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通过气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)和气相色谱-同位素质谱仪(GC-IRMS),分别分析了冲绳海槽南部唐印和第四与那国热液区热液硫化物与热液沉积物中烷烃含量和正烷烃单体碳同位素组成特征。热液产物样品中正烷烃显示出明显的双峰分布,高分子正烷烃显示出明显的奇数碳优势,其丰度最大值位于C31处;低分子正烷烃显示出偶数碳优势,其丰度最大值位于C18处。正烷烃的分布特征以及正烷烃碳同位素组成表明,样品中正烷烃主要来源于热液微生物代谢活动和陆源高等植物的输入,其中,低分子的正烷烃主要来源于热液微生物代谢活动,而高分子的正烷烃主要来源于陆源高等植物。热液硫化物样品中低分子正烷烃含量和比重都高于热液沉积物,表明热液硫化物中热液微生物活动可能更加繁盛。热液硫化物中正烷烃单体的δ13C表现出随碳原子个数增加,同位素值减小的趋势,暗示该区非生物合成有机质的贡献可能不能忽略。  相似文献   

通过气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS),分析了冲绳海槽北部柱状沉积物中有机质的分布和组成特征。样品中正烷烃显示出明显的双峰分布,其中高分子正烷烃显示出明显的奇数碳优势;低分子的正烷烃显示出偶数碳优势,其丰度最大值位于C16和C18处。该柱状沉积物中120~140cm层样品(样品S10-7)中沥青、正烷烃以及脂肪酸的含量都要远高于其他层位样品,且该层位样品中正十八烷酸质量比(16.915μg/g)要高于其他层位样品1~2个数量级。S10-7样品中3个成熟度参数也高于其他样品,预示该层位样品受到明显的热蚀变。S10-7样品中有机质的分布和组成情况预示该柱状沉积物样品周围可能存在未被发现的热液区。本研究旨在揭示该柱状沉积物中有机质的来源,同时评估该区热液活动的可能性。本研究的开展可为该区沉积物中有机质来源及热液活动研究提供研究基础和依据。  相似文献   

近年来,海底热液环境中的微生物及其环境适应机制已经成为海洋科学研究的热点。目前,相关的研究主要集中在表层沉积物及微生物的水平分布多样性方面,而对柱状沉积物中微生物垂直分布多样性研究却很少。本文基于西太平洋冲绳海槽南部热液区附近S2站位的柱状沉积物样品,通过对其不同层位的样品进行分离培养和16S rRNA基因高通量测序,揭示了样品中可培养微生物和总体微生物的垂直群落分布特征,同时结合对样品主量元素、微量元素、碳氮含量等指标的评估和冗余分析等统计学方法,讨论了微生物群落结构及其对环境因子的响应。研究发现该位点的柱状沉积物有机质含量较为贫乏,存在两个富含Cu-Zn-Pb的层;各个层位的沉积物中微生物类群均以变形菌为主要类群,同时表层沉积物表现出更高的微生物多样性。此外研究还表明柱状沉积物中有机碳含量与其微生物的群落组成有着更为密切的关系。总之,本研究的结果和获得的菌种资源为进一步深入研究海底热液环境中微生物参与元素地球化学循环的过程提供了一定的基础。  相似文献   

对墨西哥湾北部水深2200m的Alaminos Canyon645区块(AC645区)和水深540m的Green Canyon185区块(GC185区)冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质进行了研究,结果显示深水和浅水区冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质丰度和烷烃组成差别较大,下陆坡深水AC区样品有机质含量低,正构烷烃、萜烷、甾烷各组分的含量相对较高,正构烷烃以低碳数占绝对优势,并含有种类丰富的三环萜烷和五环三萜烷,且以17a(H),21B(H)-藿烷为主峰碳,反映了深水区冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质来源于细菌和低等藻类,有少量的深部油气藏有机质的渗漏输入,并受微弱的微生物作用改造。上陆坡浅水GC区样品有机质含量较高,其中正构烷烃含量较低,并且以难以分开的复杂混合物(UCM)为主,同样含有种类丰富的以17α(H),21β(H)-降藿烷为主峰碳的三环萜烷和五环三萜烷,表明有机质主要来源于深部油气藏渗漏的有机质,并遭受了强烈的微生物降解。本文系统地研究了冷泉碳酸盐岩中正构烷烃、萜烷、甾烷的组成和分布特征,并探讨了有机质来源和冷泉渗漏的关系。  相似文献   

