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太湖水体透明度的分析、变化及相关分析   总被引:53,自引:2,他引:53  
本文根据1993—2001年太湖站常规监测资料及2001-2002年周年实验资料,分析研究了太湖水体透明度的分布特征、季节变化,重点分析了透明度与光学衰减系数、悬浮物及叶绿素a的相互关系,阐述了影响透明度的主要因子。研究表明:太湖透明度的区域分布为湖心区最低,其次是河口区.东太湖最高;季节变化表现为全湖平均透明度夏秋季大、冬春季小,不同湖区变化不尽相同;光学衰减系数与透明度的关系为:Kd=0.096 1.852/ST;悬浮质与透明度的关系为:S1/4=8.103—5.847lnST;对透明度主要影响因子进行分析,发现太湖透明度主要受悬浮物的影响,透明度跟叶绿素的相关性不是很大,只存在微弱的线性相关。  相似文献   

南大洋浮游植物现存量对颗粒有机碳的贡献   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据中国第15、16次南极考察观测的颗粒有机碳、叶绿素a浓度的数据,探讨浮游植物现存量对南大洋颗粒有机碳的贡献。结果表明,普里兹湾内浮游植物碳对颗粒有机碳的贡献高于湾北部的大洋区,真光层上部浮游植物碳对颗粒有机碳的贡献高于深层水。同时分析两个航次测区叶绿素a浓度和航程途中叶绿素a浓度的分布,以期了解浮游植物在南大洋颗粒有机碳来源中的作用。  相似文献   

在海上测量期间,观测到几次浮游植物大量繁殖过程,每次分别持续8—18d,叶绿素含量分别升高约3—10倍。由于浮游植物大量繁殖,光束衰减系数随叶绿素a含量升高而增大。谱分析的结果表明,光束衰减系数与叶绿素a含量的时间序列有较好的相干性,其相干系数在0.6—1.0之间。在此基础上,讨论了生物-光学变异性与海洋物理过程的关系。结果表明,混合层深度及水温等物理参数的变化是导致生物-光学特性在数十天时域尺度上变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

海水光衰减变化与颗粒有机碳估算——以菲律宾海为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年夏季在菲律宾海进行了上层水体光衰减(660 nm)剖面测量和海水取样分析,提出了海区悬浮颗粒有机碳的光学统计模型。根据大量的现场观测资料,得到了菲律宾海上层水体高分辨率颗粒有机碳断面,对颗粒有机碳分布与变化特征进行了探讨。研究表明,菲律宾海上层水体颗粒有机碳和叶绿素a的比值约为400~2000,浮游植物现存量与颗粒有机碳现存量变化趋势一致。  相似文献   

MODIS卫星遥感监测太湖蓝藻的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据2007年1~6月MODIS卫星遥感影像反演得到的太湖MODIS卫星表层水温、表层叶绿素浓度分布图,以及真彩色(1,4,3波段)合成图像,监测分析了太湖蓝藻的分布和变化情况.水温、表层叶绿素浓度分布图显示,1~6月,太湖表层水温和叶绿素浓度的分布具有明显的区域性和季节性变化特征,且可以很好的显现藻类的迁移与堆积状况,其分布及变化趋势与实测的太湖蓝藻爆发的强度、地点、分布范围基本一致.MODIS真彩色合成图像直观地反映了湖中藻类的宏观信息,其趋势与叶绿素a浓度的分布极其一致.结果表明,利用MODIS遥感数据探测太湖蓝藻水华的分布状况是可行的,MODIS可用于监测内陆湖泊藻类水华的污染情况.  相似文献   

利用1997-1999年间8月份台湾海峡的实测资料,分析了海水光学衰减系数的垂直分布类型、水平分布特征。结果表明,台湾海峡海水光学衰减系数的垂直分布类型主要分为5种,大部分随深度而递增;光学衰减系数等值线基本与岸线平行,水平梯度自北向南、自近岸向外海递减,近岸等值线密集,而外海稀疏;影响台湾海峡光学衰减系数的主要因素是县浮物质(主要含浮游生物)和海流运动。  相似文献   

