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本文基于现场观测的絮团粒径、悬沙浓度及水动力数据,研究了黄河口南部潮滩泥沙絮凝特征。研究发现,黄河口潮滩絮团粒径在25.42~264.44 μm之间,平均为95.20 μm。水体紊动对黄河口潮滩絮凝的影响存在差异,紊动对絮凝促进作用的上限约为Gl=3.76 s?1。紊动强度低于Gl时,紊动促进泥沙絮凝,絮团粒径随紊动加强而增大;反之水体紊动对絮凝主要起抑制作用,絮团粒径随紊动强度增大而减小。悬沙浓度对黄河口潮滩泥沙絮凝起抑制作用,同等紊动条件下高悬沙浓度对应的絮团粒径更小。黄河口潮滩絮团有效密度与粒径呈现负相关关系,沉速主要受粒径影响。本研究补充了对弱潮河口潮滩泥沙絮凝特性的认识。  相似文献   

珠江口磨刀门泥沙絮凝特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文利用激光粒度仪实测得到珠江口磨刀门河口2013年夏季悬浮泥沙现场絮凝及絮凝体特征,同时对比悬沙分散粒径和含沙量,研究表明:悬沙分散粒径平均值为27.9μm,现场实测絮团粒径平均值为91.6μm,表明磨刀门口外的悬浮泥沙絮凝现象显著;实测絮团平均粒径变化范围为13.0~273.8μm,小潮期间絮团粒径平均值为131.5μm,大于大潮平均值76.9μm;絮凝体粒径在垂向上的变化表现为由表及底先变大再变小。絮团体积浓度、沉速与粒径的关系在不同情况下有差异,体积浓度和絮团粒径在表层和中层有明显正相关关系,絮团沉速在大潮时刻随着粒径的增大而增大。综合分析影响絮凝的因素,得知在珠江口盐度对于絮团大小影响不明显;而流速大小的差异是影响大小潮之间絮团大小不同的主要因素。研究结果有助于了解珠江口细颗粒泥沙输移特性和相关生物化学过程。  相似文献   

利用多种先进室内外测量仪器进行河口现场观测和室内电镜扫描获得相关资料,对长江河口北槽河道细颗粒泥沙絮凝的水沙环境、絮团的微观形态结构、絮团的粒径组成及其主要影响因素进行了综合分析和讨论。结果表明,北槽河道具有非常适宜细颗粒泥沙絮凝的潮流、盐度、含沙量和悬沙颗粒粒径等基本环境条件。北槽河道悬沙絮团形态多样,主要包括松散状絮团、蜂窝状絮团和密实状絮团。絮团主要由细粉砂和黏土类细颗粒泥沙组成,表面多粗糙不平,结构或密或疏。絮团粒径变化与潮周期动力过程密切相关,具有周期性变化特征。涨、落憩时絮团粒径较大,涨、落急时絮团粒径较小。絮团粒径涨憩大于落憩,小潮大于大潮。垂向上,絮团粒径由表层至底层逐渐增大。周期性潮流流速对北槽河道悬沙絮团粒径变化起到了控制作用。北槽细颗粒泥沙絮凝作用,是导致疏浚航道发生回淤的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

枯季珠江河口悬浮泥沙絮凝沉降特征的观测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000年1月,利用L ISST-ST现场激光粒度沉速仪,对珠江河口悬浮泥沙的现场粒级与沉速特征进行观测和分析,结果表明:珠江河口悬浮泥沙絮凝沉降特征具有复杂的时空变化,悬浮泥沙颗粒现场中值粒径为10~96μm,各粒级颗粒的现场中值沉速为0.001~0.02 cm/s,并可用关系式iω=k.din(0.29相似文献   

朱文谨  王娜  董啸天  丛新  韩雪  潘锡山 《海洋通报》2020,39(4):475-480,506
选取海州湾近岸潮流和含沙量实测资料,分析水体紊动强度与含沙量对近岸絮凝体沉降速度的影响,提出了新的沉降速度确定方法。研究表明:淤海州湾近岸泥沙沉降速率大部分在 0.05 ~ 2.50 mm/s 之间,潮周期内泥沙絮凝体的沉降速度 有明显变化。于含沙量较小时,泥沙絮凝体的沉降速度基本随含沙量的增加而增加;含沙量较大时,含沙量与沉降速度呈现出负相关,无论是大潮还是中潮,当含沙量达到 0.7 kg/m3左右时,絮团沉降速度最大,而随着含沙量的增大,絮团沉降速度开始减小。盂在涨落潮垂线平均流速最大时刻,紊动强度达到峰值,含沙量较低时,随着紊动强度增加,沉降速度也随之增加,大潮期间紊动强度对泥沙沉降速度的影响高于中潮。榆新的泥沙沉降速度计算公式不仅考虑了含沙量,还计入了紊动强度 G,大大提高了沉降速度计算值与实测值的相关性。  相似文献   

