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气候变化是当前世界面临的巨大挑战,应对气候变化需要国际间合作已成为普遍共识。IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第三工作组(WGⅢ)报告第十四章回顾了IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)以来气候变化国际合作的进展,基于所提出的评价体系对进展进行了系统评估。报告认为,AR5以来气候变化国际合作最重要的进展是基于《巴黎协定》建立的以国家自主贡献为核心的全球行动模式;除《巴黎协定》外,国际上也形成了多种形式的合作机制,其中,气候俱乐部是国际气候合作研究的新热点。对于《巴黎协定》的有效性,目前国际社会存在正反两种观点,并认为《巴黎协定》能否达成既定目标取决于是否有能力强化全球下一步的集体气候行动目标和实施。  相似文献   

北极海冰的快速减少是否已经显著地影响了最近中纬度大陆冬季极端天气气候事件引起了气候学家的广泛争论。问题的争论是来源于观测数据的年限很短以及中高纬度复杂的内部变率。在本研究中,采用气候突变检测的方法,我们将秋季海冰覆盖面积的变化分为三个阶段:1979–1986(高海冰阶段),1987–2006(海冰缓慢减少阶段)和2007–2014(海冰快速减少阶段)。然后,我们分析了与每一个阶段秋季海冰变化相联系的中-东欧亚地区冬季气候(尤其极端天气事件)是什么。结果表明北极海冰减少对西伯利亚西部和东亚极端天气事件影响的信号是稳健可测的。伴随着海冰的快速减少,高低空急流速度的减弱和急流位置的南移;波动振幅的加强、乌拉尔山阻塞频率的增多。这些导致了寒潮事件从亚洲中部到中国东北部地区显著增多。并且,与北极海冰的快速减少相关的环流异常与观测到的环流异常基本一致。相反地,在高海冰阶段,与海冰相关的环流异常和观测的异常并不一致。这个阶段的环流异常是与北极涛动处于持续的负位相有关的。  相似文献   

么枕生 《大气科学》1978,2(3):192-200
首先,综论已有气候序列变率的各种量数,提出气候标准序列变率和推导其与他种序列变率间的关系,以资比较。然后,推导了气候标准序列变率抽样分布的参数(平均数与方差),并证明了在正态假设下这些参数的简化结果和气候标准序列变率抽样分布函数中的参数是一致的。这些是本文的重点。最后,应用气候标准序列变率的一些统计理论说明其在资料统计方面的实用价值,指出其优越性。气候标准序列变率不仅可以分析气候特征,它可以用于研究气候变迁与旱涝规律,以及用于气候统计予报。  相似文献   

<正>2010年6月28日上午,来自GKSS海岸研究所和汉堡大学气象系的Hansvon Storch教授以及他的3名博士研究生,应邀在中国气象局气候研究开放实验室举行了"风暴事件变化和预估专题研讨会"。专题研讨会由国家气候  相似文献   

1985年1月8—11日美国气象学会在洛杉矶召开了第3次气候变化会议,这次会议的两个议题之一是当代气候,明确指1850—2100年间的气候。关于当代气候,M.C.MacCracken 做了总结性的报告。他首先指出,如果考虑社会的影响,则所谓正常气候的时间尺度是变化的,对农业来讲可能指最近10年;对水资源  相似文献   

乔盛西,1935年10月生,安徽省舒城县人。1957年毕业于南京大学气象系。现任湖北省气候应用所正研级高级工程师。 乔盛西长期从事气候分析工作,先后在《气象学报》(中、英文版)、《地理学报》、《地理研究》、《气象》等学术刊物以及国内外重要学术会议论文集上发表29篇论文。他在历史气候、农业气候、医疗气象和城市气候等方面的研究中所提出的新观点、新结论,得到了专家的认可和引用。同样是研究长江中下游地区历史时期的洪涝,但他能从与洪涝互为因果关系的历史时期霪雨这个一直没有人去研究的新角度出发,认  相似文献   

