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周德刚 《大气科学》2016,40(2):411-422
气象台站观测的气象要素可能受城市化等因子的影响而与野外试验站的观测存在一定的差异,这影响野外试验获取的热力参数直接应用于西北干旱区台站感热通量的估算。本文选取了一些常用的热力参数化方案(包括Z10、B82、Z98、Y08和Z12等方案),通过敦煌站夏季估算的感热通量与野外观测的比较以及对整个西北干旱区夏季感热通量的估算,评价了这些热力参数化对动量粗糙度的敏感性和在西北干旱区的适用性。结果显示,热力输送系数取定值的方案计算西北干旱区的感热通量可能存在较大不确定;台站的动量粗糙度可能受城市化等因子的影响,但在感热通量计算时建议取台站下垫面的动量粗糙度;Y08方案估算的感热通量相对比较合理,可以用来研究西北干旱区的夏季地表感热输送特征。  相似文献   

一个确定大气近地层湍流输送的计算方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在相似理论的基础上,提出了一个确定大气近地层湍流输送特征(包括气象要素风、温度的垂直分布廓线,以及大气和下垫面之间的动量和热量通量交换)的计算方案.并与Businger(1971)的迭代计算方案进行了比较.该方案计算结果较好,应用方便.  相似文献   

张海宏  姜海梅  周秉荣  祁栋林 《气象》2019,45(11):1550-1559
利用玉树隆宝湿地的观测资料,分析了未冻结、冻结和冻结有积雪覆盖三种情况下动量通量和感热通量的日变化情况,计算了三种情况下动量总体输送系数、感热总体输送系数、动力学粗糙度和热力学粗糙度,分析了附加阻尼和粗糙度雷诺数的关系,并将三种附加阻尼的参数化方案进行了比较,结果表明:冻结状态下动量通量和感热通量的日变化幅度最大,冻结有积雪覆盖时,动量通量和感热通量的日变化幅度最小。动量总体输送系数C_D和感热总体输送系数C_H的值在冻结时最大,冻结有积雪覆盖时最小,动力学粗糙度和热力学粗糙度在冻结状况下最小,冻结有积雪覆盖时最大。未冻结、冻结和冻结有积雪覆盖状态下,三种附加阻尼kB~(-1)参数化方案中,幂函数型方案较为合适。  相似文献   

用变分方法估算淮河流域总体输送系数   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
利用2001年6~7月间在安徽肥西的边界层观测资料,利用变分方法计算地面动量通量和感热通量,进而分别估算该处动量总体输送系数和感热总体输送系数。用变分方法计算的地面粗糙度为0.03m。在中性条件下,10m高处平均动量总体输送系数和感热总体输送系数分别为4.83×10-3和3.81×10-3,比值是1.27。总体输送系数具有明显的日变化特征,中午时段最大,夜晚最小;总体输送系数与大气稳定度存在明显关联,文中给出它们之间的拟合关系式;随着高度的增加总体输送系数减少,但减少幅度逐渐变小。  相似文献   

利用珠海凤凰山陆气相互作用观测塔站2014年11月至2016年5月的观测数据,对比分析了干湿季森林下垫面能量通量和气象要素的变化特征,分析了在不同稳定度下3个风向范围(315°~45°、45°~135°和135°~225°)的动量和感热交换系数随冠层表面风速的变化特征,并对动量和感热交换系数进行了参数化研究。结果表明:干季感热和潜热通量值相当,湿季潜热远大于感热。干季和湿季的夜晚都出现负感热现象,感热从大气向森林输送。相对湿度的变化幅度大,与该地气象状况密切相关,相对湿度的垂直梯度夜晚较大,白天较小。干季的气温垂直梯度比湿季的明显。风速在冬季变化平缓,夏季变化剧烈,低层风速随高度变化梯度明显,高层较紊乱。各高度风向差异不大。中性和近中性状态下,在风向为315°~45°、45°~135°和135°~225°时,动量交换系数Cdn分别为0.05、0.0055和0.022,感热交换系数Chn分别为0.0055、0.003和0.004。在稳定和不稳定状态下,动量交换系数Cd、感热交换系数Ch随冠层表面风速v明显发生变化,稳定条件下,Cd、Ch随v的增大而增大;不稳定条件下,Cd、Ch随v的增大而减小。分不同风向对森林冠层Cd、Ch在稳定和不稳定条件下与v的关系进行了拟合,得到了参数化公式。  相似文献   