春季东海不同水域的表层叶绿素含量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1994年春季在东海及台湾海峡首次获得的表层水中绿素含量大面走航连续观测资料,结合温盐分布及以往的有关东海及台湾海峡的海流和上升流的结论,分析了春季东海表层叶绿素含量在不同水域的分布特征。结果表明,叶绿素含量分布与水文结构关系密切。叶绿素含量值随不同海流流域而变,但在各海流流域内基本不变,黑潮表层水的叶绿素含量最低,其次是台湾暖流表层水,长江冲淡水与江浙沿岸流域的叶绿素含量较高;黑潮西侧弱流剧  相似文献   

热带西太平洋海区生物—光学变异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海上测量期间,观测到几次浮游植物大量繁殖过程,每次分别持续8-18d,叶绿素含量分别升高级3-10倍,由于浮游植物大量繁殖,光束衰减系数随叶绿素a含量升高而增大,谱分析的结果表明,光束衰减系数与叶绿素a含量的时间序列有较好的相干性,其相干系数在0.6-1.0之间,在此基础上,讨论了生物-光学变异性与海洋物理过程的关系,结果表明,混合层深度及水温等物理参数的变化是导致生物-光学特性在数十在时域尺度  相似文献   

千里崖海域真光层光衰减   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨生光 《海洋与湖沼》1992,23(3):245-251
根据1986年6月在黄海中部的千里崖海域的水光学实测资料和实验室光学测量,讨论了真光层内光衰减系数在遥感和初级生产力中的应用,定量估算影响光衰减的主要物质成分对光衰减的贡献;并探讨了真光层深度、光衰减系数和透明度三者之间的统计关系。  相似文献   

以14:00时离水辐亮度作为背景光强度,模拟355nm激光雷达测量不同深度水层叶绿素a荧光的信噪比.分析体积衰减系数c、辐照度衰减系数k、散射系数b和透明度盘深度(SDD)的关系.最后模拟532nm激光雷达测量悬移质浓度的最大测量深度和误判率小于10%时的最大海底探测深度随SDD的变化.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of different components to the attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation was determined in the Charlotte Harbor estuarine system based on laboratory and in situ measurements. Agreement between laboratory and in situ measurements of the attenuation coefficient (kt) was good (r2 = 0·92). For all in situ measurements (n = 100), suspended, non-chlorophyll matter accounted for an average of 72% of kt, dissolved matter accounted for 21%, suspended chlorophyll for 4%, and water for the remaining 3%.For individual determinations, suspended non-chlorophyll matter, dissolved matter, suspended chlorophyll, and water, each accounted for as much as 99%, 79%, 21%, and 18% of kt. Attenuation by suspended matter was greatest near the mouth of the northern tidal rivers and was variable over the rest of the estuarine system. Attenuation by dissolved matter was greatest in the brackish tidal rivers and decreased with increasing salinity. Attenuation due to dissolved matter was positively correlated with water color. The source of the color was basin runoff. Wavelength transmittance changed along the salinity gradient. Maximum transmittance shifted from 500 to 600 nm in gulf waters to 650 to 700 nm in colored, brackish waters. Dissolved matter was primarily responsible for the large attenuation at short wavelengths (400–500 nm).  相似文献   