深海热液区的热液物质喷发扩散会对周围海底的沉积物产生影响,研究沉积物中类脂物有助于进一步了解热液活动对其产生的影响.对东太平洋海隆西翼13°N附近E271和E272站位沉积物中的正构烷烃和脂肪酸进行了气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析.在两个站位的沉积物中检测到链长C11—C 35的正构烷烃,其以双峰型分布为主,其中短链...  相似文献   

大西洋中脊TAG热液活动区中热液沉积物的稀土元素地球?…   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
用ICP-MS对TAG热液活动区表层热液沉积物中6个块状硫化物样品进行了稀土元素分析。所有样品均表现出正Eu异常和LREE相对富集的球粒陨石标准化配分模式,热液沉积物样品中稀土元素组成的变化是由于海底热液循环体系中热液流体和涨水不同程度混合作用的结果,  相似文献   

渤海石油污染:来自表层沉积物中生物标志物的证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对渤海表层沉积物中饱和烃的分布、来源和分子组成特征的系统分析,探讨了沉积物中生物标志物对石油污染的指示意义。研究表明,沉积物中色谱不可分辨的混合物(UCM)和正构烷烃的分布及组成特征显示出沉积物不同程度地受到了石油烃输入和细菌微生物作用的影响,其中以渤海湾沿岸区域最为明显。渤海湾近岸区和黄河口附近沉积物中正构烷烃平均碳链长度(ACL)低于其他地区,姥鲛烷/植烷(Pr/Ph)也普遍低于1.0,表明可能受到来自于石油平台开采活动、船舶航行、河流输入的石油烃的影响。C27-18α(H)-三降藿烷(Ts)与C27-17α(H)-三降藿烷(Tm)的比值(Ts/Tm)、C31升藿烷22S/(22S+22R)和αααC29甾烷20S/(20S+20R)的比值表明该区域沉积物中有机质成熟度较高,可能受到外来石油烃输入及其衍生物的影响。通过与周边环境中生物标志物分子组成特征的对比发现,沉积物中甾烷和萜类化合物主要来源于石油及其衍生物。将饱和烃各参数进行归一化处理,得到了石油污染的综合替代性指标,并初步圈定了石油污染相对较重的区域。  相似文献   

利用2001年采自太平洋东部ES0103站位的多管沉积物柱状样品,采用GC/MS对沉积物中的可溶有机质(氯仿沥青"A")及其族组成(饱和烃、芳烃、非烃和沥青质)、正构烷烃、类异戊二烯烃和萜类化合物进行了定量分析,结果表明:(1)氯仿沥青"A"中的非烃较饱和烃和芳烃的含量高,反映出该海区沉积物中有机质的演化程度较低.(2)正构烷烃的碳分子数范围多为nC14~nC34,CPI值略显奇偶优势,轻重烃比值(nC23-/nC24 )较低;类异戊二烯烃的Pr/Ph值较低,显示出该海区沉积物中的烃类是在较强的还原环境下形成的低成熟烃类,其母质来源主要为大型低等水生生物.(3)总有机碳与显晶蜡产率、氯仿沥青"A"均呈明显正相关关系,表明有机质相对富集层位所处的沉积环境也有利于高蜡烃的形成,成烃演化与成岩作用阶段有较好的对应关系.而萜类化合物的Ts/Tm值在表层和深部差别不大,显示出典型的低成熟烃类的特征.由此可见, ES0103柱状样品所处海区的沉积物为在较强还原环境中形成的,其有机质演化程度较低,为早期成岩作用阶段的产物.  相似文献   

海洋区域蕴藏了丰富的天然气水合物资源,是地球上巨大的碳储库之一。当海洋环境发生变化时,部分水合物会分解释放出大量天然气,其向上运移过程中会发生厌氧或好氧氧化反应,从而减少由海洋向大气的碳排放量,起到消耗截流的作用。本文选取含烷烃好氧氧化菌的海底沉积物进行了水合物分解气的微生物好氧降解模拟实验,实验中用混合气(C_1+C_2+C_3)来模拟多组分水合物分解气。实验结果显示,在微生物作用下烃类混合气发生好氧氧化降解反应至消耗殆尽,反应优先顺序为C_1C_2C_3,降解速率C_1C_2C_3。且随着烃类组分含量的减少,其碳氢同位素组成发生了微生物降解分馏效应,并呈现出不同程度的富集趋势。C_1、C_2和C_3的碳同位素富集变化量分别为71.05‰、12.03‰和4.61‰,碳同位素分馏系数(εC)的平均值分别为-11.219‰、-2.951‰和-1.539‰;氢同位素富集变化量分别为368.64‰、156.00‰和111.97‰,氢同位素分馏系数(εH)的平均值分别为-56.092‰、-99.696‰和-73.303‰。可见,三者的碳位素富集程度C_1C_2C_3,而氢同位素富集程度C_2C_3C_1。此外,水合物分解气在微生物降解过程中气体成分组成及碳氢同位素特征发生了改变,对判别气体成因起到一定的干扰作用,因此,利用分解溢出气体样品进行气体溯源时需要适当考虑这一影响因素。  相似文献   

