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采用二维模型CE-QUAL-W2对青岛市王圈水库进行水温数值模拟,运用库区的实测资料对模型进行校正,并分析研究了出水口高程对水库水温分层的影响。研究结果表明:3月份水库垂向水温分布均匀,到5月份逐渐开始分层,温跃层形成于8月,9月份以后水温分层消失;随着出水口高程升高,水库上层水体温度变化不大,而下层水体水温下降,水库温跃层厚度增加。  相似文献   

南海温跃层基本特征及一维预报模式   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
根据现有1907—1990年南海大面调查资料,按1°×1°网格进行逐月的标准水层的温度统计。在此基础上采用3次样条函数的插值方法计算出整个南海温跃层的深度、厚度和强度并予以相应分析。分析表明,南海温跃层主要分为两种类型:第一类为辐射型,主要分布在南海北部的陆架区内,季节变化显著;第二类为不同水体叠置型,主要分布在广大深水区,它长年存在,季节变化较小。一种温跃层的一维积分预报模式,该模式是基于忽略热平流作用和水平热扩散的前提下,从局部热平衡方程出发,建立了受海面热收支及风混合作用下求解温度垂直分布及温跃层的时空变化。在南海北部水深约300m处进行了单站温跃层后报,结果表明,温跃层的深度、厚度和强度的相对误差均在30%以下。  相似文献   

利用2011年7月5个断面共30个站位的温盐深(CTD)测量资料,分析东海南部陆架水体的温盐结构和温跃层特征,探讨黑潮和台湾暖流对东海陆架水文状况的影响。结果显示,本区广泛存在着浅部温跃层和深部温跃层。浅部温跃层分布于20 m水深以内,跃层强度普遍较弱,具有明显的日内生消变化。深部温跃层分布于中、外陆架和台湾海峡。在中、外陆架的深水区,跃层底界深度约80 m,跃层厚度约10 m;跃层强度大,约为0.8℃/m,且较为稳定。在台湾海峡北部,温跃层分布于水深14~30 m,跃层厚度6~10 m,跃层强度偏弱,为0.2~0.5℃/m。在温跃层附近,由于上、下层水团温度、盐度的差异,其混合过程常出现盐指现象。在东海陆架90~110 m等深线之间,深部温跃层之下盘踞着一个深层冷水团,水温为16.8~17.6℃。黑潮水的入侵,使得外陆架温跃层强度减弱至0.2~0.5℃/m;同时,跃层层位上升,厚度加大。温跃层强度可以作为指示黑潮入侵的灵敏指标。当夏季深部温跃层强度低于0.6℃/m,同时伴随跃层厚度加大时,可判别为黑潮入侵。本区夏季黑潮锋可以到达110 m等深线附近。在中陆架50~80 m等深线之间,深部温跃层的消失,说明台湾暖流的强烈影响遍及整个水柱;而从南向北,台湾暖流的影响逐渐减弱。台湾海峡北部深层水温度较低,平均值为22.52℃,要比东海南部中陆架深层水低3℃,这可能意味着台湾暖流深层水主要源于黑潮分支的加入。  相似文献   

中沙群岛主要由中沙大环礁和黄岩岛组成,其温盐分布对于本区渔业生产、航海保障和水下通讯等具有重要意义。尤其是春夏之交的季节转换时期,该海域水温和盐度及其相应的跃层特性存在显著的季节变化,掌握其季节变化特征具有重要现实意义。本文基于2019年5月(南海春夏季风转换期)中沙大环礁、黄岩岛和2020年6月(夏季风爆发期)中沙大环礁海域大面站调查数据分析,发现中沙大环礁海域水温和盐度分布特征在夏季风爆发前后具有显著的差异性,2个航次的温跃层分布也呈现出较大不同,2019年5月黄岩岛海域温盐中上层分布与中沙大环礁相似,但底层有所差异,跃层深度也较大。2020年6月中沙大环礁内水体升温较快,各层水温均高于2019年5月,其中以底层水体升温最为显著;2019年5月中沙大环礁内水温水平梯度较大,且随着水深加大水平梯度也越大,2020年6日水平温度梯度逐渐减小。2个航次的盐度分布与水温分布较为相似。结合调查时段的海表热通量变化和卫星高度计资料分析认为,2019年5月中沙大环礁西南部海洋吸热高于东北部,故表层水温西南高东北低;2020年6月至7月环礁西南部海洋吸热低于东北部,故表层水温西南低东北高。由于中尺度涡的作用,中沙大环礁区域局部产生低温高盐或高温低盐水,并导致2020年6月中沙大环礁大部分海域的温跃层加深。  相似文献   

