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应用ArcInfo地理信息系统和MapObjects组件空间分析技术、数据库技术,对森林火点卫星遥感信息的地理定位技术进行了研究,结合1:250000地理信息数据,研制了快速获取火点周围地理信息的技术流程及计算方法,开发了业务化系统,实现了自动化操作。尤其在多火点的情况下更能显示出其优越性,相同情况下,比手工地理定位提高了定位精度,工作效率提高了10倍以上。投入业务运行以来,在森林防火工作中发挥了重要作用,为火点监测赢得了时间,取得了明显的社会效益。  相似文献   

李鼎荣 《贵州气象》1995,19(1):28-31
本文研究了红枫湖冬季地面人工降雨试验的部分资料,对层状云的增雨潜力,作业的时机,云层的部位,天气形势以及经济效益等,进行了初步的试验与探讨,填补了空白,取得了有益的收获,同时,对今后开展此项工作,提出了看法,建议对策。  相似文献   

阐述了“九五”期间湖北省气象科技服务系统化建设和科技服务产业项目系列化发展的思路,确立了以气象基本业务系统为依托,面向社会,面向市场,整体规划,系统发展的战略思想,提出了高起点,高标准,高效率的建设计划。  相似文献   

彭国照  王凌 《四川气象》1996,16(3):41-44
我们经过3年多的开发,建立了一套“农业气象情报,预报和资料综合处理服务系统”软件。它集农气资料管理,情报资料采集,译码,图形分析,统计分析于一体,自动化程度高,减轻了劳动强度,增强了农气服务的能力,提高了服务质量和时效,收到显著的业务服务效益。  相似文献   

王志春  李毅  包云辉  陆海云  安新宇 《气象》2006,32(S1):52-55
气象等值线图应用广泛,以Bowyer-Watson算法的思想为基础,对已有等值线生成方法进行了优化和改进,实现了由任意离散点生成Delaunay三角网格的算法,讨论了等值线自动生成与追踪技术及等值线平滑方法的原理、不同方法间的优劣性,解决了等值线曲线化后拓扑关系的保持问题,提出了等值线端点向边界延伸的方法,探讨了等值线的填充方法,很好地解决了三角网格等值线绘制技术中的难点问题,大大提高了三角网格等值线绘制的速度和质量,最终通过编程实现了快速、客现、便捷、美观的气象等值线的给制,达到了等值线的自动分析、生成、输出的业务化需求。  相似文献   

自1985年国务院颁布气象部门开展气象专业有偿服务的文件以来,经过10多年的摸索和实践,气象专业服务的领域不断拓宽,服务的内容不断深化,服务的水平和质量也不断提高,取得了可喜的成果。为了更好地适应市场经济对气象专业服务提出的要求,广西气象台于今年初进行了以拓宽气象专业服务为主要内容的事业结构调整,重新组建了气象信息中心,加强了专业服务力量,开展了“一条龙”服务,同时建立了新的运行机制,实行了目标管理,坚持“高起点、高效益、高奖励”的三高原则,从而给专业有偿服务注入了新的发展动力,调动了有偿服务人员的积…  相似文献   

浙江省农业结构调整与气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对浙江省种植业结构的调查研究,摸清了浙江省种植业结构调整的特点,根据1961-2000年基本气候资料,分析了江苏省农业气候的变化规律,提出了种植结构调整,必须顺应气候变化,充分利用气候资源。  相似文献   

新乡市气象局开展局务公开工作始于1999年3月16日,并出台了新乡市气象局政务公开制度。2003年4月,根据省气象局《进一步推进全省气象部门局务公开工作的意见》精神,结合新乡局近5年的实践,又下发了《新乡市气象局局务公开实施方案》,进一步规范了局务公开工作的内容、形式、时间和范围等,并制作了对外、对内公开栏,建立了局务公开档案,由专人负责。通过局务公开,进一步增强了工作透明度,极大地调动了干部职工干事创业的积极性,广大职工思想稳定,凝聚力强。  相似文献   

