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南海和西北太平洋热带气旋活动的区域性差异分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用近58年(1950~2007年)热带气旋资料,研究了南海(5°N~25°N,110°E~120°E)和西北太平洋(5°N~25°N,120°E~180°)两个区域热带气旋生成频数的年际变化和季节变化特征,结果表明西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数明显多于南海,且两区域的热带气旋活动表现出明显的区域性差异。在年际变化上,两者之间相关系数仅为-0.09,即南海和西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数在变化上相对独立。在季节变化上,西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数主要决定了整个西北太平洋明显的季节变化特征,而南海热带气旋生成频数在活跃期5~11月内季节差异不够明显,8~9月为相对盛期;特别地,从热带气旋频数相对于整个西北太平洋所占比率来看,5~6月南海区域由前期的寂静期骤然上升至31.7%~33.8%,使得5~6月成为全年比率中最突出的2个月份。对上述热带气旋活动区域性差异的可能原因进行了分析,初步显示在年际变化上ENSO对南海热带气旋生成频数的影响是显著的;在季节变化上,5~6月南海出现了较之西北太平洋更加有利于热带气旋生成的动力条件(季风槽)和热力条件(高海温),这可能是南海热带气旋生成频数相对于整个西北太平洋所占比率在5~6月成为全年最突出的两个月份的主要原因。  相似文献   

现阶段使用的热带气旋潜在生成指数(Genesis Potential Index,GPI)在气候场的空间分布上能很好地拟合热带气旋的生成情况,但在热带气旋的年际变化拟合上效果很差。本研究考虑了相对涡度在热带气旋年际变化拟合上的重要作用,并以此为出发点,尝试改善GPI在西北太平洋地区的拟合效果。基于对1979—2011年美国联合飓风警报中心提供的热带气旋最佳路径数据和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料数据集的研究,将之前GPI中的绝对涡度项替换为修正过的相对涡度项。科氏力项仍然保留;将南海(100°~120°E,5°~25°N)与西北太平洋地区(120°~180°E,5°~40°N)热带气旋生成的差异性也纳入了考量,并在这两个区域分别构建GPI公式,改善了对热带气旋生成的气候分布模拟。除此之外,较之已存的GPI指数,改进后的GPI还很大程度提高了GPI对热带气旋生成年际变化的拟合效果,特别是对弱热带气旋年际变化的拟合效果有了显著提升。  相似文献   

利用1945~2011年美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)西北太平洋热带气旋资料,研究了南海(5°N~25°N,110°E~120°E)与西北太平洋(5°N~25°N,120°E~180°)热带气旋生成位置、生成频数、强度和持续时间的季节变化差异及其成因。从热带气旋路径穿越经度带频数的角度,探讨了ENSO对气旋活动年际变化的影响。结果表明,南海热带气旋活动显著地受季风调控。在南海冬季风作用下,1~4月热带气旋生成于10°N以南且频数较少、强度较弱,这主要是低层气旋式相对涡度和弱东风切变区偏南造成的。相反,受夏季风影响,6~9月是热带气旋生成最多、最频繁的季节,大都生成于南海北部17°N附近。在5月(10月)的季节转换期,生成位置大幅度北进(南撤)且生成频数显著增加(减少),取决于风速垂直切变及中层的相对湿度的急剧转变。11、12月两海域热带气旋生成于10°N以南主要归因于其上空中层大气相对湿度较北部偏大。在西北太平洋,热带气旋生成的季节变化没有南海显著,只在7月有一次明显的变化,7~10月是热带气旋活动的"盛期"。在强度上,西北太平洋大部分区域全年均为弱东风切变,因此热带气旋以台风为主且持续时间长;但南海多为热带风暴。ENSO事件使得不同季节热带气旋生成区域和气旋路径地理位置发生显著变化。在El Nio事件期间,穿越南海所在经度带路径频数为负距平,而西北太平洋经度带为正距平;在La Nia事件期间,情况相反。  相似文献   