抚仙湖水温跃层的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、引言湖泊水体中的温度分层现象是湖泊内热力、动力过程综合作用的结果。在具有不同气候条件、不同深度和几何特征的湖泊内,温度分层现象的发生、发展和消失过程及其空间分布常具有不同的特点。当某一水层内的温度分层现象的强度超过一定数值后,通常把它称为温(度)跃层。在温跃层内,温度的铅直梯度大,水平梯度也经常较大。相应的密度分布也有类似的特点。这里的静力稳定度较大,不利于上下混合交换的进行。这个界面上的波动和动力  相似文献   

与南沙深水区温跃层有关的海水平均温度的分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邱章  蔡树群 《热带海洋》2000,19(4):10-14
在确定温跃层三要素(深度(上界深度)、厚度和强度)及测站温度垂直最大梯度的基础上,分别计算了南沙深水测站(水深大于1000m)在温跃层上界深度范围内的平均温度、温跃层下界渡以下自300m层至800m层之间的平均温度。分析表明,在温跃层上界深度范围内,海水平均温度的水平分布明显显示出低温海水自南沙的西北部向东南部缓慢推进之势,似是东北季风驱动的结果。温度垂直梯度越大,它在垂直方向上阻碍上层海水的热量  相似文献   

利用2016年5月5个站位的温盐深(CTD)和海流(ADCP)同步测量资料,分析南黄海西部日照至连云港海域温跃层和化学跃层的日内生消过程及强度变化,探讨深层水温度、盐度的周期性变化及其与潮流的关系。结果表明:南黄海西部海域在5月已存在日内生消的温跃层和溶解氧(DO)、pH跃层。温跃层厚度为2~4 m,层位水深为4~7 m至7~10 m之间波动,跃层强度最大可达0.80℃/m。DO跃层和pH跃层位于温跃层之下,水深为10~14 m,两者的形成在时间上和深度上具有一定的同步性,且不受温跃层控制。在DO跃层之上,氧浓度在白天都保持在相当高的水平,甚至处于过饱和状态,但存在显著波动,其峰值并不出现在表层(0~2 m),而是位于次表层(2~14 m)。在DO跃层之下,氧浓度低且稳定,约为4 mg·L-1,向下呈缓慢降低的趋势。pH跃层表现为垂向上的快速跳变,包括向下的正跳变和负跳变,强度最大值可达0.03~0.04个pH单位。小潮期间,温跃层稳定,强度较大;大潮期间,温跃层强度明显减弱,稳定性变差;这表明潮流的增强对温跃层有明显的抑制和破坏作用。深层水的温度、盐度等参数存在日内周期性变化,与潮位变化同步,是潮流驱动下水体水平对流的结果。  相似文献   

本文基于1992—2002年(不包含1999年)十年间的台湾周边海域深水区3 700多个高分辨率CTD剖面观测数据和垂向梯度法,分析了台湾西南、东南和东北三个海域深水区的温跃层特征。结果表明:台湾西南海域的温跃层深度浅于台湾东南和东北海域的温跃层深度,但台湾西南海域的温跃层厚度介于台湾东南和东北海域的温跃层厚度之间。台湾东南和西南海域的温跃层深度和厚度存在明显的季节变化规律:温跃层深度冬季最大,夏季最小;而温跃层厚度的变化规律正好相反,即夏季最大,冬季最小。对于台湾东北海域,其温跃层深度和厚度则在6—10月间存在显著的震荡特征。此外,三个区域的温跃层深度均在1998年前后出现一个极小值,推测与当年的厄尔尼诺事件有关。  相似文献   

