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The functional groups of planktonic protist communities and their responses to the changes of environmental conditions were investigated in a semi-enclosed shrimp-farming pond in Qingdao,Shandong Province,China,during a six-month study period (a complete shrimp-culture cycle) from May to October 2002.The results reveal that: (1) the protist communities represented five trophic and functional groups of the species identified,about 60% were photoautotrophs,20% algivores,12% bacterivores,5% raptors and about 3% non-selectives;(2) the photoautotrophs,algivores and bacterivores were the primary contributors to the changes in the protist communities in short temporal scales,the succession of dominance typically being bacterivores→photoautotrophs→algivores,with the raptors dominating the protist communities in a single sample (early June);(3) the photoautotrophs and non-selectives were the primary contributors to the peak of protist abundance in early October whereas the photoautotrophs,bacterivores,raptors and non-selectives mainly gave rise to two bimodal peaks of biomass in July and October respectively;(4) five functional groups of protist communities represented significant correlations with water nutrients (i.e.,NH 3-N,NO 3-N,and PO 4 ),either alone or in combination with temperature,of which algivores and raptors were strongly correlated with phosphate and the concentration of Chl a,while bacterivores were strongly related to nitrogen and the concentration of bacteria.These findings confirm that planktonic protists are potentially useful bioindicators of water quality in the semi-enclosed mariculture system.  相似文献   

The study was conducted during two cruises of June–August 2006 (summer),and January–February 2007 (winter) in the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea and East China Sea.Spatial and temporal variations of zooplankton abundance,biomass and community structure and its relation to currents and water masses over the continental shelf were examined.A total of 584 zooplankton species/taxa and 28 planktonic larvae were identified during the two surveys.Copepods were the most abundant component among these identified groups.Zooplankton abundance and biomass fluctuated widely and showed distinct heterogeneity in the shelf waters.Five zooplankton assemblages were identified with hierarchical cluster analysis during this study,and they were Huanghai Sea Assemblage,Changjiang Estuary Assemblage,Coastal Assemblage,East China Sea Mixed-water Assemblage and East China Sea Offshore Assemblage.Seasonal changes of zooplankton community composition and its geographical distribution were detected,and the locations of the faunistic areas overlap quite well with water masses and current systems.So we suggest that the zooplankton community structure and its changes were determined by the water masses in the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.The results of this research can provide fundamental information for the long-term monitoring of zooplankton ecology in the shelf of Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

Long-term changes of phytoplankton community by water sampling method in Xiagu Sea waters of Xiamen, China, were investigated in this study. Species composition of the phytoplankton community in these waters changed greatly since the 1950s. The numbers of Dinophyta species increased significantly, although Bacillariophyta species are generally dominant. The succession of dominant species in phytoplankton community is obvious:large-size dominant species such as Biddulphia sinensis of the 1950s were gradually replaced by small-size ones such as Cyclotella striata and Nitzschia closterium, and species that still maintain dominant such as Skeletonema costatum are also small ones, leading the whole phytoplankton community of smaller size. Cell density of phytoplankton community increased greatly, among which cell density of the most dominant species Skeletonema costatum have been increasing in exponent function. Margalef index of phytoplankton community decreased, indicating decline of biodiversity of the community, and dominant character of Skeletonema costatum increased. Generally, the structure of the entire phytoplankton community is becoming more and more singular and unstable, which makes the occurrence of red tides more frequent. The succession in the phytoplankton community is related to the long-term changes in marine environment, influenced by human activities and global climate changes, especially the increases of nutrient content.  相似文献   

The Sonneratia apetala artificial mangroves in the intertidal zone of Da Wei Bay at Qi’ao Island of Zhu-hai, South China were chosen as the macrofauna succession plots while bare tidal flats of the same size were established as control plots in surrounding interference-free areas. Conventional change indicators of community structure, such as biomass and biodiversity, and indicators, such as exergy and specific exergy, which reflect the information change of overall communities, were used to analyze the succession of macro-fauna communities inS. apetala artificial mangroves. The similarities and differences in variation tendency of the different ecological indicators and their reflected ecological principles were compared. The results showed that from D-1 to D-1275 after plantingS. apetala, the biomass of the macrofauna communities first increased, which was then followed by an increase in the network relationship between the macrofauna communities (analysis of the Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index). The system in-formation (specific exergy) increased the slowest. Between D-1460 and D-2370 after plantingS. apetala, there was a decrease in biomass, network structure, and system information in the succession plots. After the decrease in the system information (the specific exergy), there was a decline in the network relationships (Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index). Biomass was the last indicator to decrease. The similarities and differences among the different ecological indicators varied during the succession pro-cess, which reflected the relativity and differences among the indicators. This study suggested that, although the species diversity index can be an effective indicator of two types of changes (network structure and system information), it was quite clear that species diversity measurement was not suitable for expressing the changes in biomass during the succession process. While exergy and specific exergy can provide useful information  相似文献   