利用中尺度模式WRF三种边界层参数化方案(MYJ、YSU和ACM2),对2012年四川盆地夏季连续40天逐日降水量进行数值试验,并检验评估了不同边界层参数化方案下模式对分级降水量和边界层结构的模拟能力,分析了各参数化方案对降水量模拟差异的可能原因。结果表明:三种边界层参数化方案对较小量级(小雨和中雨)降水量的模拟,24 h时效优于48 h,ACM2方案效果较好;对较大量级(大雨和暴雨)降水的模拟,48 h时效优于24 h,YSU方案模拟效果较好。对比分析温江站加密探空观测与模式模拟的大气边界层结构表明,ACM2方案对小量级降水时边界层结构的模拟较为准确,而YSU方案更适合于温江站大量级降水时边界层结构的模拟。不同边界层参数化方案对各量级降水量模拟差异的可能原因是边界层湍流混合强度的不同,MYJ方案湍流混合作用较弱,导致底层大量水汽积聚,不稳定性强,容易产生虚假降水,因此对各量级降水模拟能力均有限;YSU方案具有强烈的垂直混合强度,有利于局地水汽的向上输送,更易达到大量级降水发生发展的条件,适用于盆地较大量级降水的模拟;ACM2方案在保证足够湍流混合强度的同时,在较稳定条件下会关闭非局地输送,不致于产生过强降水,适合盆地较小量级降水的数值模拟  相似文献   

长江三角洲常熟地区近地层湍流特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1999年5~9月长江三角洲常熟地区的湍流脉动观测资料,分析了该地区感热、潜热和动量通量的日变化以及湍流强度和湍流谱特征,结果表明该地区各能量的日变化与常见情况相同,白天潜热通量的输送占主导地位,感热通量比潜热小得多,且湍流的日变化与天气的关系非常密切,晴天比阴天要大得多.湍流强度和湍流谱的分析结果表明,在近中性条件下,常熟地区各方向湍流强度接近典型平坦下垫面的值.非中性条件下,垂直方向规一化标准差与稳定度的关系都较好地满足1/3次幂定律,水平方向没有垂直方向上的规律好,特别是稳定条件下,数据点分散性大;各风速分量谱在高频段满足理论上的-2/3次幂定律,纵向和垂直方向速度谱的峰值频率与典型平坦下垫面上的结果一致.总体输送系数CD、CH与稳定度的关系密切,随稳定度增加有减小的趋势.  相似文献   

近地层湍流通量计算对于中尺度数值模式有重要意义, 湍流通量的参数化是当前大气边界层研究的重要课题之一。选择青藏高原东缘大理观象台边界层通量观测系统, 离线测试了WRF区域模式中的两种常用的近地层参数化方案(MM5相似理论非迭代方案A和ETA 相似理论迭代方案B), 并将参数化方案计算结果与边界层铁塔涡动相关法的观测值进行对比分析。在大理观象台观测场不同植被随季节交替的状况下, 根据边界层铁塔4层高度风速拟合, 发现近地层空气动力学粗糙度随季节变化特征明显。将拟合的空气动力学粗糙度输入模式参数化方案进行通量计算。结果表明:稳定度是影响近地层参数化方案精度的重要因素, 在不稳定条件下方案B低估了动量通量, 方案A优于方案B, 而在稳定条件下方案A低估了动量通量, 方案B优于方案A, 两种方案总体来看误差不大。对于大理边界层通量观测场地农田植被交替的环境条件, 不同季节下垫面植被类型的差异, 以及植被的稀疏对近地层参数化方案湍流通量计算结果的精度有显著影响。方案B考虑了空气动力学粗糙度z0和热量粗糙度z0h的差异, 不稳定条件下感热通量计算结果在裸土或稀少植被条件下明显优于方案A。针对方案B不稳定条件下感热通量计算结果在裸土下垫面仍出现高估的现象, 在使用了(Zeng, et al, 1998)提出的对于使用辐射地表温度在裸土下垫面时的订正方法后, 计算结果也有明显改善。  相似文献   

