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温泉 《海洋世界》2006,(6):10-10
上图所显示的就是我们经常说起的赤潮现象。 进入21世纪以来,我国海洋赤潮灾害一直处于高发期。2001年全国海域共发现赤潮77次,累计面积达15,000多平方千米,比2000年增加49次,增加面积约5,000平方千米。其中,浙江海域发现赤潮26次,累计面积近7,000平方千米;赤潮灾害的特点是:发生时间提前、持续时间延长、主要赤潮生物种类增多、总次数和累计影响面积均有大幅度增加。  相似文献   

为研究1989—2013年河北省近海有害藻华灾害分级、时空分布和优势肇事生物变化特征,对河北省近海累计58次有害藻华记录的发生时间、位置与范围、面积和优势有害藻华生物种类进行了统计分析。结果表明:小型(面积0~100 km2)、中型(100~1 000 km2)、大型(≥1 000 km2)和面积不详的有害藻华中,小型藻华为多发性藻华,发生次数占全省海域累计发生次数的60.35%;5-8月份是藻华多发期,发生次数占累计发生次数的86.21%;2000年后藻华发生频率大增,由原来年均发生1次演变为年均发生4次;秦皇岛海域发生藻华次数最多,占全省海域累计发生次数的57.14%,沧州海域次之,唐山海域最少;秦皇岛海域发生藻华累计面积最大,占全省海域累计发生面积的64.25%,沧州海域次之,唐山海域最小。河北省优势海洋有害藻华生物共计15种,易发性藻华生物夜光藻Noctiluca scintillans引发藻华次数最多,占全省海域累计发生次数的44.83%,2009年前是河北省近海最主要的藻华肇事生物;高发性藻华生物抑食金球藻Aureococcus anophagefferens引发有害藻华累计面积最大,占全省海域累计发生面积的55.57%,2009年后该藻和夜光藻共同成为河北省近海优势藻华肇事生物。  相似文献   

2005年春夏季东海赤潮过程中营养盐作用初探   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
自20世纪90年代以来,我国进入赤潮高发期,近岸海域赤潮的发生频率、波及范围和危害程度呈逐年上升趋势.受长江径流等陆源输入影响,东海海域形成了其特有的富营养环境,目前已经成为我国赤潮发生最严重的区域之一.该海域赤潮暴发呈现出发生时间不断提前、持续时间不断加长、发生面积不断扩大、有毒有害藻类逐渐增加的特点[1-2].据统计,自2000年以来,我国沿岸海域共发生赤潮约480次,累计面积超过104000km2.其中,仅在东海海域发生赤潮的次数就占全国记录总数的60%,发生面积更是达到了70%以上[3],其发生频率和规模均远远高于我国其他3个海区.  相似文献   

利用浙江省海洋灾害公报中2006—2017年的赤潮灾害数据,分析了浙江近海赤潮的年、月和季节尺度的变化规律,同时分析了浙江近海赤潮的空间分布规律。将自适应带宽核密度分析方法应用于赤潮灾害研究,分析了浙江近海不同海域受赤潮影响的程度。研究结果表明:浙江海域赤潮高发于春末和夏季,5月是发生峰值期;从年际情况看,近年来赤潮发生的累计次数和面积呈上升趋势;浙江省赤潮主要发生在5个海域,按受赤潮影响的程度由高到低依次为舟山本岛、嵊泗列岛、温州、宁波和台州。  相似文献   

国家海洋局近日发布的赤潮监测情况显示:今年6~8月,全国海域共发现赤潮15次,累计面积2874平方千米,与2007年同期相比,赤潮次数减少29次,累计面积减少2984平方千米。而且,今年的赤潮分布趋势有所不同。往年6—8月,全国赤潮主要分布于浙江沿岸海域,福建厦门、霞浦、黄岐近岸海域,广东深圳沿岸海域和青岛、秦皇岛、天津、黄骅等渤黄海沿岸海域。  相似文献   

