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ACHARACTERISTICANALYSISOFAEROSOLSFROMSANDSTORMSYangDongzhen(杨东贞),WangChao(王超)andYuXiaolan(于晓岚)InstituteofAtmosphericChenmistr...  相似文献   

EffectoftheInteractionofDifferentScaleVorticesontheStructureandMotionofTyphoonsChenLianshou(陈联寿)(ChineseAcademyofMet6orologic...  相似文献   

TheEffectofWeakShear-inducedMotiononBrownianCoagulationofAerosolParticlesWinjingsons(C.S.Win)(温景嵩)(Departmentofphysics,Nankai...  相似文献   


Propagation of Envelope Solitons in Baroclinic Atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PropagationofEnvelopeSolitonsinBaroclinicAtmosphere¥TanBenkui(谭本馗)(DepartmentofGeophysics,PekingUniversity,Beijing100871)YinD...  相似文献   

AnEconomicalConsistentDisipationOperatorandItsApplicationstotheImprovementofAGCM①WangBin(王斌)andJiZhongzhen(季仲贞)LASG,Institute...  相似文献   

ThePresentStatusandFutureofResearchoftheEastAsianMonsoonMaHenian(马鹤年)ChinaMeteorologicalAdministration,Beijing100081DingYihui...  相似文献   

宋玉成,黄荣辉TheDynamicalEffectsofDivergentWindontheIntraseasonalvariabintyoftheEastAsianCirculation¥SongYuchengandHuangRonghui(Ins...  相似文献   

SHORT-TERMCLIMATECHANGEANDITSCAUSEANDCLIMATEPREDICTIONINCHINA¥WeiFengying(魏凤英)(InstituteofSynopticandDynamicMeteorology.)Beij...  相似文献   

东北低压爆发性发展过程的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙力  廉毅  李东平 《气象学报》1992,50(3):301-309
本文对一次东北低压的快速强烈发展过程做了扰动动能、扰动有效位能及涡度收支平衡分析。结果表明:1.气旋爆发性发展前后,扰动动能的产生项变化剧烈,是主要的扰动动能源。气旋爆发性发展前期,以斜压过程为主,而在爆发期,由正压过程制造的扰动动能也有大量增加,同样是不可忽视的,且这时扰动动能通过系统边界与外界的交换很小。2.扰动有效位能在气旋强烈发展前有大幅度增长,由潜热释放造成的扰动有效位能的产生数值很小,平均有效位能向扰动有效位能的转换是扰动有效位能的主要来源。3.在气旋的爆发期,对流层中层及上层的涡度变化最为显著,涡度平衡中,散度项对对流层中下层正涡度的增长贡献最大,而网格尺度及次网格尺度的垂直输送项和涡度平流项对中上层正涡度的迅速增加有着重要意义。  相似文献   

用Zwack-Okossi方程对一次爆发性气旋的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用ECMWF资料作初始场,MM4模式输出的结果和Zw ack- Okossi方程作诊断工具,对1981年12月20~21日生成在西北太平洋的一次爆发性气旋进行了数值试验和诊断分析。得到:气旋的爆发性发展主要是由正涡度平流和非地转场激发,其中涡度平流对气旋发展贡献最大,温度平流的影响则较小,两者主要是在对流层高层起作用,而非地转场则在对流层低层起主要作用。由水汽造成的非绝热加热对本次爆发性气旋的生成影响不大,积云对流潜热的反馈作用更小。另外次天气尺度系统对爆发性气旋形成贡献较小  相似文献   

东海地区温带气旋爆发性发展的动力学分析   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
仪清菊  丁一汇 《气象学报》1992,50(2):152-166
本文对东海地区两个气旋波的爆发性发展过程进行了动力学分析。结果表明:明显的对流层中下部增温、增温以及不稳定的大气层结和强高空西风急流,及其有关的次级环流的作用是气旋爆发性发展的重要条件。在气旋爆发性发展过程中,上升运动、正涡度以及高空辐散和低空辐合的散度场皆达到最强。加热场的计算也表明非绝热加热特别是凝结潜热释放也在气旋爆发时刻达到最强,最大加热区位于气旋的东北象限内。这时涡动动能的增加十分显著,它主要是由涡动有效位能向涡动动能的转换造成,这说明气旋的爆发性发展是与斜压发展密切有关。  相似文献   

