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应用通量方差法估算戈壁绿洲下垫面湍流通量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王少影  张宇  吕世华 《大气科学》2010,34(6):1214-1222
利用“绿洲系统能量与水分循环过程观测试验” 2005年绿洲、戈壁点的观测资料, 分析与讨论了温度、水汽的归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系, 应用通量方差法对感热、 潜热通量进行了计算, 并同涡动相关系统的观测结果进行了比较。不稳定条件下, 戈壁点温度归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系优于下垫面非均匀性更强的绿洲点, 绿洲点水汽的归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系较温度量表现得更好。对同一站点, 归一化温度标准差的通量方差关系并不总是优于水汽的通量方差关系, 其取决于该站点的温度以及水汽的源汇分布情况; 通量方差法对两个站点的感热、 潜热通量均有较好的再现, 但戈壁点感热通量的计算效果优于非均匀性更强的绿洲点。应用通量方差法对潜热通量计算时若采用直接观测的感热通量, 则潜热通量的计算效果具有一定程度的改善。  相似文献   

利用位于青藏高原东侧理塘大气综合观测站2008年观测资料,分析了高寒草甸下垫面上地表通量的时间变化特征,确定了温度、水汽和CO2的归一化标准差在不稳定情况下随稳定度变化的通量方差关系,应用通量方差法对感热、潜热和CO2通量进行了计算,并与涡旋相关系统的观测结果进行了比较。结果表明:地表通量月平均日变化呈较为规则的日循环特征,季节变化特征也很明显,雨季(5-9月)潜热大于感热,干季则以感热为主,CO2通量以6-9月值最大。在不稳定条件下,温度、水汽和CO2的归一化标准差随稳定度的变化均满足-1/3规律,其通量方差相似性常数分别为1.2,1.4和0.9。通量方差法估算出的通量值与涡旋相关观测得到的通量值有较好的一致性,但感热通量的效果优于潜热通量和CO2通量。该方法高估了感热通量尤其是潜热通量,而低估了CO2通量。采用直接观测的感热通量值计算潜热通量和CO2通量可改善计算结果。  相似文献   

云南大理干湿季近地层湍流特征对比分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
利用大理国家气候观象台2007年3月至2008年1月观测资料,采用涡动相关法等计算方法分析了该地区湍流强度、湍流方差、湍流通量等特征量的日变化规律和干湿季变化特征。结果表明:湍流强度干季大于湿季;湍流方差与稳定度满足1/3次方定律,风速方差在稳定条件下比不稳定条件下离散,水平方向比垂直方向离散;湍流通量有明显日变化特征,感热、动量通量干季大于湿季,潜热通量湿季大于干季,干湿季热量交换以潜热为主。  相似文献   

长江三角洲常熟地区近地层湍流特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1999年5~9月长江三角洲常熟地区的湍流脉动观测资料,分析了该地区感热、潜热和动量通量的日变化以及湍流强度和湍流谱特征,结果表明该地区各能量的日变化与常见情况相同,白天潜热通量的输送占主导地位,感热通量比潜热小得多,且湍流的日变化与天气的关系非常密切,晴天比阴天要大得多.湍流强度和湍流谱的分析结果表明,在近中性条件下,常熟地区各方向湍流强度接近典型平坦下垫面的值.非中性条件下,垂直方向规一化标准差与稳定度的关系都较好地满足1/3次幂定律,水平方向没有垂直方向上的规律好,特别是稳定条件下,数据点分散性大;各风速分量谱在高频段满足理论上的-2/3次幂定律,纵向和垂直方向速度谱的峰值频率与典型平坦下垫面上的结果一致.总体输送系数CD、CH与稳定度的关系密切,随稳定度增加有减小的趋势.  相似文献   

长江三角洲常熟地区近地层湍流特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用1999年5-9月长江三角洲常熟地区的湍流脉动观测资料,分析了该地区感热,潜热和动量通量的日变化以及湍流强度和湍流谱特征,结果表明:该地区各能量的日变化与常见情况相同,白天潜热通量的输送占主导地位,感热通量比潜热小得多,且湍流的日变化与天气的关系非常密切,晴天比阴天要大得多。湍流强度和湍流谱的分析结果表明,在近中性条件下,常熟地区各方向湍流强度接近典型平坦下垫面的值。非中性条件下,垂直方向规一化标准差与稳定度的关系都较好地满足1/3次幂定律,水平方向没有垂直方向上的规律好,特别是稳定条件下,数据点分散性大;各风速分量变在高频段满足理论上的-2/3次幂定律,纵向和垂直方向速度谱的峰值频率与典型平坦下垫面上的结果一致,总体输送系数CD,CH与稳定度的关系密切,随稳定度增加有减小的趋势。  相似文献   