本文基于苏北灌河口近岸海域三维水质模型,按照江苏省海洋功能区划的水质要求,采用自净过程积分方法,计算了氮和磷营养盐的环境容量。结果表明,研究海域无机氮和活性磷酸盐年海洋环境容量分别约为6 000和6 00t/a,具有明显季节变化特征,夏季最高,环境容量分别约为2 900和260t,其次是春季,分别约为1 400和140t,冬季和秋季最低,分别平均约为1 000和90t。对比分析现状污染负荷,研究海域无机氮、活性磷酸盐总量削减率分别相当于当前无机氮、活性磷酸盐入海负荷的55%、73%以上,研究结果可为江苏省北部灌河口沿海城市陆源污染物总量控制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

新世纪渤海污染新特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
渤海的污染状况,在新世纪呈现出若干新特点。从污染程度和区域变化来看,新世纪渤海污染总面积总体上呈波动减小趋势,但近岸海域的污染程度却显著加重。从赤潮发生情况来看,渤海赤潮年发生次数由20世纪90年代的1位数上升至2位数;进入21世纪以来虽然赤潮年发生次数在逐渐减少,但赤潮面积总体上呈增大趋势,而且有毒藻类引发的赤潮次数和面积大幅增加。从渤海的主要污染物——营养盐浓度和比例的变化来看,近年来渤海近岸海域营养盐浓度(N、P)则呈加速增大趋势,N/P比值增幅达50%,而Si/N比值已降至0.5左右。从污染源变化来看,海上污染源的增速明显高于陆源。  相似文献   

福建主要港湾的水质单项评价与综合评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2000年和2001年福建主要港湾的水质监测资料,对福建16个港湾的海洋环境质量进行了评价.结果显示:福建部分港湾的无机氮和活性磷酸盐超过二类海水水质标准.局部海域已达到富营养化,要重视和防范赤潮的发生和危害.有些港湾还存在不同程度的污染,其综合评价指数在0.43~1.07之间.  相似文献   

为加强惠州市海洋生态环境保护工作,并为其提供科学依据,文章利用2016年春季和夏季惠州市海洋环境综合调查数据,选取溶解氧、化学需氧量、无机氮和活性磷酸盐4个环境因子,分析其近岸海域和海洋基本功能区的海水环境质量,并评价海水有机污染状况。研究结果表明:春季近岸海域海水环境质量优于夏季,无机氮和活性磷酸盐为主要超标因子;港口航运区海水环境质量良好,其他功能区均有环境因子超标现象;近岸海域受到有机污染,旅游休闲娱乐区在2个季节均受到有机污染;海水环境尚未对海洋生物产生影响。  相似文献   

利用2001—2020年福建沿海赤潮事件记录资料和自然灾害风险判定方法,根据赤潮成灾面积、持续时间、危害类型、渔业直接经济损失等指标综合计算赤潮灾害指数。基于自然断点法,对赤潮灾害指数进行Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级等4个灾害级别分等定级。系统分析了福建沿海赤潮生物种类、时空分布特征和演变规律。结果表明:(1)2001—2020年福建沿海赤潮以灾害程度较轻的Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级为主,灾害程度较重的Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级仅占总次数的8.9%,但其造成的渔业直接经济损失达总损失的95.0%。(2)赤潮暴发次数和面积总体呈现下降趋势,但Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级灾害频次呈现波动特征。(3)季节尺度上表现为单波峰特征,5—6月是赤潮灾害最为严重的时段,赤潮暴发次数、面积和持续时间占总体的比例分别为73.3%、84.6%和74.9%,Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级灾害占总次数的95.2%。(4)空间尺度上,福州、宁德、厦门沿海赤潮累计次数和规模较大,但Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级赤潮灾害主要分布在泉州以北的福建沿海,泉州以南的福建海域赤潮灾害级别整体较低。(5)2001—2020年福建沿海赤潮原因种逐渐增多,硅藻占比减小、甲藻占比升高,有毒赤潮主要出现在宁德、福州、泉州海域,以米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)引发居多。(6)硅藻赤潮主要暴发在峡湾和海湾海域,而甲藻赤潮在峡湾、海湾和开阔的近岸海域均易暴发,近年来甲藻赤潮暴发位置呈现由福建北部向南部沿海扩张的趋势。引起这些变化的原因据推测与全球气候变化及福建近岸海域环境的变化密切相关。  相似文献   

