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利用葫芦岛观测站1980—2009年观测资料,分析了葫芦岛沿岸海陆风风速的季节特征和日变化规律,以及海陆风环流对沿岸环境的影响。结论如下:1)葫芦岛站点在冬季出现海陆风日数最多,其他依次为秋季、夏季和春季。陆风风速从春季到冬季呈现递减趋势;海风在春季最大,其次为秋季的,冬季的最小。总体上,海陆风日中海风要强于陆风。2)对海陆风风速椭圆拟合结果表明,海陆风在10:32由陆风转化为海风,海风在16:32达到最大,在21:42由海风转化为陆风,陆风在04:32达到最大。3)由于海风的存在,沿岸地带在春夏两季日最高气温在12时出现,秋冬季的在13时出现。4)能见度日变化在四季中表现一致,早晨能见度转好的时刻比最低气温出现时刻滞后约2 h,在海风维持较长时间后空气绝对湿度增加导致能见度开始转差。5)冬季静止型海陆风日比例最高,再循环型海陆风日在秋季出现最多,而夏季通风型海陆风日出现最多。  相似文献   

濑户内海位于日本的本州、四国和九州之间,为—东北—西南走向的狭长内海,它是在第三纪末期由于陆地沉降形成的,其深度平均不到200米,海内岛屿星罗棋布,海湾弯曲。每当夏季天气晴好之时,内海周围海陆风盛行,白天,清爽的海风缓和了沿岸的闷热,而晚上海风突然减弱静稳时,却使人又一次感到闷热。在内海沿岸各县风的预报中,必须考虑到海陆风这种局地现象。另外内海沿岸地区自古以来就是日本的重要工业地带,也是日本最早的国立  相似文献   

利用2017年晋江市及其周边共27个自动气象站逐小时气象资料,分析了2017年晋江城市热岛强度的日变化及有无海陆风对城市热岛强度的影响,同时研究了不同季节海陆风风速对城市热岛强度的影响,最后通过典型个例海陆风日验证了晋江城市热岛的日变化特征。结果表明:晋江市全年平均热岛强度的日变化趋势呈“V”字型分布;海风能使城市降温,减弱城市热岛强度,而陆风能使夜间热岛显著增强,故与非海陆风日相比,海陆风日热岛强度的日变化幅度增大;热岛强度与海陆风风速呈负相关,海陆风风速越大对城市热岛有一定的缓解作用。  相似文献   

琼州海峡沿岸大风分布规律及影响系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭冬艳  姜涛  陈有龙  辛吉武 《气象》2011,37(11):1372-1379
利用琼州海峡南北沿岸自动气象站2007年9月至2010年8月风向、风速资料,分析了最大风和极大风两种大风事件标准下的海峡沿岸大风分布规律,并基于大风天气影响系统分析南北沿岸大风的差异。结果表明:琼州海峡南侧沿岸大风事件多于北侧沿岸,其中最大风标准下的大风事件南侧沿岸明显多于北侧沿岸,但极大风标准下的大风事件北侧沿岸则多于南侧沿岸,且极大风风速明显偏大;北侧沿岸两种大风事件及南侧沿岸最大风事件均主要出现在秋冬季节,其中,两侧沿岸最大风事件主要由冷空气影响造成,南侧沿岸极大风事件集中出现在秋季,由冷空气影响造成较少;两岸位于海峡东侧入口沿岸的自动站点出现大风频率最高,风速偏大,两侧入口沿岸站点次之,中间沿岸各站出现大风的频率相对较低;海峡南北沿岸出现的大风风向多为北到东风;东路冷空气比西路冷空气更易造成海峡南北沿岸同步大风,琼州海峡对冷空气湍流强度的消弱作用明显。  相似文献   

张振维  李东红 《气象科学》1991,11(2):205-213
辽东湾西部地区四奉均存在海陆风天气,且海陆风是这一地区一主要天气特征。在一定的条件下产生海陆风,不管是空中流场还是地面流场都有其规律性。本文列出我们在辽东湾研究海陆风的一些结论,这些结论反映了中纬度地区海陆风的基本特征。  相似文献   

本文着重介绍国外对冬季季风影响下海上风场的一些推算模式,由温压场转换为风场的一些实际作法以及亚洲冬季季风源区域的能量学特征和可能与局地哈得来环流的联系。一、由沿岸陆地站测风推算近海风的模式最近几年美国国家海洋大气局(NOAA)使用6个浮标站与由墨西哥湾到阿拉斯加沿岸并排的陆地站之间进行了同时观测对比。发现,海陆风之间最  相似文献   

