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利用WRF模式对2015年热带气旋(TC)"苏迪罗"发展演变过程开展高分辨率数值模拟,模式较好地再现了"苏迪罗"路径、强度、高低空环流、云系演变和降水分布等。应用三维地面降水诊断方程对"苏迪罗"海上活动时段的降水物理过程模拟诊断指出,QWVA(三维水汽通量辐合辐散率)对TC环流区域内降水相关的水汽相关过程变率(QWV)变化起主导作用,但环流区域内QWVL(垂直积分负的水汽局地变化率)和QWVE(海面蒸发率)亦有重要贡献(尤其是后者),尽管QWVE贡献明显小于QWVA,但由环流区域外辐合来的水汽也可能主要源于区域外不同海域的海面蒸发,海面蒸发的总体贡献应更大。海上活动时段云相关过程变率(QCM)特征及变化与QWV相比更为复杂,环流区域内的QCLL(负的液相水凝物局地变率)基本维持正值(液相水凝物持续减少),其消耗主要用于向冰相水凝物转化和地面降水,以及向区域外的三维通量辐散,6日04时之前,环流区域内QCIL(负的冰相水凝物局地变率)的变化主要归因于微物理转化及地面降水,而6日04时之后,来自环流区域外的通量辐合也有一定作用;降水强度逐渐增强时期,水凝物含量的短暂增长(负值QCLL和QCIL)主要归因于明显增强和垂直扩展的上升运动,伴随上升运动增强,水凝物含量明显增加,霰融化(Pgmlt)和雨滴碰并云滴(Pracw)是造成雨滴含量增加的主要微物理过程。"苏迪罗"环流内区域和时间平均的降水效率高达96%,其中QWVA是主要贡献项,而QWVE和QWVL亦有重要贡献,这与TC所处海洋下垫面有关,海上活动时段,充足的降水源和较小的降水汇共同造成此时段的高降水效率,雨滴生成主要微物理来源中,Pgmlt约占Pracw的72%,体现出海上活动时段TC环流内旺盛的深对流活动特征。  相似文献   

薛一迪  崔晓鹏 《大气科学》2020,44(6):1320-1336
利用WRF模式,结合三维降水诊断方程和降水效率定义,针对1409号超强台风“威马逊”临岸迅速加强为超强台风并登陆我国华南沿海这一时段的强降水物理过程开展了高分辨率数值模拟诊断研究。结果表明,“威马逊”主体环流区域内一直维持很强的平均降水强度(PS),陆地和海洋PS的相对贡献基本呈反向变化,登陆期间陆面摩擦辐合增强,有利于水汽更多地向陆地区域辐合(QWVA代表垂直积分的三维水汽通量辐合/辐散率,此时段QWVA为正值),造成登陆前短时段内陆地上空局地大气增湿(QWVL代表垂直积分的水汽局地变化率的负值,此时段Q WVL为负值),借助云微物理过程快速转化为液相和固相云水凝物(QCLL和QCIL分别代表垂直积分的液相和固相云水凝物局地变化率的负值,此时段QCLL和QCIL为负值),促使陆地上空降水云系快速发展和降水强度增强,而当环流中心位于北部湾洋面时,海洋QWVA的相对贡献显著增强,登陆期间下垫面的变化导致水汽相关物理过程明显变化,进而造成降水云系和强降水中心的显著变化;与陆地相比,海洋表面蒸发的作用更强,变化更明显;“威马逊”影响华南沿海期间,主体环流圈内平均的QCLL和QCIL均基本呈现“正—负—正”的变化特征,当环流中心位于北部湾洋面(三次登陆时期)时水凝物含量以增加(减少)为主;“威马逊”主体环流区域内一直维持高降水效率,从主体环流圈接触陆地开始,陆地降水效率迅速升高,而海洋降水效率在绝大多数积分时段内维持较高数值,只在第二和第三次登陆后有所降低。  相似文献   

