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相对湿度对大气气溶胶粒子短波辐射特性的影响   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
杨军  李子华  黄世鸿 《大气科学》1999,23(2):239-247
利用Mie散射原理和重庆实测气溶胶资料,详细计算了边界层内单个气溶胶粒子的光学特性参量,气溶胶粒子群体的散射、吸收、消光系数及不对称因子、散射比、光学厚度;进而采用二流近似和累加法计算了边界层内太阳短波辐射增温率。目的在于研究相对湿度对以上各特性参量的影响。结果表明,相对湿度在65%~95%之间变化时,对气溶胶粒子群体光学特性参数和太阳增温率的影响在量级上可与气溶胶粒子浓度成倍变化的影响相比拟。  相似文献   

基于中国区域逐日降雪、降水、气温、相对湿度、气压和风速等观测数据,构建了中国区域的Logistic降雪判定方法,并对该方法和当前广泛应用的其他降雪判定方法在中国区域的适用性展开对比研究。结果表明,单温度阈值法和S曲线法对[-3,4] ℃气温区间内的降雪模拟不确定性相对较大。比较而言,Logistic拟合的系列方法成功率更高,对中国不同区域降雪识别也更为稳健,尤其是对青藏高原地区降雪事件的识别效果明显优于其他方法。在Logistic方法中,温度和相对湿度对降雪判定起决定作用,而气压和风速的影响相对较小。Logistic湿球温度方案(LogTw)和气温+相对湿度方案(LogTaHR)均能很好地再现降雪量的空间分布和年际变化特征,且相应偏差均小于其他方法;总体上,这两种方案对降雪量识别效果差别不大。因此,可使用LogTw方案或LogTaHR方案对中国区域降雪事件进行判别,尤其是对模式中降雪事件的识别。  相似文献   

易笑园  张义军  王红艳  董昊  张楠  徐姝 《气象学报》2013,71(6):1035-1046
利用多普勒雷达、SAFIR3000三维闪电定位系统和气象自动站等观测资料,以线状中尺度对流系统内多个γ中尺度强降水单体为研究对象,揭示了单体之间、单体与β中尺度线状对流系统的多种相互关系,设计多种雷达参量对单体的结构演变进行定量化描述,进一步建立了对流单体结构演变与闪电活动的相互关系。得到以下结论:(1)线状中尺度对流系统内顺义、房山、固安、宝坻对流单体分别造成了1 h降雨23、50、27、70 mm,在其演变过程中,顺义单体被另一个单体追逐、供给,房山单体包括2个更小单体的合并过程,而固安、宝坻单体的初生和发展与线状中尺度对流系统是被喂养、吞食的关系。(2)设计的雷达参量V40(40 dBz强回波核的体积大小)、V40UP-6(6 km高度以上40 dBz强回波核的体积大小)、SET11(回波顶在11 km处的回波范围大小)量化描述了单体的三维结构演变特征,Fic(云闪频数)和Fcg(地闪频数)与上述雷达参量关系密切,如与V40UP-6的相关系数为0.63—0.97;而FicFcg更敏感地呼应单体结构的变化。(3)固安单体在成熟阶段,主正电荷区(即辐射点最大密集区所处的地方)维持在较低位置,远低于其他单体在成熟阶段主正电荷区的高度。(4)在对流单体合并后,FicFcg增大且主正电荷区明显抬升、闪电频数陡增对应降水强度增大、闪电频数峰值超前于降雨强度极值等特征,对灾害天气的预警具有积极意义。  相似文献   

模式的不同参数化方案会对模拟的天气和气候产生影响,但如何影响陆气耦合还不是很清楚。利用WRF 4.0模式设计了一组16种不同参数化方案组合的集合试验,对华北地区2013年夏季气候进行模拟。结果表明,不同积云对流参数化方案对模拟的降水平均态影响较大,其次是短波辐射方案,而微物理方案影响较小。进一步利用潜热通量(LH,Latent Heat flux)和土壤湿度(SM,Soil Moisture)、抬升凝结高度(LCL,Lifting Condensation Level)的相关系数R(SM,LH)R(LH,LCL)表征陆气耦合过程,评估了陆气耦合对不同参数化方案的敏感性。模式模拟的R(SM,LH)在不同区域随着平均降水、相对湿度的增加以及平均短波辐射的减少而减小,而R(LH,LCL)的变化正好相反。它们内在的物理机制类似,与气候态的干湿变化密切相关,即随着土壤湿度趋于饱和,蒸散发过程逐渐受太阳辐射的限制,陆面对大气的影响减弱。另外,陆气耦合强度受积云对流方案、微物理方案和短波辐射方案的影响而产生差别,这与不同参数化方案模拟的气候态的不同密切相关,因此本研究对于WRF 4.0模式中参数化方案特别是积云对流方案的选择同样有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