使用Emanuel和Nolan完善的潜在生成指数(GPI)的计算方法,利用美国联合台风警报中心提供的热带气旋(TC)资料和欧洲中期数值天气预报中心提供的全球ERA-40再分析资料,比较了1970-2001年西北太平洋海域的TC生成频数和GPI的气候特征,分析了包含于GPI中的环境要素对西北太平洋TC频数年代际变化空间分布的影响.结果表明:GPI能近似地表述西北太平洋TC频数的季节变化和空间分布.各环境要素对TC、较弱类TC和较强类TC生成频数的影响有显著差异,相对湿度随着TC强度的增强而减弱,风速垂直切变则相反.西北太平洋TC频数年代际变化空间分布的正异常主要分布于130°E以东,(15°N,140°E)附近最大的正异常频数中心主要受绝对涡度和相对湿度正异常变化的影响;负的风速垂直切变和正的相对湿度异常变化引起了(10~15°N,160°E)附近的TC频数正异常.  相似文献   

陈春  陶丽 《大气科学学报》2023,46(4):615-629
本研究评估了现有热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)潜在生成指数(Genesis Potential Indice,GPI)对北大西洋和西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数(TC Genesis Frequency,TCGF)时空特征的表征能力。结果表明,现阶段使用的GPIs能较好地再现两个海盆TCGF的空间分布和季节循环特征,以及北大西洋TCGF的年际变化,但几乎不能模拟西太平洋TCGF年际时间尺度上的变化。利用美国联合飓风警报中心(Joint Typhoon Warming Center,JTWC)提供的1979—2017年热带气旋最佳路径数据集和ERA-Interim再分析数据,对西北太平洋GPI进行了改进。考虑到相对涡度在西北太平洋对热带气旋生成的重要作用,将绝对涡度分离为相对涡度和地转涡度(f),移除相对湿度,使用多元线性回归的方法构建了GPIWNP。与现有GPIs相比,改进后的GPIWNP不仅对西北太平洋TCGF的空间分布和季节循环有较好的模拟能力,并且可以再现其年际变化特征。  相似文献   

利用夏威夷大学IPRC高分辨率区域气候模式,对西北太平洋热带主要气旋活动季节(6—10月)热带气旋活动的特征及其大尺度环境场进行了17年的模拟试验,检验了模式对西北太平洋热带气旋的潜在季节预测能力。试验结果表明,该模式对西北太平洋热带气旋大尺度环境场具有较好的刻画能力,模拟的热带气旋年生成频数与实况的相关系数为0.77,季节内各月生成频数相关系数为0.82,显示出良好的潜在预测能力;生成源地分布与实况较一致;总能量(PDI)的年际变化趋势模拟也较为理想。但模拟的路径频数在南海地区明显偏多,北上热带气旋偏少,最大风速的峰值区间模拟效果较差。  相似文献   

梁驹  潘婕  王长桂  许吟隆 《气象科学》2013,33(3):246-254
利用ERA-Interim再分析数据提供侧边界条件,驱动Hadley气候预测与研究中心研发的PRECIS区域气候模拟系统,检验PRECIS对1996-2005年西北太平洋热带气旋活动的模拟能力.经与实况资料的对比结果表明:PRECIS能够有效模拟影响热带气旋活动的热力与动力环境场以及西北太平洋热带气旋生成与路径的分布特征;模拟的热带气旋逐年生成频数与实况相比,相关性显著,生成频数空间分布的高值区与实况对应一致;模拟的路径频数分布与实况相比总体一致.但模拟的中国南海海域生成的热带气旋与实况相比偏多,路径频数集中在南海东北部;模拟热带气旋的北移路径偏少,强度偏弱.  相似文献   

