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The information on the composition and distribution of present-day pycnogonids in different regions of the World Ocean and, especially, in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean acquired during the past decades allowed us to perform a biogeographical analysis of these animals, which represent a permanent component of bottom communities. For 34 species of sea spiders (Pycnogonida) found in the North Atlantic deeper than 2 km, ten types of geographical distribution were recognized. Half of the species identified represent Atlantic forms, and 41% of them are endemic forms with West-Atlantic, East-Atlantic, amphi-Atlantic, and central-Atlantic distributions. The other half of the deep-sea Atlantic species have broad geographical ranges. Among them, 11.7% are Atlantic-Pacific species, 14.7% dwell in the Atlantic and West Pacific, 8.9% are low-latitudinal panocaanic species, and 14.7% are panoceanic species able to penetrate to higher latitudes. The zoogeographical species composition shows a significant independence of this fauna in the northern Atlantic Ocean and its relation to the Pacific and Indian oceans. At present, these relations are probably maintained via the temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere and via the Drake Passage; meanwhile, it seems that, previously, they were realized possibly via the ancient Tethys Ocean.  相似文献   

Total (unfiltered) silver concentrations in higher latitudes of the North Atlantic (52–68°N) are reported for the second Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Global Investigation of Pollutants in the Marine Environment (GIPME) baseline survey of 1993. These silver concentrations (0.69–7.2 pM) are oceanographically consistent with those (0.24–9.6 pM) previously reported for lower latitudes in the eastern North and South Atlantic (Flegal et al., 1995). However, surface (⩽200 m) water concentrations of silver (0.69–4.6 pM) in the northern North Atlantic waters are, on average, ten-fold larger than those (0.25 pM) considered natural background concentrations in surface waters of the central Atlantic. In contrast, variations in deep far North Atlantic silver concentrations are associated with discrete water masses. Consequently, the cycling of silver in the far North Atlantic appears to be predominantly controlled by external inputs and the advection of distinct water masses, in contrast to the nutrient-like biogeochemical cycling of silver observed in the central Atlantic and Pacific oceans.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中的甲烷代谢微生物是甲烷循环的关键参与者,其代谢过程对大气甲烷浓度及全球气候变化具有显著影响,研究其在全球大洋沉积物中的组成及分布特征是探究微生物介导甲烷循环的基础。采用焦磷酸454高通量测序测定甲烷代谢保守功能基因mcrA(Methyl coenzyme–M reductase A)分析全球大洋沉积物中甲烷代谢微生物群落的组成和多样性;结合荧光实时定量PCR技术检测了古菌和甲烷代谢古菌的丰度分布特征。与其他海洋生境对比,大洋沉积物中甲烷代谢古菌群落结构单一,大西洋和印度洋的α多样性指数显著高于太平洋(p<0.05)。在大洋沉积物样品中鉴定到3个目的甲烷代谢古菌,即甲烷杆菌目(Methanobacteriales)、甲烷八叠球菌目(Methanosarcinales)和甲烷微菌目(Methanomicrobiales),其中甲烷微菌目占绝对优势,并主要由一簇未知类群(暂名Oceanic Sediments Dominant group,OSD group)组成。大洋沉积物的古菌16S rRNA基因丰度(湿重,下同)平均为8.81×106 copie...  相似文献   

The concentrations of the clay minerals montmorillonite and illite have been determined in 28 samples of particulate material from surface (0–~5 m) waters along the eastern margins of the Atlantic Ocean, and the concentrations of chlorite and kaolinite have been determined in nineteen of the samples.The average concentration of the four clays in the particulate material decreases in the following order: illite (~42%) > kaolinite (~25%) > chlorite (~19%) > montmorillonite (~14%). There are specific trends in the latitudinal distributions of illite and kaolinite in the particulate material; illite decreases and kaolinite increases towards low latitudes. These trends are also found in eolian dusts and deep-sea sediments from the same region, and these clays are considered to have a detrital origin.The concentrations of montmorillonite in the particulate material and deep-sea sediments are similar in the North Atlantic. However, in the South Atlantic the sediments contain about twice as much montmorillonite as does the particulate material. It is suggested that whereas the montmorillonite in North Atlantic deep-sea sediments is largely detrital, that in South Atlantic sediments is both detrital and authigenic.  相似文献   

