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本文依托2008年夏季中国第三次北极科学考察航次,对西北冰洋海盆区和楚科奇海陆架营养盐及光合色素进行了测定和分析。根据海水理化性质将研究海区分为5个区,并使用CHEMTAX软件(Mackery et al.,1996)讨论了西北冰洋不同海区浮游植物群落组成结构及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果显示在楚科奇海陆架区,太平洋入流显著影响浮游植物生物量和群落结构。高营养盐Anadyr水团以及白令陆架水控制海域,表现出高Chl a且浮游植物以硅藻为主,相反,低营养盐如阿拉斯加沿岸流控制海域,Chl a生物量低且以微型,微微型浮游植物为主。在外陆架海区,海冰覆盖情况影响着水团的物理特征及营养盐浓度水平,相应地显著影响浮游植物群落结构。在海冰覆盖区域,硅藻生物量站到总Chl a生物量的75%以上;在靠近门捷列夫深海平原海区,受相对高盐的冰融水影响(MW-HS),营养盐浓度和Chl a浓度相对海冰覆盖区略高,浮游植物结构中微型、微微型藻类比重增加,硅藻比例则降至33%;南加拿大海盆无冰海区(IfB),表层水盐度最淡,营养盐浓度最低,相应地显示出低Chl a生物量,表明海冰消退,开阔大洋持续时间延长,将导致低生物量及激发更小型浮游植物的生长,并不有利于有机碳向深海的有效输出。  相似文献   

介绍了主要的海冰热力学过程,包括:海冰表面状况和反照率;冰内辐射传输;雪/冰表面热平衡和冰内热力学过程等。  相似文献   

2006年8-10月极星号ANT/XXⅢ-7航次,对南极威德尔海西北海域浮冰区进行海冰综合考察,采用海冰物理学、海冰化学和海冰生态学等多学科现场同步观测取样与分析研究新方法。结果显示,测区21个冰站不同冰龄和不同结构类型的海冰冰芯,叶绿素a含量总平均值为16.56μg/dm3,范围为2.10~84.40μg/dm3,叶绿素a相对总量的R值均值为0.79~0.83。冰体叶绿素a含量与分布取决于海冰冰晶物理结构及其所处冰层部位,并和海冰生成环境、冰体发育和成冰过程密切相关。研究结果证实南极冬季海冰叶绿素a含量普遍处于较高水平,海冰冰藻具有较强活性,由此表明从整体上南极冬季海冰具有较高初级生产能力。这对正确分析估算冬季南极海洋生物生产,重新评估南大洋碳通量及其在全球气候变化中的贡献,具有重要科学意义。  相似文献   

南极磷虾是南大洋生态系统的关键物种, 种群聚集在南大洋的大西洋扇区。海冰在南极磷虾生活史中起着重要作用, 海冰及其冰下环境为磷虾越冬提供了避难场所, 但海冰是否为磷虾越冬提供了重要的饵料存在一定的争议, 对此问题的解决需要量化源于海冰的冰藻对南极磷虾越冬期间饵料及碳源的贡献。基于2020年冬季(3~8月)于南大洋大西洋扇区48.1亚区(布兰斯菲尔德海峡周边区域)和48.3亚区(南乔治亚岛周边海域)采集的磷虾样品, 通过两种高支链类异戊二烯化合物(IPSO25和HBI III)分别作为源于海冰的冰藻和源于水体浮游植物的生物标志物, 对两个区域冬季磷虾对冰藻和浮游植物的依赖进行研究。结果显示, 处于较高纬度、海冰密集度较高的48.1亚区的南极磷虾体内含有更高的IPSO25, 而处于开阔水域48.3亚区的磷虾体内有更高比例的HBI III, 另外48.3亚区磷虾的δ13C和δ15N稳定同位素显著高于48.1亚区的磷虾。48.1亚区南极磷虾越冬期间对浮游植物和冰藻的依赖与体长相关, 其中体长相对较短的早期成体呈现更高的依赖性, 同时该区域磷虾对冰藻的摄食提高了其营养级地位。48.3区南极磷虾越冬期间两种类异戊二烯含量与δ15N稳定同位素数值呈负相关关系, 表明该区域南极磷虾在初级生产匮乏时会摄食动物性饵料。若未来南大洋大西洋扇区海冰持续减少, 这将对整个磷虾种群、磷虾渔业的可持续发展和区域生态系统的稳定性产生威胁。  相似文献   