Species composition and biomass of plankton samples taken on transects across an upwelling plume off Farewell Spit in February 1981 are presented. Copepods were numerically dominant, particularly Oithona similis and Paracalanus indicus. Also abundant were large phytoplankters (Chaetoceros sp. and Trichodesmium sp.), crustacean faecal pellets, and euphausiid larvae. The distribution of zooplankton species suggests mixing of inshore waters and neritic populations with upwelled waters. These data are discussed with respect to an interpretation of the upwelling system as a northwards transport of zooplankton and its enhanced productivity into the South Taranaki Bight.  相似文献   

Of major concern to the UK fishing industry at present is how UK-caught fish may be marketed more effectively. This depends principally upon the objective of the marketing exercise. With respect to export markets, the principal objective is to get the catch sold for a realistic price. Where the export market is the principal outlet for the catch, it is argued that the floor price set by the EEC needs to reflect the world market price. Where the catch is to be sold on the home market, the objective is to increase the consumption of fresh fish, with the UK fisherman attempting to become the preferred supplier. This is the current policy of the Sea Fish Industry Authority (SFIA).  相似文献   

It is a common observation that the mean length in a fish population progressively decreases as the biomass is reduced by fishing. However, this has not happened with the population of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand, even though the biomass is estimated to have declined by almost 80%. Because orange roughy are slow growing it might be expected that mean age (or its proxy, mean otolith weight) would be a more sensitive indicator of biomass decline than mean length. A simulation study shows that this is not true. With equal sample sizes, all three indicators are equally sensitive; on an equal cost basis, mean length is more sensitive than the others. A log transformation increases the sensitivity of age and otolith weight, but it is not clear whether this increase is sufficient to outweigh the much greater costs of measuring age and otolith weight, compared to length. Under the assumption of constant recruitment, it is more likely than not (P = 0.55–0.8) that a change in mean length would have been detected in the Chatham Rise population, given the estimated biomass decline.  相似文献   

Re: Kirby, D. S.; Abraham, E. R.; Uddstrom, M. J.; Dean, H. 2003: Tuna schools/aggregations in surface longline data 1993–98. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37: 633–644.  相似文献   

A preliminary scuba survey of oligotrophic Lake Rotoma in 1972 revealed a vegetation mainly composed of native hydrophytes in which exotics were at an early stage of colonisation. In 1973 the presence of species was recorded in 5708 quadrats (625 cm2) at 1 m intervals along a total of 50 line transects placed systematically around the lake. Water depth was measured, and quadrat cover and substrate type were subjectively estimated. Species frequency calculations showed that the dominant vegetation pattern was a characean meadow of Chara fibrosa f. acanthopitys (A.Br.) R.D.W., Nitella leptostachys var. leonhardii (R.D.W.) R.D.W., and N. pseudoflabellata var. mucosa (Nordst.) Bailey. The charophytes extended over a depth range of 1–17.5 m on a wide variety of substrates and gradients. Native vascular plants were absent from many transects, and had a depth range only from 0 to 4.5 m, with most occurring above 3.5 m. The Low Mixed Community, found in shallow water less than 1.25 m in depth at the northeast end of the lake, provided this area with a high species diversity. Exotic hydrophytes had established in many areas around the lake. The distribution of Lagarosiphon major (Ridley) Moss and Elodea canadensis Michx. appeared to coincide with boating access and fallen submerged trees over a depth range of 0–6.0 m, although much of the available habitat had not yet been exploited. Emergent species were most abundant within the southwest inlet and also in the lagoons surrounding the lake where sheltered conditions and shallow gradients prevail.  相似文献   

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