城市地表湍流观测数据的后处理及质量控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
涡动相关仪基于其观测原理,要求观测仪器所在地表平坦均匀,并要求湍流平稳及充分发展等.为了准确合理的运用观测数据,必须对原始数据进行严格的后处理及质量控制,城市复杂非均匀下垫面上的湍流观测数据进行后处理及质量控制更为重要.本文对2010年7月25日-8月5日架设在南京市委党校33 m高度上的涡动相关观测数据进行了包括野点的剔除、坐标旋转修正、WPL修正以及夜里静稳条件下的修正等后处理及质量控制.结果表明:由于观测期间天气状况较好,本次观测的数据质量相对较好,从而野点值剔除,对地表感热和潜热通量测量结果影响甚微.使用二次坐标旋转及平面拟合方法的结果对通量影响较为一致.而且,为了潜热和CO2通量数据的准确性,空气密度效应订正是必须的.本文观测数据基于夏季城市下垫面,所有时次湍流呈现不稳定层结,经过WPL订正,CO2通量增幅为6.5%,潜热通量增幅为12%;观测期间风速不大,主要风频方向上观测点附近无明显高大建筑,且观测点位置较高,σu,v,w/u*与-z/L基本上满足1/3次方律.经湍流平稳性IST检验,感热及动量通量质量较好.  相似文献   

LAS在西北干旱区荒漠均匀下垫面的观测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用“古浪非均匀近地层观测试验”的仪器平行对比观测部分试验数据,首先分析荒漠均匀下垫面大孔径闪烁仪(Large Aperture Scintillometer,LAS)光径线上等间距架设的4台涡动相关仪(Eddy Covariance System,EC)观测的摩擦速度和感热通量的一致性.然后,基于4种不同下垫面建立稳定度普适函数分析,利用4台EC观测摩擦速度平均值,计算了LAS观测区域的感热通量,进而比较了LAS和EC两者观测值的差异.结果表明,4台EC观测的摩擦速度与感热通量一致性好,摩擦速度的差别<10%,感热通量的差别在10%左右.4种稳定度普适函数计算的LAS区域感热通量在白天、夜晚与EC观测平均值变化趋势一致,但计算值偏大;TAG (Thiermann and Grassl)稳定度普适函数计算值与EC观测平均值较接近.其主要原因除不同下垫面试验所得稳定度普适函数的差异外,Kipp&Zonen LAS所测感热通量的系统性偏高不可忽视.  相似文献   

介绍了广州增城丘陵灌木林通量站的地理环境、仪器布设,并利用该站2014年12月—2015年2月的观测资料,分析冬季华南丘陵灌木林下垫面近地层的风、温度、气压、湿度和大气稳定度等基本气象要素特征,以及湍流强度、风速归一化标准差的统计特征及通量特征。结果表明:(1)冬季增城站以北向小风为主,风速多小于4 m/s,日平均温度变化剧烈,平均相对湿度为67.94%;(2)大气稳定度集中于“±” 0.5之间,以近中性为主;冬季平均湍流强度Iu、Iv和Iw分别为0.37、0.31和0.19;在风速小于1 m/s时湍流发展旺盛,随风速增大,湍流强度减小并趋于稳定;(3)风速分量归一化标准差δu/u*、δv/u*、δw/u*与稳定度Z/L之间满足莫宁-奥布霍夫相似理论,并呈1/3次方关系,且随|Z/L|的减小而减小,在中性层结(Z/L→0)均匀下垫面,其值为常数,分别为2.286、1.757和1.174;(4)冬季增城站的能量耗散以感热为主,晴天尤为显著;阴天感热与潜热大小相当;平均日间吸收CO2极值为0.236 mg/(m2·s)。   相似文献   

南京夏季城郊湍流统计特性及湍流通量对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2010年南京夏季城市热岛三维结构试验中的湍流观测资料,对南京市委党校和南京信息工程大学观测场2个观测点的湍流统计量和湍流通量进行了对比分析。结果表明:城市平均风速大于郊区;城郊2地的湍流强度都呈现出Ix〉Iy〉Iz的趋势,水平方向上的湍强城郊相差不大,而垂直方向上,郊区的Iz要明显低于城市;城、郊的风速归一化标准差σu/u*、σv/u*、σw/u*都符合MoninObukhov相似理论的"1/3"定律,城市的垂直风速归一化标准差大于郊区,而水平方向上的风速归一化标准差则明显小于其他下垫面;郊区风速归一化标准差与常熟农田的拟合结果较为相似,而城市风速归一化标准差与长白山森林的拟合结果更为接近;夏季城市以感热通量为主,而郊区湍流能量的输送以潜热通量为主,且城市的湍流热通量受太阳辐射的影响更大。  相似文献   

