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利用国家气候中心提供的中国区域753站降水观测资料、ECMWF逐月地表感热通量再分析资料和NECP/NCAR再分析资料,讨论了欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热异常与长江中下游夏季降水之间的联系及其相关的物理机制。分析发现欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热异常与长江中下游地区夏季降水存在显著的正相关:感热偏强期,长江中下游夏季降水偏多;感热偏弱期,长江中下游夏季降水偏少。春季感热异常偏强时,夏季东亚副热带西风急流主体位置偏东、强度偏强、范围偏大,长江中下游地区主要受辐合上升气流控制,水汽输送条件好,降水异常偏多。而春季感热偏弱时,情况大致相反,则夏季降水异常偏少。研究表明欧亚大陆中高纬春季地表感热通量异常变化对我国长江中下游夏季降水预测具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

丁洁  褚涛 《气象科学》2019,39(3):396-404
使用区域气候模式RegCM4.4.5.7,通过改变春季欧亚大陆中高纬地区的陆面感热通量,对欧亚中高纬感热异常影响中国夏季气候进行模拟分析,并探讨其影响机制。试验结果表明:当春季欧亚中高纬陆面感热通量加强时,我国长江流域和东北东部夏季气温降低,降水偏多;华北地区气温升高,降水偏少。春季陆面感热增强引起近地面和对流层低层大气热力状况异常,进而导致高度场和环流场的异常,长江流域和东北地区有气旋环流,对流运动旺盛,结合充足的水汽条件,对应降水偏多,而华北地区则相反,有反气旋环流和微弱的气流辐合,对应降水偏少。研究表明欧亚中高纬陆面感热异常是影响我国夏季气候的一个不可忽视的因子。  相似文献   

模式评估是模式发展中的重要一环。本文利用来自FLUXNET2015数据集的30个站点的涡动相关系统观测数据,重点关注能量通量,对通用陆面模式(Common Land Model version 2014,CoLM2014)在不同典型下垫面的模拟能力进行评估。结果表明,模式总体上能抓住感热、潜热和净辐射通量在日、季节和年平均等不同时间尺度上的变化特征,对感热、潜热和净辐射通量都有较好的模拟能力,净辐射的模拟效果最好,潜热通量次之。季节变化模拟中,感热、潜热通量在夏季不同植被型下站点的空间离散程度大于冬季,不同站点间模拟效果相差较大,净辐射多站点标准差变化幅度要小于感热、潜热,不同站点间模拟效果偏差较小。CoLM在常绿针叶林、稀树林地、草地、农田模拟感热、潜热通量的效果相对较好,在永久湿地、落叶阔叶林下模拟感热通量较差。本研究对CoLM2014在未来的改进和发展中提供了有用的参考。  相似文献   

利用TWP-ICE试验资料对比两种边界层参数化方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用高分辨率WRF单气柱模式,选取了两种边界层参数化方案(YSU,MYJ),对TWP-ICE(Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment)试验期间的个例进行数值模拟,比较了两种方案对边界层结构、云和降水模拟的影响。结果表明:季风活跃期,YSU方案模拟的湍流交换系数较小,湍流混合偏弱,边界层内热通量偏小,使地表热量和水汽不易向上输送,水汽含量在近地表明显偏多,而在边界层及其以上大气层具有显著的干偏差,因此该方案模拟的云中液态水和固态水含量偏低,云量偏少,降水率偏小;MYJ方案对于季风活跃期的边界层结构具有较好的模拟能力,其模拟的云和降水更为准确。季风抑制期,MYJ方案模拟的夜间边界层结构存在较大误差,这是因为该方案模拟的夜间湍流交换系数较大,湍流混合偏强,边界层内热通量偏大,模拟的位温和水汽混合比在边界层内随高度变化较小,而观测廓线在边界层内存在较大梯度。季风抑制期两种方案模拟的云和降水均比观测值偏多,方案之间的差异较小。  相似文献   

青藏高原感热通量的变化及与江淮流域降水异常的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1979—2010年NCEP-R2再分析资料和全国586站降水资料, 对青藏高原感热通量进行小波变换和EOF分析, 并研究了它与江淮流域降水的关系。结果发现:高原感热通量具有2 a和8 a的变化周期。空间分布上主要有东、西反相变化和南、北反相变化以及全区一致性变化3种形态。高原感热通量与江淮流域降水异常的同期相关中, 1998年以来, 春季高原东部的感热通量偏小, 其他地区偏大, 与此同期江淮流域降水偏少;夏季西藏西部的感热通量偏小, 其他地区偏大, 与此同期江淮流域降水偏多。两者超前相关中, 江淮流域降水对春季的感热通量变化最敏感。1998年以来, 当春季高原东南部的感热通量偏小, 其他地区偏大时, 江淮流域的夏季降水偏多, 秋季降水偏少;当春季高原感热通量东部偏小, 西部偏大时, 江淮流域的冬季降水以长江为界南多北少, 次年春季降水偏少。  相似文献   