The potential suppression of copepods on appendicularians was found in field and experimental conditions. The abundance and distribution of appendicularians and planktonic copepods were studied with reference to their correlations during summer on the northwest continental shelf of the South China Sea (SCS). Based on the topography and water mass of the surveyed region, it was divided into three sub-regions: Region I (inshore waters of the east Leizhou Peninsula) with low temperature, salinity and high chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration, Region II (inshore waters of the east and southeast Hainan Island) with low temperature, high salinity and moderate Chl a concentration and Region III (offshore waters from the Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island) with high temperature, high salinity and low Chl a concentration. The species richness of appendicularians and copepods increased from the inshore to offshore waters, and high values were observed in Region III. The distribution of appendicularian and copepod abundance decreased generally from the inshore to offshore waters, with the highest values at Region I. Our results suggest that the distribution patterns of appendicularians and copepods differed significantly, as a result of the influence of physical and biological factors. The negative impact of pelagic copepods on appendicularians was not found based on in situ data in the northwest continental shelf of SCS.  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of five planktonic copepods,Calanus sinicus, Acartia pacifica, Tortanus derjugini, Acartiella sinensis and Pseudodiaptomus poplesia, predominant in the Jiulong Estuary, were investigated from May 2003 to April 2004. The results showed that the distribution of these copepods was related to the tidal period but that each species had its own specific pattern. C. sinicus showed no tidal vertical migration behavior and was thought to be a non-resident species in this estuary. Among Acartia pacifica,T. derjugini,Acartiella sinensis, more individuals occurred in the surface than in the bottom waters during flood tide, and the pattern was reversed during ebb tide. The epibenthic copepod P. poplesia usually remained in the bottom waters in the upstream part of the estuary, but it displayed strong tidally-oriented vertical migration in the middle reaches of the estuary.Taking into account the hydrographic characteristics of the Jiulong Estuary,it was hypothesized that the planktonic copepods in this estuary had more or less adopted the mechanism of vertically migrating to the surface waters during flood tide in order to make use of the inflowing tide, and then sinking to the bottom during ebb tide to avoid being carried out of the estuary by net outflow.  相似文献   

The ecology of the family Pinnidae was studied by sampling three pinnid species from 36 sampling sites across four different microhabitats in the Gulf of Thailand. The species spatial distributions were mostly uniform, with some populations having random distributions. Species abundances differed between sandy and coral habitats according to non-metric multi-dimension scaling analyses. Although the Gulf of Thailand is a relatively small geographic area, habitats are varied enough to provide variable shell densities. Small islands are important distribution areas, and coral reefs provide both direct and indirect shelter which support high abundances, densities and increased shell size. The highest density was recorded in sand beds within coral reefs. Low density and small shell size in sand beaches might be related to high mortality in shallow water or to adaptations for survival in shallow waters. A clear correlation between sediment composition and species abundance was found in Pinna atropurpurea; abundance increased with the sand content of the sediment. For P. deltodes, abundance increased as the rock fraction of the sediment increased. These results suggest that adaptations in Pinnidae, such as shell size, shell morphology, and the exposure of the shell above the sediment-water interface, are responses for survival in different habitats.  相似文献   

-Sediment from Xiamen industrial area was added to marine ecosystem enclosures to test the effects on the planktonic communities in Xiamen Bay, China, in April, 1985. Sediments were added at two concentrations, 11.2 and 112 ppm dry wt. respectively. The species of phytoplankton did not change as compared with the control, but the number of diatoms markedly decreased in the sediment treated enclosures. A suppression of photosynthesis was presumed to be due to light attenuation by the added sediment. Microflagellates, zooplankton and bacteria were resistant to sediment increase in water column.  相似文献   