黄士松先生出生于1920年10月27日,系我国著名的气象学家和气象教育家、新中国气象事业的奠基人之一。他从事气象科学研究六十余载,始终面向世界气象科学前沿,立足中国天气气候实际,围绕大气环流与灾害性天气气候问题,在大气环流成因、副热带高压变动规律、平流层与对流层环流联系、南北半球环流联系、东亚夏季风体系结构和暴雨台风重大灾害性天气过程等诸多研究领域取得了开创性、前瞻性和系统性成果。他提出了诸多新发现、新理论、新观点和新方法,均具有重大学术与实践指导意义,为丰富天气学、气候学及提高中国天气预报和气候预测水平作出了重要学术贡献。值此黄士松先生百年诞辰之际,本文从大气环流、副热带高压、东亚夏季风及暴雨和台风4个方面对先生的主要学术成就进行了回顾,以此纪念和缅怀他对气象科学的重要学术贡献。  相似文献   

著名的气候学家、科学家和工程师们都认为,二十世纪后半叶速度越来越快的科学技术革命已经使得通过人类审慎的干预,来大规模改善大气候有了实际可能性。卓越的气候学家E. K. Fedorov认为,大型的人工改良气候计划的技术困难并不是不可克服的。他还认为,这类计划既可以用于作为一个整体的全球气候,也可以用于某一半球的气候。Fedorov进一步认为,如果具备必要  相似文献   

吴忠义 《气象》1986,12(7):25-25
1985年全国气候评价会1986年4月14—19日在北京召开。全国各省、市、自治区气象局、南京气象学院及水利电力部、商业部等单位的代表共53人出席了会议。 国家气象局骆继宾副局长到会讲了话。他肯定了气候评价投入业务以来所取得的进展,并指出,各级领导要加强对此项工作的领导,进一步提高气候评价的质量及其社会、经济效益。 由于各级领导的重视,气候评价已顺利地投入正常业务,一支较为稳定的气候评价队伍已初步形成。月、季、半年、全年和农作物生长季节等不同时段的评价普遍展开。不少地区开始利用微机进行统计。书面、影视、咨询、现场等不同形式的服务,深受各级政府和使用单位的欢迎。 为不断提高气候评价的质量和社会、经济效益,会议要求各级气象部门:①巩固与完善评价情报网,及时地获得气候、经济等各种情报信息。②  相似文献   

郭英杰同志,高级工程师,科右前旗索伦国家基准气候站副站长。他坚持不懈认真学习邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想,在思想上始终按共产党员的标准严格要求自己,在工作上勤勤恳恳,认真学习相关业务知识,不断提高自身的政治理论水平和综合素质。  相似文献   

湖南气候对全球气候变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用湖南省96个台站1960—2010年逐日气象观测资料,在进行均一性检验和订正的基础上对湖南省气候变化事实进行检测分析。结果表明:湖南气候与全球气候变化一致,呈现以变暖为主要特征的变化,且变暖存在季节、地域上的差异,冬、春、秋气温变暖趋势显著,增暖幅度最大的区域在湘北地区;对气候变暖响应敏感的要素主要是与平均气温、冬季气温相关密切的要素,如季平均气温、年平均最低气温、活动积温等;湖南气温在突变时间上具有较好的时间逻辑关系;湖南降水量无显著趋势变化,但极端降水增加,地域性差异明显,湖南东部地区降水量呈现明显增加趋势,日降水量大于等于100 mm的日数呈显著增加趋势;湖南日照时数、风速、相对湿度均呈现显著减少的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Whether or not actual shifts in climate influence public perceptions of climate change remains an open question, one with important implications for societal response to climate change. We use the most comprehensive public opinion survey data on climate change available for the US to examine effects of annual and seasonal climate variation. Our results show that political orientation has the most important effect in shaping public perceptions about the timing and seriousness of climate change. Objective climatic conditions do not influence Americans’ perceptions of the timing of climate change and only have a negligible effect on perceptions about the seriousness of climate change. These results suggest that further changes in climatic conditions are unlikely to produce noticeable shifts in Americans’ climate change perceptions.  相似文献   

BCC_CSM气候系统模式移植优化及其气候模拟验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高BCC_CSM气候系统模式运行效率,保障业务科研工作的顺利开展,进行BCC_CSM气候系统模式在IBM高性能计算系统的移植工作;通过性能优化使BCC_CSM模式运行效率显著提高,通过气候要素形势场分布和相对误差量化指标对BCC_CSM气候系统模式模拟性能进行验证。结果表明:移植优化后,BCC_CSM气候系统模式计算效率提高为原来的1.4倍;基于CMIP5 piControl试验,完成531-540年10 a的气候模拟,年平均地表气温形势场分布合理,相对误差小于0.5%,BCC_CSM气候系统模式计算和模拟性能均能满足应用需求。  相似文献   