本文报道了爱丝湖沉积物中烃类的分布特征。经分析鉴定,该湖沉积物中烃类分布主要包括正构烷、烯烃,环状和非环状异戊二烯烃等。这些烃的来源可归属于两种即藻类和细菌,其中来源于细菌的有:植烷、2,6,10,15,19-五甲基二十烷、角鲨烷、蕨烯-7、12-新藿烯和22(29)-藿烯等。来源于藻类的有:甾烯、C_(15)、C_(17)和C_(19)正构烷烃、长链C_(29)二烯和姥鲛烷等。研究表明某些典型的烃类可能出自藻种和菌种,从而进一步说明爱丝湖的沉积环境变化。  相似文献   

南大西洋沉积物中多环芳香化合物的组成特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10 samples of sediments obtained from the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge were measured for the abundances and distributions of polycyclic aromatic compounds(PAHs). The total concentrations of PAHs(∑PAHs) ranged from 2.768 to 9.826 μg/g dry sediment. The ∑PAHs was higher in sample 22V-TVG10 and sample 26V-TVG05 which were close to hydrothermal fields, with the lowest value in sample 22V-TVG14 which was farthest from hydrothermal fields, suggesting a probable hydrothermal origin of ∑PAHs of samples. Approximately nine kinds of PAHs were identified, and low molecular mass tricyclic and tetracyclic aromatic compounds were predominant in the samples. The concentrations of fluoranthene which were typical as hydrothermal alteration compounds were the highest among PAHs with dry weight between 0.913–3.157 μg/g. The phenanthrene homologue was most abundant in the samples, and the ratios between parent phenanthrene and methylphenanthrene which probably reflected the degree of hydrothermal alteration ranged from 0.097 to 1.602. The sample 22V-TVG10 possessing a maximum ratio value showed the intense influence of the hydrothermal alteration on this sample, which might further imply that PAHs in sediments were mainly derived from the hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   

The optimum conditions were selected for the chromatographic separation of model mixtures of C12–C40 n-alkanes. For one of the samples of hydrothermal deposits, the extraction conditions of the hydrocarbons were studied and a sample preparation procedure was selected. A procedure is proposed to determine the n-alkanes in samples of hydrothermal deposits by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The detection limit for the n-alkanes amounted to 3 × 10−9 to 10−8% depending on the components. On the basis of the procedure proposed, the composition of the n-alkanes was studied in the samples of hydrothermal deposits collected at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (the Broken Spur, Lost City, and Rainbow fields). The analysis performed showed that the samples treated contained C14-C35 n-alkanes. The concentrations of the n-alkanes considered were rather low and varied from 0.002 to 0.038 μg/g. Hypotheses concerning the genesis of the n-alkanes identified were formed.  相似文献   

The different sources of lipid compounds present in sinking particles collected in a sediment trap mooring deployed in the Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean) were elucidated using the molecular marker concept. A significant contribution of cyanobacterial lipids was identified based on the occurrence of a series of 3- and 5-methylalkanes and dimethylalkanes. Further evidence of cyanobacterial inputs was obtained by principal component analysis of all data showing diploptene and n-alkanes in the range C14–C22 clustered together with those branched alkanes. The use of methyl and dimethyl alkanes to trace cyanobacterial sources in the water column is proposed with advantage to sterols which are usually masked by phytoplanktonic sterols. The sterol distribution indicates phytoplankton as a major source with a contribution from heterotrophic zooplanktonic. Both fossil and biogenic sources can be contributors to the large unresolved complex mixture (UCM) found in these samples.  相似文献   