We examined the large-scale distribution of deep-sea harpacticoid copepods at the species level, in order to clarify the underlying processes of copepod dispersal. The study was based on samples collected from 12 regions and a total of 113 stations: 57 stations at depths between 1107 and 5655 m on abyssal plains in the South and North Atlantic, Southern Ocean, southern Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean, and 56 stations above 900 m in the North Atlantic and eastern Mediterranean Sea.We chose the genus Mesocletodes Sars, 1909 as an ideal group to study the large-scale distribution of harpacticoid copepods in the deep oceans. Clear apomorphies and a comparatively large body size of about 1 mm allow rapid recognition of allied species in meiofauna samples. In addition, Mesocletodes represents more than 50% of the family Argestidae Por, 1986, one of the most abundant harpacticoid families in the deep sea.The geographical distributions of 793 adult females of Mesocletodes belonging to 61 species throughout the South and North Atlantic, Southern Ocean, southern Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and eastern Mediterranean Sea indicated that most species are cosmopolitan. Neither the topography of the sea bottom nor long distances seem to prevent species from dispersing. Passive transport by bottom currents after resuspension is likely the propulsive factor for the dispersal of Harpacticoida, while plate tectonics and movement of individuals in the sediment may play relatively minor roles.  相似文献   

Recently published distribution patterns have shown that in the Atlantic Ocean Mn, Ni and Co tend to be concentrated in those deep-sea sediments deposited in a central zone which extends down the length of the ocean. The present paper shows that these trace elements are also concentrated in certain clays from the south-west region of the North Atlantic. This region is rich in manganese nodules, and analyses reveal that the non-lithogenous fractions of some of the clays approximate to those of the nodules in composition. It is suggested that these clays have acquired their relatively high concentration of non-lithogenous trace elements from sea water by processes associated with the formation of manganese nodules.  相似文献   

深海富稀土沉积物因其资源潜力巨大,近年来备受关注。一般认为,沉积物中稀土元素和钇(总称REY)的主要来源为上覆海水,但针对富稀土海区上覆海水中REY的研究较少。本研究针对南太平洋富稀土海区采集的3个站位的全水深海水样品,测试出了15种溶解态REY,并对比了邻近海域已发表的数据,分析了该海区REY的空间分布特征。研究区表层水中溶解态REY浓度主要受风尘输入影响,而中层和深层水体中溶解态REY浓度主要受水团控制。经过澳大利亚后太古代页岩(PAAS)和北太平洋深层水(NPDW)归一化后的配分模式可确定REY间的分馏特征,分辨出不同水团。与其他大洋中报道的REY数据比较发现,表层水中REY浓度受风尘和河流输入影响导致差别较大,中层水中REY浓度与印度洋较为接近,深层水中REY浓度与不同大洋的水团年龄表现为正相关趋势,即REY浓度由小到大依次为大西洋、印度洋、南太平洋、北太平洋。  相似文献   

Chemical analyses of North Atlantic D.S.D.P. (Deep Sea Drilling Project) sediments indicate that basal sediments generally contain higher concentrations of Fe, Mn, Mg, Pb, and Ni, and similar or lower concentrations of Ti, Al, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Li than the material overlying them. Partition studies on selected samples indicate that the enriched metals in the basal sediments are usually held in a fashion similar to that in basal sediments from the Pacific, other D.S.D.P. sediments, and modern North Atlantic ridge and non-ridge material.Although, on average, chemical differences between basal sediments of varying ages are apparent, normalization of the data indicates that the processes leading to metal enrichment on the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge appear to have been approximately constant in intensity since Cretaceous times. In addition, the bulk composition of detrital sediments also appears to have been relatively constant over the same time period. Paleocene sediments from site 118 are, however, an exception to this rule, there apparently having been an increased detrital influx during this period.The bulk geochemistry, partitioning patterns, and mineralogy of sediments from D.S.D.P. 9A indicates that post-depositional migration of such elements as Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb may have occurred. The basement encountered at the base of site 138 is thought to be a basaltic sill, but the overlying basal sediments are geochemically similar to other metalliferous basal sediments from the North Atlantic. These results, as well as those from site 114 where true oceanic basement was encountered, but where there was an estimated 7 m.y. hiatus between basaltic extrusion and basal sediment deposition, indicate that ridge-crest sediments are not necessarily deposited during active volcanism but can be formed after the volcanism has ceased. The predominant processes for metal enrichment in these deposits and those formed in association with other submarine volcanic features is a combination of shallow hydrothermal activity, submarine weathering of basalt, and the formation of ferromanganese oxides which can scavenge metals from seawater. In addition, it seems as though the formation of submarine metalliferous sediments is not restricted to active-ridge areas.  相似文献   