青藏高原西部冻融期陆面过程的模拟分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
王澄海  师锐  左洪超 《高原气象》2008,27(2):239-248
利用CAMP/Tibet中CEOP-EOP3改则站2002年10月—2003年9月的观测资料作为强迫场,运用陆面过程模式CoLM(Common Land Model),对青藏高原西部陆面特征的模拟研究表明,在高原西部地表能量平衡过程中,冬半年,感热通量占主要地位,潜热通量较小;尤其在冻结期,潜热通量几乎等于零。但在高原西部的融冻期,潜热通量有显著变化。在干季向湿季转化时段的5月中下旬,表层土壤由于融冻而引起的频繁水分相变,使得潜热通量随之变化并开始增加,Bowen比由大变小。地表有效通量的变化与降水及土壤表层频繁的冻结—消融相联系。  相似文献   

黄昕  周天军  吴波  陈晓龙 《大气科学》2019,43(2):437-455
本文通过与观测和再分析资料的对比,评估了LASG/IAP发展的气候系统模式FGOALS的两个版本FGOALS-g2和FGOALS-s2对南亚夏季风的气候态和年际变率的模拟能力,并使用水汽收支方程诊断,研究了造成降水模拟偏差的原因。结果表明,两个模式夏季气候态降水均在陆地季风槽内偏少,印度半岛附近海域偏多,在降水年循环中表现为夏季北侧辐合带北推范围不足。FGOALS-g2中赤道印度洋"东西型"海温偏差导致模拟的东赤道印度洋海上辐合带偏弱,而FGOALS-s2中印度洋"南北型"海温偏差导致模拟的海上辐合带偏向西南。水汽收支分析表明,两个模式中气候态夏季风降水的模拟偏差主要来自于整层积分的水汽通量,尤其是垂直动力平流项的模拟偏差。一方面,夏季阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾的海温偏冷而赤道西印度洋海温偏暖,造成向印度半岛的水汽输送偏少;另一方面,对流层温度偏冷,冷中心位于印度半岛北部对流层上层,同时季风槽内总云量偏少,云长波辐射效应偏弱,对流层经向温度梯度偏弱以及大气湿静力稳定度偏强引起的下沉异常造成陆地季风槽内降水偏少。在年际变率上,观测中南亚夏季风环流和降水指数与Ni?o3.4指数存在负相关关系,但FGOALS两个版本模式均存在较大偏差。两个模式中与ENSO暖事件相关的沃克环流异常下沉支和对应的负降水异常西移至赤道以南的热带中西印度洋,沿赤道非对称的加热异常令两个模式中越赤道环流季风增强,导致印度半岛南部产生正降水异常。ENSO相关的沃克环流异常下沉支及其对应的负降水异常偏西与两个模式对热带南印度洋气候态降水的模拟偏差有关。研究结果表明,若要提高FGOALS两个版本模式对南亚夏季风气候态模拟技巧,需减小耦合模式对印度洋海温、对流层温度及云的模拟偏差;若要提高南亚夏季风和ENSO相关性模拟技巧需要提高模式对热带印度洋气候态降水以及与ENSO相关的环流异常的模拟能力。  相似文献   

利用大理国家气候观象台大口径闪烁仪(LAS)和涡动相关仪(EC)在洱海湖滨农田下垫面的同步观测资料,比较分析了两种仪器测量湍流感热和潜热通量的差异特征。结果表明,LAS测得的湍流感热和潜热通量与EC测得的均有较高的相关性,相关系数分别为0.85和0.90。两种仪器测量结果差异均存在显著的昼夜和季节变化。昼夜变化表现为白天时段LAS的平均感热(潜热)通量比EC的偏小15.6 W·m-2(偏大94.6 W·m-2);夜间时段则相反,LAS比EC的偏大9.3 W·m-2(偏小40.6 W·m-2)。季节变化表现为湿季(5-8月、10月)LAS的平均感热通量比EC的偏小6.9 W·m-2,干季(4月)LAS的平均潜热通量比EC的偏小2.1 W·m-2,其他月份则相反,LAS比EC测得的感热(潜热)偏大5.7(18.1)W·m-2。  相似文献   

