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苏志侠  吕世华 《高原气象》1999,18(2):199-208
介绍了美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)及国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的40年全球再分析资料,此资料时间长(1957 ̄1996年),观测资料丰富,分析方法统一,是目前全球最好的再分析资料。其输出内容共分四大类:观测档案、天气档案、时间序列档案及速视光盘,还有一张特殊的光盘。根据其受观测资料及模式影响程度的不同,其输出产品又可分A,B,C,D四类。用标准二进制格式输出,包括等压面、等熵面及σ-面上的资  相似文献   

介绍了美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)及国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的40年全球再分析资料,此资料时间长(1957~1996年),观测资料丰富,分析方法统一,是目前全球最好的再分析资料。其输出内容共分四大类:观测档案、天气档案、时间序列档案及速视光盘,还有一张特殊的光盘。根据其受观测资料及模式影响程度的不同,其输出产品又可分A,B,C,D四类。用标准二进制格式输出,包括等压面、等熵面及σ面上的资料,有每日4次、每日2次、日平均、月平均的基本要素场和二维、三维的诊断分析场。它对数值模式计算及天气和气候的诊断分析非常有用。  相似文献   

NCEP/NCAR再分析计划提供的1958~1997年月平均场介绍   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)和国家大气研究中心(NCAR)联合执行的全球大气40年资料再分析计划采用光盘分发了部分产品。南京气象学院校友NCEP的朱跃建和汪学良博士赠送给南京大气资料服务中心一部分再分析产品光盘。上两期资料通讯综合介绍了多种输出产...  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部南京气象学院大气资料服务中心第5卷第1期(总第14期)1999年6月NCEP/NCAR再分析计划提供的       1958~1997年逐日资料介绍美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)和国家大气研究中心(NCAR)联合执行的全球大气40年资料再分析计划通过CDC(ClimateDianogisticCenter)利用磁带的形式向外发行。南京大气资料服务中心通过NCEP朱跃建获得了磁带形式的40年再分析逐日资料。现在把资料的基本情况作一简单的介绍。1 资料分类该资料集分…  相似文献   

资料通讯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资料通讯国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部南京气象学院大气资料服务中心第4卷第2期(总第11期)1998年3月NCEP/NCAR40年再分析资料介绍美国气象环境预报中心(NCEP,其前身为美国国家气象中心NMC)和美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)自19...  相似文献   

近年来,美国的气象业务作了一系列的结构调整。1995年10月,国家天气局(NWS)将原来独立的3个国家中心:国家气象中心(NWC)、国家飓风中心(NHC)和国家强风暴中心(NSSFC)进行拆分和合并,组建为国家环境预报中心(NCEP)。目前NCEP下设有9个专业中心,其中一个是热带气象预报中心(TPC),它位于美国南方的佛罗里达州迈阿密,濒临大西洋和墨西哥湾,属南亚热带地区,经常受到热带风暴影响。它的地理位置、气候背景、环流条件、气象业务、气象服务等与广州区域气象中心有些类似。现将TPC最新的改…  相似文献   

ENSO事件对冬季北半球太平洋风暴轴维持的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)每日客观分析资料及美国大气研究中心(NCAR)再分析资料研究ENSO事件对简报北半球太平洋风暴轴维持的影响,结果表明,El、Nino(La Nina)年,风暴轴区域斜压性强(弱),风暴轴位置向东(西)扩展(收缩)且强度强(弱),与风暴轴发展有关的涡动热量通量和运量通量也同时增强(减弱),由此揭示出ENSO事件对太平洋风暴轴的维持和发展有重要影响.  相似文献   

陈立亭  孙永罡  白人海 《气象》2000,26(10):19-23
利用松花江、嫩江流域内94个气象台站的观测资料和NCAR/NCEP再分析资料,分析了1998年夏季降水集中期和主要暴雨过程发生时的天气形势特点。之所以会连续出现暴雨、大暴雨,归纳起来有以下天气特点:(1)亚洲中高纬度阻塞形势稳定;(2)长时间受东北冷涡控制;(3)西太平洋副热带高压短时间北进,位置适中;(4)盛夏北方季风较强盛。  相似文献   