The impact of the Alaskan Stream (AS) eddies on the chlorophyll a (chl-a) distribution in the central subarctic North Pacific was investigated through analysis of chl-a and altimetry data from satellite observations. Altimetry observations provided the locations of mesoscale eddies in time and space within the maps of chlorophyll distributions. The climatological chl-a distributions averaged in the area and time showing presence of AS eddies suggested that AS eddies contributed significantly to the chl-a distribution in the deep-sea region of the subarctic North Pacific. The chl-a distribution was closely related to the AS eddies regardless of whether the eddy was located in or detached from the AS. A combination of two or three AS eddies sometimes formed high chl-a concentration belts that injected chlorophyll and coastal nutrient-rich waters southward from the Aleutian Islands far into the deep-sea region of the subarctic North Pacific. These results indicate that chl-a distribution in the central subarctic North Pacific was strongly impacted by AS eddies.  相似文献   

全球百年海表面温度年际和年代际变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用100 a(1903—2002年)HadiSST的逐月资料,将全球海表面温度异常(SSTA)作为整体进行经验正交函数分解(EOF分解),提取了控制各大洋SSTA的主导模态和各大洋之间的联合模态,分析了相应的空间分布和时间序列。研究结果表明:SSTA变化最剧烈的海区是赤道中东太平洋、西北大西洋湾流海区和北太平洋黑潮延伸体海区。热带太平洋厄尔尼诺和南方涛动是主导模态并具有2~7 a周期的年际变化;SSTA变化第二主模态和第三主模态都是以大约70 a为周期的年代际变化为主的跨大洋联合模态。第二主模态的空间分布主要表现为中纬度北太平洋和北大西洋反位相、热带太平洋与大西洋反位相的太平洋-大西洋双偶极子型分布。SSTA变化的第三模态主要呈现南北半球海洋反位相的特征,为北太平洋-北大西洋-南大洋联合模态。第四模态基本上是反映各个不同海域特有的局地海洋-大气相互作用模态,该模态的时间序列具有1~4 a周期的年际变化和约9 a周期的年代际变化。  相似文献   

Chemical extraction techniques show that the majority of the arsenic in North Atlantic deep-sea sediments is associated with an iron phase compositionally similar to that found in deep-sea ferromanganese nodules (As/Fe ~ 11 · 10?4) and is probably of seawater origin. Some sediments also contain As associated with Fe oxides produced by continental weathering. A minority (~8%) of the arsenic is of detrital origin but is not associated with Fe or Mn oxides; it has a content (1.7 ppm) similar to the average crustal abundance. In the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, near-shore sediments contain As associated with land-derived Fe oxides (As/Fe ~ 2 · 10?4), but As/Fe ratios increase to ~ 13 · 10?4 in deep-sea sediments as the contribution of seawater derived arsenic becomes dominant. Arsenic is enriched in metalliferous sediments (As/Fe ~ 20?50 · 10?4) but As/P ratios of metalliferous sediments, deep-sea ferromanganese nodules and deep-ocean water are all similar. Although a hydrothermal contribution cannot be discounted, it is likely that the arsenic is also of seawater origin, suggesting that hydrothermal iron oxyhydroxides remove As more efficiently from seawater than do iron phases (goethite) in deep-sea sediments and nodules. Arsenic accumulates in deep-sea sediments (~ 6 μg cm?2 10?3 yr?1) at sediments (~ 120 μg cm?2 10?3 yr?1) at rate sufficient to balance river input input (~3 · 1010 g yr?1). These estimates give an oceanic residence time for arsenic of 1–2 · 105 yr.  相似文献   

