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据田内相似准则设计了一模型网箱,通过试验测量其不同装配、不同流速、不同配重下,网箱表征容积(网箱横截面的投影面积)的变化。结果表明。流速增加使网箱有效容积受到很大损失;增加配重对于改善网箱的变形是有限度的,在网箱底部加装底框可在一定程度上改善网箱的耐流性能,而作者开发的网箱耐流锚泊技术,可以在较大的流速情况下很好地改善网箱的变形,减少网箱的容积损失,提高网箱抗流性能。  相似文献   

HDPE深水网箱抗风浪流性能的海区验证试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴常文  朱爱意  沈建林 《海洋工程》2007,25(2):84-90,97
对HDPE深水网箱2000~2004年间的抗风浪流性能进行了海区验证试验.通过对HDPE深水网箱扶栏、框架、网具以及固泊系统受损率的统计,根据扶栏、框架、网具以及固泊系统在整个深水网系统中的重要程度,分别给予一定的权重统计出深水网箱的整体受损率,能比较客观地反映深水网箱的抗风浪流性能.海区验证试验结果表明,HDPE深水网箱抗风力达35 m/s、抗浪高6 m、抗流速1.0 m/s,与其设计参数基本相同.同时,为了增加HDPE深水网箱的抗风浪流性能,建议扶手管从110 mm改为125 mm、主浮管从250 mm改为300 mm、扶栏高度从1 m降低为0.8 m或0.6 m.风力主要影响扶栏系统,流速主要影响网具系统,而波浪对HDPE圆形浮式深水网箱的框架、网具、固泊系统以及网箱整体结构均有明显影响.  相似文献   

鲆鲽网箱结构在海中受到水流的冲击作用会发生运动与变形,针对鲆鲽鱼特有的栖底习性,为确保网底结构的稳定有必要对其进行动力分析。为此利用有限元方法建立了流场中网箱受力和变形的数学计算模型,运用该数学模型对底框中加有支撑管结构并装配方形网目网衣的鲆鲽网箱整体位移进行了数值模拟。数值模拟结果表明,网箱的网衣部分在水流作用下形态变化比较大,网底的水平位移与垂直位移随流速的增加而增大,而网箱的底框架在不同流速条件下均能保持在水平位置,且未发生明显的倾斜。由此可见,此类鲆鲽网箱具有较好的耐流性能。  相似文献   

通过对网箱框架、网衣在风、浪、流作用下的受力分析 ,建立网箱锚泊系统缆绳受力计算的数学模型。以国家十五“86 3”计划课题—“深海抗风浪网箱的研制”所设计的网箱为例 ,选定山东荣成市寻山海域 1 0年一遇的灾害海况为设计计算条件 ,根据 Morison公式 ,采用 Goodman- L ance方法求得单个网箱的锚泊力为 6 5 .6 7k N。在此基础上对网箱的锚泊系统进行设计 ,确定了锚泊系统每只锚重 2 5 0 kg,锚链重为 1 5 0 kg,缆绳长度为 33m。  相似文献   

对安装在海上风电钢管桩基础上的升降式网箱结构的波浪场特性进行研究,掌握升降式网箱结构内部及结构后方水体的运动特征及速度场变化情况。基于OpenFOAM软件包开发了波、流与孔隙介质结构相互作用的数值计算模型,将网箱结构按等效阻力简化为多孔介质结构,开展升降式网箱结构的波浪场特性研究。研究结果表明:网箱结构对流体具有一定的阻流作用,网箱结构内部速度场得到一定程度的减小,网箱结构背浪侧也有一定的速度衰减区域;对比网箱结构顶部不同潜深条件下的网箱结构内部流场特征,网箱结构顶部潜深在1/4D~1/2DD为水深)范围内网箱结构内部流场速度最小、流场最为稳定、速度分布均匀,网箱结构向浪侧前方和背浪侧后方流场波动较小。所得结论表明在钢管桩基础上安装升降式网箱结构时需要关注的网箱结构对流场特性的影响,充分考虑网箱结构阻力对流速的作用,掌握极端工况下升降式网箱结构保持优良养殖环境需要下潜的高度范围,以保障升降式网箱的安全。  相似文献   

重力式与碟形网箱的锚绳受力特性比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对常见的重力式、碟形和拟碟形网箱在不同下潜深度状态下的锚绳受力特性进行了试验研究.试验共设模型4组,分别在纯流、纯波以及波流联合条件下进行.测力通过系缚于锚绳底端的4个拉力传感器获得.试验结果表明水流作用力的大小在很大程度上受网箱结构形式的影响,而在波浪条件下其影响相对较小.重力式网箱的配重形式及下潜形式对网箱的受力具有重要影响.另外,网箱在波流组合条件下的受力并不是纯流及纯波单独作用下的简单叠加.最后,在综合比较网箱价格和性能的前提下,对网箱结构形式的选择进行了一些讨论,并提出若干建议.  相似文献   