一、前言海陆风环流是世界所有沿海区域最突出的中尺度特征之一。它可以在规模和强度上有不同,对一个特定的区域它很容易成为干扰风场和温度场的气象因子。海风的强度、持续时间和范围在很大程度上取决于地面对大气供给的热量,也取绝于当时盛行的大尺度天气条件。海陆风环流是由地球表面对大气的热能传输而来的,并且这种热能最后转变成为大气运动的动能。由于在早晨沿岸陆地的迅速受热,海面上的气  相似文献   

渤海湾西部沿岸地区气温特征的观测研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在渤海湾西岸沿着垂直于海岸的方向从海边向内陆设置了4个自动气象观测站,以10 min为时间间隔观测地面1.5 m处气温.结合邻近气象台站的温度观测,分析渤海湾沿岸气温的时空变化特征.结果表明:秋、冬季气温升降迅速,夏季气温升降缓慢;冬季和夏季气温日较差小,秋季气温日较差大;日平均气温与日最低气温从海边向内陆逐渐降低,日最高气温和气温日较差从海边向内陆逐渐升高;夏季海陆风日的气温时空变化显著,海边地区的气温日变幅小,内陆地区的气温日变幅大,海陆温差随着离岸距离的增加而加大;秋、冬季海陆风日的海边和内陆之间的气温日变幅小,海边和内陆之间的海陆温差变幅基本相当;海陆风环流影响海岸地区气温的时间范围主要是海陆风日,空间范围从海边伸向内陆10 km左右,最大范围从海边伸向内陆50~60 km左右.  相似文献   

华南沿海五月份海陆风温压场特征与降水   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文分析了华南沿海1978年5月份与海陆风相对应的温压场特征。结果发现,海陆风风向与温度距平和气压距平等值线近于垂直,由冷高指向暖低。在沿海地区,温压梯度最强,海陆风也最大。从海陆风温压场建立至海陆风形成时间短促。海陆风对温压梯度具有削弱作用,因而海陆风制约了海陆风本身的发展。此外,本文还发现,海陆风辐合场与华南沿海降水中心有密切的关系。  相似文献   

海州湾的海风锋对强对流天气作用的数值试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
多年的天气实践指出:苏北地区的冰雹等强对流天气,通常发生在海州湾沿岸温度梯度较大的暖陆一侧。本文应用一个二维动力学模式对海陆温差引起的环流进行了模拟,结果表明:强对流天气能够在海风锋环流的上升支气流中得到进一步发展。  相似文献   

From 1973–1976, research was performed around the Sea of Galilee, aimed at examining the wind regime in the area and whether the area develops a land-sea breeze despite its particular topographical location.
    The main conclusions were:
  1. During the summer mornings a lake breeze develops, blowing towards the shores of the lake. It ceases at the peak of its development when a westerly wind, originating in the development of a breeze along the Israeli Mediterranean coast, plunges towards the lake.
  2. Late at night, a wind flow develops from the land towards the lake, which combines with the katabatic winds that blow along the steep slopes surrounding the Kinneret.
  3. The stations at the upper level, at a height of 400–500 m above the Kinneret, are not affected by the lake breeze during the day or by the land breeze at night.
  4. In winter, the Kinneret lake breeze is almost as developed as in summer, because the westerly winds, originating in the Mediterranean sea breeze which hardly develops in this season, do not plunge into the Kinneret.

奥帆赛是奥运会唯一以自然风为动力的竞赛项目,而北京奥运会期间的8月,青岛的风速是一年中最小的,因风速过小致使帆船竞赛地法进行的情况时有发生。鉴于青岛的弱风与海陆风的发展状况关系密切,文中分析8、9月青岛奥帆赛和残奥帆赛期间竞赛海域海陆风的发展条件,并用高分辨率数值模式对相关个例进行了模拟试验研究。结果发现,地面背景气流、边界层中上部径向气流和周围地形、海陆分布等边界层特征,都对竞赛海域海陆风的发展产生影响。其中晴天时,地面西风、弱的北风和东风、均压场环境以及边界层中上部弱的北风条件等,都是竞赛海域海风发展的有利条件;而地面南风(无论大小)、强的北风以及边界层中上部较强的南风和很强的北风等,则是海风发展的不利条件。此外,当地面为东北风时,位于竞赛海域上游的崂山对地面风速有阻挡减弱的作用,从而有利于海风的发展;地面为南风时,崂山和浮山等地形强迫气流在竞赛海域附近向左右分为两支,胶州湾和崂山湾侧向海风(东南风)急流发展又加大了这种分流作用,导致竞赛海域常减小为弱风,使比赛无法进行。以上结论在2008年奥帆赛和残奥帆赛气象保障预报服务中得到运用。  相似文献   

