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1994年发生在台湾海峡的一次地震海啸的数值模拟   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
建立了一个地震海啸数值模式,模式包含越洋海啸传播部分和近岸海啸变形部分,在越洋海啸传播部分中采用线性浅水方程,使用蛙跃格式求解,并且选择合适的空间步长与时间步长,使差分格式中产生的数值频散与包辛尼斯克方程中的物理频散一致,这样在不影响海啸数值计算精度的前提下,节省了计算机的机时与内存.在近岸海啸变形部分的计算中,考虑了非线性对流项与海底摩擦项.同时该模式采用了多重网格嵌套技术,提高了所关心地区的计算精度.利用这个地震海啸模式模拟了1994年发生在台湾海峡的一次地震海啸,结果与观测记录较吻合.这个模型已用于我国沿海核电站可能最大地震海啸的数值计算.  相似文献   

浅水方程被广泛应用于海啸预警报业务及研究,而针对线性浅水方程与非线性浅水方程在不同海区水深地形条件下的适用范围、计算效率问题是海啸研究人员急需了解的。本文应用基于浅水方程的海啸数值预报模型就海啸波在南海、东海传播的线性、非线性特征以及陆架对其传播之影响进行了数值分析研究。海啸波在深水的传播表征为强线性特征,此时线性系统对海啸波幅的模拟计算具有较高的精度和效率,而弱的非线性特征及弱的色散特征对海啸波幅的预报影响甚微,可以忽略不计。海啸波传播至浅水大陆架后受海底坡度变化、海底粗糙度等因素影响,波动的非线性效应迅速传播、积累,与线性浅水方程计算的海啸波相比表现出较大差异,主要表现为:在南海区,水深小于100m时,海啸波首波以后的系列波动非线性特征比较明显,两者波幅差别较大,但首波波幅的区别不大,因此对于该区域在不考虑海啸爬高的情况下,应用线性系统计算得到的海啸波幅也可满足海啸预警报的要求;在东海区由于陆架影响,海啸波非线性特征明显增强,水深小于100m区域,首波及其后系列波波幅均差异较大,故在该区域必须考虑海啸波非线性作用。本文就底摩擦项对海啸波首波波幅的影响进行了数值对比分析,结果表明:底摩擦作用对海啸波首波波幅影响仅作用于小于100m水深。最后,该文通过敏感性试验,初步分析了陆架宽度及陆架边缘深度对海啸波波幅的影响,得出海啸波经陆架传播共振、变形后,海啸波幅的放大或减小与陆架的宽度及陆架边缘水深有关。  相似文献   

Tsunami is one of a few kinds of natural disasters that leave people some time for escape. This escape time, which is essentially the time for the giant wave to propagate from the epicentre to a coast, has to be estimated without delay upon the occurrence of the incident. With the advancement of water wave theories, much work has been done to model the propagation of tsunamis from deep oceans to shallow water. The authors argue that while much emphasis has been put on the expansion of the high-tech early warning system and the development of complicated tsunami models, a simple-to-use yet accurate predictive model is still wanting. This paper presents a handy linear wave model, which is capable of estimating the arrival time of a tsunami with very good accuracy, as has been verified by comparison with past incidents. With the availability of such a simple model, even local communities without access to a high-tech warning system can readily estimate the time left for emergency evacuation.  相似文献   

Analysis of sea-level data obtained from the Atlantic Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) sea-level station at Takoradi, Ghana, West Africa, clearly reveals a tsunami signal associated with the Mw = 9.3 Sumatra earthquake of 26 December 2004 in the Indian Ocean. The tsunami arrived at this location on 27 December 2004 at approximately 01:38 UTC (which is close to the expected tsunami arrival time at that site), after travelling for more than 24 hours. The first wave was negative (trough), in contrast with the South African stations where the first wave was mainly positive (crest). The dominant observed period at Takoradi was about 42 minutes. The maximum trough-to-crest wave height (41cm) was observed on 28 December at 00:15 UTC. There were two distinct tsunami 'bursts', separated in time by about 14 hours, the larger being the second burst. A small residual lowering of the sea level (~15cm) during the tsunami and for several days afterwards, and a delayed (~4.5 days) lowering of seawater temperature (up to ~4.5°C), was observed, possibly indicating the presence of internal waves through the Gulf of Guinea associated with propagating tsunami waves. The prominent tsunami signal found in the Takoradi record suggests that tsunami waves could also be found at other sites off the West African coast.  相似文献   