A study on the bulk distributions and molecular structures of n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in organic matter of the sediments from the Bay of Bengal and the Eastern and Central Indian Basins was undertaken. The former two regions represent areas characterised by “normal” sedimentation while the third one mainly represents a region of “active tectonism”. Content of the hydrocarbons in the sediments of “normal” sedimentation ranges between 4.6 and 10.5 μg/g and aromatic hydrocarbons ranges between 0 and 0.38 μg/g. n-Alkanes in the sediments of the northern deep part of the Bay of Bengal consist mostly of long-chain structures (total C25–C33 up to 70%) with a high carbon preference index (CPI=3.01–3.43), indicating a large contribution of organic matter from terrigenous sources. The sediments from the Eastern Indian Basin have n-alkane distributions in which the long-chain components did not exceed 52.5% and the CPI was 1.7–1.90, indicating that the hydrocarbons are mostly derived from marine sources. Sharp increases of hydrocarbons are found in the vicinity of the tectonically active region of the Central Indian Basin, particularly in the sediments collected from the fracture zone. The total concentration of hydrocarbons increase to 170 μg/g and the aromatic hydrocarbons fraction to 156.3 μg/g. The proportion of short-chain n-alkanes increases up to 70%, CPI decreases to 0.76–1.12, and high concentrations of n-C16 (16–40%) occur, all of which are absent in the other samples. The molecular content of PAH includes the unsubstituted individual structures: biphenyl, fluorene, pyrene, perylene, benzo(ghi)perylene, and the groups of homologues of naphthalene, benzofluorene, phenanthrene and chrysene. The association of the PAH and composition of paraffin hydrocarbons in the surficial sediments of deformation zone indicate that these are the resultant products of hydrothermal processes. It is, therefore, suggested that the association and composition of the hydrocarbons in sediments can be utilised as a paleoceanographic parameter to decipher the history of tectonism of an area.  相似文献   

In marine sediments from the Mediterranean coast polluted by oil spills (Etang de Berre) high bacterial activity is responsible for self-purification, samples collected from these areas showing a bacterial density several orders of magnitude higher than samples from non-polluted areas (Isle des Embiez). Between 60 and 80 % of the heterotrophic bacteria in the polluted areas are hydrocarbon-degrading, compared with 0.01 % in the non-polluted area.Several strains of hydrocarbon utilisers were isolated, a mixture of strains from each biotope was taken to represent a ‘biotope population’ and their activity towards different types of hydrocarbons (n-alkanes, iso-alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics) was determined.With ammonia as the nitrogen source the ‘biotope population’ from the polluted area degraded hydrocarbons much more readily than the ‘biotope population’ from the non-polluted area. With nitrate as the nitrogen source the degradation was much reduced, and, for some hydrocarbons, ceased in both ‘populations’.Individual hydrocarbons encouraged the growth of individual strains in the ‘biotope population’. In natural mixtures of hydrocarbons all strains grew well and degraded aliphatics. There was a good correlation between the respiratory activity of the ‘biotope population’ and the ability of the ‘population’ to utilise hydrocarbons for growth.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the composition and distribution of the dispersed organic matter (DOM) were performed for the bottom sediments from active areas of the Ashadze hydrothermal field (the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 13° N) and for background sediments from the area treated (sampled during the cruises of R/V Professor Logachev in 2003 and 2007). The content of hydrocarbons (HCs) in the hydrothermal samples is about 20 times as high as the background values. The HCs composition includes both low-transformed (isoprenoids, hopenes, ββ-hopanes, and ααα27R-steranes) and geologically mature chemofossils (C16-C35 n-alkanes, geohopanes, moretanes, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons). The polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are mainly represented by phenanthrene and its alkyl homologues, i.e., by possible products of the diagenetic transformation of biogenic precursors. The results obtained point to the mixed genesis of the hydrothermal DOM, which is caused first by the diversity of the biota composition in the considered region, as well as by the specificity of the processes of the DOM’s maturing under the extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Chemoautotrophic production in seafloor hydrothermal systems has the potential to provide an important source of organic carbon that is exported to the surrounding deep-ocean. While hydrothermal plumes may export carbon, entrained from chimney walls and biologically rich diffuse flow areas, away from sites of venting they also have the potential to provide an environment for in-situ carbon fixation. In this study, we have followed the fate of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) as it is dispersed through and settles beneath a hydrothermal plume system at 9°50′N on the East Pacific Rise. Concentrations of both DOC and POC are elevated in buoyant plume samples that were collected directly above sites of active venting using both DSV Alvin and a CTD-rosette. Similar levels of POC enrichment are also observed in the dispersing non-buoyant plume, ∼500 m downstream from the vent-site. Further, sediment-trap samples collected beneath the same dispersing plume system, show evidence for a close coupling between organic carbon and Fe oxyhydroxide fluxes. We propose, therefore, a process that concentrates POC into hydrothermal plumes as they disperse through the deep-ocean. This is most probably the result of some combination of preferential adsorption of organic carbon onto Fe-oxyhydroxides and/or microbial activity that preferentially concentrates organic carbon in association with Fe-oxyhydroxides (e.g. through the microbial oxidation of Fe(II) and Fe sulfides). This potential for biological production and consumption within hydrothermal plumes highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the role of the carbon cycle in deep-sea hydrothermal systems as well as the role that hydrothermal systems may play in regulating global deep-ocean carbon budgets.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether contaminated sea-surface microlayer was toxic to marine fish embryos in its ntaive form and as a hexane extract. Developing embryos of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) were exposed to hexane extracts of sea-surface microlayer collected from five locations in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Extracts from two of these locations produced significant embryos mortality as well as severe deformities in live hatched larvae. A control sample of bulk water collected from 20 cm under the surface and extracted in the same way produced no significant mortality or deformities. Significaant changes in timing of hatching were also observed in those samples which produced embryo toxic effects. A comparison of these data with those obtained from code embryos exposed to unextracted microlayer showed a similar biological effect with both unextracted samples and hexane extracts.Chemical analyses revealed the greatest biological effect in samples with petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations between 180 and > 200 μg liter−1. The bulk water control had 1 μg liter−1 while the three samples that showed no biological activity had 3 to 8 μg liter−1 petroleum hydrocarbons. Phthalic acid esters were detected in four samples and chlorinated hydrocarbons in one, but could not be positively correlated with any of the toxic responses. No other chemical contaminants were detected in the five samples.The data presented here show that some sites contain sea-surface microlayer which can be toxic to marine fish embryos: that Baltic herring and Atlantic cod embryos respond similarly to the toxic effects of contaminated microlayer: and that unextracted microlayer and hexane extract of microlayer produce essentially the same toxic effect(s) if only organic contaminants are considered.  相似文献   

Aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs), sterols (ST), and lipid classes were determined in suspended particles collected in the Catalan Sea, northwestern Mediterranean. Principal Component Analysis of the data set revealed a clustering of samples depending on the sources of organic matter, i.e., coastal influenced, open sea and frontal zone. Terrestrial inputs were recognized in particles collected in the surface waters, at the vicinities of river outflow (i.e., Rhône and Ebro), by a predominance of C29 and C31 n-alkanes, 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol (S12), and the anthropogenic 5β(H)-cholestan-3β-ol, coprostanol (S1). Phytoplanktonic molecular markers (n-C17, 27-nor-24-methylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, cholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol and 24-methylcholest-5-en-3β-ol) were widespread but relatively more apparent in the open sea and frontal zones. A similar distribution was observed for lipid classes, with higher concentrations of phospholipids, and an enrichment in free fatty acids in the areas influenced by river discharges. Total sterol, the unresolved complex mixture of hydrocarbons and the pristane–phytane ratio were highest at a persistent frontal zone, possibly reflecting the combination of a higher primary productivity and fossil hydrocarbon absorption on to suspended particles. Moreover, vertical profiles exhibited a subsurface concentration maximum at 20–30 m water depth, concurrently with the chlorophyll.  相似文献   

Dissolved material and recent sediment from the Amazon continental shelf have been analyzed for hydrocarbons to study the sources and potential fate of the transported organic matter. Dissolvedn-alkanes are present at low concentrations (ppb level) and are dominated by lipids from marine phytoplankton with carbon number maxima (Cmax) at C18/C22 and an even-to-odd carbon predominance < C30 (CPI17–27 from 0.18 to 0.54). In the sediments, bimodal distributions ofn-alkane chain length suggest a mixed input of terrestrial (Cmax at C27/C29/C31 and CPI25–33 from 0.75 to 1.82) and phytoplanktonic/microbial (Cmax at C20 and CPI15–25 from 0.38 to 0.62) organic matter. Sesquiterpenes were the most significant cyclic compounds in all the dissolved samples analyzed reflecting a contribution from resinous trees to the terrestrial organic pool. On the other hand, enhanced concentrations of these compounds in the dissolved phase on the northwest portion of the Amazon shelf, contrasting with decreased concentrations in the sediment samples, suggest that dissolved lipids are released from solid phase in the intensely stirred seabed. Structured organic matter in the sediment has been characterized as being composed of, on average: 19% plant cuticles, 25% woody tissue, 13% pollens and spores, 24% amorphous material, 7% bituminite and 12% altered organic material.  相似文献   

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