李川  张廷军  陈静 《高原气象》2004,23(Z1):97-103
为了分析青藏高原地区的地面气候变化,利用我国高原地区的地面测站逐日平均气温和降水资料、NCEP(美国环境预报中心)、ECMWF(欧洲中期数值预报中心)的再分析值地面气温及降水量资料,对比分析了青藏高原的气候变化.分析发现,40年来所选地面代表测站气温变暖现象较明显(南部的帕里除外),特别是青藏高原北部的茫崖气温增暖非常显著,而40年再分析资料在青藏高原地区没有显示明显的气温变暖,没有大的地域差别,而再分析气温资料在华北平原地区却能显示出较明显的气温变暖,再分析气温资料尤其是NCEP地面气温资料在青藏高原上明显偏低.ECMWF再分析地面降水资料的年际变化显示,近40年来,青藏高原降水没有明显的变干或变湿趋势,但近十几年属于有资料以来较湿的时段.地面测站年降水观测值不像气温观测值那样有明显的变化趋势.  相似文献   

利用高空和地面加密观测资料、欧洲中心ERA5逐小时再分析资料和FY-2H卫星TBB资料,对2020年“7.15”和“8.24”四川盆地南部两次暴雨天气过程进行了分析。结果表明:(1)两次暴雨过程发生在不同的环流形势下,盆地高能高湿的环境条件和中低层有利的系统配置是造成两次暴雨过程的主要原因,而近地面层冷空气扩散南下是触发“8.24”暴雨的又一关键因素;(2)“8.24”暴雨过程中低层水汽和能量更充足,大气层结更加不稳定,降雨范围和强度更大;(3)“7.15”暴雨过程中尺度对流云团偏东,“8.24”暴雨过程冷空气路径对中尺度对流系统的初生有一定影响,使对流云团更偏西,强降雨均出现在中尺度对流系统成熟阶段,最强降雨时段与冷云中心最强时段对应。  相似文献   

利用国家气候中心提供的中国区域753站降水观测资料、ECMWF逐月地表感热通量再分析资料和NECP/NCAR再分析资料,讨论了欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热异常与长江中下游夏季降水之间的联系及其相关的物理机制。分析发现欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热异常与长江中下游地区夏季降水存在显著的正相关:感热偏强期,长江中下游夏季降水偏多;感热偏弱期,长江中下游夏季降水偏少。春季感热异常偏强时,夏季东亚副热带西风急流主体位置偏东、强度偏强、范围偏大,长江中下游地区主要受辐合上升气流控制,水汽输送条件好,降水异常偏多。而春季感热偏弱时,情况大致相反,则夏季降水异常偏少。研究表明欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热通量异常变化对我国长江中下游夏季降水预测具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

F. Chen 《Climate Dynamics》2005,24(7-8):667-684
The International Satellite Land-Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) Initiative-I 1-degree 1987–1988 data were used to drive a land surface model (LSM) to simulate global surface energy budgets. Simulated surface heat fluxes show remarkable spatial variability and seem to capture well their annual and interannual variability. A shift of maximum evaporation across the equator is more closely related to the seasonal shifting of precipitation pattern than to surface radiation changes. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis did not reflect this shift, presumably due to its dominant rainfall maximum in the Southern Hemisphere. To assess the “reliability” of these fields, both Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP) and reanalysis were verified against observations, at two sites. Monthly mean ISLSCP forcing conditions agree fairly well with observations, but its precipitation is usually lower during spring and summer. Low summer GSWP evaporation may be due to low precipitation and incorrect specification of vegetation and soil conditions. The reanalysis had larger seasonal variability than GSWP and observations, and overestimated summer heat fluxes because of its large rainfall and surface radiation. Despite uncertainty in ISLSCP data, an LSM with a modest treatment of vegetation was able to capture reasonably well the seasonal variations in surface heat fluxes at global scales. With some caution, these types of simulations can be used as “pseudo-observations” to evaluate climate-model simulations and to investigate global energy budgets. For the next phase of ISLSCP data development, higher resolution data, which can reflect local heterogeneity of vegetation and soil characteristics, include more rain gauge data are highly desirable to improve model simulations.  相似文献   

