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研究了前期热带海温分布型对6月西北太平洋异常环流的影响。结果表明,奇异值分解(SVD)的前期夏季、秋季至冬季热带海洋第一模态呈现出印度洋全海盆一致型海温异常和东太平洋西伸显著的ENSO事件,该模态与6月西北太平洋反气旋(气旋)环流场没有明显的关联。在第二模态中,前期热带太平洋海表温度呈现为ENSO正位相向负位相转换特征,印度洋海表温度变化呈现出赤道东南印度洋(90~110 °E,10 °S~0 °)显著的准IOD事件的变化特征。而这一联合模态与6月西北太平洋异常反气旋(气旋)环流场有显著关联。关联的可能原因是前期海温为El Ni?o和正IOD时,横跨热带印度洋-太平洋的沃克环流的减弱导致在西太平洋-海洋大陆的负降水异常,在Matsuno-Gill效应下西北太平洋形成反气旋异常环流。同时由于两大洋的共同作用和局地海气相互作用使得该环流加强并维持到6月。  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG)新一代耦合气候模式(FGOALS)进行了气候异常季节后报试验,通过对1982—2005年7个个例的分析,探讨了厄尔尼诺衰减年夏季东亚大气环流和降水异常发生的物理机制。分析结果表明:FGOALS可以模拟出厄尔尼诺衰减年夏季相关气候场的异常态特征,表现为在西北太平洋为负海温异常,在热带印度洋为正海温异常,从而导致西北太平洋地区大气中低层异常反气旋环流的维持,其反气旋的西南部及西部的偏南及西南气流造成中国长江中下游地区降水的异常增多。在提前3—9个月的预测模拟中,模式可以模拟出气候场的异常演变,随着预测时间的延长,产生局地耦合的西北太平洋海表温度异常信号变弱,使得模拟出的西北太平洋反气旋异常偏弱、中心东移,从而导致影响东亚降水的气候场的异常变弱,降水异常区偏东。模拟结果也揭示出,西北太平洋海表温度负异常是厄尔尼诺异常信号的转换模态,并且,由于局地海-气相互作用,热带海温异常信号可以持续到第2年夏季,从而引起东亚大气环流和降水异常。对于东亚降水的季节预测出现误差可能是模式对ENSO的模拟偏差造成的,随着预测时间延长,模式模拟的厄尔尼诺信号偏弱,这将使得海表温度异常偏弱,同时相关物理场的异常响应也减弱。  相似文献   

江洁  周天军  吴波  邹立维 《大气科学》2019,43(3):467-482
观测发现,西北太平洋区域夏季降水—SST存在显著的负相关,主要是由于El Ni?o衰减年西北太平洋异常反气旋持续至夏季,该过程是检验耦合模式性能的重要参照标准。本文利用中国科学院大气物理研究所近期气候预测系统IAP-DecPreS,通过海洋同化试验、大气模式AMIP试验与观测结果的比较,评估海洋同化试验对西北太平洋夏季局地海气相互作用特征的模拟影响。结果表明,海洋同化试验能够模拟出西北太平洋区域夏季降水—SST负相关,但负相关区域范围偏小。其与观测之间的最大差异出现在8月,西北太平洋负降水异常及异常反气旋位置偏东,强度偏弱。这是由于其模拟的El Ni?o衰减年夏季赤道东印度洋正降水异常偏弱且移动至赤道南侧,对流层增温偏弱,对西太平洋的遥相关作用偏弱。AMIP试验未考虑大气对海洋的反馈作用,不能再现西北太平洋降水—SST负相关,无法模拟出El Ni?o衰减年夏季西北太平洋异常反气旋。研究表明,海洋同化试验对西北太平洋区域局地海气相互作用特征的模拟能力较AMIP试验有所提升,其对8月西北太平洋降水与环流场的模拟偏差与东赤道印度洋降水模拟偏差有关。  相似文献   

