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国产GPSO3与芬兰Vaisala臭氧探空仪的比对试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
臭氧探空仪是一种主要而又直接的探测大气臭氧垂直分布的技术手段。为了了解国产GPSO3臭氧探空仪的测量精度、灵敏度和可靠性.我们开展了与芬兰Vaisala ECC臭氧探空仪的系列平行比对试验,包括实验室臭氧传感器比对测试.室外地面臭氧传感器比对测试,低压环境下进气柱塞泵(效)比对测试和臭氧探空施放比对试验。测试结果分析表明,国产GPSO3臭氧探空仪的主要指标性能与国际通用的Vaisala臭氧探空仪的相当。  相似文献   

大气臭氧垂直分布的电化学测量   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
用球载电化学O_3探空仪于1990年6月20日测量了0—32km高度范围内大气臭氧的垂直分布.结果表明,大气臭氧的垂直分布具有多层次结构,在25km附近臭氧分压达最大值.从臭氧廓线推算出大气柱臭氧总含量为327.8D.U.  相似文献   

为促进中国大气臭氧高空探测业务化进程,中国科学院大气物理研究所和中国气象局监测网络司联合组织了对国产GPS数字化大气臭氧探空仪(GPSO3)和芬兰Vaisala 公司产大气臭氧探空仪(Vaisala)主要技术性能的比对。现场平行施放比对于2002年1月在北京进行,共施放了7对臭氧探空仪。对两类大气臭氧探空仪现场平行施放比对试验结果的分析表明,两种臭氧探空仪所获得的大气中臭氧浓度随高度的变化特征之间有很好的一致性。在12~27 km高度范围内,两种探空仪臭氧测值之间的相对误差平均在10%以内,而在10 km以下和27 km以上,GPSO3探空仪的臭氧测值偏高。本文介绍了比对方法,分析了两类探空仪对臭氧廓线某些特征值的比对结果并讨论了平行施放比对时气球升速的差异可能对臭氧测值带来的影响。  相似文献   

北极楚克奇海上空臭氧垂直变化的探测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999年夏季,中国首次组织北极地区科学考察.分析此次考察中楚克奇海海域上空获得的大气结构和臭氧探空资料,结合臭氧总量观测光谱仪(TOMS)臭氧总量和NCEP大气环流资料,指出:考察期间楚克奇海海域上空臭氧总量与13 km以下臭氧含量关系密切,而在20 km附近最大臭氧浓度处的臭氧变化与大气臭氧总量关系较差,表明整层臭氧总量的变化主要受低层大气臭氧变化的影响.大气臭氧总量呈高-低-高变化,对流层顶高度呈低-高-低变化,分析500hPa高度场表明:考察期间的天气系统可能是造成局地臭氧变化的主要原因.  相似文献   

1993年春季南极中山站上空大气臭氧的观测分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
利用球载电化学O3探空仪于1993年南半球春季在南极中山站测量了O3和温度垂直廓线,三次观测到O3 柱总量< 220 Du的低值,O3浓度减少从9月开始,9月中旬~10月中旬达到最大。典型O3垂直廓线表明,O3量损失最大区域在高度13~23 km之间,此高度与PSCs和火山气溶胶的存在高度有很好的对应关系。本文给出观测结果及初步分析。  相似文献   

拉萨地区1998年夏季臭氧总量及垂直廓线的观测研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
该文根据1998年6~10月上旬在拉萨地区进行的臭氧总量及臭氧垂直廓线的观测结果, 并结合同期同纬度其他两个臭氧站数据资料, 证实了以拉萨地区为代表的青藏高原在夏季存在“臭氧低谷”的现象.分析表明, 地基和卫星观测的臭氧总量有一定误差. Umkehr观测反演结果表明夏季拉萨地区平流层臭氧分布和同纬度其他地区相比略有不同; 在对流层, 探空资料显示了该地区对流层臭氧有低值分布的特征.  相似文献   

该文介绍了中国科学院大气物理研究所(简称IAP)研制的电化学浓度电池(ECC)型臭氧(O3)探空仪基本性能测试和2013年上半年室外比对观测结果。结果表明:ECC的背景电流(Ibg)在0.1 μA以下或更低;测量O3的响应时间为21~26 s;NO2(SO2)使O3测值偏高(低);抽气泵低压泵效系数(Cef)在100 hPa高度以下为1.0左右,在该高度以上上升,10 hPa达到1.17±0.10,5 hPa达到1.28±0.16,性能略低于同类进口产品(1.055以下)。国产和进口仪器在气象探空或抽气泵等部件上具有良好兼容性;两者所测O3垂直分布廓线总体一致。IAP O3探空仪O3总量与Brewer光谱仪测值比值为0.9~1.1;Cef和Ibg订正有效降低了IAP O3探空仪在平流层低层与进口仪器测值的差别,这一订正对O3柱浓度在平流层和对流层的贡献分别为约15 DU和4~6 DU;在对流层,IAP O3探空仪测值与进口仪器间的绝对差别稳定且低于0.5 mPa;而平流层受泵效影响较明显。因此,建议IAP O3探空仪提高其Cef的稳定性,参与国际比对测试,国产气象探空平台数据接收处理增加必要的滤波技术以降低平流层探测数据(包括O3)的振荡。  相似文献   