利用1979—2008年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料、NOAA的OLR逐日资料和西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)资料,分析了夏季风期间南海(105~120 °E,5~20 °N)对流活动的季节内振荡(ISO)特征及其对西北太平洋TC的生成及路径的影响,并采用TC路径模式从大尺度环境场角度初步探讨了ISO对TC运动的影响机制,结果表明,(1) 夏季风期间的南海对流活动存在活跃期、不活跃期交替更迭的ISO现象,与之对应的季风环流型存在显著差异:南海对流活跃(不活跃)表示南海夏季风活跃(不活跃),南海-西北太平洋季风槽强(弱)且向东伸展(向西撤退),副热带高压偏东(西),季风环流强(弱)。(2) 南海夏季风活跃(不活跃)期,TC生成频数多(少)且生成位置偏西(东)。(3) 针对西行进入135 °E以西,25 °N以南的这类西北太平洋TC(WNP-TC),在活跃期,多以偏西或西北路径直行进入南海;而不活跃期时,多转向北上不进入南海。(4) 路径模式模拟结果显示:南海季风活跃(不活跃)时,大尺度环境场的引导作用有利于WNP-TC直行进入南海(转向北上,不进入南海)。同时,WNP-TC的生成位置越偏西越有利于WNP-TC进入南海。   相似文献   

张宇昕  沈阳  马旭林 《气象科学》2021,41(4):463-470
西北太平洋地区晚季(10—12月)66%的热带气旋可以发展成为台风,其比率高于盛夏季节。基于贝叶斯突变分析的研究结果表明,西北太平洋晚季台风频数在1998年前后发生了年代际转折,即相对于1979—1997年,台风频数在1998—2016年显著减少。台风生成的空间分布情况表明,西北太平洋台风频数总体呈减少状态,减少最多的区域出现在东南部(0°~17.5°N,135°~180°E)。相应的,台风生成潜在指数(Genesis Potential Index, GPI)在该区域也明显减小。通过对比分析涡度、垂直切变、相对湿度和最大潜在强度四个主要因子对GPI变化的相对贡献大小,结果表明动力因子(垂直切变和涡度)对西北太平洋台风生成频数的年代际变化起关键作用。  相似文献   

El Nino衰减年西北太平洋热带气旋(Tropical cyclone,TC)活动表现出多样性,给TC活动的气候预测带来挑战。采用美国联合台风预警中心的热带气旋最佳路径数据和欧洲中期预报中心提供的ERA-5再分析资料,对1970—2018年的El Nino衰减年7—10月的西北太平洋TC生成频数进行合成分析,发现其与气候态没有显著的差异,但在单个年份,存在着较大的正、负异常。为此,将El Nino衰减年分为TC生成频数偏少(负异常)和偏多(正异常)两种情形,对比两种情形的TC活动和大尺度环境要素特征。结果表明,TC生成频数偏少的情形,TC生成频数的异常减少主要发生在西北太平洋东部海域,即(15°~25°N,140°~150°E)和(5°~25°N,150°~170°E),与垂直风切变增大、对流层中层相对湿度和低层绝对涡度减少有关;TC生成频数偏多的情形,TC生成频数的异常增加主要发生在南海和菲律宾群岛附近,即(15°~25°N,110°~120°E)和(5°~25°N,120°~130°E),对流层中层相对湿度增加的贡献最大,其次是上升运动增强和绝对涡度增大;对比两种情形发现,TC生成频数偏多的情形,广东和福建沿岸的东南风异常引导气流有利于菲律宾群岛附近生成的TC登陆中国大陆。  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone genesis potential index(GPI) is a useful metric for gauging the performance of global climate models in the simulation of tropical cyclone(TC) genesis.The performance of LASG/IAP AGCM GAMIL2.0 in the simulation of GPI over the western North Pacific(WNP) is assessed in this paper.Since GPI depends on large scale environmental factors including low-level vorticity at 850 hPa,relative humidity at 700 hPa,vertical wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa,maximum potential intensity(MPI),and vertical velocity,the bias of GPI simulation is discussed from the perspective of thermal and dynamical factors.The results are compared with the ECMWF reanalysis data(ERA40).The analyses show that both the climatological spatial pattern and seasonal cycle of GPI over the WNP are reasonably simulated by GAMIL2.0,but due to the overestimation of relative humidity,the simulated GPI extends to 170°E,about 10°east to that in the reanalysis data.It is demonstrated that the bias in the simulation of monsoon trough,which is about 5°north to the reanalysis,leads to an overestimation of GPI during May-June and September-October,but an underestimation during July-August.Over the WNP,the response of GPI to ENSO is well captured by GAMIL2.0,including the eastward(westward) shift of TC genesis location during El Nin o(La Nin a) years.However,the anomalous convective center associated with El Nin o shifts westward about 20°in comparison to ERA40,which leads to the biases in both vertical velocity and relative humidity.These eventually result in the westward deflection of the boundary between the positive and negative GPI centers along 20°-30°N.The results from this study provide useful clues for the future improvement of GAMIL2.0.  相似文献   