本文基于有限断层模型和OKADA 位错模型计算海表变形场作为初始条件,利用MOST 海啸数值模型模拟分析了2010年智利和2011 年日本地震海啸在我国东南沿海地区的海啸传播特征,海啸波模拟结果与观测数据吻合较好。重点研究分析了沈家门港口海域的海啸波流特征及其诱导的涡旋结构。研究结果表明:尽管两次事件的海啸源位置及破裂特征完全不同,但海啸波流在我国东南沿岸的分布特征大致相似;另外相对于海啸波幅而言,港湾中海啸流具有更强的空间差异性,港口入口、岬角地形处和岛屿间水道中往往会有强流存在。尽管这两次越洋海啸均未能在我国东南沿海引发淹没情形,但通过数值计算发现局部均存在超过3 m/s 以上的强流,因此进行海啸预警及风险管理时应综合考虑海啸波流的影响。  相似文献   

We consider the problems of assessing tsunami danger for sea coasts taking into account the risk of the strongest tsunamis of seismic origin. We identify a class of particularly dangerous transoceanic events characterized by extremely high runups (up to 40–50 m) at extended coastal areas (up to 500–1000 km). In most cases these transoceanic tsunamis are caused by underwater mega-earthquakes with a magnitude of 9.0 or more occurring with a period between 200–300 and 1000–1200 years in some areas of subduction zones. The possibility of these earthquakes in subduction zones directly threatening a given coast should be taken into account in creating maps of tsunami zoning of any scale.  相似文献   

Seismic generated sea waves from the September 14, 1995, Mexico earthquake are favored over the waves generated by hurricane Ismael to be the cause of the increase in seiche amplitudes in Manzanillo and Cabo San Lucas tide stations. The arguments are based on travel time computations from the seismic source and the moving meteorological source. A relatively sudden increase in seiche amplitudes is consistent with the arrival time of the seismic tsunami, and previously existent background is likely produced by incoming waves from the hurricane.  相似文献   

Seismic generated sea waves from the September 14, 1995, Mexico earthquake are favored over the waves generated by hurricane Ismael to be the cause of the increase in seiche amplitudes in Manzanillo and Cabo San Lucas tide stations. The arguments are based on travel time computations from the seismic source and the moving meteorological source. A relatively sudden increase in seiche amplitudes is consistent with the arrival time of the seismic tsunami, and previously existent background is likely produced by incoming waves from the hurricane.  相似文献   

The combination of a high-frequency ocean surface radar and a tsunami detection method should be assessed as the onshore-offshore distribution of tsunami detection probability, because the probability will vary in accordance with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the tsunami magnitude in addition to the radar system specifications. Here, we statistically examine the tsunami detection distance based on virtual tsunami observation experiments by using signals received by a high-frequency radar in February 2014 installed on the southern coast of Japan and numerically simulated velocities induced by a Nankai Trough earthquake. In the experiments, the Doppler frequencies associated with the simulated velocities were superimposed on the receiving signals of the radar, and the radial velocities were calculated from the synthesized signals by the fast Fourier transform. Tsunami arrival was then detected based on the temporal change in the cross-correlation of the velocities, before and after tsunami arrival, between two points 3 km apart along a radar beam. We found that the possibility of tsunami detection primarily depends on the kinetic energy ratio between tsunami current and background current velocities. The monthly average detection probability is over 90% when the energy ratio exceeds 5 (offshore distance: 9 km ≤ L ≤ 36 km) and reduces to 50% when the energy ratio is approximately 1 (L = 42 km) over the shelf slope. The ratio varied with the background current physics and SNR, which was mainly affected by ocean surface wave heights and ionospheric electron density.  相似文献   