云贵高原西部大理地区近地层湍流特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用大理国家气候观象台2007年3—12月观测资料,采用涡动相关法等计算方法分析了该地区湍流强度、湍流方差、湍流通量等特征量的日变化和干湿季变化特征。结果表明,湍流强度干季大于湿季;湍流方差与稳定度满足1/3次方定律,风速方差在稳定条件下比不稳定条件下离散,水平方向比垂直方向离散;湍流通量有明显日变化特征,感热、动量通量干季大于湿季,潜热通量湿季大于干季,干湿季热量交换以潜热为主;干季能量闭合率大于湿季;不同风向条件下平均水汽密度存在差异.  相似文献   

Turbulence characteristics of an atmospheric surface layer over a coastal mountain area were investigated under different coordinate frames.Performances of three methods of coordinate rotation:double rotation(DR),triple rotation(TR),and classic planar-fit rotation(PF) were examined in terms of correction of eddy covariance flux.Using the commonly used DR and TR methods,unreasonable rotation angles are encountered at low wind speeds and cause significant run-to-run errors of some turbulence characteristics.The PF method rotates the coordinate system to an ensemble-averaged plane,and shows large tilt error due to an inaccurate fit plane over variable terrain slopes.In this paper,we propose another coordinate rotation scheme.The observational data were separated into two groups according to wind direction.The PF method was adapted to find an ensemble-averaged streamline plane for each group of hourly runs with wind speed exceeding 1.0 m s 1.Then,the coordinate systems were rotated to their respective bestfit planes for all available hourly observations.We call this the PF10 method.The implications of tilt corrections for the turbulence characteristics are discussed with a focus on integral turbulence characteristics,the spectra of wind-velocity components,and sensible heat and momentum fluxes under various atmospheric stabilities.Our results show that the adapted application of PF provides greatly improved estimates of integral turbulence characteristics in complex terrain and maintains data quality.The comparisons of the sensible heat fluxes for four coordinate rotation methods to fluxes before correction indicate that the PF10 scheme is the best to preserve consistency between fluxes.  相似文献   

We present a comparative study of the conventional stationary wind speed model and a newly proposed non-stationary wind speed model using field measurements. The concept of, and the differences between, the two wind models are briefly reviewed. Wind data recorded by a field measurement system for wind turbulence parameters (FMS-WTP) of 1-year duration are analyzed using the two wind models. Comparisons were made between the wind characteristics obtained from the two models, including hourly mean wind speed, turbulence intensity, the wind spectrum, integral length scale, root coherence function and probability density function. The effects of wind types (monsoon or typhoon), statistical properties (stationary or non-stationary), and surface roughness (open-sea fetch or overland fetch) on wind characteristics are discussed. The comparative study demonstrates that the non-stationary wind model appears to be more appropriate than the conventional stationary wind speed model for characterizing turbulent winds of one-hour duration over complex terrain.  相似文献   

The standard deviations of wind velocity components are calculated and compared based on the measurements of turbulence fluctuations over three underlying surfaces: uniform, inhomogeneous and urban. Statistical analysis shows that there are the differences between them which prove the influences of surfaces roughness on turbulence.  相似文献   

Turbulence Intensity Parameters over a Very Complex Terrain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Detailed knowledge of turbulence structure is important for the understanding of atmospheric phenomena in the boundary layer, especially over complex terrain. In the present study, turbulence intensity parameters are analyzed for different conditions regarding stability, wind speed and wind direction over a mountainous region. The purpose of the analysis is to verify whether the observed parameters follow Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), despite the terrain heterogeneity. The dataset was collected during an experimental campaign at the Nova Roma do Sul site, in southern Brazil, with a micrometeorological tower located near a sharp slope, approximately 400 m high. The results show that the normalized standard deviations of the vertical velocity component as well as the normalized standard deviation of temperature follow Monin–Obukhov similarity for all stability regimes, regardless of the wind direction. However the normalized standard deviation of the horizontal components of the turbulent velocity obeys the similarity relationship only for a limited range of the stability parameters.  相似文献   

In order to provide high quality data for climate change studies, the data quality of turbulent flux measurements at the station of SACOL (Semi-Arid Climate & Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University), which is located on a semi-arid grassland over the Loess Plateau in China, has been analyzed in detail. The effects of different procedures of the flux corrections on CO2, momentum, and latent and sensible heat fluxes were assessed. The result showed that coordinate rotation has a great influence on the momentum flux but little on scalar fluxes. For coordinate rotation using the planar fit method, different regression planes should be determined for different wind direction sectors due to the heterogeneous nature of the ground surface. Sonic temperature correction decreased the sensible heat flux by about 9%, while WPL correction (correction for density fluctuations) increased the latent heat flux by about 10%. WPL correction is also particularly important for CO2 fluxes. Other procedures of flux corrections, such as the time delay correction and frequency response correction, do not significantly influence the turbulent fluxes. Furthermore, quality tests on stationarity and turbulence development conditions were discussed. Parameterizations of integral turbulent characteristics (ITC) were tested and a specific parameterization scheme was provided for SACOL. The ITC test on turbulence development conditions was suggested to be applied only for the vertical velocity. The combined results of the quality tests showed that about 62%–65% of the total data were of high quality for the latent heat flux and CO2 flux, and as much as about 76% for the sensible heat flux. For the momentum flux, however, only about 35% of the data were of high quality.  相似文献   