The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of the South China Sea(SCS, 105-120°E, 5-20°N) convection and its influences on the genesis and track of the western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclones(TCs) were explored, based on the daily average of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the OLR data and the western North Pacific tropical cyclone best-track data from 1979 to 2008. The mechanism of the influences of ISO on TC movement and the corresponding large-scale circulation were discussed by a trajectory model. It was found as follows.(1) During the SCS summer monsoon, the SCS convection exhibits the ISO features with active phases alternating with inactive phases. The monsoon circulation patterns are significantly different during these two phases. When the SCS convection is active(inactive), the SCS-WNP monsoon trough stretches eastward(retreats westward) due to the activity(inactivity) of SCS monsoon, and the WNP subtropical high retreats eastward(stretches westward), which enhances(suppresses) the monsoon circulation.(2) The amount of TC genesis in the active phase is much more than that in the inactive phase. A majority of TCs form west of 135 °E during the active phases but east of 135 °E in the inactive phases.(3) The TCs entering the area west of 135 °E and south of 25 °N would move straight into the SCS in the active phase, or recurve northward in the inactive phase.(4) Simulation results show that the steering flow associated with the active(inactive)phases is in favor of straight-moving(recurving) TCs. Meanwhile, the impacts of the locations of TC genesis on the characteristics of TC track cannot be ignored. TCs that occurred father westward are more likely to move straight into the SCS region.  相似文献   

应用NOAA气候预测中心提供的热带大气季节内振荡(MJO)客观业务指数及中国气象局上海台风研究所提供的西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料集,定量统计榆验了MJO对夏季西北太平洋TC活动的调制作用.结果表明:MJO对TC的生成、强度、路径和登陆活动都有显著的调节作用.当高空辐合中心位于120°E~160°E(MJO位相3~5)时,西北太平洋TC生成偏少,且生成位置偏北;而当高空辐合中心位于10°W~70°E(MJO位相8~10)时,西北太平洋TC生成偏多,且生成位置偏南;随着TC强度加强,能达到显著调节作用的MJO位相逐渐减少,当高空辐合辐散中心位于70°E(MJO位相10)时,对TC强度调制最显著.在路径调节方面,MJO位相1~4和10时,TC活跃于菲律宾以东的西北太平洋上,主要路径为西北偏北行,可能登陆华东、华北;而位相5~8时,TC主要活跃在菲律宾附近及以西到南海,以偏西行路径为主,可能登陆华南.MJO对登陆华南TC也有显著影响.该定量统计检验结果可为TC活动季节内预测提供依据.  相似文献   