两种探空仪判别云垂直结构的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
吴昊  黄兴友  杨荣康  李伟 《气象科学》2014,34(3):267-274
利用广东省阳江地区2010年7—8月WMO组织的国际高性能探空系统对比试验数据,对Vaisala RS92型探空仪和国产长峰探空仪的测云性能进行对比分析,并利用同步观测的Vaisala云高计和毫米波雷达数据进行了分析和验证。结果表明:两种探空仪判别的云层垂直结构都能较好地反映阳江的实际的云层情况。对于低云,两种探空仪的探测结果比较接近;对于不密实的云层,两种探空仪都会误判为多层云;对于高云,两种探空仪的判别效果均不理想,长峰探空仪还容易漏判云层。RS92探空仪探测的高云的云底和云顶的平均高度要高于长峰探空仪的探测结果。  相似文献   

探空温度观测与ERA-interim再分析资料的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在观测资料同化系统中,探空资料是重要的资料之一。为了解探空温度观测资料的误差特征、合理使用观测,选用欧洲中心再分析场为参照场,针对从国家气象信息中心资料库中检索到的探空资料,按着仪器类型和太阳高度角统计探空温度观测资料的平均偏差和均方差。统计时段分别为夏季(2014年6—8月)和冬季(2014年12月—2015年2月)两个季节。统计结果显示,检索到的全球探空站总数约有680个,使用的探空仪共有三十多种(有仪器标识)。其中约275个探空站使用Vaisala系列探空仪,90个探空站使用中国上海生产的探空仪,约80个探空站使用美国生产的探空仪。不同类型的探空仪器在不同太阳高度角,探空温度观测相对欧洲中心再分析场的偏差差别很大。而有些探空仪器无论是平均偏差(一般低于0.5℃),还是均方差都较小,且随太阳高度角变化不大;有些探空仪器探测温度偏差较大(在高层绝对值大于2℃)。  相似文献   

根据2001~2003年期间获得的大气臭氧探空资料,揭示了北京地区上空对流层顶高度的某些变化特征及其对上对流层(UT)和下平流层(LS)区域内大气臭氧含量变化的影响.结果显示:北京地区上空对流层顶高度的平均值约11.1 km,其变化范围为7.7~14.4 km,臭氧层顶始终处在对流层顶下方约0.9 km高度处.对流层顶高度变化与臭氧总量变化之间的关系相对较弱.通常情况下,LS中的臭氧积分量明显高于UT中的相应值,并且二者呈相反的季节变化特征.北京地区上空仲夏和初秋季节第一对流层顶出现的频数明显减少,在第一对流层顶消失的情况下,LS中的臭氧积分量明显减少,而UT中的臭氧积分量明显增加,臭氧量减少最多发生在200~100 hPa层次中,而臭氧量增幅最大的层次是400~250 hPa.  相似文献   

Results of simultaneous balloon and acoustic sounding in the lower troposphere (in the surface layer up to 800 m) carried out in Velikie Luki in May–June 2002 jointly by the Moscow State University (MSU) and Central Aerological Observatory (CAO) are discussed. During the experiment, the tethered (captive) balloon for measuring air temperature and ozone partial pressure was ascended and descended 15 times. Simultaneously, gradient measurements were performed at a 4-m tower. During the intervals between ascents, the temperature stratification was determined by using the Ekho-1 sodar data. A dominating influence of temperature stratification and of some weather events on the ozone distribution with altitude is shown. In case of unstable stratification, its partial pressure is almost unchanged within the entire lower troposphere; in case of surface inversion, the ozone decrease is observed near the surface. In case of elevated inversion the ozone partial pressure is almost the same both below inversion and above it; in the layer of the inversion itself, it increases spasmodically with the altitude. Synoptic conditions largely influence the stratification regime: under conditions of the Arctic air mass, the thermal convection is observed more often and surface inversions are observed more rarely than when the local mass dominates. Artificial dynamic mixing can lead to the surface inversion dissipation in several minutes.  相似文献   