气候系统模式FGOALS-s1.1对热带降水年循环模态的模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张丽霞  周天军  吴波  包庆 《气象学报》2008,66(6):968-981
文中评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)新一代耦合气候模式Fgoals_s1.1对热带降水年循环模态的模拟能力。通过与观测表层海温(SST)强迫的大气模式SAMIL试验结果比较,分析了海气耦合过程对年循环模态模拟效果的影响。结果表明Fgoals_s1.1能合理再现热带地区降水年循环模态的基本特征。Fgoals_s1.1模拟出了年平均降水场中的主要降水中心,但模拟的赤道和南太平洋降水偏多,而北太平洋降水则偏少。Fgoals_s1.1的季风模态降水呈现与观测一致的关于赤道反对称的特征,其模拟偏差大部分来自大气分量,尤其是在赤道外。Fgoals_s1.1的主要缺陷在于它对春秋非对称模态模拟能力低于单独大气模式,这主要是由于耦合模式模拟的SST距平的年循环位相与观测相反。SST纬向梯度的位相偏差使得太平洋沃克环流和印度洋的反沃克环流在春季强于秋季,最终导致模拟的春秋非对称模态的偏差。Fgoals_s1.1模拟的季风区范围接近观测,存在的问题在于模拟的西北太平洋季风区、东亚季风区都偏小。本文结果表明,大气模式偏差仅是Fgoals_s1.1在降水年循环模态模拟上的偏差的部分来源,改进模式模拟的SST,特别是赤道地区SST季节循环,是今后Fgoals_s1.1发展过程中急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

郝立生  丁一汇  闵锦忠 《高原气象》2012,31(4):1007-1018
利用美国国家环境预报中心和国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析环流资料、美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)重构的海温资料和中国国家气象信息中心(NMIC)整理的752个测站降水资料,对东亚地区季风环流季节演变主要模态及其与中国东部降水异常的关系进行了分析。结果表明,东亚地区850hPa季风环流季节演变存在两个主要模态,第一模态主要受热带印度洋海温和赤道东太平洋海温偏低背景下印度洋偶极(IOD)演变过程控制;第二模态主要受赤道东太平洋ENSO循环和IOD演变控制。对应第一模态,夏季华北多雨,长江流域少雨;对应第二模态,夏季华北、长江流域多雨,淮河、华南少雨。近50年两模态发生了明显改变,与降水变化有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

耦合模式FGOALS_s 模拟的亚澳季风年际变率及ENSO   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
吴波  周天军  Tim Li  et al 《大气科学》2009,33(2):285-299
本文评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室 (LASG/IAP) 新一代耦合气候模式FGOALS_s对亚澳季风和ENSO的模拟。结果表明, FGOALS_s可以模拟出亚澳季风的主要气候态特征。FGOALS_s模拟的ENSO事件振幅为观测值的70%, 同时它合理再现了ENSO周期的非规则性。FGOALS_s可以定性模拟出ENSO的主要空间特征。当赤道东太平洋SST升高时, 印度洋和西太平洋海表面气压升高, 而东太平洋海表面气压降低。FGOALS_s的主要缺陷在于模拟的ENSO峰值多出现在春季和夏季。与ENSO振幅偏小相反, FGOALS_s模拟的亚澳季风年际变率振幅大于观测。但是观测中亚澳季风年际变率与ENSO暖位相的显著负相关关系, 在模式中没有得到合理再现, 原因部分可归之于耦合模式在ENSO锁相模拟上的缺陷。由于模式模拟的ENSO峰值出现在北半球春季和夏季, Walker环流异常下沉支移动到西北太平洋, 其激发出的异常反气旋位置较之观测要偏东, 导致印度季风降水和El Niño的负相关关系不显著; 在北半球冬季, 由于模式中的赤道东太平洋SST暖异常较弱, 亚澳季风响应也偏弱。此外, 由于赤道东太平洋SST异常向西伸展, 观测中位于澳洲季风区的辐散中心向西偏移, 最终导致模式中澳洲季风降水与ENSO的负相关同样不显著。  相似文献   