南黄海夏末叶绿素a的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据1995年9月利用日本《神鹰丸》号调查船在黄海32°00'–35°00'N,122°00'–127°00'E海区的19个站位上进行的中日联合调查研究中叶绿素a含量的调查资料,探讨南黄海海区夏末初叶绿素a含量的变化、平面分布、断面分布和垂直分布状况,以及与海域环境因子之间的关系。在每个测站上作垂直取样,表层水用圆塑料桶取自海表面,深层水用日本提供的专用采水器采集,取出水样立即量取200ml,用玻璃纤维滤膜过滤浓缩,并加入2%的饱和碳酸镁溶液,防止叶绿素脱镁,然后保存在冰箱内(-1°C),用冰桶带回实验室进行分析。将载有浮游植物的滤膜放入闪烁瓶内加入10ml 90%的丙酮溶液,在冰箱内提取24h。用萃取荧光法测定叶绿素a含量。结果表明,该海域的叶绿素a含量较高,平均值为1.14mg/m3,其变化范围为0.10–7.76mg/m3,最高值在次表层。(1)平面分布:各层次平面分布特征差异较大。33°00'–33°30'N之间叶绿素a含量均较低,低于0.50mg/m3。33°30'N以北,叶绿素a含量低于0.20mg/m3,而33°00'N以南,除济州岛附近的17–19导站以外,叶绿素a含量均较高,高于100mg/m3。(2)断面分布:水深在30m时,叶绿素a含量的高值区在20m以上水体的次表层中,而水深为50–80m时,其高值分布在20–40m的次表层中。(3)叶绿素a的垂直分布也体现了断面分布的特征。所以作者认为,光是浮游植物生长和繁殖的重要因子之一。  相似文献   

随着经济社会快速发展, 中国湖泊表现出不同程度的富营养化, 湖泊生态正面临着严峻挑战。叶绿素a是评价水体营养状态的重要指标, 可以反映湖泊中浮游植物生物量情况。基于Landsat系列数据集, 对1986~2022年间中国范围内面积在10 km2以上湖泊叶绿素a浓度分布状况进行研究, 并对各区域叶绿素a浓度演变趋势进行分析, 结果表明: (1) 中国湖泊叶绿素a浓度存在地域性空间分布差异。叶绿素a浓度分布整体呈现东南高, 西北低的态势, 大约69%的湖泊处于轻富营养化程度, 中富营养化状态约占17%。以35°N和100°E为分界线, 各区域叶绿素a浓度随经纬度呈现出一定的变化规律。(2) 近40年间中国湖泊叶绿素a浓度年均值处于缓慢波动上升趋势, 时间序列呈现先降低后升高, 再降低的变化状态。所有湖泊叶绿素a浓度显著上升的数量占比约为30%, 显著下降的占比约为24.8%, 变化不显著的约占45.2%。整体变化较为稳定, 变异系数处于中等波动水平以下, 波动较大的区域位于青藏高原, 东北地区和长江中下游的部分地区。(3) 各流域内湖泊叶绿素a浓度时空分异特征表现为: 空间分布上, 内陆流域和西南流域普遍较低, 珠江流域和东南流域较高。时间变化上, 除了西南流域和内陆流域的湖泊叶绿素a浓度呈现下降趋势外, 其他流域均为上升趋势。中国湖泊叶绿素a浓度呈现出明显的地域性差异和时间变化趋势, 这主要归因于地区气候、水文条件、土地利用以及人类活动变化等因素。受温暖湿润气候和较强人类活动的影响, 东南部地区的湖泊叶绿素a浓度相对较高。西北部地区气温偏低, 降水较少, 湖泊叶绿素a浓度普遍较低。近40年的时间尺度上, 受城市化、工业化快速发展和全球气候变化的共同影响, 中国整体湖泊叶绿素a浓度呈缓慢上升趋势。  相似文献   