In this work, some wavelet methods are introduced to study the atmospheric boundary layer under stable conditions, where intermittent events and non-stationary turbulence take place. Such behavior makes classical methods, based on Fourier transform, difficult to use or even of no application.The wavelet transform is used to detect and characterize some structures in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. First, a wave-like event with a 16 min period is detected and analyzed in a wind record. The sum of some Morlet wavelets is proposed as a model for the oscillations. Afterwards, the wavelet transform is introduced to the study of non-stationary small scale turbulence. It provides the time evolution of the energy and a good location in time of the spots of turbulence. Finally, some wavelet tools are used to characterize a traveling structure, provided that it is simultaneously detected at different locations. The phase differences in the wavelet transform give the wavelength and the phase speed of the oscillations, whereas a double transform method is introduced to estimate the group velocity of the structure.  相似文献   

南京雾-霾天气个例湍流运动特征的对比研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用超声风速仪、能见度仪等探测资料,采用Fortran、Matlab、Origin等软件处理数据并绘图分析,对比了南京郊区2013年12月4日一次霾过程、2013年12月7—9日一次雾过程和2013年12月3日一个晴天的湍流运动特征。结果表明,霾天和晴天平均水平风速、平均动能、湍流动能、湍流强度、摩擦速度、动量通量和热量通量都有明显的日变化,而这些参量在雾天没有明显的日变化,不同天气湍流参量大小有差异;霾、雾、晴天近中性层结下,u、v、w三个方向风速归一化标准差近似为常数,霾天分别为3.15、2.72、1.17,雾天分别为3.11、2.45、1.25,晴天分别为3.40、3.45、1.50;不稳定条件下霾、雾、晴天风速归一化标准差和湍流动能归一化标准差符合1/3幂次律,稳定条件下霾、雾、晴天无因次湍流动能均满足1/3幂次律;不稳定条件下霾、雾、晴天温度和湿度归一化标准差满足-1/3幂次律,稳定条件下霾、雾、晴天温度归一化标准差符合-2/3幂次律;雾天归一化u、v、w谱与Kansas谱吻合度比霾天和晴天高,霾天u、v、w谱峰值频率约为0.01 Hz,雾天u谱峰值频率约为0.004 Hz,v、w谱峰值频率约为0.1 Hz,晴天u、v、w谱峰值频率约为0.01 Hz。得出结论:雾天的边界层结构与霾天和晴天有所不同;不稳定条件下霾、雾、晴天风速、湍流动能、温度、湿度归一化标准差均符合莫宁-奥布霍夫相似理论;雾天归一化u、v、w谱比霾天和晴天更加符合莫宁-奥布霍夫局地各向同性理论,且霾天和晴天以机械湍流为主,雾天既有机械湍流也有热力湍流。  相似文献   

We analyzed the structure and evolution of turbulent transfer and the wind profile in the atmospheric boundary layer in relation to aerosol concentrations during an episode of heavy haze pollution from 6 December 2016 to 9 January 2017. The turbulence data were recorded at Peking University’s atmospheric science and environment observation station. The results showed a negative correlation between the wind speed and the PM2.5 concentration. The turbulence kinetic energy was large and showed obvious diurnal variations during unpolluted (clean) weather, but was small during episodes of heavy haze pollution. Under both clean and heavy haze conditions, the relation between the non-dimensional wind components and the stability parameter z/L followed a 1/3 power law, but the normalized standard deviations of the wind speed were smaller during heavy pollution events than during clean periods under near-neutral conditions. Under unstable conditions, the normalized standard deviation of the potential temperature σ θ /|θ*| was related to z/L, roughly following a –1/3 power law, and the ratio during pollution days was greater than that during clean days. The three-dimensional turbulence energy spectra satisfied a –2/3 power exponent rate in the high-frequency band. In the low-frequency band, the wind velocity spectrum curve was related to the stability parameters under clear conditions, but was not related to atmospheric stratification under polluted conditions. In the dissipation stage of the heavy pollution episode, the horizontal wind speed first started to increase at high altitudes and then gradually decreased at lower altitudes. The strong upward motion during this stage was an important dynamic factor in the dissipation of the heavy haze.  相似文献   

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