利用1958—2001年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,探讨了热带太平洋(100°E~60°W,10°S~10°N)10 m风场的时空变化特征及其与东亚大气环流的可能联系。结果表明:1)热带太平洋风场异常存在两种主模态,第一模态对应中西太平洋一致的西(东)风异常,关于赤道呈准对称分布,与ENSO(El Nio-Southern Oscillation)暖(冷)位相时风场的分布对应;第二模态则关于赤道呈反对称分布,西北太平洋存在显著的反气旋(气旋)式环流,中太平洋异常西风不再位于赤道上,而是南移到了10°S左右,对应ENSO暖(冷)位相向相反位相转换时的风场分布特征。2)两模态时间系数的主振荡周期不同,与ENSO循环的位相关系也不同。研究发现,当两模态呈正(负)位相分布时,贝加尔湖南侧(South to Lake Baikal,SLB)容易发生持续的高压(低压)异常环流。3)两模态与SLB异常环流的联系途径不同。第一模态正位相对应热带中东太平洋大范围暖海温引起的二极型Walker环流异常,SLB异常高压不仅能通过东亚沿岸北风和南海低槽的作用促进第一模态的前期发展,还对其后期维持起重要作用。负位相时,情况相反。该环流系统既与热带中东太平洋大范围垂直运动有关,还与邻近的中国东南沿海低层异常辐合有关;第二模态则对应热带西太平洋及东印度洋为主、大西洋为辅的暖海温引起的热带四极型Walker环流异常。此时热带西太平洋到东印度洋局地偏强的经圈Hadley环流可能是SLB异常环流维持的主要原因。  相似文献   

MJO研究新进展   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
李崇银  潘静  宋洁 《大气科学》2013,37(2):229-252
MJO与ENSO的关系、MJO的数值模拟(预报)以及MJO对天气气候的影响是近些年来国内外大气科学研究的重要前沿问题.本文将综合介绍国内有关MJO对天气气候的影响以及MJO的数值模拟(预报)方面的近期研究进展,因为过去已介绍过MJO与ENSO相互作用的研究结果.利用澳大利亚气象局的RMM-MJO指数研究MJO与西北太平洋台风活动的关系,结果表明大气MJO对西北太平洋台风的生成有比较明显的调制作用,在MJO的活跃期与非活跃期西北太平洋生成台风数的比例为2∶1;而在MJO活跃期,对流中心位于赤道东印度洋(即MJO第2、3位相)与对流中心在西太平洋地区(即MJO第5、6位相)时的比例也为2∶1.对大气环流的合成分析显示,在MJO的不同位相西太平洋地区的动力因子和热源分布形势有极其明显不同.在第2、3位相,各种因子均呈现出抑制西太平洋地区对流及台风发展的态势;而在第5、6位相则明显有促进对流发生发展,并为台风生成和发展创造了有利的大尺度环流动力场.对多台风年与少台风年850 hPa的30~60 d低频动能距平的合成分析表明,在多台风年最显著的是低频动能正异常位于菲律宾以东15°N以南的西北太平洋地区,表明那里有强MJO的活动;而少台风年的情况与多台风年相反,菲律宾以东的西北太平洋上与季风槽位置对应区域是低频动能的负距平区,那里MJO偏弱.即赤道西北太平洋上MJO活动的强(弱)年对应西北太平洋的台风偏多(偏少).对应MJO的不同活动位相,无论冬季、春季或夏季,中国东部的降水都将出现特殊的异常形势.在春季,MJO的第2、3位相有利我国东部长江中下游地区多雨、华南地区少雨;MJO的第4、5位相有利我国华南地区多雨而长江中下游地区少雨;在MJO的其它位相,我国东部地区都为降水负异常.在冬季,对应MJO的第1~3位相(特别是第2、3位相)中国华南降水偏多;而对应MJO的第6~8位相(特别是第6、7位相)中国华南降水偏少.在夏季,MJO位于印度洋时,MJO可以通过低层西风急流的波导效应影响到中国东南部地区,造成该地区降水偏多;当MJO位于西太平洋地区时,可以造成经向环流的上升支向北偏移,导致西北太平洋副高的东撤、以及中国东南部地区水汽输送减弱,降水减少.资料分析还表明,在年际变化尺度上,热带中、东印度洋MJO指数的持续异常对云南夏季降水有明显的影响.大气环流和数值模拟都表明,MJO活动不同位相的强对流会在东亚/西北太平洋地区激发产生不同形势的遥响应(Rossby波列),导致在中国不同地区出现有利(或不利)降水的环流形势和条件,是MJO活动影响中国降水的主要机制.用数值模式对MJO进行数值模拟(预报)是尚未很好解决的困难问题,原因也没有完全搞清楚.我们的一系列数值模拟清楚表明,MJO的模拟(预报)效果对模式所用对流参数化方案有很强的依赖关系;模式能否很好描写(再现)热带大气非绝热加热廓线,是极其关键的问题,只有当加热廓线在对流层中低层有最大加热时,模式才能得到同实际观测大体一致的MJO及其活动特征.这些数值模拟结果与我们过去从理论研究得到的结论相吻合,彼此得到应证.  相似文献   