2016年3月对西太平洋马里亚纳区域M2海山浮游植物粒级结构和分粒级初级生产力进行了观测,同时结合温度、盐度和营养盐浓度,研究了M2海山的总叶绿素a浓度的分布规律,不同粒级浮游植物对总叶绿素a的贡献率及其与环境因子的关系,初级生产力结构和分布特征。结果表明:M2海山各水层叶绿素a浓度变化范围分别为0.004—0.304mg/m3,平均叶绿素a浓度为0.094mg/m3。微微型浮游植物在整个调查区域内为最优势类群,对总叶绿素a浓度的贡献率达到了85%,微型浮游植物和小型浮游植物的贡献率均较低,分别为10%和5%。M2海山的叶绿素a浓度最大层均在100m深度附近的次表层,其中西南部和东南部为叶绿素a浓度高值区。M2海山的平均初级生产力为71.31mgC/(m2·d),初级生产力的主要贡献者为微型和微微型浮游植物,其中微型浮游植物贡献率达到了72%,微微型浮游植物贡献率为28%。M2海山的海山效应不明显,浅海山(<200m)可能对浮游植物的生长存在促进作用。  相似文献   

基于南海东北部1998~2019年的多源卫星遥感数据和风场再分析数据, 较系统地分析了南海东北部涡旋内部叶绿素a浓度的分布特征, 通过量化统计和涡心坐标系参数合成等方法探究了中尺度涡对叶绿素a浓度变化的影响规律及潜在机制。结果表明: (1)南海东北部约有60%的中尺度涡旋内部存在叶绿素a浓度增加和减少的现象。(2)南海东北部中尺度涡内部叶绿素a扰动受到涡旋抽吸和涡致Ekman抽吸机制的共同调控, 其中约有38% (39%)的暖(冷)涡内涡旋抽吸的贡献更大, 21% (24%)的暖(冷)涡内涡致Ekman抽吸的贡献更大。(3)南海东北部中尺度涡生命周期内的海表叶绿素a浓度变化存在显著的阶段性差异, 在冷暖涡的生成期, 涡旋抽吸的作用更为显著, 而在冷暖涡的顶峰和消亡期, 涡致Ekman抽吸的作用更为明显。上述研究结果有助于理解南海东北部初级生产力对中尺度涡的响应过程与机理, 对认识海洋物理-生物耦合过程具有一定的参考价值和研究意义。  相似文献   

对中国南海表层叶绿素a季节内变化的研究有助于深入认识其海洋特征,满足渔情预报等实际应用需求。利用卫星观测资料分析南海表层叶绿素a不同季节的季节内变化特征,结果表明南海表层叶绿素a季节内振荡强度冬季最高。冬季和春季的季节内振荡最强区域都位于吕宋岛西北侧海区,夏季和秋季振荡较强的区域偏向菲律宾群岛一侧。分析表明研究海区表层温度和表层叶绿素a 存在负相关,冬强夏弱,北强南弱。大部分海区海面高度和叶绿素a 相关性不显著,但南海东南边缘海区海面高度和叶绿素a在季节内存在正相关。冬季海盆尺度逆时针旋转的环流结构应是这些现象产生的原因。除南海东南边缘海区、海南岛东南海区和吕宋岛西侧海区之外,风应力大小和热通量均与叶绿素a 在季节内呈正相关。这显示非局地风场和海流等因素、海洋动力调整过程可能在吕宋海峡以西和南海东南边缘的表层叶绿素a 季节内变化中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

近年来, 渤海夏季低氧现象频发, 引起了人们的广泛关注。然而对该海域低氧形成的机制还未得到充分认识。研究基于在秦皇岛外海的现场观测, 分析了海水中颗粒物吸收光谱特征及其与不同粒径浮游植物叶绿素a (chl a)组成、环境因子的关系, 评估了夏季底层水体脱氧过程中有机物来源与特征。结果显示,夏季秦皇岛外海微型浮游植物chl a占总量的80%。表层水体中, 总颗粒物吸收光谱[ap(l)]特征由浮游植物色素吸收光谱[aph(l)]主导, 在中、底层水体中则由碎屑颗粒物吸收光谱[ad(l)]主导。垂向上, ap(440)和ad(440)均表现为表层<中层<底层。结果还表明, 浮游植物粒径主导秦皇岛外海chl a的光吸收效率, 即a*ph(440)。基于三粒级chl a含量, 可利用多元回归预测aph(440)。碎屑颗粒物的吸收光谱同样受浮游植物群落、有机质相对含量等的影响。研究结果表明初级生产产生的微型颗粒有机物是底层水体脱氧的主要底物。  相似文献   