The existence and spatial distribution of possible teleconnections between the South Pacific and North Atlantic oceans and the Ligurian Sea (North-western Mediterranean) are investigated in the present paper. Teleconnections are searched by cross-correlating monthly spatio-temporal time series of 1.1 km resolution sea surface temperature (SST), and a 22.2 km resolution sea level anomaly (SLA), measured from satellite from March 1993 to August 1999, with two indices characterising the South Pacific and the North Atlantic variability: the Southern Oscillation (SO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) indices, respectively. Concerning the variability induced by the North Atlantic Ocean, it is shown that it mostly influences the SLA field in the Ligurian Sea. Specifically, relevant anti-correlations between SLA and North Atlantic variability have been found in all the Ligurian sub-basin. As expected by geographical proximity, the effects of North Atlantic on the SLA field in the Ligurian Sea are instantaneous at monthly time scales. Instead, correlations between SST and NAO Index are found at time lag τ = 1 month in the southern part of the basin highlighting the memory of the ocean related to their heat capacity. Significant anti-correlations between SO Index and the SST field in the Ligurian Sea, were obtained at time lag τ = 4 months in the coastal areas of the sub-basin. Results also indicate that the impact of teleconnections in the area studied is not geographically uniform.  相似文献   

Using ultrasonic scanning it is possible to display the position of an acoustic discontinuity within a sediment core and the amplitude of the reflected signal which results from it. From these results it has been possible to examine the effect of variations in the geotechnical properties on the reflection of compressional waves at normal incidence within the core at a frequency of 100 kHz. The occurrence of acoustic reflectors in the surface layers of North Atlantic sediments has also been examined.Two ultrasonic scanning systems for the non-destructive testing of marine sediment cores have been developed. The performance of the two systems has been evaluated using the results from measurements made on a suite of marine sediment cores from the North Atlantic in conjunction with X-ray scanning and geological analysis of the same cores.  相似文献   

According to the current paradigm of modern climatology and oceanography, the global ocean thermohaline circulation works as the so-called “global ocean salinity conveyor belt” – a system of currents connecting different ocean basins and most notably – the northern North Atlantic and northern North Pacific Oceans – the most distant regions of the world ocean. It is shown here that a slight disparity in freshwater redistribution between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans can be sufficient for building up and maintaining a global conveyor-type ocean thermohaline circulation. On the other hand, relatively small changes in this disparity leading to change in sea surface salinity contrasts between and in the north-south within the northern parts of these two oceans can easily change the conveyor.  相似文献   

All available hydrographic data are used to compute average temperature-salinity, salinity-depth and temperature-depth curves for 5° squares in the North Atlantic and North Pacific (10°S to 60°N). Both objective and subjective methods are used to filter out obviously erroneous data. Summary maps of all 5° square mean curves, and their corresponding standard deviations, are used to select regions of spatial homogeneity over which the curves are averaged. Scatter diagrams of each parameter pair are used to identify 5° squares containing a variety of water masses.The area average curves, and their standard deviations, are presented individually along with tables of the parameter values. These curves, in conjunction with the 5° square summary maps, provide a comprehensive picture of the distributions of these properties in the upper and mid-depth portions of these oceans. This well resolved picture of the water mass structure both confirms and adds new insights into the traditional concepts of these property distributions.The application of the mean temperature-salinity and salinity-depth curves to the inference of salinity from observed temperature profiles, is examined. Shallow (0/500 db) dynamic heights, calculated from observations of temperature and salinity (true dynamic height), are compared with dynamic heights computed from observed temperature profiles and salinities inferred from the mean property curves. Maps of the RMS differences between true and inferred dynamic heights (by 5° square) reveal those areas where salinities, inferred from either temperature-salinity or salinity-depth curves, yield reliable dynamic heights.  相似文献   

