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冬季环流特征对内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴的影响及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了1961—2004年冬季的气候条件和环流背景,分析了其对内蒙古中西部地区春季沙尘暴发生频数的影响,并对前期的气候因子和环流特征指数与春季沙尘暴发生频数作了相关分析。结果表明:北半球冬季的环流背景随着年代际发生着变化,这些环流特征指数和气候因子与内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴发生频数变化基本一致,存在着20年左右的振动,在上世纪80年代中期有一突变期,21世纪初也有一转变过程,只是没有前一突变期那么明显。所以,本世纪初发生的沙尘暴,没有上世纪70年代发生的次数多。冬季的气候因子和环流指数与春季沙尘暴发生频数关系密切,前者的变化能较好地反映未来春季沙尘暴发生频率的变化趋势。  相似文献   

中国北方沙尘暴频数演化及其气候成因分析   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
张莉  任国玉 《气象学报》2003,61(6):744-750
利用地面气象观测资料 ,分析了中国北方 195 4~ 2 0 0 1年年、季沙尘暴发生日数的演变规律及其与风速、相对湿度、降水、气温和干燥度的相关关系。结果表明 ,中国北方沙尘暴发生日数在 195 4~ 2 0 0 1年呈波动下降的趋势 ,春季下降趋势最明显。沙尘源区的气候要素对北方沙尘暴发生日数具有比较明显的影响 ,其中风是影响较大的因子。平均风速和大风频率增加 (减少 )均有 (不 )利于沙尘暴天气的形成。气温与沙尘暴日数呈显著的反相关关系 ,反映了北方温度升高可能通过大气环流间接地抑制了沙尘暴的发生。降水增加对沙尘暴发生也有一定抑制作用 ,尤其春季和前冬沙尘源区降水多寡对沙尘暴的发生有着重要的影响。北方沙尘暴频数与沙尘源区的相对湿度或干燥指数也存在较明显的相关关系。在过去的近 5 0a内 ,造成中国北方沙尘暴频率显著下降趋势的直接自然原因是 :沙尘源区和发生区平均风速和大风日数的减少、主要沙尘源区降水量特别是春季和前冬降水量的增加、以及由于源区降水增加引起的大气和土壤湿润程度的改善。  相似文献   

宁夏春季沙尘暴气候趋势及成因分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
对20世纪60年代以来宁夏春季沙尘暴变化趋势进行分析,结果表明:沙尘暴具有明显的年代际变化特征,80年代中期宁夏春季沙尘暴发生突变,在此之前为沙尘暴高发期,其后沙尘暴日数明显减少。为探究形成这一变化趋势原因,从形成沙尘暴的动力因子入手,对大气环流、海温、大风日数、平均气温等的长期变化趋势进行分析,发现北半球极涡强度指数、极涡面积指数、亚洲西风环流指数、Nino3区海温及宁夏春季大风日数、冬季平均气温、冬春季平均气温温差与沙尘暴存在较为一致的年代际变化特征,即决定冷空气活动频次的诸因子在80年代中期也发生了突变。由此可见,在同一生态背景下,冷空气活动次数对形成春季沙尘暴的变化趋势起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

宁夏春季沙尘暴与北极海冰之间的遥相关关系   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
根据宁夏沙尘暴发生次数资料、北极海冰密集度资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析500hPa、850hPa高度场、风场资料,得出了宁夏春季沙尘暴发生次数的变化规律及其与北极海冰面积之间的年代际和年际相关关系,发现宁夏春季沙尘暴发生次数与欧亚大陆北部的喀拉海、巴伦支海和格陵兰海冰面积之间存在较显著的年代际、年际相关关系。通过合成和相关分析知,宁夏春季沙尘暴偏多、偏少状况有明显不同的环流背景场,秋季格陵兰海冰异常变化通过影响其后一段时间的大气环流背景场,从而对宁夏沙尘暴产生影响。初步得出当格陵兰海秋季海冰面积增大(减小),次年春季蒙古至西伯利亚一带500hPa、850hPa高压场降低(升高),风场有明显的气旋性(反气旋性)特点,在宁夏至新疆一带西风明显偏强(偏弱),说明冷空气活动次数偏多(少),对应宁夏春季沙尘暴发生次数偏多(少)。通过海冰将全球气候变暖和宁夏(我国北方)沙尘暴总减少趋势联系起来,初次提出在环境总体恶化情况下,我国沙尘暴发生次数总体趋于减少,很可能是全球气候变暖所致。  相似文献   

