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欧亚大陆积雪是重要的气候预测因子,评估其在气候模式中的预测潜力可为季节气候预测和模式发展提供重要参考。本文利用IAP AGCM4的多年集合后报结果,分析了欧亚大陆春季雪水当量的可预报性。结果表明该模式对提前1月后报的欧亚大陆春季雪水当量的空间分布,主要模态及变化趋势具有较好的可预报能力。此外模式对欧亚中高纬积雪的年际异常也具有较高的预报技巧,特别是高纬度区域。可预报性来源分析则表明,大气初始异常对欧亚中高纬积雪可预报性的影响与海温异常相比显得更为重要。  相似文献   

欧亚大陆积雪对我国春季气候可预报性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈红 《大气科学》2017,41(4):727-738
利用大气环流模式IAP9L_CoLM,通过两组集合后报试验,考察了欧亚大陆积雪对我国春季气候可预报性的影响。一组试验为常规后报试验,积雪是由模式陆面过程预报得到的,另一组试验为积雪试验,模式积分过程中欧亚大陆雪水当量由微波遥感积雪资料替代,一天替换一次。通过分析两组试验后报结果的差异,来考察欧亚大陆积雪对我国春季(3~5月)气候可预报性的影响。分析表明:欧亚大陆积雪模拟水平的改善能提高春季欧亚大陆中高纬环流场(海平面气压场和中、高层位势高度场)的可预报性,模式对我国春季气温异常的年际变化和空间分布的可预报能力也有显著增强。对我国春季降水,虽然预报技巧较低,但引入较真实的欧亚积雪作用后,由于中高纬环流场预报技巧的改进导致降水的预测能力也有所改进。个例分析也表明,欧亚中高纬春季积雪异常模拟水平的改善导致了欧亚中高纬贝加尔湖及以南区域环流场可预报性的提高,最终使中国东部区域春季气候异常模拟技巧得以改善。以上结果也证实,欧亚大陆积雪是影响东亚区域春季气候的一个重要因子,要提高模式对中国春季气候的预报技巧,积雪模拟水平的改进是非常必要的。  相似文献   

欧亚大陆中高纬积雪消融异常对东北夏季低温的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈海山  齐铎  许蓓 《大气科学》2013,37(6):1337-1347
利用美国冰雪资料中心提供的1979~2007年月平均积雪水当量资料、NCEP/NCAR的逐月再分析资料 以及中国743站的逐日气温资料,讨论了欧亚中高纬春季融雪异常分布与中国东北夏季温度的联系及其可能的影响机理。结果表明:欧亚大陆中高纬西部春季融雪偏多、东部春季融雪偏少时,我国东北夏季易出现低温。春季东部融雪量少,导致夏季剩余积雪偏多;夏季积雪融化吸热增多,加上后期的土壤湿度增加会导致该地区夏季温度异常偏低,高度场下降,500 hPa上欧亚中高纬东部的长波槽加深,槽后偏北气流加强;来自极地的冷空气容易入侵东亚中高纬地区,引起我国东北夏季低温。  相似文献   

本文研究了欧亚大陆地区雪水当量、积雪覆盖率以及500 hPa位势高度的主模态从秋季到次年春季的演变情况。结果表明,欧亚大陆地区的积雪与大气环流主模态从秋季至次年春季呈稳定而显著的相关关系。欧亚地区雪水当量和大气环流主模态的季节演变表现出了良好的连贯性,而积雪覆盖率的主模态则在秋-冬过渡时期表现出了较差的连贯性。在相应的表面热量收支方面,由近表面风驱动的热平流是影响表面热量收支的重要因素,在冬季尤为显著。此外,由积雪引起的短波辐射异常在春季扮演了同样重要甚至更加重要的角色。  相似文献   

本文基于春季欧亚雪盖资料与大气再分析资料的奇异值分解(SVD)分析结果,结合数值试验,研究了春季欧亚大陆积雪变化与春、夏季南北半球大气质量交换的联系。研究表明,当春季欧亚积雪异常偏多时,同期欧亚大陆中高纬大范围地区的地面气温异常偏低,这种冷却效应可能持续至夏季,同时,冷空气的堆积造成了欧亚大陆地表气压(气柱大气质量)的增加,并且对应了夏季北半球大气总质量的异常上升,而南半球大气质量却明显下降。分析发现,春季欧亚积雪异常与夏季南北半球际大气质量涛动存在显著的滞后相关,而且前者还与同期及后期包括索马里急流和对流层上部80°E~120°E区域高空急流在内的多处越赤道气流变化联系密切。从数值模拟结果分析发现,以改变春季初始积雪状况作为驱动,欧亚大陆中高纬地区的低层大气环流出现了显著响应,即当积雪增加时,同期及其后夏季地面气温显著降低,并且冷异常区域对应着气柱质量的异常升高。  相似文献   