一次入海气旋快速发展的动力和热力学特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用扩展Zwack-Okossi方程(扩展Z-O方程)对2007年3月3-5日黄、渤海海上快速发展的温带气旋进行了诊断分析。结果表明,潜热释放和暖平流在气旋发展初期起主要作用,潜热释放是气旋接近爆发性发展的最主要强迫项,这与以往研究的主要受涡度平流强迫的中国沿海温带气旋不同,说明在中国近海快速发展的一部分温带气旋主要是由潜热释放项强迫的。绝对涡度平流在气旋发展后期才成为主要强迫项。进一步利用MM5模式模拟了潜热释放的作用以及其他一些影响气旋发展的因素,海表面热通量、水汽通量以及气旋路径上的地形对这次气旋的发展有积极贡献,但作用相对潜热释放较小。由于这种在中国近海接近爆发性发展的温带气旋容易造成风暴潮,因此利用动能方程对气旋发展中期的渤海大风进行了诊断分析。结果表明,动能水平平流是动能增加的主要作用项,但动能达到最大值后渤海海域的动能主要由有效位能转换和动量下传提供。  相似文献   

A series of ten numerical tests are carried out using smoothing techniques in the PSU/NACRmesoscale model MM5 initial field in order to study the development reasons of a pre-summeruncommon explosive event which took place in East Asia from 1—2 June.1993.The integrationfields are compared with that of original results obtained by non-smoothed initial field.The resultsshow that:(1)After the northern trough is smoothed,its corresponding cold air can not movedownward and southward.Only a weak cyclone system forms south of 25°N after 24 h integration.(2)After the southern strong moisture transportation channel is smoothed,the northem troughsystem can only form a weak trough along the east coast of China after 24 h integration.(3)Thesetwo separate low trough systems in the southern and northern jet systems,with strong warmmoisture transportation channel and cold air respectively,are both necessary for explosive cyclonedevelopment.In such an unfavorable season and location for explosive cyclone to take place,onlyafter these two low troughs merged into a strong low vortex can the surface cyclone he developedexplosively.Both the northern trough system and the southern moisture transportation channel areall indispensable for the explosive cyclone development.This explosive cyclone event is the resultof the interaction of northern and southern systems.  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)提供的0.5°×0.5° ERA-Interim再分析资料,麦迪逊-威斯康星大学气象卫星研究所(CIMSS)提供的地球静止环境业务卫星(GOES-EAST)红外卫星云图和天气预报模式(WRF)的模拟结果,对2018年1月3—6日发生在北大西洋上的一个具有“T”型(T-bone)锋面结构的超强爆发性气旋进行分析。该爆发性气旋在较暖的湾流上空生成,沿海表面温度大值区向东北方向快速移动,生成后6 h内爆发性发展,24 h中心气压降低48.7 hPa。高空槽加深、涡度平流加强和低层较强的大气斜压性为气旋快速发展提供了有利的环流背景场。由于气旋发展迅速,低层相对涡度急剧增大,低压中心南部来自西北方向的干冷空气随气旋式环流快速向东推进,与东南暖湿气流汇合,锋生作用较强。较暖的洋面对西北冷空气的加热作用使得交汇的冷、暖空气温度梯度较小。减弱东移的冷锋与暖锋逐渐形成近似垂直的“T”型结构。用Zwack-Okossi方程诊断分析表明,非绝热加热、温度平流和正涡度平流是该爆发性气旋发展的主要影响因子。气旋初始爆发阶段,西北冷空气进入温暖的洋面,海洋对上层大气感热输送和潜热释放较强,非绝热加热对气旋快速发展有较大贡献。气旋进一步发展,“T”型锋面结构显著,温度平流净贡献较大,对气旋的发展和维持起重要作用。   相似文献   