海-陆-气全球耦合模式能量收支的误差   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张韬  吴国雄  郭裕福 《气象学报》2002,60(3):278-289
通过分析GOALS模式两个版本GOALS 1.1和GOALS 2的能量收支 ,并与观测对比 ,结果表明 :模式模拟的地表净短波辐射通量在高纬地区偏低 ,而净长波辐射通量又偏高 ,导致极地表面温度偏低 ,感热通量在高纬地区为很高的负值。而在陆地上感热加热作用显著偏强 ,使地表有较大的向上净能量给大气 ,引起陆地上有些暖中心也偏强 ,这也解释了模式模拟地表面空气温度场的误差原因。海洋上潜热通量偏低 ,特别是在副热带洋面上偏少更明显。陆地上的欧亚和北美大陆大部分地区潜热通量仍偏低。这也是模式降水在大部分地区偏少的重要原因。两模式大气顶OLR偏低的模拟主要是在中低纬度 ,大气顶净短波辐射通量的模拟在中低纬度虽然与NCEP结果接近 ,但与地球辐射收支试验ERBE资料比较仍偏小较多 ,说明改进中低纬度云 辐射参数化方案对改进全球能量收支的模拟有重要意义。GOALS 2模式中诊断云方案模拟的云量除赤道地区外普遍偏小 ,尤以中纬度为甚 ,造成那里能量收支出现大的误差 ,这表明了更好的云参数化方案的引入是今后模式发展的重要任务之一  相似文献   

利用2013年5月21日至7月9日藏东南地区草地下垫面的边界层观测数据,分别从典型晴天和长时间平均的角度,评估了中尺度模式WRF对藏东南草地下垫面在南亚季风爆发前后的感热、潜热、地表土壤热通量和地表辐射平衡各分量日变化的模拟能力,对比分析了模拟结果与边界层观测数据的异同点。对典型晴天少云状况的个例模拟和整个时段的平均结果分析均表明,模式对感热通量和潜热通量的日变化具有较好的模拟能力,感热比潜热的模拟效果好,在夜间感热和潜热的模拟效果好,而白天感热和潜热的模拟值大于观测值。典型晴天天气下的向下短波辐射和净辐射的模拟值与观测值基本一致,而向上短波辐射的模拟值在白天大于观测值。长时间平均的向下短波辐射、向上短波辐射和净辐射的模拟值在夜间也与观测数据基本一致,但在白天模拟值比观测值明显偏大。晴天个例和长时间模拟的向下长波辐射和向上长波辐射的模拟值在日循环整个过程中较观测值均偏小。长时间模拟的地表土壤热通量在早上和晚上低于观测值,而在白天高于观测值。虽然平均的结果分析和晴天个例的结果是类似的,但由于晴天个例没有降水过程的干扰,因此晴天天气状态下的分析结果更能一致地反映出这一地区的日变化特征。  相似文献   

青藏高原地区不同下垫面陆面过程的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李燕  刘新  李伟平 《高原气象》2012,31(3):581-591
利用陆面过程模式Common Land Model(CoLM),选取青藏高原上3个不同下垫面观测站(藏东南站、纳木错站和珠峰站)的观测资料,对这3个野外观测站进行了单点数值模拟试验。根据3个测站的试验数据,对模式中土壤孔隙度和饱和导水率进行了优化,针对青藏高原地区土壤层薄的特点,对模式中土壤分层方案进行了调整。结果表明,调整分层方案后的CoLM模式对3个测站土壤湿度的模拟性能较原分层方案有明显提高,平均偏差均减小0.014以上。但是与观测值相比,藏东南站土壤湿度的模拟整体偏低,纳木错站和珠峰站则整体偏高。对土壤温度而言,3个测站模拟与观测的相关系数都达到了0.9以上,珠峰站偏差较大,调整分层方案后模拟的偏差有一定的改进。模式较好地模拟了3个测站的净辐射、感热通量和潜热通量的日变化和季节变化情况,调整分层方案后潜热通量的改进最为明显。  相似文献   

积云参数化方案对热带降水年循环模态模拟的影响   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室( LASG)发展的大气环流模式(SAMIL),采用Zhang-McFarlane (ZM)和Tiedtke (TDK)两种积云对流参数化方案,讨论了积云对流参数化方案对热带降水年循环模态模拟的影响.结果表明,两种积云对流参数化方案均能合理再现...  相似文献   