中亚感热异常对我国西北温度、 降水的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用1954-2004年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析感热资料和我国西北地区31个测站温度、降水资料,采用SVD分析方法,分析了中亚感热场与我国西北地区温度、降水场的关系.分析表明:(1)4~9月的中亚感热与来年我国西北地区1月的温度呈显著的负相关.(2)5~7月中亚感热主要影响我国西北的新疆大部、甘肃、宁夏、陕西等地区来年1月的温度.(3)5~6月、7~9月、10~12月中亚感热分别影响我国西北7月、10月和来年2~3月降水.(4)5~6月中亚感热与7月我国西北的甘肃中南部、新疆东南部和阿勒泰地区的降水呈负相关关系.  相似文献   

长江流域水分收支以及再分析资料可用性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
赵瑞霞  吴国雄 《气象学报》2007,65(3):416-427
首先利用实测资料定量计算了长江流域水分收支的各分量,包括降水、径流、蒸发、水汽辐合等,分析其季节循环、年际变化以及线性趋势变化。结果表明,多年平均该流域是水汽汇区,主要来自平均流输送造成的水汽辐合,而与天气过程密切相关的瞬变波则主要造成流域的水汽辐散。蒸发所占比例接近于径流,对流域水分循环十分重要。大部分要素的季节变化和年际变化都很大,只有蒸发和大气含水量的年际变化较小。降水和平均流输送造成的水汽辐合一般在6月达到年内最大,12月达到年内最小,而径流和大气含水量则一般滞后1个月于7月达到年内最大,1月降为年内最小。1958—1983年,夏半年降水略微增加,冬半年略微减少,各月实测径流为弱的增长趋势,但均不显著,年平均蒸发亦无显著的趋势变化。然后将实测资料同ECMWF及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料作进一步对比分析,以检验两套再分析资料对长江流域水分循环的描述能力。在量值上,NCEP/NCAR再分析资料中的降水、蒸发、径流均比实测偏大很多,大气含水量及由平均流输送所造成的水汽辐合则偏小很多;ECMWF再分析资料中的降水量、径流量基本上与实测接近,蒸发量偏大,大气含水量及由平均流输送所造成的水汽辐合偏小,但比NCEP/NCAR再分析资料要接近实测。另外,该两套再分析资料均可以较好地描述长江流域水分收支的季节循环和年际变化,而且同样是ECMWF再分析资料与实测资料的一致性更好。但是两套再分析资料在1958—1983年均存在十分夸张的线性趋势变化,尤其是ECMWF再分析资料。  相似文献   

1998年夏季中日合作开展了淮河流域能量与水分循环试验(HUBEX),该试验和GAME其他试验的探空加密观测资料作为原始资料的一部分经过同化分析,得到了GAME再分析资料。该文就是以1998年6~8月我国江淮地区的天气过程为背景,对GAME和NCEP两组不同的再分析资料的基本要素场、导数场、降水量场和地面通量场用气候诊断和统计的方法进行了对比分析。结果表明,在对流层低层和中高层GAME再分析资料的基本要素场及地面的降水场和通量场较NCEP再分析资料更为准确;GAME再分析资料能很好地反映出西南涡东移并影响江淮大暴雨的重要天气特征,而NCEP资料则反映不出这一现象。同时还得到,GAME再分析资料优于NCEP再分析资料的主要原因是GAME的资料同化系统中加入了包括HUBEX等气象科学试验的探空加密观测资料。因此,该文证实了GAME的外场加密观测试验—HUBEX等开展的必要性,说明增加观测资料的时空分辨率对于提高我国天气气候的预报准确率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The present study compares seasonal and interdecadal variations in surface sensible heat flux over Northwest China between station observations and ERA-40 and NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data for the period 1960-2000.While the seasonal variation in sensible heat flux is found to be consistent between station observations and the two reanalysis datasets,both land-air temperatures difference and surface wind speed show remarkable systematic differences.The sensible heat flux displays obvious interdecadal variability that is season-dependent.In the ERA-40 data,the sensible heat flux in spring,fall,and winter shows interdecadal variations that are similar to observations.In the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data,sensible heat flux variations are inconsistent with and sometimes even opposite to observations.While surface wind speeds from the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data show interdecadal changes consistent with station observations,variations in land-air temperature difference differ greatly from the observed dataset.In terms of land-air temperature difference and surface wind speed,almost no consistency with observations can be identified in the ERA-40 data,apart from the land-air temperature difference in fall and winter.These inconsistencies pose a major obstacle to the application in climate studies of surface sensible heat flux derived from reanalysis data.  相似文献   