象山港网箱养鱼区大型底栖生物生态特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过2000年象山港网箱养鱼区和邻近对照区的4季采样,对该区大型底栖生物进行了分析研究,共鉴定出大型底栖生物41种,网箱养鱼区周边种类39种,对照区9种,约占象山港总种数的58%,网箱养鱼区周边生物量和密度(91.92g/m2和114.96个/m2)明显高于对照区(10.61g/m2和48个/m2).在网箱养鱼区周边沉积物中主要因子均高于对照区,其中硫化物高出4倍多,在网箱养鱼区周边硫化物较低的站位生物量较高,而在网箱养鱼区中央沉积物年均累积速率约25cm,已成黑色并有浓烈异味,未见大型底栖生物分布.  相似文献   

为了促进深远海养殖装备朝智能化方向发展,解决电能供给困难的问题,克服抗风浪网箱受波流耦合作用对太阳能和风能利用的局限性的问题,针对养殖区域的低流速海域,提出了一种适用于深远海可升降网箱的横轴半潜式潮流能发电装置,建立了Savonius型水轮机叶片受力数学模型,分析了叶轮中心与水面的距离对水轮机捕能效率的影响,利用Fluent软件数值模拟了导流增速浮体的速度场情况,设计了发电装置整体结构及锚泊系统,搭建了发电装置试验模型,开展了物理模型试验,测试了不同水流速度情况下与叶轮相对离水距有关的各参数变化情况,并对试验数据进行分析。试验结果表明,在不同的水流流速下,随着离水距的不断增加,捕获功率呈先增加后减小的趋势,当叶轮中心高出水面1/4个叶轮直径时,叶轮的输出功率最大。  相似文献   

钦州保税港区填海造地工程对海洋环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用潮流数值模拟、海图对比、输沙率计算等方法,从潮流场、冲淤环境及纳潮量三个方面,分析了钦州保税港区填海工程造成的影响.结论认为:填海工程建成后,工程区西侧和东侧流速增加0~0.2 m/s,由工程区边界向外增加幅度逐渐减小,南侧流速减小0~ 0.25 m/s左右;工程区西侧主导流向受深槽地形控制,变化幅度较小,而东侧和南侧由于新增岸线改变了原有流场方向,流向变化明显;填海工程没有改变东槽主导潮流方向和悬沙向外海输移路径,工程造成东槽流速增加,利于泥沙的起动搬运,使深槽部位推移质泥沙由淤积变为轻微侵蚀,对航道保持稳定有利;工程建设后钦州湾湾体纳潮量减少了3 934.38×104m3,占钦州湾海域总纳潮量的2%左右.  相似文献   

根据2001年11月1~10日在舟山蛏子港进行水文调查所获取的水深、海流、盐度、悬浮体等资料,对蛏子港深水网箱养殖的环境条件进行了分析,结果表明:该港海区海水平均流速为35.1~100cm/s的出现频率占56%~84%,表、底层盐度平均值为25.227~26.045,悬浮体含量为0.1~0.399kg/m3的出现频率达92%;港区有多个口门与外海相通,海域水体交换活跃。另外,该港的水深和避风条件也基本符合深水网箱养殖的要求,是一个比较适合于海水鱼深水网箱养殖的基地。  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe fish farming and aquaculture industry areexpanding and the demand for suitable locations forfish farms is increasing.In the future,more of thefish farms will be located offshore,as the number ofsuitable nearshore locations is limited.Futu…  相似文献   

Based on the lumped-mass method and rigid-body kinematics theory, a mathematical model of a gravity cage system attacked by irregular waves is developed to simulate the hydrodynamic response of cage system, including the maximum tension of mooring lines and the motion of float collar. The normalized response amplitudes (response amplitude operators) are calculated for the cage motion response in heave and surge, and the mooring line tension response, in regular waves. In addition, a statistical approach is taken to determine the motion and tension transfer functions in irregular waves. In order to validate the numerical model of a gravity cage attacked by irregular waves, numerical predictions have been compared with the experimental observations in the time and frequency domain. The effect of wave incident angle on the float collar motion, mooring line tension and net volume reduction of the gravity cage system in irregular waves is also investigated. The results show that at high frequencies, the cage system has no significant heave motion. It tends to contour itself to longer waves. The variation amplitude of mooring line forces decreases as the wave frequency increases. With the increasing of wave incident angle, the horizontal displacement of the float collar increases.  相似文献   