毛睿  龚道溢 《高原气象》2007,26(5):1023-1030
分析了近40年来华北春季沙尘暴频次与前秋、前冬和当年春季大尺度大气环流因子的关系,重点是检查年际尺度上的相关。结果表明,年际尺度上与沙尘暴频次有密切关系的环流因子包括:春季太平洋/北美遥相关型(PNA)、春季北太平洋指数(NP)、冬季亚洲区极涡面积。前者为正相关,后二者为负相关。这与用包含低频变率的原始序列进行分析的结果有很大的不同。原始序列分析的结果表明,与华北沙尘暴频次有关的环流因子主要是春季太平洋准10年振荡(PDO,为负相关),春季北半球极涡面积和亚洲区极涡面积(正相关)、前冬西大西洋型(WA,为正相关),以及前秋亚洲区极涡面积(正相关)。说明在不同时间尺度上,大气环流因子有不同的作用。此外,除了PNA、NP和亚洲区极涡面积外,年际尺度上ENSO及WA也可能对沙尘暴频次存在适度的影响。年际尺度上春季12个环流因子对春季沙尘暴频次的方差贡献率为65.3%。  相似文献   

宁夏多、少沙尘暴年4月平均环流特征的对比分析   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:14  
彭维耿  陈楠 《高原气象》2002,21(6):599-603
对宁夏春季多、少沙尘暴年4月平均大气环流特征进行了对比分析。结果表明,宁夏春季多沙尘暴年,500hPa东半球极涡偏强,大气环流的经向度加大,我国北方高空纬向西风偏强;少沙尘暴年,则极涡弱,大气环流经向度减小,我国北方高空纬向西风偏弱。不仅如此,西太平洋副高北侧的位势高度距平在偏多年和偏少年也发生了截然相反的分布,说明宁夏乃至我国北方的沙尘暴天气的发生可能还与低纬大气环流有一定的联系。  相似文献   

以呼和浩特地区35年(1971—2005年)气象资料为基础,运用数理统计理论,分析呼市地区沙尘天气变化特点,以及与降水量、气温、大风日数等因素的相关关系。结果表明:沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘,在年际、月变化上具有一致性。沙尘天气的发生与降水量呈反位相,春季扬沙与同期降水量呈明显负相关。沙尘天气总体上与前冬平均气温和同年2月气温呈负相关;土默川平原全年沙尘暴日数与3、2月温度差呈正相关。春季沙尘天气与同期大风日数呈正相关。  相似文献   

内蒙古中西部春季沙尘暴预测初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李海英  高涛  薄玉华 《气象》2003,29(10):22-25
利用1960~2000年气象资料,对内蒙古中西部地区春季(3~5月)较大范围的沙尘暴发生频率作了统计,并根据该地区40年春季降水的气候特点划分降水气候区。着眼于沙尘暴预测,分析前期或同期的天气和气候因素。结果表明:春季降水偏少,冷空气活动频繁,沙尘暴发生频率偏高;前期西太平洋副热带高压面积的大小和强弱、青藏高原位势高度的高低、亚洲纬向环流的强弱、大西洋—欧洲环流型日数和南方涛动的位相等气候因子,均对沙尘暴的发生有不同程度的影响,他们对春季谈地、区沙尘暴发生频率的预测均有参考意义。  相似文献   