气候系统模式FGOALS_gl模拟的赤道太平洋年际变率   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
满文敏  周天军  张丽霞 《大气科学》2010,34(6):1141-1154
本文分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室 (LASG/IAP) 发展的气候系统模式FGOALS_gl对赤道太平洋年际变率的模拟能力。结果表明, FGOALS_gl可以较好地模拟出赤道太平洋SST异常年际变率的主要特征, 但模拟的ENSO事件振幅偏大, 且变率周期过于规则。耦合模式模拟的气候平均风应力在热带地区比ERA40再分析资料的风应力强度偏弱30%左右, 由此引起的海洋平均态的变化, 是造成模拟的ENSO振幅偏强的主要原因。FGOALS_gl模拟的ENSO峰值多出现在春季或夏季, 原因可归之于模式模拟的SST季节循环偏差。耦合模式可以合理再现ENSO演变过程, 但观测中SST异常的东传特征在模式中没有得到再现, 这与模拟的ENSO发展模态表现为单一的 “SST模态” 有关。模拟的ENSO位相转换机制与 “充电—放电” 概念模型相符合, 赤道太平洋热含量的变化是维持ENSO振荡的机制。在ENSO暖位相时期, 赤道中东太平洋与印度洋—西太平洋暖池区的海平面气压距平型表现为南方涛动型 (SO型), 200 hPa位势高度分布表现为太平洋—北美遥相关型 (PNA型)。  相似文献   

东亚-太平洋遥相关型形成过程与ENSO盛期   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用1961~2000年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、扩展重建的海表温度资料 (ERSST) 和中国730个站旬降水资料, 采用SVD和扩展SVD (ESVD) 分析、合成分析、相关分析等方法, 在分析中国梅雨期降水与同期大气环流和前期冬季海温之间关系的基础上, 研究了ENSO盛期海温异常导致与长江流域梅雨期降水密切相关的东亚/太平洋 (EAP) 遥相关型形成的过程, 及与ENSO相关的海温和大气环流异常的持续性问题.结果表明, 梅雨期EAP遥相关型的出现与ENSO遥强迫作用有密切关系.联系冬季ENSO和梅雨期EAP遥相关型的关键过程主要有三个: (1) 西北太平洋低纬地区异常反气旋环流的形成和维持, 它在冬季形成后一直可维持到夏季, 使得夏季西北太平洋副热带高压偏南偏强; (2) 东亚大槽持续偏弱, 冷空气活动路径偏北偏东, 使西北太平洋海温呈亲潮区偏冷、黑潮区偏暖的海温分布; (3) PNA遥相关型的持续发展, 使北冰洋地区高度增高.后二者通过局地海气相互作用和大气内部调整过程对初夏鄂霍次克海阻塞形势的形成起重要作用.另外, 持续性分析表明, ENSO年大气环流和海温距平型的持续性要比非ENSO年大得多.在ENSO年大气环流和海温之间存在很强的相互作用耦合关系, ENSO引起的大气环流异常可导致太平洋海温异常, 而海温异常一旦形成反过来又可导致大气环流异常的稳定和维持, 对后期初夏东亚季风和我国天气气候产生明显滞后效应.  相似文献   

海温异常对东亚夏季风影响机理的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
从短期气候预测关注的外强迫信号角度出发,回顾了国内外在海温异常对东亚夏季风和我国汛期降水影响机理方面的主要研究进展,重点评述了热带太平洋ENSO循环、热带印度洋全区一致型海温模态、热带印度洋海温异常偶极子、南印度洋偶极子和北大西洋海温三极子模态的年际变化及其对东亚夏季风年际变率的影响。从研究成果在短期气候预测业务中应用的角度,重点关注海温异常和东亚夏季风年际变率以及我国汛期降水多雨带位置的关系,总结了海温异常作为外强迫信号对我国汛期降水预测的指示意义以及汛期降水预测的难度。最后指出气候预测业务对东亚夏季风影响的机理研究和动力气候模式发展方面的需求。  相似文献   