The evolution of El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability can be characterized by various ocean–atmosphere feedbacks, for example, the influence of ENSO related sea surface temperature (SST) variability on the low-level wind and surface heat fluxes in the equatorial tropical Pacific, which in turn affects the evolution of the SST. An analysis of these feedbacks requires physically consistent observational data sets. Availability of various reanalysis data sets produced during the last 15?years provides such an opportunity. A consolidated estimate of ocean surface fluxes based on multiple reanalyses also helps understand biases in ENSO predictions and simulations from climate models. In this paper, the intensity and the spatial structure of ocean–atmosphere feedback terms (precipitation, surface wind stress, and ocean surface heat flux) associated with ENSO are evaluated for six different reanalysis products. The analysis provides an estimate for the feedback terms that could be used for model validation studies. The analysis includes the robustness of the estimate across different reanalyses. Results show that one of the “coupled” reanalysis among the six investigated is closer to the ensemble mean of the results, suggesting that the coupled data assimilation may have the potential to better capture the overall atmosphere–ocean feedback processes associated with ENSO than the uncoupled ones.  相似文献   

利用ERA5再分析资料、CMORPH融合降水资料和山地通量观测资料对2020年6月26日发生在四川冕宁一次夜间致灾暴雨进行综合诊断分析。结果表明:本次夜间暴雨发生前,白天地面热源存在明显的正异常变化,地面热源的正异常区与降水有很好的对应关系。同时大气热源(视热源和视水汽汇)与暴雨的关系密切且相互影响,降水释放凝结潜热,加热大气,使得视热源也随之增加。在暴雨发展强盛阶段,视水汽汇的垂直输送项达到最大,而视水汽汇的局地变化项能很好指示整个暴雨过程中区域水汽的净输送状况。  相似文献   

1999年夏季江淮地区热源和水汽汇时空变化特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用1999年的NCAR再分析网格点风场、温度场、湿度场及含HUBEX试验加密观测的降水资料等,诊断分析了夏季长江流域梅雨暴雨集中期及其前后江淮地区的大气热源、水汽汇的时空分布及多时间尺度特征.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes surface climate variability in the climate forecast system reanalysis (CFSR) recently completed at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The CFSR represents a new generation of reanalysis effort with first guess from a coupled atmosphere?Cocean?Csea ice?Cland forecast system. This study focuses on the analysis of climate variability for a set of surface variables including precipitation, surface air 2-m temperature (T2m), and surface heat fluxes. None of these quantities are assimilated directly and thus an assessment of their variability provides an independent measure of the accuracy. The CFSR is compared with observational estimates and three previous reanalyses (the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis or R1, the NCEP/DOE reanalysis or R2, and the ERA40 produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). The CFSR has improved time-mean precipitation distribution over various regions compared to the three previous reanalyses, leading to a better representation of freshwater flux (evaporation minus precipitation). For interannual variability, the CFSR shows improved precipitation correlation with observations over the Indian Ocean, Maritime Continent, and western Pacific. The T2m of the CFSR is superior to R1 and R2 with more realistic interannual variability and long-term trend. On the other hand, the CFSR overestimates downward solar radiation flux over the tropical Western Hemisphere warm pool, consistent with a negative cloudiness bias and a positive sea surface temperature bias. Meanwhile, the evaporative latent heat flux in CFSR appears to be larger than other observational estimates over most of the globe. A few deficiencies in the long-term variations are identified in the CFSR. Firstly, dramatic changes are found around 1998?C2001 in the global average of a number of variables, possibly related to the changes in the assimilated satellite observations. Secondly, the use of multiple streams for the CFSR induces spurious jumps in soil moisture between adjacent streams. Thirdly, there is an inconsistency in long-term sea ice extent variations over the Arctic regions between the CFSR and other observations with the CFSR showing smaller sea ice extent before 1997 and larger extent starting in 1997. These deficiencies may have impacts on the application of the CFSR for climate diagnoses and predictions. Relationships between surface heat fluxes and SST tendency and between SST and precipitation are analyzed and compared with observational estimates and other reanalyses. Global mean fields of surface heat and water fluxes together with radiation fluxes at the top of the atmosphere are documented and presented over the entire globe, and for the ocean and land separately.  相似文献   

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