在确定温跃层三要素 (深度 (上界深度 )、厚度和强度 )及测站温度垂直最大梯度的基础上 ,分别计算了南沙深水测站 (水深大于 1 0 0 0m)在温跃层上界深度层范围内的平均温度、在温跃层下界深度以下自 3 0 0m层至 80 0m层之间的平均温度。分析表明 ,在温跃层上界深度范围内 ,海水平均温度的水平分布明显显示出低温海水自南沙的西北部向东南部缓慢推进之势 ,似是东北季风驱动的结果。温度垂直梯度越大 ,它在垂直方向上阻碍上层海水的热量往深层扩散的能力就越强。  相似文献   

南海温跃层深度计算方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
姜波  吴新荣  丁杰  张榕 《海洋通报》2016,35(1):64-73
基于1986-2008年的中国近海及邻近海域再分析产品(CORA)气候平均海温资料,分别运用S-T法、垂向梯度法和最大曲率点3种温跃层定义计算了南海温跃层上界深度,揭示了南海温跃层季节变化特征。对3种不同定义确定的温跃层上界深度进行比较发现:采用不同定义计算南海温跃层上界深度存在差异,S-T法确定的温跃层上界深度最浅,垂向梯度法其次,最大曲率点法最深;在深水区(水深200 m)运用S-T法计算的温跃层上界深度与垂向梯度法的结果比较一致,都与实际温跃层深度符合较好;在浅水区(水深200 m),垂向梯度法和最大曲率点法可以准确判定无跃区,但对于温跃层深度计算,3种定义误差均较大。  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption was estimated for two eutrophic New Zealand lakes using a simple 2‐layer model, from estimates of net changes in oxygen, phytoplankton photosynthesis, inflow and outflow, diffusion, eddy diffusion, and changes in the depth of the thermocline. Of the total oxygen consumption, 75–85% occurred in the epilimnia. Epilimetic oxygen consumption per m3 and per m2 in Lake Johnson were higher than in Lake Hayes, reflecting known differences in the trophic status of the lakes, but estimates for the hypolimnia of the two lakes were similar. Daily hypolimnetic areal deficits were sensitive to both the depths and time intervals chosen.

In the epilimnia, monthly oxygen production by photosynthesis averaged 1.1 and 1.8 times the initial oxygen content in Lakes Hayes and Johnson respectively. Diffusion appeared to be of similar magnitude to photosynthesis in the isothermal period, but was less important during stratification. Losses to the hypolimnia by eddy diffusion were less than 10% of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in the hypolimnia contributed 30–40% of the oxygen consumed there and eddy diffusion supplied a further 20%.

In Lake Johnson a 3–5 m stratum of water in the metalimnion became anoxic for 2–3 months each summer while there were still up to 5.2 g.rer3 of oxygen remaining in the hypolimnion. Metalimnetic anoxia is attributed largely to oxygen consumption in situ, resulting from the highly eutrophic state of the lake and intense thermal stratification. Zooplankton respiration accounted for less than 10% of the maximum net decline in metalimnetic oxygen in 1970–71, but was more important in the other 2 years.

