was below 1%. The carbonyls levels in high-air-pollution days were reported. More carbonyl species with higher concentrations were found in high-air-pollution days than in spring. These carbonyls were transported with other pollutants from north and northwest in March 27 to April 2, 2007 and then mixed with local sources. Comparing with Beijing and Guangzhou, the concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in Shanghai were the highest, which indicated that the air pollution in Shanghai was even worse than expected.  相似文献   

根据1960—2000年河北省张北县和辽宁省的气象资料,计算并比较了两地的气候资源条件,参考燕麦的生物学特性,认为辽宁地区的气候条件完全可以满足燕麦的种植。在此基础上,选取了积温、降水等6个农业生长气候指标,利用谱系聚类分析法,对辽宁21个气象站点进行了聚类分析,并结合地理与经济等因素,对其燕麦生产进行了气候区划。结果表明,辽宁的大部分地区适宜燕麦的栽培生产。  相似文献   

新疆系统性冰雹天气过程的环流形势及卫星云图特征分析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
马禹  王旭  郭江勇 《高原气象》2004,23(6):787-794
根据1961—2003年新疆90个气象观测站的地面观测资料,统计分析了新疆局地、一般性和系统性冰雹天气过程的气候特征。普查43年历史天气图,将系统性冰雹天气过程分为三种天气类型,并对其进行了物理量合成诊断和环流形势分析。通过对1998—2001年GMS5红外云图的普查,得到新疆438个降雹云团。新疆降雹云团的尺度小、形状不规则、云顶温度较高,强对流云团是冰雹云的主体。  相似文献   

Comparison of turbulence statistics within three boreal forest canopies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three-dimensional sonic anemometers were used to measure velocities and temperatures within three natural boreal forest canopies. Vertical profiles of atmospheric turbulence statistics for a black spruce forest, a jack pine forest, and a trembling aspen forest, all located in southeastern Manitoba, were plotted and compared. The canopy structures were quite different, with total leaf-area indices of 2, 4 and 10, for the pine, aspen, and spruce forests, respectively.The profiles of the first and second moments differed among the canopies, where velocities decreased more rapidly in the top portions of the denser canopies. The velocity distributions were skewed and kurtotic within all canopies, and showed some differences among the canopies. Eulerian time scale profiles were generally similar among the canopies, and the vertical and streamwise time scale profiles were almost mirror images of each other. Eulerian length scale profiles showed some differences among canopies caused by differences in the velocity profiles. Ratios of vertical-to-horizontal time and length scales had a maximum in mid-canopy.Shear stress profiles were similar in the top parts of all canopies, and upward momentum fluxes were occasionally observed within the canopy trunk space. Countergradient heat fluxes were also observed sometimes. The countergradient fluxes and the skewed, kurtotic velocity distributions indicate the contribution of intermittent, large-scale eddies that are important for energy and mass transfer within canopies.  相似文献   

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