应用1979—2010年MRI-CGCM模式回报、NCEP/NCAR再分析数据和中国东部降水观测资料检验了模式对东亚夏季风的模拟能力,并利用模式500 hPa高度场回报资料建立了中国东部夏季降水的奇异值分解(SVD)降尺度模型。模式较好地模拟了亚洲季风区夏季降水的气候态,但模拟的季风环流偏弱、偏南,导致降水偏弱。模拟降水的方差明显偏小,且模拟降水的外部、内部方差比值低,模拟降水受模式初值影响较大。模式对长江雨型的模拟能力最高,华南雨型次之,华北雨型最低。模式对东亚夏季风第1模态的模拟能力明显高于第2模态。对于东亚夏季风第1模态,模式模拟出了西太平洋异常反气旋,但强度偏弱,且未模拟出中高纬度的日本海气旋、鄂霍次克海反气旋,导致长江中下游至日本南部降水偏弱。各时次模拟环流均能反映但低估了ENSO衰减、印度洋偏暖对西太平洋反气旋的增强作用。对于东亚夏季风第2模态,模式对西太平洋的“气旋-反气旋”结构有一定的模拟能力,但未模拟出贝加尔湖异常反气旋和东亚沿海异常气旋,导致中国东部“北少南多”雨型在模拟中完全遗漏。仅超前时间小于4个月的模拟降水能够反映ENSO发展对降水分布的作用。通过交叉检验选取左场时间系数可以提高降尺度模型的预测技巧,SVD降尺度模型在华南、江南、淮河、华北4个区域平均距平相关系数分别为0.20、0.23、0.18、0.02,明显高于模式直接输出。   相似文献   

The focus of this study is to document the possible role of the southern subtropical Indian Ocean in the transitions of the monsoon-ENSO system during recent decades. Composite analyses of sea surface temperature (SST) fields prior to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indian summer monsoon (ISM), Australian summer monsoon (AUSM), tropical Indian Ocean dipole (TIOD) and Maritime Continent rainfall (MCR) indices reveal the southeast Indian Ocean (SEIO) SSTs during late boreal winter as the unique common SST precursor of these various phenomena after the 1976–1977 regime shift. Weak (strong) ISMs and AUSMs, El Niños (La Niñas) and positive (negative) TIOD events are preceded by significant negative (positive) SST anomalies in the SEIO, off Australia during boreal winter. These SST anomalies are mainly linked to subtropical Indian Ocean dipole events, recently studied by Behera and Yamagata (Geophys Res Lett 28:327–330, 2001). A wavelet analysis of a February–March SEIO SST time series shows significant spectral peaks at 2 and 4–8 years time scales as for ENSO, ISM or AUSM indices. A composite analysis with respect to February–March SEIO SSTs shows that cold (warm) SEIO SST anomalies are highly persistent and affect the westward translation of the Mascarene high from austral to boreal summer, inducing a weakening (strengthening) of the whole ISM circulation through a modulation of the local Hadley cell during late boreal summer. At the same time, these subtropical SST anomalies and the associated SEIO anomalous anticyclone may be a trigger for both the wind-evaporation-SST and wind-thermocline-SST positive feedbacks between Australia and Sumatra during boreal spring and early summer. These positive feedbacks explain the extraordinary persistence of the SEIO anomalous anticyclone from boreal spring to fall. Meanwhile, the SEIO anomalous anticyclone favors persistent southeasterly wind anomalies along the west coast of Sumatra and westerly wind anomalies over the western Pacific, which are well-known key factors for the evolution of positive TIOD and El Niño events, respectively. A correlation analysis supports these results and shows that SEIO SSTs in February–March has higher predictive skill than other well-established ENSO predictors for forecasting Niño3.4 SST at the end of the year. This suggests again that SEIO SST anomalies exert a fundamental influence on the transitions of the whole monsoon-ENSO system during recent decades.  相似文献   