Changes in the oxygen content of the hypolimnion indicate that Lake Hayes has become more eutrophic since 1954–55. In Lake Johnson low oxygen concentrations at the autumn overturn (<5 g.m‐3) represent a threat to the trout population.  相似文献   

The limnology of Lake Rerewhakaaitu (36°18'S, 176° 30'E) was studied at various intervals between 1971 and 1974; comparisons were made between the main lake (area 6.32 km2, mean depth 7 m, maximum depth 15 m), and the smaller (0.15 km2) and deeper (mean depth 15 m, maximum 31 m) crater which are connected by a narrow, 1 m deep channel. The main lake was usually homothermal, although temporary stratification periodically occurred, and the oxygen content of the deeper water could be as low as 2 g.m‐3. The crater showed strong thermal and chemical stratification persisting well into the winter. Its heat budget and other factors related to lake stability are compared with those of some other New Zealand lakes. The failure of the crater to become fully re‐oxygenated during its brief period of homothermy is believed to be related to its morphometry, since the amount of phytoplankton did not appear to be great enough to explain the low levels of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion. The hypolimnetic oxygen deficit in 1973–74 was 0.038 mg. cm‐2.day‐1. Qualitatively the phytoplankton, usually dominated by desmids, was characteristic of oligotrophic waters, but quantitatively the main lake could be rated as mesotrophic. Differences were also found in the abundance of zooplankton between the crater and the main lake: there were usually more Bosmina but considerably fewer Ceriodaphnia in the main lake which had greater numbers of Piona. Adult Calamoecia were generally more abundant in the crater.  相似文献   

The water chemistry, flora, and fauna of Lake Ngahewa are described. Its waters are coloured by humic material from a flax swamp and the mean carbon: nitrogen ratio of the sediments lies in the range for dystrophic lakes. Thermal stratification is very weak or absent during summer, although deoxygenation occurs at depths below 3 m in late summer. The lake is highly productive and has a diverse phytoplankton and zooplankton population, which is different in species composition from other nearby eutrophic lakes; some algal species common in nearby eutrophic lakes are absent, and there is a high ratio of rotifers to cladocerans and copepods.

The high levels of dissolved phosphorus (42.2 mg.m‐3) and nitrogen (up to 36.1 mg.m‐3 NO3‐N) in the lake waters, and the differences in the flora and fauna compared with neighbouring lakes give only weak support to its tenuous classification as a dystrophic lake on the basis of water colour and sediment carbon values. The concept of dystrophy is discussed.  相似文献   


Lake Pupuke, situated in the North Island of New Zealand near Auckland (Latitude 36° 53'S, Longitude 174° 52'E), is a small, circular body of water (maximum width 1.2 km, maximum depth 55 m). From November 1966 to November 1967 observations on its physico‐chemical factors were made twice monthly.

The range of temperatures in the year was 12.0–24.2°c at the surface and 11.3–14.5°c at 40 m. A thermocline farmed between early October and early January, when it became strongly developed at about 17 m and persisted until late April. Between early May and late June the stratification was breaking down and between mid July and mid September the lake was isothermal.

The values for light transmitted per metre through the water were high from mid August to mid December (53–76% per metre), very low from mid December until mid February (23–49% per metre), high in March (75% per metre) and relatively constant over the winter months (53–64% per metre). The amount of light transmitted depended closely on the density of phytoplankton. Changes in the depth at which a Secchi disc disappeared paralleled the light transmission values, and the mean Secchi depth was 2.2 m, range 1.0–5.2 m.

Oxygen concentrations down to 30 m were highest at all depths from mid November to early January (112–134% saturation). From early January to late April oxygen was strongly stratified (epilimnion 55–100% saturation, hypolimnion 24–77% saturation). During winter oxygen values gradually increased at all depths.

The range of pH was 7.8–9.5 units at the surface and 7.8–8.6 units at 30 m. From early January to late April pH values were strongly stratified but from mid July to mid August they were nearly uniform. The range of alkalinity (mainly HCO3 ? ions) was 76.0–80.8 ppm CaCO3 and values showed stratification in summer. Carbonate ion was present from early October to mid June, but free carbon dioxide was only found in trace amounts.