“碧利斯”(2006)暴雨过程降水强度和降水效率分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘圣楠  崔晓鹏 《大气科学》2018,42(1):192-208
利用2006年第4号强热带风暴“碧利斯”登陆过程的高分辨率数值模拟资料,结合三维地面降水诊断方程和降水效率公式,研究了“碧利斯”登陆后引发的局地暴雨过程,重点分析了此次局地暴雨过程的降水强度和降水效率及其与宏微观物理因子的联系。结果表明,降水强度越强,降水效率越高,但两者并非一一对应的线性关系,随着降水强度增大,降水效率增高的趋势逐渐变缓;伴随暴雨系统快速发展,降水强度和降水效率均显著增强,而主要降水源/汇项的时间变化要复杂得多;暴雨发生前时段与发生时段降水物理过程存在显著差异,发生前,较明显的水汽辐合显著加湿局地大气,并通过微物理转化支持降水云系发展,液相水凝物辐合对降水云系快速发展贡献明显,固相水凝物辐合贡献不显著,较强的“云滴与雨滴碰并(Pracw)”微物理过程同液相水凝物明显辐合可能有直接关系,“霰融化造成雨滴增长(Pgmlt)”仅为Pracw的27%,发生时段,进一步明显加强的水汽辐合依旧是主要降水来源,而汇项发生了明显变化,同时,微物理转化过程与发生前比更活跃,尤其是Pracw和Pgmlt,其中,Pgmlt增强更明显,其值接近Pracw的50%。  相似文献   

“碧利斯”(0604)暴雨过程不同类型降水云微物理特征分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用"碧利斯"(0604)暴雨增幅过程高分辨率的数值模拟资料, 将降水分成对流降水和层云降水, 对比分析了不同类型降水云微物理特征和过程的差异, 探讨了不同类型降水对暴雨增幅的贡献, 结果指出:(1)暴雨增幅前, 降水基本为层云降水, 对流降水只存在于零星的几个小区域, 暴雨增幅发生时段, 对流降水所占比例较暴雨增幅前有显著增加, 平均降水强度达层云降水强度的3倍多。(2)暴雨增幅时段, 云系发展更加旺盛, 云中各种水凝物含量较增幅前明显增加, 其中, 对流和层云降水区云中水凝物含量均有一定程度增长, 但对流降水区增加更显著;而无论增幅前还是增幅时段, 对流降水区云中水凝物含量均要明显大于层云降水区, 并且两者的这种差异随着地面降水强度的增强而增大。(3)暴雨增幅前后, 对流降水区雨滴的两个主要来源最终均可以追踪到云水, 通过云水与大的液相粒子(雨滴)和大的固相粒子(雪)之间、以及大的固相粒子(雪和霰)之间的相互作用和转化, 造成雨滴增长, 并最终形成地面降水, 而层云降水区中与雨滴形成相关的上述主要云微物理过程明显变弱, 但层云降水区中暴雨增幅时段的上述过程又要强于增幅前, 说明层云降水对暴雨增幅也有一定贡献。  相似文献   

陆婷婷  崔晓鹏 《大气科学》2022,46(2):359-379
利用WRF模式,结合三维降水诊断方程,对2016年北京“7·20”特大暴雨过程主降水时段的强降水物理过程开展了高分辨率模拟诊断分析。结果显示:降水峰值时刻前,强盛水汽辐合支撑强降水,同时加湿大气,后期,水汽辐合显著减弱,降水造成局地大气中水汽含量明显减少;降水峰值时刻前,水汽辐合、凝结和液相水凝物辐合共同助力强降水云系快速发展,后期,动力辐合作用减弱以及水凝物持续消耗和辐散,导致水凝物含量显著减少,降水系统逐步瓦解;主降水时段,垂直上升运动强度和垂直扩展范围逐步增大,并在降水峰值时刻达最大,之后减弱收缩;上升运动峰值高度从初期位于零度层上逐步降到零度层附近,进而回落到零度层之下,伴随“弱—强—弱”的降水强度变化;上升运动控制下,水凝物含量变化明显,但不同水凝物变化幅度不一,霰粒子和雨滴增幅最显著,并于降水峰值时刻含量达最大,随后减小,其他水凝物由于微物理转化和动力辐散等过程,导致其含量的变化幅度弱于上述两者。本文研究同时指出,不同微物理参数化方案对“7·20”特大暴雨强降水物理过程的可能影响以及不同强度降水物理过程的差异,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