丁洁  褚涛 《气象科学》2019,39(3):396-404
使用区域气候模式RegCM4.4.5.7,通过改变春季欧亚大陆中高纬地区的陆面感热通量,对欧亚中高纬感热异常影响中国夏季气候进行模拟分析,并探讨其影响机制。试验结果表明:当春季欧亚中高纬陆面感热通量加强时,我国长江流域和东北东部夏季气温降低,降水偏多;华北地区气温升高,降水偏少。春季陆面感热增强引起近地面和对流层低层大气热力状况异常,进而导致高度场和环流场的异常,长江流域和东北地区有气旋环流,对流运动旺盛,结合充足的水汽条件,对应降水偏多,而华北地区则相反,有反气旋环流和微弱的气流辐合,对应降水偏少。研究表明欧亚中高纬陆面感热异常是影响我国夏季气候的一个不可忽视的因子。  相似文献   

利用 NOAA- NESDIS提供的 1 973— 2 0 0 0年北半球雪盖面积资料 ,研究了欧亚冬季雪盖的时空特征 ,发现欧亚大陆中高纬地区积雪有明显的整体性分布特征 ,而50°N以南的冬季积雪随纬度的变率较大 ;欧亚大陆中高纬地区冬季积雪呈东西反位相分布。利用小波分析发现 ,冬季欧亚积雪具有显著的 3~ 4 a周期。最后指出 ,欧亚积雪异常引起的下垫面热力异常可能为次年 El Nino事件的爆发提供触发条件。  相似文献   

中国冬季积雪特征及欧亚大陆积雪对中国气候影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
该文首先回顾了有关中国冬季积雪的研究进展,包括中国冬季积雪的空间分布气候特征以及季节、年际和年代际变化,中国冬季降雪特征,气象因子对中国冬季积雪水量平衡的影响,外强迫和大气环流系统在积雪形成中的作用等。冬春季欧亚大陆积雪对同期和后期中国气候影响的相关研究说明与欧亚大陆积雪异常相关联的中国气候异常以及积雪通过改变土壤湿度、表面温度和辐射分布,引起大气环流异常,进而对中国气候产生影响的物理过程。应用美国环境预测中心 (NCEP) 第2版气候预测系统 (CFSv2) 的回报试验结果,对CFSv2在欧亚大陆积雪变化及其与中国气候关系的可预报性方面的分析表明,CFSv2能够较好地回报出春季欧亚积雪的年际和年代际变异及其与中国夏季降水之间的联系。文章最后提出了在积雪及其气候效应研究方面一些有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

欧亚大陆春季融雪与长江流域夏季降水的可能联系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
韩冬  陈海山  许蓓  齐铎  吴波 《气象科学》2014,34(3):237-242
利用1979—2007年全球月平均的积雪水当量资料,定义了春季积雪水当量增量指数,该指数可以较为直观地反映春季融雪的情况。通过这一纽带,分析了欧亚大陆春季融雪与长江流域夏季降水之间的联系。研究表明:欧亚大陆春季融雪与中国长江流域夏季降水是负相关关系,这与高原积雪的影响是不一致的。春季融雪量的减少,使得欧亚大陆北部夏季剩余积雪偏多,夏季融雪增多。融雪的局地效应使得土壤湿度增加,加大了欧亚大陆南北热力差异。从而,夏季中纬度的纬向风切变增大,对流层上层的副热带西风急流增强,副热带高压增强西伸,但是北抬受到抑制。长江流域位于异常西南暖湿气流与冷空气的辐合带上,上升运动活跃,有利于降水偏多。  相似文献   

利用国家气候中心提供的中国区域753站降水观测资料、ECMWF逐月地表感热通量再分析资料和NECP/NCAR再分析资料,讨论了欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热异常与长江中下游夏季降水之间的联系及其相关的物理机制。分析发现欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热异常与长江中下游地区夏季降水存在显著的正相关:感热偏强期,长江中下游夏季降水偏多;感热偏弱期,长江中下游夏季降水偏少。春季感热异常偏强时,夏季东亚副热带西风急流主体位置偏东、强度偏强、范围偏大,长江中下游地区主要受辐合上升气流控制,水汽输送条件好,降水异常偏多。而春季感热偏弱时,情况大致相反,则夏季降水异常偏少。研究表明欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热通量异常变化对我国长江中下游夏季降水预测具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