In the present study the links between spring Arctic Oscillation (AO) and East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) was investigated with focus on the importance of the North Pacific atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature (SST). To reduce the statistical uncertainty, we analyzed high-pass filtered data with the inter-annual time scales, and excluded the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation signals in the climate fields using a linear fitting method. The significant relationship between spring AO and EASM are supported by the changes of multi-monsoon components, including monsoon indices, precipitation, and three-dimensional atmospheric circulations. Following a stronger positive spring AO, an anomalous cyclonic circulation at 850?hPa appears in southeastern Asia and the western North Pacific in summer, with the easterly anomalies spanning from the Pacific to Asian continent along 25°N?C30°N and the westerly anomalies south of 15°N. At the same time, the summer western North Pacific subtropical high becomes weaker. Consistently, the positive precipitation anomalies are developed over a broad region south of 30°N stretching from southern China to the western Pacific and the negative precipitation anomalies appear in the lower valley of the Yangtze River and southern Japan. The anomalous cyclone in the western North Pacific persisting from spring to summer plays a key role in modulating EASM and monsoon precipitation by a positive air-sea feedback mechanism. During spring the AO-associated atmospheric circulation change produces warmer SSTs between 150°E?C180° near the equator. The anomalous sensible and latent heating, in turn, intensifies the cyclone through a Gill-type response of the atmosphere. Through this positive feedback, the tropical atmosphere and SST patterns sustain their strength from spring to summer, that consequently modifies the monsoon trough and the western North Pacific subtropical high and eventually the EASM precipitation. Moreover, the SST response to AO-circulation is supported by the numerical simulations of an ocean model, and the anomalous atmospheric circulation over the western North Pacific is also reproduced by the dedicated numerical simulations using the coupled atmosphere?Cocean model. The observation evidence and numerical simulations suggest the spring AO can impact the EASM via triggering tropical air-sea feedback over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

叶日新  吴立广 《气象科学》2016,36(3):291-300
热带云团是台风生成的前兆,虽然一些研究将近20 a来台风不活跃与大尺度环境场相联系,但是还没有人分析台风不活跃期热带云团的活动特点。本文利用目前仅有的1989-2009年全球热带云团资料,分析了西北太平洋热带云团近20 a的变化特征。1998年以后西北太平洋台风生成减少主要发生在7-10月,集中在南海(13~23°N,110~120°E)和西北太平洋台风活动区域的东部(13~23°N,145~170°E)。热带云团除1月外各月都有增加的趋势,特别是与台风生成显著减少区域相联系的热带云团活动具有显著的增加趋势。通过对NCEP/NCAR再分析资料分析发现,1998年后热带云团活动增加与环境风垂直切变增加有关,而增强的垂直切变不利于台风生成。  相似文献   

大气环流及南极海冰变异与热带风暴生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李曾中 《气象》1995,21(1):19-22

The relationship between tropical cyclone activity and ENSO is examined for the major cyclone regions using crosscorrelations,spectral analysis and composite analysis of eastern equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature,thenormalised monthly Southern Oscillation Index(SOI),and tropical cyclone frequencies.The closest relationship betweenthe 3—4 year ENSO period and tropical cyclone activity was found in the western North Pacific west of 160°E and thereseems to be significant potential for seasonal forecasting in this region based on ENSO parameters alone.No significantrelationships were found for the North Indian Ocean,and the remainder of the basins were dominated by oscillationsnear the quasi-biennial period.Physical explanations and forecasting of the seasonal variations in tropical cyclone num-bers in these regions will need to account for the QBO as well as the 3—4 year ENSO connections.  相似文献   

Shibin Xu  Bin Wang 《Climate Dynamics》2014,42(9-10):2555-2563
The tropical cyclone (TC) power dissipation index (PDI) in May over the western North Pacific (WNP) region shows a remarkable increase from the pre-1999 years (1979–1999) to the post-1999 years (2000–2011). Both increased TC numbers and enhanced TC intensity contributed to the change in the PDI. The averaged TC number in May increased from 1.05 per year in the pre-1999 years to 1.75 per year in the post-1999 years. In particular, the number of intense typhoon goes up from 0.14 per year to 0.83 per year, implying a sharp increase of TC intensity. Examination of the large scale background circulation in May shows that the epochal increase of TC number is caused by a significant increase of the genesis potential index (GPI), which has increased by about 33 % from the first (1979–1998) to the second (1999–2011) epoch over the TC genesis region (110°E–160°E, 5°N–20°N). The higher TC intensity is related to the increased maximum potential intensity and reduced TC ambient vertical wind shear in the second epoch. These decadal changes in background conditions over the WNP are the results of the enhanced summer monsoon in May over the both South Asia and South China Sea.  相似文献   

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