利用中尺度数值模式WRF-V3.4,对发生在江淮地区梅雨期一次强降水天气过程进行了数值模拟,并针对雨滴和霰粒的谱形参数不同取值做了敏感性试验,分析了谱形参数对降水量、水凝物比含水量、数浓度和粒径分布以及雨滴和霰的源汇项等的影响。结果表明,雨滴和霰谱形参数的变化会影响雨水和霰粒的比含水量和数浓度分布,因为这两个参数的变化会影响雨水和霰的相关微物理过程。当雨滴谱形参数增大时,雨水蒸发量先增大后减小,霰与云水的碰撞也减小;当霰谱形参数增大时,主要使霰融化成雨水的量减少,因此导致降水分布以及降水量级的差异。  相似文献   

东北冷涡中尺度云系降水机制研究 I: 观测分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用机载云粒子测量系统等仪器对2003年7月8日冷涡云系的积层混合云探测的资料,分析冷涡云系中的微物理结构、微物理过程和降水形成机制.结果表明:在4km以上高度,2-DC粒子浓度随高度快速增加,而粒子平均直径逐渐减小,粒子在下落过程中获得了增长.积层混合云中对流云在垂直方向上出现明显的分层的微物理结构:4.6km以上高度只存在针状冰晶;4.5~3.5 km高度,存在过冷水和冰相粒子.过冷水含量较高,冰相粒子除针状冰晶外,还有少量冰雪晶聚合体或霰粒子,其中在紧靠0℃层之上的3.5km高度,主要存在冰雪晶聚合体或霰粒子.在紧靠0℃层之下,粒子为椭球形,还有一些未完全融化的冰晶,再降低200 m高度,粒子完全是球形,这里完全是雨滴.降水粒子主要是雨水.云系液态水含量十分丰富,过冷水含量最大值可达3.3 g/m3,云体上部也达到2.0 g/m3.云垂直方向上微物理结构分析表明,云中冰晶除了通过冰核核化形成外,可能还存在冰晶的繁生过程.冰晶产生后通过聚并进一步长大,撞冻过冷水也是冰雪晶增长的方式之一.在云的暖区降水粒子为雨滴,其中至少有一部分是由冰相粒子(冰晶聚合体或霰粒子)融化形成.因此冷云过程参与了降水形成过程.  相似文献   

利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式,在理想岛屿地形条件下设计了云的微物理冰相过程中水凝物中有霰和无霰的两个对比试验,考察了台风登陆时复杂冰相和简单冰相对台风移动路径、强度和降水增幅的影响。结果表明:1)云微物理过程中有霰的复杂冰相过程时,具有更强烈的云“播撒”效应,因而对台风降水具有明显增幅作用。2)当台风受到理想地形作用时,地形对云“播撒”效应引起的增幅作用具有放大作用,此时台风眼墙非绝热加热量形成明显增强中心,使得台风降水增幅明显。3)当台风登陆时,云微物理冰相过程使得台风越山时存在向西北指向的涡度变化倾向。  相似文献   

王斌  石燕  吴涛  陈宝君 《湖北气象》2008,27(1):9-16
为了深入研究对流云降水微物理过程特征,为局地对流降水预报和人工增雨提供更多的参考依据,利用三维双参数对流云模式,使用常规单站探空资料,开展湖北两北部山地夏季对流降水实例的批量数值模拟,使用地面降水量和雷达回波资料检验模拟效果,统计分析降水微物理过程特征,归纳总结冰相粒子的形成、增长机制,以及液念水和冰相粒子的相互转化机制。结果表明:(1)对流云模式能够较好地模拟实际对流降水的一些宏观微观特征;(2)当地夏季主要是对流冷云降水,冰相过程是形成降雨的主要物理过程;(3)冰相过程巾过冷水、霰、冰晶之间的相互转化过程是主要的冷云降水形成机制。  相似文献   