Bathing beaches are usually the first to suffer disasters when tsunamis occur, owing to their proximity to the sea. Several large seismic fault zones are located off the coast of China. The impact of each tsunami scenario on Chinese bathing beaches is different. In this study, numerical models of the worst tsunami scenarios associated with seismic fault zones were considered to assess the tsunami hazard of bathing beaches in China. Numerical results show that tsunami waves from the Pacific Ocean could affect the East China Sea coast through gaps between the Ryukyu Islands. The Zhejiang and Shanghai coasts would be threatened by a tsunami from Ryukyu Trench, and the coasts of Hainan and Guangdong provinces would be threatened by a tsunami from the Manila Trench. The tsunami hazard associated with the Philippine Trench scenario needs particular attention. Owing to China’s offshore topography, the sequential order of tsunami arrival times to coastal provinces in several tsunami scenarios is almost the same. According to the tsunami hazard analysis results, Yalongwan Beach and eight other bathing beaches are at the highest hazard level. A high-resolution numerical calculation model was established to analyze the tsunami physical characteristics for the high-risk bathing beaches. To explore mitigating effects of a tsunami disaster, this study simulated tsunami propagation with the addition of seawalls. The experimental results show that the tsunami prevention seawalls constructed in an appropriate shallow water location have some effect on reducing tsunami hazard. Seawalls separated by a certain distance work even better. The analysis results can provide a scientific reference for subsequent preventive measures such as facility construction and evacuation.  相似文献   

南海潜在海啸灾害的模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
结合南海海域的地形条件、地质构造、地震学特征以及历史地震记录,在回顾总结国内外学者研究的基础上,分析了南海可能引发地震海啸的震源区域,并讨论了在我国南海沿岸发生海啸灾害的潜在可能性。采用目前在国际上广泛使用的COMCOT海啸模式,对马尼拉海沟的潜在地震引发的海啸进行了数值模拟计算,计算中包含了由地震参数到海面初始变形的转换、海啸的深水传播过程以及海啸的浅水传播过程。采用三重嵌套网格,外层网格对应于大范围的深水区域,使用球坐标系下的线性控制方程;第二层网格对应中等范围的较浅水区域,使用球坐标系下的非线性控制方程;第三层网格对应小范围的浅水区域,使用直角坐标系下的非线性控制方程。由模拟计算得到的海啸传时分布、近岸海面升降强度、四个特定点上海面高度随时间变化等的结果表明,我国南海沿岸遭受海啸袭击的可能性是存在的,应进一步对南海海啸进行监测、预警和研究。COMCOT模式性能良好,可用于对南海潜在地震海啸的进一步模拟研究。  相似文献   

The tide-gauge records of large tsunamis are classified into three types, A, B and C. The “A” type record is made up of one or a few large waves near the wave front. The “B” type record consists of one or a few wave groups. The “C” type is the combination of the “A” and “B” types. The data used are; the Kamchatka Tsunami of Nov. 4, 1952, the Aleutian Tsunami of March 9, 1957, the Chilean Tsunami of May 22, 1960 and the Alaska Tsunami of March 28, 1964. The A type occurs mostly at isolated islands in the Pacific Ocean and occasionally at continental coasts. The B type is mostly distributed on the continental coast and along the island-arc. The distribution of the C type differs from tsunami to tsunami. The relation between the delay time of the maximum wave and the the travel time of the wave front is as follows:
  1. For the wave of the A type and the head wave of C type, the delay time (t D ) is constant for all travel times.
  2. For the first wave group of B and C types, the delay time (T 1) is constant or slow decreases with travel time. For the second and third wave groups of B and C types, the definite decrease of delay times (T 2 andT 3) with travel time is observed.
The height (h) of the maximum wave of A and C types decreases generally with travel time. The maximum wave height along the path between Kamchatka and Chile, however, shows the increase. For all wave groups the wave heights (H 1,H 2 andH 3) of B and C types increases with travel time. Some speculations on the causes of these features are also presented.  相似文献   