Using a continuous multi-decadal simulations over the period 1981–2010, subseasonal to seasonal simulations of the Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) over Iran against the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) dataset are evaluated. CFSv2 shows cold biases over northern hillsides of the Alborz Mountains with the Mediterranean climate and warm biases over northern regions of the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea with a dry climate. Magnitude of the model bias for 2-m temperature over different regions of Iran varies by season, with the least bias in temperate seasons of spring and autumn, and the largest bias in summer. The model bias decreases as temporal averaging period increases from seasonal to annual. The forecast generally produces dry and wet biases over dry and wet regions of Iran, respectively. In general, 2-m temperature over Iran is better captured than precipitation, but the prediction skill of precipitation is generally high over western Iran. Averaged over Iran, observations indicated that 2-m temperature has been gradually increasing during the studied period, with a rate of approximately 0.5 °C per decade, and the upward trend is well simulated by CFSv2. Averaged over Iran, both observations and simulation results indicated that precipitation has been decreasing in spring, with averaged decreasing trends of 0.8 mm (observed) and 1.7 mm (simulated) per season each year during the period 1981–2010. Observations indicated that the maximum increasing trend of 2-m temperature has occurred over western Iran (nearly 0.7 °C per decade), while the maximum decreasing trend of annual precipitation has occurred over western and parts of southern Iran (nearly 45 to 50 mm per decade).  相似文献   

利用青藏高原(以下简称高原)气象台站常规观测资料、国家青藏高原科学数据中心的青藏高原地气相互作用过程高分辨率(逐小时)综合观测数据集(2005~2016)、国际耦合模式比较计划第六阶段(CMIP6)的历史模拟试验数据和卫星辐射资料,定量评估了12个全球气候模式对1979~2014年高原中东部地表感热通量的模拟能力,并对其模拟偏差进行了成因分析。结果表明,CMIP6模式可较好地重现高原地表感热通量的年循环和季节平均的空间分布型,但数值较计算感热通量偏低,主要表现为对感热通量大值区严重低估。区域平均而言,12个模式模拟的春季高原中东部感热通量的时间演变序列整体较计算感热通量偏低,其中偏差最大的模式为MIROC6,其多年均值仅为计算值的1/3左右。进一步分析发现多模式模拟的春季高原10 m高度处风速和地气温差分别偏强和偏弱,说明CMIP6模拟的春季高原感热通量偏低可主要归因于地气温差的模拟冷偏差。地气温差的模拟冷偏差在高原中东部地区普遍存在,且地表温度和空气温度均存在明显冷偏差,尤其地表温度偏差更大,这很大程度上可能与CMIP6多模式模拟的春季高原降水偏强有关。  相似文献   

胡轶佳  钟中  闵锦忠 《大气科学》2008,32(1):90-100
利用区域气候模式RegCM3,选择Kuo-Anthes积云对流参数化方案和基于FC80假设的Grell积云对流参数化方案,对1998年东亚气候分别进行年尺度模拟,模拟结果对比分析表明:在春、夏季转换时期, 两者模拟的降水形势差别较大, 对江淮、中南和华南地区的夏季降水量模拟差别最为明显。对流层上层模式变量和模式大气质量对积云对流参数化方案的选择不敏感, 而对流层中、下层模式变量对积云对流参数化方案比较敏感。不同积云对流参数化方案对8天时间尺度的天气系统模拟差别比较大。在积云对流比较活跃的夏季,不同参数化方案会导致模式大气出现不同的系统性偏差。由于模式在陡峭地形处动力过程计算方案存在缺陷,在高原与盆地的交界处,模式误差会产生明显的突变。  相似文献   

Performances of two LASG/IAP(State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sci- ences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics)Atmospheric General Circulation Models(AGCMs),namely GAMIL and SAMIL,in simulating the major characteristics of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ)in the upper troposphere are examined in this paper.The mean vertical and horizontal structures and the correspondence of the EASWJ location to the meridional temperature gradient in the upper troposphere are well simulated by two models.However,both models underestimate the EASWJ intensity in winter and summer,and are unable to simulate the bimodal distribution of the ma- jor EASWJ centers in mid-summer,relative to the observation,especially for the SAMIL model.The biases in the simulated EASWJ intensity are found to be associated with the biases of the meridional temperature gradients in the troposphere,and furthermore with the surface sensible heat flux and condensation latent heating.The models capture the major characteristics of the seasonal evolution of the diabatic heating rate averaged between 30°-45°N,and its association with the westerly jet.However,the simulated maximum diabatic heating rate in summer is located westward in comparison with the observed position,with a rela- tively strong diabatic heating intensity,especially in GAMIL.The biases in simulating the diabatic heating fields lead to the biases in simulating the temperature distribution in the upper troposphere,which may further affect the EASWJ simulations.Therefore,it is necessary to improve the simulation of the meridional temperature gradient as well as the diabatic heating field in the troposphere for the improvement of the EASWJ simulation by GAMIL and SAMIL models.  相似文献   