陆海风是由于海陆表面之间的比热容不同而导致的昼夜热量分布差异,从而在海岸附近引发的大气中尺度循环系统.本文利用多普勒风激光雷达Windcube100s首次对黄海西海岸的海陆风的循环结构进行了观测研究.在2018年8月31日至9月28日观测期间发现,海陆风发展高度一般在700 m至1300 m.海陆风转化持续的时间为6小时至8小时.在425m高度,海风水平风速出现最大值,平均为5.6 m s-1.陆风最大水平风速出现在370m,约为4.5 m s-1.最大风切变指数在1300m处,为2.84;在陆风向海风转换过程中,最大风切变指数在700m处,为1.28.在同一高度上,风切变指数在海风盛行和陆风盛行时的差值范围为0.2-3.6,风切变能反映出海陆风的发展高度.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a statistical validation of the hindcasts of surface wind by a high-reso-ution-mesoscale atmospheric numerical model Advanced Research WRF (ARW3.3), which is set up to force the operational coastal ocean forecast system at Indian Na- tional Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS). Evaluation is carried out based on comparisons of day-3 forecasts of surface wind with in situ and remote-sensing data. The results show that the model predicts the surface wind fields fairly accurately over the west coast of India, with high skill in predicting the surface wind during the pre-monsoon season. The model predicts the diurnal variability of the surface wind with reasonable accuracy. The model simulates the land-sea breeze cycle in the coastal region realistically, which is very clearly observed during the northeast monsoon and pre-monsoon season and is less prominent during the southwest monsoon season.  相似文献   

殷达中  刘万军  李佣佐 《气象》1997,23(9):8-11
应用1993年在辽东半岛西岸进行的现场观测试验资料,对该地出现海陆风及热内边界层进行了分析研究,得到了该地海陆风在各个月份出现的频率、海风起止时间、海风伸向内陆的距离等,同时还得到了热内边界层的高度随离海岸距离改变的规律。  相似文献   

梅雨涡旋与环境场动能的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过渡湍流理论基础上建立二维非局地闭合模式,并用所建模式研究沿海地区中尺度海陆风环流和内国界层结构,得到了合理的平均场和湍流场。  相似文献   

A complete yearly record (1988) of surface measurements is used to examine the atmospheric diurnal secondary circulations over the entire area of Hong Kong in conjunction with spatial and temporal variations of surface temperature, wind speed and rainfall. Evidence of atmospheric diurnal secondary circulations is found at 10 sites. The occurrence of a summer morning rainfall maximum over the coast results from the interaction of the large-scale summer monsoon and local mesoscale secondary circulations. The afternoon onshore secondary circulation accelerates the advection of warm, humid unstable air and, coupled with the upward orographic lifting, produces enhanced rainfall along windward mountain ridges.Dynamical and scaling considerations suggest that the blocking effect is negligible and the primary forcing mechanism is land-sea temperature difference, but terrain effects are also important. Although the secondary circulation system's strength and timing vary, the circulation behaves like a classic sea-land breeze circulation, complicated by superimposed mountain-valley breezes.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional prognostic numerical model has been used to study a lake breeze event reported by Keen and Lyons (1978). Model predictions showed fair to good agreement with the observations. For the mature lake breeze, the model predicted inflow at the coast within about 1.5 m s–1 of the observed value, lake breeze depth within 50–90 m of the observed, and inland penetration within about 6 km of the observed. The top of the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) was associated with a minimum in the predicted turbulent kinetic energy profile. This may be of consequence for attempts to evaluate pollutant dispersion using numerical models.Predicted lake breeze characteristics showed little sensitivity to temperature of the water surface, except when the water surface temperature was increased to a value exceeding the inland maximum temperature. The most sensitive lake breeze characteristic was the TIBL, which grew more slowly with inland distance and persisted for a greater distance inland as the lake surface became colder.  相似文献   

Modern weather prediction models use relatively high grid resolutions as well as sophisticated parametrization schemes for microphysical and other subgrid-scale atmospheric processes. Nonetheless, with these models it remains a difficult task to perform successful numerical fog forecasts since many factors controlling a particular fog event are not yet sufficiently simulated. Here we describe our efforts to create a mechanism that produces successful predictions of fog in the territory located on the north coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Our approach consists in the coupling of the one-dimensional PAFOG fog model with the three-dimensional WRF 3.0 (Weather Research and Forecast) modelling system. The proposed method allows us to construct an efficient operative road traffic warning system for the occurrence of fog in the investigated region. In total 84 historical situations were studied during the period 2008?C2009. Moreover, results of operative day-by-day fog forecasting during January and February 2010 are presented. For the investigated arid and hot climate region the land-sea breeze circulation seems to be the major factor affecting the diurnal variations of the meteorological conditions, frequently resulting in the formation of fog.  相似文献   

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