任杰  张颖 《海洋学报》2019,41(9):105-113
本文利用2010年枯季在珠江口进行的大、中、小潮LISST剖面及底边界层观测资料,分析了磨刀门河口枯季稳定存在的絮团三峰结构,即构建絮团的基本粒子的平均粒径约为8.3~9.0 μm,小絮团为36~100 μm,大絮团大于180 μm。小潮期,盐跃层捕集的悬浮泥沙以强絮凝过程为主,大絮团含量占优;中、大潮期,平均粒径普遍增大,絮凝占优。潮内的动力变化对絮团多峰结构及形态参数的影响不明显,絮凝与解凝处于动态平衡。结合坐底三角架的湍流资料和简化的群体平衡模型(Population Balance Equation,PBE),进一步揭示了絮团变化的湍流动力机制。高流速下的强紊动剪切力,直接导致大絮团被破坏形成小絮凝体,絮凝体平均粒径减小,反之絮凝强于解凝作用。同时,基于高斯矩积分方法求解PBE,得到的粒径分布基本与观测值吻合,说明在有较好的现场湍流与粒径观测资料的条件下,PBE包含的湍流动力机制可以用来研究黏性泥沙的絮凝过程。  相似文献   

最大浑浊带水体悬沙时空变化过程是河口沉积动力学研究的核心内容之一。利用2013年6月16—24日在长江口南槽最大浑浊带自小潮至大潮连续9天的逐时定点水文及悬沙观测资料,分析南槽最大浑浊带悬沙垂向变化特征及影响机制,由此加深对长江口最大浑浊带形成及变化的理解。主要结果包括:(1)南槽最大浑浊带悬沙平均粒径为3.52~18.84μm。从小潮到大潮、从表层水体到底层水体,悬沙粒径逐渐增大,水体含沙量逐渐增大,含沙量为0.12~2.29 g/L。(2)水体流速呈现自下而上、自小潮到大潮逐渐增大的态势,与悬沙粒径的关联度较好;而水体盐度呈现自上而下、自小潮到大潮逐渐增大的态势,与悬沙含量的关联度较好。(3)南槽最大浑浊带水体悬沙垂向变化涵括两种控制机制:涨落潮作用引起的底沙再悬浮控制水体悬沙约7 h的周期性变化;涨潮流挟带的口外泥沙絮凝形成的絮团在涨潮流和重力作用的影响下引起水体悬沙出现约14 h的周期性变化特征。  相似文献   

长江河口有机质含量丰富,盐度变化较大,因此研究长江河口以细颗粒泥沙为主的多因子共同作用下的絮凝有助于了解最大浑浊带的形成机制.通过实验研究盐度和腐殖酸共同作用对长江口细颗粒泥沙浊度变化影响的过程,从浊度相对变化率、絮团粒径和电位变化三方面综合分析了其絮凝机理,并且对絮凝体进行了红外和电镜分析,探讨了絮凝体的微观结构.结果表明:(1)随着盐度增大细颗粒泥沙浊度相对变化率逐渐增大,粒径增大,而电位绝对值变小;(2)随着腐殖酸浓度增大细颗粒泥沙浊度相对变化率先略有升高后迅速降低,粒径增大,电位绝对值增大;(3)微观结构的分析表明腐殖酸是以腐殖酸盐的形式包覆在泥沙表面,同时也验证了河口中C-P-OM(C代表黏土,P代表阳离子,OM代表有机化合物)的泥沙絮凝模式.  相似文献   

珠江口悬浮泥沙迁移数值模拟   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
建立了珠江口海域三维悬浮泥沙的非饱和输沙数学模型,并与珠江口三维水动力斜压模型耦合,对悬沙迁移分布进行了模拟。模型由4个点的逐时实测含沙量过程进行了验证。各点模拟含沙量与实测含沙量吻合较好,表层分布与同期珠江口悬沙分布遥感图像基本一致.模拟结果表明,珠江口海域悬沙分布分层明显,河口附近水域大多为底层含沙量大于表层,但在盐淡水交汇处出现中层含沙量最小的情况总体上,自各个口门输出的泥沙受沿岸流作用向西南万向输送明显。大多数河口落潮时相对涨潮时含沙量等值线外移,反映珠江口水域悬浮泥沙主要来自河流。  相似文献   