The oceanic biogeochemical fluxes in the North Pacific, especially its northwestern part, are discussed to prove their importance on a global scale. First, the air-sea exchange processes of chemical substances are considered quantitatively. The topics discussed are sea salt particles transported to land, sporadic transport of soil dust to the ocean and its role in the marine ecosystem, the larger gas transfer velocity of CO2 indicating the effect of bubbles, and DMS and greenhouse gases other than CO2. Next, chemical tracers are utilized to reveal the water circulation systems in the region, which are the Pacific Deep Water including its vertical eddy diffusivity, the North Pacific Intermediate Water and the Japan Sea Deep Water. Thirdly, the particulate transport process of chemical substances through the water column is clarified by analyzing the distribution of insoluble radionuclides and the results obtained from sediment trap experiments. Fourthly, the northern North Pacific is characterized by stating the site decomposing organic matter and Si playing a key role in the marine ecosystem. Both are induced by the upwelled Pacific Deep Water. Fifthly, the oceanic CO2 system related to global warming is presented by clarifying the distribution of anthropogenic CO2 in the western North Pacific, and roles of the upwelled Pacific Deep Water and the continental shelf zone in the absorption of atmospheric CO2. Finally, Mn and other chemical substances in sediments are discussed as recorders of the early diagenesis and indicators of low biological productivity during glacial ages in the northwestern North Pacific. It is concluded that the western North Pacific is characterized mainly by the Pacific Deep Water bringing nutrients to the northern North Pacific, located at the exit of the global deep water circulation and, therefore, the region plays a key role in the global biogeochemical fluxes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of reactive mercury has been measured at two stations in the eastern North Atlantic and one station in the southeast Atlantic in conjunction with the IOC Open Ocean Baseline Survey. The average concentrations of reactive Hg in vertical profiles ranged from 0.70 to 1.07 pM with the highest values found at the northeast Atlantic stations and the lowest at the southeast station. No significant concentration gradients were found below the surface mixed layer at the two stations in the eastern North Atlantic. At station 7, in the southeast Atlantic, an increase in reactive Hg was noted in the water adjacent to the mixed layer (35–200 m) which was coincident with an oxygen depletion, down to 20% saturation at 200 m. The concentration of reactive Hg in the North Atlantic Deep Water (0.48–1.34 pM), the Antarctic Intermediate Water (0.47 pM), the Antarctic Bottom Water (0.67–1.25 pM), and the Mediterranean Outflow Water (0.83–1.06 pM) were noted. The trends in Hg concentration in the water masses between stations showed the concentration decreasing with distance from the water mass source except for Hg in the Antarctic Bottom Water. The increase noted in this water mass was attributed to mixing with North Atlantic Deep Water and or release from bottom sediments.  相似文献   

During the Indian Deep-sea Environment Experiment (INDEX) conducted in the Central Indian Basin to simulate nodule mining activity, the sediments were physically disturbed, lifted from the seafloor, and then redeposited to study the effects of sediment redistribution on geological, chemical and biological characteristics of benthic environment. The first monitoring cruise, 44 months after the experiment, was part of long-term observations for restoration of conditions. This study describes the effects of the experiment on geotechnical properties of sediments measured in predisturbance, postdisturbance and monitoring phases. To compare the effects, sediment cores were collected from the same locations during the three phases. Siliceous, fine-grained sediments from the study area showed change in geotechnical properties induced due to the disturbance. Marginal increase in natural water content and significant reduction in undrained shear strength at the 0–5 cm sediment layer of cores from the tow zone during postdisturbance was observed. However, during the monitoring phase, an increase in shear strength and reduction in water content was noticed, which might indicate that the sediments are gradually acquiring predisturbance characteristics. The study also revealed that the meiofaunal density has a positive correlation with the water content, but a negative relationship with the shear strength of these siliceous sediments. Specific gravity of solids and porosity showed marginal change, whereas wet density remained unchanged.  相似文献   

针对从中国南海北部海域某深水区采集的表层沉积物柱状样,进行了沉积物微观结构的扫描电镜测试、矿物成分的X射线衍射试验以及物理和力学性质的统计学分析。结果表明,该深水区海底表层沉积物通常为有机质软黏土,具有高含水率、低密度、高孔隙比、高液限、高可塑性、低强度等典型特征。统计分析和假设检验表明,沉积物的物理和力学指标均呈现变异性,且后者普遍高于前者。相对密度、含水率、液塑限和塑性指数服从正态分布;容重、碳酸盐含量、不排水抗剪强度、灵敏度接近假设检验结果,近似服从正态分布。研究结果可为深水海底工程结构设计的海床土性参数取值提供参考。  相似文献   

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