The two leading modes of the interannual variability of the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly are the Indian Ocean basin mode (IOBM) and the Indian Ocean dipole mode (IODM) from March to August. In this paper, the relationship between the TIO SST anomaly and the sub-seasonal evolution of the circulation and rainfall over East Asia during boreal spring and summer is investigated by using correlation analysis and composite analysis based on multi-source observation data from 1979 to 2013, together with numerical simulations from an atmospheric general circulation model. The results indicate that the impacts of the IOBM on the circulation and rainfall over East Asia vary remarkably from spring to summer. The anomalous anticyclone over the tropical Northwest Pacific induced by the warm IOBM is closely linked with the Pacific–Japan or East Asia–Pacific teleconnection pattern, which persists from March to August. In the upper troposphere over East Asia, the warm phase of the IOBM generates a significant anticyclonic response from March to May. In June and July, however, the circulation response is characterized by enhanced subtropical westerly flow. A distinct anomalous cyclone is found in August. Overall, the IOBM can exert significant influence on the western North Pacific subtropical high, the South Asian high, and the East Asian jet, which collectively modulate the precipitation anomaly over East Asia. In contrast, the effects of the IODM on the climate anomaly over East Asia are relatively weak in boreal spring and summer. Therefore, studying the impacts of the TIO SST anomaly on the climate anomaly in East Asia should take full account of the different sub-seasonal response during boreal spring and summer.  相似文献   

ENSO induces coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific, but these anomalies outlast SST anomalies of the equatorial Pacific by a season, with major effects on the Asian summer monsoon. This review provides historical accounts of major milestones and synthesizes recent advances in the endeavor to understand summer variability over the Indo-Northwest Pacific region. Specifically, a large-scale anomalous anticyclone(AAC) is a recurrent pattern in post-El Ni ?no summers, spanning the tropical Northwest Pacific and North Indian oceans. Regarding the ocean memory that anchors the summer AAC, competing hypotheses emphasize either SST cooling in the easterly trade wind regime of the Northwest Pacific or SST warming in the westerly monsoon regime of the North Indian Ocean. Our synthesis reveals a coupled ocean–atmosphere mode that builds on both mechanisms in a two-stage evolution. In spring, when the northeast trades prevail, the AAC and Northwest Pacific cooling are coupled via wind–evaporation–SST feedback. The Northwest Pacific cooling persists to trigger a summer feedback that arises from the interaction of the AAC and North Indian Ocean warming, enabled by the westerly monsoon wind regime. This Indo-western Pacific ocean capacitor(IPOC) effect explains why El Ni ?no stages its last act over the monsoonal Indo-Northwest Pacific and casts the Indian Ocean warming and AAC in leading roles. The IPOC displays interdecadal modulations by the ENSO variance cycle, significantly correlated with ENSO at the turn of the 20 th century and after the 1970 s, but not in between. Outstanding issues, including future climate projections, are also discussed.  相似文献   

BCC S2S模式对亚洲夏季风准双周振荡预报评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用1994-2013年ERA-Interim及NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,对国家气候中心(BCC)次季节到季节尺度模式(S2S)1994-2013年的回报试验数据进行亚洲季风区准双周振荡(QBWO)预报能力评估,并诊断模式预报误差来源。结果表明:BCC S2S模式对QBWO的预报能力随着预报提前时间的增长而降低,9 d后预报技巧明显减弱,其周期、传播特征和强度出现误差;在提前9 d预报中,印度洋地区QBWO对流-环流系统结构松散,信号偏弱,对流向东传播,这与印度洋平均态的预报误差有关,夏季对流平均态低层水汽场在西太平洋和阿拉伯海较强,而东印度洋、孟加拉湾一带偏弱;西北太平洋地区QBWO具有向西北传播的特征,但强度偏弱,可能原因是预报低估了QBWO对流西北侧低层涡度的超前信号,经涡度方程诊断发现,地转涡度平流正贡献微弱,相对涡度平流在对流西北侧引发负涡度,从而减弱了对流西北侧由低层正涡度引发的有利条件。  相似文献   

This study investigates how accurately the interannual variability over the Indian Ocean basin and the relationship between the Indian summer monsoon and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) can be simulated by different modelling strategies. With a hierarchy of models, from an atmospherical general circulation model (AGCM) forced by observed SST, to a coupled model with the ocean component limited to the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans, the role of heat fluxes and of interactive coupling is analyzed. Whenever sea surface temperature anomalies in the Indian basin are created by the coupled model, the inverse relationship between the ENSO index and the Indian summer monsoon rainfall is recovered, and it is preserved if the atmospherical model is forced by the SSTs created by the coupled model. If the ocean model domain is limited to the Indian Ocean, changes in the Walker circulation over the Pacific during El-Niño years induce a decrease of rainfall over the Indian subcontinent. However, the observed correlation between ENSO and the Indian Ocean zonal mode (IOZM) is not properly modelled and the two indices are not significantly correlated, independently on season. Whenever the ocean domain extends to the Pacific, and ENSO can impact both the atmospheric circulation and the ocean subsurface in the equatorial Eastern Indian Ocean, modelled precipitation patterns associated both to ENSO and to the IOZM closely resemble the observations.  相似文献   