为了研究副热带高压(副高)背景下极端短时强降水系统的动力和云物理结构特征,利用厦门X波段双偏振相控阵雷达观测数据,采用多普勒雷达风场反演技术并结合高精度的地形数据,对2021年8月11日发生在厦门地区的一次极端短时强降水事件进行了分析。研究表明:(1)这次过程发生在副高控制之下,具有弱天气尺度强迫特征。地面辐合线促进了线状对流系统的形成,其后向传播过程导致了局地极端强降水的发生。(2)对流系统的中层存在大粒子累积区,大粒子的下泻导致雨强增大。倾斜上升(下沉)气流的配置使得大粒子的下泻不会影响上升气流,有利于对流系统的发展与维持。下沉气流与偏南气流相遇触发了上游对流系统的发展,形成后向传播。(3)在弱天气尺度系统背景下,局地地形对于降水系统的影响得以凸显。地形造成的低层辐合使得差分反射率因子(ZDR)、差分传播相移率(KDP)等双偏振参数在迎风坡处明显增大,且大值区在此处维持。更大、更浓密的降水粒子形成了极高的降雨效率。(4)暖雨过程和冰相过程在这次极端降水事件中并存,前者对雨水的形成起主导作用,冰相粒子的融化加速了这一进程。(5)强降水时雨滴的破碎和碰并趋于平衡,雨强的增大取决于雨滴浓度的升高。因此,KDP可作为判断雨强是否增大的指标。(6) ZDR柱与KDP柱的演变对于地面雨强的变化具有预示性,特别是在持续降水过程中,ZDR(KDP)柱的再度发展预示着降水系统的再次增强。   相似文献   

Summary Seven different microphysical sensitivity experiments were designed with an objective to evaluate their respective impacts in modulating hurricane intensity forecasts using mesoscale model MM5. Microphysical processes such as melting of graupel, snow and cloud ice hydrometeors, suppression of evaporation of falling rain, the intercept parameter and fall speed of snow and graupel hydrometeors are modified in the existing NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) microphysical parameterization scheme. We studied the impacts of cloud microphysical processes by means of track, intensity, precipitation, propagation speed, kinematic and thermodynamic vertical structural characteristics of hurricane inner core. These results suggest that the set of experiments where (a) melting of snow, graupel and cloud ice were suppressed (b) melting of snow and graupel were suppressed and (c) where the evaporation of rain water was suppressed all produced most intense storms. The major findings of this study are the interconversion processes such as melting and evaporation among hydrometeors and associated feedback mechanism are significantly modulate the intensity of the hurricane. In particular an experiment where the melting of graupel, snow and cloud ice hydrometeors was eliminated from the model parameterization scheme produced the most explosively intensified storm. In the experiment where rain water evaporation was eliminated from the model, it produced a stronger storm as compared to the control run but it was not as strong as the storms produced from absence of melting processes. The impact on intensity due to variations made in intercept parameters of the hydrometeors (i.e., snow and graupel) were not that evident compared to other experiments. The weakest storm was noted in the experiment where the fall speeds of the snow hydrometeors were increased two fold. This study has isolated some of the factors that contributed to a stronger hurricane and concludes with a motivation that the findings from this study will help in further improvement in the design of sophisticated explicit microphysical parameterization for the mesoscale non-hydrostatic model for realistic hurricane intensity forecasts.  相似文献   