针对具有马尔可夫切换信道的两自由度(2-DOF) 四分之一汽车悬架系统,研究了事件触发 H 滤波问题.首先,信道切换由马尔可夫链控制;其次,考虑到事件触发的通信方案,由于有限的网络带宽,产生信号量化和随机丢包问题;然后,采用马尔可夫线性跳变系统模型来表示整个滤波网络系统.利用Lyapunov泛函和线性矩阵不等式方法将事件触发 H 滤波问题转化为凸优化问题,从而设计了切换信道相关的滤波器,使得滤波误差系统在均方意义上是指数稳定的并达到期望的性能水平.最后,通过仿真实例验证了所提出的设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

该文利用务川C波段双偏振雷达和常规资料分析了2021年3月30日贵州西北部一次冰雹天气的成因和偏振参量特征。研究表明,当日贵州处于低层气旋性切变和高层强正涡度平流区域内,贵州东北部有中等到强的垂直风切变,且发现干舌与地面辐合线相交处有利于激发强烈的上升气流。强回波成熟阶段,最大水平反射率因子达到70 dBz,并出现钩状回波、三体散射长钉、有界弱回波区和回波悬垂现象。偏振参量分析表明,此次过程出现冰雹时,ZH值在60 dBz以上,ZDR值较低在-2~1.75 dB,对于湿冰雹ZDR值偏高在3~6 dB,KDP值在0 dB左右,伴有强降水时KDP值较大在2~6 °/km,CC值较低在0.85~0.93。在湿球0 ℃高度以上出现了伴随强上升气流的ZDR柱和KDP柱。三体散射长钉在ZDR和CC图中有很好的体现,且CC图中还出现非均匀波束充塞现象。  相似文献   

利用WRF模式对2003年7月4-5日江淮地区的梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了数值模拟和诊断分析.结果表明:暴雨区处于高温高湿环境,高、低空急流的耦合和低层辐合以及高层辐散的配置有利于暴雨的产生发展.通过计算湿位涡还发现,ζMPV1高低层正负值区叠加的配置、ζMPV1<0及ζMPV2>0的演变,表明此次过程中不仅有对流不稳定能量存在,还有倾斜涡度的发展.ζMPV1ζMPV2综合反映了暴雨区对流不稳定和斜压不稳定的增强.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种低剖面小型化圆盘加载单极子天线.通过盘加载的方式,在中心频率5.8 GHz处,首先将单极子天线的剖面从大约12.9 mm(0.25λ0)降低到2 mm(0.039λ0),实现了低剖面的特性.加载在单极子天线上方的圆盘,尺寸大概为21 mm(0.41λ0),因此天线具有结构紧凑的特点.接着,为了使天线具有良好的匹配,在加载圆盘四周加入4个接地通孔,并且在馈电端口加入集总电感.最终,天线在中心工作频率5.8 GHz处实现了反射系数-15 dB的匹配性能.  相似文献   

南京地区大气颗粒物影响近地面臭氧的个例研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对2008年4月2~7日南京地区地面气象观测数据以及两个站点空气质量(O3、NOx、PM10)监测资料的分析, 发现O3和PM10之间存在一定程度的反相关。利用一个光化学箱模式对该个例中大气颗粒物影响近地面臭氧的过程进行模拟, 结果发现大气颗粒物浓度的升高使得气溶胶光学厚度增加20%~40%, 导致NO2和O3近地面光解率下降20%~30%, OH和HO2自由基浓度分别减少20%~50%, 造成O3净生成率下降30%~40%。研究表明, 颗粒物对光化学过程的抑制造成了大气氧化能力的降低, 是近地面臭氧浓度减少的可能原因。  相似文献   

基于济南S波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达探测数据,结合卫星、探空和地面实况资料,对2020年8月6日发生在山东曲阜一带的强降水风暴合并前后双偏振参量特征和微物理特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)云带之间产生多次合并,合并后风暴加强发展,产生较大的分钟降水量和累计降水量。(2)新生单体最典型的双偏振特征是具有大的ZDRCC,以少许液态粒子为主;新生单体迅速发展过程中上升气流强度明显加强,出现明显的KDP柱和ZDR柱,液态粒子浓度明显增大并出现偏大的液态粒子。(3)合并后发展的主要特征是,风暴顶高、强回波区顶高和KDP柱明显增高,-10℃层高度以下,特别是在风暴底层KDP值明显增大。(4)合并之后风暴发展最典型的微物理特征是,-10℃层高度之下液态雨滴粒子浓度迅速增大,-10℃层高度之上冰晶或霰粒子层的厚度明显增大。发展旺盛的风暴中、低层有丰富的液态水,风暴高层含有丰富的冰相粒子,从而导致风暴产生高强度降水。  相似文献   