Baroclinic circulation in highly stratified and partially stratified estuaries is characterised by a two-layer flow: a bottom salt- water inflow and a surface brackish-water outflow. Tidal period variation of the thicknesses of a two-layer flow is observed to be associated with mixing, bottom stress and hydraulic characteristics of superposed tidal and gravity currents. Here, both analytical two-layer hydraulic equations with weak friction and a numerical model including a turbulence closure were utilised to understand the mechanism of the layer tendency within a two-layer flow under different barotropic flow conditions. It has been found that in the weak bottom friction case, a gravity current has two critical solutions at the layer thickness equal to 0·5Hand 0·292H. The layer thickness towards a particular critical solution is dependent on the sign of the bottom stress, i.e. when the bottom stress is opposite (favor) to the bottom gravity current, its layer thickness converges to 0·5H(0·292H). In the case of strong bottom stress and mixing opposing the gravity current, the solutions of the gravity current layer thickness at 0·5Hand 0·292Hwill not be valid. Both mixing and vorticity produced by bottom stress erode the halocline, and produce a high velocity core in the mid-depth, which leads to the thickness of a bottom gravity current greater than 0·5H. These internal hydraulic tendency and mixing processes, varying with time-dependent barotropic tidal current forcing, determine the tidal period variation of the gravity current structure.  相似文献   


The suction anchor becomes more popular for offshore oil and gas industry in deeper water. For suction anchor–soil interaction, the prediction of hydraulic conductivity of porous materials is a long-standing problem in offshore engineering. To investigate the hydraulic characteristics, an upward seepage flow through saturated sands is considered in this study. A numerical approach, which is able to describe the fluid–particle interaction at particle scale, has been employed to analyse fluid flow in sands. This approach is constructed by adopting a coupled discrete element method and computational fluid dynamic approach (CFD-DEM numerical model). The coupled CFD-DEM approach is first benchmarked by a classic geomechanics problem where analytical solutions are available, and then employed to investigate the characteristics of upward seepage flow in coarse sand columns. Through numerical modelling, the predicted relation between hydraulic gradient and flow velocity is obtained and it is compared with the classical analytical correlation. The effect of several bulk and micromechanical parameters including packing porosity, particle size combination and inter-particle rolling resistance on the flow characteristics is numerically examined. The results show that the particle polydispersity and packing porosity have significant effect on the hydraulic conductivity in the seepage flow. The introduction of inter-particle rolling resistance can change initial packing structure of particle assembly in some extent rather than the hydraulic conductivity from the particle shape effect perspective. A further development of numerical model, in which the effect of non-spherical particles on the seepage flow, will be carried out later.  相似文献   

The effect of biofouling on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the net cage is of particular interest as biofouled nettings can significantly reduce flow of well-oxygenated water reaching the stocked fish. For computational efficiency, the porous-media fluid model is proposed to simulate flow through the biofouled plane net and full-scale net cage. The porous coefficients of the porous-media fluid model can be determined from the quadratic-function relationship between the hydrodynamic forces on a plane net and the flow velocity using the least squares method. In this study, drag forces on and flow fields around five plane nets with different levels of biofouling are calculated by use of the proposed model. The numerical results are compared with the experimental data of Swift et al. (2006) and the effectiveness of the numerical model is presented. On that basis, flow through full-scale net cages with the same level of biofouling as the tested plane nets are modeled. The flow fields inside and around biofouled net cages are analyzed and the drag force acting on a net cage is estimated by a control volume analysis method. According to the numerical results, empirical formulas of reduction in flow velocity and load on a net cage are derived as function of drag coefficient of the corresponding biofouled netting.  相似文献   

The effect of biofouling on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the net cage is of particular interest as biofouled nettings can significantly reduce flow of well-oxygenated water reaching the stocked fish. For computational efficiency, the porous-media fluid model is proposed to simulate flow through the biofouled plane net and full-scale net cage. The porous coefficients of the porous-media fluid model can be determined from the quadratic-function relationship between the hydrodynamic forces on a plane net and the flow velocity using the least squares method. In this study, drag forces on and flow fields around five plane nets with different levels of biofouling are calculated by use of the proposed model. The numerical results are compared with the experimental data of Swift et al.(2006) and the effectiveness of the numerical model is presented. On that basis, flow through full-scale net cages with the same level of biofouling as the tested plane nets are modeled. The flow fields inside and around biofouled net cages are analyzed and the drag force acting on a net cage is estimated by a control volume analysis method. According to the numerical results, empirical formulas of reduction in flow velocity and load on a net cage are derived as function of drag coefficient of the corresponding biofouled netting.  相似文献   

We study the peculiarities of spreading of gravity-suspended matter bearing flows along a sloping bottom under the condition of the intense entrainment of bottom sediments. It was found that the velocity of the propagation of such a flow remains constant, while the heading part conserves the size and excessive mass of the entrained solid fraction. A hypothesis was put forward that the gravity force that draws the flow down is compensated for by an antireactive force related to the entrainment of the bottom sediments into the motion, drag resistance, and bottom friction. The antireactive force was the main resistance force in the experiments.  相似文献   

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