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为了比较两个不同的海洋垂直混合参数化方案在中尺度海气浪耦合模式数值预报中的效果,采用军队T799全球预报系统和西北太平洋海洋预报系统的预报场资料驱动区域中尺度海气浪耦合模式,针对西北太平洋在2014年9月7—10日和17—20日的大气和海洋要素场进行数值回报试验,并将同期台风观测资料、NCEP再分析资料以及NOAA海表面温度数据各自与模式结果进行比较。结果表明,在无台风天气下使用GLS-ε方案对大气要素的预报效果更好,而MY2.5方案在台风天气影响下表现更好,同时其在连续8天的预报中无溢出现象,较GLS-ε方案稳定性更好;台风影响区域的海表面温度对MY2.5方案更敏感;台风天气过程中,MY2.5方案引起的海洋上层温度混合更强烈。   相似文献   

SHAW模式的改进及其在黄土高原半干旱区的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆面过程模拟研究中的一个关键问题是如何准确的计算陆气间能量交换,但现有的陆面过程模式模拟的湍流通量与观测值间仍然存在较大偏差,因此改进湍流通量的参数化方案对于提高陆面过程模式模拟能力有重要意义。本研究通过改进陆面过程模式SHAW中的热力粗糙度方案,以及引入干表层蒸发方案,以期改善湍流通量的模拟能力。在此基础上利用黄土高原半干旱区SACOL站观测资料,进行模式改进前后的单点模拟对比试验,研究其参数化方案改进对陆面过程模拟的影响。结果表明:改进后的SHAW模式能够合理地模拟黄土高原半干旱区陆面特征的变化趋势,模拟值与观测值偏差较小。与原来的SHAW模式模拟结果相比,改进后的SHAW_MOD模式显著提高了湍流通量的模拟能力,并改善了净辐射和深层土壤温度的模拟,但对土壤湿度的改进并不明显,这可能与土壤内部水热传输过程及相关参数化方案有关,还有待做进一步研究。  相似文献   

通过引人中尺度对流运动对海表湍流通量的贡献,改进了大气环流模式GAMIL1.0的海气湍流通量参数化方案.利用1979年1月至2000年12月的观测海温资料驱动GAMIL1.0模式,研究了海气湍流通量参数化改进对大气环流年际变化模拟效果的影响.结果表明:采用改进的海气湍流通量参数化方案,模拟的热带海表湍流热通量得到增强,...  相似文献   

CAM3模式海气湍流通量参数化的改进及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对流性阵风参数化方法,在CAM3原有海气湍流通量参数化方案(CAM3方案)中引入边界层自由对流和降水深对流对海表湍流通量的贡献,改进了CAM3模式的海气湍流通量参数化方案(CAM3 ME方案).在此基础上,利用观测海温积分改进的CAM3模式,分析改进模式对冬(DJF)、夏季(JJA)大气环流异常的模拟性能.结果表明,采用改进的海气湍流通量参数化方案,模式对冬(DJF)、夏季(JJA)大气环流异常年际变化的模拟能力有了很大提高,尤其是冬季(DJF)北太平洋和北美大陆地区以及夏季(JJA)南半球海洋上空.  相似文献   

边界层参数化方案对暴雨数值模拟的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
选取2003年7月4-5日南京暴雨个例,采用非静力中尺度模式MM5进行模拟,着重研究了不同边界层参数化方案对雨量中心强度、雨区分布的影响。结果表明:对于不同的边界层参数化方案,垂直速度场、水汽通量散度场、涡度场、水平风场的散度以及θse场都表现出不同的特征;合理边界层方案的引入对预报效果有明显的改进;结合边界层和自由大气的动力、热力结构进行了综合分析,给出了边界层作用与自由大气动力、热力结构的配置情况。说明这种配置对暴雨的形成是至关重要的。  相似文献   

台风的形成和发展与边界层中低涡扰动的形成和发展密切相关。利用中尺度WRF模式,采用数值敏感性试验的方法来研究不同边界层方案对台风SANBA初生阶段的移动路径、强度及物理量场分布等方面的影响,结果表明:在台风形成初期,不同边界层方案对模拟的SANBA台风的强度和路径具有明显影响;未引入Bogus方案时,采用QNSE和ACM2边界层参数化方案的模拟结果与最佳路径资料最为接近。采用Bogus方法在初始场中引入热带扰动有关信息后,五种边界层参数化方案模拟的台风路径均有显著改进,其中QNSE和ACM2方案对台风路径和强度模拟结果的改进效果较其他几种边界层参数化方案的模拟结果改进小,说明这两种边界层参数化方案对SANBA台风发展初期边界层过程的处理较完善,能够较好地处理边界层过程和边界层热带扰动的形成和发展;对比分析表明由于不同边界层参数化方案对边界层过程处理的差异,导致SANBA台风发展到强盛阶段时近地层的有关物理量及自由大气中的物理场分布出现一定的差异,即使模拟效果较好的QNSE与ACM2边界层参数化方案模拟的台风垂直结构之间也存在一定的差异。数值试验也表明MYJ参数化方案对此次台风的模拟效果最差,在进行相关研究时应慎用该边界层参数化方案。  相似文献   