The waters near the Antarctic Peninsula have always been a study hot spot because of their variable and unique oceanographic conditions.To determine the distribution and possible influencing factors on phytoplankton size and abundance near the Antarctic Peninsula,a large-scale survey was conducted during the austral summer of2018.Samples were collected in 27 stations located in the Drake Passage(DP),South Shetland Islands(SSI),and South Orkney Islands(SOI).Phytoplankton communities were described using chlorophyll a(Chl a),flow cytometry and light microscopy to cover a size range from pico-to microphytoplankton.Nanophytoplankton,especially small nanophytoplankton(2-6 μm) with abundance ranging from 0.66 ×10~3 cells/mL to 8.46 ×10~3 cells/mL,was predominant throughout the study area.Among different regions,there was an obvious size shift.The proportion of picophytoplankton near the Elephant Island(EI) and DP was higher than other regions,and larger cells were found mainly in east of SOI.The distribution of phytoplankton abundance detected by flow cytometry was not completely consistent with Chl a concentrations due to the contribution of larger cells to Chl a.Possible influencing factors on the phytoplankton size distribution were discussed.The properties of water masses such as temperature and salinity can influence the phytoplankton size distribution.Correlation analysis revealed that only picophytoplankton is significantly correlated with salinity.Light and Fe availability might affect phytoplankton abundance and size distribution especially near the waters of SSI and EI in this study.It was also speculated that the abundance of cryptophytes is possibly related to ice melting.  相似文献   

Zooplankton plays an important role in aquatic food webs by fluxing of energy from primary producer to subsequent trophic levels in the food chain. The annual pattern of zooplankton communities and potential environmental drivers were studied in the Kohelia channel, Bangladesh from summer 2014 to spring 2015. Samples were collected using net at a depth of 1 m. A total of 32 species belonged to 18 orders, 27 families and 15 taxonomic groups were identified. Of these species, 22 distributed in all four seasons of which 8 were dominant and highly contributing to the total communities. Species number peaked in summer next to winter and fall in spring while maximum abundance was in summer and minimum in spring. Multivariate analyses showed that there was a clear annual pattern in the zooplankton communities. Species diversity and evenness peaked in spring but fall in autumn while the high value of species richness was found in winter. Biological-environmental best matching (BIO-ENV) analyses conformed that community pattern of zooplankton was mainly driven by transparency salinity, and temperature individually or combined with water nutrients. These results demonstrate that annual pattern of the zooplankton community shaped by channel environmental factors in subtropical channel ecosystems, thus might be used for community-based subtropical coastal water bioassessment.  相似文献   

海洋底栖甲藻的浮游行为特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了日本濑户内海屋岛湾沙质海滩底栖甲藻中具有底栖-浮游兼性行为的种类及其浮游行为特征。发现具有游游兼性特征的有8种,分别是Amphidinium carterae,A.klebsii,A.herdmanae,Gymnodinium sp1,G.pyrenoidosum,Peridinium quinquecorne,Prorocentrum emarginatum和Pror.sp1,几乎全是该潮间带底栖甲藻的优势种,占水样中甲藻种数的11.6%,个体数占海水样品中甲藻总个体密度的0-51.3%,具有明显的季节性,当这些种类在沉积物样品中数量较少时,在海水样品中就极少出现,具有随潮汐变化的行为特征。研究表明这些种类是真底栖种,浮游生活只是其兼性行为特征,是长期进化和对潮间带特殊环境适应的结果,本文还探讨了底栖甲藻的浮游习性及其与内湾近岩赤潮的关系和可能产生的影响。  相似文献   

I~IOWThe area north of Taiwan is a mixing waters with complicate hydrographic features because itis influenced by the pushing and mixing of different water masses such as the Zhejiang -- Fujiancoastal water, the Taiwan Strait water, the Kuroshio surface water, the KurOShio sub-surfacewater and so on. The planktonic copepods in the area are also very complex and various. From research on species compoSition and ~nal variation, diversity and characteristics of copeal community in the area, …  相似文献   

在对台湾以北海域浮游桡足类生物海洋学特征进行数量分布方面的研究后的续篇,重点对本海区浮游挠足类的群落结构和群落性质以及与栖区环境条件间的关系作了分析探讨.结果表明,本区桡足类群落结构种类组成复杂,出现种类共237种,但周年共有种比例仅占32%.桡足类群落的多样度和均匀度年均值各为3.714和0.690,在平面分布上呈外部海区高于近岸海区的大体趋势.本区群落可划分为5个生态类群,其中暖水性外海高温偏低盐类群和热带大洋高温高盐类群可分别指示台湾海峡水和黑潮表层水的季节消长过程.从不同侧面的计算分析均表明,冬季在环境条件上均有异于其他3季.在春、夏、秋季,以普通波水蚤最具优势,盐度是影响群落特征值的主导因子,群落的性质是以暖水性外海种类为主、热带大洋种也占相当比例的亚热带-热带群落结构的特点;在冬季,主要优势种是海洋真刺水蚤,温度是群落特征值的主要制约因子,群落呈现以热带大洋种占支配地位的热带大洋群落结构属性.  相似文献   