她和他的故事绘画苏刚编文天行健①雁去雁回,她湛江气象学校毕业了,又回到了这偏远的小镇,开始了自己的测报用UL主崖。两小无猜,她和他,又走到了一起,她们花前月下,海香山盟。②婚后的生活却失去了热恋时甜密的滋味,她忙于测报工作,繁重的家务都落在了他个体出...  相似文献   

徐渝江 《四川气象》2007,27(1):47-48
2006年,人人都说成都的冬天一点也不冷,是个暖冬。2007年的春节,成都市民是在阳光明媚中度过的。二月份气温一路飚升,连续多日最高气温超过20℃,腊梅谢了,红梅开了,桃红了,柳绿了,春天就这么一跃提前来到了人们的身边。在经历了短暂的寒潮后,三月的天空又迎来了太阳。  相似文献   

我国近30年龙卷风研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
郑峰  谢海华 《气象科技》2010,38(3):295-299
从3方面总结了龙卷风研究成果:①研究概况,最初的龙卷风灾后调查到开展天气气候特征分析至近年来开展龙卷风本体结构、产生机制的探讨,获得了丰硕成果;②研究方法提高,从事实调查到利用统计方法,从利用台站常规观测资料到运用卫星、多普勒雷达、风廓线仪等非常规资料开展分析,近年数值模式WRF、ARPS等也被用来研究龙卷风,研究的方法手段不断得到改进;③龙卷风研究、预报面临的困难和未来展望。  相似文献   

城市气象研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国数十年来在城市气象研究这一新兴学科领域开展了大量研究并获得了多方面的丰硕成果。文中从城市气象观测网与观测试验、城市气象多尺度模式、城市气象与大气环境相互影响、城市化对天气气候的影响等4个方面论述了城市气象的主要研究进展:中国各大城市已建立或正在完善具有多平台、多变量、多尺度、多重链接、多功能等特点的城市气象综合观测网;北京、南京、上海等地开展了大型城市气象观测科学试验,被世界气象组织列入研究示范项目;成功开展了风洞实验、缩尺度外场实验研究;建立了多尺度城市气象和空气质量预报数值模式,并应用于业务;在城市热岛效应、城市对降水影响、城市气象与城市规划、城市化对区域气候及空气质量的影响、城市气象与大气环境相互作用等研究领域取得长足进展。最后指出,未来需要重点从新观测技术及观测资料同化应用、城市系统模式研究、城市化对天气气候的影响机理、城市化对大气环境和人体健康的影响、城市水文气象气候与环境综合服务等方面开展科学研究与应用,为中国城市化、生态文明建设、防灾减灾和应对气候变化等国家需求提供科技支撑。   相似文献   

Recent advances in monsoon studies in China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This review provides a synopsis of the major progress that has been made in monsoon studies in China and to further bridge the gap between the Chinese and international meteorological community. It consists of seven major sections. After the introduction, the second section begins with the global monsoon systems and their seasonal variation, based on some new methods proposed in recent years. Besides, some major intraseasonal features of East Asian monsoon, including the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon are discussed. In the third section, we review the interactions between ENSO and the East Asian monsoon, focusing in particular on the results of Chinese meteorologists that indicate the influence of ENSO on the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) is obviously different from that on the tropical monsoon. Besides the tropical Pacific,other ocean basins, such as the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, are also important to the East Asian monsoon, and this topic is discussed in the fourth section. In the fifth section, we address the role of land surface processes in East Asian monsoon. For example, we describe work that has shown more snow cover in spring on the Tibetan Plateau is followed by a weakened EASM and more summer rainfall in the Yangtze River valleys. The sixth section focuses on the influence of atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere(SH) on EASM, demonstrating how the signal from the SH is likely to provide new clues for the seasonal forecasting of summer rainfall in China. Finally, in the seventh section, we concentrate on the interdecadal variations of EASM. In particular, we look at a significant interdecadal variation that occurred at the end of the 1970 s, and how our understanding of this feature could affect forecasting ability.  相似文献   