钱塘江河口细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉降特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱塘江口河口上游河流和海域来沙多为细颗粒泥沙,粘性细颗粒泥沙由于其特殊的表面电化学性质遇到强电解质海水而产生絮凝沉降,是形成河口淤积的原因之一。影响絮凝的因素很多,除了电解质,还有泥沙粒径的大小、盐度、含沙量、PH值、温度、有机质含量、矿物成分、水流速度及紊动情况等。本文通过粒度分析、静水沉降、动水沉降等各种实验手段分析钱塘江口泥沙的基本特性,找出最佳絮凝盐度以及泥沙不淤流速等值,初步探讨了细颗粒泥沙的絮凝机理,为治理钱塘江口提供科学依据。  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》1999,41(1-2):87-95
In situ instruments, particularly the instrument INSSEV (in situ settling velocity) have given new information on the sizes, settling velocities and effective densities of individual flocs within the spectrum of distribution. The low-density macroflocs (diameter >∼150 μm) contain a mixture of organic and inorganic constituents that become separated when the flocs are disrupted to form microflocs. Representation of the floc characteristics in terms of fractals reveals a range of fractal dimensions representing the distributions varying between 1 and 3, instead of the ideal value of 2. Measurements in estuarine turbidity maxima and on intertidal mudflats show that the fractal dimension is less than 2 in situations where turbulent shearing causes disruption of the flocs. At the same time increasing suspended sediment concentration tends to increase the fractal dimension. Measurements of size using an in situ Malvern sizer show that the floc size distribution is also affected by both turbulent energy dissipation and by concentration. Complementary laboratory studies suggest that, at a constant concentration, flocculation is enhanced by low shear, but that disruption occurs at higher shear. These experiments confirm the relationship between fractal dimension, shear stress and concentration.  相似文献   

The flocculation of cohesive sediment in the presence of waves is investigated using high-resolution field observations and a newly-developed flocculation model based on artificial neural networks. Vertical profiles of suspended sediment concentration and turbulent intensity are estimated using measurements of current profile and acoustic backscatter. The vertical distribution of floc size is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN) that is trained and validated using floc size measurements at one vertical level. Data analysis suggests a linear correlation between suspended sediment concentration and turbulence intensity. Observations and numerical simulations show that floc size is inversely related to sediment concentration, turbulence intensity and water temperature. The numerical results indicate that floc growth is supported by low concentration and low turbulence. In the vertical direction, mean size of flocs decreases toward the bottom, suggesting floc breakage due to increasing turbulence intensity toward the bed. A significant decrease in turbulent shear could occur within the bottom few-cm, related to increased damping of turbulence by sediment induced density stratification. The results of the numerical simulations presented here are consistent with the concept of a cohesive sediment particle undergoing aggregation-fragmentation processes, and suggest that the ANN can be a precise tool to study flocculation processes.  相似文献   

Interactions between turbulence, suspended sediment concentration (SSC), settling velocity, effective density, fractal dimension, and floc size were studied on the tide-dominated, muddy coastal shelf of the southwestern Yellow Sea, China. The measurements were carried out in July 2013 at two sites located in water depths of 21.2 and 22.1 m. Negative correlations were observed between shear rate, SSC, effective density, and mean floc size, which supports the results of previous numerical, experimental, and field studies. A significant positive correlation was observed between near-bed SSC and shear rate, an indication that SSC variations are controlled by turbulence and re-suspension. In addition, significant linear relationships were found between settling velocity and other parameters (floc size, turbulence, SSC, effective density, and fractal dimension) at the two sites, indicating that the controlling factors on settling velocity are spatially variable. Principal component analysis was applied to determine the relative importance of turbulence, flocculation ability, and SSC as controls on floc size in situ. The relative contributions of turbulence, flocculation ability, and SSC to floc size (at both sites) were ~33.0%, 30.3%, and 29.7%, respectively, this being a new field-based quantitative analysis of the controls on floc size. The findings demonstrate that, in nature, flocculation ability affects floc size to the same degree as turbulence and SSC. Therefore, predictions of floc size in coastal marine environments require constraints not only on turbulence and SSC, but also on flocculation ability.  相似文献   