The area of Arctic sea ice has dramatically decreased, and the length of the open water season has increased;these patterns have been observed by satellite remote sensing since the 1970 s. In this paper, we calculate the net primary productivity(NPP, calculated by carbon) from 2003 to 2016 based on sea ice concentration products,chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentration, photosynthetically active radiation(PAR), sea surface temperature(SST), and sunshine duration data. We then analyse the spatiotemporal changes in the Chl a concentration and NPP and further investigate the relations among NPP, the open water area, and the length of the open water season. The results indicate that(1) the Chl a concentration increased by 0.025 mg/m~3 per year;(2) the NPP increased by 4.29 mg/(m~2·d) per year, reaching a maximum of 525.74 mg/(m~2·d) in 2016; and(3) the Arctic open water area increased by 57.23×10~3 km~2/a, with a growth rate of 1.53 d/a for the length of the open water season. The annual NPP was significantly positively related to the open water area, the length of the open water season and the SST.The daily NPP was also found to have a lag correlation with the open water area, with a lag time of two months.With global warming, NPP has maintained an increasing trend, with the most significant increase occurring in the Kara Sea. In summary, this study provides a macroscopic understanding of the distribution of phytoplankton in the Arctic, which is valuable information for the evaluation and management of marine ecological environments.  相似文献   

基于CryoSat-2卫星测高数据的北极海冰体积估算方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近30年来,北极海冰正发生着剧烈的变化。海冰体积是量化海冰变化的重要指标之一。本文以2015年CryoSat-2卫星测高数据和OSI SAF海冰类型产品为基础。提取了浮冰出水高度、积雪深度、海冰密集度、海冰类型等属性信息,通过数据内插、投影变换、栅格转换、空间重采样等工作将海冰属性信息统一为25 km×25 km分辨率的栅格数据集。根据流体静力学平衡原理,逐个估算栅格像元对应的海冰厚度值,将其与对应的海冰面积相乘,估算了北极海冰密集度大于75%海域的海冰体积,并分析了海冰厚度和体积的月变化和季节变化特征。用NASA IceBridge海冰厚度产品对反演的海冰厚度进行验证。结果表明二者相关系数为0.72,有较高的一致性。北极海冰平均厚度春季最大,夏季最小,分别约为2.99 m和1.77 m,最厚的海冰集中在格陵兰沿岸北部和埃尔斯米尔半岛以北海域。多年冰平均厚度大于一年冰。冬季海冰体积最大,约为23.30×103 km3,经过夏季的融化,减少了近70%。一年冰体积季节波动较大,而多年冰体积相对稳定,季节变化不明显。  相似文献   

The general properties of sea ice and overlying snow in the southern Sea of Okhotsk were examined during early February of 2003 to 2005 with the P/V “Soya”. Thin section analysis of crystal structure revealed that frazil ice (48% of total core length) was more prevalent than columnar ice (39%) and that stratigraphic layering was prominent with a mean layer thickness of 12 cm, indicating that dynamic processes are essential to ice growth. The mean thickness of ice blocks and visual observations suggest that ridging dominates the deformation process above thicknesses of 30 to 40 cm. As for snow, it was found that faceted crystals and depth hoar are dominant (78%), as which is also common in the Antarctic sea ice, and is indicative of the strong vertical temperature gradients within the snow. Stable isotope measurements (δ18O) indicate that snow ice occupies 9% of total core length and that the mass fraction of meteoric ice accounts for 1 to 2% of total ice volume, which is lower than the Antarctic sea ice. Associated with this, the effective fractionation coefficient during the freezing of seawater was also derived. Snow ice was characterized by lower density, higher salinity, and nearly twice the gas content of ice of seawater origin. In addition, it is shown that the surface brine volume fraction and freeboard are well correlated with ice thickness, indicating some promise for remote sensing approaches to the estimation of ice thickness.  相似文献   