中国北方沙尘暴与气象要素关系的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
陆政  刘凑华 《气象》2006,32(9):35-41
为研究沙尘暴形成机理以及各气象要素对沙尘暴的作用,利用1954~2000年我国北方地区7个台站的月降水量、大风日数、月平均气温和沙尘暴日数资料,以相关性分析为基础,采用了建立大风修正指数,线性拟合,滑动相关的方法,深入探讨其相关关系。结果表明沙尘暴与同期降水呈负相关,而与前一年降水的相关不明显,但有极值对应;与大风和大风修正指数呈明显正相关,并从结果比较可知大风修正指数可以很好地反映沙尘暴的发生规律;沙尘暴日数与前冬气温呈负相关,但是减去趋势后负相关消失,这反映了两者的相关关系主要是趋势相关;计算20年滑动相关,由6个台站一致的变化趋势得出结论:相关值的大小与下垫面的荒漠化程度有很大关系。  相似文献   

通过聚类分析,将我国355个气象站1954~1998年春季沙尘暴发生频率的变化进行分类,在此基础上得到两个沙尘暴指数,利用其探讨了我国西北地区沙尘暴的发生与北太平洋海温的关系.结果发现,当加利福尼亚海温偏低,黑潮及北温带区域海温偏高时,我国黄河以北的内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏等地区,春季气温偏低,沙尘暴活动频繁.作者同时探讨了海温变化影响沙尘暴发生的可能原因.  相似文献   

2003年春季中国沙尘天气异常的气候及环境背景   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
概述了2003年春季我国北方地区沙尘天气异常偏少的观测事实及其本特征.利用NCEP再分析资料以及台站观测资料,对可能影响2003年春季我国北方地区沙尘天气异常的气候与环境背景进行了分析.初步研究结果表明:2002/2003年冬季东亚大槽偏浅、东亚冬季风偏弱,从而导致春季冷空气活动偏少,这是造成2003年春季沙尘天气异常偏少的动力成因.此外,2003春季中国北方大部地区降水量偏多,沙尘源区内蒙古等地地表积雪覆盖面积大,从而造成积雪融化较晚,地表冻土层解冻推迟,土壤湿度增加,这也在一定程度上抑制了沙尘天气的形成.对卫星遥感反演的叶面积指数的分析表明,2003春季我国北方地区沙尘天气异常偏少与下垫面植被覆盖异常的关系不大.  相似文献   

Summary By using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the Northern Hemisphere annular mode index (NAMI), China dust storm frequency data and China’s 160-station monthly precipitation data, the relationship between the previous winter (December–February) Northern Hemisphere annular mode (NAM) and the following spring (March–May) Asian atmospheric circulation is examined statistically in this study. Results demonstrate that the relationship between the spring Asian atmospheric circulation and the previous winter NAM is more significant on decadal time scales than on interannual time scales. There are significant negative correlations between the previous winter NAM and the spring temperature in what is almost a troposphere over Northwest China. There is a significant positive correlation between the winter NAMI and following spring geopotential height field over the Mongolian Plateau and Middle Siberia (MPMS) at the upper level. The positive correlation coefficients center moves to the south with the level from high to low. At lower level the high correlation coefficients center is located over the North China. There is a significant negative correlation between the winter NAMI and the surface horizontal wind intensity in the following spring for Northwest China on decadal timescales. The results suggest that a strong NAM in winter is followed by a negative temperature anomaly and a positive anomaly of the spring 500 hPa geopotential height over the MPMS, while at the same time the spring anomaly of the southeast wind is experienced in the surface layer in Northwest China, implying that the intensity of the northwest wind tends to weaken, and vice versa. This circulation pattern can affect the change of the spring dust storm frequency in Northwest China on decadal time scales.  相似文献   