利用探空资料验证GOME卫星臭氧数据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用1996年3月-2003年6月部分时段拉萨、西宁、北京3个站的臭氧探空资料验证了GOME(Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment)卫星臭氧廓线及对流层臭氧柱总量。对比结果表明:在对流层中下层,拉萨和西宁两地GOME与探空的平均偏差小于5%,北京地区平均偏差小于10%;在对流层上层/平流层下层,拉萨和西宁平均偏差小于10%,北京小于20%;在平流层中上层3个站的平均偏差均小于5%。在对流层上层/平流层下层区域,GOME与臭氧探空的平均偏差在北京明显高于拉萨和西宁。3个地区对流层柱总量的平均偏差都在10%以内,表明该资料可用于研究我国对流层臭氧总量的变化规律。同时段的GOME最低层(0~2.5km)月平均臭氧浓度对比结果显示,GOME结果同地面臭氧观测值有很好的相关性,GOME臭氧浓度反映了拉萨、瓦里关、临安地面臭氧浓度的主要变化特征。  相似文献   

An intercomparison campaign was conducted at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP) in Southern France in September 1989 in order to compare the three instruments used for vertical tropospheric ozone profiling in the European TOR (Tropospheric Ozone Research Project) network: balloon borne ECC and Brewer-Mast sondes and a ground based UV-DIAL (DifferentialAbsorptionLidar). Additionally, a stratospheric lidar system and the Dobson spectrophotometer of the OHP were operated. Seven simultaneously measured vertical ozone profiles gave evidence for systematic differences of 15% between both types of electrochemical sondes in the troposphere, the Brewer-Mast sondes reading the smaller ozone values. These differences might be explained on the one hand by a possible contamination of the ozone sensor with reducing substances, causing a negative bias mainly for Brewer-Mast sondes and, on the other hand, by the evolution of the sonde background current during the flight, causing a positive bias for ECC sondes and a negative bias for Brewer-Mast sondes. The tropospheric lidar system, measuring the vertical ozone distribution between 6 and 12–15 km, showed ozone concentrations intermediate between the sonde results. This is in good agreement with its estimated systematic error of better than 7% in the upper troposphere. In the stratosphere, the differences between electrochemical sondes and the lidar are between 5 and 10% before the normalisation with the total ozone values measured by the Dobson spectrophotometer, and always below 5% after. While the Dobson normalisation thus corrects rather well the stratospheric part of the sonde profile, it only partially reduces errors occurring in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Ozone mixing ratios observed by the Bordeaux microwave radiometer between 1995 and 2002 in an altitude range 25–75 km show diurnal variations in the mesosphere and seasonal variations in terms of annual and semi-annual oscillations (SAO) in the stratosphere and in the mesosphere. The observations with 10–15 km altitude resolution are presented and compared to photochemical and transport model results.Diurnal ozone variations are analyzed by averaging the years 1995–1997 for four representative months and six altitude levels. The photochemical models show a good agreement with the observations for altitudes higher than 50 km. Seasonal ozone variations mainly appear as an annual cycle in the middle and upper stratosphere and a semi-annual cycle in the mesosphere with amplitude and phase depending on altitude. Higher resolution (2 km) HALOE (halogen occultation experiment) ozone observations show a phase reversal of the SAO between 44 and 64 km. In HALOE data, a tendancy for an opposite water vapour cycle can be identified in the altitude range 40–60 km.Generally, the relative variations at all altitudes are well explained by the transport model (up to 54 km) and the photochemical models. Only a newly developed photochemical model (1-D) with improved time-dependent treatment of water vapour profiles and solar flux manages to reproduce fairly well the absolute values.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a technique for estimating chemical ozone loss in the Arctic vortex. Observed ozone and temperature profiles are combined with the model potential vorticity field to produce time series of vortex averaged ozone mixing ratios on chosen isentropic surfaces. Model-derived radiative heating rates and observed vertical gradients of ozone are then used to estimate the change in ozone that would occur due to diabatic descent. Discrepancies with the observed ozone are interpreted as being of chemical origin, assuming that there is negligible horizontal transport or mixing of air into the vortex. The technique is illustrated using ozone sonde measurements collected during the 1991/92 European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment (EASOE), meteorological analyses from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and radiative heating rates extracted from the Global Atmospheric Modelling Programme (UGAMP) 3D General Circulation Model. Our results show that there was photochemical ozone destruction inside the Arctic vortex in early 1992 with a loss between 475 K and 550 K (around 20 km) of 0.32±0.15 ppmv in the first 20 days of January, equivalent to a rate of 0.51±0.24%/day (at the 95% confidence level).  相似文献   

Raman激光雷达探测对流层中上部大气温度分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一台氮分子(N2)Raman激光雷达系统.利用N2分子Raman散射和气溶胶及分子的Mie-Rayleigh散射信号,通过同时订正分子、气溶胶和臭氧的衰减,反演出对流层中上部大气密度和温度的垂直分布,其结果与常规球载无线电探空仪探测资料对比,在8~18 km范围内表现了较好的一致性.其中,二者测量的温度在9~15 km高度内相对差别小于4 K.  相似文献   

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