In the Bach Dang–Cam Estuary, northern Vietnam, mechanisms governing cohesive sediment aggregation were investigated in situ in 2008–2009. As part of the Red River delta, this estuary exhibits a marked contrast in hydrological conditions between the monsoon and dry seasons. The impact on flocculation processes was assessed by means of surveys of water discharge, suspended particulate matter concentration and floc size distributions (FSDs) conducted during a tidal cycle at three selected sites along the estuary. A method was developed for calculating the relative volume concentration for the modes of various size classes from FSDs provided by the LISST 100X (Sequoia Scientific Inc.). It was found that all FSDs comprised four modes identified as particles/flocculi, fine and coarse microflocs, and macroflocs. Under the influence of the instantaneous turbulent kinetic energy, their proportions varied but without significant modification of their median diameters. In particular, when the turbulence level corresponded to a Kolmogorov microscale of less than ∼235 μm, a major breakup of flocs resulted in the formation of particles/flocculi and fine microflocs. Fluctuations in turbulence level were governed by seasonal variations in freshwater discharge and by the tidal cycle. During the wet season, strong freshwater input induced a high turbulent energy level that tended to generate sediment transfer from the coarser size classes (macroflocs, coarse microflocs) to finer ones (particles/flocculi and fine microflocs), and to promote a transport of sediment seawards. During the dry season, the influence of tides predominated. The turbulent energy level was then only episodically sufficiently high to generate transfer of sediment between floc size classes. At low turbulent energy, modifications in the proportions of floc size classes were due to differential settling. Tidal pumping produced a net upstream transport of sediment. Associated with the settling of sediment trapped in a near-bed layer at low turbulent energy, this causes the silting up of the waterways leading to the harbour of Haiphong.  相似文献   

In coastal environments, fine-grain sediments often aggregate into large and porous flocs. ElectroMagnetic Current Meters (EMCM) and Laser In Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST-ST) have been deployed within a Spartina alterniflora marsh of the Luoyuan Bay in Fujian Province, China, to measure the current velocity, the floc size and the settling velocity between 15 and 22 January 2008. During the observations, the near-bed water was collected in order to obtain the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and constituent grain size. Data show that: (1) the nearbed current velocities vary from 0.1 to 5.6 cm/s in the central Spartina alterniflora marsh and 0.1–12.5 cm/s at the edge; (2) the SSCs vary from 47 to 188 mg/dm 3 . The mean grain size of constituent grains varies from 7.0 to 9.6 μm, and the mean floc sizes (MFS) vary from 30.4 to 69.4 μm. The relationship between the mean floc size and settling velocity can be described as: w s =ad b , in which w s is the floc settling velocity (mm/s), a and b are coefficients. The floc settling velocity varies from 0.17 to 0.32 mm/s, with a mean value of 0.26 mm/s, and the floc settling velocity during the flood tide is higher than that during the ebb tide. The current velocity and the SSC are the main factors controlling the flocculation processes and the floc settling velocity.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a series of settling column experiments investigating temporal variations in the flocculation characteristics of purely cohesive (kaolin clay) sediment suspensions and cohesive (kaolin) and non-cohesive (fine sand) sediment fraction mixtures. Experimental runs were conducted under controlled hydrodynamic conditions generated by a rigid array of in-phase oscillating grids. The results indicated that rapid initial floc aggregation occurred under low turbulent shear rates, with peak maximal and root-mean-square (r.m.s.) floc sizes (∼ 400 μm and ∼ 200 μm, respectively) attained after relatively short time periods, before reducing with time. By contrast, lower aggregation rates and smaller floc sizes were observed under higher shear conditions, with flocs retaining suspended in the settling column for longer time scales due to the increased turbulence. The mud input concentration displayed some correlation with maximal and r.m.s. floc sizes at higher shear rates but no correlation was apparent at low shear rates. This observed floc behaviour may be attributed to the differences in concentration gradients at high and low shear rates that affect both floc settling rate and time required for flocs to attain equilibrium size. The addition of the fine sand fraction to the kaolin clay suspension reduced both the initial floc formation (i.e. aggregation) rate and the maximal and r.m.s. floc sizes attained throughout the experiments. The reduction in maximal floc sizes appeared to be enhanced by an increase in the ratio of fine sand to kaolin clay content within the mixture.  相似文献   

长江河口波-流共同作用下的全沙数值模拟   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
针对长江河口地形、水文、泥沙运动等复杂的特点,建立了波-流共同作用下的二维全沙及河床演变模型.在合理计算研究区域流场等的基础上,利用切应力概念确定悬沙扩散方程中的源函数;通过系列数值试验和实测资料的统计分析,在经典的泥沙临界起动速度中引入反映河床底质结构及固结程度的局地系数;选用由流速、盐度、含沙量浓度确定的泥沙颗粒絮凝沉降速度,从而提高长江口悬沙场数值模拟精度.在底沙输运计算中,提出一种较为合理确定有关参数的方法.通过洪、枯季大、中、小潮水文、泥沙资料和典型台风引起航槽冲淤变化的实测资料验证,表明该文提出的模型能较合理地反映长江河口流场、泥沙场及地形的演变.  相似文献   

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