北极涛动与我国北方强沙尘暴的关系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
使用1954—2003年北极涛动指数、500hPa纬向环流指数和沙尘暴等气候观测资料,针对我国北方春季沙尘暴年际和年代际变化趋势,分析了以北极涛动为代表的大气环流异常变化的气候特征,揭示了其与我国春季沙尘暴相关的事实。结果表明:近50年北极涛动指数表现出由负位相向正位相转变的趋势,当冬季(12月~2月)北极涛动为负位相时,相应的纬向环流指数为负距平,中高纬度西风气流偏弱,有利于极地冷空气向南输送,西伯利亚高压偏强,我国北方春季易多发区域性沙尘暴;反之则不易发生区域性沙尘暴。  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘暴发生条件分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用塔中气象站1997—2002年的气象资料, 从沙尘源丰富程度、风动力条件和空气稳定度等方面分析了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘暴的成因。结果表明:在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地, 沙尘源极为丰富, 为沙尘暴发生提供了必要条件, 降水基本不能改变沙面的湿润状况, 沙尘源丰富度不是沙尘暴发生的限制因子; 风动力是沙尘暴发生的重要条件, 而月平均风速和大风日数是风动力的重要定量表征指标; 空气稳定性也是沙尘暴发生的重要条件, 温度和天气过程是其重要标志, 沙尘暴发生与温度呈正相关, 沙尘暴多发生在夏季和午后; 降水是沙漠腹地天气过程的重要指标, 月降水日数和降水总量与沙尘暴日数呈正相关; 20世纪90年代以来沙尘暴逐年减少, 这种变化趋势可能与全球气候变化有关。  相似文献   

The contribution of Cut-off Lows (CoLs) to precipitation and extreme rainfall frequency in South Africa has been quantified from 402 station records over the period 1979–2006. Firstly, 500 hPa CoL trajectories over Southern Africa and surrounding oceans were determined and their features thoroughly analyzed. In a second step, using daily precipitable water, outgoing long wave radiation data and station rainfall records, an area was defined where the occurrence of CoLs is associated with rainfall over South Africa. CoLs transiting in the 2.5°E–32.5°E/20°S–45°S are more likely to produce precipitation over the country. When 500 hPa CoLs are centered just off the west coast of the country (around 15°E/32.5°S) their impact is substantial in term of daily rainfall intensity and spatial coverage. CoL rainy days have been studied and it is shown that they significantly contribute to precipitation in South Africa, more strongly along the south and east coasts as well as inland, over the transition zone between the summer and winter rainfall domains where they contribute between 25 to more than 35 % of annual accumulation. At the country scale, CoL rainfall is more intense and widespread in spring than during other seasons. Over the analyzed period, a significant trend in annual CoLs’ frequency shows an increase of about 25 %. This increase is mainly realized in spring and in a lesser extent in summer. This trend is accompanied by a significant increase in the frequency of CoL rainy days specifically along the south coast and over the East of the country during the spring–summer period. In parallel, it is shown that from late spring until summer CoLs’ frequency varies significantly accordingly with large scale circulation modes of the Southern Hemisphere such as the Pacific South American pattern (PSA). This positive trend in CoLs’ frequency may be related with the positive trend in the PSA during the spring–summer period over the three last decades.  相似文献   

Summary Trends in the time series of air temperature, precipitation, snow cover duration and onset of climatic seasons at ten stations in Estonia during 1951–2000 are analysed. Using the conditional Mann-Kendall test, these trends are compared with trends in the characteristics of large-scale atmospheric circulation: the NAO and AO indices, frequency of circulation forms according to the Vangengeim-Girs’ classification, and the northern hemisphere teleconnection indices. The objective of the study is to estimate the influence of trends in circulation on climate changes in Estonia. Statistically significant increasing trends in air temperature are detected in January, February, March, April and May, in winter (DJF), spring (MAM) and in the cold period (NDJFM). The trends in precipitation, as a rule, differ from station to station. Increasing trends are present during the cold half-year – from October until March – and also in June. Snow cover duration has decreased in Estonia by 17–20 days inland and by 21–36 days on the coast. The onsets of early spring and spring have shifted to an earlier date. Some important changes have occurred in the parameters of atmospheric circulation during 1951–2000. Intensity of zonal circulation, i.e. westerlies, has increased during the cold period, especially in February and March. Results of the conditional Mann-Kendall test indicate that the intensification of westerlies in winter is significantly related to climate changes in winter and also in spring. A negative trend in the East Atlantic Jet (EJ) index, i.e. the weakening of the westerlies in May has caused warming during that month. Decrease in northerly circulation, i.e. in frequency of circulation form C and in East Atlantic/West Russia teleconnection index (EW) is related to an increase in precipitation in October.  相似文献   

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