We describe a fast response methane sensor based on the absorption of radiation generated with a near-infrared InGaAsP diode laser. The sensor uses an open path absorption region 0.5 m long; multiple pass optics provide an optical path of 50 m. High frequency wavelength modulation methods give stable signals with detection sensitivity (S/N=1, 1 Hz bandwidth) for methane of 65 ppb at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Improvements in the optical stability are expected to lower the current detection limit. We used the new sensor to measure, by eddy correlation, the CH4 flux from a clay-capped sanitary landfill. Simultaneously we measured the flux of CO2 and H2O. From seven half-hourly periods of data collected after a rainstorm on November 23, 1991, the average flux of CH4 was 17 mmol m–2 hr–1 (6400 mg CH4 m–2 d–1) with a coefficient of variation of 25%. This measurement may underrepresent the flux by 15% due to roll-off of the sensor response at high frequency. The landfill was also a source of CO2 with an average flux of 8.1 mmol m–2 hr–1 (8550 mg CO2 m–2 d–1) and a coefficient of variation of 26%. A spectral analysis of the data collected from the CH4, CO2, and H2O sensors showed a strong similarity in the turbulent transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Pulse-compression, phase-encoding and chirp techniques are frequently used in EM systems to improve system performance. Simple averaging-over-range and averaging-over frequency schemes have been used in some SODAR systems, but generally code techniques are problematic because of the high fractional Doppler shift of 0–0.04. The principles of pulse code methods are reviewed with regard to their applicability to SODAR systems. In particular, detailed simulations are performed, using weather-like targets, of a comb of frequencies, a chirp, and a phase-encoding method. Three Doppler-adaptive matched filters are described, and two of these evaluated against the simulated noisy atmosphere. It is found that the comb of frequencies produces the least variance in estimated Doppler wind speed. A filter based on a single evaluation of an FFT for the received signal provides Doppler winds to about 1%. The Doppler-adaptive filters add little computational or hardware overhead, and produce as a simple output a best estimate of the wind speed component. Received October 1, 1998 Revised December 4, 1998  相似文献   

Summary This study reports a 37-year long record of direct beam spectral irradiance measurements made in Athens, Greece. An analysis of aerosol effects on the spectral distribution of solar radiation through effective optical depths, are presented. Thus, spectrally resolved aerosol optical depths were calculated and analyzed for the period 1954–1990. Summertime aerosol optical depths were found to be larger than winter values, while their seasonal variations were related to varying weather conditions throughout the year. The interrelationships between effective optical depths were found to be linear and were related strongly to microphysics of aerosol loading in the atmosphere. For the period 1962–1983 as wavelength exponent 0 values ranged between 0.76–1.14 the spectrally resolved optical depths were found to increase markedly with respect to remaining periods 1954–1961 and 1984–1990 in which 0 values ranged between 1.16–1.39. A minimum in aerosol optical depths, believed to be near background levels, was reached during period 1954–1957, while there was some indication that both optical depths continued to decrease reaching background levels at the end of the study period. From the long-term variation of aerosol effective optical depths some interesting information on the time evolution of air quality in Athens was gained. In addition, their frequency distribution, temporal daily variations and some remarks on photosynthetically active radiation for plant development, are presented and discussed.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

In this work, we present a model to explain the apparently contradictory spectrum observed in Hessdalen Lights (HL) phenomenon. According to our model, its nearly flat spectrum on the top with steep sides is due to the effect of optical thickness on the bremsstrahlung spectrum. At low frequencies self-absorption modifies the spectrum to follow the Rayleigh–Jeans part of the blackbody curve. This spectrum is typical of dense ionized gas. Additionally, spectrum produced in the thermal bremsstrahlung process is flat up to a cutoff frequency, ν cut, and falls off exponentially at higher frequencies. This sequence of events forms the typical spectrum of HL phenomenon when the atmosphere is clear, with no fog.  相似文献   