本文着重分析了分光光度计测定的太湖水体中悬浮质、可溶性有机质和浮游藻类色素在可见光波段(400nm—700nm)的吸收;讨论了对池塘及两种高等植物色素吸收的对比测定;并利用迭代回归方法对测试样品的散射效应进行了订正。结果表明:(1)可溶性有机质吸收在短波部分较强;并且随着入射波长的增大,吸收几乎呈指数律减小,减小速率比国外海洋中的测量结果小。(2)水中悬浮质对光具有较强的散射作用,散射系数约按入射波长呈倒数变化。(3)不同植物中的色素的吸收光谱有明显差异。此外,利用所测数据,本文还对冬季太湖水体的反射光谱和向下光照衰减系数进行了数值计算,表明该水体对入射光照的反射和衰减与纯净水情况有很大差别,目此,太湖水光学特性研究中必须考虑水中物质的影响。  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the diffuse attenuation coefficient, k, and the collinated beam attenuation coefficient, c, were made on a continuous basis at a near-shore site off the north coast of Anglesey, North Wales. A statistical approach to calculating the diffuse attenuation coefficient, k, in coastal waters allowed variations in transparency to be taken into consideration. The ratio of c:k varied throughout the year between approximately 11:1 and 5:1, indicating the changes in the scattering and absorption properties of the water column. The major contribution to coastal turbidity was from the scattering of light by suspended material with the relationship between scattering and absorption being dependent on the nature of the suspended matter.  相似文献   

HY-1 CCD宽波段水色要素反演算法   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用2003年春季黄海、东海区现场实测数据,建立了HY1卫星4波段CCD成像仪水色要素反演算法.由于HY1CCD的宽波段特性阻碍了黄色物质的反演,因此反演的水色要素仅包括水体表层的总悬浮物、悬浮泥沙(SS)以及叶绿素a的浓度.现场遥感反射率光谱由ASD地物波谱仪测量,对于叶绿素a的浓度利用现场萃取荧光法测量,总悬浮物、悬浮泥沙由实验室滤膜称重法获得.反演算法的拟合相关系数均大于0.88,平均相对误差在40%以下.对反演算法进行了误差灵敏度分析,结果表明对于总悬浮物、悬浮泥沙和低浊度水体中的叶绿素a的浓度反演算法能够满足日常的业务运行要求,但是对于高浊度水体中叶绿素a的浓度反演算法对某个波段组合比较敏感,仍需要进一步探讨.  相似文献   

We compute model spectra of the beam attenuation coefficient in surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea. These spectra are used to determine the contribution of the components of seawater (suspended matter, yellow substance, pigments of phytoplankton, and pure water) to the beam attenuation coefficient in different types of seawater. For the surface waters, we establish the relationship between the light scattering coefficient and the attenuation coefficient at a wavelength of 547 nm and determine the background (limiting minimum) value of the coefficient of absorption by the yellow substance in waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It is compared with the values of the same parameter for some other basins (Black Sea, Lake Baikal, Baltic Sea, and oceanic waters).  相似文献   

Particulate nitrogen was measured by both the ultra-violet light-catalyzed peroxide method and the high temperature combustion method. The difference between values obtained with the two methods (combustion minus UV) was found to be linearly correlated with the concentration of total suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the sample. The slope of this correlation was taken to be the concentration of refractory nitrogen associated with the suspended matter, which may be ammonium ions fixed in lattices of clay minerals or organic nitrogen compounds did not vary significantly with SPM, location, water depth or salinity. Refractory nitrogen concentration were possibly related to concentrations of chlorophyll a and to cruise date, but in neither case was the evidence conclusive. Based on the indirect evidence presented, the UV method appears to provide a good measure of biologically reactive nitrogen in this system.  相似文献   

Kukushkin  A. S.  Parkhomenko  A. V. 《Oceanology》2021,61(2):272-282
Oceanology - Based on long-term measurements of the concentration of total suspended particulate matter (TSM), particulate organic carbon, chlorophyll a, and the water transparency index for...  相似文献   

Relationships among chemical–physical features, total gross suspended organic matter, coverage of the seagrass Ruppia cirrhosa and its associated algal community in eight ponds of a saltworks system of western Sicily (Mediterranean Sea) were investigated in spring and summer 2004. All biological features varied both at different levels of seagrass coverage and between seasons. A low algal diversity (46 taxa, 14.75 ± 1.41 on average) was highlighted; algal coverage and species richness showed to be negatively correlated. Ruppia cirrhosa coverage was negatively correlated with algal coverage, but positively correlated with species richness. Moreover, a significant correlation among R. cirrhosa coverage, the availability of suspended matter in the water column and the chlorophyll a concentration was detected.  相似文献   

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