The range of nitrate ion concentrations was 0.05–0.31 ppm; nitrate became obviously depleted in summer. Only one nitrite value was significant, 0.25 ppm. other nitrite values never exceeded 0.10 ppm. The concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen built up to a summer maximum of 0.95 ppm in the hypolimnion (annual range 0–0.95 ppm); values for albuminoid ammonia (0.016–1.03 ppm of nitrogen) varied with the quantity of living matter present.

The annual mean for total ion concentration (3.30 meq./1) was high and the order of ions was Na+>Mg2+>Ca2+>K+ and HCO3 ?>CI?>SO4 2?. Such dissolved salts may have arrived as airborne particles, dissolved in rain, or as sea spray.  相似文献   

In the Central South Brazil Bight, a multispecific demersal trawl fishery is conducted by trawlers licensed for the industrial pink shrimp (Penaeus paulensis and Penaeus brasiliensis) fishery. In addition to the pink shrimp, many by-catch species have become increasingly valued in the last two decades. In spite of the importance of this multispecific fishery, the oceanographic characteristics of the inner continental shelf, onshore the 100 m isobath, are poorly known. In this paper we present, for the fist time, monthly oceanographic records taken from December 1995 to May 1997 with the R/V ‘Diadorim’ at two of the main fishing grounds of this region. Water temperature data showed the formation of a strong thermocline during summer, from November to April. This thermal gradient, due to the South Atlantic central water (SACW) intrusion that reaches these shallow waters, disappeared with the homogenization of the water column during autumn and winter, from May to September. This cold and low salinity water does not originate from local river discharges, but also represents an advection of sub-Antartic water mass. After this and during spring, a new thermocline develops, reaching its maximal expression from February to March. A maximal gradient was registered in February 1997, when the temperature dropped from 26°C at 7 m to 16°C at 14 m depth. This result shows that the SACW intrusion is a large-scale phenomenon that regularly influences the whole inner continental shelf up to 20 m. Demersal fishing grounds located in this area were covered during summer by a cold and nutrient-rich mass of water that resulted in an unusual maximum of chlorophyll a values near the bottom (30 m). The homogenization of the water column and the presence of another cold water mass during winter resulted in a strong semi-annual thermal cycle on the bottom. The role of this important oceanographic process in fishery production and dynamics deserves further investigation, but the data presented here show evidence for the importance of this phenomenon.  相似文献   


The influence of density stratification on sedimentation, suspension, and resuspension in Tasman Bay and Beatrix Bay, New Zealand, two contrasting coastal environments, was studied with specific reference to the implications for modelling aquaculture sustainability. Tasman Bay, an enhanced scallop (Pecten novaezelandiae Reeve) fishery, is a very large coastal indentation gently shelving to c. 20 m deep c. 10 km from shore and open to the Tasman Sea, whereas Beatrix Bay, an area of intense Greenshell? mussel (Perna canaliculus Gmelin) aquaculture, is a small (22 km2 × 30–40 m deep) enclosed embayment off the side of the nearby Pelorus Sound. Sediment trap arrays were used to determine the vertical fluxes of suspended solids and the associated chlorophyll component. Benthic chambers were used to investigate sediment nutrient regeneration. In summer, salinity gradients in both bays are minimal or non‐existent because of low inputs of fresh water and density stratification is mainly controlled by water temperature. The data from mid summer exhibited different spatial distribution patterns for detritus and phytoplankton biomass (as indicated by chlorophyll) in these two very different bays, although they had similar turbulent environments. The density discontinuity at the thermocline had a strong influence on settling of phytoplankton. There was evidence of upwards entrainment of suspended paniculate matter into the upper water column from the thermocline in Beatrix Bay. Benthic resuspension was estimated to contribute up to 90% of the suspended solids caught in sediment traps near the sea floor in both bays. The trapping rate of phytoplankton was thought to be dependent on species dominance. Possible mechanisms of resuspension included turbulence in the benthic boundary layer, and high velocities below the thermocline associated with internal seiches. The presence of a mid water column chlorophyll maximum in Beatrix Bay is discussed in terms of nutrient and light regimes at the thermocline, and species composition. In Tasman Bay, the chlorophyll maximum was thought to be caused by resuspension of benthic microphytes and their subsequent confinement in a thin layer (2–4 m thick) of high turbulence between the thermocline and the seabed.  相似文献   