2011年3月11日日本宫城县以东太平洋海域发生Mw9.0级特大地震,造成了地表的严重错位并引发海啸。文中利用位于日本及周边国家的IGS站和国家海洋局GPS业务站观测数据,采用作者研制的精密单点定位(PPP)软件UniP,对此次地震的GPS数据响应进行了研究。结果表明:(1)GPS观测数据能清晰、连续地记录震时地表形变的过程,我国CHAN,NCST等站点水平方向的震时最大位移在10 cm以内,高程方向的震时最大位移在15 cm以内,且形变以可恢复性的弹性形变为主。(2)我国距震中较远,受此次日本地震的影响较小,且大部分站点是在东坐标方向出现不同程度的震后永久性位移。其中CHAN站点的震后位移最为明显,东向形变量为(1.8±0.11)cm;NCST、NLHT站点次之,东向形变量分别为(1.1±0.26)cm和(1.0±0.18)cm。(3)地震波传输到国家海洋局GPS业务站NCST、NLHT等的时间约为10 min,比海啸在深海的传播速度快约14倍,可为海啸预警提供所需的时间差。这些结果显示出GPS能够为地震监测和动力学特征研究提供有价值的基础资料,也表明中国沿海GPS业务观测系统在海底地震监测、海啸预警服务中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Compared to the Pacific Ocean, tsunamis are rare both in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. However, the December 26, 2004, tsunami demonstrated that, no matter how rare they may be, when a major tsunami occurs, it could be very disastrous. The most basic information in tsunami warning center requires are charts showing tsunami travel times to various locations around the rim of the ocean. With this in mind, a tsunami travel time atlas for the Atlantic Ocean is in preparation. The Caribbean Sea is also included in this Atlas, as it is more or less a part of the Atlantic Basin.  相似文献   

Compared to the Pacific Ocean, tsunamis are rare both in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. However, the December 26, 2004, tsunami demonstrated that, no matter how rare they may be, when a major tsunami occurs, it could be very disastrous. The most basic information in tsunami warning center requires are charts showing tsunami travel times to various locations around the rim of the ocean. With this in mind, a tsunami travel time atlas for the Atlantic Ocean is in preparation. The Caribbean Sea is also included in this Atlas, as it is more or less a part of the Atlantic Basin.  相似文献   

王宗辰  原野  李宏伟 《海洋通报》2020,39(2):200-205
地震海啸通常发生在大洋板块向陆地板块俯冲的区域,距离震源最近的国家和地区往往在震后5~20 min之内就会遭受到海啸袭击。因此,及时的海啸预警和准确的海啸预报结果对于民众和决策者都至关重要。为了提升海啸预警效率,缩短海啸预报时间,本研究对COMCOT海啸数值模型进行了基于图形计算单元GPU的二次并行开发。将原模型中海啸传播计算模块通过CUDA_C语言编写内核函数整体移植到GPU上并行加速,CPU负责模型其他代码的执行。为了减少CPU和GPU之间的数据通信,将吸收边界和变量更新函数一并改写。仅在需要输出的时间节点,GPU向CPU传递结果,其他时间步长,CPU和GPU之间只有指令和少量参数传输,基本可视为零耗时。基于GPU并行加速的COMCOT较串行版本效率提升超过67倍,加速性能显著优于基于CPU共享内存的OpenMP并行版本。交叉使用常水深和真实地形,采用均匀滑移海啸源和有限元海啸源对模型的计算结果进行了较为全面的分析检验,相对误差最大不超过1%,为大范围的越洋海啸实时计算提供了有力工具。  相似文献   