Climate variability modes, usually known as primary climate phenomena, are well recognized as the most important predictability sources in subseasonal–interannual climate prediction. This paper begins by reviewing the research and development carried out, and the recent progress made, at the Beijing Climate Center (BCC) in predicting some primary climate variability modes. These include the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO), and Arctic Oscillation (AO), on global scales, as well as the sea surface temperature (SST) modes in the Indian Ocean and North Atlantic, western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), and the East Asian winter and summer monsoons (EAWM and EASM, respectively), on regional scales. Based on its latest climate and statistical models, the BCC has established a climate phenomenon prediction system (CPPS) and completed a hindcast experiment for the period 1991–2014. The performance of the CPPS in predicting such climate variability modes is systematically evaluated. The results show that skillful predictions have been made for ENSO, MJO, the Indian Ocean basin mode, the WPSH, and partly for the EASM, whereas less skillful predictions were made for the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and North Atlantic SST Tripole, and no clear skill at all for the AO, subtropical IOD, and EAWM. Improvements in the prediction of these climate variability modes with low skill need to be achieved by improving the BCC’s climate models, developing physically based statistical models as well as correction methods for model predictions. Some of the monitoring/prediction products of the BCC-CPPS are also introduced in this paper.  相似文献   

Two types of three-dimensional circulation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) act as the coupling wheels determining the seasonal rainfall anomalies in China during 1979–2015. The first coupling mode features the interaction between the Mongolian cyclone over North Asia and the South Asian high(SAH) anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau at 200 hPa. The second mode presents the coupling between the anomalous low-level western Pacific anticyclone and upperlevel SAH via the meridional flow over Southeast Asia. These two modes are responsible for the summer rainfall anomalies over China in 24 and 7 out of 37 years, respectively. However, the dominant SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the North Atlantic Ocean fail to account for the first coupling wheel's interannual variability, illustrating the challenges in forecasting summer rainfall over China.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that SouthEast Indian Ocean (SEIO) SSTs are a highly significant precursor of transitions of the whole monsoon-El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) system during recent decades. However, the reasons for this specific interannual variability have not yet been identified unequivocally from the observations. Among these, the possibility of SEIO SST-driven variability in the monsoon-ENSO system is investigated here by inserting positive/negative SEIO temperature anomalies in the February’s restart files of a state-of-the-art coupled General Circulation Model (GCM) for 49 years of a control simulation. For each year of the control simulation, the model was then integrated for a 1-year period in fully coupled mode. These experiments show that Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and tropical Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM) events are significantly influenced by the SEIO temperature perturbations inserted in the mixed layer of the coupled GCM several months before. A warm SEIO perturbation, inserted in late boreal winter, slowly propagates northward during the following seasons, implies enhanced ISM rainfall and finally triggers a negative IODM pattern during boreal fall in agreement with observations. A reversed evolution is simulated for a cold SEIO perturbation. It is shown that the life cycle of the simulated SEIO signal is driven by the positive wind-evaporation-SST, coastal upwelling and wind-thermocline-SST feedbacks. Further diagnosis of the sensitivity experiments suggests that stronger ISM and IODM variabilities are generated by excluding the El Niño years of the control simulation or when the initial background state in the SEIO is warmer. This finding confirms that IODM events may be triggered by multiple factors, other than ENSO, including subtropical SEIO SST anomalies. However, the ENSO mode does not react significantly to the SEIO temperature perturbation in the perturbed runs even though the simulated Pacific pattern agrees with the observations during boreal fall. These discrepancies with the observations may be linked to model biases in the Pacific and to the too strong ENSO simulated by this coupled GCM. These modeling evidences confirm that subtropical Indian Ocean SST anomalies generated by Mascarene high pulses during austral summer are a significant precursor of both ISM and IODM events occuring several months later.  相似文献   

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