建立了一个农林复合带地区一维非静力大气边界层能量闭合模式,对1000m以下的大气边界层内的风、温、湿作了24h的预报,并对下垫面3种不同参数化方案(农作物、森林、无植被)的输出结果与实测值进行了分析和比较;同时通过敏感性试验,突出比较了农作物和森林下垫面对大气边界层垂直流场,湍流垂直交换和湍能的影响。结果表明,本模式能改善边界层风速、位温和湿度预报的模拟效果,下垫面植被对边界层气象要素大小和分布有显著的作用,对湍能垂直分布有一定影响。  相似文献   

中尺度数值模拟结果特别是高影响天气的精细预报对近地层动量和热量通量极为敏感,因此近地层湍流通量参数化方案一直是大气科学研究中一个十分重要的课题.以TOGA-COARE观测试验资料为基础,本文将湍流通量参数化方案模块从天气研究预报(WRF)模式中提取出来,与最新研发的湍流通量参数化方案(即LGLC方案)进行对比测试分析....  相似文献   

针对陆面模式冻融过程模拟偏差较大问题,基于Noah-MP模式对冻融参数化方案进行比较分析,并利用观测资料对模拟试验结果进行评估。结果表明:Noah-MP模式能够较好地模拟出青藏高原冻融过程特征;冻融过程模拟对冻融参数化方案相当敏感,冻结阶段到融化阶段期间,4组试验模拟值差异显著,融化阶段之后到冻结阶段之前,4组试验模拟值相当一致;相对于过冷水参数化方案,冻土渗透率参数化方案对冻融过程期间土壤温度的模拟更为敏感,过冷水参数化方案不同会导致冻融过程期间土壤液态水含量模拟值差异显著。地表能量通量模拟对冻融参数化方案相当敏感,4组试验地表能量通量模拟值在冻结阶段、冻结稳定阶段、融化阶段均存在显著差异。  相似文献   

设计了一个三维变分同化方案,利用非静力中尺度模式MM5和由实况观测反演得到的可降水量资料,运用该变分同化方法改善初始湿度场,并对2003年7月9~10日的暴雨过程进行数值模拟对比试验.结果表明,①可降水量资料的变分同化对初始湿度场具有较强的调整能力;②同化可降水量后,可以明显地改善模式初始湿度场,能够有效地提高降水模拟的准确率.  相似文献   

李燕  朱江  王辉 《大气科学进展》2013,30(6):1569-1586
Vertical transport is critical to the movement of oil spills in seawater. Breaking waves play an important role by developing a well-defined mixing layer in the upper part of the water column. A three-dimensional (3-D) Lagrangian random walk oil spill model was used here to study the influence of sea surface waves on the vertical turbulence movement of oil particles. Three vertical diffusion schemes were utilized in the model to compare their impact on oil dispersion and transportation. The first scheme calculated the vertical eddy viscosity semi-empirically. In the second scheme, the vertical diffusion coefficient was obtained directly from an Eulerian hydrodynamic model (Princeton Ocean Model, POM2k) while considering wave- caused turbulence. The third scheme was formulated by solving the Langevin equation. The trajectories, percentages of oil particles intruding into water, and the vertical distribution structures of oil particles were analyzed for a series of numerical experiments with different wind magnitudes. The results showed that the different vertical diffusion schemes could generate different horizontal trajectories and spatial distributions of oil spills on the sea surface. The vertical diffusion schemes caused different water-intruding and resurfacing oil particle behaviors, leading to different horizontal transport of oil particles at the surface and subsurface of the ocean. The vertical diffusion schemes were also applied to a realistic oil spill simulation, and these results were compared to satellite observations. All three schemes yielded acceptable results, and those of the third scheme most closely simulated the observed data.  相似文献   