由于全球变暖,极地地区的气候经历了明显的变暖放大.在本项研究中,我们根据CMIP6模式的三种变暖情景(SSP1-2,6,SSP2-4.5和SSP5-8.5)下,极地放大变化对各个反馈机制(包括普朗克,温度递减率,云,水蒸气,反照率反馈,CO2强迫,海洋热吸收和大气热传输)的响应进行了分析.结果表明,通过用“辐射核”方法量化不同反馈机制对地表温度的增温贡献,北极放大(AA)强于南极放大(ANA),由温度递减率反馈主导,其次是反照率和普朗克反馈.此外,海洋的热吸收导致冬季比夏季有更强的极地变暖.在冬季,温度递减率反馈主导了AA大于ANA.AA和ANA的模式间差异随着全球变暖的增强而减小.  相似文献   

Trends in the frequencies of four temperature extremes (the occurrence of warm days, cold days, warm nights and cold nights) with respect to a modulated annual cycle (MAC), and those associated exclusively with weather-intraseasonal fluctuations (WIF) in eastern China were investigated based on an updated homogenized daily maximum and minimum temperature dataset for 1960–2008. The Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) method was used to isolate the WIF, MAC, and longer-term components from the temperature series. The annual, winter and summer occurrences of warm (cold) nights were found to have increased (decreased) significantly almost everywhere, while those of warm (cold) days have increased (decreased) in northern China (north of 40°N). However, the four temperature extremes associated exclusively with WIF for winter have decreased almost everywhere, while those for summer have decreased in the north but increased in the south. These characteristics agree with changes in the amplitude of WIF. In particular, winter WIF of maximum temperature tended to weaken almost everywhere, especially in eastern coastal areas (by 10%–20%); summer WIF tended to intensify in southern China by 10%–20%. It is notable that in northern China, the occurrence of warm days has increased, even where that associated with WIF has decreased significantly. This suggests that the recent increasing frequency of warm extremes is due to a considerable rise in the mean temperature level, which surpasses the effect of the weakening weather fluctuations in northern China.  相似文献   

1956—2007年河南省降水和水资源变化及评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用河南省103个气象站的降水量和各省辖市的水资源资料,分析了河南省1956—2007年降水和水资源变化特点,对降水资源量和水资源量进行了丰枯评估;分别采用线性相关法和产水系数法以降水量估算水资源量,并对估算效果进行了对比分析。结果表明:1)52年来河南省年降水资源量呈不明显的减少趋势,减少速率为2.32亿m3/10a;省内不同区域降水资源量的变化趋势不太一致,豫北、豫西和豫中为减少趋势,豫东、豫西南和豫南呈不同程度的增加趋势。2)52年来全省水资源总量呈减少趋势,减少速率为10.85亿m3/10a,大于降水资源量的减少速率,省内各区域水资源量均呈弱减少趋势,减少速率为豫西最大,豫北次之,豫中最少;全省水资源总量的年代际变化特点与降水资源量基本一致。3)水资源总量与降水量关系密切,用年降水量估算水资源总量,平均相对误差为10%~22%;将线性相关法和产水系数法两种估算模式分别用于不同丰枯程度年景的估算,可减小估算误差。  相似文献   

Recent Progress in Cloud Physics Research in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A review of China cloud physics research during 2003-2006 is made in this paper. The studies on cloud field experiments and observation, cloud physics and precipitation, including its theoretical applications in hail suppression and artificial rain enhancement, cloud physics and lightning, and clouds and climate change are included. Due primarily to the demand from weather modification activities, the issue of cloud physics and weather modification has been addressed in China with many field experiments and model studies. While cloud physics and weather modification is still an important research field, the interaction between aerosol, cloud and radiation processes, which is the key issue of current climate change research, has become a new research direction in China over the past four years.  相似文献   