海气界面动量交换对台风发展起着重要作用,其估算公式依赖于拖曳系数。本文利用观测和台风模拟试验对八种拖曳系数参数化方案进行系统的评估。结果表明,相对于早期的参数化方案,近些年提出的参数化方案对拖曳系数的描述有了显著的改进,主要体现在高风速条件下。不同的拖曳系数参数化方案对超强台风"海燕"的模拟路径几乎没有影响,但是对其强度、尺寸和结构的模拟结果有显著影响。  相似文献   

南京南郊大气湍流统计特征的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2011年8月南京南郊溧水大气边界层加强实验站的大气湍流观测资料,分析了城市郊区自然状态下垫面大气湍流宏观统计规律,以及湍流动量、热量、水汽和CO2的湍流输送特征。结果表明:不稳定层结下,3方向风速归一化标准差σu/u*,σv/u*,σw/u*,随稳定度参数ζ呈1/3幂次关系;稳定层结下也呈现类似规律;近中性条件下,分别趋近于常数。不稳定层结下,温度、比湿、CO2质量浓度归一化标准差σT/|T*|,σq/|q*|,σρCO2/|ρCO2*|,随ζ呈1/3幂次负相关关系,但结果相对离散,并且相对离散的数据对应着较小的|T*|、|q*|、|ρCO2*|值;稳定层结下,三者ζ之间的关系没有明显变化规律。实验期间相对于感热通量,潜热通量在热量平衡中所占比例较大;CO2通量平均值为负,整体表现为碳汇。水汽、热量和CO2均存在水平输送。  相似文献   

A non-iterative analytical scheme is developed for unstable stratification that parametrizes the Monin–Obukhov stability parameter \(\zeta \) (\({=}z{/}L\), where z is the height above the ground and L is the Obukhov length) in terms of bulk Richardson number (\(Ri_B\)) within the framework of Businger–Dyer type similarity functions. The proposed scheme is valid for a wide range of roughness lengths of heat and momentum. The absolute relative error in the transfer coefficients of heat and momentum is found to be less than 1.5% as compared to those obtained from an iterative scheme for Businger–Dyer type similarity functions. An attempt has been made to extend this scheme to incorporate the similarity functions having a theoretically consistent free convection limit. Further, the performance of the scheme is evaluated using observational data from two different sites. The proposed scheme is simple, non-iterative and relatively more accurate compared to the schemes reported in the literature and can be used as a potential alternative to iterative schemes used in numerical models of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Derivation of bulk transport coefficients helps solving land surface processes. A similarity-based method for determining the turbulent transfer (including the flux exchange, the vertical distribution of wind and potential temperature) in the atmospheric surface layer is presented. Comparisons with iterative schemes (Businger, 1971) are given to demonstrate the advantages of the calculation methods.  相似文献   

Observations of surface-layer turbulence and turbulent fluxes were made over a desert in northwestern China as a part of HEIFE (HEIhe river Field Experiment). These show that the normalized variations of the vertical wind component and of the air temperature obey Monin-Obukhov similarity well, especially in free convective conditions. However, the variations of specific humidity do not obey Monin-Obukhov similarity.Mean bulk transfer coefficients of sensible heat and momentum flux are obtained as functions of stability over a wide stability range from the observed data of turbulent fluxes and mast profiles. However, the bulk transfer coefficient for water vapor could not be obtained because of the large scatter of the data. In free convective conditions, the sensible heat flux was found to be approximately proportional to the 1.4 power of temperature difference between the surface and 20m. The bulk transfer coefficient of sensible heat is also obtained as a function of the bulk Richardson number for practical convenience.  相似文献   