On the basis of two ensemble experiments conducted by a general atmospheric circulation model (Institute of Atmospheric Physics nine-level atmospheric general circulation model coupled with land surface model, hereinafter referred to as IAP9L_CoLM), the impacts of realistic Eurasian snow conditions on summer climate predictability were investigated. The predictive skill of sea level pressures (SLP) and middle and upper tropospheric geopotential heights at mid-high latitudes of Eurasia was enhanced when improved Eurasian snow conditions were introduced into the model. Furthermore, the model skill in reproducing the interannual variation and spatial distribution of the surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies over China was improved by applying realistic (prescribed) Eurasian snow conditions. The predictive skill of the summer precipitation in China was low; however, when realistic snow conditions were employed, the predictability increased, illustrating the effectiveness of the application of realistic Eurasian snow conditions. Overall, the results of the present study suggested that Eurasian snow conditions have a significant effect on dynamical seasonal prediction in China. When Eurasian snow conditions in the global climate model (GCM) can be more realistically represented, the predictability of summer climate over China increases.  相似文献   

Recent advances in dynamical climate prediction at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS) during the last five years have been briefly described in this paper. Firstly,the second generation of the IAP dynamical climate prediction system (IAP DCP-II) has been described,and two sets of hindcast experiments of the summer rainfall anomalies over China for the periods of 1980-1994 with different versions of the IAP AGCM have been conducted. The comparison results show that the predictive skill of summer rainfall anomalies over China is improved with the improved IAP AGCM in which the surface albedo parameterization is modified. Furthermore, IAP DCP-II has been applied to the real-time prediction of summer rainfall anomalies over China since 1998, and the verification results show that IAP DCP-II can quite well capture the large scale patterns of the summer flood/drought situations over China during the last five years (1998-2002). Meanwhile, an investigation has demonstrated the importance of the atmospheric initial conditions on the seasonal climate prediction, along with studies on the influences from surface boundary conditions (e.g., land surface characteristics, sea surface temperature).Certain conclusions have been reached, such as, the initial atmospheric anomalies in spring may play an important role in the summer climate anomalies, and soil moisture anomalies in spring can also have a significant impact on the summer climate anomalies over East Asia. Finally, several practical techniques(e.g., ensemble technique, correction method, etc.), which lead to the increase of the prediction skill for summer rainfall anomalies over China, have also been illustrated. The paper concludes with a list of criticalre quirements needed for the further improvement of dynamical seasonal climate prediction.  相似文献   

Both seasonal potential predictability and the impact of SST in the Pacific on the forecast skill over China are investigated by using a 9-level global atmospheric general circulation model developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP9L-AGCM). For each year during 1970 to 1999, the ensemble consists of seven integrations started from consecutive observational daily atmospheric fields and forced by observational monthly SST. For boreal winter, spring and summer,the variance ratios of the SST-forced variability to the total variability and the differences in the spatial correlation coefficients of seasonal mean fields in special years versus normal years are computed respectively. It follows that there are slightly inter-seasonal differences in the model potential predictability in the Tropics. At northern middle and high latitudes, prediction skill is generally low in spring and relatively high either in summer for surface air temperature and middle and upper tropospheric geopotential height or in winter for wind and precipitation. In general, prediction skill rises notably in western China, especially in northwestern China, when SST anomalies (SSTA) in the Nino-3 region are significant. Moreover,particular attention should be paid to the SSTA in the North Pacific (NP) if one aims to predict summer climate over the eastern part of China, i.e., northeastern China, North China and southeastern China.  相似文献   

Land surface hydrology (LSH) is a potential source of long-range atmospheric predictability that has received less attention than sea surface temperature (SST). In this study, we carry out ensemble atmospheric simulations driven by observed or climatological SST in which the LSH is either interactive or nudged towards a global monthly re-analysis. The main objective is to evaluate the impact of soil moisture or snow mass anomalies on seasonal climate variability and predictability over the 1986–1995 period. We first analyse the annual cycle of zonal mean potential (perfect model approach) and effective (simulated vs. observed climate) predictability in order to identify the seasons and latitudes where land surface initialization is potentially relevant. Results highlight the influence of soil moisture boundary conditions in the summer mid-latitudes and the role of snow boundary conditions in the northern high latitudes. Then, we focus on the Eurasian continent and we contrast seasons with opposite land surface anomalies. In addition to the nudged experiments, we conduct ensembles of seasonal hindcasts in which the relaxation is switched off at the end of spring or winter in order to evaluate the impact of soil moisture or snow mass initialization. LSH appears as an effective source of surface air temperature and precipitation predictability over Eurasia (as well as North America), at least as important as SST in spring and summer. Cloud feedbacks and large-scale dynamics contribute to amplify the regional temperature response, which is however, mainly found at the lowest model levels and only represents a small fraction of the observed variability in the upper troposphere.  相似文献   