闽江口浮游桡足类生态研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
朱长寿 《台湾海峡》1997,16(1):75-79
1990年5月至1991年1月对闽江口进行了调查,共鉴定浮游桡足类37种,其中近岸类群的种类最多,河口种的数量占优势,并制约了桡足类总量的季节变化。数量密集区主要出现在调查区西部的岛屿及近岸水域,东部近岸水域的种类较西部丰富。多样性的分布趋势为由河口向海洋愈趋稳定。暖温带种虫肢歪水蚤和暖水种右突歪水蚤等分别在闽江口区和九龙江口区的分布,似可指示闽江口区的暖水性生态略弱于九龙江口区。  相似文献   

The commercially important sergestid shrimp,Sergia lucens (Hansen), has long been considered an endemic species of Japan because it had been found only in Suruga Bay and neighbouring waters. Recently, however, a considerable amount of a similar shrimp was caught by trawl nets off Tung-kang, southwestern Taiwan. This shrimp is distributed at depths of 100–300 m on the continental slope, around a deep submarine canyon adjacent to the mouth of the Kao-ping River. A morphological comparison with specimens from Suruga Bay reveals that the shrimp is identical toS. lucens. However, a slight difference in the patterns of water-soluble proteins was observed in a thin layer isoelectrophoretic examination. A difference was also observed in the spawning season of the two populations, indicating sexual and geographic isolation. Considering the distribution and phylogeny of the family Sergestidae, based on a possible evolutionary development from a benthic neritic organism to a pelagic oceanic one along the generaSicyonella-Sergestes-Sergia, it is assumed thatS. lucens entered a lower epipelagic habitat in the coastal waters from the warm oceanic mesopelagic habitat of the original stock. A hypothesis is proposed that speciation ofS. lucens from the original stock occurred when it was trapped in a semi-enclosed inlet (the paleo-East China Sea Gulf) that existed at the present Okinawa Trough during the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene. The inlet was deep, but had a neritic environment due to drainage from ancient large river systems, including the paleo-Yangtze River. The species expanded its distribution to the neighbouring waters during the warm interglacial period. However, a rapid rise in sea level after 14,000 years significantly changed the environmental conditions in the distributional area and the species could not expand into a neritic environment, which was too shallow for survival. Accordingly,S. lucens populations remained only in Suruga Bay and Tung-kang waters, where the environment has remained stable for the last 17,000 years or more. The two areas have the following common characteristics:
  1. A large amount of fresh water is discharged into the deep submarine canyon adjacent to the river mouth.
  2. The northeastern part is surrounded by land so that a direct inflow of boreal water into the environment is blocked.
  3. Warm Kuroshio extension water intrudes and mixes with water from the rivers, and for Suruga Bay there is a current system that keeps distribution of the eggs and larvae restricted to the local habitats.
Taiwan annually exported some tens of metric tons of the driedS. lucens to Japan for the last few years, but the standing stock of Tung-kang waters is probably not as large as that in Suruga Bay.  相似文献   

Among tunicates, the small planktonic appendicularians generally comprise a significant fraction of the mesozooplankton of estuarine environments. However, no spatio-temporal studies nor estimation of some ecological parameters such as biomass or pellet production of these organisms have been previously reported in La Plata River estuary. We studied the species composition and abundance as well as biomass and pellet production, associated with the river plume variations using data collected during seven spring (October) cruises. Approximately 80 samples were collected in each cruise with a Pairovet net (200 μm mesh size) trawled vertically through the water column; CTD data profiles were also recorded. Three transects at the north, middle and south of the estuary were performed in order to compare the environmental gradients to the species distribution. The river's discharges varied between years and it was reflected on the salinity distribution. The salinity was the main factor driving species composition. Oikopleura dioica, Oikopleura fusiformis and Fritillaria borealis were found, O. dioica being the dominant one. We detected that O. fusiformis was more abundant in stratified waters between salinities of 31 and 33 mainly during 1994, 1995 and 1996. Fritillaria borealis was found only in salinities higher than 33 and in homogenous waters being more abundant in 1995. This year was singular in the sense that no river plume was observed at the middle transect, as it is shown by the homogenous salinity profiles. Oikopleura dioica was present in stratified waters at all salinity ranges. In 1993, it was more abundant at low salinities with temperatures between 12 and 16 °C and a predominance of juvenile animals was observed. The contribution in biomass and pellet production of O. dioica in the stratified waters of this front was very high (27.91–66.58 g C m−2 d−1) revealing their importance in the estuary's carbon cycle.  相似文献   