The Amazon region has been undergoing profound transformations since the late ‘70s through forest degradation, land use changes and effects of global climate change. The perception of such changes by local communities is important for risk analysis and for subsequent societal decision making. In this study, we compare and contrast observations and perceptions of climate change by selected Amazonian communities particularly vulnerable to alterations in precipitation regimes. Two main points were analysed: (i) the notion of changes in the annual climate cycle and (ii) the notion of changes in rainfall patterns. About 72% of the sampled population reports perceptions of climate changes, and there is a robust signal of increased perception with age. Other possible predictive parameters such as gender, fishing frequency and changes in/planning of economic activities do not appear overall as contributing to perceptions. The communities’ perceptions of the changes in 2013–2014 were then compared to earlier results (2007–2008), providing an unprecedented cohort study of the same sites. Results show that climate change perceptions and measured rainfall variations differ across the basin. It was only in the southern part of the Amazon that both measured and perceived changes in rainfall patterns were consistent with decreased precipitation. However, the perception of a changing climate became more widespread and frequently mentioned, signalling an increase in awareness of climate risk.  相似文献   

Framing the way to relate climate extremes to climate change   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The atmospheric and ocean environment has changed from human activities in ways that affect storms and extreme climate events. The main way climate change is perceived is through changes in extremes because those are outside the bounds of previous weather. The average anthropogenic climate change effect is not negligible, but nor is it large, although a small shift in the mean can lead to very large percentage changes in extremes. Anthropogenic global warming inherently has decadal time scales and can be readily masked by natural variability on short time scales. To the extent that interactions are linear, even places that feature below normal temperatures are still warmer than they otherwise would be. It is when natural variability and climate change develop in the same direction that records get broken. For instance, the rapid transition from El Ni?o prior to May 2010 to La Ni?a by July 2010 along with global warming contributed to the record high sea surface temperatures in the tropical Indian and Atlantic Oceans and in close proximity to places where record flooding subsequently occurred. A commentary is provided on recent climate extremes. The answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.  相似文献   

影响气候变化的大气成分,依据其在大气中存留的时间,分为长寿命的温室气体和短寿命的气候强迫因子(SLCFs)。考虑到SLCFs在气候变化和大气环境中的重要作用,IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)首次有了专门针对SLCFs的章节(第六章)。本文解读IPCC报告关于SLCFs的主要结论,特别强调AR5以来的最新结论,包括:SLCFs的定义、SLCFs排放和大气含量的变化特征及其对辐射强迫和全球气候的影响、不同共享社会经济路径(SSP)情景下SLCFs对未来气候变化和空气质量可能的影响,以及COVID-19疫情期间减排对气候变化的影响。文末也讨论了结论的不确定性以及结论对我国的启示。  相似文献   

The fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5) was used to dynamically downscale two Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM) simulations of the transient climate change for the period 1950–2100, over North America, following the CORDEX protocol. The CRCM5 was driven by data from the CanESM2 and MPI-ESM-LR CGCM simulations, based on the historical (1850–2005) and future (2006–2100) RCP4.5 radiative forcing scenario. The results show that the CRCM5 simulations reproduce relatively well the current-climate North American regional climatic features, such as the temperature and precipitation multiannual means, annual cycles and temporal variability at daily scale. A cold bias was noted during the winter season over western and southern portions of the continent. CRCM5-simulated precipitation accumulations at daily temporal scale are much more realistic when compared with its driving CGCM simulations, especially in summer when small-scale driven convective precipitation has a large contribution over land. The CRCM5 climate projections imply a general warming over the continent in the 21st century, especially over the northern regions in winter. The winter warming is mostly contributed by the lower percentiles of daily temperatures, implying a reduction in the frequency and intensity of cold waves. A precipitation decrease is projected over Central America and an increase over the rest of the continent. For the average precipitation change in summer however there is little consensus between the simulations. Some of these differences can be attributed to the uncertainties in CGCM-projected changes in the position and strength of the Pacific Ocean subtropical high pressure.  相似文献   

Regional climate modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Regional climate modelling is becoming increasingly popular. The most common technique employs high resolution limited-area models to economically produce detaited climatologies for selected regions. A short review is presented of the underlying principles, recent simulations limitations of the method and future prospects.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

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