短期气候数值预测可预报性问题   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
该文利用 IAP L2 AGCM1 - 1模式进行 1 7年 ( 1 980~ 1 996年 )、每年 9个单个积分的集合后报试验 ,采用方差分析的方法对试验结果进行可预报性研究 .结果表明 :在热带地区 ,海表温度 ( SST)异常引起的可预报性较高 ,50 0 h Pa高度场高值区沿热带呈带状分布 ,在热带外仅有部分相对高值区 ;在中高纬度地区 ,春季的可预报性高于夏季 ;一般来说各场的可预报性海洋高于陆地 .在北太平洋春季 ,50 0 h Pa高度场、海平面气压场和表面气温场有一可预报高值区 .在中国区域 ,降水场、海平面气压场和表面气温场的可预报性从我国南海向西北递减 .  相似文献   

回顾了近年来在中国科学院大气物理研究所开展的有关短期气候预测研究的进展。第一个短期气候数值预测是曾庆存等利用一个耦合了热带太平洋海洋环流模式的全球大气环流模式作出的。1997年,一个基于海气耦合模式的ENSO预测系统,包括一个海洋初始化方案被建立起来,同时也开展了基于海温异常的东亚气候可预测性研究。利用气候变动的准两年信号,王会军等提出了一个可以显著改进模式预测准确率的模式结果修正方案。为了考虑土壤湿度的初始异常对夏季气候的影响,一个利用大气资料如温度、降水等经验地反演土壤湿度的方法也被建立起来。还通过一系列的数值试验研究了 1998年夏季大水发生当中海温异常和大气环流初始异常的作用。  相似文献   

Studies on the seasonal to extraseasonal climate prediction at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) in recent years were reviewed. The first short-term climate prediction experiment was carried out based on the atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) coupled to a tropical Pacific oceanic general circulation model (OGCM). In 1997, an ENSO prediction system including an oceanic initialization scheme was set up. At the same time, researches on the SST-induced climate predictability over East Asia were made. Based on the biennial signal in the interannual climate variability, an effective method was proposed for correcting the model predicted results recently. In order to consider the impacts of the initial soil mois ture anomalies, an empirical scheme was designed to compute the soil moisture by use of the atmospheric quantities like temperature, precipitation, and so on. Sets of prediction experiments were carried out to study the impacts of SST and the initial atmospheric conditions on the flood occurring over China in 1998.  相似文献   

The effects of the northeastern Eurasian snow cover on the frequency of spring dust storms in northwestern China have been examined for the period 1979–2007. Averaged over all 43 stations in northwestern China, a statistically significant relationship has been found between dust-storm frequency (DSF) and Eurasian snow-water equivalent (SWE) during spring: mean DSF of 7.4 and 3.3 days for years of high- and low SWE, respectively. Further analyses reveal that positive SWE anomalies enhance the meridional gradients of the lower tropospheric temperatures and geopotential heights, thereby strengthening westerly jets and zonal wind shear over northwestern China and western Inner Mongolia of China, the regions of major dust sources. The anomalous atmospheric circulation corresponding to the Eurasian SWE anomalies either reinforces or weakens atmospheric baroclinicity and cyclogenesis, according to the sign of the anomaly, to affect the spring DSF. This study suggests that Eurasian SWE anomalies can be an influential factor of spring DSF in northwestern China and western Inner Mongolia of China.  相似文献   

欧亚土壤湿度异常对北半球大气环流的显著影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用44 a ERA40再分析资料的土壤湿度和大气环流变量场, 研究持续性的欧亚大陆土壤湿度异常对后期北半球大尺度大气环流的反馈作用。首先,运用经验正交函数分解去除ENSO遥相关及趋势影响后,分析了欧亚大陆中高纬度土壤湿度变率主要模态的季节变化特征,及相对应主分量时间序列显示的土壤湿度异常的衰减时间,结果表明土壤湿度异常的主要模态在全年都表现出很好的连续性。其次,对不同季节的连续3个月的月平均土壤湿度和500 hPa高度场进行滞后最大协方差分析,研究欧亚地区中高纬度土壤湿度异常与北半球大气环流异常之间的线性耦合。第一最大协方差模态的结果表明:全年的主导信号是大气强迫土壤湿度的变化,但在冬季和夏季,大气中类似于负位相北极涛动的环流型与之前月份(最长达4个月)土壤湿度的持续变化显著相关。最后,基于土壤湿度变率中心的回归分析也证实了秋季和春季欧亚土壤湿度,特别是北非副热带,欧亚内陆和西伯利亚地区的土壤湿度异常,分别与其后的冬季和夏季的大气环流显著相关。欧亚大陆土壤湿度异常超前大气环流的信号,将有助于改善冬季和夏季北半球季节气候预报能力。  相似文献   

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