The development mechanisms of the explosive cyclone that occurred during 3–4 April 2012 over East Sea (Sea of Japan) are examined through numerical simulation and sensitivity experiments using the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model. The characteristics of this explosive cyclone are different from typical cyclonic features observed in this region, including its intensity, deepening rate, and formation time. Numerical simulation, reanalysis data, upper and surface weather charts, and satellite data indicate that the strong baroclinic instability and temperature advection associated with upper-level cut-off low and the interaction of potential vorticity (PV) anomalies between the lower- and upper-level are essential to explosive cyclogenesis.The sensitivity experiments of the explosive cyclone show that latent heat release (LHR) is an important factor in explosive cyclogenesis. The intensification, extent, and movement speed of the cyclone are amplified by LHR as well as the formation of an upper-level cut-off low. The role of LHR is primary important in the generation and evolution of the cyclone. Especially, the LHR contributes to roughly 50% of decrease in sea level pressure (SLP) and 50% of the central cyclone’s low-level PV generation in initial stage. During a 48-h simulation, the contributions of the LHR, surface heat flux, and their interaction on the decrease of SLP of the cyclone are found to be 40.6, −8.2, and 10.5%, respectively. These results reveal that the explosive cyclone has larger deepening rates than OJ cyclones, and develops with a large amount of LHR near the cyclone center.  相似文献   

春季江淮气旋发展的诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
吕梅  陆汉城 《气象科学》1997,17(1):10-16
本文在等熵面上对1996年4月28日-30日发生在江淮地区的气旋作了分析和诊断研究。  相似文献   

海洋温带气旋爆发性发展数值试验   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用 P S U/ N C A R M M 4 对5 个西北太平洋温带气旋的爆发性发展进行了一系列数值模拟和敏感性试验,并对重要的物理过程进行了分析和诊断。采用相同物理过程及边界条件的控制试验成功地模拟出了主要的爆发性气旋加深率,为海洋爆发性气旋的业务数值预报提供了可能。敏感性试验获得了湿物理过程、能量频散、 S S T 和海面能通量、日本岛地形及初、边值条件等影响气旋加深率的定量认识,分析表明水的微物理过程,特别是网格尺度的水汽凝结、未饱和层的云滴和雨滴蒸发,是气旋爆发性发展中最重要的物理过程;在高空 200~300h Pa 层的云滴蒸发效应可能是形成相应层气旋中心非绝热冷却峰值的主要原因;由内在热力动力学过程所决定的潜热释放比对流参数化任意规定的加热分布更接近实际并能产生更好的模拟结果;没有能量频散效应时可减小模拟加深的 30% ;海面能通量在初始时刻比在爆发性发展时更重要,不计初始时海面能通量将影响模拟加深约 25% ,而不计爆发性发展时的海面能通量,这种影响不及前者的一半;爆发性发展时的海面能通量呈不均匀分布并能诱导反锋面热力环流在局部抑制气旋的加深;大气模式对海气边界层能通量交换的变化和海洋增暖产生了显著的热力学响  相似文献   

Summary  A diagnostic energetics analysis is used to study the effects of moisture-related processes on a developing cyclone over the Mediterranean. This is done by using the moist wind component to calculate the energy budget and then the effect due to wind field changes on the kinetic energy budget is illustrated. The horizontal flux convergence serves as a major energy budget source in both cases (actual and moist wind), although the magnitude values of this term are small in the case of the moist wind. Generation of kinetic energy, is generally (in the case of moist wind), a prominent sink during the life cycle of the cyclone, and its values are greater than the corresponding ones for the actual wind field except at the decay period. Subgrid-scale sources of kinetic energy provide a substantial energy gain throughout the life cycle of the cyclone. The values of the dissipation term differ from using the actual or moist components where its values are influenced by the values of the other terms in the budget. The baroclinic generation due to the divergent moist wind component offsets by 80.8% and 12.1% for the barotropic destruction of kinetic energy by the rotational moist wind component. The divergent moist wind component was found to be very important in the synoptic-scale environments of the cyclogenesis. Both demonstrate that the divergent moist wind component is as important as the rotational moist wind component in producing generation and horizontal flux divergence of kinetic energy. Generation of kinetic energy by the divergent moist wind component seems to be a major factor leading to the creation of upper-level wind maxima north of the storm areas. Thus, these diagnostic findings suggest possible modifications to the wind field by investigating the role of the divergent moist wind component and may also be fruitful in exploring the effects of cyclogensis on the large-scale environment. Received April 27, 1998/Revised April 23, 1999  相似文献   

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