From a set of turbulence data collected with a three-axis sonic anemometer/thermometer and described in a companion paper, we simulate the eddy-accumulation process for sensible heat and momentum fluxes. The resulting eddy-accumulation coefficient for momentum clearly depends on surface-layer stability; at neutral stability, its value is 0.63. On supplementing the scalar eddy-accumulation coefficients that we derive from our sensible heat flux data with values of sensible and latent heat flux coefficients reported by Businger and Oncley, we also find that scalar eddy-accumulation coefficients depend on stability, though more weakly than does the momentum coefficient. The coefficients for sensible and latent heat show no significant difference; we, thus, fit them with one function of stability whose value is 0.52 for neutral stratification.  相似文献   

青藏高原总体输送系数的特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
利用中日亚洲季风机制合作研究计划设在西藏的 4个自动气象站(AWS)获得的5a多(199年7月~1998年12月)时次密集、观测连续的近地层梯度资料,以最小二乘法确定出相应站点各季节的地表粗糙度,并应用廓线-通量法计算了4站逐日的总体输送系数,分析了其随时间的变化特征。结果表明:青藏高原动量输送系数的多年平均值为3.53×10-3~4.99×10-3,热量输送系数为4.67×10-3~6.73×10-3,并且两种输送系数都存在明显的日变化和季节变化,部分站点还存在较明显的年际变化。另外,还讨论了总体输送系数与近地层大气层结稳定度、地表粗糙度以及地面风速等因子的关系,初步建立了可用常规气象站地面观测资料计算青藏高原总体输送系数的拟合公式。  相似文献   

中尺度数值模拟结果特别是高影响天气的精细预报对近地层动量和热量通量极为敏感,因此近地层湍流通量参数化方案一直是大气科学研究中一个十分重要的课题.以TOGA-COARE观测试验资料为基础,本文将湍流通量参数化方案模块从天气研究预报(WRF)模式中提取出来,与最新研发的湍流通量参数化方案(即LGLC方案)进行对比测试分析....  相似文献   

In this paper,by using measurements in micrometeorology and radiation balance in the surface layer(Yamanouchiet al.,1981;Wada et al.,1981;Ishikawa et al.,1982;Ohata et al.,1983),we have analyzed the diurnal and annual varia-tion characteristics of radiation balance in spring,summer,autumn and winter,and calculated the momentum flux andsensible heat flux with the aerodynamic method and profile gradient alternate method in different seasons.We have alsoobtained the diurnal variation characters of the latent heat flux from the equation for energy balance.The results fromthe calculation are compared.Finally,the relationship between the turbulent heat and momentum exchange coefficientand the diurnal variation of the Richardson number is discussed.  相似文献   

Four bulk schemes (LKB, FG, D and DB), with the flux-profile relationships of Liuet al. (1979), Francey and Garratt (1981), Dyer (1974), and Dyer and Bradley (1982), are derived from the viscous interfacial-sublayer model of Liuet al. These schemes, with stability-dependent transfer coefficients, are then tested against the eddy-correlation fluxes measured at the 50 m flight level above the western Atlantic Ocean during cold-air outbreaks. The bulk fluxes of momentum (), sensible heat (H), and latent heat (E) are found to increase with various von Kármán constants (k M for k H forH, andk E forE). Except that the LKB scheme overestimates by 28% (46Wm–2), on the average, the fluxes estimated by the four bulk schemes appear to be in fairly good agreement with those of the eddy correlation method (magnitudes of biases within 10% for , 17% forH, and 13% forE). The results suggest that the overall fluxes and surface-layer scaling parameters are best estimated by FG and thatk H <k E . On the average, the FG scheme underestimates by 10% (0.032N m–2) andE by 4% (12Wm–2), and overestimatesH by 0.3% (0.5W m–2). The equivalent neutral transfer coefficients at 10 m height of the FG scheme compare well with some schemes of those tested by Blanc (1985).The relative importance of various von Kármán constants, dimensionless gradients and roughness lengths to the oceanic transfer coefficients is assessed. The dependence of transfer coefficients on wind speeds and roughness lengths is discussed. The transfer coefficients for andE agree excellently between LKB and FG. However, the ratio of the coefficient forH of LKB to that of FG, increasing with decreasing stability, is very sensitive to stability at low winds, but approaches the neutral value of 1.25 at high winds.  相似文献   

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