Spectral and spectrally integrated direct beam irradiances measured in Hamilton during the summer of 1981 were used to examine the relationship between the aerosol optical depth τa and Unsworth and Monteith's turbidity coefficient τA, which is a measure of spectrally averaged optical depth. Good correlation was obtained between τa at a wavelength of 0.67 μm and τA, thus confirming experimentally Blanchet's (1982) conclusion from a numerical study.  相似文献   

This study explores the influence of air gaseous pollutants–aerosols and solar zenith angle (SZA) on the spectral diffuse-to-direct beam E /E irradiances ratio. It does so using ground-based spectroradiometric measurements taken over the Athens atmosphere during May 1995. It was found that the spectral E /E ratio decreases rapidly with increasing wavelength and regression curves of the form E /E  = aλ?b fitted the experimental data. These curves are strongly modified by aerosols–air pollutants, aerosol optical properties, and SZA. The log–log plot of E /E versus λ reveals a significant departure from linearity, which is likely to be associated with aerosol physical properties and SZA effects. The effect of atmospheric turbidity, as expressed through the aerosol optical at 500 nm and SZA on the spectral E /E ratio, is investigated in detail for two discernible atmospheric conditions observed in the urban Athens atmosphere. The first case includes different atmospheric turbidity levels under the same SZA, while the second corresponds to different SZA values under the same turbidity levels. It was found that the correlation between E /E and spectral aerosol optical depth can be a useful tool in determining the aerosol optical properties and aerosol types composition.  相似文献   

The contributions of refraction and absorption fluctuations to the measured scintillations are observed for a near-infrared absorption region using a NOAA designed large-aperture scintillometer. The logarithmic amplitude spectra are shown to decay with frequency as f-8/3 for both the absorption and scattering mechanisms. For the absorption mechanism this is in line with similar observations made at microwave and infrared frequencies. However, for finite transmitting and receiving apertures, theory predicts a stronger decay of the scattering mechanism due to aperture averaging. The spectral shape is characterised by a region of low frequency absorption, higher frequency refraction and separated by a flattish transition zone. The upper observed corner frequency (fC2) compares well with values calculated using the measured transverse windspeed (v) for a known aperture radius. The lower corner frequency (fC1) position is shown to be sensitive to the ratio of the real and imaginary part of the refractive index structure parameter, (C nR 2 /C nI 2 )3/8, and v. The part of the spectrum associated with the absorption scintillations is observed to be much less than that due to refraction through the day until evening, when decreasing C nR 2 causes C nR 2 /C nI 2 to decrease and absorption to become significant. If absorption is ignored, this may have consequences for calculating nocturnal surface fluxes. During unstable, daytime conditions the large aperture scintillometer is most sensitive to refractive scintillations despite having an infrared source transmitting in a lossy atmosphere. But also under these conditions, the low frequency absorption part of the spectrum is observable.  相似文献   

This study assesses how well the Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4) simulates the large scale conditions needed for extreme hot surface temperatures in the California Central Valley (CV). Extreme hot summer days in the CV are associated with a large scale meteorological pattern (LSMP) described in Grotjahn and Faure (2008). The strength and sign of that pattern are assessed using a circulation index developed in Grotjahn (2011). The circulation index is strongly linked to daily maximum surface temperature normalized anomalies at stations spanning the CV. (Extreme heat events in the CV also affect a wider area of California and United States west coast). This study makes two primary points. First, the approach used in Grotjahn (2011) can be applied as a novel tool to evaluate how skillfully a model simulates conditions present during CV hot spells by evaluating how well the LSMP is simulated. The circulation index is calculated from historical simulations by CCSM4 and its distribution compared with that of the observed circulation index. Second, values of the CCSM4 based circulation index have smaller standard deviation than observed in reanalysis data. CCSM4 can generate a few comparably large circulation index values (implying high surface temperature anomalies) but not as often as in reanalysis data. Correct simulation of this large scale pattern is a necessary condition for successful simulation of California extreme hot days by a regional climate model. Also, the CCSM4 topography does not have a CV, but a broad topographic slope instead. Various choices of CCSM4 grid points were tested and none satisfactorily represented the CV maximum temperatures. These results should discourage use of CCSM4 surface data directly but encourage use of a regional climate model driven by the CCSM4 to capture hot spells in the CV.  相似文献   

TBB资料揭示的热带大气低频振荡周期的年变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1980-1992年GMSTBB格点资料,分析了13年平均的TBB功率谱随时间的变化,讨论了低频振荡周期的年变化特征及其可能的成因。结果表明,热带大气低频振荡周期有很明显的年变化。北半球热速睦区比赤道附近和南半球热带地区的周期变化幅度更大。总体上,冬季比夏,秋季低频振荡周期更长。  相似文献   

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