A better knowledge of aerosol properties is of great significance for elucidating the complex mechanisms behind frequently occurring haze pollution events. In this study, we examine the temporal and spatial variations in both PM_1 and its major chemical constituents using three-year field measurements that were collected in six representative regions in China between 2012 and 2014. Our results show that both PM_1 and its chemical compositions varied significantly in space and time, with high PM_1 loadings mainly observed in the winter. By comparing chemical constituents between clean and polluted episodes, we find that the elevated PM_1 mass concentration during pollution events should be largely attributable to significant increases in organic matter(OM) and inorganic aerosols like sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium(SNA),indicative of the critical role of primary emissions and secondary aerosols in elevating PM_1 pollution levels. The ratios of PM_1/PM_(2.5) are found to be generally high in Shanghai and Guangzhou, while relatively low ratios are seen in Xi'an and Chengdu, indicating anthropogenic emissions were more likely to accumulate in forms of finer particles. With respect to the relative importance of chemical components and meteorological factors quantified via statistical modeling practices, we find that primary emissions and secondary aerosols were the two leading factors contributing to PM_1 variations, though meteorological factors also played important roles in regulating the dispersion of atmospheric PM.  相似文献   

近44年南京温度变化的特征及其可能原因的分析   总被引:56,自引:1,他引:56  
利用1957~2000年的气候观测资料,研究南京的平均温度、平均最高温度、平均最低温度和平均日较差及炎热日和寒冷日的变化趋势和特点,并分析可能的原因;以滁县和溧阳为对比城市站,分析了三种不同类型城市温度变化的异同.结果表明,近44年来南京平均温度显著上升,其中冬季增暖幅度最大,但夏季呈变凉趋势.与全国平均温度相比,线性变化趋势大体相似,但也存在一定差别.最高温度趋势与平均温度一致,夏季降温更为明显;最低温度除夏季外增暖都非常显著,表明气候变暖在最低温度上表现更加明显;年和各季日较差均明显减小;炎热日和寒冷日趋于减少,其开始和结束时间较以前有明显提前.大气环流系统的变异和调整可能是温度显著升高的直接原因.同样,长江中下游夏季降水天气增多、云量增加、日照时间减少以及伴随的温度下降可能也与环流系统的调整有关.南京与滁县、溧阳的温度差值分别为减小趋势或趋势变化不明显.三种类型城市增暖幅度的相对大小存在着年代际差异.由于不同类型城市间温度变化差异的复杂特点及其所反映出的城市化影响的复杂性,在研究温度变化和考虑城市化的影响时,不仅要考虑大城市,还应该充分注意中、小城市的发展所带来的影响.  相似文献   

Progress in Semi-arid Climate Change Studies in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reviews recent progress in semi-arid climate change research in China.Results indicate that the areas of semiarid regions have increased rapidly during recent years in China,with an increase of 33%during 1994-2008 compared to 1948-62.Studies have found that the expansion rate of semi-arid areas over China is nearly 10 times higher than that of arid and sub-humid areas,and is mainly transformed from sub-humid/humid regions.Meanwhile,the greatest warming during the past 100 years has been observed over semi-arid regions in China,and mainly induced by radiatively forced processes.The intensity of the regional temperature response over semi-arid regions has been amplified by land-atmosphere interactions and human activities.The decadal climate variation in semi-arid regions is modulated by oceanic oscillations,which induce land-sea and north-south thermal contrasts and affect the intensities of westerlies,planetary waves and blocking frequencies.In addition,the drier climates in semi-arid regions across China are also associated with the weakened East Asian summer monsoon in recent years.Moreover,dust aerosols in semi-arid regions may have altered precipitation by affecting the local energy and hydrological cycles.Finally,semi-arid regions in China are projected to continuously expand in the 21st century,which will increase the risk of desertification in the near future.  相似文献   

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