A sensitivity analysis of the parameterizations of vertical mixing and radiative fluxes on the seasonal evolution of Lake Erie's thermal structure is performed using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm) and the General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM). The models have the same horizontal resolution and are forced with observed meteorological data from April to October of 2002 and 2008. For turbid waters like Lake Erie, the three-band model for the parameterization of downward shortwave radiation produces more accurate temperatures in the thermocline and less error in simulating the mixed-layer depths than the widely used two-band model. Although the two models differ in vertical and horizontal mixing, numerical methods, and vertical discretization, they produced qualitatively comparable results. Comparison with observations shows that the models can reproduce the time evolution of the lake temperature reasonably well. The MITgcm and the GETM with the Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 (MY2.5) closure produce a deeper mixed layer than observed at a station located in the eastern basin, causing large errors in simulating the temperature in the thermocline while the GETM, using a turbulence scheme called “gen,” reproduces a mixed layer in better agreement with observations. The mixed-layer obtained with the k-ε closure is between those obtained with gen and MY2.5. The error in simulating the mixed-layer depths and the thermocline temperature at a station located in the central basin using the gen closure and the GETM was about 2°C lower than that obtained by the K-Profile Parameterization mixing scheme of the MITgcm. The models simulated a lake-wide anticyclonic circulation occupying the southwest part of the central basin but showed distinct differences in simulating gyres in the northwestern part of the central basin and in the eastern basin of the lake. The signature of a basin-scale Poincaré wave observed in the current data is also well represented by the two models.  相似文献   

Tidal processes are examined that control the water exchange between two basins of the Trondheimsfjord through a narrow channel with sills. For this purpose, a non-hydrostatic numerical model based on the laterally averaged Reynolds equations in the Boussinesq approximation was developed. The model takes into account the real vertical fluid stratification, variable bottom topography and variable cross-section of the fjord. Numerical experiments were performed to investigate tidally generated internal waves and their influence on the water exchange.The model produces both baroclinic tides and tidally generated lee waves. It was found that, for the Skarnsund strait which connects the Middle Fjord and the Beitstadfjord, the internal tides generated over the Skarnsund sills are very weak. Their amplitudes do not exceed 1 m.The intense short internal waves, which are identified as unsteady lee waves, comprise the basic input of the total internal wave field. These waves are generated by tidal currents at sill breaks, are trapped by topography in the generation area and grow by continuing feedback into large-amplitude waves. As the tidal flow slackens, they move upstream as freely propagating waves.As essentially nonlinear responses, the lee waves cause a nonlinear water transport. The detailed analysis of the residual currents produced by unsteady lee waves (which are propagating in both directions from the Scarnsund sills) has shown, in particular, that the residual currents can reach values as high as 0.27 m s−1.It was also found that such currents exert a considerable effect on the water exchange through the Skarnsund strait between the adjacent basins. This mechanism can play an important role in water renewal and formation of the Beitasdfjord waters.  相似文献   

黄超  彭新东  李晓涵 《气象学报》2019,77(1):154-164
为改善球面经纬度网格在高分辨率应用的苛刻限制,提高全球大气动力模式的时间积分效率,选取以阴阳网格为基础构建通量型非静力大气模式动力框架,采用有限体积法和通量型平流显式算法积分方案,保证模式的守恒计算性能。该动力框架在标准三维大气理想试验中进行了中期积分试验,对动力框架的计算效果、性能进行检验。在三维平衡流试验,罗斯贝-豪威茨波试验和山脉罗斯贝波试验中均表现出很好的稳定性和三维计算效果,其中水平2.5°分辨率模式的平衡流垂直速度误差为10-5量级,而经向速度误差在10-2量级,罗斯贝-豪威茨波保持基本波形稳定传播,而地形罗斯贝波试验则给出背风坡激发低槽在发展过程中不断向下游和南半球传播。   相似文献   

Over a range of incidence angles the energy of an internal wave propagating onto a sloping boundary is concentrated in a boundary layer on the slope. As a wave propagates upslope the change in its amplitude and interaction with the downslope flow remaining from previous waves results in the wave breaking and the generation of turbulence and mixing in the boundary layer. Measurements of the overturning and buoyancy scales on the slope show that turbulence is generated and decays during each wave cycle and that much of the energy input to mixing scales is extracted from density inversions generated by the wave-induced mean flow. A comparison with decaying turbulence behind a grid in a stratified water tunnel suggests that the criterion for the extinction of the buoyancy flux is similar in the two cases.  相似文献   