The dynamics of ice formation and phytoplankton bloom development in the coastal region of the Okhotsk Sea, Hokkaido, where the Japanese scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, are cultured were investigated using seven years (1998–2004) satellite data from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). The interannual variability of sea ice cover and timing of spring bloom occurrences were analyzed. Longer ice cover in 1999, 2001 and 2003 with the presence of ice until early April and shortened ice cover in 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 with the occurrence of ice until early March were recognized at this area. Variability in the timing of sea ice retreat and development of spring blooms at the scallop areas were observed. Progression of a single ice edge bloom showed higher Chl-a concentration compared to development of an initial ice edge bloom followed by a later open water bloom. Higher concentration of phytoplankton biomass was observed in the initial bloom when sea ice melting is delayed compared to when the sea ice leaves earlier. Wind events were also observed to affect the occurrences of spring bloom.  相似文献   

Focusing on physical processes, we aim at constraining the dynamics of argon (Ar), a biogeochemically inert gas, within first year sea ice, using observation data and a one-dimensional halo-thermodynamic sea ice model, including parameterization of gas physics. The incorporation and transport of dissolved Ar within sea ice and its rejection via gas-enriched brine drainage to the ocean, are modeled following fluid transport equations through sea ice. Gas bubbles nucleate within sea ice when Ar is above saturation and when the total partial pressure of all three major atmospheric gases (N2, O2 and Ar) is above the brine hydrostatic pressure. The uplift of gas bubbles due to buoyancy is allowed when the brine network is connected with a brine volume above a given threshold. Ice-atmosphere Ar fluxes are formulated as a diffusive process proportional to the differential partial pressure of Ar between brine inclusions and the atmosphere. Two simulations corresponding to two case studies that took place at Point Barrow (Alaska, 2009) and during an ice-tank experiment (INTERICE IV, Hamburg, Germany, 2009) are presented. Basal entrapment and vertical transport due to brine motion enable a qualitatively sound representation of the vertical profile of the total Ar (i.e. the Ar dissolved in brine inclusions and contained in gas bubbles; TAr). Sensitivity analyses suggest that gas bubble nucleation and rise are of most importance to describe gas dynamics within sea ice. Ice-atmosphere Ar fluxes and the associated parameters do not drastically change the simulated TAr. Ar dynamics are dominated by uptake, transport by brine dynamics and bubble nucleation in winter and early spring; and by an intense and rapid release of gas bubbles to the atmosphere in spring. Important physical processes driving gas dynamics in sea ice are identified, pointing to the need for further field and experimental studies.  相似文献   

Recent changes in climate and environmental conditions have had great negative effects such as decreasing sea ice thickness and the extent of Arctic sea ice floes that support ice-related organisms. However, limited field observations hinder the understanding of the impacts of the current changes in the previously ice-covered regions on sea ice algae and other ice-related ecosystems. Our main objective in this study was to measure recent primary production of ice algae and their relative contribution to total primary production (ice plus pelagic primary production). In-situ primary productivity experiments with a new incubation system for ice algae were conducted in 3 sea ice cores at 2 different ice camps in the northern Chukchi Sea, 2014, using a 13C and 15N isotope tracer technique. A new incubation system was tested for conducting primary productivity experiments on ice algae that has several advantages over previous incubation methods, enabling stable carbon and nitrogen uptake experiments on ice algae under more natural environmental conditions. The vertical C-shaped distributions of the ice algal chl-a, with elevated concentrations at the top and bottom of the sea ice were observed in all cores, which is unusual for Arctic sea ice. The mean chl-a concentration (0.05 ± 0.03 mg chl-a m?3) and the daily carbon uptake rates (ranging from 0.55 to 2.23 mg C m?2 d?1) for the ice algae were much lower in this study than in previous studies in the Arctic Ocean. This is likely because of the late sampling periods and thus the substantial melting occurring. Ice algae contributed 1.5–5.7% of the total particulate organic carbon (POC) contents of the combined euphotic water columns and sea ice floes. In comparison, ice algae contributed 4.8–8.6% to the total primary production which is greater than previously reported in the Arctic Ocean. If all of the ice-associated productions were included, the contributions of the sea ice floes to the total primary production would be greater in the Arctic Ocean and their importance would be greater in the arctic marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