周志敏  崔春光  胡扬  康兆萍 《大气科学》2021,45(6):1292-1312
梅雨锋暴雨中的云微物理过程对降水的演变有着重要影响。本文通过WRF模式(3.4.1版本),针对2018年6月29~30日一次梅雨锋背景下的暴雨过程进行数值模拟,分别采用了Morrison、Thompson和MY云微物理参数化方案进行对比分析,结果发现:(1)三个方案模拟的背景场在天气尺度上,都与ERA5再分析资料一致,能够模拟出有利于强降水发生的环流场。云微物理过程对梅雨期暴雨的局地环流有着显著影响,不同方案存在明显差异,本次过程中,Thompson方案模拟出更强的局地环流系统变率和上升气流。三个方案的模拟降水均有所夸大,小时降水率始终大于观测值。冰相粒子融化或雨滴搜集云滴的高估可能是造成降水模拟值偏强的重要原因之一,总体来看,Morrison方案的模拟效果相对最优。(2)冰相粒子融化、雨滴搜集云滴是雨滴增长的关键源项,蒸发则是其最重要的汇项。总的来说,雨滴对云滴的搜集量大于冰相粒子融化。但上述过程在不同方案中存在空间上的差异,从而使得模拟降水的空间分布存在差异。(3)Thompson方案中,冰相粒子融化量最大,雨滴蒸发项显著大于其它两个方案,在底层表现得最为明显。同时,该方案水汽凝结效应最强,使得雨滴搜集更多云滴。该方案模拟的雨滴最多,降水最强。该方案中凝华的主要产物为雪,且其在与过冷水碰并增长过程中占主导地位,故模拟的雪最多。(4)Morrison方案中,水汽主要凝华为雪和少量霰(冰晶忽略不计);Thompson方案中水汽基本凝华为雪,其它冰相粒子极少;MY方案中,水汽主要凝华为雪和冰晶,冰晶总量略少于雪,但显著大于其它方案。(5)云滴在凇附过程中的总体贡献大于雨滴。Morrison和MY方案中,霰粒子搜集云滴增长的量均最大。Morrison方案中,其它凇附过程不同程度发挥作用,而MY方案中,其它凇附过程几乎可忽略不计。并且,霰粒子搜集云滴的增长量大于凝华过程产生的雪粒子总量。贝吉龙及凇附效应的差异,是不同方案中冰相粒子分布差异的关键原因之一。  相似文献   

With the Reisner-2 bulk microphysical parameterization of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU–NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5), this paper investigates the microphysical sensitivities of Typhoon Chanchu. Four different microphysical sensitivity experiments were designed with an objective to evaluate their respective impacts in modulating intensity forecasts and microphysics budgets of the typhoon. The set of sensitivity experiments were conducted ...  相似文献   

In this paper, a 1-D time dependent cold cumulus chemistry model is presented. In the coldcumulus model, 4 categories of hydrometeors: cloud drops, raindrops, cloud ice crystals, graupelparticles, and 18 microphysical interactions are considered, In the chemical model, the source andsink terms for pollutants include: the complicated interactions between pollutants (gases andaerosol particles) and the hydrometeors (especially ice crystals and graupel particles), the ex-changes of chemical compounds between two hydrometeors accompanying microphysical processesand the aqueous oxidations of S (IV) to S (VI). The two models are combined to study the acidifi-cation processes in cold cumulus clouds.  相似文献   