We advance our prior energy- and flux-budget (EFB) turbulence closure model for stably stratified atmospheric flow and extend it to account for an additional vertical flux of momentum and additional productions of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), turbulent potential energy (TPE) and turbulent flux of potential temperature due to large-scale internal gravity waves (IGW). For the stationary, homogeneous regime, the first version of the EFB model disregarding large-scale IGW yielded universal dependencies of the flux Richardson number, turbulent Prandtl number, energy ratios, and normalised vertical fluxes of momentum and heat on the gradient Richardson number, Ri. Due to the large-scale IGW, these dependencies lose their universality. The maximal value of the flux Richardson number (universal constant ≈0.2–0.25 in the no-IGW regime) becomes strongly variable. In the vertically homogeneous stratification, it increases with increasing wave energy and can even exceed 1. For heterogeneous stratification, when internal gravity waves propagate towards stronger stratification, the maximal flux Richardson number decreases with increasing wave energy, reaches zero and then becomes negative. In other words, the vertical flux of potential temperature becomes counter-gradient. Internal gravity waves also reduce the anisotropy of turbulence: in contrast to the mean wind shear, which generates only horizontal TKE, internal gravity waves generate both horizontal and vertical TKE. Internal gravity waves also increase the share of TPE in the turbulent total energy (TTE = TKE + TPE). A well-known effect of internal gravity waves is their direct contribution to the vertical transport of momentum. Depending on the direction (downward or upward), internal gravity waves either strengthen or weaken the total vertical flux of momentum. Predictions from the proposed model are consistent with available data from atmospheric and laboratory experiments, direct numerical simulations and large-eddy simulations.  相似文献   

复杂山区上空垂直速度场和热力对流活动的理想数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用英国气象局高分辨率的边界层数值模式BLASIUS,针对中国西北一个复杂山区进行了一系列的理想数值模拟,分析了在不同天气条件下山区上空的垂直速度场分布和对流特征以及地形对热力对流活动的影响,同时讨论了与地形有关的对流触发机制。模式结果表明,复杂山区的垂直运动在稳定层结和风速较大的情况下较易预测,而在中性层结下,山区上空的垂直运动分布随机性强。在Froude数小于0.5的条件下,气流往往被山峰阻塞而在迎风坡造成地形强迫和辐合性抬升,从而易在迎风坡触发深对流活动;在背风坡则由于迎风坡的绕流重新辐合而造成垂直运动。绕流的辐合是触发深对流活动的另一重要因子。在大风或Froude数较大的条件下,地形重力波容易在山地下游被激发。地形重力波与对流活动的相互影响在模式中清楚可见。在适当的条件下,重力波除了可以与对流活动相耦合从而使气团上升到更高的高度外,重力波的走向很可能会影响到深对流系统的传播路径。研究还发现稳定度对相邻两条对流线之间的距离长短也有影响。稳定度较小时,相邻两条对流线之间的平均宽度趋向变大而单个对流线的强度也相应变大。定量化的结论和理论升华值得进一步的数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

Large-eddy Simulations of Flow Over Forested Ridges   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Large-eddy simulations (LES) of flow over a series of small forested ridges are performed, and compared with numerical simulations using a one-and-a-half order mixing length closure scheme. The qualitative and quantitative similarity between these results provides some confidence in the results of recent analytical and numerical studies of flow over forested hills using first-order mixing length schemes. Time series of model velocities at various locations within the canopy allow the application of various experimental techniques to study the turbulence in the LES. The application of conditional analysis shows that the structure of the turbulence over a forested hill is broadly similar to that over flat ground, with sweeps and ejections dominating. Differences are seen across the hill, particularly associated with regions of mean flow separation and recirculation near the summit and in the lee of the hill. Detailed comparison of derived mixing lengths from the LES with the assumed values used in mixing-length closure schemes show that the mixing length varies with location across the hill and with height in the canopy. This is consistent with previous wind-tunnel measurements, and demonstrates that a constant mixing-length assumption is not strictly valid within the canopy. Despite this, the first-order mixing-length schemes do give similar results both for the mean flow and the turbulence in such situations.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the semiempirical theory of turbulence for stratified fluids some aspects of the problem of internal wave-turbulence interaction in the upper layer of the ocean are discussed. The conditions of amplification and sustaining of turbulence by internal waves are investigated. Stationary distributions of turbulent energy are found for a stratified fluid with a shear flow produced, for example, by a low-frequency internal wave. The internal wave damping due to both turbulent viscosity and turbulent diffusion in the thermocline is studied. For a two-layer model damping constant is determined as a function of the wave number. The variation of surface turbulence by internal waves is estimated and the role of this process in slick formation is considered.  相似文献   

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