The comparative limnology of some New Zealand lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The morphometry, environmental conditions, and some physical and chemical data are given for twenty‐four New Zealand lakes: seven are in the southern part of the South Island, the others, excluding Lakes Waikaremoana and Waikareiti, are in the “thermal region” of the central North Island. These lakes form two separate groups and include the largest and deepest lakes in both islands.

The lakes in which stratification was established were found to belong to the class known as warm monomictic Two lakes, Rotorua and Rotoehu, were found to be homothermous throughout the year. Open water surface temperatures did not exceed 23°c in the North Island lakes or 19°c in the South Island, and minimum temperatures recorded were 7°c in the northern lakes and 5°c in the southern. In deep lakes the range of temperature was much less: Wakutipu had a range of 16–8.85°c.

The disappearance level of a Secchi disc varied from 18 m (Lake Taupo) to 0.8 m (Lake Rotongaio). The transparency of the water in the glacial and volcanic lakes was comparable to that of similar lakes in other parts of the world.

It was found that total ions, measured by the ion‐exchange resins reached high concentrations in lakes fed by thermal waters: Rotomahana 14.32m.e./l. By contrast Tikitapu, a seepage lake, had the low concentration of. 0.28m.e./l, and Wakatipu, a glacial fed lake, a concentration of O.58m.e./1. The pH range was 8.1–5.8, the lowest value being in Tikitapu, a volcanic lake. Slightly lower pH values were recorded in the bottom waters of lakes when stratified. Lakes were usually supersaturated with oxygen at the surface, and only a few small lakes showed a hypolimnial deficiency. Silica and phosphate were found in high concentrations in some thermal lakes but nitrogen in the forms measured, was found to be low.  相似文献   

Summer isotherms in Lake Wakatipu (maximum depth 380 m) show clear stratification and develop a downslope to the south or downwind end. The thermocline reaches a maximum depth of 150 m and the major part of seasonal temperature variation occurs above 130 m.  相似文献   

Changes in the limnological features of a typical meromictic lake, Lake Suigetsu, from 1926 to 1967 are summarized. Until 1934, the lake was stratified due to the balance between the flushing of fresh water and the intrusion of salt water through a canal by which the lake was connected to a coastal polyhaline lake. Total chloride content of the lake had been within the range of 100–230×103 tons and the thermal stratification had been well developed. In 1934, another channel was constructed, by which the lake was connected to another polyhaline coastal lake. This resulted in the influx of large quantities of salt water (maximum total chloride content of the lake: 790×103tons), and characteristics of stratification were altered. In the data after 1951, a two-layered system was re-established (total chloride content of the lake: 470–620×103tons), and distinct stratification began to appear.  相似文献   

基于西北太平洋Argo数据资料,利用参数化方法,从Argo温盐剖面数据中提取出一系列特征动力参数,定量分析黑潮延伸体海域水体的三维热结构的时-空变化特征、季节变化特征及其与地形和环流的关系。结果表明:黑潮延伸体海域水体的海表面温度存在着明显的冬春弱,夏秋强的季节变化特征,冬季平均海表面温度为15℃,夏季则达到了27℃;混合层深度在春季和夏季都较深,在180 m左右,秋冬较浅,在17 m左右,在水平方向上混合层深度有较强的梯度;温跃层春、夏、秋、冬4季的平均温度表现出明显的南北差异,夏季南部海域平均温度为14℃左右,北部海域较低为5℃左右;季节性温跃层深度大约在100 m左右;黑潮延伸体海域水体的温跃层底部最大深度在800 m左右;黑潮延伸体主体海域中心位置冬天在36°N左右,夏天大约移到34°N。  相似文献   

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