Summary Cloud microphysical and precipitation responses to a large-scale forcing in the tropical deep convective regime are investigated based on hourly zonally-averaged, vertically-integrated simulation data from a two-dimensional coupled ocean-cloud resolving atmosphere model. The model is forced by the large-scale vertical velocity and zonal wind observed and derived from TOGA COARE for a 50-day period. The accretion of cloud water by graupel induces growth of graupel that enhances raindrops through its melting during a weak-forcing period, whereas the large deposition rate of vapor associated with a large upper-tropospheric upward motion causes growth of snow from the conversion of cloud ice and enhancement of graupel from the accretion of snow during a strong-forcing period. The local changes of raindrops and graupel switch from the negative to positive values as the forcing strengthens in the weak-forcing case, whereas the variations of cloud hydrometeors are not sensitive to the strength of the forcing in the strong-forcing case. Phase analysis indicates that cloud water leads the surface rain rate by 1 hour. The surface rain rate can be calculated based on the conservation of vapor and cloud hydrometeors and the budget of raindrops. The vapor source and local changes of cloud hydrometeors could have impacts in the calculation of the surface rain rate. The vapor source determines the surface rain rate in the strong-forcing case whereas the cloud variations could become important in the weak-forcing case. In the budget of raindrops, the sum of the collection of cloud water by raindrops, the melting of graupel, and the evaporation of raindrops determines the surface rain rate in the strong-forcing case whereas the other rain-related microphysical processes become important in the weak-forcing case.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a fuzzy logic algorithm to recognize the types of hydrometeors by using ka and ku reflectivity factors, temperature thresholds and an asymmetric t-form membership function. the identifiable types of hydrometeors include snow, graupel, mixed-phase particles, large raindrops, and small raindrops. the reflectivity detection data of ka and ku with attenuation correction is from dual-frequency precipitation radar onboard the global precipitation measurement satellite. the temperature data from the European Centre for medium-range weather forecasts are used to identify the hydrometeors. and the identified hydrometeors are compared with the vertical profiles of phase from official level-2 DPR products. the results show that the identified hydrometeors are reasonable and reveal the evolution process of tropical cyclones, which can befurther applied to the study of precipitation microphysical process and artificial precipitation.  相似文献   

By using the Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate Model (AREM),the basic structure and cloud features of Typhoon Rananim are simulated and verified against observations.Five sets of experiments are designed to investigate the effects of the cloud microphysical processes on the model cloud structure and precipitation features.The importance of the ice-phase microphysics,the cooling effect related to microphysical characteristics change,and the influence of terminal velocity of graupel are examined.The results indicate that the cloud microphysical processes impact more on the cloud development and precipitation features of the typhoon than on its intensity and track.Big differences in the distribution pattern and content of hydrometeors,and types and amount of rainfall occur in the five experiments,resulting in different heating and cooling effects.The largest difference of 24-h rain rate reaches 52.5 mm h-1.The results are summarized as follows:1) when the cooling effect due to the evaporation of rain water is excluded,updrafts in the typhoon's inner core are the strongest with the maximum vertical velocity of-19 Pa s-1 and rain water and graupel grow most dominantly with their mixing ratios increased by 1.8 and 2.5 g kg-1,respectively,compared with the control experiment; 2) the melting of snow and graupel affects the growth of rain water mainly in the spiral rainbands,but much less significantly in the eyewall area; 3) the warm cloud microphysical process produces the smallest rainfall area and the largest percentage of convective precipitation (63.19%),while the largest rainfall area and the smallest percentage of convective precipitation (48.85%) are generated when the terminal velocity of graupel is weakened by half.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of sea-salt aerosol(SSA) activated as cloud condensation nuclei on the microphysical processes, precipitation, and thermodynamics of a tropical cyclone(TC). The Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry(WRF-Chem) was used together with a parameterization of SSA production. Three simulations, with different levels of SSA emission(CTL, LOW, HIGH), were conducted. The simulation results show that SSA contributes to the processes of autoconversion of cloud water and accretion of cloud water by rain,thereby promoting rain formation. The latent heat release increases with SSA emission, slightly increasing horizontal wind speeds of the TC. The presence of SSA also regulates the thermodynamic structure and precipitation of the TC.In the HIGH simulation, higher latent heat release gives rise to stronger updrafts in the TC eyewall area, leading to enhanced precipitation. In the LOW simulation, due to decreased latent heat release, the temperature in the TC eye is lower, enhancing the downdrafts in the region; and because of conservation of mass, updrafts in the eyewall also strengthen slightly; as a result, precipitation in the LOW experiment is a little higher than that in the CTL experiment.Overall, the relationship between the precipitation rate and SSA emission is nonlinear.  相似文献   

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