海洋浮游介形类(Ostracods)是一类分布较广的小型甲壳动物, 在海洋碳循环中起重要作用。目前国内海洋浮游动物采样常使用505μm网目孔径的浮游生物网, 从而导致个体较小的介形类被忽略。文章根据2006年7—8月(夏季)和2006年12月—2007年1月(冬季)在南海西北部海域分别使用网目孔径为505μm和160μm浮游生物网采集的样品, 比较不同网目所获浮游介形类种类和丰度的差异, 分析介形类种类和丰度的分布特征, 探讨环境因素对其时空分布的影响。160μm网目采集的浮游介形类种类和丰度均高于505μm。基于160μm网目数据分析浮游介形类群落结构: 1) 鉴定浮游介形类32种, 其种数由近岸向外海递增, 等深线100m以浅海域的种数显著高于100m以深海域(p<0.01); 2) 夏季浮游介形类的丰度高于冬季, 夏季丰度高值区主要出现在雷州半岛东部和琼东近岸, 显著高于外海(p<0.05), 冬季介形类丰度分布较为均匀; 3) 优势种针刺真浮萤(Euconchoecia aculeata)是近岸高丰度的主要贡献种; 4) 介形类种数与温度和水深呈显著正相关, 丰度与叶绿素a浓度呈正相关, 而与温度和盐度呈负相关。夏季琼东沿岸上升流和粤西沿岸流有助于浮游介形类在雷州半岛和海南岛东部近岸海域形成较高的丰度, 最高达1252个·m-3。同时, 建议今后研究浮游介形类采用网目孔径小的浮游生物网进行采集以便全面评估其群落结构特征。  相似文献   

Nematode species composition, trophic structure and body size distributions were followed over an annual production cycle in the central North Sea; to test responses to temporally changing food quality and quantity in the sediment. Changes in the phytoplankton concentration in the water column were quantitatively reflected in the concentration of chlorophyll a and breakdown products in the sediment, with higher concentrations in spring and autumn following blooms, and lower concentrations in summer and winter. The taxonomic and trophic structure of nematode communities differed significantly among stations over relatively short distances, potentially masking some of the temporal dynamics. Spatio-temporal differences in nematode species composition were linked to changes in the quality and quantity of organic material reaching the seabed, reflecting a species-specific response to the nutritional quality of sedimenting organic material and the biochemical changes in the sediment associated with its decomposition. The size distributions of selected nematode species indicated that most species bred continuously throughout the sampling period, although one species, the epigrowth feeder Spilophorella paradoxa, had periods of increased growth following the deposition of the spring phytoplankton bloom. There was no consistent temporal relationship between the trophic composition of nematode communities and spring chlorophyll a or carbon sedimentation, most likely a result of the trophic plasticity of most feeding types and the capacity of the community to use both freshly sedimented material as well as the subsequent breakdown products and refractory organic matter. Community metrics implied that there were small responses to the seasonal production cycle, but these belied strong responses of a few species with life histories that allowed them to track the availability of suitable food resources.  相似文献   

Plankton samples collected in November 2002, February, May and August 2003 were used to examine seasonal variation in tidal exchange of zooplankton biomass, abundance and species composition between Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve and the adjacent Atlantic coast. Micro- to mesozooplankton were collected by pump over 24-h sampling periods during spring and neap tides from the narrow channel connecting the semi-enclosed water body to the Atlantic. Sample biomass (dry weight) and total zooplankton abundance peaked in the summer and were lowest in winter, showing a positive relationship with temperature. Zooplankton biomass, total abundance and numbers of holo- and meroplankton revealed import during some diel cycles and export in others. However, the tidal import of these planktonic components was generally dominant, especially during May. The greatest import of numbers of holoplankters and meroplanktonic larvae occurred during May and August, respectively. There was no significant variation in sample biomass between periods of light and dark, but some variation in zooplankton abundance could be explained by this diel periodicity. Significant differences in sample assemblage composition between flood and ebb tide samples were always observed, except during winter neap tides. There was a net import of the copepods Temora longicornis and Oithona helgolandica and the larval stages of Mytilus edulis during spring and summer. Proceraea cornuta and Capitellid trochophores were imported during winter, and a hydrozoan of the genus Obelia during the spring spring tides. Seasonal export from the lough was shown by Pseudopolydora pulchra larvae (autumn and spring), Serpulid trochophores (autumn) and veligers of the bivalve Anomia ephippium (summer). It is suggested that the direction of tidal exchange of meroplanktonic taxa is related to the distribution of the adult populations. Copepod naupliar stages dominated the assemblages except during May spring tides when the copepod Pseudocalanus elongatus made up over 22% of the abundance. The general import of micro- to mesozooplankton may, in part, explain the higher densities of this size-class of zooplankton within the semi-enclosed system of Lough Hyne.  相似文献   

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