海啸波对近岸岛礁影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Okada有限断层模型和非线性浅水波方程,结合高精度嵌套网格建立了越洋(中国近海)-局部-近岸岛礁的海啸生成与传播的数值模型。以三亚凤凰岛为例,首先针对2011日本地震海啸,模拟分析了海啸波沿中国沿海大陆架的传播特征及对凤凰岛的影响规律。在取得验证结果的基础上,进一步讨论了中国近海的马尼拉海沟和琉球海沟的潜在海啸源,以及环太平洋的21个潜在特大越洋海啸对凤凰岛的影响特征。依据海啸波在抵达凤凰岛的波浪特征,结合傅里叶频谱分析方法,探索了近岸岛礁对海啸波的放大效应。结果表明,中国近海一般震级的海啸和特大越洋海啸对凤凰岛存在一定影响,最大波幅接近1 m,传播时间从3 h到27 h不等。受三亚东南半岛的影响,琉球海沟激发的海啸和越洋海啸在凤凰岛的放大效应相对于马尼拉海沟较小,其频率集中在0.8×10-4~2×10-4 Hz。马尼拉海沟产生的海啸波在凤凰岛产生了较为显著的放大效应,对于凤凰岛是值得关注的高风险海啸源。  相似文献   

基于数值模拟的渤海海域地震海啸危险性定量化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据地震海啸产生的条件,结合渤海海域的地形特征、地质构造、地震学特征和历史地震及海啸记录对渤海海域潜在的地震海啸进行了数值模拟研究。分析了渤海可能引发地震海啸的震源区域,讨论了渤海发生海啸灾害的可能性。文中通过数值模拟再现了渤海历史上几次规模较大的地震事件可能引发的海啸情景,研究分析了可能的地震海啸在渤海及周边海域的传播过程及波动特征.地震海啸传播模型采用基于四叉树原理的自适应网格加密技术,有效解决了局部分辨率与计算效率之间的矛盾。数值计算包括地震海啸产生及传播过程。利用该模型对渤海潜在的地震海啸进行了数值计算,基于数值计算结果定量阐述了渤海海域潜在地震海啸对渤海局部岸段及北黄海沿岸的影响,给出了渤海可能地震海啸危险性划分;研究结果将为我国海啸危险性分析和海啸预警技术研究工作提供技术支持。  相似文献   

基于Okada模型和非线性浅水波模型,结合高精度多层嵌套网格针对我国浙江沿海的温州和台州地区建立了越洋–近海–局部的精细化地震海啸波流实时预警系统,近岸的分辨率为900 m。该预警系统包括了并行化的数值计算模块,基于Python 2D绘图库的计算结果可视化处理模块,以及通过Python语言将所有经过数值计算的图形与动画产品集成在一个网页上的产品集成模块。一旦地震发生,该系统可根据地震的震源参数信息在10 min内完成数值计算、可视化处理,以及产品集成。选取2011年日本东北9.0级地震海啸结合实测数值对该系统进行模拟验证,进一步应用该系统模拟计算了日本南海海槽和琉球海沟潜在极端海啸的影响规律。结果表明,该预警系统可有效地提高地震海啸实时预警的时效性和准确度,为海啸的预警、减灾,以及辅助决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The phase of the sea surface height annual variation in the East China Sea along China’s continental coast is delayed from that in the open ocean area, most probably because of seasonal strong monsoon winds. To elucidate this mechanism, we conducted an idealized model experiment using a rectangular shallow ocean with a sloped seafloor forced by southward blowing winds. We obtain a locally confined high SSH near the western boundary found in the East China Sea. The delay of the phase of the sea surface height (SSH) along the China coast can be interpreted as follows. The SSH of the East China Sea is high over large areas in September and low in March due to the expansion/contraction of seawater, which is attributable to the sea surface heat flux. However, near the continental boundary SSH becomes high in January and low in July under the influence of a monsoon winds. The phase delay along the continental boundary should appear by superposing these two time series with a phase difference near the boundary.  相似文献   

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