近20年渤海叶绿素a浓度时空变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浮游植物作为食物链的基础,对海洋生态系统具有重要作用。渤海作为我国最大的内海和重要渔业生物的产卵场、育幼场和索饵场,该区浮游植物研究具有重要意义。叶绿素a浓度是反映浮游植物生物量的重要指标。利用Google Earth Engine平台,对1997–2010年的宽视场海洋观测传感器(SeaWiFS)叶绿素a浓度数据和2002–2018年的水色卫星中分辨率成像光谱仪传感器(MODIS Aqua)叶绿素a浓度数据进行合并,并研究其时空变化特征。研究表明,近20年来,渤海全年叶绿素a浓度增加了14.1%,且增加显著。叶绿素a浓度在所有季节都呈现增加趋势;除11月外,其他各月都呈现稳定或增加趋势。从滦河入河口沿岸至渤海海峡的渤海中部,叶绿素a浓度增加较明显。同时也分析了海洋表面温度、风速和降水量数据。夏季渤海周边区域降水量和风速增加以及秋季海表温度的降低都有助于同季叶绿素a浓度的升高。渤海浮游植物可能受陆源营养物质输入影响较大。  相似文献   

The physical structures of snow and sea ice in the Arctic section of 150°-180°W were observed on the basis of snow-pit, ice-core, and drill-hole measurements from late July to late August 2010. Almost all the investigated floes were first-year ice, except for one located north of Alaska, which was probably multi-year ice transported from north of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago during early summer. The snow covers over all the investigated floes were in the melting phase, with temperatures approaching 0℃ and densities of 295-398 kg/m3 . The snow covers can be divided into two to five layers of different textures, with most cases having a top layer of fresh snow, a round-grain layer in the middle, and slush and/or thin icing layers at the bottom. The first-year sea ice contained about 7%-17% granular ice at the top. There was no granular ice in the lower layers. The interior melting and desalination of sea ice introduced strong stratifications of temperature, salinity, density, and gas and brine volume fractions. The sea ice temperature exhibited linear cooling with depth, while the salinity and the density increased linearly with normalized depth from 0.2 to 0.9 and from 0 to 0.65, respectively. The top layer, especially the freeboard layer, had the lowest salinity and density, and consequently the largest gas content and the smallest brine content. Both the salinity and density in the ice basal layer were highly scattered due to large differences in ice porosity among the samples. The bulk average sea ice temperature, salinity, density, and gas and brine volume fractions were-0.8℃, 1.8, 837 kg/m3 , 9.3% and 10.4%, respectively. The snow cover, sea ice bottom, and sea ice interior show evidences of melting during mid-August in the investigated floe located at about 87°N, 175°W.  相似文献   

基于卫星高度计的北极海冰厚度变化研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
A modified algorithm taking into account the first year(FY) and multiyear(MY) ice densities is used to derive a sea ice thickness from freeboard measurements acquired by satellite altimetry ICESat(2003–2008). Estimates agree with various independent in situ measurements within 0.21 m. Both the fall and winter campaigns see a dramatic extent retreat of thicker MY ice that survives at least one summer melting season. There were strong seasonal and interannual variabilities with regard to the mean thickness. Seasonal increases of 0.53 m for FY the ice and 0.29 m for the MY ice between the autumn and the winter ICESat campaigns, roughly 4–5 month separation, were found. Interannually, the significant MY ice thickness declines over the consecutive four ICESat winter campaigns(2005–2008) leads to a pronounced thickness drop of 0.8 m in MY sea ice zones. No clear trend was identified from the averaged thickness of thinner, FY ice that emerges in autumn and winter and melts in summer. Uncertainty estimates for our calculated thickness, caused by the standard deviations of multiple input parameters including freeboard, ice density, snow density, snow depth, show large errors more than 0.5 m in thicker MY ice zones and relatively small standard deviations under 0.5 m elsewhere. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is implemented to determine the separate impact on the thickness estimate in the dependence of an individual input variable as mentioned above. The results show systematic bias of the estimated ice thickness appears to be mainly caused by the variations of freeboard as well as the ice density whereas the snow density and depth brings about relatively insignificant errors.  相似文献   

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