The analysis of possible regional climate changes over Europe as simulated by 10 regional climate models within the context of PRUDENCE requires a careful investigation of possible systematic biases in the models. The purpose of this paper is to identify how the main model systematic biases vary across the different models. Two fundamental aspects of model validation are addressed here: the ability to simulate (1) the long-term (30 or 40 years) mean climate and (2) the inter-annual variability. The analysis concentrates on near-surface air temperature and precipitation over land and focuses mainly on winter and summer. In general, there is a warm bias with respect to the CRU data set in these extreme seasons and a tendency to cold biases in the transition seasons. In winter the typical spread (standard deviation) between the models is 1 K. During summer there is generally a better agreement between observed and simulated values of inter-annual variability although there is a relatively clear signal that the modeled temperature variability is larger than suggested by observations, while precipitation variability is closer to observations. The areas with warm (cold) bias in winter generally exhibit wet (dry) biases, whereas the relationship is the reverse during summer (though much less clear, coupling warm (cold) biases with dry (wet) ones). When comparing the RCMs with their driving GCM, they generally reproduce the large-scale circulation of the GCM though in some cases there are substantial differences between regional biases in surface temperature and precipitation.  相似文献   

Based on climate extreme indices calculated from a high-resolution daily observational dataset in China during1961–2005, the performance of 12 climate models from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6),and 30 models from phase 5 of CMIP(CMIP5), are assessed in terms of spatial distribution and interannual variability. The CMIP6 multi-model ensemble mean(CMIP6-MME) can simulate well the spatial pattern of annual mean temperature,maximum daily maximum temperature, and minimum daily minimum temperature. However, CMIP6-MME has difficulties in reproducing cold nights and warm days, and has large cold biases over the Tibetan Plateau. Its performance in simulating extreme precipitation indices is generally lower than in simulating temperature indices. Compared to CMIP5, CMIP6 models show improvements in the simulation of climate indices over China. This is particularly true for precipitation indices for both the climatological pattern and the interannual variation, except for the consecutive dry days. The arealmean bias for total precipitation has been reduced from 127%(CMIP5-MME) to 79%(CMIP6-MME). The most striking feature is that the dry biases in southern China, very persistent and general in CMIP5-MME, are largely reduced in CMIP6-MME. Stronger ascent together with more abundant moisture can explain this reduction in dry biases. Wet biases for total precipitation, heavy precipitation, and precipitation intensity in the eastern Tibetan Plateau are still present in CMIP6-MME, but smaller, compared to CMIP5-MME.  相似文献   

The West African Monsoon has been simulated with the regional climate model PROMES, coupled to the land-surface model ORCHIDEE and nested in ECMWF analysis, within AMMA-EU project. Three different runs are presented to address the influence of changes in two parameterizations (moist convection and radiation) on the simulated West African Monsoon. Another aim of the study is to get an insight into the relationship of simulated precipitation and 2-m temperature with land-surface fluxes. To this effect, data from the AMMA land-surface model intercomparison project (ALMIP) have been used. In ALMIP, offline simulations have been made using the same land-surface model than in the coupled simulation presented here, which makes ALMIP data particularly relevant for the present study, as it enables us to analyse the simulated soil and land-surface fields. The simulation of the monsoon depends clearly on the two analysed parameterizations. The inclusion of shallow convection parametrization affects the intensity of the simulated monsoon precipitation and modifies some dynamical aspects of the monsoon. The use of a fractional cloud-cover parameterization and a more complex radiation scheme is important for better reproducing the amplitude of the latitudinal displacement of the precipitation band. This is associated to an improved simulation of the surface temperature field and the easterly jets. However, the parameterization changes do not affect the timing of the main rainy and break periods of the monsoon. A better representation of downward solar radiation is associated with a smaller bias in the surface heat fluxes. The comparison with ALMIP land-surface and soil fields shows that precipitation and temperature biases in the regional climate model simulation are associated to certain biases in land-surface fluxes. The biases in soil moisture seem to be driven by atmospheric biases as they are strongly affected by the parameterization changes in atmospheric processes.  相似文献   

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